
Through the proverbs and stories in this illustrated book, children will be able to discover 80 qualities and virtues that are useful in life when put into practice.




Arpa es una editorial de no ficción. Limitamos nuestra producción a 20-22 títulos por año, para trabajar cada texto a fondo y ayudar a nuestros autores a dar lo mejor de sí.

Born in Barcelona, he studied illustration at the city's Escuela Superior de Diseño y Arte Llotja. He has a degree in history of art. He has taken part in various individual and group exhibitions and has published picture books and illustrated books both in Spain and in other countries.

This is a story about two little fish in a fishbowl who, one day, decide to have a race.


 La banera (The Bath)

La bañera

Children's book publishers


The unique quality of this work lies in the confidence which the author places in the capacity of parents to understand and decide how to act in every situation of conflict with their children.

Víctor del Árbol (Barcelona, 1968) began writing crime fiction whilst a serving officer with the Catalan police force. His first novel, El peso de los muertos (pub.

Nadie en esta tierra

This book is a quirky and humorous book for young children, complete with illustrations that harmonize well with the offbeat story, eccentric characters and the whimsical world which they inhabit, to produce a work that feels

La Isla de Oko


A través de un divertido diálogo con su hija, el artista David Pintor relata algunas de las muchas y estrafalarias aficiones que pueden hacer soñar a las niñas.

(NO) a todas las niñas les gusta el rosa

アンヘラ・クエリャル=クレシェンティ、1986年セビーリャ生まれ。絵を描くことが大好きだったので美術を学ぶ。以来イラストやコミックを描きつづけ、単独作品のほかホナス・アギラルとの共作も多い。コミックのコンクールで受賞多数、主なものとしては第10回ドス・エルマナス市コミックコンクール第1位、2011年マラガクレア・コミック部門第1位、2013年デセンカハ賞など。また、ホナスと共作でオンラインコミック JA! と Hot Doc を公開している。



A reflection on reading encouragement, a diffuse and extremely deteriorated concept, significant and banal at the same time, equally useful and dubious.

Sooner or later, at some stage of life, almost 75% of men and women want or need to lose a few kilos.

This book is an invitation to sharpen our wits so as not to be trapped in pessimistic, tragic or defeatist attitudes.

The story of Barcelona is visible to any passerby who walks down its streets and through its squares, looks at its buildings and listens with surprise and admiration to stories of days gone by.

This book is not about new techniques, complex recipes or even strange, exotic ingredients. It is simply a comprehensive collection of recipes for the most popular item of Spanish cuisine: the tapas.

A photo and details of each of the photographers is given in the book.


13 Witches who, faced with the twists and turns of life, use mystery, naughtiness, courage, revenge, glib tongues, cheek, irony, frivolity and witchcraft better than anyone else.

Madrid, verano de 1938. En plena guerra civil española, durante la madrugada, las balas de un francotirador acaban con la vida de dos milicianos.


Madrid, verano de 1938. En plena guerra civil española, durante la madrugada, las balas de un francotirador acaban con la vida de dos milicianos.



1980 is the story of a family like almost any other: completely mad. Or in other words, normal. There’s no sexual or domestic abuse here. There are powerful women, perhaps too many of them, and the men are dead or absent.


I984, along with Animal Farm - also published by our imprint - is George Owell's most famous and powerful novel. Both works have transcended the specific criticisms they were intended to deliver at the time of their conception.

Aswith previous books in the series, the abundant illustrations that accompany the 20 lessons help to maintain the practical nature of the work for those professionals interested in diseases of the feet.

For its current relevance and its contents, 25 preguntas sobre el cambio climático, is a book of unquestionable value, since climate change has already been recognized as the major environmental problem that humanity must face from now on.

A reissue of this collection of stories by Antoniorrobles, one of the most popular and well loved works of its time.

簡単に短時間でできる作品を編みながら癒やしの時間を。棒針編み・かぎ針編みで女性用、子供用の衣服・服飾雑貨を作れる編み図30点以上を収めた書籍限定版。女性用オーバーサイズ。子供服は6カ月~2歳まで。内容ハッシュタグ #30pcalma 1. 理想の作品に加え、新進気鋭のデザイナーも見つかる。 2. 初心者、中級者、上級者まであらゆるレベルの編み図を収録。 3. 30点以上の作品はオールカラー写真で図解付き。 4. 一流手芸店から選び抜いた作品。 5. 書籍限定。デジタル特典付き。

31 Nights is a month of August that begins and ends in a vat of sulphuric acid in wait of a corpse to dissolve.

Barbara, vendedora de derechos literarios internacionales, se instala a París como refugio. Para dejar atrás una experiencia que la ha trastornado, se va a vivir en casa de su abuela Margaux, con quien tiene un vínculo muy especial.

32 de Març

Barbara, an international literary rights agent, starts a new life in Paris as a refugee.



Could we turn on lightbulbs with our hands? Charge mobile phones just by touching them? Someone discovered how to do this over a century ago, someone truly exceptional.

わたしたちは手で電球をともせるだろうか? そして触るだけで携帯電話を充電することは? 1世紀以上も前、ある並はずれた人物が、どうやったらそれが実現できるかを発見した。だがその大胆なヴィジョンは、我々の社会システムをいくらも変えなかった。21世紀真っただ中に書かれたこの小説は、ひとりの天才の人物像を下敷きにしたフィクションだ。彼は実在の人物だが、その歴史は意図的に隠されてきた。ここで語られる出来事は、実際には起こらなかったかもしれない……。


"35Muertos is a sprawling, fast-paced novel set in Colombia’s recent past and dealing with the country’s history of an epidemic of violence. I think anyone who enjoys García Márquez would like it.” (Rosalind Harvey)

Cosmo, the main character of this story, is a bon vivant, an attractive man whose life has lessened his attractions.

This book is a real innovation within the extremely rich scene of Spanish and Galician cookery, a work that will open the reader’s eyes to a world of new sensations, tastes and textures.

451 Editores is an imprint dedicated to fiction, essay and illustrated books, always of the highest quality. It publishes ambitious works by the best authors: novels, and classics. A publisher committed to encouraging reading.

本書『色で気分が盛り上がるDIY 50作品』は、棒針編み、かぎ針編み、マクラメ編みの編み図を収めたDIY30作品と50作品の続編となる書籍限定版。今回紹介したいのは、さまざまな色調を通した人生の見え方である。色は気分を盛り上げてくれる。そして、落ち着き、喜び、安らぎをもたらしてくれる。話題の中心となり、独自の言葉となるような衣類・服飾雑貨の作り方ガイド。棒針編み、かぎ針編み、編みぐるみ、マクラメ編みの選りすぐりの編み図がついた50以上の作品を収録。

This book offers a panorama of the multiple ways of using blackberries, redcurrants, blueberries and raspberries, but also gooseberries and elderberries.

'In my city there were seven men who wore bowler hats. They always went about together. They were serious, stuffy, wore only black and twirled their moustaches.


Siete hombres con bombín is a picture book for children. A first-person narrator tells the story of seven men in bowler hats in his/her city – they are always grumpy, serious, and mean. One day, one of them loses his bowler hat to the wind.

7 hombres con bombín


Paula Bonet, one of the most internationally renowned and highly regarded illustrators, offers a personal vision of François Truffaut.


Brenda would never have imagined that her daily life could so easily be tipped into chaos. One cold and rainy afternoon an encounter with a charming stranger sets off a chain of lies that will shake the very core of her life.


Profesor de la Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón (ESDA) y compagina su tarea docente con trabajos de ilustración infantil. Con el álbum El pájaro de las dos jaulas ha sido seleccionado para la 25 Bienal de Bratislava 2015.

A buen paso publishes books for curious toddlers. Our books are beautifully illustrated for boys and girls, and designed to awaken curiousity.

The novel tells the story of Hayat, a young survivor of the 1948 massacre in Deir Yassin, a small village near Jerusalem. Twenty years later, that girl-turned-witness talks again about fear, memory and past events.

Manuel Gerena sings from an ardent, determined solidarity.

Inspired by an episode that took place in Madrid in 1939, the narrator of this story recounts the passionate and turbulent relationship of her parents, and how her father's overbearing personality and her mother's weak heart set the tone for the w

Argot, new coinages, colloquialisms, expressions, text speak and online chat-language… This entertaining dictionary will help you learn the words you don’t know, the ones they don’t teach in class and doesn’t show up in conventional dictionaries,


We publish illustrated books aimed at children and young adults, but we aspire to engage people of all ages.

30th November 1803: a corvette sets sail from the port of La Coruña to much cheering and applause. On board are twenty-two orphaned children whose mission consists of taking the recently discovered smallpox vaccine to the territories of Ultramar.

Guillermo is tired of aeroplanes, hotels and different time zones… Now, he is considering making some radical changes in his life so he can spend more time with his family, friends and maybe even find love.

Comics and cookery? Why not? All our recipes are the result of comic strips and nothing better than a good script and drawing to tell some of them. Comics and recipes talk about our cuisine: Drink shots, glasses, salads, snacks, stuff...

Auschwitz, Treblinka, Mauthausen… these are names that have become impressed in our collective memory.

Bay's gone blank. She doesn't remember her house built on the red earth of Western Australia, nor that her garden is on the coral reef of Ningaloo. She has forgotten that she fought to save the oceans and that humpback whales were her family.

Rocca's memoir is an autobiographical text, a travel book, a war chronicle and a summary of customs. This work, written in 1814, is characterised by its incisive tone, it's sense of curiosity and its respect for the Spanish.

One of Spain's foremost feminist thinkers reflects on her own life from the point of view of gender.


'A paso de tortuga' ('Slow as a Tortoise') is a traditional African story; a fable starring the wisest, most patient and long-lived animal and how he managed to save all the animals.


This prelapsarian fantasy for children tells how, “in the beginning, animals and humans lived together in the same village”, danced together at fiestas and got along swimmingly.

A Paso de tortuga

Ernesto Agular, an Argentinian journalist of around forty, is an obituary writer for a Barcelona newspaper. His boss asks him to write an article on the disappearance of the Italian physicist Ettore Majorana.

Bellaterra Música Ed. began in September of 2002 and represents the publishing activity of EL MUSICAL,dedicated to music and dance education.We publish and distribute of quality materials related to music and dance for children and adults as much as for interested professionals.

'A solas' tells the story of two women who were childhood friends, and who meet again by chance after many years apart.

This novel is the revelation of the year and has been a success on social media, charming its readership. The story is based on real events narrated by guide dog Cross about friendship, love and overcoming problems.


El hilo conductor de esta historia abarca el devenir de una saga familiar a lo largo de 80 años.

A través de un bosque de magnolios

Sometimes mum says things that her little one understands differently to her: for mum, it's not ok to have a messy room, nor stay too long in the water, nor go around barefoot!


We often feel that we're no big deal, but if we look at the people around us, we realise that we can be very special. Even the smallest of gestures are important and they give rise to gigantic actions. Every one of us can make a difference.


A voltes la mare té trons al cap (Sometimes Mum has Thunder in her Head)

A voltes la mare té trons al cap

Sometime Mum has thunder in her head: she talks loudly and through clenched teeth. Sometimes she has clouds in her head: she forgets to make lunch and takes us to birthday parties late.

ときどき、ママの頭でカミナリが鳴るの。するとママは歯をくいしばり、キンキン声で話しだす。ときどき、頭に雲がかかると、ママがお昼ごはんのしたくを忘れるので、あたしたちはおたんじょうび会にちこくする。頭に虹がかかると、ママは車のなかで歌い、あたしにたくさんキスをする。あたしの頭のなかでも、カミナリが鳴ったり、雲や虹がかかったりするのかな? 感情の働きをわかりやすく表現し、その動きを楽しめばいいのだと教える物語。

LIBROS DE LA HERIDA. Sharing pleasure and dreams and the joy of good literature, since 2005: a way to sing, to tell, to live.

Albert Martínez is Master of Animal Medicine in the Veterinary Faculty of UAB and scierntific director of the Centro de Recuperación de Anfibios y Reptiles, Catalonia.


The Laure Merle d’Aubigné literacy agency represents French and German language publishing houses in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries and authors, mainly Spanish, for the whole world.


Álvaro Gómez Vieites has PhDs in: Economics and Business Administration from UNED (Distinction), Telecommunications Engineering from the Universidad de Vigo (End of Course Distinction) and Information Management Engineering from UNED.


Penguin Random House comprises almost 250 editorially and creatively independent imprints and publishing houses which publish a total of over 15,000 new titles per year. Its catalogues include over 70 Nobel prize winners and hundreds of the world's most widely read authors.






The book the reader has in their hands is a treat for those of good literary taste and unveils a young author who has opened up his horizon to a solid career in the world of words.

The book the reader has in their hands is a treat for those of good literary taste and unveils a young author who has opened up his horizon to a solid career in the world of words.

In 27 letters, there's a whole world hidden: jungles full of animals, unchartered seas and the names of every single one of your friends. 27 letters, a thousand nights of stories and even magic spells to summon the wind!

VOX Alphabet contains a book, a notebook, a poster and a CD.

Thanks to this spectacular illustrated book with animals as its main characters, children will be able to find out about the alphabet and also all the emotions, from A to Z, from H for happiness to S for shyness, passing through fear and embarrass


This spectacular ABC of jobs begins with A for architect and runs to Z for zapatero (shoemaker in Spanish) passing through C for Chef, D for Doctor and E for engineer (or I for Ingeniera in Spanish!).

arquitecto(建築家)のAからcocinero (コックさん)のC、doctora (お医者さん)のD、ingeniera (エンジニア)のIを通ってzapatero(靴屋)のZまで、仕事の名前をずらりと並べたカラフルなアルファベットの本。愉快な詩と、優しいタッチでユーモラスに、だけど正確に描写したイラストで、それぞれの仕事を紹介していく。 《靴屋さんでも宇宙飛行士でも、獣医さんでも彫刻家でもいい、幸せ、ぼくは幸せになりたい!》

Abiali Afidi, established in 2004, represents French and Hispanic authors and/or publishers internationally in the following categories: young adult and children's literature, well being, alternative cooking, health, leisure and self-help.


Abilio Estévez was born in Havana in 1954 and currently resides in Barcelona. He graduated in Hispanic Language and Literature and studied philosophy in his hometown.

¡MENUDO FOLLÓN! En el Cole de Magia están de celebración. Es el cumple de Simón, el dragón, y están preparando un superfiestón. Pero la bruja Burbuja, cocinando la tarta, ¡¡¡la lía un montón!!!

Abracadabra, Cole de Magia para aprender a leer, 1. Esta fiesta... ¡apesta!

とんだ大騒ぎ! 魔法学校はお祝いムード。ドラゴンのシモンの誕生日で、超絶大パーティの準備中なのだ。でもケーキを焼いてる魔女のブルブハが大問題を起こしちゃった!!! ユーモアとすてきな驚きがたっぷり詰まった『Abracadabra, Cole de Magia(アブラカダブラ、魔法学校)』シリーズで、子どもたちは簡単な方法で愉快に本を読めるようになる。

It’s MAYHEM! They’re having a party at Magic School. It’s Simón the dragon’s birthday and everyone is getting ready for a super-party.

Acantilado is an independent publishing house founded in 1999 by J. Vallcorba. In 2008 Sandra Ollo joined the imprint, holding the positions of editor and manager until 2014, when she became the director.


Acantilado is an independent publishing house founded in 1999 by Jaume Vallcorba. In 2008 Sandra Ollo joined the imprint, with responsibility for editing and management until 2014, when she became the director.

Founded twenty-two years ago, dedicated to magazines, newspapers and books of an informative and artistic nature in history and the natural world.

Structured as an interview, Adela explains in this book how she approaches terminally ill patients, tells the story of the death of her husband, the moment that she discovered the philosophy of doctor Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and how this gave her th

Marcela and Oscar live a typical middle class life in the centre of São Paulo: they have just had their flat re-floored, they go to residents' meetings and they spend their evenings in front of the television.


ACV Ediciones was founded in 1987. Its books share a highly visual language, supported by illustrations, photographs and other design-studio techniques. The result is popular books with great design content.

CIF: A-58295858

Passeig deg

Sergi Rosess Collado

Ada Parellada. I was born in an inn, and casseroles, lunch boxes and whisks were my first playmates.

In the picturesque town of Horston, the death of the mayor's new wife upsets the daily calm and reveals its inhabitants' old secrets, mixed with the eternal passions of love, revenge and ambition.

In the picturesque town of Horston, the death of the mayor's new wife upsets the daily calm and reveals its inhabitants' old secrets, mixed with the eternal passions of love, revenge and ambition.

Adela Torres Soler is the founder of AVES. She has worked most of her life with terminally ill patients and also with friends and relatives overcoming the pain that comes with the loss of a loved one.


Goodbye to China shows a deep analysis about the changes China has suffered in recent years with some touches of humour and sharp dialogues.

In order to become a riddlenaut you only have to devour the pages of this collection of riddles, which also include a game, and many surprises.

Adolfo Carballo Penela has qualifications in Company Administration and Management, as well as a Doctorate in Economics. He is currently a professor in the Department of Company Organization and Commercialization at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Adolfo García Ortega has been linked to the world of books and literature since 1980.

Nació en Valladolid en 1958. Escritor, traductor y articulista. Sus cuentos están recogidos en el volumen Verdaderas historias extraordinarias (2013) y ha reunido su poesía completa en Animal impuro (2015), a la que se suman Kapital (2020) y Milicia (2022).

End of the 19th century. León de Ubach, owner of an industrial Colony, returns from England with a splendid wife on his arm: Inés is beautiful, cultured, and thirty years younger than him.

Adrià Sardó (1917) studied violin and composition in the Conservatorio de Barcelona. As a concertmaster, she has been a founding member of the Orquesta Municipal de Barcelona for 35 years. She receives mentoring form Napoleone Anovazzi and Eduard Toldrà.

Adrián Huici was born in 1955 in Bahía Blanca (Argentina). He has a ph.D. in Spanish Philology and is a professor at the Faculty of Communication Science in the University of Seville,.


Aena Aeropuertos S.A.'s Centre for Documentation & Publication provides more than 90 books for readers who may or may not be familiar with aeronautics, with the aim of making the exciting world of air transport more accessible to them.

Since 1987 AENOR has been publishing scientific-technical books as well as books on standardization and certification. Its publications on UNE regulations, legislation and application guides for regulations are unique in the Spanish publishing market.

A publishing house dedicated to creating and promoting literary and audiovisual works as well as finding national and international distribution channels for them.







Agencia Dos Passos (Madrid, Spain) represents Spanish authors of fiction, non-fiction and children’s literature.

Agencia Dos Passos (Madrid, Spain) represents Spanish authors of fiction, non-fiction and children’s literature.

We represent Spanish authors of fiction, non-fiction and children's literature, from award-winning novelists with years of experience to new voices making waves in publishing today. We defend the interests of our authors around the world in all formats.


The Agencia Literaria Albardonedo represents the rights of writers and publishers from across Spain throughout the rest of the world and also international agencies within the Spanish-language market.


Represents Spanish and Latin American authors in Spain and the rest of the world.

Antonia Kerrigan's literary agency was founded at the end of the 1980s in Barcelona. We represent authors writing in Spanish to publishers around the world. We currently represent some 150 authors writing both fiction and non-fiction, in a variety of genres.

Antonia Kerrigan's literary agency was founded at the end of the 1980s in Barcelona. We represent authors writing in Spanish to publishers around the world. We currently represent some 150 authors writing both fiction and non-fiction, in a variety of genres.



A pioneer for making writing professional, the agency currently represents many significant authors of contemporary literature and supports new writers by protecting their literary interests and intellectual property.


Barcelona-based literary agency dedicated to representing authors and providing advice and services for writers.

A Spanish-French literary agency, founded in 2005, with offices in Madrid and Paris, representing mainly writers in Spanish and French but also extending to English writing with two US authors currently on the books.

Roman Egypt, 4th century AD. Religious passions erupt in violence on the streets, reaching the steps of the legendary Library of Alexandria.

Andrés Barba (Madrid, 1975) was last year chosen as one of Granta’s ‘Best of Young Spanish Language Novelists’.

Agosto, octubre

Tomás' adolescent tension reaches a point of no return when he travels with his family to the small holiday town where they usually spend their holidays.

Tomás' adolescent tension reaches a point of no return when he travels with his family to the small holiday town where they usually spend their holidays.

いつも夏を過ごす小さな村へトマスが家族と一緒に行ったとき、青年期特有の彼の緊張感は後戻りできないところに達していた。突然、ひとつながりになってさまざまなことが起こる。性と暴力への目覚め、死、違反… トマスは知性が行動におきざりにされてしまっているのを閃光のように悟るが、勢いにさからえず、とうとう自分で自分を許せない行為をするにいたる。そしてその時、自分を裁き、許してくれる唯一の人の前に座らなければならないと感じるのだった。

When journalist Clara Cobián is commissioned to travel to New York to write the memoirs of grand society dame Greta Bouvier, she is unaware that in realising her dream of becoming a writer, she will have to confront her fascination for professor G

Agustín Blasco is professor of Animal Genetics at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. He has been a visiting researcher at animal research laboratories in Edinburgh and Paris and at the FAO in Rome.



Agustín Carrillo de Albornoz Maths teacher at Secondary School level. He also teaches IT to other teachers and several Maths and Science subjects (including Geogebra) through Distance Learning.


Agustín Fernández Mallo (La Coruña, 1967) studied physical sciences.

Nacido en la Coruña,1967, autor de las novelas El libro de todos los amores (Seix Barral), Trilogía de la guerra (Seix Barral, PremioBiblioteca Breve, [en inglés The ThingsWe’ve Seen, English PEN Award]), Proyecto Nocilla (Nocilla Dream, Nocilla Experience, Nocilla Lab), Premio MejorLibro Europeo

アグスティン・フェルナンデス=マリョ(1967年ラ・コルーニャ生まれ)は物理学学士。2000年、「詩のあとの詩(Poesía Pospoética)」という言葉を生み出した。

Agustín Fernández Paz, who has published over thirty books, is one of Spain’s most respected writers for children and young people.

アグスティン・フェルナンデス=パスはスペインを代表する児童文学作家の一人。30点以上の著作をもつ。ブロメラ社刊行のNomés ens queda l'amor(残るは愛のみ)で受賞したスペイン国民児童文学賞をはじめ、数々の権威ある賞を受賞している。

AGUSTÍN GONZÁLEZ RUIZ has a Doctorate in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid and continued his studies at the Universities of Salzburg and Munich, from which has a Doctorate in Logic and Theory of Science. He has been teaching philosophy in secondary schools since 2000.

アグスティン・ゴンサレス=ルイスはマドリード・コンプルテンセ大学で哲学の博士号を取得。ザルツブルグ大学論理学博士課程、ミュンヘン大学科学理論博士課程で研究を深めた。2000年から中等学校で哲学を教える。兄弟であるフェルナンドとの共著に、アカル社からの教科書『Filosofía(哲学)』(2002年)、『Filosofía y Ciudadanía(哲学と市民権』(2008年)、『Educación ético-cívica(公共道徳教育)』(2008年)、『Historia de la Filosofía(哲学の歴史)』(2009年)がある。

Agustín Pániker is an editor and writer. He is an expert in Southern Asia related topics. He has published El jainismo: historia, sociedad, filosofía y práctica e Índika: una descolonización intelectual.


Agustín Pery Riera (Cadiz, 1971) studied Information Sciences. For 23 years he worked on the newspaper El Mundo, where he held a variety of positions.


Agustín Sanchéz-Toledo Ledesma is an engineer with fifteen years experience, both in Spain and abroad, of occupational health and safety management systems. He is at present the Occupational Health and Safety Manager in AENOR and its representative in the OHSAS Project Group.

Born in Castejón (Navarra), in 1961, he currently lives in Tudela and has been an English teacher for 28 years. In 2006 he wrote his first novel, El Profesor Inocente, longlisted for the III Premio Internacional de Novela "Territorio de la Mancha".

アグスティン・ウディアス=バリィナは、サンタンデール生まれ。イエズス会士。マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学の地球物理学名誉教授。ヨーロッパアカデミー及びスペイン王立歴史アカデミーのメンバー。著書は、『Fundamentos de Geofísica(地理物理学の基礎)』(Alhambra、1985。J・メスクアと共著。また1997年にAlianza社から第2版。)『Principles of Seismology(地震学の原理)』(Cambridge University Press、1999。2018年にE・ビュフォーンと共著で第2版。


Aharon Quincoces (1967) graduated in Semitic Philosophy from the University of Barcelona and has a PhD in Hebraism from the University of Turin, Italy, where he currently lives. He is the founder of Editorial Intangible (2010), an independent publishing imprint with a focus on digital works.

Now ME is a call to the greatness which exists within every human being. When life challenges us we must wake up to the world of possibilities which each of us carries inside.

Aina Li was born on December 26th, 1999, five days before the new millennium.She as been a pupil at the Pia de Terrassa school since the age of thirteen, and is now studying the science baccalaureate, although she confesses to a strange passion for literature, a passion which gave rise to this bo


Aina S Erice (Palma de Mallorca, 1985), is a biologist by training and a writer-researcher by vocation. She tookher degree at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, where she also took a Masters in the Biology of Plants in Mediterranean Conditions.

アイナ・エリセ(1985年パルマ・デ・マジョルカ⽣まれ)は⽣物学を専攻。⽣物学の普及につとめる作家。バレアレス諸島⼤学で学⼠号、さらには地中海植物に関する⽣物学の修⼠号も取得。著書にLa Invención del Reino Vegetal (植物王国の発明、アリエル社, 2015)があり、ブログ「imaginandovegetales.com」も⼿掛ける。⼦ども向けの環境教育者として、⼦どもは(そして⼤⼈ も!)私たちの生活にとって植物が信じられないほど重要だということにもっと気づくべきであるとの思いをますます強くしている。

I was born in 1980 in Hernani, in the Basque Country. Drawing is my passion and when I finished my sociology studies I decided to work in the world of creation. After passing my second year in Fine Art, I received a job offer which made me decide to take a break from my studies.


The Galician author Ainhoa Rebolledo arrived in 1987. During her recent tour of life on Earth she has lived in Galicia, Madrid and Barcelona.

Aixa de la Cruz (Bilbao 1988) has published the novel Cuando fuimos los mejores, finalist in the Premio Euskadi de Literatura 2008. Her stage play I don’t like Mondays merited special mention in the Margarita Xirgú and Madrid Sur drama contests. She is currently studying English Philology.

It is many years since Barcelona was merely the capital of Catalonia. Barcelona is one of the mainstays of the Mediterranean and one of the most visited cities in the world.


Ajubel (Sagua la Grande, Cuba, 1956). In 1987, when Ajubel found himself at the height of his popularity as a cartoonist, we engaged in a long conversation which became a published interview in the monthly cultural magazine El Caimán Barbudo.

Empresa fundada por modelistas para modelistas que ha logrado posicionarse como una de las marcas de referencia dentro del sector, revolucionando continuamente la oferta de publicaciones históricas y de modelismo así como, pinturas, pinceles y productos diseñados para envejecer y aplicar efectos.


In March 1936, Madrid is a city in turmoil after the recent electoral victory of the Frente Popular.

When she loses her house keys our protagonist starts out on an astonishing adventure with the imagination as its only driver.

When she loses her house keys our protagonist starts out on an astonishing adventure with the imagination as its only driver.

A worldly portrait of India depicted from street treading. It is full of tenderness, humour, pain and paradoxes. The result is a vital, literary rarity built equally from anger, love and inspiration.

Marisa is a teenage girl full of questions that can't be answered, of fears and concerns about herself, her body and her feelings. At sixteen years old she doesn't yet know what love is, nor above all, who to give it to.

Into the Dizzying Heights is the story of a great love, an unusual triangle and an enigmatic, solitary climber, Irena Besikova. It is also the tale of the confrontation of untamed nature and urban civilisation.

Carlos Ovelar, the owner of a modest photographic agency in Madrid receives a call from Alberto Bastida, an important lawyer from Santiago de Compostela, asking for his help in finding Bastida's daughter Ania, who disappeared a few days earlier.

What is the source of Arthur Conan Doyle's strange belief in fairies, so at odds with the analytical spirit of his best known creation? How did Peter Pan manage without Tinker Bell after she was finally laid to rest in Neverland?

作家アーサー・コナン=ドイルが、その主要作品に見られる分析精神と相反する、風変わりな妖精信仰を持つに至った動機とは何だったのだろう? ティンカーベルがネバーランドから容赦なく追放されたとき、ピーターパンはどうやって過ごしたのだろう? モビー・ディックの背に突き立てた、自分自身の銛の綱に絡まり、海に沈んだエイハブ船長は死んだのか? フランケンシュタイン博士がその恐ろしい創造物に命を吹き込むにあたって、本当に効力を発揮した手段は何だったのか? 切り裂きジャックの真の犯罪動機とは? ジミニー・ク

作家アーサー・コナン=ドイルが、その主要作品に見られる分析精神と相反する、風変わりな妖精信仰を持つに至った動機とは何だったのだろう? ティンカーベルがネバーランドから容赦なく追放されたとき、ピーターパンはどうやって過ごしたのだろう? モビー・ディックの背に突き立てた、自分自身の銛の綱に絡まり、海に沈んだエイハブ船長は死んだのか? フランケンシュタイン博士がその恐ろしい創造物に命を吹き込むにあたって、本当に効力を発揮した手段は何だったのか? 切り裂きジャックの真の犯罪動機とは? ジミニー・ク

Alain Allard: I was born in 1956 and raised in French Switzerland and England. I studied philosophy and psychology at Oxford University, but gave it up to travel and work as a shepherd in Scotland and a carpenter’s apprentice in Holland.

An actor, clown and teacher, Alain Vigneau (France, 1959) was the founder and head of the La Stravagante theatre company, with which he travelled the world for twenty years. As a collaborator with Clowns Without Borders, he performed in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Namibia and Indonesia.


Alaine Agirre Garmendia was born in 1990 in Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain. After graduating in Physics and Basque Studies, she began her career in literature. For Alaine, literature is a basic need rather than a hobby. Most of her books are aimed at children and young people.

アライネ・アギーレ=ガルメンディア:1990年バスク州ビスカヤ県ベルメオに生まれる。物理学及びバスク研究学を修めた後、文学に取り組み始める。彼女にとって文学は趣味の範疇を超え必要なものだからだ。作品のほとんどが児童・YA向けである。Martín(マルティン)でラサリーリョ賞、X hil da(Xは死んだ)でエウスカディ・プラタ賞、Hau ez da zoo bat!(これは動物園じゃない)でリサルディ賞を受賞。 マイテ・グルチャガ:2008年よりイラストを描きはじめ、児童・YA・一般向け書籍のイラストを手掛けてきた。また、ポスター、催事、報道、レター、アプリ、壁画などにもイラストを提供。

Alan Monroe Finch is an English writer with a respected career, specialising in tales of terror.



Alan Pauls (Buenos Aires, 1959) is a writer, journalist, scriptwriter and film critic. A literature graduate, he taught literary theory at the Humanities department of UBA and founded the journal Lecturas Críticas.


Alan Pauls (Buenos Aires, 1959) is a writer, journalist, scriptwriter and film critic. A literature graduate, he taught literary theory at the Humanities department of UBA and founded the journal Lecturas Críticas.

Queen Marla, only seventeen years old, is the sovereign of a shining nation. Ahriel, a female angel, has been by her side since she was born. Her mission is to guide her and protect her and also to keep the balance in the human kingdoms.

The long-expected sequel to Wings of Fire.

Alba Cromm is an exciting novel full of suspense, which examines the social processes that turn us into suspects or persecutors in a world unable to protect those who are most weak.

アルバ・ダルマウ:1987年、カルデデウで生まれ。ポンペウ・ファブラ大学で視聴覚コミュニケーションの学士号、文芸創作の修士号を取得した。2011年、小説第1作『Vonlenska(ボンレンスカ)』を出版、レクイ賞を受賞。その他の著作に、文学と写真を組み合わせた『Donde sólo había un faro(灯台だけがあった場所)』、『Estreno(封切り)』の2冊がある。 シンタ・ビダル:カタルーニャ生まれのシンタ・ビダルは、マルカット・ダ・ラス・フロース劇場、カタルーニャ国際大学、カルデデウ公立図書館とのコラボレーションが有名。世界各地で随時展示会を開いている。

Alba De Evan Freijedo (Vigo, 1987) studied history at the University of Vigo and is a secondary school teacher. Xabier Domínguez Pérez (Vilar de Barrio, 1984) studied as a music teacher at Santiago University and teaches primary children.


Alba specialises in the rediscovery of classic literature, historical and literary essays and memoir. We also have notable collections of cookery books, guides to writers and the latest inclusions in the world of contemporary fiction, and rare classics from the 19th and 20th centuries.


En el año 2012 protagonizó una crisis vital inmensa que transformó su vida por completo. También fue el comienzo del mejor viaje que se puede emprender: el camino de vuelta a casa.

En el año 2012 protagonizó una crisis vital inmensa que transformó su vida por completo. También fue el comienzo del mejor viaje que se puede emprender: el camino de vuelta a casa.

Alba Flores Robla was born in Madrid in December 1992. At age nine she moved to León, where she still lives today. She graduated from the University of León with a degree in English language and works as a substitute English teacher in secondary schools.

アルバ・フローレス=ロブラは1992年12月にマドリードで生まれる。9歳の時にレオンへ転居し、現在もその地に住んでいる。レオン大学で英語文献学を修め、中等教育の学校で臨時教員として英語を教える。2017年に初めての詩集『Tu  hueco supraesternal(あなたの胸骨上窩)』を自主出版。同年6月にEdiciones en Huida社から『Autorregalo(自分へのプレゼント)』が上梓される。2017年12月に『Digan adiós a la muchacha(少女にさよならを告げよう) 』で第71回アドナイス詩賞を受賞。

Alba Payás Puigarnau is a private psychotherapist working in Barcelona. She studied Integrative Psychotherapy at the E. Kubler-Ross Foundation in the United States and at the Metanoia Institute in London.

Alba Quintas Garciandia (Madrid, 1994) was written novels, poetry and plays. She graduated in Humanities from the Universidad Carlos II, Madrid.

1994年マドリード生まれ。小説家、詩人、劇作家で、マドリードのカルロス3世大学人文学部を卒業。ヤングアダルト文学で知られるようになったのは、2012年に出版され、ジョルディ・シエラ・イ・ファブラ国際賞を受賞したAl otro lado de la pantalla (画面の向こう側へ、SM)で、この作品は後にドイツ語に翻訳された。それから1年後、Globe(グローブ)を出版し、2015年にはLa chica del león negro(黒いライオンの女の子、Plataforma Neo)によりラカイシャ社主催のコンクールで特別賞を受賞。

A publishing house founded in 1993 for literature for all ages written in euskera (Basque) and Castilian Spanish.

Publishing company founded in 1993, publishing literature (mainly fiction) for readers of all ages in Basque and in Spanish. Twelve titles from our catalogue have won the Basque Literature Award and two have won the Spanish National Award for Literature.


Albert Asensio studied Graphic Design at EADT and then completed a postgraduate degree in Illustration at Eina Barcelona (2006-7) and two courses in Drawing and Painting at Central Saint Martin's in London in 2009.

Albert Asensio es uno de los grandes ilustradores del panorama actual. La delicadeza y calidez de sus ilustraciones, pintadas a mano, le han hecho ganador de numerosos premios entre los cuales destacan tres Premios, Junceda, un Laus de bronce y un Premi Llibreter en 2017 por El banco azul.

Albert Asensio is one of the great illustrators of our time. The delicacy and warmth of his illustrations, painted by hand, have made him the winner of numerous awards, particularly a Junceda, a bronze Laus, and a Premi Llibreter in 2017 for The Blue Bench.


Albert Bertran Bas (Barcelona, 1982), studied journalism and film direction in New York. For many years, he worked in communication and as a creative screenwriter for several different advertising companies.

1982年バルセロナ生まれ。ニューヨークにてジャーナリズムと映画監督術を勉強。長年広報分野で働き、また広告代理店数社のシナリオライターとして活動している。現在はフィルマックスで制作中の長編映画に取り組む一方で、シッチェス・アイグアドルス・マリーナの広報を束ねている。本書『La memoria eres tú(あなたこそが記憶)』は著者初の小説。

Albert Casals Serradó was born in Barcelona in 1990. At the age of five, he suffered mononucleosis which led to leucaemia and left him in a wheelchair. Since he was seven, he has lived in Esparreguera (Barcelona) with his parents and sister and completed his secondary education.

Abert Forns (Granollers, 8 April, 1982) is a Catalan journalist, writer and poet. Specialising in digital journalism, he has worked at cultural institutes such as the CCCB.

物語作家、脚本家、詩人で、約30の作品がある。大手出版社から『Dafne(ダフネ)』、『Temps de fang(泥の時間)』、『El tango de l’anarquista(アナーキストのタンゴ)』などの一般向けの作品のほか、児童・YA書も刊行。なかでも本書『Toli, el gosset invisible(見えない子犬トリ)』、『Estiu a la Albufera(アルブフェラの夏)』、『El “tio” Rajola(ラホラ“おじさん”)』、『El Senyor del Castell(城主)』は際立っている。

Albert Juvany (Vic, February 1974). Since 1997 he has worked in health sciences. His scientific background has not prevented literature from seducing him and being his constant companion. For years he has written and rewritten short stories.

Albert Llimós Bifet (Torrefarrera, el Segrià, 1981) is a graduate of Audiovisual Communication from UPF, and in Journalism from UAB. He began his professional career at Cadena Ser. After a time at Localia, he now works at Ràdio Barcelona (Cadena Ser) and ONA FM.

In Albert Serra (la novella, no el cineasta), Albert Forns hilariously and masterfully combines reflection and information with imagination.

Alberto Belmonte. An artist from Jerez, he works mainly as an independent illustrator for national companies such as Planeta DeAgostini as well as international companies such as IDW and Bastion Press.

Alberto Belmonte. Dibujante jerezano que trabaja fundamentalmente como ilustrador independiente para compañías nacionales como Planeta DeAgostini y norteamericanas como IDW o Bastion Press.

Alberto Díaz asegura que no recuerda cuándo empezó a dibujar. Seguramente era muy pequeño. Se acuerda, eso sí, de la primera vez que empezó a trabajar como ilustrador, que fue precisamente para la editorial Anaya.

Alberto Echávarri Suberviola, San Sebastian, 1933, is a member of the Association of Friends of the Way of St James of Madrid and Guipúzcoa, having made the Way twelve times and following different routes, which has sparked further interest in the cultural, artistic and Jacobean history linked to

HIs first forays into literature started with a series of stories that won second and third place in the Cervantes prize for the Madrid district of Alberto GonzálezVicálvaro in the first years of the twenty-first century.

My parent's missionary work took as all the way to Cameroon when I was only just seven years old. There I discovered a new world, in which I felt strangely comfortable, in my element.


Alberto Guerra Naranjo (La Habana, 1963) es licenciado en Historia y Ciencias Sociales, profesor, guionista, escritor. Algunos de sus relatos figuran en antologías junto a cuentos de Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Nabokov y Montalbán, entre otros.

Alberto Guerra Naranjo (La Habana, 1963) es licenciado en Historia y Ciencias Sociales, profesor, guionista, escritor. Algunos de sus relatos figuran en antologías junto a cuentos de Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Nabokov y Montalbán, entre otros.

Alberto Guerra Naranjo (Havana, 1963) has a degree in History and Social Sciences, and is a professor, screenwriter, and writer. Some of his stories have appeared in anthologies along with stories by Juan Rulfo, Jorge Luis Borges, Nabokov and Montalbán, among others.

ALBERTO IRIGOYEN (Montevideo, 1959).

Alberto Olmos (Segovia, 1975) has a degree in journalism. He began his literary career with "A bordo del naufrago" ("On the Shipwreck", 1998, finalist for the Premio Heralde).

Alberto Pasamontes was born in Madrid in 1970, has a degree in English philology, and has been active in the literary world since 2009, including winning the first prize in the fourth Ediciones Beta short story competition and second prize in the fourteenth Ministry of Defence Artistic and Litera

Alberto Pérez studied Humanities and has been writing tales and stories for little children for years. Jorge del Corral studied Fine Arts and has developed as an illustrator while teaching art.


Alberto Pieruz: freelance illustrator.


Alberto Salcedo Ramos (Barranquilla, Colombia, 1963) is the author of various non-fiction works, including La eterna parranda (The Eternal Spree), De un hombre obligado a levantarse con el pie derecho (A Man Obliged to Get Up/Get Dressed with his Right Foot), Botellas de náufrago (Bottles from a

Alberto Sánchez Argüello (1976) is a writer, blogger and facilitator of processes of organisational development and leadership. He is the founder of the Nicaraguan micro-literary collective, the blogging community Política Mente Incorrecto and the digital book publisher Parafernalia.

アルベルト・サンチェス・アルグエーリョ:1976年生まれ。作家でブロガーでもあり、また組織開発とリーダーシッププロセスにおけるファシリテーター。ニカラグアのショートショート作家グループの他、ブロガーコミュニティのポリティカ・メンテ・インコレクトやデジタル文学のインプリント、パラフェルナリアの創設者でもある。これまで第2回中米児童文学コンクールをはじめ、いくつもの賞を受けてきた。同氏の著作物はポルトガル語とイタリア語に翻訳されている。 ソニャ・ヴィマー:1974年生まれ。ミュンヘンでグラフィックデザインを、バルセロナでイラストを学んだ。

Alberto Suárez was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1947. He is a psychotherapist, writer and lecturer. He currently specializes in Energetic Psychology, and, within this, in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).


Alberto Urcaray. Argentinian writer and cartoonist. In Argentina he has been published in various magazines and media. His works have appeared in the newspapers La Voz de Galicia and Diario de Ferrol, and he has published children's stories in the U.S.


Vázquez-Figueroa was born in 1936 and sent aged 13 to the Sahara, where he spent the rest of his childhood and adolescence. Life in the desert, its inhabitants and its harshness, marked him in every sense.

Albur Producciones Editoriales is a renowned publisher of illustrated works. Its children’s catalogue is noted for works by creative teams such as Julio Cortázar and Emilio Urberuaga, Eduardo Galeano and Antonio Santos, Pablo Neruda and Elena Odriozola.

Albur Producciones Editoriales is a renowned publisher of illustrated works. Its children’s catalogue is noted for works by creative teams such as Julio Cortázar and Emilio Urberuaga, Eduardo Galeano and Antonio Santos, Pablo Neruda and Elena Odriozola.

Publishing house which publishes novels.


This epic and fantastic novel interweaves the lives of unforgettable characters such as Muhamad, the son of Marwán, who divides his love between Judit, 'la Guapísima', and Adine, Judit's cousin; the Duke Claudio, leader and representative of the C

La obra de referencia para los amantes del nuevo flamenco.


Alejandra Costamagna (born Santiago de Chile, 1970) has published the novels 'En voz baja' ('In a Low Voice') (1996, Premio Juegos Literarios Gabriela Mistral), 'Ciudadano en retiro' ('Retired Citizen') (1998), 'Cansado ya del sol' 'Aready Tired of the Sun') (2003) and 'Dile que no estoy' ('Say I

We have discovered that Alejandra Díaz-Ortiz lost her innocence to Arturo Ripstein, that Luuis Eduardo Aute mistook her for Angelica Houston, that Joaquín Sabina wrote a song for her, Jaime López a whole album, that her first kiss was given by the ex-governor of Mexico City, that she met Pavarott

After receiving his honours degree in Architecture from Los Andes University and working in Colombia as an architect, photographer and editor, Alejandro Bahamón (1972) moved to Barcelona in 1997 to develop a Ph.D. programme at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona.

Alejandro Braña was born in Gijón. After studying photography in USA he opened his own studio in Gijón. At the same time as working in photography in the industrial and publishing sectors, he has developed an intense activity in projects dealing with the life, tradition and heritage of Asturias.

Alejandro Castroguer was born in 1971 in Málaga.He trained as a teacher, and among other things studied oil painting, when he developed a close friendship with his professor, José Díaz-Oliva.He has been writing from a young age, and was a finalist for the Premio Ateneo de Sevilla in 1992 with his

Alejandro de Luis is a young Spanish trader at Dif Broker and one of the main promoters of trading in Spain.

Alejandro Maciel (Corrientes, Argentina, 1956) is a doctor and psychiatrist who was Roa Bastos’s personal assistant and doctor from 1996 until his death. He has published a good number of works for adults and young people, also as a journalist and teacher.


Alejandro Palomas (Barcelona, 1967) has a degree in English Language and a master's degree in Poetry from New College, San Francisco. He has combined a career in journalism with one as a translator of several important authors, and as a poet ("Quiero", I want and "Una Flor", A Flower).

アレハンドロ・パロマス(1967年、バルセロナ生まれ):英語文献学士。サンフランシスコのニューカレッジで詩学の修士号を取得。ジャーナリズムに従事するかたわら、有名作家の著作の翻訳を手がけ、詩作(詩集『Quiero(私は欲する)』『Una flor(1本の花)』)も行っている。

Aleksandra Lun (Gliwice, Poland, 1979) lived in Spain between 1999 and 2010. She studied Spanish Language and Literature, interpreting and translation. She currently lives in Belgium, where she works as a translator.

Laia López, witch of the arts, learned the plastic arts, and soon began to create them for narrative manuscripts like Mystical. Her beautiful artistic repertoire is called Gleaming, and she has also created chronicles specialising in the fantastical marine beasts Strawberry Moon and Blue Moon.


Alma Books was set up in October 2005 by Alessandro Gallenzi and Elisabetta Minervini, the founders of Hesperus Press, publishing around 80 titles a year mainly in the field of contemporary literary fiction and classics.


Alma is the Spanish word for “Soul”, why did you choose it?

Because we aim to be “a publisher with a soul” and show the kind of passion and human touch that is gradually disappearing in our globalized world.

Nacido en 1981, vive en Italia, en Trieste. Ha cultivado la pasión por el dibujo, la pintura y la poesía desde muy joven.

Álex de la Iglesia (Bilbao, 1965). In 1991 he directed the short film Mirindas asesinas. Since then he has shot emblematic films such as El día de la bestia (1995) and The Oxford Murders (2008). Payasos en la lavadora is his first and so far only novel (originally published in 1997).

Álex Meléndez is a Spanish author and illustrator, who studied at the School of Arts in Seville and at Yale College and the North School of Art & Design of the University of Wales.

Alex Mírez was born in the middle of a storm, on 16th October 1994 in Caracas, Venezuela. From an early age he developed a great love of reading from the tales and stories his grandpa used to tell him - which were not always so suitable for kids!


Álex Monasterio was born in 1972. Between 1994 and 1997 he studied physiotherapy at Escola Universitària d'Infermeria, Fisioteràpia i Nutrició Blanquerna (Ramon Llull University).

Nació en Barcelona en 1976. Estudió geología y paleontología. Nos cuenta que escribe para entenderse y entender el mundo; toma las palabras, e intenta crear con ellas algo que aspira a ser bello y emocionante.

Some time ago Alex Nogués (Barcelona, 1976) threw his bowler hat into the air to see where it would take him and set off to be palaeontologist, then a hydrogeologist, and then to try his hand at gardening and nutrition. On the way he fell in love and from that love two children were born.

Alex Nogués is a writer and geologist specialising in groundwater and paleontology. He currently lives with his family in the friendly paradise of the Empordanet. In his writing he is drawn to the interplay of words and images.


Alex Omist is a graphic designer.

(Barcelona, 1969) is a graduate in Business Administration from ESADE and Director of its Executive Education programmes. He is a regular contributor to various media, both domestic and foreign, among them El Pais, Cadena Ser or the prestigious Japanese journal of psychology, Psiko.

Art is now within range of even the youngest with this magnificient collection that combines different aspects: information, history, pictures activities, pop-ups, etc.

Alexandra Roma (Madrid, 1987) is a tortilla addict, insatiable reader and binge-watcher of films and television series who, from time to time writes articles, novels, film scripts etc.

Desde muy pequeño, el Dr. Alexandre Yáñez de la Cal (Sant Pere de Ribes) es un fanático del mundo de la salud y del
deporte. Licenciado y doctor cum laude en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, también ha cursado el posgrado


In the middle of the 20th century, advances in computer science revolutionized how ordinary people live their lives.

Alfaguara is a benchmark publisher of Spanish language literature, and not by chance, as thousands more readers are ever discovering. It has spent years publishing the best of what is written in Spain and Latin America.


Born in Madrid in 1959. He is a civil engineer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1983) and PADE from IESE (2008).

Alfonso Biescas (Vizcaya) lives in Guipuzcoa. His love of art led him to study architecture and Fine Arts in the University of Barcelona.

Alfonso Casas is one of the most followed illustrators on social media and brands fight over him (Vodafone, Reebok, ING#).

Alfonso Casas est l’un des illustrateurs les plus suivis sur les réseaux sociaux ; les marques se battent pour lui (Vodafone, Reebok, ING#).

Alfonso Castillo (Pobra do Caramiñal, 1985) studied journalism and screenwriting in Santiago de Compostela, Barcelona, Prague and Havana. He began working in journalism but his professional career soon veered towards the audiovisual industries.

Alfonso Domingo writes in a variety of disciplines: a journalist, who he has worked for many media organs, including radio, the printed press and television. He is a specialist in international news and has spent many years as a special correspondent in war zones.


Alfonso Salazar studied Social and Cultural Anthropology and works as a cultural manager.


Alfonso Vila was born in Valencia in 1970 and currently lives there. He considers himself to be an idiotic writer: 'What happens if, just for a moment, we erase all work from its author's biography? What is left?

Alfonso Zapico (Blimea, Asturias, 1981). Storyteller and freelance illustrator. Works on educational projects  with the Principado de Asturias as well as carrying out illustrations, designs and campaigns for numerous advertising agencies, publishers and various institutions.

Alfred Bosch és novel·lista, assagista, professor universitari i polític. Entre les seves novel·les hi ha L’Atles furtiu (Premi Sant Jordi 1997), la trilogia 1714 i Les set aromes del món (Premi Ramon Llull 2004).

Alfred Bosch és novel·lista, assagista, professor universitari i polític. Entre les seves novel·les hi ha L’Atles furtiu (Premi Sant Jordi 1997), la trilogia 1714 i Les set aromes del món (Premi Ramon Llull 2004).

Alfred Bosch is a novelist, essayist, university professor and politician.

Alfredo Cernuda has deployed his creativity as a cinema, stage and television actor. He has also worked as a scriptwriter for various national series.

Alfredo Gómez Cerdá has published over 150 titles, written for the press and specialist magazines, won the Altea, Gran Angular, Ala Delta (2008) and Cervantes Chico (2008) awards and the National Prize for Children's Literature (2009).

アルフレド・ゴメス=セルダ:新聞や専門誌に寄稿し、150作以上を上梓。アルテア賞、グラン・アングラル賞、アラ・デルタ賞(2008)、セルバンテス・チコ賞(2008)、国民児童文学賞(2009)を受賞。スペインカトリック児童委員会のオナーリストやホワイト・レイブンズに選定され、アストリッド・リンドグレーン賞(2018, 2019)と国際アンデルセン賞(2018)にスペインの候補としてノミネートされた。

Alfredo Grimaldo Feito (Madrid, 1956) has a degree in Information Science from the Universidad Complutense. He is an investigative journalist and flamenco critic.

Founded in 1985, we dedicate our effort to publish literary prizes, which helps us to look for new writers. We develop a collection of prestige, remarkable for the careful design and the high quality of the works.

My company comprises two imprints, Algani Editorial (Classic editions) and Ediciones Ibhuku (Self-publishing)


Algar specialises in books for children and young adults, with the aim of encouraging youngsters to gain the habit of reading through books of a high standard to suit their interests. We have over a dozen collections for all ages. 

We are an independent publisher with five collections. We publish current essays, classics, children and young people and fiction. We started work in mid-2010 and to date we have published 25 titles.


"They went along the Rue de Siene, hardly even seeing the street, so wrapped were they in each other. Jean-pierre, a guide who wants to please, was explaining the curiosities of the neighbourhood, while she listened in silence.


This is a work that, without complexes or affectation, approaches the prickly, multifaceted, grim and authentic reality of women in Cuba with all their casuistries and possibilities. No added sweeteners.

Alguien tiene que llorar otra vez (Somebody Has to Cry Again)

Somebody Has to Cry Again

On a night of storm and mud, a bastard girl is born and, believing her to be still-born, they baptise her with the name Betsabé.

Alhena, Fábrica de contenidos, S.L. is a multimedia and multichannel editorial project aimed at the creation of entertainment content likely to be published in any existing channel or media.

Rabassa, 54 local, 1. 08024 Barcelona



Alianza Editorial was founded in 1966 by a notable group of intellectuals with the aim of invigorating the Spanish cultural atmosphere, promoting debate and spreading knowledge, understood as one of the most powerful tools for change in Spain at that time.


Nace en Málaga, cerca de su amado mar del que, confiesa, no puede alejarse por mucho tiempo. Licenciada en psicología por la Universidad de Málaga, un día pierde la cabeza y deja todo para hacer lo que más le enamora: NARRAR, y lo hace con los ojos, con la voz y la escritura.

Alicia Acosta was born in Malaga near her beloved sea, which, she has to confess, she can't be parted from for long.


It's been one hundred and fifty years since the White Rabbit awoke Alice's curiosity when he ran past her at top speed. One hundred and fifty years since the young girl decided to venture down a seemingly endless rabbit hole.

Alicia Estopiñá was born in Valderrobres (Teruel) and now lives in Sitges (Barcelona). She graduated in Art History from the Universidad de Barcelona and has been a teacher and undertaken other professional activities in the region of the Tereul Maestrat, the setting for her novels.

アリシア・エストピニャ=アメラはテルエルのバルデロブレス生まれ。現在はシッチェス(バルセロナ県)在住。バルセロナ大学で美術史を学び、小説の舞台であるテルエルのマエストラスゴ地方で教鞭を執ったり、その他の活動に従事。小説Fíese usted(信じなさい)、 Ganadería alternativa(代替牧畜)、 Vía Muerta(待避線)、 La senda de las luciérnagas(蛍の小道)を出版。

Alicia Hernández Luján (Madrid, 1973) has a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a qualification in English as a Foreign Language from the University of Cork, Ireland.

Alicia Más was born in Elche, and, according to legend, drew her first drawing that looked like 'something' at the age of four: a little dog. With the passage of the years she and her drawings were inseparable as they grew up. She has a degree in fine arts and has trained in graphic design.


Born in Barcelona in 1969, for many years her professional life focused on the world of information technology.

Alienta Editorial publishes short, practical books that bring together training and teaching, and reduce the apparent complexities of the commercial world, making it altogether more accessible. It combines young authors with others more experienced in the world of work.

CIF: B65132250

Ricard Rosenthal is a young university lecturer scarred by personal tragedy. Fleeing the pain, he sets out for a small town in Mallorca to investigate the recent disappearance of a young woman, his pupil.

Alfonso Casas illustrates this beautiful album to find us.

All The People I Have Been

One day when I was feeling worried, my grandpa said to me, 'Max, we're going to climb the old oak tree today, like I used to do when I was your age. You see, everything looks different up there.'


Suy y Lawen son mellizos. Suy tiene alma de mariposa y Lawen de elefante. O eso dice la viejecita Champey. A Suy le parece imposible: él es más fuerte y siempre ha cuidado de su melliza.

Alma de Elefante

Alma Mancilla (Toluca, México) es escritora y antropóloga. Su obra ha obtenido, entre otros, el Premio Nacional de Literatura Gilberto Owen (2011), el Premio Bellas Artes de Novela José Rubén Romero (2018) y el Premio Nacional de Novela Ignacio Manuel Altamirano (2020).

Psicóloga y antropóloga social y cultural especialista en duelo infantojuvenil y de adultos. Lleva años acompañando e investigando sobre los diferentes tipos de pérdidas y la formación a profesionales, desde una perspectiva psicológica y educativa.

Alma Serra is a psychologist and social and cultural anthropologist who works with children and adults specialising in the grieving process.

Hermes Editora General, S.A.U. is a publisher of text books and books for children and young adults under three imprints: Almadraba Editorial, Castellnou Edicions and Castellnou Editora Valenciana.

The Fifth Stone is a story of friendship, evolution and personal growth that relates very directly to the interests of readers between the ages of 10 and 12 years old.


Carlos and his family have just moved to a new city. Everything is new for him; the school, his classmates... His parents and teachers try to ease his integration, as Carlos is a child with learning difficulties.

"I had always thought of pain as something impersonal and neutral. I could never have imagined it could take on so many forms, and especially not that you could be one of them.


Almudena Grandes (Madrid, 1960-2021) first rose to prominence in 1989 with Las edades de Lulú (‘The Ages of Lulu’), which won the XI Premio La Sonrisa Vertical.

Almudena Grandes (Madrid, 1960) se dio a conocer en 1989 con “Las edades de Lulú”, XI Premio La Sonrisa Vertical.

Almudena Grandes (Madrid, 1960-2021) se dio a conocer en 1989 con “Las edades de Lulú”, XI Premio La Sonrisa Vertical.

Almudena Grandes (Madrid, 1960-2021) se dio a conocer en 1989 con “Las edades de Lulú”, XI Premio La Sonrisa Vertical.

Almudena Grandes (Madrid, 1960-2021) se dio a conocer en 1989 con “Las edades de Lulú”, XI Premio La Sonrisa Vertical.

Almudena Sáiz graduated in English Philology from the Universidad de Salamanca and presently teaches Spanish as a Foreign Language at Olé Languages.


Almudena Sánchez (Palma de Mallorca, 1985) is a journalist and regular contributor to Ámbito Cultural online, where she writes criticism and interviews. She first came to public attention in 'Bajo treinta' (Under Thirty), an anthology of new Spanish narrators.

1985年パルマ・デ・マリョルカ生まれのジャーナリスト。ウェブサイト「アンビト・クルトゥラル」で書評やインタビュー記事を書く。スペインの新進作家のアンソロジーBajo treinta(アンダーサーティー)で知られるようになった。本書は彼女のはじめての本で、大きな話題を呼び7刷を重ねている。

Freelance illustrator born and trained in Barcelona. She studied medieval history, which is how she gained her experience in the restoration, iconography and illumination of parchments.

Almudena Suarez was born in Barcelona in 1969. She has a degree in Geography and History. She began her career as an illustrator in 2008, making use of the varied techniques she had learned in other fields.

Almudena Villegas Becerril graduated in Geography and History from the University of Córdoba and has a diploma in Dietetics and Nutrition from the Universidad Nacional de Educacción a Distancia (UNED). She is one of the most important professionals in the Spanish gastronomy world.

VOX Alphabet teaches the child to recognise and memorise the letters of the alphabet in a way that is fun and full of laughter, using sung and written words, perfectly illustrated by clear, amusing pictures.

Alqueria Editorial - Our aim is to salvage texts Publishers in other periods, and titles that have not been translated into Catalan, Spanish (among other languages), as well as publishing content of our own or joint publication with international publishing houses.

ALT AUTHORS is a publishing house that publishes in paper, ebook, audiobook and podcast format. We understand the dynamics of the digital age, which is why we use digital tools for the benefit of our authors. We also work to ensure our authors are translated into other languages.

Step inside the impossible! Let yourself be led to the limits of your imagination and give in to the dizzying experience these memorable pages offer!

ありえないものの世界にようこそ! 想像力の彼方まで連れていかれるのにまかせ、忘れがたきページの数々がもたらす、目もくらむ感覚に身を任せましょう。読みやすい25の章から成るこの小説には、きらきら光る万華鏡、人々の夢や欲望、幻想のありかを示した複雑な地図が巧みに仕組まれている。著者のルル・ソトゥエラ=エロリアガが、独自の詩的な語り口で繰りだす世界や登場人物たちは、突拍子もない状況や後戻りできない出来事に巻き込まれ、驚きや楽しみ、感動に読者を誘う。

Experienced Galician publisher, founded in 1977 and specializing in rescuing unpublished or forgotten works by great authors from modern and contemporary Galicia culture, cookery books and essays.

Francisco Álvarez was born in Gijón in 1970, and is a journalist, literary translator and writer.

Álvaro Aguilera was born in Madrid in 1985 and grew up in the Las Águilas neighbourhood of the city's Latina district. He studied Spanish Literature at university and graduated with a degree in Screenwriting from the Escuela del Cine y el Audiovisual de Madrid (ECAM).

アルバロ・アギレラは1985年マドリード生まれ。ラ・ラティーナ地区ラス・アギラスで幼少期を過ごした。スペイン文献学を学び、2005年、マドリード映画・音響映像学校(ECAM)でディプロマ(脚本専攻)取得。 それ以来、Estados Alterados(混乱状態、テレビ局La Sexta)など脚本家としての仕事と、サン・アントニオ・デ・ロス・バニョス(キューバ)の映画テレビ専門学校、あるいはクリエイター・フォーラム(マドリード)といった場所での映画・文学教授としての仕事を並行して行っている。Plato de mal gusto(貧乏くじ)は著者のはじめての小説。

Álvaro Cunqueiro (Mondoñedo, 1911 - Vigo, 1981) devoted himself from a very young age to literature and journalism. His work covers all genres and the widest range of subjects, from poetry to cookery books, via fiction and drama.



When he was younger Álvaro del Olmo (Madrid, 1982) used to write a magazine about supposed, entirely invented mysteries of the universe. A pianist and amateur chess player, he likes flicking through books on science and languages of which he understands absolutely nothing.


Álvaro Enrigue was born Mexico in 1969, and still lives there. He won the Premio de Primera Novela Joaquín Mortiz in 1996 with 'La muerte de un instalador', which was followed by 'Virtudes capitales' and 'El cementerio de sillas'. Since 1990 he has worked as a literary critic.


Álvaro García Hernández is a writer and professor of Language and Literature. "Ana Ynada" (EDISENA, 1997) was his first literary work, published after being a finalist in the 1st Emilio Murcia Novel Prize.

Alvaro Librán is a Safety Manager, an expert in Event and Intervention Research and Analysis and a fellow of the Spanish Association of Safety Managers, accredited by the Ministry of the Interior to lecture on the subjects of weaponry, shooting, self defense, security and safety; he is also a fel

The author (Seville, 1985) studied medicine at the University of Seville. In 2010 he moved to Madrid to specialise in cardiology and has lived there since then.


Alvaro Moreno Ancillo is a doctor and writer. He works as a specialist in allergies at the Hospital de Talavera de la Reina (Toledo). In 2001 he was shortlisted for the Premio de Novela Histórica Alfonso X El Sabio. This is his fourth novel.

Álvaro Ortiz (Zaragoza, 1983) estudió diseño gráfico e ilustración. Es el autor de las novelas gráficas Cenizas, Murderabilia, Rituales, Dos holandeses en Nápoles, coeditado con el Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza y Viajes.

Álvaro Pombo (Santander, 1939), membre de l'Académie royale espagnole, est sans aucun doute l'un des écrivains espagnols les plus importants du dernier demi-siècle.

Álvaro Rodríguez Díaz (Madrid, 1957). He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), receiving the Outstanding Doctoral Award in 2006. He is a professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Seville.

Álvaro Valderas (La Bañeza, 1965), has a PhD in Hispanic literature, and has been a dj, administrator, secondary school teacher and university lecturer, a television producer, and a publicity creative and editor, with more than a hundred publications from Latin American authors.


The Amadis of Gaul begins with the story of the furtive love between King Perión of Gaul and Princesa Elisena of Britain which results in the birth of a child who is abandoned in a boat.

AMAIA ARRAZOLA trabaja como freelance y divide su vida/trabajo en tres: ilustración publicitaria, editorial y murales de gran formato. Simón es el tercer libro que publica con Flamboyant. Los dos primeros fueron libro-juegos, Animales fantásticos y Hola, ¿cómo estás?.

Amaia Arrazola travaille en free-lance et se partage en trois domaines : illustration publicitaire, éditoriale et murale de grand format. Simon est le troisième livre qu’elle publie avec Flamboyant.

A FUEGO NEGRO is born from the hands of three young and adventurous chefs: Edorta Lamo, Iñigo Cojo and Amaia García. The first two involved in the cooking and vinyl, and the latter, with pens and the baton.

Escritora navarra que compagina su mayor hobby, la escritura, con su trabajo en el sector público. La lectura ha ocupado desde niña gran parte de su tiempo de ocio. Isabel Allende, Almudena Grandes, García Márquez o Carlos Ruiz Zafón se encuentran entre sus autores favoritos.

Amaia Oloriz is a Navarrese writer who combines writing, her main hobby, with her work in the public sector. Since childhood she has spent most of her free time reading.

Born in Idiazabal in 1993, Amaia Telleria is a primary school teacher, who completed her postgraduate studies at Bergara School of Writers. She has published stories in various magazines, and won significant prizes for short stories.

Amàlia Lafuente (Barcelona, 1952) is a doctor and professor of pharmaceutics at the Medical Faculty of the University of Barcelona. She dedicates her time to teaching and research.


Amalia Pérez Otero trained as a teacher, and completed her studies with a degree in Psychopedagogy.

On her thirteenth birthday, Amanda Black receives a letter signed by her parents,who had disappeared a few months after her birth. The letter sets her a mission: "You are the last of our line. The last Black.


アマンダ・ガルシア=オロスコは1995年バルセロナ生まれのイラストレーター、アニメーターで、現在も同地で暮らす。2018年、バルセロナ映画学校の2Dアニメーション専攻を卒業後、テレビや映画などさまざまな音響映像制作に携わる。また、コミック『SuperBollo contra la L.E.F.A.(SuperBollo対L.E.F.A.)』など、LGBTカルチャー関連の出版物を国内の他の同業者たちと共に手掛ける。現在は、アニメーションの仕事の傍ら、イラスト、ファンジン制作も手掛けており、近年はさまざまなコミックマーケットにも参加。面白いイヤリング、SF、眠ることが好き。

When and how did you start learning Spanish?

I have spent the last few years writing commissioned texts on topics as different and interesting as technology, society, cinema, music, travel, publicity… I was waiting for the opportunity to do what I love most: writing for children.

Amanda Lemos: I have spent the last few years writing commissioned texts on topics as different and interesting as technology, society, cinema, music, travel, publicity… I was waiting for the opportunity to do what I love most: writing for children.

Following her success with Última llamada, Laura Falcó surprises again, this time with a crime novel, Ice Dawn. Sandra meets Eduardo on Facebook - he happens to be the son of a work colleague of hers, who lives in Norway.

Última llamada(最後の通話)の大ヒットに続き、ラウラ・ファルコがミステリー小説『氷の夜明け』で私たちを驚かす。サンドラはエドゥアルドとフェイスブックで知り合った。偶然にも彼は、ノルウェーに住む、彼女の仕事上の同僚の息子だった。エドゥアルドに会いにノルウェーに旅行しようと決めたとき、まさかそれがあのような悪夢と化すとはサンドラは夢にも思っていなかった。彼女がオースレンに降りたった2日後、エドゥアルドがベッドで死体となって発見される。明らかに他殺だった。

Carolina, the main character and narrator of the novel, gives us a window into her emotions and feelings through her artistic sensibility that is both sensitive and vulnerable.

The holidays are here and it's time to go to summer camp. But he really doesn't feel like it. He has a secret - yellow and round - that appears between the sheets every night and he doesn't want to share it. What could this bothersome secret be?

休みに⼊り、キャンプに⾏くときがやってきた。でも、彼はまったく乗り気がしない。知られたくない秘密があるのだ。それは夜ごと、シーツの間に現れる⻩⾊くて丸いやつ。この忌まわしい秘密とはなんなのか?彼はこの秘密から解放されて、キャンプを楽しむことができるのだろうか? 「不安と⽴ち向かい、乗り超えようと語りかける、そんな絵本」

Amaryllis is a small plant who likes to go for a walk once summer is over. She makes all kinds of friends in the woods and encounters adventure and danger on her journey as she tries to reach somewhere nobody else has before winter begins.






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Miranda is an eight-year-old girl whose favourite pastime is to read books like this one, which tells the story of Amelia Earhart, a brave American who lived at the beginning of the twentieth century, and was the first woman to fly solo across the

The author completed teacher training and works as a teacher at a primary school in Vigo (Pontevedra).


In this new book, Doctor Enrique Rojas analyses rigorously and with an engaging style one of the most paradigmatic diseases of our time: loneliness.

Publisher of children's books for a wide audience.

Amistades animales

Titre: Amistades animales

Auteur: Anna Gallo et Katerine Quinn

Lectrice: Anne COHEN BEUCHER


Avis :

Amistades animales

How did the great thinkers love? The stoics, patiently; the vitalists, enthusiastically; the nihilists, pesimistically. For a philosopher, love is as exciting and as painful as it is for the rest of us mortals.

How did the great thinkers love? The stoics, patiently; the vitalists, enthusiastically; the nihilists, pesimistically. For a philosopher, love is as exciting and as painful as it is for the rest of us mortals.

In Amo, luego existo, a reformulation of Descarte’s ‘I think, therefore I am’, Manuel Cruz, Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Barcelona, questions whether philosophy has paid sufficient attention to the concept of love.

Amo, luego existo: Los filósofos y el amor

A book to fall in love with on a small scale and be enjoyed on a large scale. Samuel lives enclosed in a bubble of loneliness, from which he only emerges to teach at the university.

Amanda has spent her whole life pretending. She pretends she doesn't mind that her mother makes her babysit her obnoxious little brother every day. She pretends she's not hurt that her "best" friend stole her boyfriend.


Barcelona, July 18, 1936. The winds of history change forever the life of young anarchist Valentina Mur.

Over 4 generations of mothers and daughters from one family, 'Amor meva' relates the story of brave, liberal women with Jewish roots over the course of the 20th century.

Abi is an intelligent, insightful, imaginative young woman who dreams about marrying Mario. She thinks she’s achieved total happiness, but her plans crumble when a seductive charmer enters her life.

The year is 1997. During a Mediterranean cruise, four top businessmen set themselves the challenge of creating a marvellous, unique and inimitable object, out of the reach of even the richest person.

Amy Jean was born in Cádiz in 1991 and has a degree in audio-visual communication and a masters in cinematographic screenplay. She is a director and script-writer and combines her writing with work at the film and advertising production company she founded with two friends.

is for authors. It all begins with them. Authors are the reason that we are gathered here. They are the yarn-spinners. They are the enchanters. We look to them for solace, for entertainment, for wisdom acquired through vicarious experience, for news from other landscapes.

Ana Alonso (Tarrasa, Barcelona, 1970). A Spanish writer and translator, Ana Alonso studied Biology at the University of León and has worked both as a secondary school teacher and a translator.

Ana Alonso nació en Tarrasa (Barcelona) en 1970, aunque ha residido durante la mayor parte de su vida en León. Se licenció en Ciencias Biológicas por la Universidad de León y amplió sus estudios en Escocia y París.

Ana Alonso was born in 1970, in Barcelona. She was a biology teacher but now dedicates her time solely to writing.

アナ・アロンソは1970年バルセロナ生まれ。生物学の教師を務めていたが、今は執筆業に専念。詩作について、ヒュペリオン(2005年)、オホ・クリティコ(2006年)、アントニオ・マチャード(2007年)、アルフォンソ5世(2008年)の各賞を受賞、アナヤ、サンティリャナ、エセエメ、ラ・ガレラ、オックスフォード大学出版局などから数多くの児童書を出版している。 ハビエル・ペレグリンは1967年マドリード生まれでスペイン語と文学の教師。YA文学が専門で、コミックやビデオゲーム、メディア横断型文学に造詣が深い。

Ana Andrés graduated as a software engineer from the University of Salford. She is a Certified Information Systems Auditor and Lead Auditor of the ISO 27001/2000-1 Standards. She is also the technical director of Start Up, which heads information security and ITC services management projects.

Ana Andreu Baquero nació y creció en Albacete. Es licenciada en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad de Murcia y en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Además del castellano, su lengua materna, habla inglés, italiano, alemán y catalán.

Born and raised in Albacete, Ana Andreu Baquero has a degree in English Philology from the University of Murcia and and a degree in Translation and Interpretation from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Ana Belén Ramos has published the illustrated book Sea, the Water Boy, the children’s book The Story of the Short King, and the story about the history of Cordova, The Loveliest City, included in the collection Story Cities, published by the Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad de España group.

アナ・ベレン・ラモスは著作に、絵本Mar, el niño de agua(海、水の子ども)、児童書Cuento del rey bajito(ちび王さまのお話)、スペイン世界遺産都市グループ刊行の書籍Ciudades de cuento(物語の都市)所収のコルドバの歴史に関する短篇La ciudad más hermosa(最も美しい都市)がある。また、J・M・バリがつくりだしたキャラクター『ピーター・パン』の基本的テキストをまとめた注釈本の編集責任者。

Dipacho. Since he graduated in Design from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia he has worked as an illustrator and author of children's books. His works have been published by prestigious publishing houses in Brazil, Colombia, France, Mexico, Venezuela, Spain and Italy.

Ana Campoy (born Madrid, 1979) is a writer and journalist.

アナ・カンポイはテレビや映画、ラジオの脚本家、アナウンサーとしてキャリアをスタート。記者やクリエイティブ・ライティングの講師としても評判を得ている。2007年に『La cronopandilla(タイムトラベル一味)』でハエン児童文学賞を受賞。

Ana Coto Fernández was born in Asturias, where she spent most of her childhood and teenage years. She focused her studies on the huge and unfamiliar world of disabilities after realising that it was differently able people who brought out the best in her.


Ana Flecha Marco (León, 1986) translates books and documents from English, French and Norwegian into Spanish and is also a conference interpreter. She enjoys reading, drawing and singing jotas. She is the author of 'Dos novelitas nórdicas' ('Two Nordic Novelettes') (Mrs.

1986年レオン生まれ。英語、フランス語、ノルウェー語の本や文章をスペイン語に翻訳し、講演の通訳をし、読み、絵を描き、ホタ(スペインの民族音楽のひとつ)を歌う。『Dos novelitas nórdicas(ふたつの北欧小説)』 (Mrs.

Ana Fletcher is a translator and editor based in Rio de Janeiro. She translates from Portuguese and Spanish, and her translations have been published in Granta, the New England Review and Music & Literature.

Ana Fletcher is a translator and editor based in Rio de Janeiro. She translates from Portuguese and Spanish, and her translations have been published in Granta, the New England Review and Music & Literature.

Ana Folgueira (Madrid, 1968)



Ana Gallo, diplômée en Sciences de l'information, s'est aguerrie dans le secteur du journalisme jusqu'à ce qu'elle décide de changer pour le monde de l'édition.

Ana Gerhard is a concert pianist. She studied at the Ars Nova academy in Barcelona, Lausanne Conservatory – where she won an award from the Swiss government – and the National Conservatory of Music in Mexico.


Ana was born in Huelva, Spain, although in her heart she'll always be a madrileña, since she's lived all but one year of her life in Madrid. When she was a kid her parents signed her up for art classes when they noticed that she drew all over her homework, and she's been drawing ever since!.

Ana González Duque is an anesthetist and writer. In 2008, her blog "Dr. Jomeini" (now closed) started receiving an average of 10,000 visits per day and led her to become the Community Manager for a medical website, where she learned all about online marketing.

Born in Madrid, Jiménez Ganica graduated in Ancient History in 1976 with a dissertation on 4th century Latin panegyrics. In 1977 she was awarded a Research Training Grant from the MEC to write her doctoral thesis, which was published in 1983 (Orígenes y desarollo del reino visigodo de Tolosa.

Ana Manrique studied fine art and alternates painting with writing, working as an editor, translator and scriptwriter. She is the author of the novels 'Nadie dura siempre' (Barataria, 2003) and 'No es tan fácil llevar bragas' (Temas de Hoy, 2010).


Ana María Arias de Cossio (La Laguna, 1946) is a Doctor of Art History, University of La Laguna, where she also taught for 3 years. Since 1975 she has worked at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where she is now Professor of Art History.

Ana Maria Guasch is Professor of Art History in the Universidad de Barcelona and an art critic.

Born in Barcelona in 1925, Ana María Matute is one of the most distinguished writers in Spanish literature. This is well

アナ・マリア・マトゥーテ(文)は1925年バルセロナ生まれ。16歳のときに小説第一作『Pequeño teatro(人形芝居)』を執筆、1949年にはナダル賞のセミファイナリストになった。1996年、スペイン王立アカデミーの正会員に指名された。ヒスパニック・ソサエティ・オブ・アメリカ名誉会員、レオン大学名誉博士。国民文学者賞(2007年)、サン・ジョルディ十字勲章(2009年)、ミゲル・デ・セルバンテス賞(2010年)など、栄えある賞に輝いている。

Ana Ramírez Cañil is a journalist. She was born in Madrid 52 years ago but comes from Rascafría. At 19 she began as an economic journalist, a mere job becoming a passion when she crossed this with politics.

Anna Sarrías: I was born in Pamplona in 18th July 1969. I'm married and have two daughters. I have a degeree in Economics and Business from the University of Navarra. I work in the administration department of a family business.


Ana Tortosa: writer. She has published with publishers such as Anaya, Edelvives and Thule.


Ana Trigo is a writer and art and antiques valuer, with qualifications in history of art and humanities, and law. She is passionate about Egyptology, the tales of Sherlock Holmes (she is a proud member of the Spanish Holmes Circle), black and white cinema and old books.

アナ・トリゴは作家であり、アートと骨董品の鑑定人でもある。芸術人類史の学士で、法学部を卒業した。エジプト学、シャーロック・ホームズ作品(スペイン・シャーロック・ホームズ・クラブの誇り高き会員)、往年の白黒映画、古書をこよなく愛する。処女作であるEl secreto de la caja de sándalo(白檀の箱の秘密)は、シャーロック・ホームズ作品を専門とする、権威ある出版社MX Publishingより出版され、スペイン人女性作家の作品としては初となった。

Anabel Botella was born in 1970 in Cartagena although she considers herself to be from Ágilas (Murcia). She has always been fascinated by literature and has had a book in her hand for as long as she can remember.

アナベル・ガルシア=プラタは、『The Sewing Box(ザ・ソーイング・ボックス)』の編集者。2009年より編集者の道を歩み始め、ファンジンの『El Costurero(裁縫箱)』シリーズを出版。これまでに、著者・編集者として手芸をテーマにした書籍20冊以上の出版に携わる。

Ana Isabel Rodríguez Sánchez has a degree in law and is a practicing lawyer, a specialist in administrative, civil and criminal law, and an expert in family mediation.

アナ・イサベル・ロドリゲス=サンチェスは法学士で現役の弁護士。専門は行政法、刑法、民法。家事調停に関する専門家の学位を持つ。これまでに多くの共著書で短編を発表。初の長編小説『Azaría(アサリア)』(Ediciones del Serbal、当サイト2015年紹介作品 http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/azaria)は2015年セルバル出版から発刊された1920年代のミゲル・プリモ・デ・リベーラ独裁時代の農村を舞台とした推理小説だ。

Anaïs Baranda Barrios (Madrid, 1983) studied audio-visual communication and has a master’s in radio and TV journalism. She loves cinema and storytelling. For many years she has worked in various communications media.

Anaïs Baranda Barrios (Madrid, 1983) estudió Comunicación Audiovisual y tiene un Máster de Periodismo en Radio y Televisión. Le gusta el cine y contar historias. Durante muchos años ha trabajado en diferentes medios de comunicación.

Web Analytics has become an intrinsic tool in every company with a strategic presence on the Internet.

Among the consequences of the Spanish Civil War, which ended in Republican defeat, was the exile of a large number of intellectuals and creatives.

At the beginning of the seventies in the north of Mexico, a group of students known as Los Enfermos (The Sick) began a revolutionary movement with the aim of bringing about a new national order. The poet Juan Pablo Orígenes was part of the group.

Anaya Children and Young Adults publishes books for all ages (picture books, children’s literature, and YA literature), as well as activity books and non-fiction. The quality of our titles has been recognised with several national and international awards.

A synthesis of findings about the marine resources in the waters around the "Circle of the Straits" (to the south of the Iberian Peninsula and to the north of western Africa), between Prehistoric times and late Antiquity.

Andana Editorial publishes books and educational materials to foster reading and values. Our catalogue covers a wide range of genres for all ages, especially for children and young readers. 

CIF: B98140775

C/Valencia, 56, B. 46680 Algemesí – Valencia

Nàdia Revenga

The Exploits of Puck offers a recreation of one of the most magical and imaginative of Shakespearean tales. It is pure joy, colour and, above all, dream.


So as to save his own life, young Zollinger leaves the village where he was born and stays away for seven years, setting off on an adventure that will see him carry out all sorts of jobs.


Ander Izaguirre (San Sebastián, 1976) is a journalist and writer. He has published reports and articles in media such as National Geographic, Aire Libre, Barrabés, Berria and El Diario Vasco.

Adreu Llinás Durán was born in Mallorca. He gave up a course in fine arts to study film in Madrid, and after several years working as a technician in film, television and advertising, he decided his real passion was in writing children’s books. And little by little he is doing just that.



Andrea Ferrari was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 13th December 1961. She is a literary translator, working between Spanish and English, and as such began working in the print media.

:  I’m Andrea Cid Freire, and I was born in Ourense in the Autumn of 1989. Puppeteer and teacher. I love to play, feel, listen, and learn.

Andrea Genovart (Barcelona, 1993) es licenciada en Teoría de la literatura y literatura comparada por la Universidad de Barcelona y tiene un máster en Gestión Cultural por la Factoría de Arte y Desarrollo de Madrid.

Andrea Genovart (Barcelona, 1993) has a degree in literary theory and comparative literatura fro m the University of Barcelona and a masters in cultural affairs from the Factoría de Arte y Desarrollo in Madrid.

Andrea Izquierdo was born in Saragossa in 1995. In 2014 she created a Youtube literary channel under the pseudonym Andreo Rowling, which within two years had 90,000 followers.

Nació en A Coruña en 1987. Es doctora en Filología Hispánica y licenciada en Filología Gallega. Actualmente compagina su labor de escritora con su trabajo como profesora de secundaria.

PPC was established in 1955 in Salamanca, the result of meetings between various priests and lay youth who understood that something truly new was needed within journalism and religious writing, something that reached out to the streets, and actually listened to youth and public opinion in genera

Andrea Herrero (better known to the online community as Andrea Smith) was born in 1993 in Cabezón de la Sal, Cantabria, where she currently lives. She has a degree in Primary Education and loves coffee.


Andrea Tomé (Ferrol, 1994) writes books for teenagers and for adults who aren't embarrassed to read books for teenagers. She is currently finishing her English Literature studies at the USC and gives talks on literature and mental health in schools and universities.

Andrés Barba es novelista, poeta, ensayista y traductor.

Andrés Barba (Madrid, 1975) burst onto the scene in 2001 with the novel La hermana de Katia (shortlisted for the Herralde Prize), which was very well received by readers and critics alike, followed by Ahora tocad música de baile, Versiones de Teresa (Torrente Ballester Prie), Las manos pequeñas y

Andrés Escarabajal holds a European Doctorate in Social Pedagogy and is a specialist in Intercultural Mediation.

Andrés Felipe Solano (Bogotá, 1977) es el aclamado autor de cuatro novelas, una crónica y dos libros de no ficción. En 2010 fue nombrado por Granta uno de los mejores escritores en español menores de 35 años.

Andrés Felipe Solano (Bogotá, 1977) is the acclaimed author of four novels, a chronicle, and two non-fiction books. In 2010, he was recognized by Granta as one of the best writers in the Spanish language under the age of under 35.

Andrés G. Leiva (Córdoba, 1969). Has a degree in Fine Arts, and has been working for 25 years as an art teacher. He is the author of comics such as Juana de Arco (Joan of Arc), Serie B and Uno de esos días (One of Those Days). 15 is his first graphic novel with writer David Muñoz.

Andrés G. Leiva (Córdoba, 1969). Es licenciado en Bellas Artes. Trabaja desde hace 25 años como profesor de dibujo. Es autor de cómics como Juana de Arco, Serie B y Uno de esos días. 15 es su primera novela gráfica realizada con el guionista David Muñoz.

Andrés G. Leiva (Córdoba, 1969). Es licenciado en Bellas Artes. Trabaja desde hace 25 años como profesor de dibujo. Es autor de cómics como Juana de Arco, Serie B y Uno de esos días. 15 es su primera novela gráfica realizada con el guionista David Muñoz.

Andrés García García is a Doctor in Psychology and professor in the Departament of Experimental Psychology at the University of Seville. His more recent work started from two different points.

Andrés González-Barba is a writer and journalist. His literary debut Los diarios de Regent Street (The Regent Street Diaries, 2010) is a tribute to the world of Arthur Conan Doyle and, in particular, the legend of Sherlock Holmes.

Andrés Guerrero Sánchez was born in Trujillo, Cáceres, in 1958.


 Andrés Ibáñez was born in Madrid in 1961. He studied music with the intention of becoming a composer until he abandoned the conservatoire and began to play jazz.

Andrés Lomeña (Malaga, 1982) has a degree in journalism and literary theory. He also holds a PhD in sociology and is a regular contributor to HuffPost.

Andrés Lomeña (Málaga, 1982) es licenciado en Periodismo y en Teoría de la Literatura. Es también doctor en Sociología y colaborador habitual del "HuffPost". "Podio" es su primera novela, inspirada en la educación sentimental de su época de joven promesa de la natación.

A Doctor Civil Engineer from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM, 1976). He was a teacher of Railways at the UPM and in the Universidad Politécnica of Valencia during the seventies, and has been a professor of Transport Infrastructures at the UPC since 1983.

B.Sc. from the University of Navarra, Master in Business Administration from the University of Deusto and Diploma in International Business Management from INSEAD France.

Andrés Pascual (Logroño, 1969) has been a lawyer for twenty years. Presently he divides his time between London and La Rioja and spends his time writing and giving lectures.

Andrés Pérez Domínguez (Sevilla, 1969) has published the following novels The Pinner Key (2004, shortlisted for the Silverio Cañada Memorial at the Gijón Black Week), The Mowgli Syndrome (2008, Luis Berenguer Prize), The Einstein Factor (2008) and The Mauthausen Violinist (2009, Seville Atheneo P


Andrés Pérez Ortega, graduate in Chemistry from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with an MBA from ICADE, is an expert in product development.

Andrés Trapiello was born in Manzaneda de Torío, León, in 1953.

In the literature of Andrés Vidal there is a convergence of ideas and projects linked to the different areas of journalism, film and television. La herencia de la tierra is his first novel.


Andreu Llinàs was born in Mallorca. He dropped Fine Arts to study cinema in Madrid, and after several years working as a technician in film, television and advertising, he decided that what he really wanted to do was to become an illustrator and create children's books.

Nació en Mallorca en 1978. Dejó inacabada la carrera de bellas artes para estudiar cine en Madrid. Tras varios años trabajando en puestos técnicos en rodajes de cine y televisión, decidió intentar hacerse ilustrador. Desde entonces, escribe e ilustra libros infantiles.


Andreu Martín has covered all aspects of writing: editor, comic strip screen and television writer, dramatist and he is the author of numerous novels for adult and young readers.

Natalia BERNABEU and Andy GOLDSTEIN are co-heads of the "Proyecto QuadraQuinta" Creativity and Learning Project.


Art is now within range of even the youngest readers with this magnificent collection of books combining different aspects: information, history, pictures, activities, pop-ups, etc.

'Anécdotas de primera magnitud (‘Anecdotes of the Highest Order’) is a collection of human stories set out in an showcase.

'Anécdotas de primera magnitud' es una colección de relaciones humanas expuestas en un escaparate internacional.

Anécdotas de primera magnitud

Anelio Rodríguez Concepción (Santa Cruz de La Palma, 1963). His narrative works include Historia ilustrada del mundo [An Illustrated History of the World] (Pre-Textos, 2017). He has several books of short stories, such as La Habana y otros cuentos [La Habana and other stories] (Madrid, 2nd ed.

1963年、サンタ・クルス・デ・ラ・パルマ生まれ。著者の小説の代表作は『Historia ilustrada del mundo (図解世界史)』(Pre-Textos、2017)。短編は『La Habana y otros cuentos (ハバナとその他の物語)』(第2版、1996)、『Ocho relatos y un diálogo (8つの物語とひとつの対話』(1993、サンタ・クルス・デ・テネリフェ市賞受賞)、『El perro y los demás (犬その他)』(2004、ティフロス賞受賞)など。

Ángel Adell has a degree in Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is currently a director of the Consultura Euradia Internacional S.A.

マヌエル・アロンソは、IEビジネススクールのマーケティング学部教授兼学部長。専門に関する著作と講演多数。著書にMarketing directo 2.0(ダイレクト・マーケティング 2.0、2010年、Gestión2000社)。

Ángel Collado Mateo is a writer and Spanish teacher. He was born on April 24, 1964, in Navezuelas, Cácares (Spain), but has lived most of his life in Alcalá de Henares and in Casablanca (Marrakesh).

Ángel Esteban was born in Saragossa in 1963 and is a doctor of Hispanic philology and a professor in Hispanic-American literature at the University of Granada. In recent years he has also been a tutor of literature at Delaware and Montclair State Universities in the United States.

Ángel Fernández has a degree in Fashion Design from Bilbao’s Lanca Fashion Design School. He studied Drawing and Painting in the Bilbao’s Museum of Artistic Reproductions and has a Postgraduate in Fashion Design Women’s Wear from the Central Saint Martin’s College of London.


Ángel Gurría-Quintana is a historian, journalist and literary translator from Spanish and Portuguese. Educated in Mexico City and Cambridge, he is a regular contributor to the books pages of the Financial Times, for which he reviews fiction in translation.

David Zurdo and Ángel Gutiérrez have together written more than twenty books, outstanding amongst which is El último secreto de Da Vinci, which has been translated into eight languages and sold more than 100,000 copies.

ダビッド・スルドとアンヘル・グティエレスは20冊以上の共著がある。中でも、El útimo secreto de Da Vinci(ダビンチ最後の秘密)は8か国語に翻訳され、10万部以上が売れた。


Angel Quintero Rivera is considered one of the most outstanding social scientists of the Caribbean. He is the author or co-author of twelve books, among which, for its theme, should be noted ¡Salsa, sabor y control!

Ángel Viñas has been professor of Economics since 1975 and a government commercial and economics expert since 1968. His latest works are “En las garras del águila. Los pactos con Estados Unidos, de Francisco Franco a Felipe González (1945-1995)” (In the Eagle’s Claws.

Guillermo Juan José Alcalde Gómez is the given name of GUIMO, a native of Madrid, where he was born on 25 June 1944. He has been president of the Professional Illusionists Club which has its headquarters in Madrid since 1990, a position he has decided to relinquish at the end of 2006.

Ángela Becerra was born in Cali, Colombia where she studied Communication. In 2000 she was the creative vice-president of one of the most well-respected agencies in Spain but she decided to leave this successful career behind in order to pursue her true passion: literature.

Ángela Blenda is the pen name of the editor and writer María Consuelo Altable Arredondo (1960).

Ángela Vallvey has published several children's books and won the Jaen Poetry Award in 1998 for The Size of the Universe, a captivating collection of poems of scientific curiosity and a fascination for the beauty and paradoxes of the world and the universe.

Ángeles Caso was born in Gijón in 1959 and has a degree in History of Art. She has worked in various different cultural and media institutions.

Ángeles Doñate still has the Christmas cards she and her school friends sent one another, along with love letters where the sender's name is no longer legible and other letters sent from the four corners of the globe.

Ángeles GERVILLA CASTILLO is a Professor of Didactics and School Organization at the Universidad de Málaga. She has over thirty years experience as a teacher trainer and has published more than a hundred works in her speciality area.

Ángeles Mastretta (Puebla 1949). Her most important books include 'Arráncame la vida' (1985) and 'Mal de Amores' (1996). She contributes to several different media in Mexico and Spain.


Ángeles Vargas was born on a Saturday in August, in Chile, Santiago, in 1980. When she had grown a little she started reading (everything) and drawing (everything), both of which she still does to this day.

Born in Barcelona 55 years ago. She studies psychology and has always been linked to pedagogy and teaching children. For a few months she lived in Ghana, where she met Efwa, the little girl that inspired her to write her first book.

Àngels Navarro was born in Barcelona and studied Psychology, specialising in psychomotor skills and play therapy. She has transformed this enthusiasm into writing and creating books that go beyond just paper books.

Aníbal Malvar (A Coruña, 1964) published his first book at the age of twenty-six, which is also when he began to write for the newspapers, specialising in drug trafficking, ETA and other mafias.

アニバル・マルバル(1964年、ア・コルーニャ生まれ)が最初の本を出したのは、新聞の仕事を始めた26歳のとき。得意の分野は麻薬取引、ETA、その他のマフィア。2008年、90年代のガリシアにおける政治汚職を赤裸々に描いた小説 『Una noche con Carla (カルラと一夜)』をInéditor 社から出版。オリジナルのガリシア語版は1995年セライス賞を受賞している。2012年にはAKALから『La balada de los miserables (哀れな人たちのバラード)』を出版。そのフランス語訳が2015年Violeta Negra (黒いスミレ)賞を受賞した。

A humorous novel which follows the pattern of classic detective fiction, adapting this to the Valencia of the 1980s. Two characters are involved in a dangerous adventure to try and get back a strange jewel.

The entertaining stories in this book demonstrate the colateral, generally unforeseen, effects of any decision taken, be it at a personnal level or in organisations and businesses. These are the 'saddlebags' that accompany decisions.

Written by a specialist in child psychology, this book is aimed at boys and girls aged from 4 to 8 years old. Ani is an eco-friend with a mission: to make sure humans care for and respect animals and plants. Do you think he will succeed?

Written by a specialist in child psychology, this book is aimed at boys and girls aged from 4 to 8 years old. Ani is an eco-friend with a mission: to make sure humans care for and respect animals and plants. Do you think he will succeed?

It contains:
-12 colour reproductions of paintings by Franz Marc
-Fables by the following authors in Spanish:
     Tomás de Iriarte
     Félix María de Samaniego
     Miguel Agustín Príncipe


An imprint specialising in child and young adult literature—laying stress on quality in both the text and illustrations—that helps young readers to develop with funny, magical, original stories.


Anjel Lertxundi (Orio, Basque Country, 1948) studied philosophy and humanities at the universities of Valencia and Rome. In 1999 he won the Basque Literature Award, the principal literary prize in the Basque language, for his novel Days of Wax (Alfaguara, 2001).

Anna Aparicio (Vic, Barcelona) has a degree in Fine Arts and specialised in children's and YA literature. Her work focuses on picture books and has been published in Spain, Germany, Italy, South Korea, Brazil and China.


Anna Ballbona (Montmeló, 1980) works as an editor for the newspaper El Punt Avui and for other media outlets, such as the magazine El Temps.

Anna Cabeza was born in Sabadell in 1960.  She studied information sciences and completed a Master's in writing for cinema and television. She has worked in radio and different written media, including Ràdio 4, Avui, and El 9 Nou.


Anna Cabré lives between Barcelona and Germany. She was selected to take part in a one-year program to improve leadership for women scientists and encourage them to get involved in political decisions on climate change.

The authors met while they were working together at the Fundació Miró bookstore in Barcelona. They came up with the idea of Mironins, pitched it to Miró’s estate and the Fundació Miró, contacted the publisher and the rest is history... now Mironins even has its own cartoon series on TV!

Anna Casanovas (Barcelona, 1975) graduated in Law and worked for a financial institution until 2008 when she published "Nadie como tú" [Nobody Like You]. Currently her life revolves around writing and her work as a literary translator.

1975年、バルセロナ生まれ。法学部を卒業し、2008年に小説第1作『Nadie como tú(あなたのような人はいない)』(PLANETA、2008)を発表するまで金融機関に勤めていた。現在は執筆と文芸翻訳に専念。賞を受けた小説は20作以上にのぼり、多数の愛読者を持つ。

Anna Clariana has an established career as an illustrator. She has been awarded many prizes and has had work published by many companies.


Anna Crusafont was born in Sabadell, in 1937. She has a degree in Pharmacy and has studies on Catalan Philology. She has participated in some narrative workshops in the Ateneu Barcelonès, in Barcelona. She has worked for some newspapers and magazines in Sabadell.

Anna Gasol was born in Cervera, Lérida. She studied German Language & Literature and Librarianship & Documentation at UB. She worked as a teacher in a Premià de M. school, and was in charge of Childrens' & Young Peoples' Literature at the Rosa Sensat Teachers' Association Library.

What if witches were the goodies? Meet Anna Kadabra and her magical Full Moon Club! Anna is furious because she has to leave her home, school and city. She's moving with her parents to Moonville, an old town in the middle of a forest.

もし、物語の魔女がいい人だったら? アンナ・カダブラと魔法の満月クラブがやってきた! アンナはかんかんに怒っている。住んでいる街や学校、我が家を離れなければならなかったからだ。両親と一緒に越してきたのは森のまん中にある古びた村、ムーンビルだ。古いだけでなく、その村は伝説と秘密に満ちていた。たとえば、どこに行こうとアンナのあとをついてくるこの謎めいた猫はいったい何者? 魔女の飼い猫かしら? ちょっと待って……もし、その魔女がアンナだとしたら?!

Anna Llauradó, nacida en Barcelona, es escritora y guionista. Licenciada en Periodismo, ha escrito guiones cinematográficos, guiones de cortometraje y obras de teatro. También es autora de libros infantiles y de novelas para adultos. Maria Girón es una ilustradora nacida en Barcelona.

Born in Barcelona, Anna Llauradó is a writer and scriptwriter. With a degree in journalism, she has written feature film scripts, short film scripts, and plays. She is also the author of children's books and novels for adults.

Anna Llenas has degrees in Publicity and Public Relations from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Graphic Design from the Escuela Llotja. She has also trained in Analytical Psychology and has a post-graduate qualification in Art Therapy.

Ana Manso was born in Barcelona in 1969, in the Gràcia neighbourhood, and is the sixth of seven siblings. She writes scripts for TV series and children's programmes, plus books of child and youth literature, which have brought her prizes and joy. This is her fiftieth book!!

Nació en el barrio de Gràcia en Barcelona y es la sexta de siete hermanos. En casa eran mucha gente así que tuvo que inventarse algo para destacar. De pequeña era un desastre en casi todo y lo único que se le daba bien era leer ¡En eso era una auténtica máquina!

1969年、バルセロナのグラシア地区で、7人きょうだいの6番目として生まれた。テレビの連続ドラマや幼児番組の脚本、児童・YA文学を書き、数々の賞と喜びを手にしてきた。本書は50冊目の著作だ! アラ紙のコラム「La pitjor mare del món(世界最悪の母親)」と、同名の書籍の筆者。読むこと・書くことへのアニマシオン活動に参加し、メディアに寄稿している。そして読む。ひたすら読む。

Professor of History of Art at the University of Barcelona and art critic. Since the 1990s her research and teaching have centred around analysis of  recent international art. Her publications include La crítica dialogada. Entrevistas sobre arte y pensamiento contemporáneo (Critical Dialogue,.

Anna Maria Villalonga (Barcelona 1959) Es escritora, Licenciada en Filología Catalana e hispánica, .profesora e investigadora. También es una activista y divulgadora literaria.. Fue comisaría del Año Pedrolo y directora del Festival Tiana Negra. Es una animalista convencida.

: Anna Molina was born in Vilella Baixa in the commune of Priorat, near Tarragona, in 1972.

Anna Molina, nace en la Vilella Baixa, en la comarca del Priorat (Tarragona) en 1972. Empieza estudiando periodismo y márqueting, se marcha a pasar una temporada en Londres y a la vuelta cambia sus estudios por los de Filología inglesa en la Universidad de Barcelona.

Graduate in Biological Sciences by the University of Barcelona.

Anna Obiols (Sant Pau d’Ordal, 1975)
Graduated in Art History from the University of Barcelona, Anna spent her senior year in Bologna (Italy) where  she met her artistic partner, Joan Subirana SUBI, starting their collaboration in children’s projects.

Anna Rayo (Madrid, 1965) grew up surrounded by families very different to her own. Perhaps this is why she believes there's no such thing as normal. She is a children's author. Mónica Armiño is a freelance illustrator who works for major Spanish publishers and international studios.

アンナ・ラジョ:1965年、マドリード生まれ。自分の家族とは全く異なる様々な家族に囲まれて育った。おそらくそれゆえに、「普通」など存在しないと考えるのだろう。児童書の作家。 モニカ・アルミニョはフリーランスのイラストレーターで、スペイン国内の大手出版社や国外のスタジオと仕事をしている。

She has so far published six novels for young adults (Cruce de mundos [Crossed Wolrds], Nahid, mi hermana afgana [Nahid, My Afghan Friend], Palestina [Palestina], Sinfonía de la Tierra [Symphony of the Earth], La banda de la plazoleta [The Gang from the Square], Mi diablo lleva zancos [My Devil U

以下の作品をこれまで発表してきた。YA小説6点:Cruce de mundos(世界の十字路)、Nahid, mi hermana afgana(私のアフガン人の妹、ナヒード)、Palestina, Sinfonía de la Tierra(パレスチナ、大地の交響曲)、La banda de la plazoleta(広場の不良グループ)、Mi diablo lleva zancos (私の悪魔は竹馬に乗っている)、El silencio del miedo(恐怖の沈黙)。

Anne McLean translates Spanish and Latin American literature by authors including Héctor Abad, Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez and Ignacio Martínez

Are the characters of this entrancing and intriguing short novel trapped in a dreamscape, or a nightmare? Are they dead? Are they under glass in a strange diorama?

El último día de la vida anterior

Anne McLean is a Canadian translator who lives and translates in Yorkshire.


What would be a “typical” Monday for Anne McLean? Being a freelance, how do you combine your job and your life?

Annie McDermott's recent and forthcoming translations include Empty Words and The Luminous Novel by Mario Levrero, Dead Girls and Brickmakers by Selva Almada, Wars of the Interior by Joseph Zárate and Feebleminded by Ariana Harwicz (co-translation with Carolina Orloff).

Annie McDermott's recent and forthcoming translations include Empty Words and The Luminous Novel by Mario Levrero, Dead Girls and Brickmakers by Selva Almada, Wars of the Interior by Joseph Zárate and Feebleminded by Ariana Harwicz (co-translation with Carolina Orloff).

Last Night I Walked on Water is a narrative in two dimensions in which myths, chasms, heavens and hells collide.

... And a moment arrived when humanity had the opportunity to choose its own destiny and the schism took place.


At some point in the second half of the twentieth century, Alfred Montsalvatjes, a young man with a deep cut to his hand, arrives at hospital in New York.


In the late 1960s, an eight year old boy goes to live with his uncle and aunt in San Sebastian. There he sees how the days go by in the family and the neighbourhood.

Keka, daughter and granddaughter of sailors, skips school one day to go down to the port to say hello to her father, captain of the tug boat Antares and, while she’s there, see Abdú, the boy she fancies. When she arrives, the boat is deserted.

If you thought that Sara, our Sara, would achieve peace and serenity after getting back together with Aarón, you really don't know her at all... not her, nor p... karma.

Publishers of quality children's literature in Galician. We create books for you to learn and imagine.



Una mujer se muda a Lisboa con su familia, y en el vuelo que los lleva a la ciudad donde van a vivir un año, se da cuenta de que ha olvidado una foto: la del caballo que montaba cuando era niña.

Antes del salto

BEING A HERO WAS JUST TOO BORING. My name is Yeray Ayala and I have a secret. This book you have in your hands contains my story, the story of other misfits, and the key that unites us all: we have powers.


Antón Riveiro Coello is one of the greats of Galician literature today.

(Xinzo de Limia, 1964). Es un de los autores de más prestigio de la narrativa galega actual y ganador de los más relevantes premios.

Independent publisher of books on economics, science and music founded in 1976. Their authors include Nobel prize winners such as Stiglitz, Einstein, Krugman, Phelps and Debreu.

Antoni Dalmases (Sabadell, 1953) graduated in Hispanic Philology and is a lecturer in Catalan language and literature and regular contributor to the press. He is the author of stories and novels for children and young adults, as well as adult books, for which he has won a number of prizes.

アントニ・ダルマサス(1953年サバデイ生まれ)は大学でスペイン文学を専攻。カタルーニャ語・文学教師で、新聞に定期的に記事を書く。児童向け、一般向けの物語や小説の作家で、数々の賞を受賞。ヤングアダルト文学作品にはSilvestre Malasang(シルベストラ・マラサング)やTemps regirats(混迷の時代)、1993年グラン・アングラール賞受賞のDoble Juego(二重のたくらみ)。Les cuques ballaruques(踊る虫たち)やLa sargantana Juliana(トカゲのフリアーナ)のように、幼い読者が読書に親しんでくれるようにと書いた作品も。

Antoni Defez (Valencia, 1958) has a PhD from the University of Valencia, where he presented his thesis on Wittgenstein in 1990. He has taught at the universities of Alicante and Valencia and since 1994 has been head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Girona.

Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí is a communications and political consultant. He has taught political marketing in some of the most prestigious universities in the country, and is director of a communication strategy company.

Antoni Pladevall i Arumí (Taradell, Osona, 1961) is a doctor in Classics and a professor of Greek and Latin. He has dedicated his writing and research to poetry, narrative, literary criticism and cultural historiography.

Antoni Vives Tomas is an economist, politician and writer. In 2000 he became a mininster in the government of the Generalitat de Cataluña. He is currently councillor of the city of Barcelona.

The agency represents Ibero-American authors all over the world, as well as negotiating the Spanish and Portuguese language rights for foreign agencies and publishers.


Literary agency founded by Antonia Kerrigan in the late 1980w in Barcelona. We represent 150 authors writing in Spanish in different literary styles, all over the World, and foreign agencies and publishers in Spain.

Literary agency founded by Antonia Kerrigan in the late 1980w in Barcelona. We represent 150 authors writing in Spanish in different literary styles, all over the World, and foreign agencies and publishers in Spain.



Born in Madrid 1969, he studied Fine Art at the Complutense university of Madrid. He began his career as a web designer, but soon realised it was much more fun to tell stories and draw. Founding member of the publishing house Sieteleguas Ediciones.


Antonio Antón studied Sociology and Political Science at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia and has a Doctorate in Sociology from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.

Antonio Calzado was born in Córdoba in October 1968. He studied geography and history at the Universidad de Córdoba, and later was an interim government official in the Andalucian autonomous administration.

Antonio Cavanillas de Blas (Madrid, 1938) is an internationally acclaimed surgeon and writer. As a lover of art, and music, in particular, he has dedicated many hours to reading and writing various books to this topic.

Antonio de la Fuente Arjona was born in Coria (Cáceres). aAlmost entirely untaught, he has dedicated himself to stage management and writing since he was very young. A broad CV endorses his professional career in the world of theatre, cinema and television.


Antonio G. Iturbe (Zaragoza, 1967) has been a cultural journalist for twenty years. He has been head of the TV supplement for El Periódico, a writer on the film magazine Fantastic Magazine and for the past 16 years has worked on the magazine Qué Leer, of which he is currently the editor.

Antonio G. Iturbe (Zaragoza, 1967) has been a cultural journalist for twenty years. He has been head of the TV supplement for El Periódico, a writer on the film magazine Fantastic Magazine and for the past 16 years has worked on the magazine Qué Leer, of which he is currently the editor.

アントニオ・G.イトゥルベは1967年サラゴサ生まれ。文化ジャーナリズムに携わって20年になる。日刊紙「エル・ペリオディコ」のテレビガイドのコーディネーター、映画雑誌「ファンタスティック・マガジン」の編集者を務め、16年前から雑誌「ケ・レエール」で働き、現在は同編集長。ラジオ局「プロタゴニスタス」、「オナ・カタラナ」、「ICat FM」「ラ・コペ」各局の書籍部門、日刊紙「ラ・バングアルディア」や「アブイ」の文化欄別冊他のマスコミの仕事をしてきた。

Conchi Monzonís and Antonio Giménez established Editorial Pencil in the year 2005, with the purpose of publishing educational books devoted to the area of architecture and construction.

Antonio Gómez Rufo was born in Madrid, studied law and criminology, and devoted himself very early on to writing. He is the author of a dozen novels, as well as a biography of Berlanga and several books on Madrid.

Antonio Gramsci was one of the most important intellectuals of the twentieth century. He and his peers formed the Italian Communist Party, for which he was a member of the Italian parliament. Detained by Mussolini's fascist government in 1926, he was condemned to twenty years in prison.

The author studied Humanities at university and is a professor of Secondary Education specialising in Spanish Language and Literature.

哲学と文学の学士。中学校教師で、スペイン語と文学を教える。4冊の詩集、Agua Piedra Luz (水・石・光、1996)、De mañana iremos a las flores (朝早く花を摘みに行こう、2000)、 Autobiografía del presente (現在の自叙伝、2007)、Poemas de amor (愛の詩、2009)をこれまでに上梓。本書Hermonías.

Antonio Jiménez Ariza was born in Fernán Núñez (Córdoba). Aged 16 he moved to Madrid, where he did his college studies and then teacher training. He has been drawn to literature, which he has combined for a while with his teaching work.

Antonio Jorge Larruy, author of Espacio interior, la aventura de ser uno mismo, researches, publishes on the theme of self-knowledge and meditation along the lines of Antonio Blay, who has been his guide since his youth iin this adventure of awakening the consciousness.

Antonio Ladrillo is an abstract painter and graphic artist. He is particularly interested in rhythm, colour, form and space and creates cheerful, colourful characters.


Antonio López-Peláez Manoja was born in León in 1967. In 1990 he gained a degree in English Philology, then in 1993 he moved to the city of Mérida where he now lives. Before Nada Puede el Sol he published a collection of stories, No te duermas mi amor mira la calle (KRK Ediciones 2003).

Antonio Lorente is an illustrator and digital creative, with an extensive career in the fields of illustration and design.

アントニオ・ロレンテはイラストレーションとデザインの分野で幅広いキャリアを持つ、イラストレーターでありデジタルクリエーター。1987年、スペインのアルメリアに生まれ、ポルト、ロンドン、ローマなどの都市で学ぶ。その経験は芸術的な形成に影響を及ぼし、彼の作品に独特のオーラを与えている。2010年にバレンシアの美術学部を卒業して以来、グループ展や個展に絶えず出展してきた。彼の作品はスペイン国立図書館、ロンドンのTower 47やローマの291Estギャラリーで展示され、さらにパリ、ラスベガス、メキシコシティ、ニューヨークなどの都市にも届いている。

Antonio Lozano was born in Tangier in 1956. He studied translation and interpreting, and resides in Agüimes (Gran Canaria), where he was the local councillor for culture between 1987 and 2003.

Antonio Martín Morales is a young native of Granada who published several novels before finally dedicating himself to the world of Vestigia and to telling its story in the five volumes comprising The Devil's Horde.


Pedro Ruiz is a publicist by profession and a novelist by choice. Over the last 35 years, he has worked – first as a copywriter and then creative director – on publicity campaigns for a great number of national and multinational clients in a wide variety of sectors. ¡Uno, pequeño y libre!

プロの広告マンで、近頃は趣味で小説を執筆。広告会社でコピーライター、クリエイティブディレクターとして35年間活躍。あらゆる業界の国内外の企業向けに数々の広告を手掛けてきた。本書は2011年に出版されたLa sal de las lágrimas(涙の塩)に次ぐ、著者の2作目の小説。

Antonio Montes was born in Montejaque, Malaga, in 1980. He studied economics and has a Master's in Culture and Media from the University of Malaga. Currently he works as a corporate advisor in Marbella. 'El grito' is his first published (although not first written) novel.

アントニオ・モンテスは1980年マラガ県モンテハケ生まれ。マラガ大学で経済学士、コミュニケーション・文化(文化マネージメント)修士。現在はマルベーリャで企業コンサルタントとして働く。El Grito (悲鳴)は初めて書いた小説ではないが、初の出版作品。

Antonio Orejudo (Madrid 1963) is a doctor of Hispanic Philology and taught Spanish literature for seven years in north American universities. He was a visiting researcher at the University of Amsterdam, and today is full professor at the University of Almería.

Antonio Orihuela (Moguer, Huelva, 1965), is a poet, novelist, essayist and columnst. His literary and intellectual work, markedly libertarian in tone, has been a part of the collective movement of 'conscience poetry' since its emergence at the beginning of the 1990s.

アントニオ・オリウエラは1965年、ウエルバ県モゲール⽣まれ。詩⼈、物語作家、エッセイスト、コラムニスト。文芸的で知的なその作品は反権威主義⾊が顕著であり、90年代初頭の集団的運動「意識の詩」出現以来、その流れを共有している。詩フェスティバルVoces del extremo(極端からの声)を主宰。

Antonio Padilla (Barcelona, 1964). He lives in rented accommodation, very close to the sea. A translator with a long career behind him, he has translated into Spanish authors such as Grahaam Greene, Jim Thompson and Chester Himes. La mano del muerto is his first novel.

Antoniorrobles (Antonio Robles Soler), Robledo de Chavela (Madrid) 1895 - El Escorial (Madrid) 1983. Author of more than a dozen books for adults, he is above all a classic writer of children's and young people's literature, including titles which are deservedly well recognised.

Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar (Alcalá de Guadaira, Seville, 1941) is a writer with a long literary career. Professor of Spanish Language and Literature, he is the author of over 40 works.

Antonio Salas is the pseudonym of a well-known investigative journalist who has to shield his true identity for obvious reasons.

Antonio Sánchez Arrieta has a doctorate in Administration, and Business Management from the University of Malaga, an Executive Masters in Commercial Management and Marketing from the Madrid Business Institute, and MBA in Administration and Business Management from ICADE, a diploma in Nuclear Engi


Antonio Sandoval is an author, environmentalist and ornithologist. Among his works are Para que sirven las aves?

アントニオ・サンドバルは、作家、環境教育者、鳥類学者。¿Para qué sirven las aves?(鳥は何の役にたつ?)、Las aves marinas de Estaca de Bares. Un diario personal(エスタカ・デ・バレスの海鳥たち 個人的日記)などの著書がある。さまざまなメディアに協力し、環境教育、世界遺産解説、自然ツーリズムなどの多数のプロジェクトに参加してきた。自然環境の研究・保護を行う複数の団体に関係している。エミリオ・ウルベルアガは1980年代からこれまでの芸術活動の功績に対して、2011年国民イラストレーション賞受賞の栄誉に輝いた。

Antonio Santos (Huesca, 1955). Illustrator, writer, sculptor, painter... He studied Fine Arts at Barcelona University. His work has appeared in over seventy solo exhibitions.

Antonio Sarría Chueca: Professor Emeritus of the Universidad de Zaragoza.


Graduated in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. A teacher at  Arcebispo Xelmirez I High School.

Antonio Soler (Málaga, 1956) has published the novels La noche, Modelo de pasión, Los heroes de la frontera, Las bailarinas muertas, El nombre que ahora digo, El espiritista melancóloico, and El sueño del caimán, as well as the books of short stories Extranjeros en la noche and El camino de los i

アントニオ・トゥリエル(1970年レオン出身)は科学者であり、社会の持続可能性に関する問題を広く提起する著名人でもある。物理学士、数学士、理論物理学博士。スペイン科学研究高等評議会(CSIC)のバルセロナ海洋科学研究所において科学研究員を務める。乱流および衛星海洋学を中心に研究。天然資源分野の専門家でもある。同氏のブログ「The Oil Crash」は、石油ピーク問題についてスペイン語で書かれた貴重な参考資料となっている。

Antonio Ungar (Bogota, 1974) writes short stories, literary articles and novels.

Antonio Vicente received a BA in Sociology from The Art School in Madrid in 2001. Since then he has taught creative writing to both children and adults and has given numerous conferences to teachers on the educational value of stories.

The Anthropology of Buddhism is a fascinating immersion into the conversation which has been happening in Buddhism for more than two millennia.

Antton Kazabon has been a teacher at the Ikastola Haurtzaro in Oiartzun for more than twenty years. He is the author of various works, some in collaboration with other writers.

Anya Damirón (Dominican Republic) has worked as a creative / copywriter in advertising, where she discovered her passion for writing and working with images. In 2008, she launched the children's story collection "Lucia'Stories", which now comprises sixteen books, all published independently.

アニア・ダミロン(ドミニカ共和国生まれ)は広告代理店でクリエーターやコピーライターとして働くうちに、執筆や絵を伴う仕事をしたいと思うようになる。2008年に子ども向け物語の『Lucia’Stories(ルシアのお話)』シリーズを立ち上げ、16冊以上を自己出版した。さらに、子ども向け雑誌「Niños aventureros(冒険好きの子どもたち)」の編集及び執筆をおこない、「Cuenta cuenta cuentos(聞かせて、聞かせて、お話を)」クラブで読み聞かせをし、「Yo soy Súper(ぼくはすごい)」プロジェクトを創設した。

Apache Books is a publishing house specialising in science fiction, fantasy and horror. It is a leader in these genres within Spain.

A publishing house that has been publishing children's picture books since 2007.

A publishing house that has been publishing children's picture books since 2007.

The book recounts the real stories of the author's patients who display problems and behaviours which are very common nowadays (self-esteem, sexual emotional disorders) and explains how these have been overcome by art therapy.

Information is the principal activity of many organisations and it is vital that it is adequately protected from the threats which can endanger the continued existence of a company.

This book explains everything you need to know about verbs in Spanish. You will learn how to conjugate the regular ones, find out what kinds of irregular ones there are and how to identify them. You will also be able to create new verbs.

They call Brandon "Brains" because he decides his moves faster than anyone else in town, Linda's nick-name is "Amazon" since her speciality is capturing pieces using her knights and Rivaldo is known as "Check Mate" because he's never lost a game.

Aprende ajedrez por tí mismo (Learn Chessfor Yourself)

This book for children on teaching yourself chess uses characters and an imaginary setting to create a story as the backdrop to learning how to play the game…

Aprende ajedrez por ti mismo

If the world today lacks anything, without a doubt it could do with a little more humanity. Maritain states that the term “humanism” is an ambiguous term, as ambiguous as human relations themselves.

Wamba is an eleven-year-old captive boy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He and his family are constantly controlled by soldiers who force them to work in the dangerous coltan mines, a highly-prized mineral in the first world.

Videogames are very useful tools which can establish a connection with young people’s interests, and which can help to cater to student diversity, to encourage the use of multiple intelligences, and to support interdisciplinary work, etc.

A detective with the Guardia Civil arrives in Lecumberri in Navarra on the evening before the "Alzamiento Nacional" or National Uprising of Francoist forces in 1936.


Can you imagine a summer far away from your friends in a small town where you don't know anyone?

Alessa doesn't believe love exists. What she doesn't know is that, most of the time, love appears when we don't believe in it. Alessa's mother thinks she tried to kill herself.

Souto Menaya, "Boots", is a footballer who has known glory and is now suffering hell. After a historic goal at the end of the Royal Cup of 1944, his career has been cut short by an injury that has left him lame.

A delightful story about a dog with a very special talent for gardening, who tries to fulfill the dream of growing the best vegetables in the region.


Viti, invadido de droga, vestido de brujo culpable, de violeta y vicio, con el cabello incendiado, no tiene boca porque solo necesita un ojo para comulgar en el sagrario del cuarto de baño.

Aquí hay avería

Don Gregorio has a peaceful job: showing flats to potential buyers. One day, he has to show a flat that, to his surprise, seems familiar somehow, and for good reason, because it's the flat where he used to live when he was a child.

Ara Antón is a writer. Some time ago she left teaching behind to dedicate herself to full time historical research and literary creation.

Araceli Esteves (Barcelona, 1960) graduated from the School of Translators and Interpreters at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, specialising in English and Russian. She lived in London and Brussels but now lives in Mallorca, where she has worked as an English teacher.

Araceli Fernández Recio has a degree in History of Art from the Complutense University of Madrid and did a Masters in Heritage Management at the Instituto Universitario de la Fundación Ortega-Marañon in Madrid.

Araceli is a clinical psychologist, sexologist and hypnotherapist, and combines work at her practice with collaborations with various forms of media, as well as volunteer work abroad for various NGOs.


Millenniars/ARAGÓN TIENE TALENTO came into being in September 2014 with the mission of promoting the new generation of creators both within and beyond our region. Novels and non-fiction about current affairs. Practical books and advice, academic, children's, YA and biography.


This is a guide to the 50 most common species of trees in Western Europe, at any time of year.

Arcadi Navarro is a researcher at the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) and a lecturer in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, in addition to being vice-director of the Instituto de Biología Educativa de Barcelona (CSIC-UPF) and director of the Nodo de Genómica de Poblaciones of

Kenia, 1947. An elephant is born in a village near the Cunningham family's tea plantation. Little Archibald's childhood will be marked forever by this extraordinary event.

An adventure novel set in South-East Asia. A work trip brings Sofía to Singapore where the machinations of fate leave her with neither money nor passport, lost on a boat adrift in the middle of the ocean.


Beyond the White Mountains… an island rises out of the sea, and on that island is a dead tree in which perch six crows.


Archivo Gomá. Documentos de la Guerra Civil brings together the correspondence and documents conserved in the archive of Cardinal Isidro Gomá y Tomás (la Riba 1869 – Toledo 1940).

The publishing house Arcopress belongs to the Grupo Editorial Almuzara, based in Cordoba. It publishes a wide range of literary genres and has a large catalogue.

Faith is twelve years old and lives in Asia, in the First World. Her goal is to find out why her mother and the other women in the neighbourhood get so worked up when anybody visits.


Ariadna Fleck (Barcelona, 1981) is a screenwriter and author. She studied audio-visual communication and also trained as an illustrator.


Arianna Squilloni (Milán, 1976) comes from Italy where she studied Latin and Greek completing her thesis on Philosophical Logic. Once she finished her university studies she took up a career in publishing and publishing management.


Ariete is the result of a project which was started in 2014 by a group of very young writers who had studied at the Centro de formación literaria “Onelio Jorge Cardoso”.


Four Lorca poems give shape to the universe in this beautiful foldout book created by the illustrator André da Loba: a journey of discovery from day to night, through the body, love and death.

ロルカの4行詩が、アンドレ・ダロバにより美しい折り畳み式絵本の宇宙となった。昼から夜への旅。体を貫く愛と死。初めて詩を味わう赤ちゃんや子どもたちにも、芸術を熱烈に愛する人たちにも新たな扉を開く発見の書。以下のページで、アンドレ・ダロバが本書の創作過程を語っている:Picture Book Makers / http://blog.picturebookmakers.com/post/138987247301/andré-da-loba

Armaenia is an independent Spanish publishing house founded in 2016. It publishes high quality international literary fiction along with political, philosophical and historical essays. Its primary focus is on foreign authors but it also works with Spanish or Spanish-speaking authors.


Armand Puig i Tarrech (La Selva del Camp, 1953) is a priest, a Doctor of Biblical Sciences and a Dean in the Catalonia Theological Faculty.


Arnal Ballester (Barcelona 1955), an illustrator, studied art at L’Escola Massana and the Escola D’Arts Applicades I Ofici Artístics in Barcelona. He is currently professor of illustration at L’Escola Massana.

Aroa Moreno Durán (Madrid, 1981) is the author of "La Hija del Comunista" (The Communist's Daughter), winner of the Ojo Crítico prize in 2017 for the Best Novel of the Year and which has been translated into English, French, Italian, Dutch, Bulgarian, Portuguese and soon, German.

1981年マドリード生まれ。2017年、批評眼賞の同年における最優秀小説賞を受賞し、英語、フランス語、イタリア語、オランダ語、ブルガリア語、ポルトガル語、ドイツ語に翻訳された『LA HIJA DEL COMUNISTA(共産主義者の娘)』の著者。マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学でジャーナリズムを学び、サラマンカ大学で編集の修士課程、ラジオとテレビの修士課程を修了。

A Spanish publishing house that is dedicated to publishing Spanish and Hispanic writers from all over the world, we publish all genres of novels and comics for adults and young people. We specialise in young adult and fantasy novels, and current manga-style comics.


Tarragona-based publishing house founded in 1998, with over 850 works published (arolaeditors.com), encompassing 15 themes (in some 50 collections) and all literary genres, and numerous essays with a local as well as a general focus, with which hundreds of authors of collaborated.

Of all the books, research and articles recently published on the procedures for reducing seismic risk which have passed tthrough my hands, this is the one which may offer the greatest challenge to not only architects but also other academic and p

'Arracades d'avellaner' (Hazelnuts), is a novel based in reality with a touch of the fantastical. It's main protagonists are a seven year old girl, Lisa, and her pet, a tame fox called Ketti who is two years old.

'Arracades d'avellaner' (Hazelnuts), is a novel based in reality with a touch of the fantastical. It's main protagonists are a seven year old girl, Lisa, and her pet, a tame fox called Ketti who is two years old.

Beaches used to be places for relaxation. In these times of extreme tourism, travellers seek other thrills.


The art of the  early avant-gardes is usually analysed under two main paradigms: that of the unique piece of work whose singularity stems from a break with existing foms, a shock effect, and that of multiplicity, discontinuity in the supporting sp

This book was conceived and produced for all the foreigners who want to study our outstanding historical and artistic heritage.

The villagers say that Leandro Balseiro planted irises and anemones of a delicate mauve, that the cradle of his baby Clara was a hydrangea bush, and that the little girl’s only food was sucking the sugary petals of the Ceylon amaryllis.


Artes subversivas para cultivar jardines (originally published in Galician as A Intervencion, and translated by the author herself) is the story of five disparate characters who come together to create an unusual work of art.

Artes subversivas para cultivar jardines

Arturo Padilla de Juan was born 2nd August, 1989. He lives in the Montornès del Vallès district of Barcelona where he studied.


アルトゥール・レベルテルはマドリードで法律と音楽、声楽を学んだ。特許や商標の世界で働いた後、多くのメディアで音楽の分析と普及を徐々に行ってきた。今まで携わったメディアは、新聞ではABC紙、ラ・ラソン紙、「世界の文化紙」。専門雑誌では リズム、スケルツォ(創始者として)、現代オペラ、カナリア7 、TVE、 テレ5、スペイン国営ラジオ放送のラジオ・クラシカ、ラジオ2(1982年から1986年と1990年の2期でディレクターを担当。)さらに、スペイン文化と音楽の分野で講師を務める。1998年からオペラのボーカルについて論じる番組「アルス・カネンディ」で演出と放送を担当している。

The secrets in this book are simply those revealed by opening wide the doors of Arzak’s kitchen, with its unique products, new techniques and ideas for original, fun combinations.

A story told by a Breton nobleman that takes place during the French Revolution, a period chosen by Cunqueiro in order to surprise us with his historical knowledge and command of different literary registers.

 Who could imagine that in a place like Santa Isabel, a retreat house of the Opus Dei on the outskirts of Bilbao, among old friends called together to remember the good times, a tragedy could happen?

A combination of fiction and historical reality, The Fierce Jaws links a reflection on the mother-daughter relationship with an episode from history - the trial of Italian nun Benedetta Carlini during the Counter-reformation.

A tough and emotional journey in the last straights of the 19th century; a story written in several voices: that of Sisca, 15 years old, imprisoned because women did not own their own bodies; those of women like Concepción Arenal, a prison visitor


Set between the years 1863 and 1865 at a Galician prison called A Galera, Marilar Aleixandre’s Blanco Amor prize-winning novel, As malas mulleres (Wicked Women), is centered around the real-life prison reformer Concepción Arenal and a fictional teenage prisoner named Francisca, or Sisca.

As malas mulleres

Juan and Sara have grown apart recently and decide to separate for a while.

This magnificently narrated historical novel which tells of the Civil War and anarchism is now in its fifth edition.

In July 1668, the city of Portobelo, the port from which of all American treasures left for Spain, was captured by the privateer Henry Morgan.

Murder on a London Beach actually takes place on the shores of Tenerife, with a new case for the series' heroine, María Anchieta, who must investigate the crime of a British citizen.

Planet Earth. Population: 1. We have no idea how it happened. On the first of September 2019, something occurred. We were all fine one moment and then people began to die of suffocation.


天才実業家か、夢想家か、それとも疲れを知らない熱血ビジネスマンか? そのすべてが当てはまり、それを凌駕するのがアマンシオ・オルテガ――ザラ、マッシモ・ドゥッティ、オイショ、ベルシュカなど数々のファッション・ブランドを傘下に持つインディテックス・グループの創業者である。そのオルテガが、これまでの人生やビジネスについて初めて書物のなかで語った。21世紀のグローバル・ビジネス・シーンで、スペイン人として最も成功している実業家のひとりであるオルテガの唯一の評伝。

Asim is a bright-eyed child who sees everything and wants to learn about everything. He has walked through so many countries, so many places that his skin has turned blue. If you want to meet him all you have to do is open this book...



Berlin, 1955. Latvian theater director Asja Lacis, crushed by the experience of ten years in a labour camp in Kazakhstan, returns home and visits her old friend Bertolt Brecht.

ASMI WAIMH Espanha- DECLARADA UTILIDADE PÚBLICA (26/06/19) - ASMI, é uma Sociedade Científica Interdisciplinar nacional, que surge como uma iniciativa para unir forças entre um grupo de profissionais da saúde e a educação infantil, sensibilizada pela importância do cuidado e prevenção da saúde me

公益法人(2019年6月26日認定)のASMI WAIMH ESPAÑA(世界乳幼児期精神保健学会スペイン支部)は全国規模の学際科学学会。子供の精神面におけるケアと予防の重要性、とりわけ相互作用することが分かっている個人の精神的および身体的側面のいずれにも意識を置いた医療や、児童教育の専門家グループの取り組みを結び付けるためのイニシアチブとして設立された。ASMIは、GLOBAL ALLIANCE FOR MATERNAL MENTAL HEALTH(母親のメンタルヘルスのためのグローバル連合)のメンバーであるWAIMH(世界乳幼児期精神保健学会)のスペイン支部だ。

We cannot ignore the team of people who have worked on this project, without whom the resulting book would not be as great as it is. Particularly notable among the 26 might be Fernando Vicente, Juan Madrid, Fernando Savater, José Luis Garcí, Arturo Pérez Reverte or Manuel Hidalgo.

ASMIは2021年設立の出版社。周産期のメンタルヘルスに取り組む公益の科学団体「妊娠期からのメンタルヘルス協会」に属している。2021年、当社は『Manual de Psicología y Psicopatología Perinatal e Infantil(周産期と子どもの心理学及び精神病理学マニュアル)』を出版した。https://asmieditorial.com/

What lies behind the mysterious hitchhiker, who disappears at the first stop? Xarloca doesn’t like it, and less when, the next day, she sees the boy on the cover of a fashion magazine. Be careful what you’re getting mixed up in, Xarloca!

Mercader es narradora y actriz y es muy activa en festivales y actividades en las bibliotecas para los más jóvenes. Los ilustradores "Kako" Carrasco y Palma son un equipo formado por un diseñador gráfico y un ilustrador.

Assumpta Mercader i Solà (Malgrat de Mar, 1966) est une actrice et écrivaine catalane. Diplômée en travail social et titulaire de l’Institut del Teatre, où elle travaille dans les départements de titres et voix.

A hero appears in Galician lands to seek revenge for Viking incursions on the peninsula. The first novel  which reveals this episode to us through a story filled with adventures as well as rigorous historical documentation.

Asterisc Agents prides itself on a curated list of authors who have established the agency on the international market. Their works have won some of the top national and international prizes and travelled around the world, finding new readers in other latitudes.

Asterisc Agents prides itself on a curated list of authors who have established the agency on the international market. Their works have won some of the top national and international prizes and travelled around the world, finding new readers in other latitudes.

Asterisc Agents has a carefully selected roster of authors who strengthen and showcase the agency in the international market. The authors who have put their faith in us have won highly regarded national and international prizes.


Asterisc Agents prides itself on a curated list of authors who have established the agency on the international market. Their works have won some of the top national and international prizes and travelled around the world, finding new readers in other latitudes.


Since its inception in March of 2001, Astiberri is a comics publisher that has maintained a content policy aimed at an audience of adults (regardless of their age) not necessarily used to comics.

Astiberri is a publisher of comics which, since it was founded in March 2001, has maintained a content policy targeted at an educated adult audience of any age, not necessarily familiar with comics.

This is a bok about astrobiology, the science which attempts to understand if life as we know it is just an extraordinarily lucky accident or, in contrast, a species of cosmic imperative.

A look at the extensive industrial heritage of Asturias since the beginning of industrialisation. The book is organised in chapters under different sectors: mining, iron and steel industry, etc.

Founded in 2019 with the aim of bringing books to the Spanish market that may otherwise be difficult to access due to their type, content or origin. We also support national illustrators and authors. Our focus is on books for children and illustrated publications.


Escritora, ilustradora y traductora, nació en Bilbao en 1942. Estudió pintura en la Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando de Madrid y trabajó en la Imprenta Industrial de Bilbao. Vivió una temporada en Italia y, al regresar a España, decidió instalarse en Madrid.

Asun Balzola was born in Bilbao in 1942 and is a writer, illustrator, and translator. She studied painting at the Fine Arts Academy in San Fernando, Madrid and worked for an industrial printer in Bilbao.

Carracedo Gómez was born in León in 1965. She has a degree in Biology and is a music teacher, writer, poet, editor, spoken word poet and storyteller. She began her working life as a teacher and has run Amidown, León's Down's Syndrome association for many years.


Customer service is everything that the company does to increase the level of client satisfaction.

The support provided by a domestic care worker offers the possibility for the dependent person to continue living in their own home, maintaining a connection with their surroundings as well as staying close to their friends, neighbours and family.

'Atico' opens with IT programmer Eduard feeling euphoric after he's fired from his job, because now at last he can shut himself up in his top-floor apartment in Barcelona's old city to programme an ambitious virtual game (which will be a world-wid




The clash between Israelis and Palestinians is one of the most problematic focus of tension in the world, a conflict that has produced tragedy and division for over seven decades and whose end is not in sight.

Edited by Mario Crespo, who also provides an introduction and notes, Atropos brings together thirteen short stories and one play by Álvaro Pombo, who suggested the title of this collection of varied texts.

Aude Bolechala is an experienced bookseller specialising in children's books and has been managing Nomad Books in London since 2016.

The Bournonville Style, as we know it nowadays, is a compendium of aesthetics, technique and methodology which allow the Danish creative artist’s choreographies to be performed today with the same purity and rigour as in the 19th century.

Augusto Roa Bastos (Iturbe, 1917 – Asunción, 2005) is the most important Paraguayan writer, and has been translated into 25 languages. At the age of 15, he ran away from school with some classmates to live the adventure of war.

Do you know what multi-sensory classrooms are?

Ryo doesn’t understand why the war has taken his father far away from Nagasaki.

France, 1955. Arielle Larue was born during the war years and leaves a trail of chaos wherever she goes. Her grandmother tries to make her into the perfect wife, but none of her teachings can stop the secret Arielle has inside her.


Lecturer of Latin Philology at the University Of Oviedo.
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philology since 1996 until 2009.


Aurora Freijo Corbeira has a degree in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a Master’s in Advanced Studies in Philosophy, specialising in Ontology and the Contemporary World, from Complutense University.

マドリード自治大学で哲学学士号を、コンプルテンセ大学で現代社会と存在論を専門とした哲学の高度研究で修士号を取得。心理分析の雑誌「キプ」、経営にも携わったデジタル誌「バンデアパルト」、教育シリーズ「アクトゥアール・エス・ポシーブレ(行動は可能)」に記事を寄稿。ライプニッツの『弁神論』を翻訳。『Perdidos para la Literatura(文学のために迷う)』(2011年)、『Tanta luz. Pasolini (満ち溢れる光。パゾリーニ』(2015年)、『Cuidado, Sócrates se acerca(要注意、ソクラテスがやって来る』(2016年)を刊行。

Literary Agency dedicated to the representation of writers, and to their guidance and development.

The protagonist of 'Autopsy' is a young man obsessed with a dark act from his past: the harassment of a class mate, Laura Buey, whose life he believes he has ruined and whom he has not heard of since.

Editorial Planeta was founded in 1945, more than sixty years ago.

Avda. Diagonal 662-664

IMC represents authors and illustrators internationally. Its catalogue includes children's books, adult fiction and non-fiction. It also undertakes its own projects, represents foreign publishing houses in Spain and is responsible for the official section of FC Barcelona Books.

All those who have enjoyed Maths now feel obliged to make others enjoy it as well.

Aventuras y desventuras de los alimentos que cambiaron el mundo (The Adventures and Misadventures of the Foods that Changed the World)

Aventuras y desventuras de los alimentos que cambiaron el mundo

Food is a necessity and, at the same time, a pleasure that we encounter every day. But have you ever wondered where all those foods that appear on your table came from?

Azaría is a peaceful, untroubled mountain village, with white cobbled streets, isolated from the political unrest of a country governed by the dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera.


Azaría is the name of a village in rural Spain, and the story of a young woman in the 1920s, living during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.


Winner of the Adonáis  poetry prize and the 2018 RNE Ojo Crítico prize, Alba Flores Robla offers us a collection of love poetry comprised of granite, asphalt and absence, but also woods that will grow anywhere, even though we may not be able to se


Galicia, 1853. El invierno más lluvioso de la historia ha destrozado las cosechas y una epidemia de cólera empieza a hacer estragos entre la población.


In telling the story of the death of our loved ones, we can discover something about the meaning of their lives.

In telling the story of the death of our loved ones, we can discover something about the meaning of their lives.

The novelist, Luis Mateo Díez, was prompted to write this memoir by the deaths, within five months of each other, of his niece Sonia and his sister-in-law Charo. His niece committed suicide after suffering from depression for years and his sister-in-law died of cancer.

Azul serenidad o la muerte de los seres queridos

With a masterly dynamic, Azul Vermeer takes readers into the unknown world art and private collectors, the hidden intrigues of the most famous galleries and the underworld beneath the black market of uncatalogued artworks.

Editorial Xorki: novels, essays, short stories, poetry


Pedro Ribera, a successful writer, gets a call from a notary. A woman he doesn't know, Berta Astomi, has just left him a generous sum of money in her will.

Babur wants to learn to read and write, to make friends and play with them in the playground. But because he is a giant, everyone is scared of him and, furthermore, he can't go to school.

Something is up with all the fairy tales and only a fearless detective can solve the mystery.

Algo pasa con los cuentos tradicionales y solo un detective miedo resolver el misterio. En este nuevo caso, en Bacigalopi se tendrá que mover entre largos cabellos rubios, zapatos de cristal y manzanas sospechosas. Y todo, mientras en la

Bacigalopi El cas del Conte que no ha acabat

The plot takes place at two levels, two stories that evolve in parallel. The first one takes us to the beautiful world of the Sufi era, when Baghdad had a caliph and the Arab culture was in its golden age.

Baía Edicións is a publisher of more than thirty collections, favouring works on ecology and equality. Of these, 26 are aimed at children and young adults.

Baile del Sol. We have taken narrative as our thought. We have made poetry feel at home. We have investigated motivation. We have translated classics, contemporary writers, books from the north, the south, the east, and now we're in Africa, our home.


The murder of a woman at the hands of her husband leads to concern among her neighbours: why has such a quiet, seemingly peaceful old man committed such a crime? Who were they? Why were they hiding in the village?

A small publisher of practical books (cooking, DIY and life-style)

C/ Uribitarte, 18., 6ª PL. 48001 BILBAO
Javier Colomo


En el año 846 d. C, la que fuera capital del gran Imperio se ha convertido en una ciudad arruinada y semiabandonada.

Bajo el fuego y la sal

It is 846 AD and what was once the great Empire’s capital city lies ruined and semi-abandoned.


Do you know how quickly you can ruin someone's life? In two seconds, the time it takes to share a photo on WhatsApp.

ひとりの人間の人生を崩壊させるには、どのくらい時間がかかるか知ってる? 2秒だよ。ワッツアップで写真を1枚、シェアすればいいだけ。知ってるよね。ネットいじめについての注意は受けたけど、そんなこと実際には起こりっこない、ただいつもの退屈な日常が続くだけ、そうでしょ? グラウカもそう考えていた。だってカレのこと大好きなんだから、写真を1枚送ったところで、何が起こるというの? だけどグラウカは、恋人がアンドレアに写真を渡してしまうことを知らなかった。

From a seemingly simple encounter at sea comes the inner conflict of each of the characters. Shame, fears, rejection...


Imagine a story that combines paradise-like islands, undying love, pirates, mysterious women, and even cameos from the great jazz legends. This novel has all this and more.


Baltasar Magro studied Humanities, and, later, journalism at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has worked as a scriptwriter on cultural, documentary and entertainment shows and as a director of public information broadcasts for various television companies for more than thirty years.

Baltasar Porcel is the author of a large body of work covering non-fiction, travel writing and fiction, among which standout titles are: Mediterráneo, Una historia personal, Primaveras y otoños, Lola y los peces muertos, El corazón del jabalí, El emperador o El ojo del ciclón, Olympia a medianoch



The blessed whore, the faithless monk, the disabled Indian and the honourable son-of-a-bitch. His mother was a whore. His father, English.


Un cuento imprescindible para trabajar la inclusión y aprender a amar la diferencia.


The history of the United States of America is one of the most engaging topics in popular history, but we must never forget that history is almost always written by the winners.

A hilarious comic to help the smallest children understand the reasons for a healthy, balanced diet, as well as teaching them about one of nature's greatest miracles: the metamorphosis of butterflies.

(9番目の)芸術への愛で結びついたぼくたちは、2004年から将来有望で若い著者たち-と、それほど若くはない著者たち-の作品を出版してきた。現状の出版市場が完全な飽和状態なのは承知しているが、ぼくたちのもとに届いた素晴らしい(グラフィック)ノベルを、読者と分かち合わずにいられるだろうか? 紙とインクでできたこれら珠玉の作品を最大限良心的な価格で、決して手を抜かずに求められる品質を提供できるよう、それぞれの本ごとに工夫を凝らしている。2008年、父親になったぼくたちは、当社の出版物が子どもを置き去りにしていることに気づいた。

Baptiste Amsallem is a young artist trained in the world of animation, although his grand passion has always been illustration. In common with many of our readers, Dino & Pablo is his first comic.



Most of the eight stories that make up Bar de anarquistas take place in the anonymous and grey capital city of a Spanish province where some children explore the mysterious corners of their school, a happy man is devastated by insuperable boredom,

The intrepid Barahonda takes us deep into the Mayan civilization in a fun, educational way with this exciting adventure, where four concentration games will have to be solved, one by one, in order to save her new friends from disappearance and obl

Barataria was founded in Spain in 2001. We aim to rescue a kind of fiction that was secretly circulated among, for the most part, ordinary working-class people and certain sections of society more open to accepting different things.

Edicións Barbantesa is a publishing project founded in May 2010 with a varied and diverse catalogue.

Bárbara Blasco (Valencia, 1972) has worked as a shop assistant, telephone operator, waiter, magician's assistant, cabaret dancer, petrol station staff, supporting actor and selling encyclopaedias, before she completed her studies in journalism.



Bárbara Fernández vive en un pueblo de Madrid desde que nació. Le encanta leer, escribir ¡y correr! Estudió Filología Hispánica y disfruta mucho en su trabajo actual como editora de libros para niños.

Bárbara Fernández has lived in Madrid since she was born. She loves to read, write, and run! She studied Spanish language and really enjoys her current job as a children’s book editor.

Independent publishing house specialising in illustrated books.


Bárbara G. Rivero was born in Cádiz, Spain, in 1971. She studied medicine and currently alternates her job as an emergency doctor with her passion for fantasy literature.


Bárbara Pañeda is a food and nutrition expert with a degree in biological sciences and a masters in health education and promotion. She works as a macrobiotic consultant.

Bárbara Tovar has a degree in psychology (Autónoma University, Madrid), and is an expert in emotions and health. She also holds a master's in Stress and Anxiety Management (Complutense University, Madrid). She has been in clinical practice for 20 years working with adults and adolescents.

Manelín quiere hacerse barbero y, para conseguirlo, su familia decide trasladarse con él a Estambul, donde reside uno de los profesionales más reconocidos mundialmente.

Barbería Lin


We offer a solid catalogue of poetry particularly focusing on bilingual editions, the republication of works by Spain's most preeminent poets from the second half of the twentieth century and strong support for works of fiction by European and Latin American authors not previously published in Sp


Bartolo Luque is a teacher of Applied Mathematics in the ETSI Aeornáuticos of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He holds a Physical Science PhD from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and combines research on complex systems and teaching.


Seguí is a comic book author and illustrator. He began in the world of cartoons with collaborations in El Víbora, Cairo or El Jueves. Among his most applauded works are Stories of a Neighbourhood or The Blind Snakes, the latter deserving of the National Comic Award in 2009.

Bartomeu Mestre (Felanitx, 1952) is an essayist. As a specialist on the Nova Canço Catalana movement and one of its exponents, Guillem d'Efak, he has published 'Crònica de la cançó catalana' and 'Balada d’en Guillem d’Efak'.

Altzerreka is an old homestead situated in a gloomy spot beside a bridge.






Batecs de vida

We are a small labour cooperative founded in 2016. We are dedicated to traditional publishing. The topics we publish reflect our social commitment: sexual abuse, bullying at school, personal development, hope, psychology, mindfulness, and much more.

This book, which includes photos and illustrations, analyses the films and TV series and cartoons that have been made about these two comic book icons.

Once again New Spanish Books was the proud sponsor of the Spanish workshop at the BCLT summer course.


What led you to learn Spanish?

Bea is in a bad mood. She doesn't like rain and it's raining cats and dogs. And her little brother Guille wants to play with her. The brother and sister don't get on well together.


Bea Enríquez worked between 2005 and 2010 with the Professional Association of Illustrators of Madrid and represented them on the judging panel for the 2008 Lazarillo Prize.



Beatriz Castro nació en Logroño, La Rioja, España, el 19 de septiembre de 1985. Desde niña, dibuja y escribe historias fantásticas. Estudió en la Escuela de Artes de su ciudad natal, Logroño.

Beatriz Castro was born in Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, on the 19th September 1985. After graduating in Illustration from the Logroño School of Art in 2008, she decided to become a professional illustrator. Her books have been published by various national and international publishers.

Beatriz Dapena was born in Madrid in 1972, and has a degree in fine arts from Seville University. She has exhibited her oil paintings in Seville and in Fuerteventura, where she won several painting awards, and she continues to exhibit her paintings today.

The author was born in Sevile in June 1972. She has a degree in fine arts from Seville and has had her oil paintings exhibited in Seville and, more recently, in Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, where she won various painting prizes. She continues to paint in oils.


Beatriz Esteban Brau was born in Valencia in the winter of 1997 and grew up surrounded by literature and stories. She currently combines her studies in psychology at the Universidad de Valencia with a literary career and gives talks on literature and mental health in institutes and universities.

ベアトリス・エステバン=ブラウは1997年冬にバレンシアで⽣まれ、⽂字と物語に囲まれて育つ。現在、バレンシア⼤学で⼼理学を学ぶ傍ら、作家としても活動し、⾼校や⼤学で⽂学や⼼の健康についての講演も⾏う。最初の⼩説、Seré frágil(壊れやすい私、プラネタ社、2017年)は2015年のジョルディ・シエラ・イ・ファブラ⽂学賞の最終選考作品。2018年にはトリスケル社から出版された短編Niña caducada(期限切れの⼥の⼦)が第2回リプレイ・SFホラー賞受賞。最新作である本書は戦後のフランスが舞台で、赦しとレジリエンスがテーマ。

Beatriz Gómez Lorenzo studied political and administration sciences, completed a master's in professional editing and competed several courses in creative writing.

Beatriz Martín Vidal (Valladolid, 1973) studied at the University of Salamanca where she graduated with a degree in Fine Arts before specialising in illustration at the Escuela de Arte de Valladolid.


Beatriz Montero is a storyteller, philologist and writer. She is the coordinator of the Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos (RIC, International Storytelling Network).

The author has a degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. She takes part in seminars and activities to encourage reading and creative writing.

マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学でジャーナリズムの学士号を取得。読書へのアニマシオンやクリエイティブライティングのセミナーや活動に、スピーカーとして参加する。2006年に『Cuentos como pulgas(ノミのようなお話集)』でラサリーリョ賞創作部門を、2008年に『El secreto de oso hormiguero(アリクイのひみつ)』でオリウエラ市国際児童詩賞を、2010年に『Cuentanubes(雲数え)』でブルフラYA小説賞を受賞。同作は2011年の国民児童文学賞の最終候補に残った。

Beatriz Taboada (Zaragoza) has lived in Madrid for years. She has a degree in Social Work and works as an administrator but, while visiting bookstores with her children, she rediscovered children's and youth literature - although they always asked her for "made up stories".

ベアトリス・タボアダ(サラゴサ出身)は何年も前からマドリードに住んでいる。社会事業を学び、行政の仕事についていたが、子どもたちを連れて書店に通ううち、児童・YA 文学の魅力を再発見。だが子どもたちにはいつも書店の本ではなく、「ママの作ったお話を聞かせて」と頼まれていた。きっとそのせいだろう、彼女が作家へと転身したのは……。本書は、著者が初めてアルガール社から刊行した作品。

This manual expounds the elements which make up the equipment needed for offering high quality drinks and table service. In this sense, the various sectors making up the bar are described, with the appropriate organisation of each.

Una novela gráfica con influencias del cine de Todd Solondz y de los cómics de Daniel Clowes.

Becky Riot


Begoña Huertas (Gijón 1965) has published the collection of short stories A Tragos and the novels Déjenme dormir en paz and Por eso envejecemos tan deprisa. She won the Casa de las Américas prize for Ensayo de un cambio: la narrativa cubana en la década de los 80.

Begoña Ibarrola was born in Bilbao but has been resident in Madrid for many years. She is an expert in emotional intelligence, multiple intelligences and music therapy.

Begoña Oro nació en Zaragoza pero reside en Madrid. Después de unos años como editora de literatura infantil y juvenil, se dedica a escribir y traducir. Es autora de libros de texto con los que se han iniciado en la lectura muchos niños y niñas.

Begoña Oro was born in Zaragoza and has always been linked to reading and writing. For many years, she worked in publishing, before embarking on writing her own stories.

Bel Olid (born Mataró, 1977) is a writer, translator and professor of translation at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Various authors.

著者およびその作品など:ジョアン・ロペス・ロビラ(序文『Normal y corriente(ノーマルで平凡な)』)、アルバ・セラーノ=ヒメネス(『Follar normal(普通に性交すること)』)、ベル・オリッド(『Tardes(夕暮れ)』)、ラウラ・サラ・ベルダ(『Muy temprano es el paraíso(楽園はとても早い)』)、フランセスク・シャビエル・フェレル=ブスケッツ(『Los pies de Goliat(ゴリアットの足)』)、マネリック(『Cita con su amante(恋人とのデート)』)、モンセラット・ゴンサレス=カルドゥス(『Tinderear(

The author was born in Mexico City in 1977. He is a journalist, musician and writer. He first published a piece of work at the age of twelve, in the cultural section of a now-defunct Mexican newspaper.

1977年メキシコ市生まれ。ジャーナリスト、ミュージシャン、作家。現在は廃刊となっているメキシコの新聞の文化面に初めて記事を執筆したのは、若干12歳のとき。それ以来ずっと、何百本というニュース記事からルポルタージュ、インタビュー、詩に至るまで執筆を続けている。いくつもの紙媒体、電子媒体で記者から編集者まで経験。そのうえ文学と音楽、そしてチェスとビリヤードのスリークッションゲームに夢中で眠る時間もない。昨年メキシコで最初の小説『Sacrificio(犠牲)』を発表した。今回本書『Solo que Marla no volverá(ただマルラは帰らないだけ)』を世に問う。

Belén Boville Luca de Tena has a degree in Geography and History from UCM, a Masters in Environmental Education (UNED/UNESCO) and a post-graduate degree in Communication Management from IE.

マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学で、地理と歴史の博士号を取得する。ユネスコ国立通信教育大学で環境教育の修士課程、IE大学でコミュニケーション経営学の修士過程を修了。スペイン、メキシコ、ペルー、ボリビアで、ジャーナリスト、映画と芝居の脚本家、大学講師、環境コミュニケーションコンサルタントとして働く。2000年にデバテ/ランダムハウス社、2004年アルゴラ社よりLa guerra de la cocaína(コカイン戦争)を出版、ほかに戯曲や、ジャーナリスト及び研究者として多数の記事を発表している。

With degrees in advertising from Madrid Complutense University, our professional and personal destiny brought us together at the advertising agency Draft FCB.


Belén Gopegui (Madrid, 1963) is one of the most prominent authors on the Spanish literary landscape in the last twenty years.She graduated in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid but soon abandoned the idea of becoming a lawyer in favour of literary work, writing for various newspapers.

ベレン・ゴペギ(1963年マドリード生まれ)はこの20年間のスペインを代表する小説家のひとりである。マドリード自治大学で法学の学士号を取得したが、弁護士になる考えはすぐに捨てて、マスメディアで文章を書く仕事を始めた。1993年、第1作となる小説La escala de los mapas(地図の縮約)を発表。好評を博し、多くの読者を獲得した。彼女の作品の特徴は吟味した言葉遣いと我々が生きる現実の妥協ない描写にあり、これによって読者はしばしば社会の一員としての立ち位置と自分が果たすべき役割を見直さざるを得なくなる。

Belén Llorente (Madrid, 1977) is a publicist and content creator. She has more than ten years of experience with advertising and branding agencies. She is a community manager and mother of two children.


Belén Martínez nació en Cádiz, pero reside en Zaragoza desde hace varios años. Estudió Enfermería, y actualmente, compagina su trabajo como matrona con sus estudios de Lengua y Literatura Española.

Belén Martínez nació en Cádiz, pero reside en Zaragoza desde hace varios años. Estudió Enfermería, y actualmente, compagina su trabajo como matrona con sus estudios de Lengua y Literatura Española.

Belén Martínez was born on the 22nd of February 1990 in Cádiz, the same day her city's carnival celebrations began, and perhaps that is why she has always felt drawn to music, words and magic. She began writing when she was very small and hasn't stopped since.


“Ithaka, jedes Ithaka, ist ein innerer Ort.

“Ithaka, jedes Ithaka, ist ein innerer Ort.

Belizabeth Guerrero is a Spanish illustrator based in London. Drawing became her great passion as a child, and it was during her university years that she discovered the perfect format for her artistic expression: the picture book.

化粧品に関する知識と作り方、自分と地球に対する良識と責任ある姿勢を学びながら健康管理を可能にする、イラストを用いた自然派化粧品の作り方ガイド。 ◆意識的なケア:従来の化粧品の落とし穴を検証し、自然派化粧品のメリットと特性を確認することで、外見の美しさという呪縛にとらわれずに自分の体に気を配り、自分を愛する方法を学ぶ。 ◆天然成分:植物、エッセンシャルオイル、植物油脂、果物・野菜などの生鮮品について、その成分と本来備わるメリットを知る。

It is the year 26 BC. Rome is seeking a way to conquer the impregnable lands of the north, inhabited by the indomitable Cantabrians and Asturians.

Es ist das Jahr 26 v. Chr. Die Römer versuchen, in den schwer zugänglichen Gebieten im Norden der Iberischen Halbinsel die unbezähmbaren Kantabrer und Asturer zu unterwerfen.

A novel set in 20th century France, about dreams, triumphs, defeats and the infinite ways of loving.

Laia Beltran Querol es una periodista cultural y colaboradora habitual en distintos medios catalanes. Imparte clases de sobre cine y moda en la Escola Superior de Imatge i Cinema de Barcelona. Lucy Victoria Davis es ilustradora especializada en ilustración de moda.

Bemol Pispante loves music. This is why the little mouse lives in a piano. All the other mice think Bemol is mad because he is putting them all in danger.


Benito Cabo Guillermo (Avilés, Asturias, 1963) studied law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and has worked as a specialist in private law from his office in the capital for 20 years.

Benjamín (Benjamin)


Benjamin is a young sperm whale who lives near an island and loves to jump, sing and recite poetry. Benjamin wants to be like the dolphins who are the only ones who normally do this.

Etropavlovsk, 1741. An expedition sponsored by the Tsars sets out for Northern Siberia to find a secure maritime route between Russia and America.

Berna González Harbour writes noir novels, is the creator of police officer Comisaria Ruiz, and according to Paco Camarasa, one of the "latest nine" in Spanish noir crime.

ベルナ・ゴンサレス・アルボウルはルイス警視を生み出したミステリー作家であり、パコ・カマラサが選んだスペイン・ミステリー“9人の新進気鋭作家”のひとり。『Las lágrimas de Claire Jones(クレア・ジョーンズの涙)』(Destino)でダシール・ハメット賞の最終候補に残り、ジャーナリズムと文学への貢献に対してカンタブリア書店員賞を受賞。本書『El sueño de la razón(理性の夢)』で2019年のダシール・ハメット賞を受賞し、いくつかの文学賞の審査員を務める。またジャーナリスト、政治アナリスト、文化協力者でもある。

Bernabé Tierno is a psychologist, educator and writer.


いつも様々なマスコミに協力し、精力的に講演活動をしている。多数の著書でも、成功をおさめ数々の賞を受賞。最新作は、Poderosa mente(力・強く/力強いマインド)。

Berta is a graduate of Communication Sciences, a field in which she has worked for most of her professional career. Editor, PR, events organiser, proofreader and educator; words are what Berta likes best.


Berta Dávila (Santiago de Compostela, 1987) is the author of poetry collections like "Corpo baleiro" (Empty Body, 2007) and "Raíz da fenda" (Root of the Crack, 2013: Johan Carballeira Prize, Spanish Critics' Prize, AELG Prize).

1987年サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステラ生まれ。詩集『Corpo baleiro(空虚な体)』 (2007) 、『Raíz da fenda(亀裂の根)』(2013、ジョハン・カルバジャイラ賞、スペイン批評家賞、AELG賞受賞) の著者。小説では、Bailarei sobre a túa tumba(君の墓で私は踊る)』(2008、ビブロス小説賞受賞)に続き、2作目の短編集『A arte do fracaso(失敗の技法)』がスペイン語と日本語に翻訳された。

Berta Mongé (Barcelona, 1979) estudió periodismo y literatura. Vinculada desde hace años al mundo editorial, actualmente es directora de Arte de Malpaso y Cía. Vive en el campo desde donde trabaja, observa las estrellas, cuida su jardín y espera impaciente la llegada de Bruno.

Berta has always had a pea-sized bladder. Thanks to this, her parents got to know a huge number of motorway service stations, well, Berta could never make it through a journey without having to stop at least twice—even three times.

En la universidad estudié arquitectura y en otros sitios muchas cosas más. También hice el Máster en Álbum Infantil Ilustrado de IconI en su IV edición. Sigo aprendiendo...

Berta es una meona desde pequeñita. Gracias a ello sus padres conocieron gran cantidad de restaurantes de carretera, pues no había manera de viajar en coche sin hacer dos o tres paradas en el camino.

Berta Rubio Faus is the author of two children's books (Sóc un papu! - Omniabooks - and Santi, Jordi, la princesa i el drac - elpobet edicions), as well as several stories for adults gathered in different collections.

Berta Vias Mahou was born in Madrid in 1961 and is an Ancient History graduate.

Could you give an unfaithful ex-boyfriend a second chance? And what if in doing so you lost the love of your life? Marga, a brilliant 30-year-old woman, watches her world teeter at the same time as she loses her job.

再会、祝福、謝罪、おやすみのキス……、それぞれのシチュエーションに応じて、世界にはあらゆるタイプのキスがある。キスは愛情を示す素晴らしい方法。魚や蜂、それに蛇まで、キスすることができるんだ! だけど、そういうキス、動物のキスは、どんな音を立てるんだろう? 小さな読者のための楽しい絵本。各ページにある仕掛けやフラップを動かすことで、動物たちや人々のキスにはたくさんの仕方があることがわかるだろう。

Txabi Arnal: writer and university professor of Children’s and Young People’s Literature in the department of Language Teaching and Literature at the University of the Basque Country, and professor for many years of Children’s Education in Vitoria

Laia is a young Sahrawi woman who has begun a new life in Spain: she is going to do a university degree, she plans to move in with her boyfriend, and her host family love and support her.

Bet Cantallops (Barcelona, 1966) studied architecture at the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura in Barcelona (ETSAB), and since 1994 she has collaborated with Saeta Estudi  on a wide range of projects linked to her discipline.

Beth Fowler has been a translator since 2009, working from Spanish and Portuguese to English.

Betina González (Argentina, 1972) has a master's degree in creative writing from the University of Texas, El Paso and a PhD in Latin American literature from the University of Pittsburgh.

ベティナ・ゴンサレス(1972年アルゼンチン⽣まれ)はテキサス・エル・パソ⼤学創作的ライティング修⼠、ピッツバーグ⼤学ラテンアメリカ⽂学博⼠。Arte Menor(マイナー・アート、2006年クラリン⼩説賞)、Juegos de Playa(海辺の遊戯、2006年国⺠芸術基⾦賞受賞の短編集)、Las Poseídas(ポセイドンの神々、2012年トゥスケッツ賞)、本書AMERICA ALUCINADA(魔法にかけられたアメリカ⼤陸、2016)、El Amor es una Catástrofe Natural(愛は⾃然災害、2018)を上梓。

Bibiana Candia, Coruña, 1977

It's always been clear that, to certain people, it matters a lot who you go hand in hand with down the street. Even now there are some that like to classify, sanction and make laws about feelings. Are they so dangerous?

An illustrated album that takes us on a journey through the main global environmental challenges and explores creative, innovative projects launched by scientists from around the world to help take care of the planet.

Bilbao-New York-Bilbao takes place over the course of a flight between the airports of Bilbao and JFK in New York, and, bit by bit, reveals the story of three generations of the same family.

Bilingual Readers is a brand new independent publishing company providing bilingual resources for families and communities. Growing up with two or more languages can be an enriching experience for children, parents and teachers alike, and it can also be a lot of fun!

Bill Swainson read English at Leeds University and has worked in publishing since 1976, at John Calder (Publishers) Ltd (1976-80), Allison & Busby (1980-87), Fourth Estate (1987-88) and the Harvill Press (1989-1995).


1. When you started in the industry at John Calder Publishers, did you immediately know that you wanted a career in publishing?

This book aims to revive Juan Ramón Jiménez and show his immense personality.

Born in Cartavio-Coaña, a small village in Asturias. She studied Spanish Philology, Law and Social Work. By chance she entered the world of journalism, where she tried almost everything, including two years working on the back page of the newspaper “AS”.

The author is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and Health Psychologist. She is a specialist in logopedic intervention and coordinator of the Pozuelo Psychologists internship program.


Blanca Baltés’ focus is on development and writing, both her own and other people’s. Curious and enterprising, she combines creativity with teaching and cultural promotion, primarily in theatre arts.

Se dedica a la formación y la escritura, propias y ajenas. Investigadora y emprendedora, compagina la creación con la enseñanza y la gestión cultural, esencialmente en materia de Artes Escénicas.

Blanca BK, Zaragoza, 1974. A professional illustrator, she has published a dozen books to date. Anaya, Pearson Education, Edebé, and San Pablo are amongst her clients.


Blanca Busquets i Oliu (Barcelona, 1961) is a Catalan writer, scriptwriter and linguist. The written word has marked out her life. At the age of twelve she wrote her first short story, and from that point on, writing became the central axis of her life.


Blanca de la Torre, a journalist for the majority of her

An independent publishing house founded in 1996 which publishes critical, irreverent works on artistic creativity and intellectual property, international memory of publishing and the relationship between Mexico and Spain.

ブランカ・ガルシア=ベガ バリャドリード大学の芸術史の教授。教育部門では6科、研究部門では3科の教員資格を持っている。版画の歴史の専門家で、著書は、『El grabado del libro español. Siglos XV, XVI y XVII. Tomos I y II. (スペインの本の版画 15、16、17世紀 2巻本) 』(Institución Cultural Simancas, Diputación Provincial de Valladolid、1984)『Estampas del siglo XVI.

I was born in a small town in Galicia. Ever since I was tiny I have been drawn to the world of art, covering the walls of our house with little crayon drawings. At eight I swapped my colouring pencils for a paint brush and, when the time came, I studied fine arts at the Facultad de Pontevedra.

Blanca de Miosi was born in Perú and has lived in Venezuela for the past 30 years. She studied at the Fine Arts, Design & Haute Couture School and works as a fashion designer. She is the author of “The Pact” (Athena Press, London, 2005) and “The Search” (Roca Editorial, 2008).

Aimed at readers of 9 years old and over, this book teaches that the objective of sport goes far beyond winning or losing.

Asterisc Agents prides itself on a curated list of authors who have established the agency on the international market. Their works have won some of the top national and international prizes and travelled around the world, finding new readers in other latitudes.


Francesca Dell'Orto illustrates this adaptation of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's story, by Elena Krahe. The new queen and second wife to Snow White's father, is jealous of her step-daughter, a beautiful child.


Do you want to find out the consequences of Snow White's encounter with the prince? What happened to the Queen after her escape? What new adventures await the friendly and welcoming dwarves?


Here begins the prohibited place where the white tiger reigns. This story is from many years ago. So many that nobody talks about it anymore. Those who still remember say it was just one legend of many that grew out of the depths of the jungle.


In every genre he writes in, Blas Parra (1948, Valencia) gives his readers daring adventures.

In the last decade, Blex Editores has published 14 titles, written by important authorities such as HRH Prince Philip, George W. Bush and José Luis Zapatero. Notable works in its catalogue include Líderes Híspanos, Cuentos Canarios grabados en piedra, and Formas Magicales animales'

The feast day of the Holy Innocents is as good a day to die as any other. This must have been what Gervasio Álvarez thought when he heard the news of the appearance of a body.

BLUE JEANS is the pseudonym of Francisco de Paula Fernández, born in Seville. At eighteen years old, he moved to Madrid, the city where he currently lives, to study journalism at the Universidad Europea.

A ruthlessly black novel. Winter Blues tells the story of three people who walk the snow-covered streets of New York in their short-lived flight from the Madrid winter.

Blume's aim is that the work it publishes spreads knowledge that will help humanity in its global development. The work it has published includes, in different forms, every single aspect of life that can be depicted in images and text.

CIF: B 60720364

Mare de Dèu

Spanish publisher specialising in the discovering and launching talented new authors.

A publishing house based in Tres Cantos (Madrid).

Boldletters was founded in Barcelona in 2017. Both partners, Paz Gaspar and Monica Casetti have worked for leading publishing houses. Our vocation is developing original content for information and entertainment, aimed primarily at the youngest readers and their families. 



As soon as they come into the world, all the fears curl up in their little corner, tucked up tight. But where are they born and where do they die? What are fears made of? Nothing, nobody knows anything.

Marta has lost her grandfather, and her mother consoles her in the garden, looking at the star filled sky. Suddenly, Marta thinks she sees a star winking at her. Could it be her grandpa?

Bonalletra Alcompás is an editorial production house with fifteen years of experience. Our team of editors specialises in creating and producing popular books for both children and adults.


Boniface Ofogo was born and grew up in a small town in the middle of Cameroon.  He arrived in Spain in 1988 to study Spanish literatrure and started to work as a storyteller in 1992.  He has worked as an intercultural mediator for Madrid City Council.

Via Magna editorial - A publishing house based in Barcelona which publishes novels of all genres to a broad readership. Also publishes reference books.

Independent publisher which publishes books for children and young people, especially picture books


Books in translation are in rude health, or at least that’s what the latest research from Nielsen tells us.

Boomers is a melancholic and traditional portrait of a generation overwhelmed by the false promises of the past, the confusion of the present and the uncertainty of the future.


『México bordado(刺繍されたメキシコ)』での成功に引き続き、テキスタイルアーティストのヒメナ・ロメロが、技術的な観点からではなく、芸術的な表現の手段として、再び刺繍の製作に読者を導く。

Tras el éxito de México bordado, la artista textil Gimena Romero nos adentra de nuevo en la práctica del bordado ya no desde la técnica, sino como vía de expresión artística.

Bordado pictórico

Boris Izaguirre (Caracas, 1965), a witty polemicist, has taken advantage of the platform offered by the media to promote his particular vision of the world; a perspective that mixes equal doses of rigour, creativity and sense of humor.

BORJA GONZÁLEZ HOYOS (Badajoz, Spain 1982) is a self-taught illustrator and strip cartoonist. He has published in fanzines and magazines. La Reina Orquídea (2016) is one of his stand-out works. After The Black Holes, his work became internationally known and is now a top author of Dargaud.

Borja Ortíz de Gondra (Bilbao, 1965) studied law, theatre studies and translation.

The forest is a cursed place where only the most unfortunate beings dare to enter. Nevertheless, the witch Candena has been forced to live there for some time, plunged into inhospitable darkness.

It’s a long time since it rained and I can’t try out the yellow wellies I was given for Christmas. Every day I look at the sky. At last, today it’s raining!

The British psychologist Brenda Barnaby is also a writer and researcher, specializing in the study and spread of issues related to mental powers and the sources and function of brain waves.

Brenda Lozano was born in Mexico in 1981. A narrator and essayist, she contributes to Letras Libres and Día Siete, among other publications. She studied Latin American Literature at the Universidad Iberoamericana.

Brenda Navarro (Mexico City, 26 February 1982) is a Mexican and Spanish writer, sociologist and economist from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Brenda has worked as a writer, scriptwriter, reporter and editor, and has been a part of several human rights NGOs.




Todos hemos oído hablar alguna vez de la influencia de la luna, de los planetas y de los signos zodiacales en la naturaleza y en nuestro mundo, de ayer y de hoy.

Breve manual de Astrología agrícola

'Breve teoría del viaje…' poses quite a challenge to most accepted literary conventions surrounding what the formal nature of a story is.

Publishes books for adults.

BRIEF Publishing Company (the name means letter or message in German) started publishing in January 2000.

The city of Edinburgh is famous for many reasons, including its ghosts. Many people have investigate them and think they have found them. Few people know they really do exist.

Small publisher of works of fiction, poetry and essays. Based in Valencia and distributes nationally and to Latin America.



Bruno is ten and has noticed that his body is changing. He will soon enter puberty like his sister Mía. He discovers what changes a boy's body undergoes during puberty and learns everything about the male reproductive system.


Bubble-Gum Boy starts the year at his new school and just like the rest of us, he is scared. What will his new schoolmates think of him? Will they reject him because he is a bubble-gum head?

バブルガムボーイは新しい学校で新学年を迎え、だれでも経験があるように怖気づいている。新しいクラスメイトは自分のことをどう思うだろう。頭がガムだからって、いじめられないかな。まわりを見まわしてみると、たまねぎっこもエルネストもみかんちゃんもみんなすごくて、いろんなことができる。自分は何ができるだろう。ただのガムだもん…。何言ってるの! みんな同じだったらたいへん。違うからいいんだよ。

In a Europe in the midst of an unemployment crisis, a student aspiring to excellence returns to the English town that is home to her highly prestigious university.


A crisis was originally the critical moment in the course of an illness, and a good crisis was one which brought the patient back to normal health.

Buenas hermanas (Good Sisers)

Buenas hermanas

What if the March sisters, the beloved protagonists of the classic Little Women, had been born into a totalitarian society? In the ideal city of Concordia, everyone is a good citizen.

A book of quiet games about night which helps you to gain a more in-depth knowledge of the world of dreams.

A book of quiet games about night which helps you to gain a more in-depth knowledge of the world of dreams.

If you want your baby or child quickly to find his or her unique and individual way of sleeping, for the experience to be pleasant for both parents and children and to extend in a satisfactory manner into other, future learning experiences, you ha

A beautifully illustrated and charming book intended as a companion for a child to look at bedtime, on his or her own and perhaps especially when struggling to get to sleep.

Buenas noches, juegos tranquilos para antes de ir a dormir

IMC Literary Agency was founded in 2005 by Isabel Martí, with the aim of offering creative mediation services between authors, illustrators and publishers. Over the years IMC has earned recognition as one of the most prestigious agencies in YA and children's literature.

IMC Literary Agency was founded in 2005 by Isabel Martí, with the aim of offering creative mediation services between authors, illustrators and publishers. Over the years IMC has earned recognition as one of the most prestigious agencies in YA and children's literature.


Cada día surgen conflictos en clase y muchas veces fingimos
que no pasa nada. Callamos ante un empujón, un insulto o una
humillación, porque el miedo nos paraliza. ¡Pero no estamos


Bunker Books publishes literary narrative, with an emphasis on the literary. We have two publishing lines, Distrito 93 for Spanish authors writing noir novels and social commentary, and Malas Artes for children's books.

In Berlin, in exile, that is where these characters find themsleves, like bubbles dancing in the air. A similar atmosphere surrounds all the stories, each in its particular setting.

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C. GERARDO PERLA (San Salvador, 1976) didn't finish his studies in jurisprudence, social sciences and media in his country, or those in history at the Sorbonne. A fan of good reads, film in general and addicted to Anime and hibernating, 'El sabor de lo heroico' is his first novel

C.ヘラルド・ペルラは、1976年サン・サルバドル生まれ。母国エルサルバドルで法学と社会学を学ぶが中退。加えてコミュニケーションも専攻、後に、パリのソルボンヌ大学で歴史学を勉強するが修了はしていない。良書、映画全般が好きで、アニメと冬眠中毒。El sabor de lo heroico(英雄的行為の味)は処女小説。

Bruño was founded in 1898 and currently forms part of Hachette, considered to be the major publishing group in Europe. Focusing on Young adult and children's literature it has a specialised catalogue full of well-known characters: Asterix, Tom Gates, the Little Prince, the Gruffalo and Junie B.

Edicions Raval includes various publishers, among which is Edicions Proa, a publisher with a long history which maintains a marked preference for literary publishing and covers all genres.

Jordi Cussà errupted onto the Catalan literary scene with Wild Horses (2000).

Pilar Cabañas was born in Madrid in 1964. She has always liked good stories; so much so that she studied Art History and now teaches contemporary and Japanese art at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has always been fascinated by past eras, distant places and the natural world.


Georges Miet writes made-to-order mass-market stories for the French publishing house La Fortune, until one day his editor asks him for a 'serious' novel about the tragic events that shook the vibrant city of Biarritz fifteen years before, in 1925

Georges Miet writes made-to-order mass-market stories for the French publishing house La Fortune, until one day his editor asks him for a 'serious' novel about the tragic events that shook the vibrant city of Biarritz fifteen years before, in 1925


Cachetejack is a partnership formed by Nuria Bellver and Raquel Fanjul, two Spanish illustrators who have been working together since 2011. Their universe of illustration is full of colours, energy, humour and irony.

in life, in landscape, in society, proud castles take precedence, dominating everything, while around them there are areas of shadow, miserable or charming.


In a remote taberna there are some who say that the poet Manuel Antonio lost his head over a woman dressed in moon-white who had been rescued by a sea captain called Joseph Conrad.

This publication is undertaken by the University of Cadiz. It has previously worked un highly commended publications on subjects ranging from science and teaching to technical manuals and culture.

Yechezkel Damjanich is a young Jewish violinist who lives with his mother in the devastated Budapest of 1947.

'Are you afraid of flying? You will be.' Aviation, Electronic Voice Phenomena, ancient Celtic myths... all this and more is brought together in this masterful novel. An airline pilot leaves a trail of death and blood behind him.

「飛ぶのが怖いですか? 怖いでしょう」飛行、電子音声現象、古いケルト神話……この見事な小説にはすべてが盛り込まれている。民間航空会社のあるパイロットが通りすぎたあとには死と流血が起こる。あるアマチュア超心理学者が人気のないチャペルで記録した、不気味な電子音声現象が、暴いてはいけない謎を解明する最初の手がかりとなる。破壊的な邪悪な力がとき放たれ、30年以上の時を隔てたふたつのストーリーがぶつかり合う。

「飛ぶのが怖いですか? 怖いでしょう」飛行、電子音声現象、古いケルト神話……この見事な小説にはすべてが盛り込まれている。民間航空会社のあるパイロットが通りすぎたあとには死と流血が起こる。あるアマチュア超心理学者が人気のないチャペルで記録した、不気味な電子音声現象が、暴いてはいけない謎を解明する最初の手がかりとなる。破壊的な邪悪な力がとき放たれ、30年以上の時を隔てたふたつのストーリーがぶつかり合う。

Ana Victoria Calderón es una acuarelista y profesora mexico-americana. Tiene un grado universitario en Diseño de la Información y formación continuada en Bellas Artes. Sus ilustraciones pueden encontrarse en una amplia variedad de productos y también vende sus ilustraciones en Etsy.

Ana Victoria Calderón is a Mexican-American watercolor artist and teacher. She has a degree in Information Design and continuing education in Fine Arts. Her artwork can be found on a wide variety of products; she also sells her artwork on Etsy.


Good customer service is important to today’s businesses, and has become a significant competitive advantage which allows them to maintain their market position, to grow and to make a profit.

Calros Silvar began working as a cartoonist and illustrator while he was studying Interior Design and Fine Arts in Madrid. He worked for years on various periodicals before turning to books and specialising in illustrating nature.




SINOPSIS - Biografía Camilo Sesto. Mi Última Canción Vol 1

Camilo Sesto. Mi última Canción Vol 1



Camilo Sesto. Mi última Canción Vol 2


'Water Paths' is the second book in the 'The Light of Artús' trilogy and begins a long way from where 'Caminos de noche' ('Night Paths'), the first volume, left off.

『Caminos de noche(夜道)』(Barcanova、2017-当サイト2018年紹介作品)で始まる三部作『La luz de Artús(アルトゥスの光)』の第二部。第一部のストーリーから離れたところから物語は始まるが、第一部の主人公ルットが、モンセグル城で再び登場する。安全な隠れ家に見えた城だが、戦争は大陸を火の海とし、軍隊は執拗に彼女を追い、長い触手を伸ばしてくる。新たな困難に立ち向かわねばならないとルットはわかっているが、どうにもならないこともある。

During the convulsive and fast moving 20th Century, sculpture underwent huge formal and conceptual transformations which were essential to the construction of contemporary thought.

Rut has to run away. From whom? Why? She knows that she doesn't have a choice but she doesn't know the reason. Even the people who want to help her like Professor Argimon and Marc the anchovy are surrounded by secrets...

ルットは逃げなければならない。 誰から? なぜ? 彼女はそうするしかないことを知っているが、なぜだかわからない。 アルジモン先生や、アンチョビことマルクのように彼女を助けたい人さえも秘密に覆われている。ルットを探している人たちは、彼女に対してどんな関心があるのだろう? 彼女はどこに行くのだろう? なぜ? 3部作La luz de Artús(アルトゥスの光)の第1部Caminos de noche(夜道)では、すべてが解決されるわけではない。

This work offers images of the least well-known spots of the Canary Islands - places inaccessible by land, concealed marine inlets and small unexplored caves - but also the famous beaches and coastal areas of the archipelago, now seen from a new a

Paula is almost seventeen, and has a date with Ángel, a young man of twenty two whom she has met while chatting online. She is nervous and excited. The minutes go by and the boy does not appear, so she decides to go into a nearby café.

The 25 stories in "Cançons d'amor i de pluja are structured like a recital of emotions and reflections on the vulnerabilities and most absurd rituals of maturity With precise style and intensely charged, Pàmies reinterprets the cliches of archetyp

本書Cançons d'amor i de pluja(愛と雨の歌)に収められている25の物語は、熟年の傷つきやすさとくだらない習慣に関しての想いと考察がアンサンブルのように構成されている。セルジ・パミエスは簡潔で力強い文体で、典型的ロマンチシズムの紋切型と、感情的心気症の束縛を解釈しなおす。浄化され抑制された散文と文体が、辛辣さとバイタリティとメランコリーの間でのバランスを模索する。

On her way home from school, Candela passes the house with the creeper.


Can you imagine being a flesh and blood person living in a paper world? The intrepid Candela returns with a new adventure full of folds and origami figures. What is origami, you ask? Well, it’s the same as paper folding but in Japanese.

血と肉をそなえた人間のまま、紙の世界でくらすことを想像できる? 怖いもの知らずの女の子カンデラが、新しい冒険をひっさげて帰ってきた。今度冒険するのは、オリガミでつくったものでいっぱいの紙の世界。オリガミは何かって? 紙を折る遊びを日本語でそういうんだって。雨が降る11月の土曜の朝、カンデラと仲間たちが科学博物館に行ってみると、折り紙のめずらしい展示をやっていた。ところがちょっとうっかりしたすきにカンデラは、こわれやすい紙でできたその信じられない世界にとらわれてしまった。

Candelaria Tejera has a degree in Business Management and Administration. Motherhood opened her eyes to the reality of the world, helped her mature and inspired her to help other women to have healthier and more satisfying experiences of motherhood.

Harold Jiménez Canizales is an artist who was born in Colombia. He recieved a degree in fine arts in Cali, his home city, and has exhibited work in various galleries and museums.

アロルド・ヒメネス=カニサレスは コロンビア生まれのアーティスト。故郷のカリでは芸術学の学位を取得し、様々なギャラリーや美術館で展覧会を行った。1999年、スペインのイベロアメリカ協力機構がラテンアメリカ全土の若いアーティストに授与する3つの奨学金のうちのひとつを獲得し、バレアレス諸島大学のアニメーションの修士課程に入学。それ以来、パルマ・デ・マヨルカに住んでいる。現在はイラストレーションに情熱を注ぐ。

In 1539, four characters walk the roads of Spain during its era of glory and expansion, which they are however excluded from, as all four are fleeing from something: a woman escaping her past; a girl leaving her childhood behind; a black man marke

The Cantar de mio Cid is an anonymous epic poem relating heroic deeds, freely inspired by the last years in the life of the Spanish knight Rodrigo Díaz el Campeador.

『わがシッドの歌』は作者不詳。カスティーリャの騎士、勇者ロドリゴ・ディアスの晩年に着想を得て英雄的功しを物語った武勲詩。ロマンス語で書かれたスペイン文学最初の長編叙述作品であり、その文体は文学的に高く評価されている。現代の大半の批評家によると、書かれたのは1200年頃。スペイン文学で唯一ほぼ完全に保存された叙事詩である。原本の最初のページと写本の中の2ページが喪失されたが、その内容はCronica de veinte reyes (20人の王の年代記)などの年代記から推察できる。

Pep Castellano and Canto Nieto are a lively and cheerful couple.

Pep Castellano and Canto Nieto are a lively and cheerful couple.

Using few or no words, Pedro Perles has chosen to reinterpret Little Red Riding Hood by telling us this classic story through images full of life, mystery and colour.

'Little Red Riding Hood' is that treasured tale told in another way and presented in a different format.


Titre: Capgirat 

Auteur: Alba Dalmau et Cinta Vidal

Lectrice: Anne COHEN BEUCHER





Pilgrís, how is it possible that you getting up in a bad mood one day leads to the running of a cheesy advert and your cat ends up disguised as a chicken?

不機嫌に始まったピルグリスの1日が、悪趣味なCM撮影を引き起こして終わるだけでなく、飼い猫がヒヨコに変装してしまうなんて、そんなことってあり得る? あり得るんだよ、だって車が自力で進み、子どもたちが宇宙服を着ていて、見えない朝食をとる青いウサギ村では、どんなことでも起こるから。ほんの小さな子どものころから共存してきた力のせいでいらいらすることと、なにか関係していたのかもしれない。

This illustrated poetry tells us, through the words and engravings, the peculiar love story between a snail and a garden statue.

A publisher which runs two imprints CARAMBUCO EDICIONES and EL CEP I LA NANSA EDICIONS. Published original works and first editions. Particular highlights are the publication of children's books adapted to Spanish Sign Language (LSE) and Catalan Sign Language (LSC).


CARCOMA es la respuesta española a la tendencia establecida de las novelas góticas y el nuevo realismo mágico.





Care Santos was born in Mataró (Barcelona) in 1970. She is the author of many books, including novels, story collections and fiction for children and young people. She writes both in Spanish and Catalan.

Carla Aledo lives in Mataró, where she works as an illustrator, graphic designer and workshop artist. She is involved in all fields and formats, from artistic creation to editorial design.

Carla Gil López was born in Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca) in 1979. She studied Children's Education there and spent most of her youth working with children. In 2012 she moved to Tenerfie where she decided to concentrate on the thing that really moves her, writing.


Carla Gracia (Barcelona, 1980) has a degree in Communication Sciences from the Universitat Ramon Llull, a postgraduate degree in Conflict Management and Resolution and an international MBA. After living in France, England and the US, she embarked on an adventure travelling around the world.

1980年バルセロナ生まれ。ラモン・リュイ大学でコミュニケーション学を学び、紛争交渉解決の修士課程を修め、MBA国際認証を持つ。フランス、英国、米国で暮らした後、世界旅行に出る。この旅行で、ものを書くことがライフワークだと気づいた。その後、数冊のエッセイを刊行。2014年に出版した初めての小説『Siete días de Gracia(グラシアの七日間)』はイタリア語とポーランド語に翻訳され、ローマ図書展のアルゲロ・ドンナ文学ジャーナリスト賞(国際部門)を受賞した。

Carla Montero Manglano was born in Madrid on 14th August 1973. She is a Law and Business Administration Graduate. She is an articulate, media-savvy, intelligent and charming woman and the mother of four children. She is also a member of our club.

It’s time to go to bed, but first Carla must have a bath, dinner and enjoy story time with her mum. As she is doing all these things she realizes that each moment has its own smell.

Spring 2016, mountain side of any street in Barcelona. Ten years after their abrupt separation, Carla and Martín meet again by chance.

La historia de Carlomagno y su estirpe es uno de los ejes vertebradores de la identidad europea y ha determinado significativamente la memoria histórica, religiosa y cultural de los países y las regiones del continente formados en el seno del impe

Carlemany a Europa

Carles Arbat (Bescanó, Girona, 1973) has extensive professional experience. He graduated in 1997 in Applied Arts and Artistic Trades, specialising in Graphic Design.

Carles Batlle Jordà. Barcelona, 1963. Playwright, teacher at the Barcelona Theatre Institute and associate tutor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Editor of the magazine Pausa.


Carles Bosch was born in Barcelona on September 8, 1952. He has been a reporter for Televisión de Cataluña's programme '30 minuts' since its creation in 1984.

Carles M. Canals (Barcelona, 1956) has a degree in Media Studies by the University of Navarra. He was a political and economic editor for Europa Press Catalunya (1982-1987) and then correspondent for the financial newspaper Expansión in Barcelona (1987-1992).

Carles Sala i Vil. I was born in Girona on May 27, 1974. I’m a teacher, but for a while now I’ve also been spending my time making handicrafts and, above all, writing stories for little boys and girls.

Carlos Soldevila y Zubiburu (Barcelona, 1892 - 1967) was a Spanish writer, poet, journalist and playwright, brother of the historian Ferran Soldevila.


Carlo Frabetti was born in Bologna (Italy) in 1945. A mathematician and member of the New York Academy of Sciences, he has published over a hundred titles on various subjects, several of them on recreational mathematics and logic puzzles and many of them aimed at children and young adults.

1945年イタリア・ボローニャ生まれ。ニューヨーク科学アカデミー所属の数学者で、これまでに様々なテーマの本を100冊以上出版している。なかには楽しい数学の本や論理クイズの本もあり、その多くが児童・YA向けだ。『La bola de cristal(水晶玉)』、『El duende del globo(ボールの精)』、『Ni a tontas ni a locas(よく考えて)』、『Tendencias(風潮)』など、多数のテレビ番組の脚本を書き、制作し、監督してきた。演劇作品の上演にも携わり、児童・YA向け一般科学書シリーズも制作・編集している。

Carlos Bardem (Madrid, 1963) is an actor and writer. Having studied for a degree in history and a diploma in international relations, he published his first book, 'Durango Perdido' in 1997. In 1999 his debut novel 'Muertes ejemplares' ('Exemplary Deaths') was shortlisted for the Premio Nadal.

1963年マドリード生まれの俳優、作家。歴史学士で、国際関係の学位を持ち、1997年に最初の本『Durango Perdido(失われたドゥランゴ)』を出版した。小説家としてのデビューは1999年『Muertes ejemplares(模範的な死) 』で、この作品はナダル賞最終候補になった。2作目『Buziana o el peso del alma(ブシアナあるいは魂の重さ)』は、2002年デスティノ脚本賞を受賞した。

Carlos Bassas del Rey (Barcelona, 1974) has a degree in journalism and a PhD in communication studies. He currently works as a freelance scriptwriter, a job he combines with teaching, writing novels and coordinating Pamplona's Semana Negra crime fiction event.

1974年バルセロナ⽣まれ。ジャーナリズム学⼠で、情報学博⼠。現在はフリーの脚本家として活躍するかたわら、教職、⼩説の執筆にあたり、パンプローナノワール週間(パンプローナ・ノワール)実⾏委員を務める。短編映画、ドキュメンタリー、⻑編映画、ビデオクリップ、スポット広告を⼿がけ、創作や視聴覚関連の講座の講師を務め、展⽰や映画週間の企画・運営にかかわる。2007年に第9 回マンレザ国際ノワール映画フェスティバルの⻑編ノワール映画部⾨で、プラシド最優秀脚本賞の栄誉に輝く。

Carlos Canales Torres is a lawyer and author, who has spent many years investigating Spanish legends and traditions.


Carlos Cañeque was born in 1957 in Barcelona. For the last 20 years he has been a lecturer in political science at the Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona.

Carlos Castán (Barcelona, 1960) specialises in short stories. He teaches philosophy in Huesca and made his literary debut with the collection of short stories, Frio de vivir (Cold of Living, 1998).


 Carlos Clavijo studied Sociology and Political Science and is a writer, screenwriter and independent producer. After spending several years in England and Italy, he returned to Spain to study film. In 2004 he won the Canal Plus Prize for the best feature-length film, Narcos.

Carlos Comendador. Architect from the Architecture School of A Coruña. He combines his work in the world of architecture with that of illustration. He has illustrated magazine covers, interactive books and posters, and designed characters for children's puppet theatre plays.

Carlos has a diploma in Labour Relations and a Masters in Human Resources Management. He is an Accredited Professional Coach, in charge of Administration and Human Resources at the EUSA University Campus, and a trainer at various regulatory levels in Business.

様々な文学フォーラムに参加。出版した物語作品もあり、共著書に、ドス・エルマナス市役所(セビーリャ)が中学校教員支援のために制作したCuentos para el aprendizaje(学びのための物語)がある。

Writer and film critic.

D. Carlos Falcó y Fernández de Córdova, Marqués de Griñón, was born in Seville, Spain. He studied Agricultural Engineering at the University of Lovaina (Belgium), and subsequently graduated from the University of California (Davis).

Carlos Fidalgo (Bembibre, León) won the fifth Premio Tristana de Literatura Fantástica with the novel 'El agujero de Helmand' ('The Hole of Helmand') (Menoscuarto 2011), a circular story set during the Afghan war.

Carlos Fonseca (San José, Costa Rica, 1987) has a doctorate in Latin American Literature from Princeton. He has contributed to various literary magazines and newspapers including Literary Hub, The Guardian, LetrasLibres, BOMB Magazine and Otra Parte among others.

カルロス・フォンセカ(1987年、コスタリカのサン・ホセ生まれ)は、プリンストン大学でラテンアメリカ文学博士号を取得。「リテラリー・ハブ」「ザ・ガーディアン」「レトラス・リブレス」「ボム・マガジン」「オトラ・パルテ」などの文学雑誌に寄稿。ヘイ・フェスティバルで2017年ボゴタ39(40歳以下の当代きってのラテンアメリカ作家39人のグループ)のひとりに、グアダラハラブックフェアでは、80年代生まれプロジェクトの中でラテンアメリカ小説のNuevas Voces(新しい声)20人のひとりに選ばれた。

Carlos Fortea was born in Madrid in 1963. In addition to writing, he teaches in la Universidad de Salamanca and the Complutense de Madrid, and has translated over a hundred titles, including works by Thomas Bernhard, Günter Grass, Stefan Zweig, Alfred Döblin, E.T.A.


The music group Happening was formed in November 2001 under the leadership of Sergio Aparicio and Carlos García-Zúñiga. They have released four albums, three through the multinational music label Warner Chappell and the fourth through their own label.


Carlos Goñi Zubieta was born in Pamplona in 1963. He has a PhD from the University of Barcelona. He combines teaching with intense literary work. He has written educational books, essays and novels on subjects as diverse as philosophy, mythology, femininity, history and education.

Carlos González studied Medicine at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and trained as a paediatritian at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu. Founder and President of the Asociación Catalana Pro Lactancia Materna (ACPAM), he currently teaches courses on breastfeeding for health profefesionals.

Carlos Hernandez (Granada, 1972), is known for his contributions and illustrations on the newspaper Ideal, where for ten years he has published the highly successful comic strip Orceman, and the young character Chucky who portrays the rebellious youth of Granada.

Carlos J. Server (Gandia, Spain, 1975) first gained public attention in 2014 with his debut novel 'Un día con suerte' ('A Lucky Day') which was shortlisted for Amazon and El Mundo's first literary competition for indie writers.

1975年、スペインのガンディアに生まれる。2014年、「アマゾン」と「エルムンド紙」が主催した第1回インディー作家文学コンクールで第1作UN DÍA CON SUERTE(幸運が舞い降りた日)が最終選考作品に選ばれ、その名が世に知られる。作品はネット上で瞬く間に一大現象と化し、スペインを始め米国、メキシコ、ドイツ、フランスとイタリアのアマゾンで最も購入されたスペイン語の電子書籍となった。翌年の2015年に2作目となる本書UN BAUTIZO SINGULAR(奇妙な洗礼式)を出版。おかしな登場人物たちが絡まり合って織りなす恋愛コメディ仕立て。


Carlos J. Server is a publisher and best-selling Spanish writer. His novels have been the number one Spanish-language books on Amazon in Spain, the UK, Germany, Mexico, the USA, Italy, France and the Netherlands. He currently holds the full rights for all his novels.


Carlos Lázaro Ávila. PhD in American anthropology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1994). Professor of geography and history at the Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Antares. Author of various books on American themes.

Carlos Luria (Barcelona, 1962) is a journalist and scriptwriter for radio and television. He has worked for various well-known TV and radio personalities including Luis del Olmo, Gemma Nierga and Andreu Buenafuente. In 2002 he won a Radio Ondas Award for his script “Interview with Gaudí”.

Carlos María Domínguez was born in Buenos Aires in 1955. Since 1989 he has lived in Montevideo, where he works as a journalist.


Carlos Murciano was born in Arcos de la Frontera in 1931. A renowned poet and prose writer, he has also excelled as a musicologist, and a critic of literature and art.

カルロス・ムルシアーノは、1931年アルコス・デラフロンテーラ生まれ。詩人、作家として知られるほか、音楽学者、文学・美術評論家としても活躍してきた。児童文学では20冊以上の著作があり、中でも一番有名なのが、1980年に国民児童文学賞最終候補となった本書である。Este claro silencio(この明るい静けさ)で1970年国民詩歌賞、El mar sigue esperando(海は待ちつづける)で国民児童文学賞など、多数の文学賞を受賞。


Carlos Melián received the Daniels Award for excellence for his contribution to knowledge about endocrine disorders in small animals in 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2006. He has been a member of the Veterinary Information network (VIN) consultant team since 2004.

Carlos Poveda was born in Madrid in 1959. He graduated in Economics and Business Sciences from the Universidad Complutense in 1981.

Carlos Reviejo was born in El Tiemblo (Ávila). He undertook technical studies, but in order to follow his vocation, he later became a teacher, which has allowed him to visit places and meet people.


Carlos Roca (Cartagena, 1965), is a journalist and director of communication group Antena 3. He has studied the history of southern Africa for more than twenty years, and is one of the leading experts on this subject in the Spanish speaking world.

Carlos Roncero, Santa Cruz de Tenerife 1970. He is a teacher of Spanish art history.

Carlos Salem was born in Buenos Aires, grew up in Neuquen and has lived in Spain since 1988.

Carlos Sanmiguel (Barcelona, 1973) has always been fascinated by history, studying in depth mainly the history and mysteries of ancient cultures, the Holy Scriptures and the secrets of the different religions and their relation to one another.

Carlos Zanón (Barcelona 1966) is a novelist, poet, lawyer, screenwriter, columnist, and literary critic. He published his first poems in the 1980's and to date has edited five volumes all of which have received great critical acclaim.

Carlos Zuriguel Pérez (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1968) graduated in Information Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona in 1991 and entered journalism as a sports correspondent on the Barcelona newspaper El Mundo Deportivo (1993-95).

Carme Prats (Barcelona 1972) es licenciada en filología catalana por la Universidad de Barcelona. También tiene formación de traducción y corrección, y es lingüista de profesión.

Carme Prats (Barcelona, 1972) has a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona. She is also trained in translation and proofreading, and is a linguist by profession.

Carme Riera, professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, is one of the critics' and readers' best loved authors. She made her first appearance in 1975 with Te dejo, amor, el mar como prenda.

Desde 2011, Carme Ripoll Martínez (Barcelona, 1945) ha publicado tres novelas, un par de cuentos infantiles y una docena de relatos para adultos en varias compilaciones y revistas.

Carme Ripoll Martínez (Barcelona, 1945) Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación y escritora. Desde 2011 ha publicado cuatro novelas, dos cuentos infantiles y una docena de relatos para adultos en diversas recopilaciones y revistas.

Carme Ripoll Martínez (Barcelona, 1945) Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación y escritora. Desde 2011 ha publicado cuatro novelas, dos cuentos infantiles y una docena de relatos para adultos en diversas recopilaciones y revistas.

Carme Ripoll Martínez (Barcelona, 1945) Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación y escritora. Desde 2011 ha publicado cuatro novelas, dos cuentos infantiles y una docena de relatos para adultos en diversas recopilaciones y revistas.

Since 2011, Carme Ripoll Martínez (Barcelona, 1945) has published three novels, two children’s stories and a dozen short stories for adults in a variety of anthologies and magazines.

Carme Torras Genís is an IT and research professor at the Instituto de Robótica (CSICUPC). In the scientific field she has published books and articles on neuronal models, computer vision, artificial intelligence and robotics.


We meet Carmelo Puglisi (Languages Buyer at Foyles Bookshop in London) over a Spanish tapas lunch to talk about books and life.


A love story between the beautiful cigarette seller Carmen and the honest soldier José. A story that expresses to perfection the fatality of desire and the destructive behaviour that awakens, represented by numerous betrayals.

Carmen María Alcayde Ballesteros is a Spanish journalist, television presenter and writer. She published her first book, Thirty-somethings (Treintañeras), in November 2005. Mixing reality and fiction, it tells the story of a group of female friends from that age group, narrated by one of them.

カルメン・マリア・アルカイデ=バリェステロスはスペインのジャーナリスト、テレビ・キャスター、そして作家。作家としては、2005年11月に最初の本『Treintañeras(30代の女性たち)』を上梓した。とある30代の女性グループを、そのなかのひとりの視点から、現実と空想を織り交ぜて語っている。この本は第6版まで版を重ねた。2009年9月15日には2冊目の『Sobre Vivir en Pareja(カップルで暮らすことについて)』を出版した。2014年には3冊目となる『Nubes de Algodón(綿の雲)』を執筆。

Carmen Amoraga studied information science and has worked as a journalist she has been a columnist for the newspaper El LEvante, and taken part in literary discussions on Punto Radio, Radio 9, and Canal 9.

Carmen Boullosa (born in Mexico City in 1954) is one of Mexico’s leading novelists, poets and playwrights. The prolific author, who has had literally scores of books, essays and dissertations written about her work, has been lauded by critics on several continents.

As soon as she could hold a pencil, Carmen Corrales began to draw, and the first time she saw a cat, she fell in love. As a girl her parents bought her story tapes to listen to, and she soon started to make up her own, and then to draw them. Maybe she already what her path would be.

Born in 1943 in Madrid, Falcón studied to be a historian and documentarian and practised both these professions for several years. After this she entered the world of fine art.

Carmen Frías was born in Alicante on 20th November 1942. She graduated with distinction in Political Sciences and Economics from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, winning the National Prize.

The author, Carmen García Iglesias, studied history of Art and Advertising Design but has dedicated her working life to children's literature and some of its related aspects.

美術史及び広告イラストを学ぶも児童文学とその活動に関わる仕事に従事してきた。自作の文にイラストを描いた『Aventuras de Rufo y Trufo(ルフォとトゥルーフォの冒険)』を皮切りに、他の作家の文章にイラストをつけることと、文も絵も自分で手掛けた作品を出版することの両方に携わるようになった。絵を担当した『Witika, hija de los leones(ライオンの娘ウィティカ)』ではアペラス・メストラス・イラスト賞を受賞。

Carmen Gil has published over 90 books with houses including Planeta, SM, Lumen, Hiperión and Kalandraka, and has been translated into 15 languages. Her book Daniela's Smile was awarded a White Raven from Munich International Children's Library.


Carmen Guaita es licenciada en Filosofía y es maestra. Colabora en distintas entidades relacionadas con la educación, la literatura, la deontología... En 2015 publicó su primera novela con Edelvives: Jilgueros en la cabeza.

哲学学士で教師。教育と文学と職業倫理に関わるさまざまな団体と協力している。2015年に初めての小説『Jilgueros en la cabeza(頭の中のゴシキヒワ)』(Edelvives)を刊行。

Carmen Gurruchaga is a graduate of Information Science, and began her professional life in San Sebastián, working for the newspaper Diario Unidad, and later for Diario 16.

Carmen M. Cáceres was born in Posadas (Argentina) in 1981. An improvised truth is her first novel.


Carmen Martín Gaite (Salamanca 1925-Madrid 2000), novelist, poet, essayist and translator, published her first novel 'El balneario' ('The Spa') in 1955 and is one of the most outstanding representatives of the post Civil War generation.

Carmen Martínez Pineda was born in Murcia in 1976 and studied journalism at the Complutense University, graduating in 1999.

Pacheco is a Spanish publicist and writer of children's and young peoples literature. She was born in Almeria in 1980 and graduated in Publicity and public Relations from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Since then she has lived in the city, working as a copywriter at an agency.

Carmen Posadas (Montevideo, 1953) has published twelve novels in addition to fifteen children's books, two biographies and various essays, short stories and scrpts for television and cinema. In 1998 she won the Planeta prize for PEQUEÑAS INFAMIAS (Small Infamies).

Edelvives publishes school texts and infant and children’s literature. The two most numerous collections are Ala Delta and Alandar, which has won an annual award.

Carmen Quintana Cocolina was born in Santander in 1986.

Carmen Suárez (Gijón, 1946) has worked as a food journalist on various publications, including Elle, La guia del niño, El Semanal and El País. She has also been editor of the magazines Cocinar Hoy, Cocina semanal and Imagínate. She currently alternates journalism with literary translation.

This a beautiful album for children ages 8 and up. It´s about Carnival. Ana is afraid of this festival ; she is overwhelmed by the noise and the people and feels uncomfortable. But she finally discovers the beauty of Carnival and has a good time.

Luisa Carnés (Madrid 1905 – Mexico City 1964) was a self-taught Spanish novelist and journalist, who was overshadowed by Spain’s Generation of 27. She was born into a working-class family in the Madrid district of Las Letras, and at eleven she went to work at a milliner’s workshop.

ルイサ・カルネス(1905年マドリード生まれ、1964年メキシコ・シティ没)は、独学の小説家、ジャーナリスト。いわゆるスペイン27年世代の知られざる小説家。マドリードのラス・レトラス地区の労働者の家庭に生まれ、11歳で帽子工房で働き始める。1928年に最初の作品、Peregrinos de calvario(苦難の巡礼者たち)を発表。ティールームのウェイトレスという新しい仕事の経験から、当時の小説の型を破った非凡な社会派小説である本作Tea Rooms. Mujeres obreras (ティールーム 女性労働者たち、1934) が生まれた。

Neuropsychologist and Educational Psychologist.


Carolina Lozano was born in Barcelona, where she lives to this day. She studied anthropological biology and works in the filed of medical training. She has also worked as a marine biologist and still studies in her free time.

(Madrid, 1963). With a degree in Journalism from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, she has worked with various media, both written and digital.


In the summer of 1965 Carolina and the Braves sang with the Beatles at gigs in Madrid and Barcelona.


Laia Carrera Crespo. I was born in Barcelona in 1982 and currently live in Montseny, among rivers, mountains and pleasant people. Ever since I was very small I have been attracted to and motivated by everything relating to art, music and education.


"The Forgotten Letters of Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina" is a window into the souls of the heroines created by Charlotte Brontë and Leon Tolstoy.

Cartem Comics is a publishing label of Ediciones de Arte y Bibliofilia S.A.

The first Detective Pepe Carvalho novel. The naked body of a man appears one day on the beach at Vilasser de Mar.

Publisher of books for an adult readership.


La antigua Casa de Fieras es, a los ojos del mundo, una biblioteca más de Madrid. En su terreno se levantó uno de los primeros zoológicos del continente.

Casa de Fieras: El último guardián

The agency represents authors in Spain and Latin America across the world. It works as co-agent for publishing houses and foreign agencies. Since 1983 it has had a base in Barcelona.

The agency represents authors in Spain and Latin America across the world. It works as co-agent for publishing houses and foreign agencies. Since 1983 it has had a base in Barcelona.


On the day following the proclamation of Independence in Equatorial Guinea, in a black neighbourhood of Santa Isabel on the island of Fernando Po, someone finds the body of Pablo Montesinos, one of the ringleaders of the Spanish community in the c


Madrid, 1939-1945. Muchos luchan por salir adelante en una ciudad marcada por el hambre, la penuria y el estraperlo.

Castillos de fuego

Catherine Mansfield is a British translator and communications professional.

Every morning, Roke the cockerel has the important job of waking up everybody in the valley with his song.


Juana the hen has lost her egg and she’s looking for it everywhere. She keeps thinking that she sees it (the object always looks like an egg when the flap is down).

Vuelve a casa huevo!

Catalina González was born in Alicante in 1976, and studied social and cultural anthropology at Barcelona University. She worked in bookshops in Barcelona and Madrid before becoming a full-time writer, and she currently lives in Salamanca.


Catalina y la isla del cíclope (Catalina and the island of the cyclops)

Catalina y la isla del cíclope

This is the story of how a girl-rat and a boy-chicken ended up in a great big mess through no fault of their own.

This is an adventure story about an unlikely pair of best friends: a girl-rat and a boy-chicken. Their story begins when Catalina the girl-rat finds a giant eye, which she promptly loses. Naturally, she sets out in search of the giant eye, with René, the boy-chicken in tow.

Catalina y la isla del cíclope

The illustrator Catarina Sobral was born in Coimbra (Portugal) in 1985. She graduated with a degree in Design from the Universidad de Aveiro en 2007, studied at the Facultad de Bellas Artes de Barcelona and earned a Masters in Illustration from the Universidad de Évora in 2012.

Life has put aside something special for Alfonso, a young architect who has fallen apart after the loss of his father: a treasure hidden from the West for centuries.


Catherine Mansfield is a British translator and communications professional.

Marga d’Andurain was born in Bayonne, France into a middle-class Basque family. Rebellious and transgressive, she married a distant cousin, Pierre d’Andurain, at the age of 17 and together they set off for Argentina to seek their fortune.

Nevena's past as a sex slave comes back to haunt both her and her daughter Marina.

Jordi Cussà (Berga, 1961-2021) est écrivain, poète, traducteur, dramaturge et directeur de théâtre.

Cavalls salvatges

Argot, new coinages, colloquialisms, expressions, text speak and online chat-language… This entertaining dictionary will help you learn the words you don’t know, the ones they don’t teach in class and don’t show up in conventional dictionaries, wh

Cécile de Visscher was born in Belgium where she studied Educational Sciences. In 1978 she moved to Barcelona and finished a degree in Psychology.

Celia Domínguez Luis (Tenerife, 1948) is a graduate in Hispanic Philology and has periodically published poetry, articles and short stories. Plus 16 books of poetry, a novel, four collections of stories, two of which are for children and another for young adults, a short teen story.

Cecilia Rossi is Associate Professor in Literature and Translation at the University of East Anglia, where she convenes the MA in Litera

¡Tío Vims ha sido secuestrado! Ceci y Moquillo se unen a Victoria, la ayudante de Vims, para intentar rescatarlo.

Cecilia Van Helsing, el hombre que tenía una oreja en la frente

Cecilia Varela was born in Argentina. She studied fine arts in Buenos Aires, has lived in Mexico and now lives in the mountains of Cordoba, surrounded by birds. She has illustrated books for publishers in Mexico and Spain.

A member of the Instituto de Historia y Cultura Aeronáutica, he has given talks and published articles in both specialist journals and books. He completed his military service in the air force, obtaining the title of Air Traffic Controller.

Celina Manzoni holds a doctorate in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires and is a professor of Latin American Literature at the Faculty of Arts of the same University.

Celso Castro (born in A Coruña) published his first novel "De las cornisas" ("From the edges") in 1995 under the pseudonum m. de verganza.

セルソ・カストロ(ア・コルニャ生まれ)は、1995年にm・デベンガンサというペンネームで最初の小説De las cornisas (軒蛇腹について)を出版した。その後Dos noches(二夜、2001)、El cerco de beatrice(ベアトリーチェの包囲、Ediciones del Viento、2007)、El afinador de habitaciones(部屋の調律師)、Astillas(木屑)を発表。最後の2作はリブロス・デル・シレンシオ社刊。どの作品においても大文字を用いないのが特徴で、それが独特の美観をもたらし、語り口に紛れもない催眠効果を与えている。

This book is a visceral response to the inequalities of our world, particularly the legacies of colonialism and patriarchy. Told in the first person by an unnamed woman, it is the story of two siblings navigating a confusing, cruel world that offers them little.

Ceniza en la boca

Diego jumps from a fifth floor, and from that moment on, the image is drilled into his sister’s mind: six seconds and a body crashing against the ground. She is the one who looks back and tells the story of the two siblings.


Tres amigos que no se ven desde hace años, con un montón de kilómetros por delante hasta una misteriosa cruz marcada en un mapa: ésa es la premisa de Cenizas.


Alfonso Salazar hat ein Buch mit spannenden, lustigen und anregenden Erzählungen zusammengestellt, die durch Asche, die ihm seinen Titel gibt, verbunden sind: Asche des Todes, die eigentlich winzige Hinterlassenschaften des Lebens sind.

Isa is a writer for hire, the author of biographical style books that never see the light of day. Just as she decides to give up this work, Francisco appears.

Isa is a writer for hire, the author of biographical style books that never see the light of day. Just as she decides to give up this work, Francisco appears.

A dizzying blend of the purest noir and the legendary romances of chivalry.

The Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) is an autonomous administrative agency with its own juridical personality and patrimony, attached to the Ministry of the Presidency. It aims at the scientific study of Spanish society, primarily through survey research.

Century Publishers is a Barcelona publishing house dedicated to the publishing and marketing of reference works, history, art, illustrated books, collectibles and museum catalogues with added value and prestige. It has many years of experience in publishing.



Publishing company with more than 35 years of experience and more than 350 titles available.

It’s almost time for school and Little Pig is still at home. She is really nervous. They are late once more! It is all mummies’ fault; she is very messy and disorganised and can’t find anything.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was a soldier, novelist, poet and dramatist. He is believed to have been born on 29 September 1547 in Alcalá de Henares, and he died on the 22 April 1616 in Madrid.

César Antonio Molina (A Coruña) has a degree in Law and a doctorate in Information Sciences. He was professor of Literary Criticism and Theory at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He was also professor of Humanities and Journalism at Carlos III University.

César Barceló Francés (Banyeres, 1979) has a degree in Fine Art from the Universitat de Valencia.

César Fernández García is a teacher with a degree in Spanish studies from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. His lectures are devoted to literature.
He has also written books and articles on History of Literature and Literary Hermeneutics.

César Fernández García is the author of numerous short stories and novels for children and adults. He has won national awards for stories that combine intrigue and human connection. He believes that real life is actually the most incredible and fantastic story.


César Lillo Gil (1981, Madrid) has a degree in Journalism from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has worked in various aspects of the media and communication and is the author of the novel 'Merylend'. He was also a finalist in the 2010 José Luis Gallego short story competition.

Cesar Mallorquí (Barcelona, 1953) has lived and resided in Madrid for a long time. Given the profession of his father—José Mallorquí, the creator of El Coyote (The Coyote)—Cesar's vocation for literature was inevitable.

César Martín Órtiz studied literature to learn more about the world of books and ended up in Jaraíz de la Vera in Cáceres as a secondary school teacher. There he lived, wrote, and died unexpectedly at 52.

文学の世界をもっと知ろうと文献学を学び、高校教師としてカセレス県のハライス・デ・ラ・ベラに行きついた。同地で暮らし、書き、52歳で予期せぬ死を迎えた。短編集に『Un poco de orden(少しの秩序)』(INSTITUCIÓN CULTURAL EL BROCENSE、997、カセレス県コリア市賞受賞)、『Nuestro pequeño mundo(私たちの小さな世界)』(Editora Regional de Extremadura、2000)、『Paso de contarlo(それを語る歩み)』(Asociación Cultural "Alcancía"、2004)。

César Pérez López holds a degree in Mathematics (and specialized in Statisitcs) from the University of Valladolid. He also has a degree in Economics from the UNED.

César Sánchez Sánchez (Madrid, 1970)  studied in the Faculty of Science and Mathematics but never practised either because, as he says, "his brain box isn't big enough". He has published the novel De vivio (On Vice; Relee, 2016) under the pseudonym Arturo G.

María Ramos (Cáceres, 1984) is an illustrator and writer of comics and children's books. She has a Fine Art degree from the Universidad de Salamanca and currently lives in Madrid. She has taken part in a range of collective projects such as ¡Qué Suerte!

マリア・ラモス(1984年カセレス⽣まれ)はイラストレーター、コミック作画者、児童⽂学作家。サラマンカ⼤学で美術を学ぶ。現在はマドリード在住。「ケ・スエルテ!(運がいい!)」「ティク・トク」「フォスファティーナ」「ヒッツ・ウィズ・ティッツ」「ウルトララディオ」等いくつものグループ・プロジェクトに参加。またマムート・コミックス、MTM、ウォーク・ウィズ・ミーやサリー・ブックスなどの出版社から本を刊⾏している。2017年、シベーレス宮殿の芸術センター「セントロセントロ」で開催されたシリーズ展La ciudad entre viñetas(挿絵の中の町)に出展した。

Tras muchos años de formación autodidacta, decidió formarse en ilustración tradicional y digital, concept art y storyboard cinematográfico en la ESDIP (Escuela de Dibujo Profesional).

After being many years of being self-taught, César Verdúguez decided to train in traditional and digital illustration, conceptual art and film storyboarding at ESDIP (Professional Drawing School).

César Vidal (Madrid, 1958) is a Spanish historian, writer and communicator who has been living in the United States since 2013. He has a PhD in History from UNED, and his thesis was entitled From Pentecost to Jamnia: Judeo-Christianity in Palestine in the 1st century.

セサル・ビダル(1958年マドリード生まれ)は歴史家で作家。マスコミでも仕事をする。2013年から米国在住。スペイン国立通信大学(UNED)で歴史学の学士号と博士号を取得、終了時に特別賞を受賞した。卒業論文De Pentecostés a Jamnia: el judeo-cristianismo en la Palestina del s. I.(ペンテコステからヤムニア会議まで:1世紀のパレスチナにおけるユダヤキリスト教)は最初トロッタ社から出版され、後にLos primeros cristianos(初期キリスト教徒たち)とタイトルを変えて、プラネタ社から再刊された。

Chantal Maillard is a poet, translator and essayist.

Chantal Maillard es poeta, traductora y ensayista. Ha ganado el Premio Nacional de Poesía (por Matar a Platón en 2004 ) y el Premio Nacional de la Crítica (por Hilos en 2005).

Charles Lee is an editor and translator of French, German, Danish and Spanish based in Paris.

Charles Lee is an editor and translator of French, German, Danish and Spanish based in Paris.

Charles Lee is an editor and translator of French, German, Danish and Spanish based in Paris.


Charlotte Coombe is a British freelance translator working from Spanish and French into English. Her published fiction titles include Abnousse Shalmani’sKhomeini, Sade and Me (World Editions, 2016) which won a PEN Translates award in 2015, Traces of Sandalwood b

Charo Camprubí (Lima, 1951) studied Political Sciences in Paris and has worked in the International Court of Justice at The Hague and the Center of Human rights at Geneva; nowadays she collaborates with International Amnesty and writes for the Peruvian newspaper El Comercio.


Charo Izquierdo is a well-known journalist and opinion-leader.



Chester is a very special bear. He is from outer-space. Or perhaps not. Sometimes other people can surprise us with their strange habits. But this doesn't mean we can't be friends - or even best friends.


An extraordinary biography of an all-terrain writer, a classic of literature committed to the essential values of human life.

Adrián is a boy who has been admitted to hospital. His stay there will soon become a unique experience: to his surprise, he is selected to form part of a special group of superheroes and becomes Eagle Boy.

Bad Boy is a rhymed story, written by Pilar López and illustrated by Nanna Garzón, that helps us to employ respect and tolerance as fundamental factors for living peacefully together. "PIncho is a bad boy", say the animals in the forest.

Chiki Fabregat was born in 1969 in a Madrid which still had trams running through it, although she doesn’t remember them. She grew up listening to stories where she and her brothers were the protagonists, because her father is a children’s book writer.


Christopher MacLehose (Edinburgh, 1942) has hada long and prestigious career in the UK publishing industry, specialising in literature in translation.


How many Spanish books have you translated from Spanish?

Marisol wants to go for a walk with her dog Peach. As she prepares to leave the house, her father, a sensible and cautious man, makes her take shelter from the imminent rain.


Chris Moss lived in Argentina between 1991-2001. He was an arts reporter at the Buenos Aires Herald and was travel editor and books editor at Time Out between August 2008 and May 2012. He is the author of Patagonia (Signal Books/OUP) as well as numerous guide books.

I took a long and circuitous route to get to Spain.


The Voices of Adriana is a beautifully crafted novel that spans the generations from the pre-Civil-War years in the south of Spain to the present day in Madr

Las voces de Adriana

Christina MacSweeney was awarded the 2016 Valle Inclán Translation Prize for her translations of Valeria Luiselli’s The Story of My Teeth.

My first encounter with Mario Vargas Llosa took the form of a precarious journey into the domain of cocaine barons and Maoist terrorists in the remote northeast foothills of the Andes in the Spring of 1989.

She has a degree in Humanities and has taken courses in English Literature. She is currently a teacher in a secondary school. She lives in Alcolea de Cinca, but thinks that frontiers are artificial barriers and considers herself a citizen of the world.

人文学を修め、英文学を学ぶ。現在は中学高校で教鞭を執る。アルコレア・デ・シンカ在住だが、国境は人工の壁との考えから世界人と称している。芸術や創造の世界、そしてメタフィクションに情熱を注ぎ、文学中心の人生を送っている。天性の作家で伯父であるラモン・J・センデールを目標とする。読書グループのコーディネーターを務めたり文化イベントを主催する一方で女優やストーリーテラーとしての顔も持つ。受賞多数。物語の本も出版。Rocío Erótico(煽情的な露)選集にも参加している。

Chusco was a very old stray dog who lived in a dark alley. So dark he could barely see who walked along it.


Half of all human beings admit to being unfaithful to their partner. But is the other half telling the truth? There's only one way to find out: spy on them with detectives or through digital media.

人間の半数は、パートナーに性的に不誠実であると認めている。だが、残りの半分は真実を語っているのか、それとも嘘をついているのか? それを証明する唯一の方法は、探偵または電子的な手段を用いてひそかに対象者の生活を調査することだ。本書『CIEN NOCHES (百夜)』はこの人類学的実験を提起している。つまり、同意なしに6000人を調査し、最終的にはわたしたちの社会における性行動についての信頼できる統計を作成すること。主人公イレネは、性欲のなかに人間の魂の秘密を探る。

This book of experiments aims to show children that science is present in many activities experienced in daily life, without us being aware of it most of the time.



Cinta Arribas is from Valladolid and lives in Madrid, where she works as a freelance illustrator, represented by Pencil Illustrators. She collaborates with magazines including Flow Magazine, Cambio16 and the newspaper El Español.

Emil M. Cioran (1911-1995) is one of the most unusal thinkers of the 20th century.

Círculo is the largest reading community in Spain. It is a club formed by a million families and has been a cultural benchmark in Spain since 1962.


The CCNP certificate is a net certificate of worldwide pretige, backed by Cisco Systems.

Alex Belle is a thirteen-year-old girl who lives in Bristol, UK, and has one great passion: ballet.


Lang, a failed detective who drifts from one day to the next between empty romantic flings, is surprised to receive an invitation from the marquis of Catedral to attend a party at his mansion for the inauguration of the Alanka building, headquarte

Claire Smedley (Forres, Escocia) lives in Montgat (Barcelona) and writes about finance, her two Russian tortoises, Txomin and Arthur. She also writes books for children including several published in Spain and Brazil.

クレア・スメドレーはスコットランドのフォレス出身。バルセロナのモンガット在住。金融や二匹の陸亀のチョミンとアーサーについて、そして子ども向けの話を書いている。児童書を何冊か、主にスペインとブラジルで出版している。 エバ・サンタナは『Oliol Pelacanyes(オリオル・ペラカニェス)』シリーズで有名なイラストレーター。

Clara Álbori was born on a hot 22nd of June in Logroño. She has loved the tales and stories she read in books since she was a little girl, but it was at the age of thirteen that she decided that her real passion was for romantic literature.

Clara Cortés was born in 1996 in Colmenar Viejo (Madrid), into a family of book-lovers. She is currently combining her literary career with study for a degree in Psychology at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

クララ・コルテスは1996年、コルメナル・ビエホ(マドリード自治州)の文学好きの家庭で生まれた。現在はマドリード自治大学の心理学部で学びながら執筆を続けている。地方レベル、全国レベルの多くの短編コンクールで優勝。初めての小説Al final de la calle 118 (118番通りのはずれで、Plataforma Neo、2015)で、第3回ラカシャ銀行/プラタフォルマ文芸賞を受賞した。

The author, Carlos Roncero introduces us to Trápaga, a police inspector who dreams of retirement while he is dealing with one of the most complicated cases of his career.

Clara Duarte (Seville, 1996) studies Hispanic Literature at the Complutense Univserity in Madrid, and spends her free time writing young adult novels about the world and its diversity.


Near the big city is La Rosa Negra (The Black Rose) an immense, ruined mansion, apparently abandoned.


Clara García Fraile (Zamora 1984) es artista escénica y visual. Después de más de quince años viviendo y trabajando en Reino Unido y los Países Bajos, en la actualidad reside de nuevo en su ciudad natal.

The author was born in Valencia in the summer of 2003. She is currently in her penultimate year of high school. As a result of her fascination with words and the world of writing, she has been writing texts and novels in her free time since she was a child.

Clara Obligado was born in Buenos Aires and moved to Spain in 1976 as a political exile of the military dictatorship.

クララ・オブリガドはアルゼンチンのブエノスアイレス生まれ。軍事独裁政権時に政治亡命し、1976年からスペイン在住。大学で文学を学び、当時のスペイン初の創作文学ワークショップを指導、フリーランスとして多くの大学や機関で同様の活動を続ける。1996年に小説 La hija de Marx(マルクスの娘)でルメン女流文学賞を受賞。パヒナス・デ・エスプマ社から短編集Las otras vidas(彼岸の生)やジェンダーを取り入れた作品としてスペインでは傑出したアンソロジー Por favor sea breve (手短にお願いします)1巻、2巻を刊行。エッセイも多数出版し、新聞でも執筆している。

Clara Pastor (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1970) is a translator and editor. She studied international relations in Barcelona and comparative literature in the US.

Clara Pastor (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1970) es traductora y editora. Estudió Relaciones Internacionales en Barcelona y Literatura Comparada en Estados Unidos.


Clara Sánchez (Guadalajara, 1955) spent her childhood in Valencia and ended up settling in Madrid.  Following a number of other jobs, she taught at the university and worked with various media outlets.

Clara Tahoces, a graphopsychologist and writer from Madrid, has been investigating unusual occurrences and mysteries over the last twenty years. She has collaborated in numerous publications and several TV and radio programmes.

Clara Usón was born in Barcelona in 1961. She holds a degree in Law and currently devotes all her time to writing.


Clara Usón Vegas won the Femenino Lumen prize in 1998 for her first novel, "Las noches de San Juan" ("Saint John's Eves"). She went on to publish "Primer vuelo" ("First Flight") (2001) and "El viaje de las palabras" ("The Journey of Words") (2005).

Clara-Tanit Arqué (Gerona, 1981) was brought up in Martorell and first studied interior design, then illustration in La Massana, where she met other students, such as Lola Lorente and Alberto Vázquez, which encouraged her to become more deeeply involved in the world of comic books.

「チャピン」とはスペインの上げ底サンダルの⼀種だが、中南⽶の⼤部分では「チャピン」と⾔えばグアテマラ⼈のことを指す。軽蔑を伴って投げかけられることもあれば、誇りを持って⽤いられることもある。⼆重の使い⽅ができる呼称が、心を傾け作り上げられたこのジグソーパズルのような小説を解き明かすひとつのカギを読者に与えてくれる。 エドゥアルド・ハルフォンの中の⽂学、それは彼の磁⽯に引き寄せられる断⽚、私的で断⽚的な伝記としての物語、伝統と他者性、造語、幼少期の沈黙を反映した絵のような表現。

Claudi Alsina (Barcelona, 1952) is Head of Mathematics at the Architecture Department of the University of Barcelona. He has worked widely in mathematical research and also innovation and promotion of education.

Claudi Mans Teixidó was born in Badalona in 1948. He is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad de Barcelona, was Dean of the Chemistry Faculty and President of the Science Division.

Claudia Leal is a Spanish author and illustrator born in Venezuela. She has studied illustration, design and photography in Caracas, Cambridge, Sarmede, Brescia and Madrid. She has published a multitude of work with different publishing companies, magazines, and cultural organisations.


Claudia Ranucci was born in Rome, but she has been living in Madrid for some years. She studied Design and Illustration at the High Institute for Artistic Industries in Urbino (Italy).

Claudia Rueda was born in Bogota in Colombia, where she still lives. She studied law and art, and graduated with a thesis on Roman law and illustrations. She has written and illustrated several books, some in English, and was a finalist for the A la orilla del viento de libro ilustrado prize.

Claudia Tremblay es una ilustradora canadiense especializada en pintar a mujeres y relaciones femeninas. Después de trabajar durante años en Guatemala para varias ONG, y sin ninguna formación en artes visuales, su interés la llevó a pintar la mujer maya, procurando captar su esencia.

Claudine Bernardes has a master’s in therapeutic story- and fable-telling and is a specialist in emotional education through stories. She currently teaches a postgraduate course in therapeutic narrative at the Psychology Institute in Valencia (IASE).

Claudine Bernardes tiene un Máster en Cuentos y Fábulas Terapéuticas y es especialista en educación emocional a través de los cuentos, actualmente es docente de Narrativa en Terapia en los postgrados del Instituto de Psicología IASE Valencia.

Claudio Bonifacio Italian historian, who is an expert in shipwrecks, estimates that the sea houses 1600 tons of gold and 34.000 tons of silver valued between 50,000 (US$ 67.305 millions) y 80,000 millions of euros..

Claudio Cerdán (Yecla, 1981) distinguishes himself with this novel as one of the most promising young authors of crime fiction. He holds a degree in Sociology and has made the short films 'Siesta Time' and 'Cinnamon vol. 0.5'.

Clave Intelectual is a new publishing house which offers books on critical thought and essays on social issues. Books to spread ideas and knowledge of our time, written by specialists in an accessible form, for readers of all types.



Founded in 1946 by Enric Climent. Clivis specialises in the scores of 20th and 21st century composers. Its list contains books on music: treatises and studies on musical themes such as the guitar, voice, harmony and musicology.

Miguel Ángel León, working from his extensive experience as a coach and trainer of other coaches, presents in this book a playful way of learning, a way of making us more able to change and therefore realize our potential as coaches.


Twenty-five projects to make all kinds of recycled material into fantastic and entertaining cookery recipes. With these suggestions, the smallest chefs in the house can develop the most valuable of skills: - Culinary knowledge.

Pregnancy is a unique experience full of hope, happiness and joy, but it also carries a certain degree of uncertainty and has effects on the body we are unable to control.

This book brings together staple recipes of Basque cookery: the so-called traditional recipes which have always figured in the menus of all restaurants but also frequently made in all homes. More than 130 recipes of all types.

偉大な基本のソース……タパス、冷たい前菜、サラダ、温かい前菜。米、シチュー、クリーム、卵料理。パスタ、魚とシーフード、肉類、デザートとケーキ……とにかく料理! 単なる料理本にとどまらず、どんな好みにも、料理を楽しみたいどんな人にも対応する。プロの料理人にも、アマチュアにも、初めて料理の世界に足を踏み入れようとしている人にも、ぴったりの本。いつもの料理、いつもの食材に、テレビに出演する料理人エンリケ・サンチェスがひと工夫。既刊の料理本が成功を収め、独自の食の冒険に乗り出す。

A book which analyses one of the most topical, in-demand techniques, aimed at all types of restaurateurs, from students of the hotel business to those studying haute cuisine.

Cooking with Family is a book that tries to encourage us to share some fun time with our children at the stove. Some of the best chefs in Europe are here to help.


This is a book to cook healthy, tasty and nutritious dishes without wasting time and in a very easy way. It compiles 150 recipes for one person and gives you tricks to buy either fresh or canned food wisely.

Children's publishing house whose aim is to inspire creativity. Lovingly edited books with a unique and careful choice of illustration, design, activities and text.


I'm looking for my dog, Coco. I lost him while I was walking him in the park. Coco isn’t long or boring, pink or mischievous, small or fearful, stretched or nervous, fat or smiley ... Will you help me look for him?

Peka the hen dreams of being able to sing and that one day, she will wake the whole valley with her call. But no hen has ever sung. It’s something cockerels do.

La gallina Peka sueña con cantar y que algún día su voz despierte a todo el valle.
Pero las gallinas nunca han cantado. Eso es cosa de gallos.
Tal vez sea el momento de intentarlo.
Coco… riki… coco…


Marina Fontcuberta is working on the search for a drug to cure Alzheimer’s. But, when a new director with a brilliant career in the USA arrives to lead her research team, her work becomes compromised by her personal feelings.

A publishing house specialising in child and young adult books, fiction and gift books.



Coia Valls (Reus, 1960) is a writer and actor. She also works as a therapy and speech therapy teacher. In autumn 2010 she won the Néstor Luján prize for the Historical Novel with La princesa de jade (The Jade Princess).

コイア・バイス(1960年レウス⽣まれ)は作家で⼥優。また、教育療法⼠、⾔語聴覚⼠(スピーチ・セラピスト)としての仕事もしている。2010年秋、La princesa de jade(翡翠の王⼥)でネストル・ルハン歴史小説賞を受賞。それ以来、Ediciones B社からEl mercader (商⼈、2012)、 Las torres del cielo(空の塔、2013)、 La cocinera (⼥料理⼈、2014)、 Amor prohibido(禁じられた愛、2015)、Etheria (エテリア、 2016)など様々な⼩説を発表。

Looking for a colchicine? Not a problem!

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This is a book of games based around the number one, and is full of fun illustrations and ideas that are easily accessible to children.

Colibrí Ediciones is an independent publishing house based in Seville that aims to serve as a benchmark for the world of Flamenco literature. It also publishes poetry, narrative works and graphic novels.


Vincent is an upper class teenager used to doing whatever he likes.

Her first book 'Querida yo' ('Dear Me') (Plaza&Janés) was very well received and won the Premio Contradiction for self-help. She was named one of the ten best new authors of the year 2000 by 'El mundo' newspaper's 'El Cultural' supplement.

This is a story of people and dogs which begins thousands of years ago, an almost unique relationship within the animal kingdom. It is also a story of friendship and cooperation.

Led by Ramos’ loveable characters, our youngest readers learn to match the colours to their names through games and challenges. The book comprises twenty double-page activities that reveal the magic of colours.


The Internet has meant a paradigm shift in relation to copyright.

The Internet has meant a paradigm shift in relation to copyright.

Columna Ediciones is a leading publisher of titles in Catalan. It was founded in 1985 and has built a multidisciplinary catalogue of fiction and non-fiction which it distributes to a wide audience. Since 1997 it has sponsored the Nèstor Luján Prize for Historical Fiction.

Columna Ediciones was founded in 1985 and successfully broke into the Catalan publishing field with the aim of increasing readers through publishing foreign authors and reviving great classic works in its catalogue. It manages the Néstor Luján awards for historic novels.



The spine is the central core of our skeleton. It is a vital area where an important number of symptoms and illnesses are concentrated.

Comanegra is an independent publishing house founded in 2007 in Barcelona. A small company which feels very happy in its niche, since it can ignore the trends of mass market publishing and concentrate on the development and careful publishing of the titles which it finds attractive.


Combel Editorial is an imprint of the group Editorial Casals which has been producing illustrated books for boys and girls from babyhood to nine years old since 1989. Our catalogue encompasses a wide array of titles, from board books for the very youngest to pop-up and factual books.

Combel Editorial is an imprint of the group Editorial Casals which has been producing illustrated books for boys and girls from babyhood to nine years old since 1989. Our catalogue encompasses a wide array of titles, from board books for the very youngest to pop-up and factual books.


The subject of Community Management is becoming increasingly important in today's society, both because of its close ties to the Internet and because of the benefits that including Social Media strategies can bring to a business.

In this book, Laura Gamerro and Manu Callejón present one of the most common childhood fears - the possibility that a monster is living in some hidden corner of the house - and the perfect way to conquer it: a manual of simple instructions with wh


Organisations frequently carry out audits to evaluate their occupational health and safety performance. This book examines the application of regulation UNE-EN-ISO 19011 to occupational health and safety management systems based on OHSAS 18001.

A book for those who want to enjoy a tasty, balanced diet while only spending two days a month cooking. With this in mind, Cristina Macía offers various plans, appealing to different culinary tastes, for preparing seasonal menus.

Cómo cocinar princesas (Wie man Prinzessinnen kocht)

Cómo cocinar princesas

明日を必ずより良い日にするために、きみは何をするつもり? 環境を救える方法はたくさんある。木を植えてもいいし、残り物を堆肥にしてもいいし、ハチの巣箱を作っても、電気を消して回ったっていい。地球の青さを維持する役目は、わたしたちにかかっている。

Are you afraid to speak in public? Do you miss opportunities because you get blocked when expressing your ideas? Would you like to be yourself and have an impact on the listeners?

We propose a challenge, a plan, a strategy.
We’re going to talk about how to pursue your vocation, design your career and move towards it.

In order to teach well it is necessary to understand children’s learning processes. The negative attitudes of teachers and pupils to maths need to be modified.

How to wrap a present in ten steps. Not, nine, or eight, or seven. Not even a small step for mankind. Ten steps. Follow them to the letter.

Plot summary:


Everyday we experience numerous services all around us, but we often have no idea of their complexity.

How to Win a War is a historical revision of World War II from a different point of view, focusing on the lessons of history and business that can be applied to daily life.

All entrepreneurs, business people and directors who wish to manage a business efficiently need access to the tools which enable them to make the right decisions.

This book aims to provide clear, concise and useful information for negotiating in 50 countries that together account for over 90% of the world economy.

This is a reference book which aims to improve the communication skills, both oral and written, of those executives that work in an international environment.

Through the explanations of its funny main character called “Fotolito” children and adults will discover the process of making a book, in the past and nowadays. From how paper is made, to which professionals work on book making…

Deadly glaciers, murderous beasts, warlike tribes... Are you sure you would know how to survive in prehistoric times? Millions of years ago some very clever primates evolved into human beings.

死をもたらす氷河期、人を殺すけだもの、暴力的な種族……。先史時代を生き残れる自信はある? 何百万年も前、非常に知能の高い霊長類が進化を遂げて人類となった。火を発見し、道具を製造することをおぼえ、洞窟に絵を描いて、少しずつ発展していった我々はまた、想像もつかない危険と対峙しなければならなかった。先史時代の脅威の回避の仕方を学べる生き残りガイド。ほんの少しの運さえあれば、この時代を生きて抜け出すことができるよ! エル・フィスゴン・イストリコ(歴史の探究者)の楽しいシリーズの一冊。

Deadly glaciers, murderous beasts, warlike tribes... Are you sure you would know how to survive in prehistoric times? Millions of years ago some very clever primates evolved into human beings.

死をもたらす氷河期、人を殺すけだもの、暴力的な種族……。先史時代を生き残れる自信はある? 何百万年も前、非常に知能の高い霊長類が進化を遂げて人類となった。火を発見し、道具を製造することをおぼえ、洞窟に絵を描いて、少しずつ発展していった我々はまた、想像もつかない危険と対峙しなければならなかった。先史時代の脅威の回避の仕方を学べる生き残りガイド。ほんの少しの運さえあれば、この時代を生きて抜け出すことができるよ! エル・フィスゴン・イストリコ(歴史の探究者)の楽しいシリーズの一冊。

"Once upon a time there was a writer who didn't know what to write. She had everything she needed to do it: a computer, a functioning plug socket, some comfy slippers and a decent amount of time.

A grouchy, misanthropic author is suffering from writer’s block, and decides to have a snack to see if that will help stimulate her creativity. When she opens up a tin of sardines, she’s surprised to find a small mermaid inside.

Cómo tener ideas

It was unlikely that their paths would ever cross, but it happened on the bus to the prison thanks to a flying paper crane.

Collection of short stories, in which the author focuses her attention on a series of female characters who, for various reasons, are accompanying someone on a journey that at first does not concern them, but which gives rise to episodes that reve

A reference work for students and professionals that offers a comprehensive collection of formulas with applications in the field of electricity. Each formula is always accompanied by examples to clarify its use.

This book represents a contribution from the Psychology of Thinking to the study of generic skills proposed by the European Union, and is aimed at university professors and students.

The results of PISA (International Student Evaluation) tests show that the quality of teaching is a decisive factor in the educational level of different countries. Those with competent and well trained staff gain better results.

María Fernanda González y Belén Ballesteros Velázquez han organizado este texto de elaboración colectiva en el que participan autores/as de España, Brasil y Argentina, con el objetivo de servir de apoyo en los análisis en investigaciones cualitati

Comprender el mundo para (intentar) transformarlo. Una guía posible para el análisis cualitativo de datos

A comedy in three acts about the fundamental values of the individual and society.


Sigue la línea que pasea por las páginas de esta historia, abre las solapas y cuenta los objetos que se esconden en su enredada maraña.

Con esta línea

Follow the line that travels across the pages of this story, open the flaps and see what objects it is hiding in its tangled web.


While being a grandmother seems to have always been a natural continuation to being a mother, becoming a grandfather is now a new situation for men.

Con rumbo propio is a book to reflect about life and how to live it more fully. A book that encourages us to take the helm to set the course which will enable us to regain personal balance and sovereignty over our own lives.

1978年、セビリア生まれ。セビリア大学で人文科学の学士号、文学創作の修士号を取得。ペンギン・ランダムハウス・グループのファンタシー社より2013年に出版された処女小説である本書La Corte de los Espejos (鏡の王都)の成功により、現在第2部を執筆中。また、有名な連載小説El Misterio de la caja Bethel(べテルの箱の謎、FANTASCY、2015)の著者でもある。ビブリオフォーラム文化協会会長で、ドス・エルマナス・ファンタジー文学フェスティバルの運営に携わる。

This publication is intended as a tool to help organizations and companies to take environmental variables into account in their management practice. The ISO 14001 guideline and the EMAS III Rule are its reference points.

Concha Casas was born in Alicante but spent her childhood and early years in Madrid, where she also studied contemporary history. She felt drawn to the South almost immediately and it was when she moved there that the muses began to visit her.

Concha López Narváez was born in Seville and has a degree in American History. She worked as a secondary school teacher for several years. Currently she dedicates all her time to writing children’s books. She has written more than fifty books and has been rewarded with several awards.

Concha López Narváez was born in Seville in 1939. She studied Philosophy and Letters and has a graduate degree in American History.

コンチャ・ロペス=ナルバエスは1939年セビーリャ生まれ。哲文学部で学び、アメリカ史で学士号を取得。50点以上の著書があり、短編や記事も執筆。ラサリーリョ賞、CCEI賞、国際児童図書評議会(IBBY)オナーリスト、国民児童文学賞最終候補など、児童文学賞を数多く受賞。現在の児童文学界で最も良く売れ、尊敬されている作家のひとり。国際アンデルセン賞候補にもなり、世界的に認められている。 ラファエル・サルメロンはマドリード生まれ。母親のコンチャ・ロペス=ナルバエスとの共著が何冊かある。挿絵はジョルディ・ビラ=デルクロスで、現在の児童文学の分野で、幅広い実績があり定評がある。

I'm from Asturias. I was born in Mieres, a mining town surrounded by very green mountains where as I was told as a child, lived mythological beings whose stories filled my childhood with magic.

Concha Pasamar's professional life has mostly been spent in the area of Philology. Having always enjoyed drawing, in recent years she has redirected this interest towards illustration, and has taken various related courses and workshops with leading professionals.


Conchi Monzonís and Antonio Giménez established Editorial Pencil in the year 2005, with the purpose of publishing educational books devoted to the area of architecture and construction.


What happens when a human mind is transferred into a machine?

READER’S NAME: Maria Julia Rossi


Érika has learned everything she knows on the streets. She has just turned twenty, but people always say she seems older. Perhaps its her gaze, which seems older than her years.

エリカはあらゆることを街中で学んだ。 彼女は20歳になったばかりだが、みんなは彼女がもっと年上に見えると言う。多分それは彼女の眼差しのせい。それが彼女を何歳も年上に見せるのだ。 エリカは弟のように見える兄サムエルと暮らしている。兄はいつも彼女にお金を借りている。いつももめごとに巻き込まれている。彼は彼女よりもっと強い思いで、家を出ること、そしてその汚くて暗い穴倉を後にすることを夢見ている。その穴倉には足りないものがあるが、それについてふたりは決して話すことはない。

Conetic, a non-profit organisation, was formed in 2005 and defends the interests of the sector throughout Spain. Composed of 14 associations, it represents over 1,700 companies, 52,000 workers and a turnover of 6,000 million Euros.


… A man who has a strange relationship with cinema, a rich man bored with his money, the mother of a dictator, a couple who love each other in a… peculiar way, and a maniac obsessed with fame are some of the characters making up Confessions to te

Confessions to the Psychoanalyst does exactly what it says on the tin. The book is a fictional collection of short accounts from the psychologist’s couch with a brief introduction from the psychologist that states clearly that the purpose of the texts

Confesiones al psicoanalista

CONI LA GROTTERIA es maestra de Educación Infantil, doctoranda en Igualdad y escritora de cuentos que promueven una cultura de paz desde la primera infancia.

Maita is a little girl who has just moved house. On her adventure, she will discover friends both old and new. Do you want to meet her?

Do you like birds? Well, here's the perfect tool to get into this exciting world. This book will open the path, starting from the beginning.

Conquest and destruction of the Indies thoroughly analyses the huge genocide caused by the conquest and colonization, the past and current theories that either deny or justify it, the legislation protective towards the natives, the use of terror a

Consol Iranzo has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona. She completed a Master’s in Foreign Commerce at the EAE and a Programme of Management Development at the IESE; in addition she is a coach certified by The Coaches Training Institute (U.S.), by the Newfield Network (EE.

consonni is a publishing house with an independent cultural space in Bilbao.  We have been producing critical culture since 1996 and now we are supporting the written word. We edit books, ebooks and podcasts.


Constantino Ávila was born in Ayora, Valencia (Spain) in August 1944. He graduated in Teaching and specialized in Mathematics. He currently teaches this subject in a Secondary School in his native town.

Cinto turns 100 on Sunday and his whole family is staying with him for the weekend. Over the years, he has taught them all the stars and constellations, the names of which he first learnt during the Civil War.


Consuelo Boticario is a Doctor degree (PhD) in Pharmacy (1966) from the Complutense University (Madrid), having studied Chemistry in Salamanca University, and received a Diploma in Industrial Organization by E.O.I. (Madrid).

The novel tells the story of a young woman in contemporary Barcelona. It is narrated in the first person with a Joycean ‘a day in the life of…’ style of voice, although the novel takes place over several different days.


The environment, markets and competitors change today at speeds never seen before. Companies need something different, a proper response to the movements of society that allows them to change their pace or even get ahead of them.

Literary journalism has transformed contemporary fiction, with a wide range of genres, written, visual and electronic. Cultivators of this art fill their stories with the feelings that lie behind news reports.

Writers Ola Yevguènieva, Véra-Margarita Abansèrev, Vitali Kroptkin, Aleksandr Vòlkov and Iosif Bergxenko were unbeknownst to me before Anastàssia Maxímovna sent me their short stories. To me, they are part in the fictionalization of fiction.

Víctor Durán, a talentless writer who had a tough childhood, has just become divorced from a well-known painter.


São, a girl who, like everyone in her village, was born to work, decides one day to try and build a better life for herself in Europe.

Is Nature our mother? Does Mother Nature secure a stable, peaceful and pollution-free environment for us her sons to do well and freely?

Editorial de Barcelona que, desde 2011, publica libros de música, deporte y cultura popular, así como también narrativa.

It is the first century BC. After rebelling against Sulla and seeking refuge in Africa, the Roman general Quintus Sertorius is advancing through the Iberian peninsula without opposition.

Human beings are motivated by emotions and feelings, so it is important to know how to manage them adequately. There are two fundamental ingredients: passion and a believable communicator.

Leitora: Margareth Santos

Convite ao tempo explosivo

Cooking Sales: vender más y mejor is an easily understandable book, accessible to anyone, whether or not sales professionals.

An eccentric but respected Barcelona writer of advanced years turns up at her brother's house and casually informs him "As you can imagine, I'm here to die".


The most important things in Lara's life are her friends and music and she is planning to start a DJ double act with her best friend Martina. But suddenly one morning everything changes.

Victoria and Kenji share a secret: the scars that cover their wrists. Her days are filled with counting calories and trying to prevent her sister forcing her to eat more than she considers necessary.

Fede is a fat, gross, lazy teenager, who’s a huge fan of Sid Vicious. He can’t stand the posh woman his father is married to. So he decides to run away from home and go to Barcelona, where his mother lives.

Two very special visitors arrive in Villatorcida and open a curious shop that will have people talking. Villatorcida is a mountain village with one specific characteristic: nothing is straight!


"Corni, the unicorn who went to the fair" is a story about a slightly daft unicorn who tries to enjoy the fun of the fair all alone - but he can't until he finds a friend. Together everything is far more exciting! Everyone loves fairs.

The mythical city of Cíbola and the search for a new El Dorado led Francisco Vázquez de Coronado to the south of what is now the United States.

If you liked Men In Black or Life Is Beautiful, don't miss out on this novel in which a son has to trust his father under incredible circumstances. What would you do if your father told you he worked as an alien hunter? Would you believe him?

映画「メン・イン・ブラック」や「ライフ・イズ・ビューティフル」が好きな人なら、この小説は見逃せない。とんでもない状況におかれ、息子が父親を信頼しなければならない物語だ。もしきみの父親が、きみの仕事はエイリアンをつかまえることだと言い出したら、きみならどうする? 父親を信じる? この本の主人公ニコ・ダスクロットは、まさにそういう目にあう。けれども、父親に説得されて、ニコは疑いながらもそれに従う。

This university text book is a study of the origin and development of  national educational systems in the West in the 19th and 20th centuries.


Cos peitos desenchufados is a new literary journey based on the poetic image, on its power and on the possibilities of words.

'On the 11th of March 2004 Madrid suffered the worst terrorist attack in its history. Ten minutes after the bombs went off, my mobile rang. I was working as a journalist back then.

This is a work of fiction based on a real-life event – the terrorist bombings that took place in Madrid on 11 March 2004, which resulted in the death of 192 people.

Cosas que brillan cuando están rotas (Things That Shine When They Are Broken)

Ignasi and María were destined to part from the beginning. When she arrives at a new school, everyone knows María's story: her mother is in a coma in hospital, after a brutal beating.


“I feel like a muse on leave: I am no longer a promising young thing, and I don’t have a recognised role. I have no aim in sight and I haven’t achieved anything. An idea for a painting which is yet to be defined.

The first chapter of Cosas que pasan is called ‘The Whirlwind’, and the story as a whole has something of a whirlwind to it from beginning to end: a succession of not exactly everyday events, often awful or disturbing or stunning, which spin aroun

COSICOSA es una asociación fundada por Cristina Valero, Laura Malinverni, Isabel Garcia y Marie-Monique Schaper en 2018.

A book that pays tribute to Italo Calvino's The Baron in the Trees. Cosimo is a plucky squirrel who sets out on a journey of perilous adventures in search of a cure for the ancient oak tree where his family lives.


This books is a novel about childhood and memories, a marvellous text which transports us in time and space by means of carefully ordered images of Barcelona.


There’s a party going on on Planet Gouda and Cosmic Cat, the intrepid space explorer, doesn’t want to miss it. What should he wear? What will happen on the way there? You might find clothes, wigs, aliens, planets or meteorites!

コスミック・キャットは大胆不敵な宇宙ネコ。ゴーダ惑星で開かれるパーティーにどうしても行きたくなった。何を着ていく? とちゅうで何が出てくるかな? 本に描かれた、かつら、服、宇宙人、惑星、隕石などのなかから、それぞれのシーンでいちばん楽しいと思うものをえらんで色をぬろう。自分だけのお話がつくれるし、何度でも好きなだけ変えてもいい。

Irene is in the later stages of her life and remembers something that happened when she was a very little girl that changed her life forever.

晩年にさしかかったイレーネは、まだほんの子供の頃に彼女の人生を永遠に変えたできごとを思い出している。あの数日後、グラナダの海とマドリードへの引っ越しまでの間のあの頃からずっと隠し通すことになる秘密が生まれた。彼女の物語は、聖職を放棄し、過去に直面することを拒む孤独な老人エンリケの物語と絡み合う。 彼はソリアの、山に守られた小さな村にある荒廃した屋敷に住み、あらゆる時空から隔絶していると感じている。 ふたりとも時々、心を許して打ち明け話のできる若いカップル、マリアとアロンソとつきあっている。

Starting with the study of a series of enigmas located at the boundary between life and matter, the author offers us a revolutionary vision of physics and biology.

El infinito y la nada, los grandes y pequeños amores, el dinero, las creencias, el arte y la técnica.


Fernando Alcalá studied English and now works as a secondary school teacher.

Coule la seine

We continue the world's greatest remote-control car championships Crazy Car! Adventure, action, friendship, family, speed and fun. Don't miss it!

A publishing house which specializes in books on electricity, alternative energy, Telecommunications and Computer Science.

c/ Rozabella 6. Edf. París, dcho 12, 1ª pta, 28230 Las Rozas, Madrid



Cream eBooks are made in Spain, with love and care, to share the quality and design of our authors throughout the world. Cream eBooks is fine design applied to the electronic book.


From the My Little Heroes series, this book is exclusively dedicated to the most creative women in history. Frida Kahlo, Coco Chanel, J. K.

Educating in an integral manner implies not just paying attention to the logical and rational aspects of the mind, but also to intuition and creativity, to fantasy and irrational aspects.

This is the story of a company’s transformation through the instatement of an efficient management system that has worked throughout the world.

The Sicilian and Italian-American mafia, the Napolitan Camorra, the Japanese Yakuza, Chinese triads, Colombian and Mexican drug cartels, Russian mafia… From the north to the south of the planet, organized crime is one of the most characteristic cr

Crisis is a mosaic-novel whose protagonists are multiple and are one.

A man is floored by an epileptic fit in the reception of a hotel in Madrid. His name is Guillermo Alonso, a talented engineer who has scaled the heights of multinational company Goodwin Chemicals in Spain.

In a place in the universe called Crystal Earth there was a race who talked to the stars. The old people would teach the children from a young age to communicate with the stars, not using words, but with their minds.


Cristian Acevedo, the Argentine author who became a publishing phenomenon with Matilde debe morir (‘Matilde Should Die’) joins the Umbriel imprint with Todas las vidas de Eva Ki (‘All the Lives of Eva

Cristian Acevedo, el autor argentino que se convirtió en un fenómeno editorial con Matilde debe morir, llega a Umbriel con Todas las vidas de Eva Ki, una novela de ficción especulativa, donde el tiempo, la memoria, la vida y las historias son las piezas clave para darle forma a Eva Ki, destinada

Cristian Acevedo, el autor argentino que se convirtió en un fenómeno editorial con Matilde debe morir, llega a Umbriel con Todas las vidas de Eva Ki, una novela de ficción especulativa, donde el tiempo, la memoria, la vida y las historias son las piezas clave para darle forma a Eva Ki, destinada

Cristian Crusat (Marbella, 1983) made his debut with the book "Estatuas" ("Statues") (Pre-Textos, 2006) which was followed by "Tranquilos en tiempo de guerra" ("Calm In A Time of War") (Pre-Textos, 2010) and, a year later, "Breve teoría del viaje y el desierto" (Brief Theory of Travelling and the

Cristian Olivé (Barcelona, 1987) studied Catalan philology and works as a secondary school teacher in Barcelona and teaching the Master's in secondary and baccalaureate education at the Pompeu Fabra University.

Cristian Segura (Barcelona, 1978) is a journalist. He wrote for newspapers and weekly publications in Barcelona and Madrid for 12 years. Between 2003 and 2010 he worked in Berlin and Beijing. He currently works on the Opinion section of the newspaper Ara.



Cristian Turdera was born in Buenos Aires in 1973. He is an illustrator and graphic designer who illustrates books and is published in various journalistic media in Argentina and abroad. He also delivers illustration workshops and is Artistic Director at a small publishing company.

Cristina Araújo Gámir  has a degree in English literature from the Complutense University in Madrid.

Es licenciada en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad Complutense. Después de terminar la carrera, trabajó en un estudio de doblaje revisando traducciones de documentales para los canales Historia, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC y Telemadrid.

Es licenciada en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad Complutense. Después de terminar la carrera, trabajó en un estudio de doblaje revisando traducciones de documentales para los canales Historia, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC y Telemadrid.

Cristina Brocos is an Asturian teacher of 48. She lives in Santiago de Compostela and works in the village school of Costa da Morte. A great admirer of E. L. James's trilogy, she decided to write her own Fifty Shades of Grey in homage to a genre of which she is a loyal reader.



Cristina C. Pombo (Ourense, 1977) studied music, philology and the dramatic arts, completing her education with a Masters in Creativity and Audiovisual Scriptwriting. She has worked as a creative copy editor, artistic director, teacher, translator and scriptwriter for television.

Cristina Campos was born in Barcelona in 1975. She has a degree in Humanities from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. She finished her studies at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, where she also worked as the coordinator of the city's international cinema festival.

Cristina Durán (Valencia, 1970) and Miguel A. Giner Bou (Benetússer, 1969) are graduates from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia. They met after the zine No Aparcar Llamo GRUA co-authored by Miguel A. thanks to the fact Cristina was the only girl in the course who wrote comics.

Cristina Expósito was born in Cádiz in 1983 and grew up in Las Cabezas de San Juan, not far from Seville.

Cristina Expósito wurde 1983 in Cádiz geboren und wuchs im Städtchen Las Cabezas de San Juan in der Provinz Sevilla auf. Sie hat an den Universitäten von Sevilla und Antonio de Nebrija Journalismus und Linguistik studiert.

Cristina Fallarás (Zaragoza, 1968) is a journalist and writer. She has received several awards for her journalistic work.

Cristina Fernández Valls nació en Soria en 1983. A los siete años, sus padres la llevaron a vivir a Santander, donde se obsesionó con el mar. En su cajón guarda tres títulos académicos. El de Arquitectura, porque admiraba a Gaudí.

Cristina Fernández Valls was born in Soria in 1983. When she was seven, her parents took her to live in Santander, where she became obsessed with the sea. She has three academic qualifications under her belt. She got the one in architecture is because she loves Gaudi.

In recent years literature festivals have been popping up all over the world from Dubai to Jaipur, and have become important channels for promoting the work of authors to new and existing readers.

Cristina García Marcos has a degree in sociology and a diploma in scriptwriting for film and television.

Licenciada en Sociología y diplomada en Guion de Cine y TV. Trabaja durante muchos años como guionista especializada en animación y en desarrollo de proyectos hasta que en 2015 da el salto a la literatura y a la redacción de contenidos.

Licenciada en Sociología y diplomada en Guion de Cine y TV. Trabaja durante muchos años como guionista especializada en animación y en desarrollo de proyectos hasta que en 2015 da el salto a la literatura y a la redacción de contenidos.

Cristina Gatell Sánchez is qualified in Environmental Science and Superior Risk-Prevention Techniques in the Work Place.


クリスティナ・ガテル=サンチェスは、環境科学で学位取得。労働リスク防止の準学位取得。コンサルティングに焦点をしぼり、品質、環境、 OHSAS (労働安全衛生)の統合マネージメントシステムの審査・監査に関する仕事をしてきた。アエノールで約5年間教育スタッフと3分野の監査役を務めた後、現在は建築・産業セクターのトップ企業で品質・環境の責任者を務める。

Born in Madrid, she practised as a lawyer specialising in intellectual property for thirteen years.

マドリード⽣まれ。知的財産法専⾨の弁護⼠として13年間就業。2009年、El hombre que mareaba con la rotación de la Tierra(地球の⾃転に酔っていた男、2009)でビーリャ・ポスエロ・デ・アラルコンYA⼩説賞を受賞。翌年La casa de los amores imposibles(叶わぬ恋の家、2010) を刊⾏。このふたつの出来事を機に、執筆専念のため弁護⼠業を辞める。

I was born in Barcelona and I am an illustrator. As a girl I was a real scaredy-cat! Now I prefer drawing monsters, witches, skeletons and ghosts to princes, princesses and fairies.

Cristina M. Menéndez Maldonado is a journalist and writer. She is the author of the text. Among her other published books 'Palabras de lluvia' ('Rainy Words') was selected by the 2018 New Spanish Books UK panel. Rut Villamagna is a painter and set designer. She did the illustrations.

Cristina Macía is the author of supremely practical cookbooks for people who have little spare time but who still wish to eat good food. The highly readable instructions to her recipes are easy to follow, and unashamedly use commonly available ingredients which make life simpler.


Christina MacSweeney was awarded the 2016 Valle Inclán Translation Prize for her translations of Valeria Luiselli’s The Story of My Teeth.

Cristina Menéndez is a journalist and author: "Writing is a task like inventing recipes or making perfumes.

Cristina Mora Literary & Film Agency naît en avril 2010 avec une nette vocation internationale.

Cristina Mora Literary & Film Agency naît en avril 2010 avec une nette vocation internationale.


Cristina Morató is a journalist, photographer and writer. Her books, beloved by thousands of readers, include Viajeras intrépidas y aventureras, Las Reinas de África and Las damas de Oriente, published by Plaza & Janés and Debolsillo.


Cristina Oleby is Swedish but was born in Spain. She began to write children’s stories when she was little, made short films as a teenager and, when she became a mother took up writing for children again.

Cristina Oleby nació en España, pero tiene nacionalidad sueca.

Cristina Oleby (the writer): I received the 6th International Enric Solbes picture book prize (awarded by the publisher Bromera) for my book “La Fuga” (The escape), illustrated by Pablo Pino, and three of my books have been selected by the Cuatrogatos Foundation in Miami as one of their

Cristina Oleby (escritora): He recibido el VI Premio Internacional Enric Solbes de Álbum Ilustrado de la Editorial Bromera con La Fuga, ilustrado por Pablo Pino, y tres de mis libros han sido seleccionados por la Fundación Cuatrogatos de Miami dentro de sus 100 libros recomendados (El alce negro

Cristina Ortega has a PHD in Leisure and Human Potential, a Masters degree in Leisure Administration, specialising in Cultural Administration; she has an undergraduate Humanities degree from the Universidad de Deusto and Westminster University, is director of Cultural and Leisure Innovation Proje

Cristina A. Puig (Palma, 1978). Writer with a degree in history of art from the University of the Balearic Islands and Masters in museum studies and heritage management from the University of Barcelona.

クリスティナ・A・プッチは1978年パルマ生まれの作家。バレアレス諸島大学で美術史の学士号、バルセロナ大学で博物館学と資産管理の修士号を取得した。現在はサン・サドゥルニ・ダノヤ市立資料館での仕事と作家業を両立させている。その作品にはH・フィリップス・ラヴクラフト、E・アラン・ポー、J・R・R・トールキンなどの作家の影響が見られる。2012年、小説第一作『Crónicas de Erehländ (エレーランド年代記)』(Kelonia Editorial)を出版。2014年にはラファテルのイラスト本『Pesadilla. Los Dioses Oscuros (悪夢。

Cristina was born in Madrid in 1976 and studied Journalism at the Universidad Complutense. She began her professional career at the Europa Press, as an editor in the television section. Since then her career has continued in the audiovisual world.


Cristina Romero Miralles is a special education teacher, speech therapist and psychometrician. She was previously the Coordinator of Escola Liberi, a non-directive school for children aged 6 to 12 and their families. She is a mother of three and is currently the director of Tu Bebé Magazine.

Cristina Sánchez-Andrade is a writer, literary critic, and translator. She holds degrees in Information Sciences and in Law.


Cristina Serret (Reus, 1973) studied journalism at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and administration and business management at Barcelona University (UB).

Cristina Zafra was born one winter in Manresa and, while still very young, diagnosed with chronic versatility. That's why, despite having a degree in Romance Studies and Fine Art, she opted to work as a musician and is currently a piano teacher.


Critica was founded in 1976, coinciding with the beginning of Spain’s transition to democracy. Since then, it has continued in its vocation to construct a free, critical culture through classic works of Spanish literature and publication of new titles.

CIF: B61741781


This book starts from the premise that within the European Left, which has cherished such a strong desire for equality and social justice, a collectivist impulse, at times authoritarian, has become apparent, contrary to the best ideals of emancipa

A saga about a family from the Poblenou neighbourhood of Barcelona living under the weight of a curse.

La historia de una saga familiar del barrio barcelonés del Poblenou, sobre la que pesa una maldición.

Crónica fabulosa de Mamá Asya y su descendencia

San Basilio is one of the most iconoclastic and visionary of present-day Spanish writers, gifted with an eye for uncovering the extraordinary and enigmatic aspects of trivial areas of life.



The Variety: an island of suns surrounded by a huge cosmic vacuum. The five intelligent species that live there are trapped with no way of escaping, although they continue trying to develop their civilizations.

170 years have passed since English Bible seller George Borrow crossed Spain on horseback.

Hidden Truth Chronicles is a key work in Calders' writing and represents the discovery, for postwar readers, of an extraordinary storyteller.

Hidden Truth Chronicles is a key work in Calders' writing and represents the discovery, for postwar readers, of an extraordinary storyteller.

Cròniques de la veritat(隠された真実クロニクル)はカルデルスの小説の中でカギとなる作品であり、スペイン内戦後の読者にとって、すばらしい作家の登場であった。カルデルス独特のユーモアと幻想は年月とともに強くなり、深くなり、あいまいさを増していった。そのあいまいさはエドガー・アラン・ポーから、ルイジ・ピランデルロ、マッシモ・ボンテンペッリを経てフランツ・カフカにつながる幻想文学をいつもとりまいていたあいまいさである。

Cultural consultancy specialising in literature and architecture. Its international aim in 2022 is to launch the María Anchieta series of noir novels

Cultural consultancy specialising in literature and architecture. Its international aim in 2022 is to launch the María Anchieta series of noir novels 

“The truth, my dear Natalia, is that you would need to write many volumes to explain my adventures on Earth and in any case there would still be interesting things left in the inkwell.

This is a story in which goddesses, cows and first love all intermingle. A marvellous, realistic tale about one summer in a northern city, and about the discovery of sex.


Madrid, 2014. Sarah is anguished by the lack of news about the father of her three year-old daughter, Sham: he has disappeared in Damascus.


Sandra's life has turned around completely in the last eighteen months.

One rainy afternoon a girl discovers happens upon a box containing memories that her mother treasured years ago, starting a journey to a very different and not so distant past.


For a few weeks there have been rumours about strange events that have no explanation.


My brother has done something extraordinary: with one leap he has got on top of the wardrobe, and has said that he is never coming down.

Grandad is very ill and Granny is looking after him: she makes his food, she gives him his pills, she bathes him and keeps him company. Grandad has lots of fun with his granddaughter.


For many years... Julen and Ibai were inseparable. As friends they went to the same classes, played together in the garden, took walks along the beach on summer evenings. Now... Julen is just a teenager who wants to go unnoticed.

The heart of Madrid becomes a place that beats with each step taken by the characters of this story.


Young Lidia's world is torn apart by a brutal and apocalyptic plague. A circle of fire and smoke surounds the city she lives in; nobody seems to be safe.


A Madrid publishing house and design studio. We combine design work for external clients with book publishing, principally of children’s fiction


Cuca Canals studied Information Science at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Until 1992 she worked in Advertising, winning some of the most important national and international prizes.

クカ・カナルスはバルセロナ⾃治⼤学で情報学を専攻。1992年まで広告業に従事し、国内外の有⼒な賞を複数獲得。脚本家としてはビガス・ルナ監督の作品『ハモン、ハモン』(ヴェネチア国際映画祭銀獅⼦賞)、『ゴールデン・ボールズ』(サンセバスティアン国際映画祭特別賞)、『おっぱいとお⽉さま』(ヴェネチア国際映画祭⾦のオゼッラ賞)、La Camarera del Titánic(タイタニックの部屋係:ゴヤ賞最優秀脚本賞)を担当。

Would you like to meet a number that’s cheekier than a mouse on top of a piece of cheese? Well, don’t waste another second: open this book now!

A group of jobless people gets together every day in the park opposite the job centre where they met. One man always shares out his cigarettes, but one morning he doesn’t show up and they discover he has been murdered.

María, one of the heroines of this story, learns that her aunt Matilda is coming to live with her family. After adapting to the change this represents for her, she starts to enjoy her aunt's company and peculiar habits.

This is a book of very short, unconventional, chaotic stories about marital relationships in which ‘There is not a single word too many or too few, the narrative is measured to the milimetre’ (Luis Eduardo Aute).

ペレスねずみってだれか知っている? ひつじが眠らないのはなぜ? くりの実がどんなにたくさんのことに役立つかわかるかな? おやすみのキスをしてもらいながら、そんなたくさんのことをお話してくれる本。寝る前に読む短い物語集で、字を読み始めて間もない子どもたちを、毎晩ベッドに入る間際の5分間、夢の世界にさそってくれる。なかなか寝ようとしない小さな子どもを持つ、すべての親に欠かせない本。親しみやすい登場人物たちと楽しく愛情のこもったストーリー、そしておやすみのキスが基調になっている。

After Madres e hijas, this new anthology of stories, edited by Laura Freixas, explores another crucial realm of experience for women: their friendships.

It's impossible to think of the Alhambra and the Palacio del Generalife without recalling Irving, and even those who haven't read 'Cuentos de la Alhambra' have heard of them or have smelled their sweet aroma via other channels: by osmosis or, as R

A jungle filled with animals and the occasional human being, where some live through exciting, at times dangerous situations, all of which are narrated by Horacio Quiroga with a large dose of humour.


As winter draws in, Casimiro, an old Cantabrian peasant, finds a fairy named Zamiha in the woods. She is trapped in a snare, unconscious, one of her chestnut-leaf wings broken. He decides to take her back to his cabin to look after her.


Set in a fantasy world parallel to ours, the novel allows young readers to identify themselves with the protagonist, who plunges faster than he would have liked in a magical universe that will require him to meet and work with many different chara

This book is divided into 10 subject areas  which the author considers fundamental to bringing up happy children: giving them unconditional love, developing their self esteem, encouraging their independence, developing their self confidence, valui

Light these pages first with the torch and then read them again again in the dark, and the luminous ink will reveal all the mysterious, magical and surprising illustrations.

1963年10月3日、リェイダ生まれ。リェイダ美術工芸学校とリョッジャ応用美術・美術工芸学校でイラストレーションを専攻。出版・広告のイラストレーターとして働いている。2001年から手掛けているヒットシリーズ『Cuentos para leer a oscuras(暗闇で読む物語)』は、カタルーニャ語版をバルカノバ、ガリシア語版をシェライス、スペイン語版をアナヤ・インファンティルから出版している。

This book brings together the most typical stories and legends from Spain's oral and written traditions: The Castle of Go-and-never-return, The Lovers of Teruel, The Flower of Lilo-va, The Well of Na Patarra, The Legend of the Thousand-year-old Dr

This book which contains 14 stories and 14 theatrical scripts.

A menudo niños y verduras son una combinación explosiva. Severo lo sabe muy bien.

Cuentos, verduras y todo lo demás

Nico is a new arrival in María's class. Nobody pays him much attention, because he's quiet and doesn't run or jump. Nico is a very special boy.


“Dance, drink and gamble” was the motto used by some governors of colonial Spain to placate their Caribbean subordinates’ desires for freedom and independence.

Some days luck smiles on you. On others, it seems to play hide and seek.


Josetxo Mayor climbs Mount Ulía, overlooking San Sebastian, every day, to clear tracks. Javier Etxepare has reconstructed two hundred watersprings. Xabier Cabezón knows the Leitzarán Valley inch by inch.

This manual is aimed at people without previous experience who wish to learn both the language of economics and the keys to the differences in protocols and cultures wheen doing business in the Iberian peninsula.

Make-up is a tool with which people can make the most of their best features and achieve a nice-looking face, projecting an attractive image of themselves.


Gerona 1982, holds a degree in Philosophy, won the 2007 marià manent poetry prize. In 2010 won the Temps de les Cirerers prize for the best Catalan book published in 2010 by an author under 35

Damián Alcolea has a degree in Performance from the Escuela de Arte Dramático de Murcia (1997-2001) and later continued his theatrical training in London. On his return to Madrid he co-founded Compañía Teatro del Ser.

2012 CROSSING ON THE PARIS, publicado por Gallery (Simon and Schuster) Traducido al ruso en 2016 https://www.labirint.ru/books/540476/ 2015 THE WOMAN IN THE PHOTOGRAPH, publicado por Gallery (Simon and Schuster) 2017 THE ADMIRAL'S BATHS (au

Dana Gynther is the author of the historical novels Crossing on the Paris and The Woman in the Photograph, both published by Simon & Schuster. Originally from the United States, she has lived in Valencia for twenty-five years with her two daughters.

With his usual style and warmth, Tommy Roca tells the story of the early days of Dandy, a kitten whose mother couldn't feed him because he had lots of siblings and she didn't have enough milk.

Fidel de Tovar.

Fidel de Tovar.

ダニはこわがりだ。だけど、きみが助けてくれるなら、モンスターもドラゴンもミイラも魔女も幽霊も、怖いものをみんなやっつけられるかもしれない。手伝ってくれる? どうやったらいいと思う? きみもこわい気持ちを乗り越えたくない? きっとできるさ! 子どもでいるのもラクじゃない。新しい挑戦や試練だらけの知らない世界に立ち向かっていかなければならない。人が感じていること、考えていることをすっかり理解はできないし、これから何があるかわからない。世界は時としてこわいものだ。

Dani García is a worldwide phenomenon in gastronomy.

Dani Miquel y Antich (La Alcudia, 1967) describes himself as a musical alchemist. From a very early age, his mother says that he sang when he cried.

Dani wants to do whatever he wants, eat what he wants, and not take any notice of adults. Have you ever behaved badly? Do you want to learn the most important rules of good behaviour?

Dani Tejero is a writer, script-writer and actor. 'Chico águila' is his eighth publication for children/YA, in addition to poetry books, plays and scripts for film, television and radio.

Daniel Blanco (Moguer, Huelva, 1978) graduated in Journalism from the Universidad de Sevilla and has a PhD from the Department of Literature of the Faculty of Communication and a Masster's in Creative Writing (2011); he is studying History of Art at UNED.

ダニエル・ブランコモゲル(1978年ウエルバ生まれ)はセビリャ大学で新聞学学士号を、コミュニケーション学部文学学科で博士号を、創作で修士号(2011年)取得。国立通信教育大学(UNED)で美術史を学んだ。アンダルシアの「エルコレオ紙」で文化面と社会面担当記者として8年間勤務。広報室に勤務した間は種々の展覧会のカタログの文章を手がけた。2009年にCita con la vida(人生とデート)を刊行。短編小説や演劇の国内コンクールや、第28回ハエン文学賞ヤングアダルト小説部門など児童文学で、受賞多数。

Daniel Hernández Chambers (Tenerife, 1972) is a writer and translator with a degree in English literature from the Universidad de Alicante.


Daniel Drac was born on a small Mediterranean island in the eighties and he learned to read so soon that he could tell his parents the instructions on the packs of his nappies.

ダニエル・ドラックは1980年代に地中海の⼩さな島で⽣まれ、あっという間に読むことを覚える。おむつの説明書を両親に読み聞かせていたほどだ。30代になり地下鉄を乗り間違えて、ファンタジブルグという不思議な町にたどり着き、それからというものケンタウロスや妖精たちと一緒にそこで暮らしている。おとぎの国の音楽が好きで、お気に入りのテレビアニメはJuego de Ogros(オグル・ゲーム)。

Daniel, a fifteen-year-old boy who has had to repeat the first and second years of secondary school, is thinking of abandoning his studies. One day he tells his tutor this.

Cursó Alemán y Estudios Mediáticos en Princeton (USA), tras haber estudiado previamente en la Escuela Superior de las Artes de Zúrich y en la Escuela de Artes Visuales de Nueva York.

Daniel García Giménez (Barcelona, 1977) has a degree in History and in Documentation. He is currently public library director for Barcelona city council and teaching advisor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Bacchus's Disciples is his fast-paced debut on this side of literature.

Daniel González combines his work in publicity with the development of video games. He is in charge of the video game courses run by Gametopia and works for several universitites.


Daniel Granado Pulido graduated in Anglo-American Philology. He is also an on line training specialist and expert in direction and management of the formative tasks and use of the TIC (Information and Communications Technology).



Daniel Hahn is a writer, editor and translator with more than forty books to his name.


Elvira Menéndez, actress and writer. Rosa Huertas, journalist, teacher and writer. Antonio García Teijeiro, teacher and writer, winner of the 2017 National Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature.



Daniel Innerarity is Head of Philosophy at the University of Zaragoza. He is a former holder of a scholarship from the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation.


ダニエル・インネラリティはアレクサンダー・フォン・フンボルト財団の元奨学生で、現在はサラゴサ大学の哲学の教授。最近の著書に、Ética de la hospitalidad(歓待の倫理学)、La transformación de la política(政治の変化)、La sociedad invisible(見えない社会)、El nuevo espacio público(新しい公共スペース)がある。2008年に、バスク研究ソサエティより、人文科学・文化・芸術・社会科学賞を受賞。ザルツブルグに本部のある科学・芸術学士院のメンバー。

He studied architecture in Bogotá and did a Masters degree on modernism at the UPC in Catalonia. His time is divided between literature, photography and the history of these two areas.

Radio Pizza is the radio programme on which Daniel King and Miki talk about what they like the most: fantasy stories, monsters, videogames and pizza. One day they get a call from Vera, who lives in a neighbouring village and who needs their help.

Daniel Martín (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1970) is a teacher and educational psychologist. A writer and narrator, he gives courses on animating reading, story telling in schools, school libraries and other topics related to the development of reading skills.

Daniel Mateo Campoy is a graduate of Sociology and an advanced technician in Marketing.

Daniel Montero Galán was born in Madrid and specialises in children's illustration. His watercolour drawings are characterised by their spontaniety and imagination. The characters he creates or brings back to life are brilliantly enigmatic, full of colour and expressiveness. 

Daniel Nesquens was born in Zaragosa in 1967. His literary career began in 2000 with Seventeen Stories and Two Penguins (Anaya).

Daniel Ojeda Checa was born and grew up in Madrid (1991). He has a special relationship with literature because when he was a boy his grandmother used to stitch the stories he wrote during the holidays.

ダニエル・オヘーダ=チェカは1991年にマドリードに⽣まれ、同市で育ち、ずっと在住。⼦どもの頃、休暇の際に書いていた物語を祖⺟が綴じていてくれたこともあり、⽂学には特別な思いを抱く。マドリードの街を歩きながら物語の⼈物を作り上げ、処⼥作Cómeme si te atreves(⾷べられるものなら私を⾷べて)を上梓して以来、ずっと新しいストーリーのことを考えている。2作⽬の本書を執筆して、時間を受け⼊れることはその先を⾒つめることであると彼は学んだ。著者の活動はツイッター(@Daniojedachec)でも知ることができる。

Daniel Ortiz was born in Las Palmas in 1975. Graduated in Law and in Journalism. His writing began as a side effect of backpacking around the World and becoming a sort of bum for several years. In 2003 he won the CajaCanarias Short Story Award with Suceso en un Zoo ilógico.

Daniel Pinilla Gómez (Sevilla, 1974) is unclassifiable, in the best sense of the word. Let's just say versatile. For twenty years, he has been a notable sports journalist in the spare time between his innumerable journeys.


Daniel Soutullo is head of Biology at a secondary school. He was born in Vigo in 1957 and studied Biology at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, graduating in 1981.

Daniel Torres (1958) is the father of the space adventure Roco Vargas.

ダニエル・トーレス(1958年⽣まれ)は、宇宙の冒険家「ロコ・バルガス」シリーズの生みの親であり、壮⼤なテーマで多種多様な作品を⽣み出してきたクリエイターである。Tom(トム)のような⼦供向けマンガやPicasso en la Guerra Civil(内戦におけるピカソ)といった伝記物を⼿がける⼀⽅で、本書La Casa(家)では建築、The Spirit(ザ・スピリット、かの有名なアラン・ムーアとの共著)ではスーパーヒーロー物に取り組んでいる。

In this picture book, Daniela invites you to share her dreams. Poems with illustrations for the very young.

Daniela Petracco was born in Trieste, Italy, and moved to London in 1986. After reading English at Birkbeck College, University of London, she obtained a Master Degree in Translation Studies at the University of Warwick.

La autora de Dar a sombra nos entrega esta crónica fragmentaria, formada por episodios de su vida cotidiana, ideas, recuerdos, preguntas y sueños, que son el testimonio vital de una mujer que ama y sufre mientras intenta dar a luz un sueño: el de

Dar a sombra

Darío Bernal Casasola: with a Doctorate in Philosophy and an Arts-specialism in Geography and History from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1997), he currently holds the post of permanent professor of Archaeology at the University of Cádiz.

Darío Jaramillo Agudelo was born in Santa Rosa de Osos (Antioquia, Columbia) en 1947. He has published 7 volumes of poetry, with three complete re-issues and five selections.

住所不定のある男との友情は、真面目なある学生をどんな怪しげな情動にかりたてるのか? 息子の文学的資質に無関心な、ごく平凡な両親のもとで育った青年は、出所が怪しい金を使いちらす男によって、危険で不道徳な未知の世界へと導かれる。本の中でしか知らなかった領域に入りたくてたまらない、危険を求める青年と、アウトサイダーのような人生を送って得体のしれない男との間には、曖昧な親愛の情や、利用したり惹かれたりという絆が創られていき、ふたりはある冒険を共有することとなる。

What strange impulse feeds the friendship between a teenager—a good student, the son parents with no connection to eccentricity, indifferent to his literary aspirations—with a man of no fixed abode who throws money of dubious origins about and int

Against a backdrop of the seedy, bohemian underworld of 1950s Buenos Aires, Dark tells the engaging and sometimes disturbing tale of a teenager’s sentimental education at the hands of an enigmatic older man.


Darlis Stefany is from Venezuela and studies Politics and Administration. Her career as a writer began when she was 12 years old. Most of the time Stefany is in front of her computer grumbling, laughing, or crying.


The book analyses Darwinism in terms of the history of the Natural Sciences and its appearance in secondary school textbooks in the last third of the 19th century in Spain and England.

Dauno Tótoro was born in Moscow and has lived in several Latin American countries before making his home in Chile. His experience as a documentary director and reporter in several conflict zones has been the inspiration for the landscapes and characters in his work.

David Aceituno (Badalona, 1977) is the author of this series of children's stories. He has published books such as Regálame un beso, Ensueños, Encantadas and La vida de los monstruos [Give Me a Kiss, Fantasies, Charmed and The Life of Monsters].

David Aceituno (Badalona, 1977) is the author of this series of children's stories. He has published books such as Regálame un beso, Ensueños, Encantadas and La vida de los monstruos [Give Me a Kiss, Fantasies, Charmed and The Life of Monsters].

David Aceituno (Badalona, 1977) is the author of this series of children's stories. His other books include Give Me a Kiss, Fantasies, Charmed and The Life of Monsters. Srta M illustrates children's books, and has collaborated on the odd comic.

ダビッド・アセイトゥーノ(1977年バダローナ生まれ)はこの童話シリーズの作家。著書に『Regálame un beso(キスを贈って)』、『Ensueños(夢)』、『Encantadas(魅せられて)』、『La vida de los monstruos(怪物たちの生活)』がある。 セニョリータ・エメは児童書のイラストレーターだが漫画本にも関わっており、アニメのキャラクターや背景のデザインも行っている。これまでアナヤ、エセエメ、サンティリャナ、ラ・ガレラ、カートゥーンネットワーク等、多くのクライアントから依頼を受けている。

David Boronat has a degree in Business Management and Administration by ESADE and a master’s in International Business from British Columbia University.


David Cantolla (Madrid, 1967). Businessman and creator.


David Castillo (Barcelona, 1961) has been a major promoter of Catalan culture since the 1980s. He was the founder of the Semana de Poesía and has directed some of its series. He has published the novels 'El cel de l'infern' (1999, Premi Crexells), and 'No miris enrere' (2002, Premi Sant Jordi).

DAVID DE JUAN MARCOS (Salamanca, 1980) ha recibido numerosos reconocimientos dentro de la narrativa breve.

David de Juan Marcos (Salamanca, 1980) graduated in Biology from the Universidad de Salamanca, and has Masters degrees in Management and Conservation of the Natural World, and Sustainable Development.

(Barcelona, 1969) is a journalist and writer. BA in Political Science and Sociology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), has published some twenty books (poetry, biographies, guides, essays and fiction).

Born in London in 1969. He works in the audiovisual field. He is a scriptwriter and has just directed his first documentary, Herbolarium (2008). After reading the book by George Borrow The Bible in Spain, he felt the urgent need to relive the epic journey described by him.

David Fernández Sifres was born in León in 1976. He has a degree in law and works as a civil servant at the Escala Superior de Técnicos de Tráfico alongside his writing.


David Guinot is a children's author born in Castellón (Valencia, Spain) who distills delicacy and love in the detail of each one of his books.



David Guzmán, a journalist who specialises in cultural information on radio and TV, has coordinated the debate and edited the work.


Poet and prose writer.

詩人、ストーリーテラー。1977年セゴビア生まれ。仕事の中心は詩作。『El peso que nos une(わたしたちを結ぶ重み)』(2010)で権威あるヒュペリオン詩賞、『Razones de más(余分な理由)』(2009)でミゲル・エルナンデス国民詩賞を受賞した。2012年にハエン詩賞、2017年には『Lo que tu nombre tiene de aventura(きみの名が冒険で得るもの)』でアルフォンソ5世協会のバレンシア賞を獲得している。

He holds a degree in Hispanic Philology. He has been a teacher of Secondary Education and a linguist at the Department of Research and Materials of the Confederación Estatal de Sordos de España Foundation (CNSE). Teacher of Spanish as a foreign language at different schools.

David Jiménez ha trabajado como reportero en más de treinta países, incluidos Corea del Norte, Siria o Birmania. Se le considera un periodista con alcance e influencia global.

David Jiménez (Barcelona, 1971) has been a reporter in over thirty countries, including North Korea, Syria and Burma, and his journalism is considered influential around the world.

David Jiménez Torres (Madrid, 1986). He has a PhD in Hispanic studies from the University of Cambridge. He has worked as a professor at universities in Britain and Spain is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Complutense University, Madrid.

ダビッド・ヒメネス=トーレス(1986年マドリード生まれ)はケンブリッジ大学でスペイン語学の博士号を取得。英国とスペインの大学で教鞭を執り、現在はマドリード・コンプルテンセ大学の博士研究員。著作には小説『Salter School(ソルタースクール)』(2007)、『Cambridge en mitad de la noche(真夜中のケンブリッジ)』(2018)とエッセイ『El país de la niebla(霧の国)』(2018)、『2017. La crisis que cambió a España (2017年。スペインを変えた危機) 』(2021)がある。

ダビッド・ヒメネス(1971年バルセロナ生まれ)は北朝鮮、シリア、ミャンマーなどを含む30カ国以上の国々でレポーターとして活動してきた。世界的に影響を与える力を持つジャーナリストと目されている。執筆した本は6カ国語ほどに翻訳されており、その中にはエルムンド紙を指揮運営していた時の記憶を綴り、ベストセラーとなった『El director(ディレクター)』もある。

The author-character of this novel teaches Spanish Literature at the UK's prestigious Cahill University, and is the author of important studies of Cervantes' Spanish as well as editor of various Spanish Golden Age classics.

When I think of the amount of time I’ve spent in Spain over the last 25 years – as tourist, walker, bird-watcher and, inevitably, as reader – it embarrasses me to admit that I speak, and read, very little Spanish.

David Lozano Garbala (Zaragoza, 1974) studied Law, with a Masters in Communication and studies in Spanish Language and Literature. He combines writing and teaching with his work as a scriptwriter for several Spanish production companies.

David Luna Lorenzo (Toledo, 1976) is one of the biggest names in the fantasy genre in Spain.

David Luna Lorenzo was born in Toledo in 1976. His literary output focuses primarily on dark science fiction, fantasy and horror.

1976年、トレド生まれ。主にダークSF、ファンタジー、ホラーを中心に執筆。これまで本書と同シリーズのEl ojo de Dios(神の目)と、Laberinto Tennen(テネンの迷宮、El transbordador、2016)の2作品を出版。短編作品がファンタジー選集Sucesos extraños(不思議な出来事、Apache Libros、2016)、El abismo mecánico y otros relatos sobre la inteligencia artificial(機械の深淵とその他の人工知能にまつわる物語、Cápside、2015)に収録されている。

David Mantero was born in Malaga in 1978 and studied Philosophy, graduating in 2000. In 2001 he moved to London where he’s worked in bookselling for almost 15 years. Currently David is Head buyer at Stanfords.

David Monteagudo (Viveiro, Lugo, 1962), a Galician who lives in Catalonia, discovered his literary vocation at 40. Acantilado have published his novels End (2009), Marco Montes (2010) and Brañaganda (2011), as well as his collection of short stories The Building (2012).

David Monteagudo (Viveiro, Lugo, 1962) , a Galician who lives in Catalonia, discovered his vocation as a writer at the age of 40. Acantilado has published his novels "Fin" ("The End", 2009) and "Marcos Montes" (2010).

David Nello Colom (Barcelona, 1959) published his first book "L’Albert i els menjabrossa" in 1994. Since then he has written over thirty books for readers both young and old and his literary expertise has been recognised with numerous awards.

1959年バルセロナ生まれ。今から26年前の1994年に、初めての作品『L’Albert i els menjabrossa(アルベルトとゴミ食い)』を出版。以来、30点以上の子どもや大人向けの本を執筆してきた。また、多数の賞を受賞。海外の在住経験のおかげで、多くの作品が外国でも出版されている。現在はバルセロナで執筆と翻訳を続けている。

A David Peña Toribio (Madrid, 1978), better known by the pen name Puño, has enjoyed drawing comic books since he was young and later studied Audiovisual Communication.


Puño was born in Madrid in 1978. He has been an illustrator since 1994, but began to take this seriously in 2005. He also does photography and has published tiny books of his poems. He has lived in Madrid, Coruña and Paris and has worked for almost every imaginable type of client.



David Pintor nació en 1975. Es ilustrador, pintor, dibujante y diseñador. Ha ilustrado libros publicados por diversas editoriales y ha colaborado en revistas como El Virus Mutante o Eco, y en periódicos como La voz de Galicia, El Correo Gallego y Diario 16.

David Ramírez first gained fame when he won the inaugural novel award at the 1st Manga Salon in 1995, which allowed him to produce the series B3 thanks to Camaleón Ediciones. Though it was ultimately left unfinished, showed his devotion to this comic genre that won him the public's favour.


David Remartínez (Zaragoza, 1971) es periodista y escritor, aunque en el fondo entiende ambas dedicaciones como la misma.


David Rubín (Ourense, 1977). Como guionista y dibujante ha realizado El circo del desaliento, La tetería del oso malayo, Cuaderno de tormentas y Romeo y Julieta, de William Shakespeare, El monte de las ánimas, de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer y El héroe.

David Rubín (Ourense, 1977). Como guionista y dibujante ha realizado El circo del desaliento, La tetería del oso malayo, Cuaderno de tormentas y Romeo y Julieta, de William Shakespeare, El monte de las ánimas, de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer y El héroe.

David Rubín (Ourense, 1977) studied graphic design and threw himself into the world of comics, animation and illustration.

David Salvador works in psychopedagogy and children's education in the Valencian public school system.

心理教育学者。バレンシアの公立学校で幼児及び初等教育に携わっている。幽霊に関する伝説やハロウィンの物語を愛してやまない。だからこそ、この本を出すのが夢だった。本書は2冊目の児童文学で、第1作はスペイン国営テレビ放送局RTVEなど多数の国内主要メディアで取り上げられた『El Gran Viaje de Numeratrón(ヌメラトロンの大旅行)』(2020)。ダビド・サルバドールは現在も教育と文学の仕事を続けている。15年以上の経験を持つ教育の現場では、環境問題及び動物保護を訴え続けている。彼が人生で最も大切にしているもの、それは家族と友人だ。

David Sánchez, Madrid, 1977. He is the creator of the brand Mong T-Shirts, for which he continues to design annual collections.

Architect David Tapias is the founder and director of Aixopluc Architectures. What do the architects at Aixopluc do? We are committed to making the earth more inhabitable. To make this happen, we build together with you habitats that will allow you to be free, to love, and to live in peace.


Beyond his career as a director and screenwriter, David Trueba's career as a novelist has been a permanent success story with readers nationally and internationally, as his works have been translated into several languages.


Autor de referencia internacional en literatura infantil y juvenil, empezó su carrera en 1994 como escritor de dibujos para la revista italiana Linus. Escribe también bajo los pseudónimos de Taro Miyazawa y Daikon. Actualmente vive en Génova, Italia.

Davinci Continental was founded in 2004 when it acquired the now-defunct publisher Oikos Tau's catalogue. It relaunched the prestigious 'Qué sé' collection, created 'Redes de pedagogía, and set up short story and poetry series.

CIF: B63329502

C/ Diputación 279. 0800 Barcelona


De bestias y aves

La naturaleza, una casa habitada sólo por mujeres que se atienen a sus propias reglas, y una desconocida.

De bestias y aves


The historical event full of hope that took place on January 1, 1959, and which gave rise to so much joy and admiration and so many expectations, has at the very least become part of a mythical narrative that justifies relations and institutions i

De Conatus is a publishing house that publishes the most literary and avant-garde contemporary literature

"Writing and publishing are acts of recycling that come from thinking and imagining, which are things we do with different purposes and different results: greyer and less subtle".


Este undécimo volumen de la Colección de "Literatura y Mujer" explora las variantes de autoría femenina de relatos tradicionales protagonizados por mujeres que, desde hace siglos, forman parte de nuestro ideario colectivo.

De cuento en cuento. Mujeres y relatos de largo recorrido


If you haven't yet thought about what you want to be when you grow up, use your imagination! You might be trying to choose between teaching the alphabet or curing grown-ups and children.

大きくなったら何になるか、まだ考えたことがないのなら、想像してごらん! スープやシチューをせっせと作っているか、アルファベットを教えているか、大人や子どもの病気をなおしているのか。楽しくて創意に富んだ、身近な話題の10の子ども向けお話からなるOroneta(オロネタ)コレクションの1冊。人体、季節、動植物、発明、職業、街など多くのテーマを、カルメン・ヒルがウィットに富んだ音楽的な文章で子どもたちにわかりやすく伝える。定評ある画家たちのオールカラーのイラストが感性豊かにページを彩る。

Carmen de Moering, the girl who lived in Paris at the turn of  the century, and who, at the age of nine, escaped from a boarding school, was not really called Carmen, as they thought at her school. She was in fact called Sol.



Madrid. Any Irish pub. Beer and more beer against a soundtrack spurned by two very different generations. He is a piano teacher in his forties, who escaped autism thanks to music.

Did you know that cutting paper helps children to think, aids the reading-writing process and encourages creativity?

In 1929 Joan Marín published the story of his journey in a luxury cruise liner, in a cheery and optimistic account that we have now managed to recover, eighty years later, in order to offer modern-day readers a chance to transport themselves into


Mónica — known to everyone as Minimoni — likes painting thousands things in colour: blue skies, penguins, gorillas… but she's never painted a kiss. Because… what colour is a kiss? Red like the tomato sauce for spaghetti?

みんながミニモニと呼ぶモニカは、いろんなものに色をぬるのが大好き。青い空、ペンギン、ゴリラ……、だけど、まだキスには、色をぬったことがない。キスってなに色? スパゲティのトマトソースみたいな赤? きっとちがう、だって赤はおこった色だだもん……。それとも、大好きなワニのみどり? うーん、絶対ちがう! だって緑は野菜の色だもん。野菜なんて食べたくない。それなら? 最後にママが解決してくれる。それもいいね。

De quin color són els besos?” is a beautifully illustrated picture book by illustrator Rocio Bonilla… Aimed at children between around 3-5 years old, the book is an entertaining and attractive trip through the colours, with all their connotations accompanied by the character of little Monica.

De quin color són els besos?

Anna and Montse’s four hands show us how to play with words and this time they are playing with the number seven. The themes in this book centre on the universe of childhood.

Las cuatro manos de Anna y Montse nos hacen jugar con las palabras y esta vez nos proponen hacerlo desde el número siete.

De set en 7

Paula is a Spanish dancer who has recently arrived in Seoul with a failed dream: the city isn't what she'd expected and the person she had most longed to see has betrayed her.

スペイン⼈のダンサー、パウラはソウルに着いたばかり。彼⼥の夢は破れた。町は期待していたのと違い、誰よりも会いたかった⼈は彼⼥を裏切った。クリスはイギリス⼈の⼥の⼦で、ただひとつの使命を持っている。イギリスですれ違ったKポップのスターにペンダントを返すのだ。全てが悪い⽅向に向かい始めたのは、彼のせいだ…。でも、早くしなくちゃいけない。友達のダニと職場の新しい同僚ミンウに隠している問題が、今にも起ころうとしているのだ。ジェイというのがそのスターで、R*E*X というグループのメンバーだ。

Rocío fue una belleza tiempo atrás, aunque ahora se ha visto forzada a ocultar media cara tras una máscara.

De tigres y gacelas

Two aspiring underground fighters set off a bomb in the Guadalajaran U.S. consulate.

An emotive prison memoir by poet-humanist Marcos Ana that also touches on exile and the fight for freedom and democracy. It tells of his 23 years in prison, and, through the poetry he wrote behind bars, the story of his struggle.

お皿やカップやタイルに好きに模様を付ける方法を学べるとしたら? 家の食器を生き生きと色鮮やかなものにしたり、朝食用のシリアルボウルにオリジナルの物語を描けるとしたら? デザイナー、そして陶芸家でもあるパトリシア・ラサロは、物語を描いた商品製作を専門に行う、陶器のデザイン・装飾ブランド「チチナボ」の代表。本書では、下書きから転写、最後の仕上げまで、陶器の絵付けの秘訣を手軽に楽しく学ぶことができる。

This is a reference book which aims to improve the communication skills, both oral and written, of those executives that work in an international environment.

Young Daniel Villena goes on holiday with his family to a small seaside town. There he meets an extraordinary boy who mysteriously appears and disappears and is able to enter his dreams and turn them into genuine nightmares.


Following a difficult illness and the loss of his sister in a traffic accident, Rodrigo moves into the old family holiday home by the sea. There this veteran journalist begins a journey through memories and thoughts from his adolescence.


Delaram Ghanimifard is the co-founder and publisher at Tiny Owl Publishing. Tiny Owl is an independent publishing company committed to producing beautiful, original books for children.


Setenta fotografías para zambullirse, comprender el cosmos y conocer las técnicas con las técnicas con las que se cosecha la luz en la oscuridad.

Delirio cósmico. Extravagancias astronómicas de un fotógrafo noctámbulo

Concept, applications and history of dendrochronology; techniques used; characteristics of species to be chosen as dendrochronological material; data analysis and interpretation; calculation of statistical parameters for climate reconstruction; co

Denise Rose Hansen is the publisher of Lolli Editions, a press specialising in contemporary fiction in English translation based at Somerset House.

The activity of CSIS is channeled through its Publishing Department, with over 100 new books published per year and 37 prestigious scientific journals.

Coming of age in a Spain in the throes of 'apertura' (the political and economic 'opening' that took place in Spain during the 1980s) that followed the Transition from dictatorship to democracy.

Publishing house focusing on books that fall outside the commercial mainstream. Literary journalism, collections of letters, reportage.


Todas las personas merecemos ser respetadas y valoradas.

Derechos humanos

A look at the forced disappearances suffered by thousands, from the moment of their detentions through to their return to their families. Images from the last decades of the twentieth-century and the first years of the twenty first.

Eine Betrachtung des Phänomens des gewaltsamen Verschwindens, das Tausenden von Menschen widerfahren ist, von ihrer Verhaftung bis zur Rückgabe der sterblichen Überreste an die Familienangehörigen. Bilder aus den letzten Jahrzehnten des 20.

Through the experiences analysed in this book, both in member countries of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development) and Latin America, and in spite of the broad heterogeneity of the contexts, a series of factors which hav

The Development of a Design Project is a practical book aimed at people who are starting out in graphic design.

The difficulties women have had to face in order to make their presence felt in many professions are well known by all, and so it is perhaps not surprising that the role of women in early aeronautics was bound to be a road plagued with obstacles a

The first "air stations" were small hangars - some even made of canvas - or modest structures designed to shelter passengers from inclement weather.

This book is a sincere homage to all those whoseeffort, tenacity and scant resources made it possible for aviation to become the most secure form of transport.

Since he lost his job Damien has been feeling confused. One day he steals something from an antique market and is forced to hide inside a wardrobe.


A novel set in Italy in the aftermath of World War II. A boy, Román Alberdi, sees the great cyclist Gino Bartali for the first time in the Tour of the Basque Country.

第二次世界大戦に見舞われたイタリアを舞台にした小説。 少年ロマン・アルベルディは、バスク一周のレースで、初めて偉大なサイクリストのジーノ・バルタリに会う。内戦で亡命したときにも、ツール・ド・フランスで再びジーノ・バルタリに会う。その後ロマンはジーノに会おうと、トスカーナのポンテ・ア・エマに赴く。サイクリングだけではなく、様々なテーマや人物がこの本で交差する。

Desde que me quedé sin dioses es la historia de Momo Handal y su familia, pero es a su vez la historia de un pueblo, de una guerra, del miedo y la esperanza de miles de refugiados huidos de la guerra que en la actualidad tratan de forjarse una nue


Martina, the 16 year-old-girl who is writing a letter to a boy in her class (which is the novel we are reading) defines the relationship with her parents and with the world in general in relation to music.

Companies and their employees are plagued by stress. This is a book for overcoming, using a wide variety of techniques, one of the great evils of our society and business world.

Desiree Arancibia was born in Chile but has lived in Barcelona since 2003. She is an illustrator, graphic designer, and editor.

Desiree Arancbia nacida en Chile pero vive en Barcelona desde el 2003. Es ilustradora, diseñadora gráfica y editora. Ha publicado un total de 12 libros con diferentes editoriales y ha participado como ilustradora en libros de varios autores. Publicaciones: “El Recetario Mágico” (Ed.

The ghost of a woman who flows through Jaime's veins has fallen in love with her creator, and has an unusual wish: to wake up.


Ever since Nerea was a little girl, her father has been telling her the same story: when she grows up, one day somebody special will wake her with true love's kiss, just like Sleeping Beauty. But these things happen when you least expect them.

A novel that delves into human nature… the unspeakable side of human nature.

A devastating hurricane ravages the city of Mainauni. Three young homeless men and childhood friends, San, Ibo and Tayil, decide to take advantage of the chaos in the days after the disaster to loot the abandoned houses.


Is it possible to escape destiny? Its 11th March 2011, Nanami Tenudo has abandoned Miako, her native town. That same day, an earthquake shakes Japan unleashing one of the most lethal tsunamis in history.

¿Es posible escapar al destino?

Después del Océano

Topography, the circumstances of its foundation and prejudices determine every provincial city, as well as its piously hidden sins. Manizales is situated at over 2000 m above sea level, among Colombia's coffee growing mountains.

Topography, the circumstances of its foundation and prejudices determine every provincial city, as well as its piously hidden sins. Manizales is situated at over 2000 m above sea level, among Colombia's coffee growing mountains.

Lois is a young man who studies in Boston and lives with a mother who never quite recognises him as her son.

Lois es un joven que estudia en Boston y vive con una madre que no termina de reconocerlo como hijo. Su abuela, Mati, decide llamarlo para que vuelva a Galicia y poder salvarlo de su desasosiego.


For centuries, vampires and werewolves have honoured a pact that protects humans from a world of danger and darkness. William is one of them, a fearsome and lethal vampire and the only one of his kind immune to the sun.

Destino has established a varied publishing catalogue around a series of collections adapted to different age groups. Its list commences with picture books for the youngest readers, continues with collections for beginner readers and includes attractive titles for teenage readers.

Deusto continues to be a leader when it comes to the development, support and commercialization of knowledge and training in the ambit of business management throughout the Spanish-speaking world.


1772. A simple letter shakes the foundations of the Vatican. Which conspiracy could involve the most influential nobleman of Naples?

This diagnostic analyses the present situation and future prospects of a business in order to evaluate its capacity to compete, take decisions and for make plans.

The 'Dilálogo de la pintura', first published in 1557, is a text conceived in defence of Tiziano Vecellio (and, thus, of Venetian painting), whose presence in the life of Giorgio Vasari (1550) turned out to be anecdotal, especially when faced with

Spain, winter 1939. AMong the hundreds of thousand of people crossing the bordering seeking refuge in France, the Lamana family get separated, hoping to be reunited in the neighbouring country.

What were Joseph's feelings when he heard that Mary was expecting a son? How did he feel when God called on him to be Jesus' father? How did he live out that call? What  sort of relationship did he have with Mary and Jesus?

マリアの懐妊を知った時、ヨゼフの心によぎったのは何だったのだろうか? イエスの父親になるようにとの神の呼びかけを、彼はどう理解したのだろうか? 主のその呼びかけをどう経験したのだろうか? マリアとイエスと彼の関係はどうだったのだろうか? これらのすべての疑問には答えが無い。福音書にはヨゼフに関することはほとんど書かれていない。ただひとり、福音史家マタイだけがイエスの父親代わりとなったこの公正な男について素描している。

Who was the first person to discover that the World was round? Who was first to navigate it? Who the first to leave it to reach the Moon? Did Persians invent Paradise? Did the Black Death help to develop the printing press?

París, 1 August, 1914. In Madame Durieux's pension, young people from all nations come together, in a cosmopolitan mix of races and tongues, all eager to enjoy the febrile vitality of the City of Light. But on that day, everything changes.

Bea thinks that adults behave strangely and worry about things that, to her, seem insignificant or plain idiotic.

Everyone thinks it but no-one says it: motherhood is nothing like the serene paradise it's always sold as.

Readers will not find a linear narrative in these pages, for the plot is established by way of successive glimpses, which, led by the actions of the protagonists, exposes a series of deplorable human and social events, yet which are so authentic t

The book opens with a horrific scene: a bomb blast in Madrid. The characters appear gradually, in real time, during the hours following the explosion. The repercussions of the bomb mingle with personal stories at a frantic pace.

Cities, fidelity, homosexuality, cowardice, vengeance, loss of identity, the love of books, smuggling and orphanhood are some of the themes that comprise this extraordinary book, who

Los cuidados, la fidelidad, la homosexualidad, la cobardía, la venganza, la suplantación de identidad, el amor por los libros, el contrabando o la orfandad son algunos de los temas que componen este libro estremecedor donde el paño de fondo siempr

Días de intemperie

En la obra “Introducción a la Sociología actual” han participado 14 investigadores. Todos son miembros del Departamento de Tendencias Sociales de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED.

En la obra “Introducción a la Sociología actual” han participado 14 investigadores. Todos son miembros del Departamento de Tendencias Sociales de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UNED.

Dibbuks is a Spanish publishing house based in Madrid which publishes comics and illustrated books for both children and adults, primarily by Spanish authors.


Essential theoretical knowledge, comprehension exercises, self-assessment exercises and exam models accompanied by the corresponding key.

This dictionary provides detailed analysis of over half a million lives, including relevant personality traits, as well as quotes from documents alluding to the protagonists, the most important events in their careers and on several occasions, a m

Diccionario de 1.200 términos relacionados con el sector del vino en español y en inglés. Define cada término y se clasifica en las cuatro grandes áreas que comprende el sector del vino: viticultura, enología, cata y comercialización.

Although Virginia never had a good relationship with her father, she feels duty-bound to visit him every day at the clinic where he lies in a coma. She is a woman obsessed with illness, and symptoms reveal more to her than words.


On a Tuesday like any other, on the streets of Madrid a young, strangely dressed woman is murdered with a small kitchen knife. The Murderer could be anyone, but not the dead woman; she is unique, a victim, perhaps casual, perhaps not.

Diego Ameixeiras (Lausanne, Switzerland, 1976) is a journalist, scriptwriter and author. Since 2004 he has become one of the best known and innovative noir writers in Galicia.

Diego Arboleda was born in Stockholm in 1976 and later earned a degree in Spanish at the University of Madrid (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).

Diego Arboleda nació en Estocolmo, Suecia, en 1976, y unos años después se licenció en Filología Hispánica en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Diego Armario López studied information sciences and four years of psychology at Madrid Complutense University. He began work as a photographer and then as a writer in different written and audiovisual media.

Diego Guerrero has specialised since he was young in IT security and has worked for various related companies. He currently works for ADmón Pública.
He has worked for various publications in the field of  New Technology and the press, as a writer, consultant and auditor of security.


Diego Navarro - PhD in Documentation. Lecturer in Archives at the department of Library Science, University Carlos III, Madrid.
He is Director at the Juan Velazquez Institute for intelligence investigation for defence and security.


Diego Olavarría (Ciudad de México, 1984) es cronista y ensayista. Se ha desempeñado como traductor e investigador. Ha colaborado en Revista de la Universidad de México, Letras Libres, Etiqueta Negra y La Tempestad, entre otros medios.

Diego Pita Puértolas (Santa Bárbara, 1972), is a Spanish author who was born in California. For nine years, he managed the café-bar-bookshop El Bandido doblemente armado in Madrid. He has lived in Paris since 2012 and currently teaches Spanish at a public school in the French capital.


En la obra que ahora presentamos al público hispanoparlante, se reúnen diez trabajos previamente publicados en lengua italiana que abordan importantes cuestiones que ocupan en este momento a los estudiosos de la filosofía helenística y romana.

Diez estudios sobre filosofía helenística y romana. La escuela italiana contemporánea

Travel and daydream with this pop-up book. Each page reveals the setting for an exciting journey and the vehicle that will transport us. Eleven landscapes full of colour and poetry, traversed by bicycle, by train, by helicopter, even by sleigh!

Looking for a diflucan? Not a problem!

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Difusión specializes in the production and dissemination of material for teaching and learning Spanish, French and German as foreign languages. Pons Idiomas is a Difusion offshoot that specializes in self-teaching materials.

CIF: B-78.882.552

Today, money has become the focus of all attention of humankind and, in doing so, it has become the New God. Searching for it, many people are just a shadow of themselves and behind this obsession we find the real human being.

Pablo is a little cave dweller who lives amongst mammoths,wild boars, beasts from the depths and dinosaurs. Dino is his best friend, an enormous diplodocus he uses as a launch pad to send him off on his wildest prehistoric adventures.

Who holds up the dome of the sky? Who makes sure the sun comes up every morning and goes to bed at night?

Since graduating in design from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, he has worked as an author and illustrator of children's books. His work has been published by prestigious publishing houses in Brazil, Columbia, France, Venezuela, Spain and Italy.

In this book, the reader will find contributions by fourteen well-known authors, DirComs and university teachers, who analyse the latest trends.

The trouble is tha no one teaches us how to lead. Learning how is slow and risky. Imitating bosses, however good they may be, dows not guarantee that we will free ourselves of bad habits, errors or behaviour that could be improved.

“On summer nights I swim in the star flecked tank, I wash my face first with one paw, then with the other, then with both together, and this brings me great joy.” A bear who lives in the pipes of a building gradually discovers the strange and soli

To enter the fascinating world of video games you need a good gaming guide and a few extra games.

Design is an amazing platform for improvement, at the service of companies and, therefore, of society, which is already a requisite for entering a great number of markets.

The novel tells the history of a family through the voices of its various members.

Distintas formas de mirar el agua

In a beautiful, desolate place, the death of a grandfather brings together all the members of a family.

Distribuciones Alfaomega S. L. was created in Madrid in July 1979 with the aim to publish works of esoteric philosophy and spiritualism, from the western and eastern worlds.

Sello is the go to publisher for Noir and social comentary literature in the Spanish language. The catalogue which we intend to produce is based around three collections: Línea Blanca [White series], Línea Negra [Black series], Línea Roja [Red series].

Divalentis is a publishing company founded in Villareal (Valencia, Spain) in 2008, which produces works of high quality, taking care of the tiniest detail.

CIF: B12807731

C/ Cerdenya, 29 – Entlo C 12540 Vila-real (Castelló) 

Sergio Guinot

+34 626 578 319

This double question and answer game will test your knowledge on everything from history and literature to science and sport, video games and cinema. Two books in one: separate them at the spine, get two teams together and…let's play!

Dokosou is a Japanese term that means 'originality' and which as a philosophy can be translated as 'creating something unique'. This is the spirit we wish to convey. Our team is formed of people from diverse spheres and sectors with a basic idea in common: we are readers and we love books.


Dolores Fernández Martínez is a professor in the faculty of Bellas Artes at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and at AEMIC.

Dolores Payás was born in the province of Barcelona but soon broadened her horizons. She lived in Mexico for several years, where she worked as a television scriptwriter and accompanying pianist in singing and dance schools (although she did go on tour with a group of mariachis).

(Girona, 1956) She studied Psychology, but has been a writer since 1985, when her first novel came out.



Domingo Blázquez Sánchez has written several books and articles in specialised magazines. He has a loto f experience teaching postgraduate PE courses for teachers of both primary and secondary education.


He has a degree in the Science and Theory of Education from the University of Salamanca and he has worked as a teacher at various establishments in León, Zamora and Ávila.

Queharé is a special postman in a very special, fun world.

Don Quijote de la Mancha is a novel written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.


-General, non-specialist audiences
-Spanish/foreign language (from B2-C1 upper intermediate/advanced level. The cultural information part can be used from intermediate level B1-B2)

This work brings together 10 studies by contemporary literature scholars, who analyse current novels and theories in relation to Cervantes' Quixote.

Esta novela nos presenta a una niña muy peculiar, Carlota, a quien todos llaman "Doña Problemas", pues desde que tenía seis años se ha dedicado a resolver todos aquellos incidentes que sufren los alumnos de su colegio: una mochila estrop

Doña Problemas

This novel introduces us to a very peculiar girl, Carlota, whom everyone calls ‘Miss Problems’, because, when she was six years old, she decided to devote herself to solving every little problem the children at her school might have: an exploded y

'The wind spread the news. It stank of tragedy...' The civil war in Spain is over. Rome is in the hands of a single man: Julius Caesar.

We represent authors working in Spanish, Galician, Catalan and Basque at a global level, plus other foreign agencies in Spain and Latin America. We now represent 150 authors working in a variety of literary styles, both in fiction and non-fiction.


We represent authors working in Spanish, Galician, Catalan and Basque at a global level, plus other foreign agencies in Spain and Latin America. We now represent 150 authors working in a variety of literary styles, both in fiction and non-fiction.


Zel guarda una lista de deseos prohibidos en un cajón donde madre no los pueda ver.

Dorado, Violeta y Verde Menta

Two sisters laugh and play, and as they do they name different parts of the body: arms, eyes, heart...


A furious old dog, trees with sinister branches, a wolf running away from two monsters and a white puppy lost in the woods.


How many ways are there to say I love you? Possibly as many as there are people in the world. Axel and Eva work together and repel each other like oil and water.

愛してるって告げるには、幾通りの方法がある? たぶん世界中の人の数だけある。アクセルとエバは仕事の同僚だが、水と油のようにそりが合わない。アクセルは横柄で女好き、エバはちょっと嫌味な完璧主義者。だがアメリカ出張中に想像もしていなかった出来事が起き、生き残るためにふたりは良好な関係を築くか、少なくとも、そのように努力せざるを得なくなった。本書は独創的で様々なニュアンスを含んだロマンティック・コメディ。はじけそうなほどの愛とウィットが詰まったカクテルの中で、現実とファンタジーが結びつく。

In the year 2056 social amenities collapse and the countries of the world withdraw from large parts of the earth. The population flees hunger and epidemics.

A book containing 14 bilingual stories in Spanish and English for boys and girls, written by Beatriz Montero and Geeta Ramanujam.

The title of this book is not a metaphor. Two little nordic novels is exactly what it is: one little novel followed by another, both with a Nordic setting.

この本のタイトルは比喩ではない。この『Dos novelitas nórdicas(ふたつの北欧小説)』はまさにそのタイトルそのもの。ひとつの短い小説の後に別の小説が続くが、明らかに両方とも舞台は北欧である。「Historia de Ø(Øの歴史)」は、気候変動のために無情にも沈んでいくノルウェー海の小さな島のわずかな住民の物語。彼らは何世代にもわたって故郷であった土地の集合的記憶を保存しようと決めた。

Dos peixets a la peixera (Two Fish in a Bowl) 

Dos peixets a la peixera

The massacre of a family of farm labourers in Carreu in 1943 shakes the local community and surrounding villages of this corner of Pallars Jussà, Catalonia. But news of the mass murder did not get much further.


The massacre of a family of farm labourers in Carreu in 1943 shakes the local community and surrounding villages of this corner of Pallars Jussà, Catalonia. But news of the mass murder did not get much further.

DOSPASSOS Agencia Literaria specialises in representing writers and defending their intellectual property rights.

‘My name is Blo, I’ve got Down’s Syndrome, a girlfriend, lots of friends and a favourite record.’ Normality and integration are the hallmarks of the comical, carefree strips in this book.

Dr Félix Torán combines his dedication to Science and Engineering and years of study in the field of personal growth with a special vocation for the study of the Law of Attraction.

Mario Alonso Puig is a specialist in General Surgery and Digestive Surgery, a fellow in Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University, and member of the New York Academy of Science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Dr Miguel Sira Vargas is a medical sexologist. He is president of the Venezuelan Society of Sexology and associate postgraduate lecturer in Medical Sexology at the Centro de Investigaciones Psiquiátricas, Psicológicas y Sexológicas de Venezuela.

Founded in 2012, we have published over 30 titles that were missing in time or undiscovered, with the only criteria that they are an original concept in Spanish and that they are of relevant literary value. 


“Alfonso Zapico’s graphic novel Dublinés provides a witty and intuitive guide to the life and times of James Augustine Aloysius Joyce. Required reading for anyone who believes that Joyce is too serious for them”. (Lise Jones)

James Joyce is rightly considered to be one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. His work has also acquired a reputation for being enigmatic and obscure. As Joyce transformed his own life into literature, knowing something of his life can only enrich any reading of his work.


“Alfonso Zapico’s graphic novel Dublinés provides a witty and intuitive guide to the life and times of James Augustine Aloysius Joyce. Required reading for anyone who believes that Joyce is too serious for them”. (Lise Jones)

A crime is about to take place. The only person aware of it is a little girl of two years old and she can't do much about it. Will she be able to avert it? This is the first case for Sergeant Mona Flores, a new arrival in Almería, Spain.

Two short novels that complement and complete each other. Arcadia, the protagonist of 'Mad desires', sucks the blood of a rapist and husband, after her incredible transformation into a legend.

Dulce Xerach, Tenerife, 1969. Studied law at the University of La Laguna. Master's in business management and qualified expert in cultural management.



e-Diciones KOLAB is a purely digital publishing house, whose aim is to make the work of its authors available to a worldwide community of readers thanks to the possibilities provided by new technologies. It publishes books in both Spanish and English and distributes them online.

The Digital Age has changed the publishing world. Everything is easier and quicker, but quality content will never change. E-litterae is committed to new technologies and values a job well done.



A comic book publisher.

Ecir’s staff was involved in the writing of this tale as part of the multicolor series. Everyone wrote a fragment of the story and the editing department produced the final result.

Maintaining the environment so that generations to come will still have access to ecological resources and services in the future is one of the keystones on which sustainable development should be founded.

This is not an autobiography. Rather, it is the author's reflection on the world as seen through his own experience, full of questions, as is to be expected.

Ecomundis Editorial is a Spanish SMB offering assessment and communication services in the the field of sustainable development. Vinum Nature, its first trade publication, is the forerunner of a collection of guides aimed at increasing consumer awareness of the benefits of organic products.

In the last twenty years experimental economists have confirmed what we already know, for example that people are jealous, although they are also altruistic and cooperative but, above all, experiments have shown precisely in which circumstances al

ED nace en Buenos hace ya un montón de años. Desde muy pequeño se interesa por el dibujo y curiosea sin parar en todas sus técnicas, toma clases y consigue marear un par de veces al jurado para que le otorguen un para de premios revelación de historieta.

Edebé is a publishing house specialising in educational content. Its focus on text books and books for children and young people place it among the leading companies in the education sector in our country.


Edebé is one of the principal publishers in the education sector in Spain, with textbooks and children's literature as its main lines. It also produces digital content and provides integral educational services with platforms on management  and learning.


This publishing house specialises in books for children and young adults. With more than 100 years of experience and with thousands of titles, we are a key player in this sector and respected for the prestige in which our literary prizes are held.


Edelvives publishes educational texts and children's and young peoples literature. The two collections with the largest number of titles are Ala Delta and Alandar, which boast an annual award. Adventure, friendship, family, fear, drugs… these are all topics that can be found in our books.

Mika hasn't had much luck recently: unemployed and without future prospects in Spain, she decides to leave everything and look for work in Brazil, the blossoming country of new opportunities.

Only two years old, we have some fifty published titles to date. Our publishing house was created with the resolute goals of quality and professionalism, and to help new authors find opportunities in the publishing world.


(Buenos Aires, 1939). He moved to Paris in '74 and since 1988, has divided his time between that city and Buenos Aires. Among his literary works—some with prologues by Susan Sontag and Guillermo Cabrera Infante—he counts essays, short stories and novels.

EDHASA, a publishing house founded in 1946, maintains a varied and prestigious catalogue chiefly focused on quality literature and good bookbinding, highlighting the historical novel, the contemporary novel and the essay, with more than five hundred titles in print in the catalogue.


In the course of its existence Ediciones Akal has accumulated a broad catalogue which spans the fields of human and social sciences (from art to politics, via history and philosophy), in addition to literature collections and other educational lists aimed at the wider public.


Ediciones Alfar fue fundada en 1982. La creación de la editorial fue producto de una cooperativa para fomentar proyectos culturales. Dicha cooperativa estaba formada por un grupo de personas relacionadas todas directamente con el mundo de la cultura, y sobre todo con el mundo universitario.

Founded in 1982, with the goal of spreading culture, university life, new authors, and the classics. Our motto is culture with roots, culture without borders. That same year the Andalusian Association of Publishers was created, which still operates today.



Aljibe is in the vanguard in the field of Special Educational Needs. We also produce e-books and we maintain a presence in all Spanish speaking countries.


Aljibe is in the vanguard in the field of Special Educational Needs. We also produce e-books and we maintain a presence in all Spanish speaking countries.


Founded in Barcelona in 1986, Ediciones B is the publishing arm of Grupo Zeta. It reaches a wide audience of all ages thanks to the variety and markedly commercial character of its catalog. The titles published by the imprints Ediciones B, Vergara and Zeta Bolsillo demonstrate its wide range.

A young, independent publishing house with an editorial line that consists of Fiction, Children’s, Travel and Art.


+34 605678737


Andrés López


We are an editorial that is absolutely respectful of all political opinions and independent of any party or ideological affiliation.

Publishers under the labels Cydonia and LdF

Edition de livres d'histoires, d'énigmes et de développement personnel


EDICIONES DALY is a company with a clear commitment to service. Throughout its 30 years of existence it has endeavoured to produce books that are useful and practical for a number of sectors, from architects to teachers and the general public.

Publishing house founded in 1993 producing books on different subjects. Technical, Professional Development, Children's, Religion.


※当サイト2015年紹介3作品『高齢者の医療補佐と介護』『警備員 vol.1』『バル・レストランの顧客サービス』 http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/author-jp/ediciones-daly-sl-darichu-ban-she-bian-ji-bu

Founded in 2000. Since then we have become specialists in the publishing sector, with a focus on supporting new authors. Our books are distributed throughout Spain and the Americas.




Ediciones del Laberinto S. L. was founded in 1989 to focus on educational publishing. In 2011 it relaunched its catalogue to specialise in books for children and young adults with books for early readers, children's picture books, etc.


Publications in science, art, humanities, social sciences (geography, urbanism, history and philosophy), popular participation, bilingual dictionaries and language courses. As well as collections that include technical books, informative texts and general narrative.


A publishing house specialising in mountain sports and outdoor activities. We cover all genres: literature, guides, manuals and large format, all related to mountain culture. Our first book was published in 1991 and we now have a back catalogue of over 500 titles.


Destino's current editorial project aims to unite the prestige of a publisher of proven quality with the discovery of new authors. A new vision which is expressed across the different collections and authors.


Publishing house for children and young adults specialising in books for teenagers.

Publishing house for children and young adults specialising in books for teenagers.


We are a very, very young publishers. We put our all into literary projects and we give them all our efforts and love of what we do. Our authors are part of our Dokusou family and of our way of understanding literature.


We are a publishing house located in Barcelona (Spain) committed to publishing children's & young adult literature and also school textbooks.

The choice of titles and the quality of the work make Ediciones Encuentro a highly experienced and prestigious publisher in the field of philosophy, theology, art, and general essays. It is the principal Spanish-language publisher of great Catholic authors of the 20th century.


Ediciones Escalera - This publishing company wishes to acknowledge the passing of time in its books, reflected by dealing with those who have been among us, those who have left us, those who have crossed barriers (political, temporary, artistic, real, etc) also those who shocked us with their wor

Ediciones Eunate is a publishing house with over 30 years of history linked to Spain’s Navarra region. It began with scholarly publications, later adding fiction, poetry, and other essay topics.

This publishing company was created in 1980 and specializes in illustrated books, above all, collectables for kiosks and press promotions, both being its main selling channels.

Ediciones Gondo is a publishing house dedicated to publishing books by authors and institutions as well as works from abroad. In the first case we aim at achieving the best possible edition in cooperation with the authors so they can proudly disseminate their work to the general public.

Asterisc Agents prides itself on a curated list of authors who have established the agency on the international market. Their works have won some of the top national and international prizes and travelled around the world, finding new readers in other latitudes.


Founded on 1998             


A publishing house founded in 1988, which now has a catalogue specialising in illustrated books for children who aren't childish, particularly in relation to picture books, baby and toddler books, strip cartoons, and first readers among others.


Publishing house for over thirty years, specialising in literature and poetry from the Canary Islands


Ediciones Libertarias, with more than two decades of experience, is considered as one of the most prestigious publishing companies of its size within the Spanish cultural world.

It currently lists over twelve hundred titles, some of which have reached the category of best-sellers.

Ediciones Luciérnaga specialises in books on spirituality and personal growth. With a list of over 140 titles, the loyalty of Luciérnaga's readers offers proof of its success. What is the magic formula? Credibility. 

Good reads are Maeva’s passion. Quality, creativity and innovation are our defining qualities, and these allow us to take a chance on authors and books that in many cases have caused a real sensation when published in Spain.


Ediciones Martínez Roca was founded forty years ago. It is now a forward-looking publishing house with an ample fiction and non-fiction catalogue. Within the genre of fiction, its outstanding Historical Novel collection includes the Premio de Novela Histórica Alfonso X El Sabio.

Ediciones Mayo focuses its work in the publishing field in providing a communication service for professionals in medicine, pharmaceuticals, veterinary science and other areas in the health sector.


Founded in 2003 by Juan Triviño and David Solá. We can claim both Ediciones Noufront and produccioneditorial.com as our own. Specialists in delivering projects, digital support, publishing consultancy and training for publishers.

フアン・トレビーニョとダビッド・ソラによって2003年に設立。ノウフロントとプロドゥクシオンエディトリアル.com の2つの集団がある。企画立案、デジタル媒体、出版コンサルティング、出版社養成を専門とする。フアン・トレビーニョとダビッド・ソラの手で、2003年に設立。ノウフロントとプロドゥクシオンエディトリアル.com の2つの集団がある。企画立案、デジタル媒体、出版コンサルティング、出版人養成を専門とする。

Nowtilus was created as a personal project based on the editor’s own passions and interests, which include elements of modernity, entertainment, fantasy, provocation and popularization.

2002年設立、高品質のノンフィクション作品を刊行する総合出版インプリント。『Historia Incógnita(未知の歴史)』や『Breve Historia(小史)』、科学、人文学、世界の文化に関する知識という大きなテーマを集めた『100 Preguntas Esenciales(100の基本的な質問)』のシリーズで知られている。

EdicionesNueveDoce´s mission is to document in photograhs different aspects of the life, tradition and heritage of Asturias, the way the land has been used and the visual testimony that remains.

Founded in 1965, Ediciones Palabra is a Spanish publisher with long experience in the field. Currently it is a leader in personal and family development for a general readership.

The Everest imprint was created in 1957 and since 2018 has been part of Paraninfo which publishes non-university text books and literature for children and young adults.  


The imprints Martínez Roca and Temas de Hoy have become a vital part of the contemporary reading landscape. As contemporary readers have evolved, they have responded by developing innovative series in all genres: literature, current affairs, self-help, education and more.

Founded in 1990, it has a catalogue of around 1500 titles.

1990年に創業した独立系の出版社。これまでに1500 点以上を刊行。主な分野は、心理学、スピリチュアル、自己啓発、健康、性、音楽、映画、科学、育児、生物学、歴史。

Sins Entido began its activity in 1999 and currently publishes about 25 titles a year. With a list of more than 160 titles, is committed to graphic novels and the quality of its publications. Each book is a bet on a name, a personality, an intimate and personal line.

Since its foundation in 1982, Ediciones Siruela has published the most important classic and contemporary authors of world literature.

Since 1978 Ediciones SM has maintained its dedication to education with the creation of some of the best children's literature collections in Spain, El Barco de Vapor and Gran Angular, with books that last through time and never lose their appeal or relevance.

Regional publishing house founded over 25 years ago.

Virgen de la Paloma, 3

Over its twenty years of history Temas de Hoy has been a constant benchmark for the public at large. Following the evolution of contemporary readers, it has renovated its lines into current affairs, humour, personal development, awareness raising etc.

CIF: A08558090

Tolstoievski is the first independent publishing house whose focus is on publishing contemporary Spanish fiction in paperback. Tolskoeievski publishes new voices in a restrained and accessible format.


The publishing house was founded in 1983 in Barcelona. Today it has branches in several Latin American countries.


Edimáter is an Andalusian publishing house dedicated to publishing books for children and young people. One of its aims is to encourage reading, with works in which human values take precedence, without ceasing to be fun and enjoyable, full of fantasy and mystery.

Edicions 62 was founded in 1962 and produces works in almost all genres and publishing formats and in addition offers several prizes including Sant Joan Prize for narrative prose in Catalan, the Gabriel Ferrater Prize for Poetry and the Ciutat de Gandia, Joanot Martorell and Ausiàs March prizes f


Edicions 62 was founded in 1962 and produces works in almost all genres and publishing formats and in addition offers several prizes including Sant Joan Prize for narrative prose in Catalan, the Gabriel Ferrater Prize for Poetry and the Ciutat de Gandia, Joanot Martorell and Ausiàs March prizes f

Edicions Baula publishes children's and young adult literature in Catalan with the aim of being a creative, bold, discerning and reflective publisher with a strong team of staff who work to serve the educational community.


Founded in 1986, Edicions Bromera offers a catalogue of 4,000 titles published in Catalan in 30 different collections constituting a selection of the best literature for children, young adults, and adults with open minds.

Edicions 1984 is a literary publishing house founded in Barcelona in 1984. It publishes both Spanish authors and outstanding writers of literature from around the world.


Edicions del Bullent publish fun and highly readable books for children and teenagers. Our books attempt to reflect the rules the world is guided by. We are a small Valencia-based publishing house but with over 25 years of publishing experience.

CIF: B- 46699724

Edicións do Cumio is a record label and general publisher.

Edicions Hipòtesi is a small publishing company established in Barcelona in 1995. Its aim is to keep the magic of the book alive, both as a cultural entity and as a means to transmit pleasure and knowledge. It specialises in illustrated books, and offers four very diverse collections. 

Edicions Proa is an imprint with a long history, devoted mainly to literary publishing. However, it has always striven to attend to all other literary genres as well.

Edicions Proa is an imprint with a long history, devoted mainly to literary publishing. However, it has always striven to attend to all other literary genres as well. Avda.

Edicions UPC, SL, is the publishing company of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). It was established by the UPC in 1994 in order to meet the students' request of academic materials and give course to staff initiatives in relation to publishing new academic material.

EDHASA, a publishing house founded in 1946, maintains a varied and prestigious catalogue chiefly focused on quality literature and good bookbinding, highlighting the historical novel, the contemporary novel and the essay, with more than five hundred titles in print in the catalogue.


Independent publisher specializing in visual culture, with offices in Barcelona and Mexico City.

La Topera Editorial was born out of our desire to introduce new authors to expand the world of fiction for children and young people. We like to have time to enjoy the editing process so we choose to publish a small number of carefully selected books.

Editorial Aladena is a Malaga based publishing company launched in 2007, which began with essays on historical mysteries. Now well established, it has branched out into fiction and stories.

CIF: B-92877893

Ivan Pavlov

Miguel Ángel Ferrero


Almuzara’s lines include fiction, noir, historical novels, fantasy, science fiction, children’s literature and great works of fiction and non fiction (the collections of the Fundación BLU, passing on the work of the Editorial Espasa). There are also series such as political thought.

ALT autores publish paper, digital and audio books. We sell nationally and internationally in bookshops and from our warehouse, and we run digital marketing, promotion and SEO campaigns to sell our books worldwide.



Since its creation in 1959, the literary agency A.C.E.R. has published general literature, both fiction and non-fiction. It represents French-, German- and English-language publishing houses in Spanish- and Portuguse-speaking countries, and Spanish authors throughout the world.


Anagrama is an independent publishing house founded in 1969 which has published around 4,000 titles. It places equal emphasis on the search for new voices in literature fiction and non-fiction and on the exploration of the most significant policitical, cultural and moral debates of our time.


Editorial Ariel, through its prestige, adaptation to the modern world of publishing and culture, aims to publish works on culture an thought and act as a link between essayists, thinkers and all readers who enjoy the pleasure of books.

BABIDI-BÚ was founded in 2013 and publishes books for children and young adults. We specialise in publishing hardback books We focus on the theme of implicit values publishing titles about the management of emotions, diversity, transgender issues, and respect for the environment.

Editorial Bambú is a children's literature imprint of Editorial Casais, which has been publishing timeless literary works for children of six and over since 2006.


Barcanova, founded in 1980, continues to rise to new challenges and grow with the help of its readers, teachers and authors. Publishing literature for all ages, from early readers to children, to young adults and adults. 


We are an independent publishing house founded in Seville in 2016. Our name is a small tribute to Syd Barrett, Pink Floyd's original leader and lead singer.

We are an independent publishing house based in Seville and founded in 2016 Our name is a small tribute to Syd Barrett, Pink Floyd's first vocalist. We publish 10 books a year, mostly in fiction.

Editorial Bruño is one of the most important publishing houses of children’s literature in Spain, with a catalogue that includes more than one thousand titles; many of them have received awards and have sold a huge number of copies.

Independent publisher based in Barcelona with a strong interest in Latin American literature and new voices in Spanish literature, whose reputation has been earned over the course of over twelve years of patient and careful development.

Editorial Casals supports culture through different publishing houses. Combel publishes illustrated books for children up to nine years old, from cloth, cardboard and bath-time books to pop-up and novelty books, comics and reference. Children's literature is published under the name Bambú.


Editorial Salesiana. Our collection consists of 2 lists: Education, including materials for teachers, free-time activity organisers, mathematics, the elderly etc.; Catechism, including catechistic material, prayer, homilies, the Liturgical Calendar etc.


Ciudad Nueva is a publishing house inspired by the spirituality of Unity, which was founded in Spain in 1981 by the Focolare Movement and represents one of the most important proposals for a way of life in contemporary society. It widely promotes new encounters and dialogue.


We started life in 2016 with the intention of creating books that could be magical worlds while also focused on exploring science and culture for children, teaching them to use their imaginations, to be curious and to understand the world beyond what they see every day.



A publishing house based in Castilla-La Mancha whose goal is to offer high quality publishing solutions based on high production standards. We make our full resources available to every project and have our own teams covering the areas of list selection, design, printing and distribution.


An independent publishing house based in Sevilla.


Diëresis is an independent publisher with three lists: 1- Guides to Barcelona. Tourist guides that go beyond the conventional. One has been translated into English: 'Barcelona Movie Walks.' 2- Self-help. 3- Narrative journalism

Editorial Drakul is an privately owned, independent publisher founded in 2006 and dedicated principally to the publication of novels and comics, although we also publish children's books. In Spain we are best known for publishing the Star Trek comics in 2009 under the Likantro imprint. 


ECIR is a Spanish publisher specializing in educational materials, text books and story tales.

Editorial Edaf is a Spanish publishing company with over 50 years of publishing experience. With headquarters in Madrid and offices in many South American countries, Edaf boasts a wide variety of titles ranging from healthy living and psychology titles to esoteric themes and fiction.

Edinumen is a publishing house specialising in books and other materials for teaching and learning Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) or Second Language. It has over 15 years experience in this sector and has published more than 200 titles.

Edinumen is a publishing house specialising in books and other materials for teaching and learning Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) or Second Language. It has over 15 years experience in this sector and has published more than 200 titles.

The objective of the publisher Empúries is to make the best literature accessible ro the reader. Peu de la Creu 4 - 08001 Barcelona Daniel Cladera, Gemma Isus +34 934928595 foreignrights@grup62.com http://www.grup62.cat

The objective of the publisher Empúries is to make the best literature accessible ro the reader. 

Peu de la Creu 4 - 08001 Barcelona

Daniel Cladera, Gemma Isus
+34 934928595


Editorial Erein was created in 1976 in San Sebastián (Guipuzcoa). Its catalogue covers different collections of narrative, poetry and essay for adults and some for children. Editorial Erein also publishes text books for primary and secondary education.

Everest commença à publier il ya plus de 50 ans à Léon. Depuis le début, elle misa sur les livres pratiques et de divulgation dans les domaines des livres pour enfants, la gastronomie, les livres de texte et autres.

Everest commença à publier il ya plus de 50 ans à Léon. Depuis le début, elle misa sur les livres pratiques et de divulgation dans les domaines des livres pour enfants, la gastronomie, les livres de texte et autres.


Books by the best authors and illustrators.


Picture books by the best national and international authors and illustrators.

Editorial Funambulista was launched in October 2004 and over the last six years has published over 90 new titles in a number of collections which have achieved critical success and gained a loyal readership. Our main aim is to offer narrative texts of unquestionable quality.

Editorial Galaxia S.A. is a mainstream Galician publisher.

This is a general publisher, set up in 1950 with the aim of promoting the Galician language and modernising society. Though it now includes other languages and products, it continues in the same spirit.


Editorial GG is an independent publisher that brings topics such as art and artistic techniques, architecture, design, photography, creativity, DIY and nature to an audience of professionals, students and enthusiasts.


Our publishing house has brought out over 700 titles, and we publish some 14 specialist magazines, aimed at education professionals and their families.

C/ Hurtado, 29 - 08022 Barcelona
(+34) 934 080 464

Our most immediate aim is to continue supporting ourselves in the difficult world of small publishers, where there is fierce competition, and above all to continue to bringe science fiction and fantasy to an ever-broader yet more demanding audience.

Asterisc Agents prides itself on a curated list of authors who have established the agency on the international market. Their works have won some of the top national and international prizes and travelled around the world, finding new readers in other latitudes.


Independent publisher specialising in visual culture.


Editorial Hidra is a publisher of children's and young people's literature founded in 2008,. It specialises in the discovery of new resources, the promotion of reading and the creation of successful series. Its list of authors reflects its clear and wholehearted support for national talent. 

Independent publisher since 2014, publishing a concise and informative list on modern universal themes in Spanish. Hesperides Publishing: International and national religious narrative and novels, publishing in spain and Latin America. Website: www.huertagrande.com

Publishing house Impedimenta (National Prize for the Best Cultural Publisher, 2008, awarded by the Ministry of Culture) was founded in May, 2007, with the aim of rediscovering those essential literary works which form or will form part of our cultural heritage as readers.

Editorial Inde is a publishing house specialised in physical education, physical activity, sports, health and the environment.

Plaça de Sant Pere Nº 4 bis, baixos 2ª - 08003 Barcelona
(+34) 933 199 799
Nuria Domedel


Editorial Juventud is an independent publishing house founded in 1923 in Barcelona by José Zendrera Date. Since the beginning it has focused on quality literature and was one of the first publishers to publish books for children and young adults.

Editorial Kairós, with more than 45 years of experience, is an independent publisher of both the major publishing groups and ideologies. It publishes non-fiction.


Editorial Kolima is a multidisciplinary publisher, publishing books which pique curiosity and expand knowledge, from personal development to children's stories, with one common denominator: to develop learning capacity in order to foster both personal and professional improvement.

Editorial Kolima is a multidisciplinary publisher, publishing books which pique curiosity and expand knowledge, from personal development to children's stories, with one common denominator: to develop learning capacity in order to foster both personal and professional improvement.



We publish literary works that encourage free thought, by writers who never stop wondering, without fear of sharing their questions, opinions or magnificent moments of madness. We give equal weight to fiction and essays.


Edelvives has been active in the publishing sector for more than 130 years and is currently part of Grupo Edelvives, which offers high quality educational materials with a focus on values, innovation and new technology as well as supporting children and adults' cultural development through an exc


Illustrated children's books.

This publishing house was created in 1922 and is dedicated to producing books for children and schools. Each year it publishes work to help parents and teachers support developing children from the ages of 0 through the whole infant age range and now, adolescents.


The idea which forms the basis for this project is to provide content which enables avid readers of fantasy or reality to find a reference point for their reading in our collections. One of the objectives of this publishing house is to meet all the requirements of each work.

Editorial Milenio was founded in 1996. We have published around 500 titles in twenty series, including history, essay, fiction, philosophy, practical and large format books, making up a significant catalogue.


A small publishing house whose main focus is on educational books and children's picture books, with other more limited lists for an academic audience. They are especially well known for their picture books, which have won numerous international prizes.


An independent publishing house founded in Barcelona in 1999. We have been publishing fiction and non-fiction in both Castilian and Cataln since 2000. Our catalogue consists of six collections which include both original and translated texts.

mr. momo is the child and young adult literature imprint of the Lantia Publishing group. Our motto is: encouraging creativity and values in children while they enjoy reading. We select only the most pleasant and educational works.


Editorial Nerea is known for publishing great works in the areas of art, history, architecture and the restoration of cultural heritage, and we are equally interested in gender studies, essays, photography and gastronomy, with quality as our main objective.

Netbiblo is a scientific-technical publishing company which started its activities in late 2001. It aims to publish works of quality for the markets of Spain and the rest of the European Union.

A multidisciplinary collaborative publishing house founded with the aim of spreading knowledge in an expanding, changing world. We focus on the creation and distribution of knowledge, working to achieve high levels of quality, speed and versatility.


Founded in 2000, this publishing house specialises in Pregnancy & Maternity, Education & Development, with a children's collection called Little Love Letters, which produces important work promoting universal values, equality and the empowerment of girls and boys.

A publishing group based in Spain, distributing throughout South America. Our catalogue includes reference books, children’s and young adult books, practical guides, professional training manuals, and digital books.

Editorial Octaedro


Editorial Paidotribo was founded in 1985 in Barcelona, Spain. Specializing in Sports, Health and Nutrition, it has published more than a thousand titles.

Traditional publishing house where we back works of fiction of the highest literary quality with a focus on values. We cover all types of genre: children's, YA, fantasy, narrative, thrillers, historical fiction, thrillers, poetry...


Editorial Pencil produces technical publications, especially directed to the sectors of architecture and construction.

Since its launch in 1972, Editorial Pila Teleña has specialised in Physical Education and Sports. Our principal aim is education, through reading and physical activity.

Editorial Planeta was founded in 1949 and was the start of Grupo Planeta, which became the world's most prestigious and influential Spanish-language publishing group. Since 1952 it has awarded the annual Planeta Award, now the most recognised and distinguished prize for Spanish literature.

Founded in 1976, Pre-Textos is dedicated to publishing Fiction, Essays and Poetry. With a catalogue of over 1,500 works, it is one of Spain’s most interesting independent publishing houses, offering very high intellectual quality and an innovative taste in literature.

Founded in 1976, Pre-Textos is dedicated to publishing Fiction, Essays and Poetry. With a catalogue of over 1,500 works, it is one of Spain’s most interesting independent publishing houses, offering very high intellectual quality and an innovative taste in literature.



Altaïr is a specialist in world cultures. It aims to produce good-quality, informative works through the emotion and interest journeys inspire in us to give a detailed overview of the different territories, societies and cultures of the world.

Altaïr is a specialist in world cultures. It aims to produce good-quality, informative works through the emotion and interest journeys inspire in us to give a detailed overview of the different territories, societies and cultures of the world.

In 2009 we will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of RM in a spirit of fidelity to the origins of the company: the development of a select list of titles devoted to Mexican visual arts and the expansion of our catalogue into other areas of global interest.


Editorial Samarcanda is the self-publishing and bestseller imprint of the Lantia Publishing group. It's said that good authors know when not to write and see literature as an act of survival. The works published by Samarcanda are a legacy to the human race.


Created in 2002, the Saure publishing house specialises in the artistic, cultural and educational dimension of various organisations, with a collection of over 460 titles in three formats: picture books, comics and illustrated books with a social backdrop.


Established in 1911, Seix Barral is inspired by a philosophy of aiding writers in furthering their literary career, giving them the opportunity to add their name and works to the list of others that make up Seix Barral’s excellent heritage.

Established in 1911, Seix Barral is inspired by a philosophy of aiding writers in furthering their literary career, giving them the opportunity to add their name and works to the list of others that make up Seix Barral’s excellent heritage.

Sentir is an editorial imprint focused on child psychology.


At Sexto Piso, an independent publishing house founded in 2005, we believe that books generate communities made up of people linked by their belief in words, in ideas, and in written expression as a means to make life in society possible.


Independent publishing house based in Navarra.

Editorial independiente de Navarra


Editorial UNED’s goal is the dissemination of science, culture and knowledge.


Editorial Verbo Divino specialises in works on religious themes, particularly Biblical, and study and interpretation of the Bible. The works in its large catalogue are distributed to all Spanish-speaking countries.


Literary publisher

Literary publisher

A young, independent publishing house. Its main activity is the production and editing of materials for teaching and learning Spanish as a Foreign Language (E/LE) or as a second language (E/L2), and for the promotion of reading and culture among a broad spectrum of audiences.

Edu Flores was born in Zaragoza in 1970. She studied graphic design and art history. She presently combines teaching at the Escuela Superior de Diseño de Aragón (ESDA) with illustration of children's books.

1970年サラゴサ⽣まれ。グラフィックデザインと美術史を専攻し、現在はアラゴン・デザイン上級学校(ESDA)の教員をつとめる傍ら、児童向けのイラストの仕事に携わり、絵本の作品ではEl pájaro de las dos jaulas(ふたつの⿃かごの⿃)が2015年のブラティスラヴァ世界絵本原画展に選出された。2013年11月、Los zapatos de Fred Astaire y otras historias increíbles(フレッド・アステアの靴と信じられない物語)が上海児童書展の国際児童絵本部⾨で金の風車賞を受賞。

Born in Valencia in 1945. He has been visiting professor at the Colegio de Europa (Brujas) and invited researcher at Fitzwilliam College (Univ. of Cambridge), at Gonville and Caius College (Univ. of Cambridge) and at King’s College (Univ. Of London).

Eduardo Punset is a lawyer, economist and professor of science, technology and society at various universities, and has been a speaker at international scientific conferences.

Since graduating in philosophy, Eduardo Acín Dal Maschio (Barcelona, 1974) has largely developed his professional career in the world of publishing, where he has participated in and headed many popular philosophy, science and history projects.

エドゥアルド・アシン=ダル=マスチオ(1974年バルセロナ生まれ)は哲学科を卒業後、出版界でキャリアを積む。哲学、科学、歴史の普及のための数々のプロジェクトに参加し、指揮をとってきた。哲学の普及に関する2冊の著書(プラトンおよび聖アウグスティヌスについて)があり、『Persiguiendo a Einstein』(アインシュタインを追いかけて)の共著者でもある。当サイト2021年紹介作品『アルバート・アインシュタイン』http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/albert-einstein 

The author was born in Motril (Granada) on 04.01.1966 and currently lives in Centelles (Barcelona). A Spanish citizen, he graduated in Geological Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1989) and in Groundwater Hydrology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (1990).

Eduardo Fernández nace en Sevilla en 1979, por lo que como casi todos los niños de su generación, realizar manualidades forma parte tanto de su formación como de sus juegos.


Eduardo Garrigues won the Café Gijón Short Novel Award in 1961 with El canto del Urogallo, he was shortlisted in the Sesamo Award in 1971 with Lecciones de tinieblas and, in 1973 won Pío Baroja Short Stories Award with Artículo Sexto.

Eduardo Gismera holds the post of Doctor in Pectore of Business Ethics at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, studied law at ICADE and holds an Executive Masters in Human Resources Management from the IE Business school.


Eduardo Halfon (Guatemala City, 1971) is one of Latin America's best known writers. Of Jewish heritage, his family has roots in Poland, Egypt, Libya and Syria. He was a finalist for the 2003 Premio Herralde and the 2016 Premio Hispanoamericano de Cuento Gabriel García Márquez.

Eduardo Halfon nació en 1971 en la ciudad de Guatemala.

Eduardo Halfon (Guatemala City, 1971) is one of Latin America's best known writers. Of Jewish heritage, his family has roots in Poland, Egypt, Libya and Syria. He was a finalist for the 2003 Premio Herralde and the 2016 Premio Hispanoamericano de Cuento Gabriel García Márquez.


Eduardo Infante est l'auteur de deux bestsellers,"Filosofía en la calle" (vendu à 9000 exemplaires), traduit dans sept pays et utilisé par les enseignants comme une alternative irrévérencieuse aux manuels scolaires rébarbatifs, et"No me tapes el sol" (2021), une revendication des cyniques après 2

エドゥアルド・インファンテは、販売部数9000部、現在7カ国で出版され、つまらない教科書の不謹慎な代用書として教師に人気の『Filosofía en la calle(街中の哲学)』、2500年前のキュニコス学派の復権を試みた『No me tapes el sol(太陽を遮るな)』(2021)という2つのベストセラーの著者である。


Eduardo Mendicutti (Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz), 1948) is the author of more than a dozen books, all published to great public and critical acclaim, translated into numerous languages and winners of prizes such as the Café Gijón, the Premio de la Crítica in Andalucía and the Sésamo.

Eduardo Olier has a PhD in Telecommunications from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a diploma from Harvard Business School.


Eduardo Riaza Molina (Teruel, 1961) graduated in Physical Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is a member of the Real Sociedad Española de Física. Since 1984, he has worked as a Physics and Chemistry teacher in the Colegio Retamar, Madrid, becoming head of department in 1997.

Aduardo Roca (Barcelona, 1963) is a researcher and professor. He has a PhD in industrial engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona. He currently lives in Heidelberg, Germany, where he combines teaching with various cultural projects.



Eduardo Ruiz Sosa was born in Culiacan, Mexico, in 1983 and has lived in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) since 2006. He studied Industrial Engineering and holds a PhD in History of Science. he is currently in his final year of a PhD in Spanish literature.

This book analyzes adult education in anthropological, sociological, psychological, pedagogical and historical terms, using current and future models of general education, professional training and sociocultural activities, outcome-based education

Helping children and older people understand the strategies of Positive Psychology, promoting those positive qualities which enable us to avoid feelings of unease, to successfully deal with complex life situations, and to develop a proactive attitude and a full life.



This book is not intended to replace reason with feelings, but to show how to harmonize mind and heart. In short: to put together what I want and what I have to do.

Edurne Portela is one of Spain’s most talented young writers, and her popularity and recognition have grown incessantly over the last few years.

Edurne Portela es una de las voces literarias jóvenes con más talento de España, cuya popularidad y reconocimiento no han dejado de crecer en los últimos años.

Edurne Romo is the Editorial Manager of Sfera Editores, which specializes in the world of childhood and, for over 15 years, has directed publications like “Mi bebé y yo” and the guides “Mi embarazo” and “Mi primer año”.

Efraim Medina (Cartagena, 1967) lives between Colombia and Italy.

This interactive book, magnificently illustrated by Fernando Vicente, brings the fascinating and mysterious world of Ancient Egypt closer to young readers.

An anonymous Majorcan writer of self-help books discovers that a sensationalist television programme has accused her of having committed a ‘careless near-homicide’.

In this book, Professor Sergio L.

We are a group of literature lovers and professionals who have joined together in a publishing house defined by the values of love, awareness and compassion. In Greek, compassion or συμπάθεια can be interpreted as sympathy for the feelings of others and trying to help them.


This is book is an instrument that aids mental exercise in an entertaining and varied manner. 200 exercises are given related to different cognitive areas: attention, orientation, memory, language, reasoning, calculation and motor skills.

This is a practical book containing 150 exercises which work on different cognitive faculties, beginning with simple activities and gradually increasing the level of difficulty.

団結、広告芸術、そしてインターネットから派生したニューテクノロジーが、このいやらしいほど現代的な小説Ejército enemigo(敵軍)の戦場である。


Two brothers walk, observe joke and - above all - discover, in this story which uses the letters of the alphabet as an excuse to investigate a whole load of interesting things.



The letter opener begins with the letters that a childhood friend wrote in the 1920s to García Lorca, the distant inspiration of his hopes and dreams.

本書『El abrecartas(ペーパーナイフ)』は、1920年代、遠くから夢や願望といったインスピレーションを与えてくれる人、ガルシア・ロルカに宛てて幼馴染が書く手紙から始まる。

ハナは今日、グレーのコートを着ています。歩きながら、だれかほかの人のように感じられたらどんなにいいだろうと想像します。きっとすばらしいに違いありません! けれど、ハナはまだ一番すばらしいものに気付いていませんでした……。これは自尊心の物語。自分が何者かよくわからなかったり、自分のよい面は忘れて他人のよい面ばかりが目についてしまったり、そんな瞬間が語られています。教師用資料付き絵本。

Hoy Jana lleva puesto un abrigo gris y, mientras camina, piensa e imagina qué bien se sentiría si fuese alguien diferente. ¡Sería tan maravilloso! Pero aún le falta descubrir lo más increíble de todo...

El abrigo de Jana

It is necessary to offer companionship to people and their families during the last stage of life and train to do this competently if we do not want to become dehumanised.

A beautiful novel with a forceful narrative.

Rivers, lakes, oceans and fountains have been a source of inspiration for many of history’s composers, creating music from the sensuality of such vital energy, and their work lets us dream and imagine water through sound; its clarity, the noise it


El Aleph Editores was founded in 1973 by Mario Muchnik and has remained true to the discerning nature of its origins ever since. A perfect synthesis of tradition and modernity, El Aleph aims to bring literature in all its dignity to readers. 

It is the year 824 when three peculiar characters - Paio the hermit, Teodomiro the bishop, and his assistant Martín de Bilibio - 'find' a tomb, the remains of which, they claim, belong to Saint James the Apostle.



Katherine Mansfield was able to portray what is hidden beneath the surface better than anybody else.

Katherine Mansfield ha logrado retratar como nadie lo que se esconde debajo de la superficie.

El alma moderna y otros cuentos

A very useful tool for all those professionals who work with these boys and girls. It defines the disorder in a clear way and offers practical advice to use in and out of the classroom.

エンリケ・アモリムは恋人フェデリコ・ガルシア=ロルカの死体を盗んだのか? チャプリンとピカソの密会にもぐり込むため、ジャン・ポール・サルトルのふりをしたか? パブロ・ネルーダがノーベル賞をとるための努力を妨害したのか?

Did Federico García Lorca’s lover Enrique Amorim steal his corpse? Did he disguise himself as Jean Paul Sartre to attend a secret meeting between Chaplin and Picasso? Did he sabotage Pablo Neruda’s efforts to win the Nobel Prize?

This is the story of Pavel, a man whose life changes course dramatically pushed by a series of circumstances.

Madrid, 1935. A young American woman arrives at the Residencia de Estudiantes, where the creme de la creme of Republican intellectuals get together. Real and fictional characters meet on the city's streets.


In 1142, at sixty-three years of age, the philosopher, poet and musician, Pierre Abelard, the ‘Lion of Paris’, died; twenty-one years later, his lover and wife, Heloise, followed him.

This book is not a story, a treatise or a manual that analyzes loves, that state that escapes any attempt to control, understand or overcome it. It is not a work on the philosophy of love, but it does contain philosophical analyses.

Love and Its Tombs tells of the tormented decision of a writer, Lázaro, as he writes a novel he has been forbidden to write about his great love, María, who died in tragic circumstances unknown to him since he is unwilling to find out the truth.

In 1924 the anarchist Pablo Martín Sánchez was condemned to be garrotted, accused of attempting to bring down Primo de Rivera's dictatorship. His homonym, the writer Pablo Martín Sánchez, seeks, in this unsettling novel, to reconstruct his story.

In the winter of 1667, Migel de Torres and his brother Diego are accused of high treason and condemned to eternal banishment.

In her first novel on the subject of Basque terrorism, Etxenike deals with the traumatic experience of political violence with great literary effect.

Written in an appealing style and with a social and moral backdrop, this novel is full of intrigue and action with a psychological depth, as well as excellent descriptions and dialogue.

Written in an appealing style and with a social and moral backdrop, this novel is full of intrigue and action with a psychological depth, as well as excellent descriptions and dialogue.

1924. Years after the acclaimed Universal Animalarium of Professor Revillod, the professor has returned to present his latest work.


'The Year of Los Saicos' uses sharp humour to paint a portrait of the internal workings of Liman society in 1964 (the year the eponymous rock group first came to prominence), trapped between respect for hypocritical rules and the degradation of it

El año de Los Saicos(ロス・サイコスの年)は、1964年のリマ社会の内部事情を辛辣なユーモアで語る。この年はリマ出身のロック・グループ、ロス・サイコスが登場した年で、当時、リマの社会は偽善的常識の尊重と個人の品格低下の間で身動きできなくなっていた。嘘が怪しげな生き残り戦略となり、登場人物のひとりが言うように「誰もが嘘をつく」社会だった。 この小説は「良家」のいとこふたりによる女中への誘惑をめぐる出来事を描く。

This is a novel about four artists from an unlucky generation who, having lost their dreams and ideals, find themselves confined to a garage where one fine day a strange creature appears and proposes a sinister pact.


Virreinato del Perú, 1623. El demonio se hizo carne en la Ciudad de los Reyes la noche en la que una novicia dio a luz a una bestia de dos cabezas, lengua bífida y ocho extremidades.

El año en que nació el demonio

When the antique dealer and ancient books seller Artur Aiguader is found dead in his shop in Barcelona, his step-son and writer Enrique Alonso flies to the city to take charge of Artur’s things.

On Elba a beekeeper awaits the arrival of Napoleon, who was exiled to the island in May 1814. A surprising and obsessive relationship will develop between them.

El apicultor de Bonaparte is set on the island of Elba and is a work of historical fiction focusing on Napoleon’s exile to the island in 1814-15. In addition to Napoleon himself, the other protagonist is Andrea Pasolini, the island’s principal beekeeper.

El apicultor de Bonaparte (Bonaparte’s Beekeeper)

Training and knowledge development in Higher Education will occupy a privileged place in social and productive development agenda.

A series of pop-up books which tell popular stories for boys and girls. The legendary story of Noa's Ark is told as a tale with spectacular pop-up illustrations, and a very amusing rhyming text.

Vicente Parra, examining magistrate of the Ertzaintza Basque police force, based in the old quarter of San Sebastian, is assigned two apparently very different cases.

In the year 1337, Abu Isaq Es Saheli of Granada arrives in the city of Fez as Ambassador to Kanku Mussa, emperor of the Kingdom of the Blacks. After he is received with every honour, he falls victim to a plot against his life.

Una guía para acompañar y proteger el juego y el movimiento de los niños.

El arte de dar libertad. Cómo acompañar el juego y el movimiento de los niños

On many afternoons, after fishing for a while “granddad would take me home”. There, the young narrator of this story will understand, much more so than he would in front of the sea, what it means to be a fish wounded by the “cruelty” of the hook.


The “Christ of Elqui” arrived at the mining offices of Los dones with his long black hair and Biblical prophet’s beard. This time he had come not just to evangelize, to preach his sermons for the good of humanity, but with a mission, too.

Una nueva visión sobre uno de los principales temas de la educación actual

El arte de poner límites

This book by Ana Ma Arias de Cossio explores an area of Spanish art which is little known either at home or abroad.

“The art of the century xx in his exhibitions: 1945-2007” focuses on the exhibitions that have generated new ways of viewing and expressing reality.

20th Century Art in its Exhibitions: 1945-2007 is centred on the exhibitions which have generated new ways of seeing and expressing reality.

他でもないピタゴラスの知性を凌ぐパワフルな知性を持つ人がいるだろうか? その時代最も大きな権力を持っていた人物のひとり、老哲学者ピタゴラスは、偉大な学者たちの中から後継者を選ぼうとしていた。その時、彼の教団の中で一連の殺人事件が始まる。犯罪の背後に、ピタゴラス自身を凌ぐほど強大で暗い知性が垣間見えてくる。謎の女アリアドナとエジプト人探偵アケノンが、殺人者が誰かをつきとめようとする。それは同時に彼ら自身の気持ちを晴らすためでもあった。挑戦的な一冊。

The brutal murder of a woman puts police in the peaceful city of Berlai on alert.

When an old man dies in strange circumstances in the home where his grandfather lives, Daniel realises that he is the only one who sees traces of an unsolved crime and not a simple unlucky accident.

He's been fascinated by the stars for as long as he can remember. His passion leads him to undertake an incredible journey full of surprises and discoveries, also about himself.


The ship Beagle sets sail from England in 1831 to make a voyage around the world which will change history.


A story of adventurers who are, simultaneously, the heroes of some of the most brilliant events in the history of 20th century art. A mixture of fact and fiction.

El azul sobrante is a collection of short stories by José Jiménez Lozano, Cervantes Prize for Literature. Jiménez Lozano created adventures that journey to the lands of human passion or pause in the wounds opened by a higher form of love.

Una adolescente embarazada huye de su violento novio. Una pareja llega al límite, contemplando el asesinato como la única salida. Una mujer pierde a su hermano al engañar a un narcotraficante.

El báculo y la serpiente

Constantino Augusto de Moreas has received an invitation to visit Zaragoza University, after having spent his entire life in Cuba devoted to the scholarly investigation of the poet José Martí.

Already an old man, Cayute, the central character of the novel, undertakes an exercise in retrospection, through which we learn the history of Almoneda, an imaginary territory on the frontier between Spain and Portugal.

Alberti was a noisy child whose burping was louder than a bear in the wild. All that roaring, as well he knows, left him singing very low.


There is no better way to learn about lyric drama than by enjoying a comic opera like The Barber of Seville. The album introduces us to a libretto directly inspired by courtly love, commedia dell’arte and farce.

A collection of ten titles, liberally illustrated in full-colour by well-known international illustrators. The stories, which are full of humour, are written by Enric Lluch.

A Zahra le han arreglado el matrimonio. No se casa por amor. No está enamorada. Casi ni conoce a su primo, Amir, el hijo caprichoso de una familia con demasiadas ambiciones.

El bebé de Zahra

Just like the characters, children will discover the joy of reading. When a bookmobile rolls through a small town, children decide to take a look inside. They quickly discover that this is no ordinary bookmobile...

EL BLOC. ESPAÑOL EN IMÁGENES is an attractive material for the understanding of basic, rewarding Spanish vocabulary through evocative colour illustrations.

Do you know who Cyrano de Bergerac was? Cyrano loved the beautiful Rosanne but knew that his love was impossible, which is why he wrote her passionate letters that he would never dare to send.

Can a person live in 445 m2 space for the rest of their life?

Taking care of the planet is important. This is a book to help kids learn about the importance of looking after our forests and keeping them clean. Gala and her granny have great fun exploring the forest.

Taking care of the planet is important. This is a book to help kids learn about the importance of looking after our forests and keeping them clean. Gala and her granny have great fun exploring the forest.

Trips to the woods are family outings that can complement what children learn in school, reinforcing a respect for the environment and providing them with resources to enrich their free time.

In his book, El ángel literario, a meeting held in Madrid with the writer Andrés Trapiello, serves as the backdrop for Eduardo Halfon to narrate the beginnings of the story of a mysterious Polish boxer.

He is a ten-year-old boy, curious, dreamy and highly imaginative.

In Valencia in the seventies, at the height of Franco’s dictatorship, three young communists – Josep, Felo and Teresa – demonstrate their disagreement with the official Party line with unforeseen consequences.

1568 was one of the most terrible years in the rule of King Philip II of Spain. Conflict grew in Flanders, the Turkish threatened the Mediterranean, and Moors rebel in Granada. However, the King is set to face all the problems.

Pedro Miguel Lamet recreates with historical rigour and fascinating narrative style the life of the Peregrino de Loyola and, moreover, brings us close to the exciting Golden Age, allowing us to understand his turbulent youth, internal process, cul


Towards the end of the 18th century, the young Creole girl Antonia de Salis meets a fascinating Venezuelan soldier in Russia, Francisco de Miranda, the father of Hispano-American independence.

Young Mario Lucas is fascinated by the world of the stars. He was absolutely certain that in one of those far off places, on the Pulsars, lived "The Little Green Men".


'El cadete Vargas Llosa' is a book that aims to explain, exonerate, redeem or defend the mark/stamp that was woven in the stories told in 'The City and The Dogs'.

Who was the grandmother who planted the seeds of La Masía [FC Barcelona's youth system]? And who was the father who helped the players believe, educating and taking care of them? And who are the inheritors now reaping the rewards?

ラ・マシア(FCバルセロナの育成組織)の種を植えた老人は誰だったか? そして丹念に世話をし、その種の成長を助けた親とは? そして今、相続者としてその実りの収穫をするのは誰? ラ・マシアの特徴となっている哲学は? 世界最高のサッカー選手を育てあげるために、育成選手たちに何を伝授するのか?

Gwen's coven is made up entirely of women and was created as part of a curse that prevents her from being with the man she loves. La Moura is prepared to give him up as long as he is happy, even if it’s without her.




A book about walking the Way of St James. Includes a description of the route and its historic buildings, plus practical information, maps, distances, hostels and lodgings, where to eat and buy provisions.

A book about the Northern Way of St James. A variant on the way of St James which runs along the Cantabrian coast.

This guide of the Way of St James includes the routes known by pilgrims as the French Way, from Roncesvalles and the Aragonese Way, from Somport.

The Way Home is the longest journey a human being can undertake.

A young Spanish couple, medical students in Boston, return to Spain years after graduating.

Twelve years after the publication of 'El mozárabe,' the iconic novel that has sold over a million copies and whose success crossed borders and is now forever linked to the greats of the genre, such as 'Los pilares de la tierra', 'Memorias de Adri

Mia y Greta son muy buenas amigas. Se conocen desde el instituto y ahora comparten piso en Barcelona.

El cant del cigne

A moonlit walk ended in nightmare for Andrea Sposito when a stranger's hands emerged from the darkness. Her next memory is waking up tied to a table, under the total control of a stranger hidden behind a grinning mask.

If Carl Menger (1840-1921) returned to the scene he would not be surprised by the state of confusion which economists of our time have reached on issues relating to money, banking and financial markets.

These poems introduce children to Eastern poetry, particularly the popular haiku, a sort of poem that tries to channel Nature through the impression it makes on our senses.


Estos poemas introducen a los niños en el espíritu de la poesía oriental, concretamente en los haikús, un tipo de poema muy popular y que busca canalizar la Naturaleza a través de la impresión que ésta produce en nuestros sentidos.

El cargol

Written by Camille Saint-Saëns as a musical joke to share with his friends on carnival day, this is a highly imaginative work put into a different context to the original.

El Carnaval de los Animales is designed to teach the language of music from psychomotricity, essential in the early years of the child, and games, making it possible to teach the class anywhere, even outdoors on the playground.

L’amor i la mort ressonen semblants, quasi com si fossin germans. En aparença estan allunyats, però conviuen.

El carrer de baix

Love and death are similar, almost as though they were siblings. They differ in appearance, but they live together.



 A critical look inside global finance which deciphers the characteristic jargon masking the reality of the casino which the financial markets have become, to reveal the mechanisms of speculation: the players (the financing banks, the investment f

Maruja Sanz is a young girl of humble origins from Valgonzález, a small Castilian town near Segovia.

On 15 October 1987, Thomas Sankara, the president of Burkina Faso, was overthrown by men working for Blaise Compaoré, his comrade-in-arms and friend, who immediately succeeded him as president.



In my room there is a hole which I like to look through with the cardboard telescope that we made at school. Through it I can see all sorts of fantastic and unique animals. My friend Juan is also unique...

Games of tennis at noon, displays of popularity on the Barça terraces, drinking vermouth in Turó Park and afternoon shopping trips at Illa Diagonal: this is the calm existence that businessman Amadeu Conill had to sacrifice in 2007 in order to sav

Adiel is a young orphan who never met his father; his mother died when he was only a few years old and he only has very vague memories of her.

In The English Cemetery, Rafael Torres turns to the grand tours made in their day by romance European travellers, most especially English ones.

El Cementerio de los Ingleses(英国人墓地)でトレスは、ヨーロッパ、特に英国のロマンチックな旅行者たちがスペインを訪れていた時代へと我々を運ぶ。本書は、18〜19世紀、そして20世紀初頭に、外国人旅行者たちがスペインに見出した目新しさや異国情緒を映し出し、スペイン初のプロテスタント墓地であるマラガの英国人墓地のことと、そこに眠る人々の人生を語る。彼らこそ、南スペインの外国人居住地の魅力的なモザイクを形作る唯一無二のピースである。

Do you think that you know your partner? Would you do anything for him? Do you want to discover his hidden side? Do you believe you conquered him solely with your friendliness and charm? Well, it’s all lies!


El cerebro es un órgano fascinante, capaz de hazañas increíbles y de un sinfín de tareas complejas, pero no está diseñado para la felicidad. A la evolución le importa bien poco que seamos dichosos, siempre y cuando consiga mantenernos vivos.

El cerebro optimista

The Eternal Emperor rules Akidavia for a thousand years before dying and being reborn.


Juan Antonio Masoliver Ródenas writes that nostalgia is a mirage that must be combatted because it takes up and idealises a past that most probably never existed, while constantly compelling us to give it shape.


The Arid Sky tells the story of Germán Alcántara Carnero: the story of his time, the men and women who lived at his side and the non-existant plateau where Monge distills the essence of a savage Latin America.

Barcelona, 1912. A terrible episode shakes the city: the disappearance, sale and rape of a twelve-year-old girl.

Patricia is a young, up-and-coming catwalk model. During a flight to a job, she gets to know Viviana, the woman in the adjoining seat, who warns her to be careful as someone around her wants her dead.

Patricia is a young, up-and-coming catwalk model. During a flight to a job, she gets to know Viviana, the woman in the adjoining seat, who warns her to be careful as someone around her wants her dead.



Jota is a journalist and has been awarded a medal for his admirable work.

"In case you're interested: I'm 7 years old, my name is Blanca and, most important of all, I'm no more or less than... the head of the witches! I have a lot to tell you, but for that, you will have to keep reading...

Francho, a vocational postman and unavoidably single due to his appearance, leads a routine, neat and tidy life.

主人公は学校に行くのが嫌いな9歳の少年マルコ。なぜって、学校にはおばけやトロール、魔女、ゾンビや吸血鬼がいて、いつも嫌がらせをしようとするから。新学期の最初はみんなが敵ですごく一人ぼっちだと感じるけれど、すぐに一緒に冒険を分かち合える友だちに出会う。マルコと友人たちは、モンスターたちの真実をみつけられるだろうか? 注意:もし寝る前にこの本を読んだら、次の朝に枕の下を見るのを忘れないで。そして、物事は、時々見た目通りじゃないってことを覚えておいて。

Discover the daring and magical story of Marco and his friends as they embark on a new school year. Their final year of primary school holds endless surprises.  Some of these are great fun, others less so.


Have you had enough of being trampled on and undervalued in your place of work? Do your colleagues take the credit for you hard work, steal your ideas and laugh at your shirts? Does your boss bully you or set you dreary tasks?

Do you know what the Crime Club is? Fifteen-year-old Daniel has to recover after a brutal accident that took his father's life and left his mother in a coma, lying in a hospital bed.

The application of the mandatory rules contained in Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS Convention, known as the ISPS Code (adopted on the 12th of December 2002, in force since the 1st of July 2004), as well as of the Regulation of the European Parliament a

“Nobody's chest” is a powerful young adult novel, a page-turner that using simple, direct language to tell an exciting story of intrigue and the search for our own identity.


Never were the love and complicity between two people so strong as to make them feel like one, able to face any mishap or adversity.


'The Shadow Collection' can be considered a popular novel, but is also something of a cult novel thanks to its games, literary homages, the maturity of its narrative, its cast of characters and its dramatic depth.


The world is ending. The rust-coloured sky drips acid rain over covered cities incapable of communicating with each other. Peter lives in Madrid, one of the few big cities that have survived a series of natural disasters and wars.

Martínez, a young Argentine, decides to set off on a trip to Germany in search of an old philosophy professor close to Heidegger’s circle –Hans-Jürgen Hollenbach– in order to discuss with him the Spanish translation of one of his books.

Two women start a campaign against the trafficking and dealing in blood, in life.

The Parnassus is an annual literary festival with the peculiarity that all participants are master writers…already dead.

Matthieu is a young musical genius who, fascinated by the magic of Versailles and its wild parties, yearns to be part of the orchestra of Louis XIV, the Sun King.

Everyrone has secrets. Harriet, a young, candid and innocent English girl who has just married Desmond Ferneaux-Lighfoot, the captain of the Grenadier Guards who is much older than she, is about to discover this.

Fate had marked them out since before their births, but they had to experience the death throes of their whole world i before understanding their mission. Now their moment has come.

Clara Montsalvatjes inherits an enormous apartment in the centre of Barcelona and decides to turn it into a space where she can take care of female friends going through a rough patch, be this related to work, romance or their health.


Daughter of Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg and Maria of Austria, archduchess Margaret is the central figure of this historical and literary novel, together with the composer Tomás Luis de Victoria.

It's only a few days before the three moons come into conjunction and the mad god Tubilok opens the gates of the hellish Prates, which will cause the annihilation of Tramórea.


The Crown of Castile is advancing unstoppably in its conquest of the New World. Carlos V wants to spread Christianity to the furthest corners of the empire and halt the mixing of races among the Spanish ranks.

Jana has travelled to Africa with her lucky winged pony. Following the advice of a little fairy, she has come to this continent in search of the answers to her questions about love and the meaning of life.

Young journalist Miguel Bravo is dreaming of a life of adventure when a great opportunity means he is sent to Burma to cover the Saffron Revolution led by Buddhist monks.


Extremely inquisitive eyes, a long sausage of a nose, great flapping ears, feet, hands... Oh go on, tell us, what do you look like?

とっても知りたがりの目、ソーセージの鼻、おしゃべりな口、うちわみたいな耳、足、手……、さあ、きみはどんなふう? 楽しくて創意に富んだ、身近な話題の10の子ども向けお話からなるRimar i somiar(詩を作って夢を見る)コレクションの1冊。人体、季節、動植物、発明、職業、街など多くのテーマを、カルメン・ヒルがウィットに富んだ音楽的文章で子どもたちにわかりやすく伝える。定評ある画家たちのオールカラーのイラストが、ページを感性豊かに彩る。

Sick of being mistreated by her pimp, a prostitute leaves him and meets a cinema usher, a sinister man whose pleasure at work consists of controlling the couples feeling each other up in the back row by shining his torch at them.

Jan met Spinoza as a child. The riots in the country had brought the philosopher to the Paviljoensgracht in The Hague, where he finds shelter in the mansion belonging to his father, the painter Hendrick van der Spyck.

Generation Z reads, consumes and understands culture differently, in search of its own form of self-expression.

But, what's so special about that painting that everyone should talk about it? Who painted it? What was the artist thinking when he or she made it?

The book centres around a painting in a museum. We never see the painting, but we’re told that it’s marvellous. So marvellous that VIPs are brought to see it and informed that the painting changed the course of modern art.

El cuadro (The Painting)

In 1992, antiques dealer Madame Claudel buys a mysterious, unsigned painting in a Paris street market.

What if Jaqueline Kennedy had been the victim on that fateful 22nd November 1963? The history of the United States would have been completely different, changing the destiny of the American people.

Which is more important, cunning or strength? A universal theme of literature and life which Ramon Llull reflects on in this book.

ずるがしこさと権力、大切なのはどっち? 哲学者ラモン・リュイが考える、文学と人生の普遍的なテーマが描かれる。

An elderly man hangs himself in his cell on the same day he is imprisoned in 1986 for an attempt to blow up Palma train station.

One afternoon, whilst they walk along the beach at Chirimena, Mariana and Arturo find an amputated finger at the water's edge. Arturo, who is under the influence of cannabis, keeps the finger.

Sport is a social practice that is riddled with mechanisms for partnership and group languages that are autonomous and interdependent.

Coming back home from school, at weekends, on holidays … playing is always so enjoyable! There are as many games as you can imagine. Which one is your favourite?

放課後、週末、夏休みや冬休み……。ずっと遊んでいられるって、なんて楽しいんだろう! 想像すればいくらでも遊びはある。どれが一番好き? 楽しくて創意に富んだ、身近な話題の10の子ども向けお話からなるRimar i somiar(詩を作って夢を見る)コレクションの1冊。人体、季節、動植物、発明、職業、街など多くのテーマを、カルメン・ヒルがウィットに富んだ音楽的文章で子どもたちにわかりやすく伝える。定評ある画家たちのオールカラーのイラストが、ページを感性豊かに彩る。

Esta recopilación de capítulos sobre el desarrollo comunicativo, del lenguaje y de la literatura para los menores de cinco años describe pautas generales y consejos que pueden ayudar a las familias a comprender el desarrollo de sus hijos.

El desarrollo comunicativo, lingüístico y literario. Claves para acompañar en la infancia

During the first years of life, what will be the bases of human condition is made up –the whole of it is subject to an interaction between heredity and environment’s effects.


Independent literary publisher, founded in 2009, with national distribution (Spain) and via UDL Libros. Up to the present day we have published 103 books in various genres: novels, poetry, essay and non-fiction.


With this unusual, innovative and astonishingly intelligent 'bildungsroman,' Luisa Extenike adds her name to the very best in the noir and coming-of-age genres, in a transformative and radically modern way.

It was the day of comings and goings. Everybody was coming or going from one place or another. For thousands of years humans were nomads, following the rhythms of the Earth, the journey of the sun and the dance of time.

One day just like any other, Milo feeds at his mum’s breast. But with all that guzzling he ends up swallowing his mum! Of course, he misses her and decides to go look for her.


Un día cualquiera Milo toma la teta de su mamá. De tanto chupar, acaba tragándosela (a su mamá) y, como la echa de menos, decide ir a buscarla. Tras probar a comerse a sí mismo sin éxito, decide que ella debe salir.

El día que me trague a mi mamá

El dia revolt. Literatura catalana de l’exili collects together forty-two studies written by Julià Guillamon about the children of the 1939 Catalan exodus in France, Argentina, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Venezuela and Mexico.


Carlota is astonished when a basketball player from the opposing team comes onto the field in long trousers, and even more surprised when she learns that she is doing it because of cultural and religious obligation.

Decir públicamente, por televisión, que estuvo a punto de
suicidarse provoca una reacción entre amigos y conocidos que
sorprende a Carme. Le llaman valiente. Ella cree que no lo es,

El dilema de vivir

Decir públicamente, miedo televisión, que estuvo a punto de
suicidarse provoca una reacción entre amigos y conocidos que
sorprende a Carme. Le llaman valiente. Ella creo que no lo se,

El dilema de vivir

Saying publicly, on television, that she was on the verge of suicide provokes a reaction from her friends and acquaintances that surprises Carme. They call her brave.

In the year 568, Hispania, practically forgotten by the Roman empire and inhabited by several warring and weakened tribes, is a dangerous land ruled by battle and chaos.


Based on numerous meetings with teachers, reviewing documents and observation, this work presents an original discursive model, of a dialogic nature, which offers the keys to improving communication and, hence, education.

This book analyses the birth of Serices Design as a discipline, outlines its main tools and puts forward a model for the way in which design can be valuable in every phase of the development of a new service.

Designers work with a number of techniques and processes to build, shape, sculpt, decorate, draw or treat textiles.

During the four hours that go by as he waits for the moving van to pick him up, the Málaga painter Jorge Díaz goes over his life up to that moment, spent since he was a child imitating - in even the most minute details - his countryman Pablo Picas

A collection of adventure books aimed at children aged 7+. Over 120 pages of fun, adventure and mystery with full-colour illustrations. “Hello! My name is Txano and my twin brother is called Óscar. Can you guess where this story begins?

7歳以上を対象とした児童向け冒険シリーズ。色彩豊かなイラスト入りの120頁を超える本で、冒険、ミステリーなどが楽しめる。「やあ!僕はチャノ。双子の兄弟の名前はオスカル。このお話の始まりはどこだか知ってる? それはね、遠くはるかな中国の僧院なんだ。僧院の蔵の奥には翡翠で彫られた美しいドラゴンの像があったが、その伝説と共に何世紀もの間忘れ去られていた。ある日大きな地震があり、僧院に向かった救助チームが奇跡的に無傷なドラゴンの像を見つけた。

Oriol and his friends receive extremely worrying news: the distant island of Tomuku, where the pearl fishers live, is surrounded by plastic waste.


Terrorism means communication. Violence and propaganda have been linked within the history of terrorism.

We'll have no trouble recognising many corners of The Building.


Philosophy in the theatre. Everything is conveniently arranged so that we can hear the dialogues: the characters, the scenery, the special effects. The real drama of a life and thoughts in their context.


Dr. Carlo Mantovani works in the maternity ward of San Marcos hospital. He is a renowned obstetrician, respected by colleagues and patients. Unknown to all is that he is a murderer of pregnant women.

1950年代初頭のある朝、アストゥリアス出身の青年パトリシオがハバナ港に降り立つ。パトリシオは、内戦後でまだ暗い影に覆われたスペインの村を出て行きたい一心で、裸一貫だが一旗あげてやろうと意欲満々だった。 光に溢れたハバナの街は彼を温かく受け入れ、友人もすぐにできる。街の象徴であり誇りであるデパート「エル・エンカント」ですぐに仕事を見つけたパトリシオは出世し始め、より責任ある地位について新しい世界への扉を開くが、それは同時に、彼に対して多くの妬みを生むことでもあった。

Several suspicious deaths and disappearances have taken place in the Golden Mountains nature reserve, a little know region in the Republic of Gorno Altai, previously part of the former Soviet Union.

What would happen if there were proof that Spain was already a united country in the 19th century? What would a radical foundation be capable of doing to preserve the historical thesis of Basque nationalism?

Toledo, 13th century. Francisca, an orphan girl of 15, thanks to her gift for drawing is given the privilege of being an apprentice at Alfonso X the Wise's royal scriptorium.

Ingrid Vaughan finds herself obliged to move her son Michael, who is in an irreversible coma after an accident, to a mysterious institution where  terminal patients are looked afteruntil their final hour.

'No woman can be blamed if two men are in love with her.' Thus begins this magnificent novel of intense contrasts and unforgettable characters: Amelia, beautiful, rebellious, insatiable. Martín, idealistic, free-thinking, vanquished.

Unfinished, dramatic, traumatic and unhappy stories remain here. Especially the big secrets – the ones that clang like church bells, getting louder every day.

Verónica León is an inspector of Homicides in Madrid. For the last couple of years she has been in a somewhat tortuous relationship with sub-inspector Roberto Vidal, who separated from his wife around the same time.

Verónica León is a homicide inspector in Madrid. For a couple of years now she has been involved in a difficult relationship with sub inspector Roberto Vidal, who separated from his wife at that point.

Jerónimo Díaz, a young anarchist painter, living in exile after the Spanish Civil War, is asked to copy the enigmatic El Bosco painting 'Jonas and the Ballerina', a work which appears and disappears and which Philip II tried to acquire in the 16th

A member of the terrorist group ETA, known as Iñaki, gets in touch with a former friend, Eduardo, who is now a journalist because he wants to defect and to collaborate with the Spanish Government.

Boká es aún un muchacho, pero las leyes del clan deben cumplirse. Y, antes de emigrar al sur para pasar el invierno, es el momento de la gran caza del ciervo.

El espíritu del ciervo

Boká is still a boy, but the laws of the clan must be obeyed. And, before migrating south for the winter, it is time for the great stag hunt.

A woman arrives with her twelve-year-old daughter at the apartment where her husband wants them to live while he is away on his unusually long business trips.

In 1938 Hitler is already the greatest threat to world peace. The Nazi regime seems indestructible. History will prove that this is not the case, in part thanks to Juan Pujol, better known by his code name: Garbo.


“A museum visitor is, in general, someone who is not interested in museums, someone who is scarcely interested in art. It is clear to everyone that you do not go to museums for enjoyment, but simply to say that you have been there.

El Evangelio según María Magdalena (The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene)

El Evangelio según María Magdalena

The novel is told in the voice of Mary Magdalene, an old woman remembering the time she spent with Jesus Christ and the sequence of events that shaped the man who became one of the most powerful icons in human history.

This detailed study represents a very important contribution to the knowledge of the Spanish republican Diaspora after the defeat against Franco, because of its diversity and complexity.

In the first few months of 1941 a group of Zionist Jews propose an alliance to the Nazis. Is this merely a novelistic conceit? Absolutely not.

At the beginning of the 20th century an orphan witnesses an impressive spectacle: a ventriloquist magician makes a metal puppet talk and move. But the child suspects that magic alone can't explain this extraordinary spectacle.


It is a hot summer and Zoe is trying to overcome a romantic break-up staying near a marvellous cove at the foot of a lighthouse in a little fishing village.

With the end of the world just around the corner, Lucas decides to write his autobiography.

Juan de Aragón (Vélez-Málaga, 1986) goes by the artistic pseudonym of the Fisgón Histórico, the Nosey Historian. He is an illustrator who specialises in popularising history and since he finished his studies at the San Telmo School of Arts he hasn't put down his pencil.

Juan de Aragón (1986), known as the history nose, was born in a fortified city in Malaga. He studied art and his passions are history and illustration. As the History Nose he shares curious and little-known facts about universal history on social media.

フアン・デ・アラゴン(ペンネームはエル・フィスゴン・イストリコ)は1986年にマラガ県の要塞都市に生まれた。芸術を学び、歴史とイラストに情熱を傾ける。エル・フィスゴン・イストリコ(歴史の探究者)の名前で、世界史のあまり知られていない事実をSNSで発信し、好奇心を分かち合っている。『Viaje por las ciudades perdidas(失われた都市への旅)』(La Galera)、『Heroínas secretas de la Historia de España(スペイン史の知られざるヒロインたち)』(Penguin Random House)などを出版。


Set during the First World War, 'El fotógrafo de cadáveres' tells the story of two protagonists: Stefan Adler, a brilliant Viennese photographer hired to take pictures of the bodies of the children of Austrian high society killed in the Austro-Hun

Lola, a 39-year-old pediatrician with a promising career ahead of her, has just broken up with her partner. Recently her wish to become a mother has led her to question the meaning of her life.



Un inmenso asteroide se aproxima a la Tierra en trayectoria de colisión.

El fuego

Un inmenso asteroide se aproxima a la Tierra en trayectoria de colisión.

El fuego

The 21st century. Your world. In lands watched over by Anboto, the sacred mountain of the Basques, one reckless god steals a march on the others. This is Gaueko, the Lord of the Night. The others are still sleeping. Silence!

21世紀、君たちの世界。バスクの霊山アンボトを頂く土地に、ひとりの向う見ずな神が他の神々に先んじていた。夜の帝王ガウエコだ。他の神々はまだ眠っている。静かに! 死者を起こしてはいけない。彼らが目を開けないように祈れ。君たちの伝説時代よりずっと前、岩山には悪魔のような獣が住み、闇が夜を支配していた。霧の海の下を何世紀もの時が流れ、ダンスと闘いは血と泥に覆われた。やがて、時は過ぎ、彼らは忘れられた。今までは。 これらの忘れられた神々が再び目を覚まそうとしている。

ゲイとして生きることは難しい。ゲイであることの素晴らしさを語る映画や連続ドラマ? ありのままの君を好きでいてくれる、今風の同級生? 無条件にきみを支えてくれる両親? 全部嘘っぱちだ。現実はそんなに甘くない。少なくともこの物語の主人公にとってはそうだ。ありのままの自分を受け入れてくれない人々のせいで、まさに地獄に置かれている。だが、事態がどうしようもなく紛糾したとき、主人公はひとりの都会の少年と出会う。世界に対する見方がまったく違う、その少年に助けられて、主人公は選択をせまられる。

Isaac is spending the summer studying on his own in the city. His life changes when he meets Yam-Mey in a Chinese restaurant.

El funeral de Lolita (Lolita’s Funeral)

El Funeral de Lolita

"I don't know if you've been told, but Roberto has passed away," begins the message from Rocío, an old school acquaintance; Helena's heart skips a beat.


Does capitalism have a future? If so, what is it? After the current economic recession, will there be others, perhaps worse? What possibility is there for a different economic order taking its place? How likely is it to collapse?

Paris is a feast, and the lights of the Belle Époque illuminate the nightlife of Montmartre and Pigalle, neighbourhoods of loose morals and the free circulation of absinthe and opium.



The story takes place in Cañada Real, the largest shanty town in the whole of Europe.

Transcurre en la Cañada Real, el asentamiento chabolista de mayores dimensiones en toda Europa.

El Gallinero

The Cat Who Didn't Want To Be A Cat, Esmerelda's Secret, A Hero Named Miraralcruzar (Lookbeforecrossing), The Secret Of The Stolen Treats, The Thursday Market...

El gato que no quería ser gato(ネコになりたくなかったネコ)、El secreto de Esmeralda(エスメラルダのひみつ)、Un héroe llamado Miraralcruzar(ヨクミテワタールという名のヒーロー)、El secreto de los dulces robados(ぬすまれたお菓子のひみつ)、El mercado de los jueves(木曜日の市場)の5編を収録したお話集。

During the violent Battle of the Ebro, Paul Brians, a young member of the International Brigades and son of a Catalan father and an American mother, is the first to cross the river in the Republican offensive and the last to swim back over it as h

A short study aimed at music students to help understanding of the language of gesture between the conductor and musicians. This simple, clear and concise work is illustrated with graphic diagrams.

The protagonist and narrator, Leo Carver, is a perceptive figure who takes a tragic approach to life through an excess of alcohol, sex, and parties, even though he knows his struggle against the void is condemned to failure.

Benito Pérez Galdós was a man who had many lovers, but always refused commitment and marriage. He shut himself away and wrote like a galley slave to create characters through which he left traces of his own biography.


We all want to feel at ease with the people around us, that they accept us and that they want to be with us. But we know that's not always easy.

Monsters monsters monsters! (and yet more monsters!) Do you know how NOT to become a vampire's favourite meal? Did you know that your socks disappear because the monster that lives under your bed easts them?

シノプシス: 本書は子ども向けのヨガ・プラクティスや、最も一般的なアサナ(ポーズ)をステップごとに紹介している。巻末では、ヨガが健康にもたらすメリットについても解説。ヨガの5つの道は次のように色分けされている。

¡Tres juegos en un solo libro!
En este sorprendente libro de juegos, los niños pueden jugar a tres juegos distintos en cada ilustración, mientras aprenden cosas muy interesantes sobre monstruos de la cultura popular.

El gran libro juego de los monstruos

Young Kainu lives on the chores of a great lake with his family. His father's obsession is to catch a big fish. Kainu just wants to tell his secret… What will happen when Kalle discovers the secret in the great lake?


Day dawns one Saturday in April in a small village in the south of Spain. A cry attracts the attention of all the house's inhabitants, announcing the death of an old woman.


First and foremost I must apologise for having missed our meeting today, as you can guess death turns out to be a impediment of force majeure.

Lucila feels different because of the way she looks: she has shaved her head, has loads of ear-piercings and wears masculine clothes. She lives with her two siblings and her father.


Lucila se siente distinta por su aspecto: lleva la cabeza rapada, muchos aros en las orejas y ropa masculina. Vive con sus dos hermanos y su padre. Su madre murió y Lucila heredó su vieja guitarra, que ya no sirve.

El hado padrino

Nagasaki, August, 1945.

Nagasaki, August, 1945.


El Hematocrítico (Miguel López) nació en A Coruña en 1982.

The Hematocritic is the author of several successful funny blogs.


David Rubín revisits the story of Heracles from birth onwards, examing each of the twelve tasks that he carried out from a new and ambitious perspective.


The love of the land and a man persevering to make his dreams reality are the two intertwining themes of this evocative novel, which for the first time tells of the adventures of the wine producers of Rioja and the story of Spain’s most emblematic

The Son of Mama Dana is set in the depths of the Colombian coffee region, in a small village nestled in the mountains near the home of the Emberá peoples.

本書『El hijo de Mamá Dana(ママ・ダナの息子)』は、コロンビア・コーヒー地帯のもっとも奥深いところ、エンベラ先住民コミュニティの集落近くにある、山々に守られた小さな村を舞台にした小説。オランダ人らしくないオランダ人、ヒエロニムス・パーリングは、物語全体で4回登場し、事件現場、事件関係者、暴力と無処罰がはびこる状況、全員の上に垂れ込める沈黙を暴いていく。

Until my thirteenth birthday, l had an easy life. Now I'm thirteen and thirty days, and I'm in a strange damp room, blindfolded and tied to an old chair. I know this is not something that happens to all kids my age.


It is the year 134 BC.


After the murder of his wife, Matías decides to fly to New York to follow the trail of his father, who abandoned him as a child.

"The Huemul" is a wonderful story about a deer who was born to be free, yet submits to domestication, domination and even the worst kinds of humiliation. And all because of fear.

After the success of Fine Rain, Landero is back with his own memories and reading of his universe, in this memorable book that beautifully traces memories as a child in Extremadura, a teenager recently arrived in Madrid and a young man beginning h

『Lluvia fina(霧雨)』の成功後、ランデロは自身の独特な人生の記憶と読書をたどり、この忘れがたい作品を書き上げた。エストレマドゥーラの村里での子供時代、マドリードにやってきたばかりの少年時代、働き始めた青年時代を、当時の物語や舞台背景とともに、現実世界と同じ情熱や貪欲さでもって見事に紡ぎあげている。ここに顔をのぞかせる現代の登場人物は、往時の人々のように、真実に満ちている。

Have you ever seen a snail dreaming of a lettuce? Have you ever felt a tomato’s heartbeat? Have you ever swum in cabbage leaves? Have you ever explored earthworm’s tunnels? Have you ever walked along a bean plant?

This book gives basic steps on how to grow vegetables on balconies and terraces. The book is meant for those beginners who have started on this passionate journey towards growing home grown produce.

Aimed at fun for the whole family, this book is designed to introduce children to growing fruit and vegetables, and includes lots of information on different aspects: sowing seeds, watering, basic tools, harvesting, crop rotation, how to keep your

The life of a small town is changed by the appearance of a strange igloo, and questions begin to arise. A story for learning how to look with the heart, not the eyes. A call for solidarity in a world used to indifference.


In 1967 an attractive anthropology student named Izumi Fukada contracts a strange disease on the island of Papua New Guinea while taking part in the Japanese exhibition that is looking for the lost Hamulai tribe.


in 1530 a young man approaches the widow of Aldus Manutius to show her his text on the life of the great publisher. He doesn't know that the real story is very different to the version he imagines.


When she agreed to go out with that boy, Marta didn’t know what she was letting herself in for, nor that from then on it would be as painful to try to penetrate that hell as to escape from it.

Agencia Literaria Antonia Kerrigan

The news agencies around the world echoed the story: a group of thieves that had broken into the basilica tried to force open the casket containing the remains of Saint Mark, one of the four evangelists.

IIgnacio AZCONA is a police inspector who receives a tip-off from an informer. Members of senior management in the police as well as several administration officials might be involved in a sordid prostitution ring based in Barcelona.

A motionless shadow projected onto a wall in the middle of a wood. That is what the strange anonymous films that have arrived in Professor Martin Torres' mailbox show.

En primavera, los jilgueros regresan a Alhucemas desde el desierto, el mismo desierto del que vuelve el hermano de Brahim tras participar en la Marcha Verde. Para Brahim, Alhucemas es su hogar, su hábitat, allí conoce a todos y todos lo conocen.

El invierno de los jilgueros

The Winter We Took Things Into Our Own Hands, literal translation but the Spanish title involves a play on words involving 'cartas' (letters) which are both a key feature of the book and part of the Spanish expression for taking things into yo

ポルベニル村に冬が来て、悪いニュースを運んできた。手紙が少ないため郵便局を閉鎖し、職員を異動させることになったというのだ。山の中でさえソーシャルメディアやeメールやWhatsApp(注:LINE と同種の通信アプリ)が勝ったようだ。村で唯一の郵便配達人であるサラはこの村で生まれた。3人の幼い子どもたちとここで暮らし、近所に住む、80歳になる老女ロサと多くの時間を共に過ごしている。

'El invierno que tomamos cartas en el asunto' is set in Porvenir, a small town in the mountains, over the course of a winter.

El invierno que tomamos cartas en el asunto

The novel opens with the announcement of the death of a father during a bedroom scene involving his son and closes on the same day of the year, over three decades later, in the same house, into which the intrusion of some burglars causes the past

Three woman, three eras, one place.

It is the 16th century. King Charles V has asked his noblemen to assist him in his campaigns throughout Europe by providing horses, and the noblemen are doing their best satisfy his needs.

It is the 16th century. King Charles V has asked his noblemen to assist him in his campaigns throughout Europe by providing horses, and the noblemen are doing their best satisfy his needs.

James Moriarty, tan malvado como brillante.

El joven Moriarty

The “El joven Moriarty” novels are a series of books aimed at children aged from around 10 years old and tell the story of the childhood of the character of Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes novels, and his transformation into the supervillain he became as the archenemy of the famous detective.

EL JOVEN MORIARTY (I): El misterio del Dodo

Uncle Theodosius has returned from one of his journeys around the world and has brought back a most peculiar specimen: a dodo bird, which everyone believes to be extinct.


London is a city full of marvels and mysteries, especially for someone who can't help sniffing out trouble wherever he goes. And it seemed like this was going to be a peaceful holiday.


All places hide mysteries, but the city of Oxford, with its secret museums and peculiar professors, is richer in mysteries than any other. James Moriarty tends to get into trouble at the smallest opportunity.


A not-so-young man inspiring to be a writer, for whom routine and the necessity to make a living have spelt the end of various aspirations, discovers that one of his old texts from childhood has been plagiarised.

もうそれほど若くない作家志望の男。日々のルーチンと生活の糧を得る必要性から夢はあきらめざるを得なかった。ある日彼は、自分が若い頃に書いた古い原稿が盗作されているのを見つける。彼自身でさえ信じられない事を、他人に信じてもらうにはどうすればいいのか? 盗作の容疑者が150年以上前に亡くなった作家なら、事はとりわけ難しくなる。この小説は、文学の世界に深く入り込もうとする人々の欲求不満と苦難を読者に語りかけると同時に、文学の影響力、インスピレーション、そして盗作について考察する。

もうそれほど若くない作家志望の男。日々のルーチンと生活の糧を得る必要性から夢はあきらめざるを得なかった。ある日彼は、自分が若い頃に書いた古い原稿が盗作されているのを見つける。彼自身でさえ信じられない事を、他人に信じてもらうにはどうすればいいのか? 盗作の容疑者が150年以上前に亡くなった作家なら、事はとりわけ難しくなる。この小説は、文学の世界に深く入り込もうとする人々の欲求不満と苦難を読者に語りかけると同時に、文学の影響力、インスピレーション、そして盗作について考察する。


Israel works in a small concession of a shop set within another shop, on the ground floor of the La Vaguada shopping centre.


In 1965 there were a string of mysterious murders in the north of Spain that were never solved. They might have been directly linked to the sacrifices that the long-forgotten '“Snake Path” demanded of whoever dared to walk it.


It is 1936, a time of political and artistic agitation. Fascism is gaining strength in Europe. In Spain, the civil war is about to break out.

The pyramids are shrouded in enigma, but Egypt has other equally magical places that are still unknown, like the labyrinth of Hawara, a mysterious underground maze that conceals the truth about grand former Empires.


The Authorities have decided to remove one day from the calendar and the date chosen just happens to be the sixth of October, the day Edu was born. He's suddenly been stripped of a birthday - stuck at ten years old.


Edu is a precocious ten-year-old with the body of a scrawny eight-year-old and the brain of a fourteen-year old, although he wishes the situation was the other way round.

El ladrón de minutos

Korea, the middle of the war. One night in 1951, Flaco (Skinny) Bentley, a recruit in the United States 187 Air Transport Squadron, parachutes onto the battlefield, eight thousand miles from home.

Investigating their respective family histories, Gloria and Marcel meet in Riofrío, a small mountain town which in the past was not spared the turmoil of civil war.


„Pamplona, 22. Mai 1938. „Ihr könnt herauskommen, Genossen, wir sind frei!“ Die kraftvolle Stimme des Gefangenen drang über den Gefängnishof.

El largo sueño de tu nombre
El largo sueño de tu nombre

“Pamplona, 22 de mayo de 1938. ‘¡Podéis salir, camaradas, somos libres!’. La voz potente del preso se abrió camino por el patio de la cárcel. Joaquín se levantó de inmediato y zarandeó a Tomás, sentado junto a él en el suelo de la celda.

El largo sueño de tu nombre

Pamplona, the 22nd of May, 1938. ‘You can leave, comrades, we’re free!’. The prisoner’s powerful voice carried across the prison courtyard.


Lazaro was born in Salamanca, right by the Tormes river. He was very poor and had to take care of himself from a young age. He didn't live in a happy world, but he was clever and cunning and he found ways to get by...



In present day Barcelona, the young computer technician Beltrán, who once dreamt of changing the world, has ended up selling his soul to the establishment, working for a big multinational com¬pa-ny.

El lenguaje prohibido de los aromas is an incomparable novel that takes us to the realm of smell and its consequences.

María Teresa's classmates think she's strange because she has been deaf from birth. Everything changes when she meets Selma, a new girl in her school who becomes her first best friend.



A Emma le encantan los libros. En unos días su amigo Sebastian celebrará su cumpleaños y Emma le quiere hacer el mejor regalo: un libro bombático. El problema es que nadie sabe lo que es un libro así.

El libro bombático


Emma loves books. In a few days it will be her friend Sebastian’s birthday and Emma wants to get him the best present: a ‘bombatic’ book. The problem is that nobody knows what a bombatic book is.


El libro bombático

Angelina is a 17th century Venetian adolescent who, after the deaths of her parents, is forced to flee her city as her life is in peril.


This is not a great esoteric book or a complicated manual. Quite the opposite, it offers simple benevolent spells, aimed at improving our own lives and those of the people around us.



UMA VIAGEM PELA MÃO DOS MELHORES ESPECIALISTAS NO ANTIGO EGITO Da colaboração com o Museu Britânico de Londres, onde se encontra o documento original, surge este livro de luxo inédito com um prólogo do prestigiado egiptólogo Zahi Hawass e uma intr

“最高の専門家らによる古代エジプトの旅” アニのパピルスを所蔵している大英博物館の協力によって、今までにない豪華な本書が生まれた。原文翻訳を担当したのはイギリスの探検家ウォリス・バッジ卿。それに加えてエジプトの名高い考古学者ザヒ・ハワス(Zahi Hawass)が序文を、スペインの有名な文筆家でエジプト考古学者ナチョ・アレス(Nacho Ares)が研究紹介を担当した。

Did you know that if you say "Ciao" to someone you're telling them you are a slave? Or did you know that lots of greetings are about wishing the other person good health, while saying "hello" or "hola" is just a way of getting their attention.

This is an intelligent, informative and witty exploration of the meanings different greetings have around the world.

El libro de los saludos

Every journey unfolds across three dimensions: the inner journey, the journey through time and the journey through space.

どんな旅も3つの領域で展開する。内面の旅、時間の中で進行する旅、空間を移動する旅だ。空間の旅は感覚を満足させ、時間の旅は経験を豊かにするが、人間を変えうるのは内面の旅だ。だが、人間は世界の行方を変えられるだろうか? 本作の登場人物たちは冒険に出発し、偶然に導かれて小さな物語がよせ集められ、しまいに全体の変転をもたらす。はらはらする螺旋のような語りを通してこれらの短編は、私たちが生きることになった複雑な世界に自問するよううながす。

The first title in the GUARDIANS OF SLEEP series. It's close to the end of term, and Serena is having nightmares. Beneath what her parents assume to be nerves at the upcoming exams, something more sinister is concealed.

LOS GUARDIANES DEL SUEÑO(夢の番人)シリーズの第1巻。学年末が近づいて、セレナは恐い夢を見る。両親は試験の緊張のせいだと考えたが、もっと不吉な何かが隠されていた。クラスメートのインソムニアの父親でレタルゴ医師と名乗る人物が、セレナと友だちのビルヒニア、ラウル、シモンを脅かす。自分たちの夢が現実の世界に影響を及ぼし始めたとき、四人は何か恐ろしいことが起きていることに気づく……。

An urban novel of criss-crossing lives that come together, written with a brilliant blend of registers ranging from the poetic to the humorous.

もし、15年前にあなた⾃⾝があなたに宛てて書いた⼿紙を受け取ったとしたら? もしその⼿紙の中に宝の隠し場所が記されていたとしたら? 今日の自分がどんなだったか、そして明⽇はどんな自分でいたいのかを、いつでも思い出せるように、未来のあなたが今のあなたに向けてこの本を送ってきたのかもしれない。 ・空欄に自分の生活などを書き込んで出版社に送れば、15年後、大人になったあなたのもとに送り返されてくる。つまり、この本⾃体がタイムカプセルというわけ。

El libro del futuro (The Book of the Future)

El libro del futuro

What if you received a letter you yourself had written, fifteen years ago? And if that letter showed you the place where some treasure had been buried?

1906年に書かれた本書は、優れた禅の儀式である古典的な茶道に集約された文化的、宗教的、美学的な要素を見事に記述した詩情あふれるエッセイ。国民イラスト賞のイシドロ・フェレルが様々なテクニックを駆使して描いた花々(中にはお茶で色付けしたものも)やデザインは、世界的な文化遺産といえるこの原文が持つ豊かな味わいを際立たせている。『El libro del té(茶の本) 』は、実はほとばしる悲鳴だ。

This book was created as a guide for boys on their road to puberty and maturity. It offers a real, natural image of boys and masculinity, free from stereotypes, which welcomes the expression of feelings such as sadness through tears.


This book was created as a guide for girls on their road to puberty and maturity.


学校が単なるスペースでなくなってから随分経つ。新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックにより、学校は3次元、ハイブリッド、ユビキタスな空間へと加速度的に変化していき、今や予測不能性や不確実性に対する判断、解釈、解答や解決策の提供について学ぶ場となった。そういう状況に学校組織はどのようにすれば柔軟に対応できるのか? この課題に強い関心を有する熱意ある学校経営者たちは、学校組織というモデルが時代に追いついていないことを認識している。

One weekend of torrential rain, four people come together in La Solana, a small Mediterranean village. Victor and Valeria’s marriage is in crisis, and their business trip looks as though it may really be the end of their relationship.


Claudia, the young protagonist of this story, narrates the extraordinary events that one summer ended up altering her family’s already chaotic life.

Socri, Konfi, Topo and Rey, the protagonists of Iranzo’s El perro pastor que perdió su rebaño [the sheepdog who lost his flock], must act according to the decisions they made after receiving the owl’s teachings.

“Democracy and the Constitution, which were born almost at the same time as we were, told us that everyone had the right to be whatever they wanted to be. All of society agreed and came together to preserve our hopes and dreams.


El lunes nos querrán (On Monday They Will Love Us)

El lunes nos querrán

On Monday They Will Love Us is the story of a young woman of 17 seeking the freedom to discover what will make her happy. But the conditions for that are complicated.

On Monday They Will Love Us is the story of a young woman of 17 seeking the freedom to discover what will make her happy. But the conditions for that are complicated.

"I've always suffered from poor sleep. It is one of the fundamental facts of my life." This is the opening of a book about the experience of those who, like the author, have trouble sleeping.



El mal dormir

Towards the end of the XV century, Fernando de Rojas, a law student at the University of Salamanca, will investigate the murder of a theology professor. Thus begins a complex web in which the situation of the Jews and converts intertwine.

It takes great courage to go on when the map of life has been torn. It takes great courage to love again. A SURPRISING LOVE STORY THAT CAME OUT OF MADRID’S TERROR ATTACKS OF 11 MARCH 2004. A REALISTIC STORY WITH A HINT OF FANTASY.


Rob has survived a tsunami and now lives in an attic, goes hunting for treasure in his boat made of polystyrene and is desperately in love with Lana.


Ángel, out of work and love, decides to go back to the neighbourhood he grew up in.

In 1864, Antoni Riubò enlists as a doctor on board the brig Verge de Montserrat, a commercial ship making the crossing between Barcelona and the Americas, by way of Africa.


Atrás quedó el mar, si tuviste la suerte de atravesarlo. Delante, miles de tiendas, suciedad, monotonía y tristeza. Los días transcurren iguales unos de otros... Hasta que un día, todo cambia.



If you were lucky enough to cross it, you would leave the sea behind you. In front of you, thousands of shops, filth, monotony, and sadness. Every day is the same as every other… Until one day everything changes.

This is a revolutionary book, and one expected to make history. Firstly because of its plot, which shows with an enthralling storyline the danger involved for future generations of extracting oil from ten thousand metres under the sea.

TATI is the guardian of the sea. TATI lives a quiet life until the day she discovers that her friends, the fish, have disappeared due to the damage done to the sea by human beings.


Stella must accept her destiny when, on the day of her sixteenth birthday, she discovers a secret which will shake the foundations of her peaceful life in a town on the Mediterranean coast.


Creosbe’s World is actually an underwater world, riddled with naiads, sirens and elves, a place you can reach at full moon nights.

Xía Tenzin, a giant who lives at the top of Tibet, wants to find his father, who left the village when Xía was still a child and never came back.

El marinero y el mar (The Sailor and the Sea)

El marinero y el mar

The unsuspecting sailor sets out in his boat in search of fish to catch. The sea appears to be calm today, but he is about to discover that beneath the waves there is much more than fish.

'The Ratcatcher starts with one of those film scenes that cement you to your seat as soon as the lights go down. This is a stunning novel.

「電気が消えるやいなや観客を座席に釘付けにする映画のワンシーンのように『ネズミ捕り』は登場した。目がくらむほどすばらしい小説。読者をとらえ、征服し、誘惑し、最後まで虜にする」と、Mandela(マンデラ)、Indian Express(インドエキスプレス、2011年アソリン賞)の著者ペパ・ローマ。 過去を乗り越えることは出来るのか? 母の病気によりアンヘルは、つれあいの女性と共に実家のある故郷へ向かう。幼年期を過ごした村は思い出に満ち、今なおトラウマとなって彼を苦しめるある秘密が蘇る。

Our heroine is very worried because she doesn't know what to draw. But all her friends do.

われらが主人公は今、頭をかかえている。何の絵を描いたらいいのか、クラスのみんなはわかっているのに、自分だけわからないからだ。だから、とにかく考えるしかない……。そして考えに考えて、突然ひらめいた。自分にとっていちばんすてきな場所を描けばいいんだ。だけど、それってどこ? 本書 El mejor lugar del mundo(世界でいちばんすてきな場所)は、家族で読むための家族の本シリーズ「エン・ファミリア(家族で)」の1冊。

Iris is thirty-six and she is shattered by the death of her parents in an accident. A grey and cold afternoon, when the world seems to have no sense, she begins to walk the streets trying not to return home.

Two strangers have to share a three storied house for a few days, both insisting on maintaining order and making themselves indispensable. A woman anxiously awaits the arrival of a younger man to liberate her from her boredom and frustration.

It is no cliqué to say that beauty is not skin-deep.

'Pol is 29 and has Down's Syndrome. He's like a little child but in a big clumsy body. Mum complains all the time and says that everyone says Down's syndrome kids are so sweet and gentle, but  her son is the exception, and then she sighs.

When Count Abrino is about to die, he asks his best knight Bodius to bring his daughter Auria back to the castle.

The Mystery of the Flying Toilet is the third tale in the Crust Sisters series.


How would you feel if your parents decided to send you to a boarding school far away from your friends and home town? Right. That's how I felt when I was thirteen: frightened, annoyed and excited, all at the same time.

もし親があなたを、友だちからも住む街からも遠い寄宿舎に入れたとしたらどんな気持ちになると思う? そうなったとき、13歳のわたしは、恐れと怒り期待をいっぺんに感じた。カメリアス校の門をくぐったとき、2度と出られない場所に来てしまったような感覚に襲われた。だけどそのあとは、うん、そんなに悪くなかった。ベアやベルトと知り合い、そしてわたしたちはやっかいごとに巻き込まれた。たとえば、寄宿舎で取引しているドラッグの売人を見つけたとか……。アルレーネという最高の友だちができたのも悪くない。

One full moon night at Sharlok Home Boarding School, Fernando magically meets Hopi, a very small puppy. The two of them, along with Balbina, will form a young, inexperienced but brave team of detectives.

In einer Vollmondnacht im Internat Sharlok Home findet Fernando wundersamerweise Hopi, einen sehr kleinen Welpen. Zusammen mit Balbina gründen die beiden ein junges, noch unerfahrenes, aber sehr mutiges Detektiv-Team.



Jorge travels from Spain to Scotland to improve his English. While there, he lives with a family on a farm in a village close to Loch Ness.


These are the confessions of Nicolás Pertusato, a boy who fate obliges to participate in extraordinary events, unknown until today.

Europe, XV Century: the Black Death epidemic is devastating the continent. Godofredo Chaucer, his servant Corbino, Argentina and Eleazar de Caballería embark on a écheme of espionage to unravel the mystery behind the  unknown disease.

“I want to tell you a story. It’s the story of a boy who was born on July 18th 1990 in Barcelona. It’s the story of a boy who was born early because he was so eager to see the world.

Rosario and her brother live with a monster. He is strong and tall; he foams at the mouth, and his eyes often turn red. Can or should a story of domestic violence be offered to children in the form of a picture book?

いろんな気持ちがごちゃごちゃになってしまったことはない? このお話の色いろモンスターはそんなふうに気持ちがこんがらかって、喜び、悲しみ、怒り、恐怖、冷静さを整理することを身につけなくてはならなくなる。表現力豊かなイラストレーションで、子どもが1日のあいだに体験するさまざまな感情を簡単に見つけられる。スペインの学校では、3~5歳のこどもたちの感情教育をするのに欠かせない本となった。

Can you imagine a monster who’s afraid of wolves, bears, birds, pixies, and toads; boys and girls, princesses, old people, dogs and cats who gets expelled from the room of a bad-tempered little boy?

¿Os imagináis un monstruo que ha asustado a lobos, osos, pájaros, duendes y sapos; niñas y niños, princesas, ancianos, perros y gatos, se vea expulsado de la habitación por un niño malhumorado?

El monstruo desterrado

オオカミや熊、鳥、小鬼やヒキガエルを怖がらせる怪物、ましてや子どもたち、王女さま、お年寄り、犬や猫などは震えあがるような怪物が、機嫌の悪い男の子に部屋から追い出されるなんて想像できる? これはそんなお話。主人公の怪物がお腹をすかせ、靴もなく寒さに震えながら町をさまよう羽目になり、途方に暮れてつぶやく。「怪物が追い出されるなんて話、どこにある?」

The internet is an extraordinary knowledge infrastructure and the first with a global range, a generator of a radically new phenomenon: a metaculture based on hypertext. Its emergence is changing human interactions and social movements.

A book to welcome a new member of the family. With illustrations and pop-up details that communicate warmth and feeling.

Isolde passes her life inside a strange but fascinating castle, as far from the city of Medellin, in which it is located, as are its inhabitants and the life they live.



With a great sense of humour, the texts that constitute this book deal with very different scientific topics: statistical lies, the determinist chaos, the globalisation of communications, the dangers of computing, or mathematical questions around

The story takes place during a typical Northern European Christmas Eve. Paul, the main character, has moved with his parents to a new city, and his first task is finding himself some new friends.

The old nanny of the Morales family leaves, after years in retirement, to take to the mountains. When the family find her, she is holding two bundles, one under each arm: on one side is a deformed baby, and on the other a honeycomb with its bees.

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could find everything we ever lost? In 1995, a little girl lost her left-hand glove.

わたしたちが無くしていったものすべてを見つけることができたら素晴らしいと思いませんか? 1995年に、ある少女は左手の手袋を無くしました。少女が手袋を捜していると、すべての紛失物が行きつく所、〈失われた博物館〉に出くわしました。博物館は何階もある建物で、すてきな部屋がたくさんあり、二度と見ることができないと思っていた物であふれています。さあ、中に入ってください。でも、迷子にならないでね!

No sería alucinante poder encontrar todo lo que hemos ido perdiendo? En 1995, una niña perdió el guante de la mano izquierda. Cuando lo buscaba, dio con el lugar adonde va a parar todo lo extraviado: el Museo Perdido.

El Museo Perdido

Independent publisher. The first translations of great forgotten treasures of literature from central Europe, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Latin America, as well as women's literature, the inter-war avant garde, together with radical projects by contemporary authors.

CIF: B97383475


Toda crisis vital, bien canalizada, puede ser una bendición. Debajo del dolor emocional y el vacío que acompañan un naufragio existencial se abre la posibilidad de mirar hacia dentro y protagonizar una revolución interior.

El naufragio sereno

The protagonist of this novel is curious and inexperienced and has an unusual, almost supernatural gift, that makes him different from everyone else. He also has an unlimited passion for the different languages of the world.


The Navigator is an adventure novel written in the first-person. It is well-constructed and very readable.

El navegant

October 1977. In an old hardwood house situated on a secluded beach near Havana, the women of the Godínez family cover doors and windows and prepare for the arrival of a devastating hurricane that has been announced.

This 19th tome of the historical naval novel series, 'A Spanish Sailor Saga', tackles the thorny and scandalous matter of the Russian squadron acquired by Fernando VII for Tsar Alexander I, a national embarrassment on such a great scale it is diff

The Blue Nile provides over half the volume of water flowing from the Nile into the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, almost nothing is known about the basin it flows from, the people who live next to it, the adventures it has had.

Los niños tienen una extraordinaria capacidad de asombro y una curiosidad prácticamente ilimitada, dos cualidades que los convierten en pequeños grandes filósofos.


Shortlisted for the prestigious Rómulo Gallegos Prize in 2005, this book is swamped, in equal parts, with innocence, cruelty and luxury.

Here again, staring at the mirror, here again with same idea of taking his own life.


The Spanish Civil War has been a source of literary inspiration almost since the moment it finished, and The Boy and the Lost Village is the latest book to draw on its history, set around the events of the Battle of the Ebro and the Fatarella moun


Dusko's twelfth birthday is the last one he spends at home, because then the Balkan war comes into his life.

Every afternoon Diana takes the bus home from school. One afternoon, she sits next to a really good-looking boy, but he has to get off at the next stop and they say good bye without exchanging names and telephone numbers.


Auria and the Sforza dynasty are under threat from a rebellion forming within the senate itself.


Novela policíaca protagonizada por Samuel, un chico de dieciséis años. Por una serie de avatares familiares, el joven termina viviendo temporalmente con su tío Juan Domingo, que regenta una agencia de detectives.

El Ojo de Polifemo

The main character in this crime thriller is sixteen-year-old Samuel. After a series of family dramas, Samuel ends up temporarily living with his uncle Juan Domingo who runs a detective agency.


"Even when we're old," she said in self-mockery, "we never stop being the child we once were." These are the words of Aurora, the protagonist of The Smell of the Waves, but they could have been spoken by anyone.

「年寄りになっても在りし日の子どものままだわ」自嘲を込めて言った。この小説『El olor de las olas(波の匂い)』の主人公アウロラの台詞だが、誰にでも当てはまる言葉だ。『El olor de las olas(波の匂い)』は他でもない思い出の匂い。ちょっとした言葉やコーヒーを入れたカップを包み込んだ感触、自転車で行った散歩、ひとかけらのケーキ、その時々に私たちの心に永遠に刻まれた思い出。

Viria is the land of men; Gineyka is the land of women. The differences between the two nations are notable.


猛吹雪の山の中でひとり迷子になった小さなアリはどうすればいい? 冬眠したシロクマが何度も目を覚ますのはなぜ? シロクマと出会って安らぎと温もりを見つけた小さなアリの美しい物語。けれども最悪の状況で見知らぬ場所にやって来たアリにとっては、寒さから逃れ、手厚いもてなしを受けるだけでは不十分で、連れ添い、認めてくれる存在が必要だった。

What can a tiny ant do, lost and alone on a mountain in a snowstorm? And why does a polar bear who should be sleeping all winter keep waking up time after time?

¿Qué hace una hormiguita perdida y sola en la montaña bajo una tormenta de nieve? ¿Y por qué un oso blanco que se dispone a dormir durante el invierno se despierta una y otra vez?

El oso blanco y la hormiguita

Noel Villalta apparently has everything: love, money, social standing, friends… but despite this he can’t help feeling that something is missing. He can’t find himself.

Miguel Gorriaga es un aspirante a dibujante en la Barcelona de los años 50 que está dispuesto a todo por conseguir hacerse profesional.

El Pacto

One-Eye Durán leaves prison after 5 years, but he feels old and washed-up. Betrayed by his old gang, he soon makes a name for himself once more in a corrupt and hostile city. Extorsion, bribery and drugs trafficking are his calling card.

Since its establishment in 1998, El País-Aguilar has become a reference point in travel and cookery publishing in Spain. A market leader in quality guidebooks, its publications are aimed at any traveller with a good level of culture in search of the most practical and up-to-date information.

Sometimes we do not realise how silly we are until we leave our normal environment. This is what happens to our curious hero, a bird who will undertake the most wonderful journey in the world. The journey from ignorance to wisdom.

The authors analyse the impact of the new digital paradigm of the book will have on the architecture of the sector and the agents presently involved in the value chain.

Months after discovering her boyfriend's infidelity, Elva is overcome by a deep depression.

To our knowledge, fiction tales have always served to publish books, while swiping books has not served to write fiction. Writer Róger E. Antón Fabián has used this formula to thread an easy-flowing, interesting story.

The novel describes the last twenty-four hours of Walter Benjamin in the border town of Port-Bou before he committed suicide on 26th September 1940.

Finally, one evening, one of the eggshells began to crack, and the little heads of the newborn ducklings appeared. How beautiful they were with their soft golden feathers!

Gil Baleares doesn’t have much going on in his life: a kidnapped father suffering from Alzheimer, a daughter who is perhaps not his own, a divorce, forty years of existence marked by alcohol, frustration and defeat, and a lot of memories from the

Para Noel Ceballos, la conspiranoia es un marco paranoico con el que enfrentarse a un mundo cada vez más complejo y caótico.

The tall tales which Andrés Ibáñez has brought together in “The Scent of Cardamom” are audacious and earthy, subtle and surprising.

Socri is a lovely sheepdog who loves his job and is loyal to his master. One day, the master decides to sell off the flock to a multinational, and Socri is left unemployed.

The Pursuer (El Perseguidor) is one of Julio Cortázar’s finest literary achievements and a classic of 20th century literature.

Antoñita the ladybird is yellow in colour, but she wants to be red like the other ladybirds in the garden where she lives. She tries various ways to change her colour.

Learn about the fascinating life of Nina Simone, a woman who fought for African-American civil rights through her music. As a child, Nina Simone couldn't even reach the piano pedals. When she grew up, her fingers flew over the keys.


This is book is aimed at the upper management of companies which are aware of the need to survive in the battlefield of market competition.

The staircase, that complex fold, belongs to the system of architectural treatises as well as to that of manuals. The staircase responds to all of them, but also escapes them all, with a position of its own in the architectural process.

 Fear has become one of modern society’s dominant feelings: the fear that arises from collective circumstances as well as those that come from within us, especially our minds.


権力をどうやって手に入れるのか? どうやって保持するのか? ニッコロ・マキャベリは当時の為政者たちに思いを馳せながら君主論を書いたが、著者はその考えが政治や軍隊、企業や社会活動における現代のリーダーにも当てはまることを明らかにする。

The Pórtico de la gloria is a landmark among outstanding works of art.

With 'El primer emperador i la reina Lluna' ('The First Emperor and the Moon Queen'), Jordi Cussà goes further than ever. A daring adventure story about a magnetic and almost mythical figure from Chinese culture: the Emperar Qin Shi Huangdi.

『El primer emperador i la reina Lluna(初代皇帝と女王リュナ)』でジョルディ・クッサは至高の域に達した。中国文化においてもはや神話的な存在である魅力的な人物、秦の始皇帝のぞくぞくするような冒険小説。現実と驚異が混じり合う中国の初代皇帝の人生はホメロスの叙事詩に劣ることなく、中国文化史上類を見ない創設者として英雄の役目を果たしており、その魅力的な人物像は神性と醜悪の間で揺れる。当時の年代史にはない女性たちを創造し登場させたのは、小説ならではの成果。

なにか描いてと頼まれて、描けなかったことは何度ある? さあ、描いてみよう! スリーステップでアーティストに変身だ。描けば描くほど簡単になるよ。可能性は無限大だ。

Sometimes, a raven appears from behind a cloud, or behind a corner or in our group of friends. They are Princes of Trouble, experts in tangling situations. Masters of trickery and lies.

This beautifully illustrated anthology brings together three of Oscar Wilde's best-known stories: The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose, and The Selfish Giant.


Prince Seraphim turns on its head the ideas of stereotypical gender models that have characterized traditional children's literature.


Paraphrasing the KISS principle in business (Keep It Simple, Stupid), this book of business strategy will help managers make their businesses and organizations more competitive.  The authors’ methodology is based on Jack Trout’s teachings on strat

After reading all about the poet Antonio Machado, Javier decides to visit the writer's tomb. In the hotel, he meets a strange woman and her son; a hyperactive teenager. One morning, at breakfast, the woman disappears leaving her son abandoned.

El que apaga la luz, title taken from one of Somerset Maugham’s sentences, is a book full of incurable patients, obsessions that culminate in the worst of nightmares (insomnia) and whose only relief is suicide.

David, the innocent young protagonist of this novel, lives on the outskirts of a city.

“El raïm inquiet” (La uva inquieta/the restless grape) tells the story of an lively, impatient bunch of grapes that really, really wants to become wine.



This story is an adaptation of a tale that the Italian communist thinker Antonio Gramsci wrote to his two children in a letter from prison.

El ratón y la montaña (The Rat and the Mountain)

Pérez the tooth mouse loved his job. Every night he left his home to collect all the teeth from under the pillows of the little girls and boys, until one day Giménez suddenly appeared and said he was the new tooth mouse! What a mess!

ネズミのぺレスは、仕事をしているととっても幸せ。毎晩、子どもたちの歯を集めに出かける。ところがある日、ネズミのヒメネスが現れて、自分こそ新しい歯ネズミだと宣言した。さあたいへん! ペレスとヒメネス、どっちが新しい歯ネズミ? イージーリーダー(国際図書館連盟等の指針に従って読みやすくした書籍)方式で書かれた物語。スペイン語の手話と、手話の単語集がつき、ナレーションと手話(CNSE財団の協力で作成)の入った映像をダウンロードできるURLがある。イラストはフリルストラドール。

After a sudden death, Luciana is obliged to carry out a final wish for her grandmother: to locate three women and return to them personal objects of great sentimental value (a wedding ring, a locket and an engagement ring.) Doing this means revisi

The lessons of a strict father, the Stuart king, sculpted a hard aggressive personality. He considered victory on the battlefield as a means rather than an end.

Sofía Rhei’s magical children’s novel opens on 27th September 1764, in a house in London, where Nannerl and Wolfi (Maria Anna and Wolfgang) Mozart are staying while touring the country, giving concerts in the mansions of the nobility.


Thirteen-year-old Narnel Mozart is the older sister of the brilliant composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Like any boy his age, he loves playing and mischief, and what he finds most difficult to understand is adults.


A folder has been found with two hundred typed pages signed by the writer Teseo Yedra.


Where does history take us?

London 1866. Yet again, José Rodríguez Losada is on the run from his past. Having left the family home as a boy, he is forced for political reasons to exile himself from the absolutist Spain of Fernando VII.


The story begins in Candace, the capital of the Union of Superior Worlds, a small planet from which all the universes are ruled.

12 April, 1097. A tall, thin man arrives at the little castle of Dornoch; he is slightly bent over and has a deformed nose.

1097年4月12日。ドーノックの小さな城に、背が高い痩せた男が到着する。背中が少し曲がり、鼻が奇形の男。スコットランド王マクベスの息子、マクベスだ。彼がやってきた目的は、バンクォーの息子フリーアンスに会うためだ。罪と血の歴史がふたりを結んでいる。王の座を手に入れるための陰謀で、罪を犯したマクベス王は復讐によって首をはねられて死んだ。それから40年の時が流れる。60代になり、足元さえおぼつかないふたりの老人は今何をしようというのか? 短剣抜きの決闘。

In 1923 the government of Primo de Rivera decided to conceal the belt of misery that encircled the city from the sight of the expected visitors to the Ibero-American Exposition in 1929.


Rafael Borrás writes the historical chronicle of one of the most interesting periods of the history of Spain. The relation between Alfonso XIII, general Franco, and Don Juan Carlos de Borbón.


幼児向けの驚くべき絵本。どこにでもある、ありきたりの森の話だ。住民たちにはタイムスケジュールなどなく、気ままな生活をしている。だが、みんなのだらしない日常をきちんとすることにこだわるクマが現れて、すべてが変わることになる。うまくいくのか? 森はどうなるのだろう? そしてクマは?

Two friends, a contaminated river and a holiday that will change their lives forever. Tom and Martín's Easter holidays are normally fairly predictable. The two friends up in the mountains with their families,bikes, the river, nature...

A moving story of a father and his adolescent son which will steal your heart.

Thirteen tales which tell the stories of diverse people, places and times.


In 1913 the presidente of El Salvador, Manuel Enrique Araujo, was killed with a machete by a group of uneducated country farmers who didn't entirely realise who they were killing.


Sebastián Corvado lives a cloistered existence in the house of his adoptive mother's master. He seldom goes out, but in one of his sorties he meets the young painter Diego Velázquez, whom he befriends.

'Enola's Secret' is set in 1989 in Sandgate, a tiny English seaside town, and brings together a strange collection of elements including a chimney, a dove and a boy nicknamed Socks. While completing a task for his neighbour, Ralph, a.k.a.

Gregoria is the captain of a pirate ship. Both King Carlos III and the Pope have put a price on her head. Aboard her ship in the Caribbean, she recounts her memories to her granddaughter, who is about to marry a viceroy.

Blanca no tiene buena suerte con los hombres.
Tal y como vienen se van, y ya está harta. Por eso, cuando
su mejor amiga la provoca para estar todo un mes sin
ninguno, acepta el reto. Poco sabía ella que, en un viaje a

El secreto de tus palabras

Blanca no tiene buena suerte con los hombres. Tal y como vienen se van, y ya está harta. Por eso, cuando su mejor amiga la provoca para estar todo un mes sin ninguno, acepta el reto.

The confidence with which Columbus set out on his voyage to the Indies and his later discovery the New World has been the target of a great deal of speculation. How could the Admiral have been so confident about which route to take?

インディアスへ旅立ち、新大陸を発見したときのコロンブスの確信に満ちた態度からは、数々の疑問がわいてくる。コロンブスは、なぜそこまで自信を持ってその航路を進めたのか? この点に関しては諸説あるが、どれも立証はされていない。コロンブスを取り巻くすべてのことは謎に包まれている。一説によれば、コロンブスは総督の娘フェリパ・モニス・デペレストレーリョと結婚してマデイラ島に滞在していたとき、マルコ・ポーロが陸路で辿ったよりも短い航路をなんとかしてたどれないかと思案していた。

After midnight, Yuna and her dad sneak out of the house and head to the zoo to check that all animals are asleep. But…what will they find there? The zoo has an incredible secret and Yuna and her dad are about to find it out.

Beaver had it all planned out. He wanted it to be a perfect expedition. The views were fantastic. He took out his mobile to catch the moment forever in a selfie - but then all the animals of the forest wanted to be in it too.


El Señor Fortuny is an illustrated book which immerses itself in the work of an artist in order to show us his creative process.

Aimed at 7, 8 & 9-year-olds, El Señor H is great fun, with some old-fashioned public service type information also cleverly, undidactically injected along the way.


AUTHOR: Daniel Nesquens

ILLUSTRATOR: Luciano Lozano

READER: Tom Bunstead


El señor H

Aimed at 7, 8 & 9-year-olds, El Señor H is great fun, with some old-fashioned public service type information also cleverly, undidactically injected along the way.

Aimed at 7, 8 & 9-year-olds, El Señor H is great fun, with some old-fashioned public service type information also cleverly, undidactically injected along the way.

The Zodiac Trilogy: One year, one sign, one crime. January 2012 and the start of the Year of the Dragon, the only mythological animal in the Chinese Zodiac, which represents wisdom, power and wealth.


Anna is the librarian in Húsavík, a small Icelandic fishing village.

Anna is the librarian in Húsavík, a small Icelandic fishing village.

アンナはアイスランドの小さな漁村フーサヴィークの図書館員。ある日、結びに「あなたを愛する父より」と記された手紙を受け取った時、それまで固く閉ざされ決して開かないと思っていた心の扉が開く。それは過去と向き合い、自分の本当の素性を明らかにすることを意味していた。両親はなぜアンナを捨てたのか? 彼女は本当は誰なのか? 昔のピアノ教師は何を助けてくれるのか? 明らかにするには、かつて両親が住んでいた廃屋に入るしかない。たとえ言い知れぬ恐怖があろうとも。

The German poet Rainier Maria Rilke used to say that childhood is our only homeland. He also used to say that there are no beginners lessons in life because we are immediately expected to perform advanced tasks.


Tasio Ortiz de Zarate, the brilliant archaeologist found guilty of the bizarre murders that terrorised the peaceful city of Vitoria twenty years ago, is about to leave prison on license when the crimes begin afresh: the naked bodies of a twenty-ye


El Silencio de la ciudad blanca (The silence of the white city) is a thriller in the style of Hannibal Lector meets Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, creepy and stylised in equal measure. It is set in Vitoria in the Basque Country.

El silencio de la ciudad blanca

Pérez Domínquez gives us an unforgettable story inhabited by disenchanted heroes, enigmatic women and frantic persecutions, where love reveals itself as the holy grail which is able to redeem all the characters.


Carmelo returns to the village in his native Andalusia for the first time.


I was just an ordinary girl, like anyone else. I went to school, argued with my parents, loved my friends unconditionally and, from time to time, fell in love with the wrong person; just like everyone does.


This story tells the adventures of the sun, who one day falls asleep and leaves the Earth in darkness. How will he light the Earth again? He must find a way to climb up into the sky and save the day.

ある日とつぜん眠りこんで、地球をまっくらにしてしまった太陽のお話。どうすればまた地球を明るく照らせる? なんとかしなくちゃと、太陽はいっしょうけんめいお空にのぼる。

An adaptation of a story by Hans Christian Andersen. A soldier who put love before war.


In this book, a group of researchers specialising in the subject of the Roman army have taken up the challenge of exploring the various situations and contexts in which a soldier of

En este libro, un grupo de investigadores especialistas en el tema militar romano se ha enfrentado al reto de estudiar diversas situaciones y el contexto de la muerte del soldado romano: el que cae en el combate o en periodo de paz por otras causa

El soldado romano y la muerte

Señora Filomena goes out for a walk, in her Sunday best and a new hat that everyone admires. But the wind begins to blow and Filomena's hat flies off, much to her dismay.


We are in the politically inflamed Barcelona of the months previous to the outbreak of the Civil War. Pau Capdevila is a young lawyer who occasionally helps anarchist workers to ease their encounters with the law.

The route of Clementia's life was laid out before she was born, she was destined for an existence of happiness, good fortune and privilege. Born into the heart of a noble family in Madrid, she was always a happy child.

Each of Goya’s masterpieces is like a dream: some are games, others are nightmares. For some unknown reason, a young man escapes the “The goose blind” and enters other paintings changing them a bit... well, quite a lot frankly. But where is Goya?

 This is a story based on the life of a real African girl called Efwa, taken into an orphanage in Ghana.

Can death be a form of art? Comisario Ruiz is on leave from the force. It's the festival in the capital and everybody is having fun by the Manzanares river.

死は芸術の一形式になりうるのか? ルイス警視は一時的に隊を離れている。今日は首都の祭りで、誰もがマンサナレス川のほとりで楽しんでいるようだ。しかし、決まったパターンに沿って動物の死骸が何体か発見されたのが、異常事態の最初の兆候だった。ほどなくして、別の死の痕跡が見つかる。美術の奨学生である若い女性が、川のダムのひとつで、まるで儀式のような姿で殺害されているのが見つかったのだ。悲劇はこれだけにとどまらないと思われた。

死は芸術の一形式になりうるのか? ルイス警視は一時的に隊を離れている。今日は首都の祭りで、誰もがマンサナレス川のほとりで楽しんでいるようだ。しかし、決まったパターンに沿って動物の死骸が何体か発見されたのが、異常事態の最初の兆候だった。ほどなくして、別の死の痕跡が見つかる。美術の奨学生である若い女性が、川のダムのひとつで、まるで儀式のような姿で殺害されているのが見つかったのだ。悲劇はこれだけにとどまらないと思われた。

In the distant past, the god Tubilok explored the dimensions of time and space, losing his mind in the search for absolute power and knowledge.


When he was a child, Pablo painted two white doves. One day, he saw that only one was there. The other one had flown away. From that day, Pablo travelled around the world, drawing and painting while looking for his lost dove.

Mr. Velázquez has a big problem: the King and the Queen of Spain have asked him to paint a portrait of princess Margarita, but she is so restless that it is difficult to make her pose. But Mr.

The continent of Them has spent millennia engaged in endless wars between the various kingdoms, in a constant cycle of death and destruction.

The Little Dream was nervous, he didn't know what to do there, hidden behind that Dark Nightmare.


Using the metaphor of a tsunami, symbol of potential destruction, the author draws together the most characteristic themes of her complex and refined poetic palate: The sense of loss, memory and the passing of time, the need to overcome confusion



Cologne, the dawn of the 15th century. Winds of change and reform shake a Europe still ruled by deceit and old beliefs. The diffusion of knowledge is in the hands of a few.

Discover the revolutionary scientific feats that Galileo achieves as he looks through his telescope into the skies. Where does the Earth end? What are stars made of?

空に望遠鏡を向けてガリレオが手にした、革命的ともいえる科学的な発見を知ろう。地面はどこで終わる? 星は何でできている? ガリレオにとって、質問するより好きなことはただひとつ。それは答えをみつけること。空をもっと近くでみるためには何が発明できるだろう。望遠鏡は彼をずっと遠くへと誘い、それを使って世界の秘密をみつけるために、彼は星でいっぱいの空を眺めるのだ。


Once upon a time there was a king who wanted to be the most powerful man in his kingdom, but his power was eclipsed by that of a magician who said he could see into the future.


«Portem la vida impresa al front? Des del principi? En el meu cas, és fàcil de saber; aneu a la Sagrada Família i descobriu-ho. [...] Que on heu d’anar? A la façana del Naixement, és clar, on si no?

El temple dels pobres

«Portem la vida impresa al front? Des del principi? En el meu cas, és fàcil de saber; aneu a la Sagrada Família i descobriu-ho. [...] Que on heu d’anar? A la façana del Naixement, és clar, on si no?

El temple dels pobres

“Is the story of our lives printed on our foreheads? Right from the very start?

「僕たちは自分の人生を額に刻印されているのか? 生まれたときから? 僕の場合、知るのは簡単だ。サグラダ・ファミリアに行こう。

What if the ancient gods had come to earth from other worlds, and were planning to come back to impose their law?

Century after century it has remained hidden from the eyes of humanity. Now one of the oldest secrets is about to be revealed and nothing will be the same again...


Más que un teórico, Lucio Urtubia es, ante todo, un hombre de acción. Su vida ha sido una lucha constante y, en contra de lo que piensan muchas personas, ese es su legado, el tesoro de Lucio.

El tesoro de Lucio

Topamí and Ventura are two inseparable pirates, but one day Ventura leaves as he has other plans, and Topamí feels very angry and sad because he hasn't been asked to accompany him.


Leonid Sednev, imperial chimney sweep and later kitchen help, was fifteen years old on the night of the 17th July 1918, when a group of soldiers of the Bolshevik Revolution brutally murdered the Russian imperial family.

La Sagrada Familia se ha desplomado y, con ella, algo se ha roto en el interior de Elda, hasta el punto de volar de vuelta desde Kobe a Barcelona para reconciliarse con un pasado doloroso.

El tiempo de los tres



There are many women who hope that their lives turn out like a novel: the woman who marries but dreams of meeting the love of her life again when she turns a corner; the little girl who grows up waiting for her next-door-neighbour to notice her; a

1901年に発表された『El tío Gorio(ゴリオおじさん)』は、詩人のホセ・マリア・ガブリエル=イ=ガランの手による数少ない物語の一作。フアン・ルイス・イグレシアス(原作)とホセ・クルス・デ・クルス(作画)は、このガランの代表作を独自のアプローチにより風俗画タッチの漫画に仕上げた。本作では、ガブリエル=イ=ガラン自身が物語の語り手そして主人公として登場し、彼が創作した登場人物、ゴリオおじさんとプリアおばさんという愛と打算で結ばれた夫婦と交流する。

'Frutas y verduras' ('Fruit and Vegetables') is a collection of short stories to entertain and provoke laughter but also prompt thought.  The tomato is very shy and never wants to contribute during lessons like his classmates do at school.

楽しませ、笑わせ、でも考えさせるためのFrutas y verduras(果物と野菜)シリーズの1冊。トマトはとてもはずかしがりやで、学校に行っても、ほかのクラスメートのように授業中に大きな声で話したがらない。すごくはずかしいのだ。ところがある日、はずかしさをのりこえて、みんなとお話しできるようになる。

Rafael Mendoza, star of the bullfighting world, is found murdered on his farm in Extremaduar. Ginebra, an editor from Barcelona, is given the job of finishing Mendoza's investigation into Federico García Lorca.

El Torres (Málaga, 1972), is a translator and a scriptwriter on long running comics. His stories take place in fantastic and funny settings (as in 'Bribones' or 'Miserere').

A gripping novel that links Prague to Washington, South Yemen, Damascus, Paris, Sitges, Madrid, Havana, Berlin, Geneva and Panama. A story in which fiction and historical factsare mixed with real and fictional characters.

The book is the result of the experience developed by the author in various PhD courses offered by the Department of Geography at the UNED.

Francisco de Sandoval, a young noble left desperate by his non-existent inheritance, finds a way to improve his lot: by abandoning his lover, Juana, and entering a marriage of convenience with Catalina de la Cerda.


A little girl practises a magic trick while the reader watches. The trick is nothing new, we have seen a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat countless times.



The author reconstructs the last months in the life of Marilyn Monroe and her relationship with the Galician filmmaker José Bolaños.


Miguel Domínguez, known as "El Cautivo" is the last of a class of knights, the brown knights, who controlled a vast territory known as La Extremadura del Duero by Christians, or Al-Sarrasín in Muslim chronicles, and not

Una agente inmobiliaria apasionada por su trabajo prepara una casa vacía para la visita de unos compradores cuando se topa con un niño de siete años que no pestañea.

El último día de la vida anterior

An estate agent with a passion for her job is preparing a house for a visit from some buyers when she runs into a seven-year-old boy who doesn’t blink.


El último día de la vida anterior


England, 1892. The well-known collector and adventurer Christian Montgomery unexpectedly asks his grandson William Jackson to take care of his business for a while.


A novel with two stories set in Mexico, both violent and full of irony. Daniela, a private investigator, goes to Mexico to find a painting by Frida.


Based on facts and drawing on the messages that Jules Verne hid in some of his books, the novel reveals the best-kept secret of the author of Extraordinary Journeys books.

実際の出来事と、ジュール・ヴェルヌがいくつかの自作に隠したメッセージを土台にしたこの小説は、『驚異の旅』の著者ヴェルヌが巧妙に守ってきた秘密を探る。 3つの物語が収束する驚くべき結末で、ヴェルヌの本当の顔が明らかになる。1886年1月、ジュール・ヴェルヌは、彼の人生で一番の秘密のエピソードを掘り起こす不思議な手紙を受け取る。彼自身の家族さえも知らなかった出来事だ。

Okinawa, Japan, World War II. Momoko Akiyama is the daughter of an intellectual couple.

From Franco's prisons to Nazi extermination camps, Mercedes Núñez Targa, a twentieth-century woman of conviction, (Barcelona 1911-Vigo 1986), tells her incredible odyssey.

From Franco's prisons to Nazi extermination camps, Mercedes Núñez Targa, a twentieth-century woman of conviction, (Barcelona 1911-Vigo 1986), tells her incredible odyssey.


El valor de la memoria: de la cárcel de Ventas al campo de Ravensbruck. The Value of Memory. From Ventas Prison to Ravensbruck Camp

El valor de la memoria: de la cárcel de Ventas al campo de Ravensbruck.

Nowadays, especially in sectors entering liberalised markets such as energy or telecommunications, strong competition means that clients flow from one business to another.

Everything suggests it will be just another night at the Covenant Academy when Eliza Kyteler and Kate Saint German, two young Sangre Negra clan, decide to wake all the dead in the Little Hill cemetery.



"I can kill. I can make people kill for me" Juan Borrás, the dominant voice and character of this book, is accused by his lovers, and even the police, of being a vampire, which he doesn't understand but ends up accepting.

The Bird Seller is one of the key characters in this novel by Robert Brasillach, for around him orbits a whole universe of hyper-Parisian characters from the 1930s.


In the city of Arcila, a mysterious letter held by the rebel Guennum is intercepted. Its content, seemingly innocent, detail the state of health of the Caliph and insinuate the existence of a spy in the court of al-Hakan II.

Mateo Salerno, el último de una saga de artistas circenses, tras haber decidido alejarse de la pista y de su padre, intenta saldar su deuda recopilando las historias que se esconden detrás del centenario circo familiar.

El vértigo del trapecista

Having decided to distance himself from the circus ring and his father, Mateo Salerno, the last in a long line of circus performers, tries to do his duty in compili


Teodolinda has just been named president of Fairyland. She should be writing the speech she will give on her first day in office, but instead of this she can't stop thinking of the dress that she is going to wear.

With this book, Eduardo Punset ends a trilogy about happiness, love and power, “three topics that structure and affect the world”.

Kalilu left Gambia with the goal of coming to Europe so he could work; help his family and even study. He then ignored that most part of Africans never get their destination, neither come back home. What happens in the meantime?

In 1946, a year after the end of the Second World War, Alej, an elderly bookseller, recounts to his friends a legend that has been told since the times of his oldest forebears, and will change the lives of all of them.

Devised and illustrated by Japanese illustrator Satoe Tone, winner of the International Bologna Book Fair - Fundación SM Illustration Prize 2013, this is the story of a frog who sets off on a journey through other people’s dreams to try to restore

El viaje del calígrafo (The Calligrapher’s Journey)

El viaje del calígrafo

The Calligrapher was sure that beyond the valley and the mountains there were other valleys and other mountains and he dreamed of telling each the stories of the other.


The daisy is covered in plant lice! To solve the tragedy of his beloved daisy, the old man gets into a maze of problems that have an unexpectedly happy ending.

ヒナギクがアブラムシだらけ! かわいいヒナギクの悲劇をなんとかしてあげようと、おじいさんは難問の迷路に飛び込み、やがて予想もしなかった幸せな結末を迎える。ロベルト・アリアガ作の楽しい物語に、グリディがやさしさとユーモアたっぷりのイラストを添えている。

1273, Kublai Jan, grandson of of the fearsome Ghengis, last Great Jan and first Chinese emperor of the Yuan dynasty, decides to invade Japan's Nihon islands. His dream: to unify the world under his command.


In the wake of the acclaimed short story book "Los peces de la amargura" (The fishes of sorrow), The Guardian of the Ford provides eight stories written in implacable and lucid style.

: Martín goes on a fantastic journey around the world discovering new friends and music, and sharing his love for his violin.


In Paris, a couple is about to marry in the spring of 1940, but the Wehrmacht invades France, and he, an exiled Spanish Republican, is detained by the Gestapo and sent to Mauthausen concentration camp.

The Visitor from the Other Side is a fantasy story in which three very different teenagers have to deal with everyday situations that will be very familiar to the readers (bullying, romantic crushes, family relationships).


This manual explains how to make and display simple culinary confections to look attractive and fresh in bars and cafeterias.


Ideaspropias Editorial presents Elaboración y exposición de comidas en el bar-cafetería [THE MAKING AND SHOWING OF MEALS IN THE BAR-CAFETERIA], an evaluative work on how to prepare food in the bar-cafeteria that includes some simple recipes used i

Elastic Books is an imprint of Enciclopèdia Catalana

“Herd of elephants with cultural interests seeks teacher with dynamic and adventurous spirit. Accommodation the African jungle. Vegetarian diet. Salary: 100 tons of bananas”.

Elena Alonso Frayle was born in Bilbao in 1965. She studied law at the University of Deusto, and Japanology at the Freie Universität in Berlin. She has lived in France, Senegal, Argentina, Germany and Thailand, and is currently in Berlin, where she dedicates her life exclusively to writing.

1965年ビルバオ生まれ。学士(法学)の学位をデウスト大学で取得。ベルリン自由大学で日本学を修める。フランス、セネガル、アルゼンチン、ドイツ、タイで暮らす。現在ベルリンに住み、文学活動に専念。彼女の小説は、短編・長編ともに、多くの文学賞を受賞し、スペインとメキシコで出版されている。著者の短編集第1作目は、『Llegados a este punto (この時点で)』(2012)で、メキシコ独立200周年記念ソル・フアナ・イネス・デ・ラ・クルス文学賞を受賞。

エレナ・ベルナラス バスク大学で言語教育学の学士号、心理学の博士号を取得し現在同大学教育学部の准教授である。研究分野は鬱、幼少期から青年期にかけての精神保健福祉、精神測定法実験の導入や特殊教育の設置。
ヨアナ・ヤウレギサール 心理教育学者。バスク大学で心理学の博士号取得。現在、同大学教育学部で進化心理学と教育を教えている。研究分野は、発展心理学や幼少期から青年期の福祉、幼少期と思春期の鬱、攻撃的行動。

Passionate about music and a staunch reader since childhood, she embraces writing in search of other worlds that complement it. A graduate in Pharmacy from the University of Granada, she mixes up medication, journalism and writing in the pharmacy back room.


Elena Gallego Abad (Teruel 1969) is a writer and journalist with a wide range of professional experience, associated with various press and radio media.

Managing the copyright and promoting the work of the author Elena Gallego Abad.


Titulada en Diseño Gráfico (Instituto Europeo de Diseño de Madrid), Máster en Diseño Editorial (Instituto Europeo de Diseño de Madrid), Máster en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona).

Titulada en Diseño Gráfico (Instituto Europeo de Diseño de Madrid), Máster en Diseño Editorial (Instituto Europeo de Diseño de Madrid), Máster en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona).

Elena Martínez Blanco is passionate about literature. She thinks that, as a little girl, she must have been given a lot of spaghetti letters to eat, because words have been a part of her life ever since she can remember.


Elena Montagud (Valencia, 1986) is a linguist and writer. She has been shortlisted for various literary prizes (Círculo Rojo, Ovelles Elèctriques) and won some of them. she has published stories in various anthologies such as Legendarium and Fantasmagoria.

Elena Moya Pereira grew up in Tarragona, a city on the Mediterranean coast to the south of Barcelona, in the last years of Franco's dictatorship. After attending university in Spain, she was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to undertake a Masters in financial journalism in the United States.


Elena Octavia has always loved playing with words, telling stories and travelling. When the words grew up, and so did she, she decided to study philosophy and drama. Then she went to Paris to study more theatre. Now she is an actress, playwright, director and storyteller.

Elena Ruiz has been an editor at the same publishing house for over ten years, and she also coordinates the contents of its Internet portal, www.mibebeyyo.com.

Elena Serrato was born in Seville in 1992. After finishing her Fine Arts studies in 2015 she started working as a freelance illustrator.


Eleneja's mother is a giraffe, but Eleneja isn't a giraffe... She doesn't look like the kangaroos, or the zebras... So then, what kind of animal is Eleneja? Do you want to join her on her journey to find out?

Eli Ríos has contributed to various collective projects, leading writing workshops, as a children's storyteller and as part of the digital magazine of feminist literary criticism A Sega. She has won several literary prizes such as the XL Modesto R.

Elia Barceló was born in Elda, Alicante in 1957, and studied Hispanic and Anglo-Germanic philology. She is married with two children. She currently lives in Innsbrück, Austria, where she teaches Spanish literature and composition at the university.

Eliacer Cansino has taught philosophy since 1980, and teaches this subject in a middle school in Seville, his home city. He has won various prizes, notably the Infanta Elena International Prize 1992 and the Lazarillo Prize 1997 for the novel in question.

Elías Portela (Cangas do Morrazo, 1981) is a poet and translator in Galician (Imaxes nap el, Morgante, 2008, and Cos peitos desenchufados, Barbantesa, 2010) and Icelandic, in which he writes under the pseudonym Elías Knörr.

Elizabeth Nox studied Hispanic Philology at the Universitat de Valencia. A lover of medieval short story genre and fantastic literature, she has now been writing short stories for her friends and students for many years, all unpublished. She also illustrates her texts.

On the morning of her wedding day, fifteen-year-old Elisa is trying to practise the violin piece she is expected to play for the occasion.

エリサは15歳。自分の結婚式の朝、式で弾かなければならないヴァイオリンの一小節を練習しようと努力している。 でもふたつの悲しみが彼女の胸を苦しめる。結婚しなければならない相手は見ず知らずの男だということ、そして彼女に音楽を教えてくれた先生であり、たったひとりの同志だった祖母が亡くなったばかりだということ。 慰めを求めて、エリサは祖母の部屋に行く。そこには祖母の大きな肖像画がかかっている。 そこで一度も開く勇気がなかった宝石箱を見つける。

Elisa Ferrer (L’Alcúdia de Crespins, Valencia, 1983) has a degree in audiovisual communication from the University of Valencia, a diploma in film and television writing from the Madrid School of Cinema, and a master's in Spanish creative writing from The University of Iowa, where she was one of t

Elísabet Benavent (Gandía, Valencia, 1984) studied Audiovisual Communication at the Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU in Valencia and a masters in art and Communication at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and currently works in the communication department at a multinactional.

Elisabet Fabregas is a poet and early-years educator. Born in Catalonia, she now lives in Ibiza. She published "Cestas de lilas" (Baskets of Lilies) with Calambur and studies Humanities at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

エリザベット・ファブレガスはカタルーニャ生まれでイビサ島在住の詩人、児童教育者。Calambur社から『Cestos de lilas(リラの籠)』を出版し、カタルーニャ・オープン大学で人文科学を専攻。海、自然、そしてピティウザス諸島最大の島という魔法の場所、イビサに夢中だ。

ELISABETH HORCHER es la cuarta generación de un restaurante emblemático que ha sido refugio de reyes, espías, políticos, aristócratas, deportistas y empresarios de éxito.

He is a professor of Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology in Santiago de Compostela University. He has a wide experience in the prevention and treatment of drug abuse and addictions and has carried out outstanding studies on addictions among youngsters and people in general.

Elisenda Guiu was born in Barcelona in 1974. A graduate of humanities and journalism (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), she has years of experience as a TV scriptwriter for children and young people's programmes such as Los Lunnis (TVE) and Peter and Jack (Canal Clan), where she works at the moment.

エリセンダ・ギウは1974年バルセロナ生まれ。ポンペウファブラ大学人文科学部でジャーナリズムの学士号を取得。ロス・ルニス(スペイン国営放送)やピーター・アンド・ジャック(スペイン国営放送子どもチャンネル)などの子どもと少年少女向けのテレビ番組の脚本家として、現在まで長年の経験がある。ユニセフの権利の歌を作詞した。著書に、子ども向けのシリーズLa tecnología habla(テクノロジーがものを言う、サルバテリャ、2012年)がある。クリスティナ・カウペナは1971年バルセロナ生まれ。

Elisenda Julibert (Barcelona, 1974) estudió Filosofía y trabaja desde hace más de dos décadas en editoriales. Ha traducido del francés a George Sand, Guy de Maupassant, Marcel Proust, Albert Camus y Claude Lévi-Strauss, y del inglés a Sylvia Plath, Zygmunt Bauman o Simon Critchley.

Elisenda Julibert (Barcelona, 1974) has a degree in philosophy and has worked in publishing for over two decades.

Elisenda Queralt was born in Barcelona in 1971. She teaches English and has written several stories for children.


Elisenda Roca (Barcelona, 1963) is a journalist and writer.

Elizabeth Mirabal was born in Havana in 1986. She graduated in Journalism in 2009.

Ricardo Álcantara tells the story of a little boy who feels misunderstood in certain situations that crop up in his daily life, for example when he's booed for missing a goal, when he speaks in class and is scolded by the teacher...


Ellago Ediciones was founded in 2001, thanks to the determination of a group of people who wanted to re-evaluate the world of the book, with the aim of establishing a close relationship with the reader.

Ellos también estuvieron allí es un libro que recoge la total historia de la Segunda Guerra Mundial a través de cien personajes que la sufrieron en sus propias carnes.

Ellos también estuvieron allí

Ellos también estuvieron allí (‘They Were There Too’) is a book that covers th


Elma and the Monsters with No Nose is a delightful story, written by Encarni Corral and illustrated by Quiel Ramos, full of magic that helps us to understand emotions and teaches us that friendship is more valuable than anything else.


Ballet Mistress at the Ballet Nacional de España. A pupil of her mother, Carmina Ocaña, in Madrid and Wilhelm Burmann in New York, she gained a Master of Arts in Dance Education from the University of New York.

Years ago I heard about a programme Paul Auster had on the American public radio station NPR called ‘The National Short Story Project’. Auster came on air the first night and asked American listeners to send in their stories.

Years ago I heard about a programme Paul Auster had on the American public radio station NPR called ‘The National Short Story Project’. Auster came on air the first night and asked American listeners to send in their stories.

Fue Bertrand Russell quien dijo que la filosofía es siempre un ejercicio de escepticismo. Aprender a dudar implica distanciarse de lo dado y poner en cuestión los tópicos y los prejuicios, cuestionar lo incuestionable.


Slow movements offer an alternative to the fast pace of modern life: eating, travelling, personal relationships… Everything happens at such a breakneck speed that it’s impossible to get a real taste of things and we get swallowed up by a neurotic

Eloy Moreno's (Castellón) passion for writing led him into the adventure of self-publishing his first novel, El bolígrafo de gel verde (The Green Gel Ballpoint Pen) which has sold more than 200,000 copies.

Eloy Moreno (Spain, 1976) has published adult fiction, children’s stories and YA novels, winning acclaim from readers and critics alike.

執筆に大きな情熱を抱いていたエロイ・モレノ(カステリョン生まれ)は、小説第一作『El bolígrafo de gel verde(緑色のゲルインクボールペン)』(当サイト2011年紹介作品http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/el-boligrafo-de-gel-verde)を自費出版するという冒険に乗り出し、その結果20万部以上を売り上げた。2018年には本書『Invisible(透明人間)』を上梓。この作品はすでに20刷の再版を重ね、様々な言語に翻訳されている。

Eloy Tizón was born in Madrid in 1964. The critic Rafael Conte described him as "the most original, personal and surprising of our storytellers".

Small independent publisher based in Sabadell. Current collections: children's books and adult fiction. Specialising in family diversity.

In this book, Emili Teixidor returns to the setting of his previous novel Pa Negre, this time dealing with a different facet of the post civil war era: the invasion of the villages and provinces by forces that are more cultural than military.

When night falls you should start to feel afraid, because then shadows will become more than just shadows, and demons may pursue you through the darkness.

Bear and Marmot are great friends and always play together. It's fun to hunt for treasure, or sing and dance like pop stars. But one afternoon Bear tells Marmot that he has invited Duck to play with them. No way! Marmot doesn't like Duck.

クマとマーモットは大のなかよし、いつもいっしょに遊んでいる。宝ものを探したり、スターのように歌ったり踊ったりしてごきげんだ。ところがある午後、アヒルを遊びに誘ったと、クマがマーモットに言う。えーっ、それはないよ! だって、マーモットはアヒルが好きじゃない。クマと自分だけの友情をこわすような者は、アヒルだってだれだってお断りだ。そこで、マーモットはアヒルを遊びにこさせないようにしようと決心する。それには何をすればいい? マーモットのひとりよがりの考えからどんな騒動が巻き起こるのか。

Duba and Lucas García have the same  surname, but they aren't siblings or cousins. They are neighbours and friends, although that hasn't always been true. When they met, Lucas didn't want to be friends with Dana.

ドゥナ・ガルシアとルカス・ガルシアは同じ名字だが、兄妹でもなければいとこ同士でもない。お隣さんで友だちだが、ずっとそうだったわけでもない。知り合ったころ、ルカスはドゥナの友だちになんてなりたくなかった。なにせドゥナに会わなくてすむように、箱で庭に壁までつくったんだから! だけどほんのちょっとの我慢とユーモアがあれば、友情が芽生えることもあるんだ。そうなったら……すごい発見だよ! 評判のクリエイターふたり、ジャウマ・クポンスとオスカル・ジュルベによるこの絵本で、友情の価値を学ぼう。

The Sack Men are immersed in a gruesome and shadowy fairy story, 33 stories divided into three parts. A corrosive and amoral satire about human emotions, cloaked in dark, insane and apocalyptic humour.

Lara is yet to turn fifteen and everything is already falling apart. It's a fight between life and death. A flare up of her illness has left her in the intensive care unit, spending the night that could be decisive alone.


The story collection 'Cuentos Desexplicados' ('Unexplained Stories') is full of classic characters and stories turned upside down.

『Cuentos Desexplicados(語られなかった物語)』は数多くの登場人物と名作物語を、靴下みたいに取り換えたシリーズ。驚きとユーモアに満ちたストーリーは、小さな読者たちの想像力を飛躍させ、発達させる。

Mr Pägueiras can't scratch his back because he has an umbrella instead of hands! But he's in luck because the woman on the first floor, Mrs Solmmina, has more than a thousand hands. Then again, how does she manage to cut all those nails?

パゲイラス氏は背中をかくことができない。なぜなら手の代わりに傘しかないから! でも運がよかった。だって、1-1に住んでるソルミナ夫人にはたっくさんの手があるから。でも、つめはどうやって切るんだろう? それは2-1に住むロセッティ姉妹に頼めばいいんだ。ふたりには足はないけど、ハサミは持ってる。キサップ(「さあ、どうだろう」)通りの建物には一風変わった登場人物たちが爆笑のエピソードとともに突然に現れる。みんないろいろな問題をかかえてはいるが、いつも手を差し伸べてくれる隣人がいる。

A writer, essayist, researcher and teacher, Drucaroff has published the novels 'La patria de las mujeres' (1999) and 'Conspiración contra Güemes' (2002). She is also author of the essays "Mijail Bajtín, la guerra de las culturas" (1995) and "Roberto Arlt, profeta del miedo" (1998).

Buenos Aires, 1950; she studied Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, Paris and Barcelona. She is a lecturer at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Her first novel "Rojiza penumbra" (Ruddy Gloom) was published in 2006.


Elsa Veiga has a degree in Spanish Language from the Autónoma University, Madrid. In the last years she has worked in communication, editing and proofreading for various publishing houses. Her stories have received several literary awards and been published in cultural journals.

What can an ostrich do with her wings? She can jump, clap, wave, hug, reach out… but Elvira wants more than that. She has many talents, but the little ostrich wants to fly. Unfortunately we can't always have what we want.

ダチョウは羽を使ってなにができる? 飛び跳ね、拍手し、あいさつし、ハグをして、触ることができる……、でもエルビラは、もっとなにかしたい……。たくさん長所があるというのに、小さなダチョウのエルビラは飛びたがっている。だけど、ほしいものがいつでも手に入るとは限らない。この物語を通して私たちは、自分を認め、自分自身を愛することを知る。

Elvira Lindo nació en Cádiz en 1962. Realizó estudios de periodismo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en 1981 empezó a trabajar en Radio Nacional de España, donde hizo labores de guionista, locutora, comentarista y presentadora, tareas que repitió en la Cadena SER y en la televisión.

Elvira Lindo (Cádiz, 1962) studied journalism and in 1981 began working at Radio Nacional de España, where she worked as a script writer, announcer, commentator and presenter.

Elvira Menéndez was born in Ferrol in 1949. In terms of literature she has built up a wide range of work as a screenwriter for many significant Spanish media and has adapted plays for the stage, but she is best known as a writer for children and young people.

Elvira Navarro (Huelva, 1978) es licenciada en Filosofía. Nombrada por la revista Granta entre los "Mejores novelistas jóvenes en lengua española" en 2010, fue declarada una de las principales voces españolas del futuro por El Cultural en 2013.

Elvira Navarro was born in Huelva in 1978, and has a degree in philosophy. In 2004 she won the Madrid local authority Young Creators’ Competition, and was awarded a grant for creativity for 2005-2008 at the Students’ Residence.

Elvira Valgañon was born in Logroño, in 1977. She has a degree in Spanish and English. Her stories have appeared in anthologies as well as in newspapers and literary magazines. She is the author of a novel, 'Luna cornata', published in 2007.

エルビラ・バルガニョンは1977年ログローニョ生まれ。スペイン語・英語文献学の学士号を持っている。彼女の短篇小説は新聞、文学雑誌に掲載され、選集にもおさめられている。2007年に出版された小説Luna cornata(感光材)の著者。英国人作家エドワード・リアの詩選集『ナンセンスの絵本』をアンヘラ・マリア・フェルナンデスと共訳し、2014年にペピータス社から出版された。

Climate change is causing the sea levels to rise and flooding inhabited land. Serena, Emi and Max travel to the Sunderbans National Park, in Bangladesh, to investigate the phenomenon.

Emili Teixidor was born in 1933. After studying law, philosophy and arts, and journalism, he spent several years teaching. He is the author of an extensive and highly varied oeuvre, most of it translated into many languages and having won many prizes. 'Pa negre' was awarded the M.

The author currently works for RTVA and is a graduate of journalism with masters degrees in Television and Equality, and a postgraduate qualification in International Information and the South. She has collaborated with organisations such as Amnesty International and Ayuda en Acción.

ジャーナリズムを専攻し、テレビ、平等について修士号を取得、国際情報学、発展途上国について大学院を修了。現在、スペイン放送協会(RTVE)に勤務。アムネスティ・インターナショナルやNGO団体アユダ・エン・アクシオンなどの組織と協働してきた。ピカラ・マガジン誌にも参加、執筆。『No habrá Haití sin haitianas(ハイチ人なしではハイチはない)』で2011年マヌエル・カスティーリョ賞、『una revolución lenta pero irreversible(ゆっくりだが不可逆的な革命)』でジュアン・ゴミス賞(正義と平和部門)を受賞。

Emiliano Monge was born in Mexico City on the 6th January 1978. He studied Political Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he also taught.

(1929-2012). A writer, singer, film maker… artist.

Emilio Calderón  is an historian, editor and writer.

エミリオ・カルデロンは歴史学者、編集者、作家。10年間は児童文学の創作に専念し、Continúan los crímenes en Roma(ローマで犯罪は続く)、Julieta sin Romeo(ロミオのいないジュリエット)、El último crimen de Pompeya(ポンペイの最後の犯罪)、El misterio de la habitación cerrada(密室の謎)などを出版した。

Emilio González Déniz is an experienced writer in many different genres of literature and journalism, but principally a novelist, whose work includes Bolero For a Woman (1984), The Yellow Plain (1985), Half a Creed (1989), Bastards of Bardinia (1990), Sahara (1995), Hotel Madrid (2000), The Lost

エミリオ・ゴンサレス=デニスは、文学やジャーナリズムのさまざまなジャンルで長いキャリアをもつ作家だが、第一には小説家であり、『Bolero para una mujer(女のためのボレロ)』(1984年)、『El llano amarillo(黄色い平原)』、1985年)、『La mitad de un Credo(半分の使徒信条)』(1989年)、『Bastardos de Bardinia(バルディニアの私生児)』、(1990年)、『Sahara(サハラ』(1995年)、『Hotel Madrid(マドリード・ホテル)』(2000年)、『El rey perdido(行方不明の王)』

(Jaén, 1968) is a doctor of anthropology and a professor at the Institute of Geography and History. He has published several history books and dozens of articles in Spanish, Italian and French university magazines and research centres.

1968年、ハエン生まれ。博士(人類学)の学位を持つ。中学校で歴史と地理の教師。歴史書数冊を出版、スペイン・イタリア・フランスの大学や研究機関の雑誌に数十の記事を発表。王立歴史アカデミーのスペイン伝記事典の製作に関わる。また文学、歴史、ジャーナリズムの様々な賞を受賞。小説『La Cofradía de la Armada Invencible(無敵艦隊の信徒会)』(2016)、『El relojero de la Puerta del Sol (プエルタ・デル・ソルの時計を創った男)』(EDHASA、2017 -当サイト2018年紹介作品・日本向けおすすめ書籍)の著者。

Emilio Ortiz was born in Baracaldo, Vizcaya, in September 1974. He has a degree in history, and currently lives in Albacete. He published his first book in 2015, when he won the first Certamen Internacional Musas de Primavera prize with her story A Smile.

Emilio Rosales teaches the Aesthetics of Communication in the Universidad de Sevilla.

Emilio Urberuaga was born in Madrid in 1954, and worked as a printer and engraver before dedicating himself to the illustration of children’s books. His work, full of fantasy and humour, is recognised nationally and internationally in the world of illustration.

Emilio González Urberuaga (Madrid 1954) Ha publicado más de un centenar de títulos, como autor de las ilustraciones y como autor de los textos. Su obra se encuentra expuesta en centros artísticos de primer nivel, siendo el único ilustrador español con obra en el Chihiro Art Museum de Tokio.

This is the story of the relationship between a twelve-year old boy who remembers too much and a woman of forty who would like to forget everything.

Emily Dickinson: As a literary figure, Dickinson is a legend. A great reader of the classics, she knew science and music, and her genius went beyond the conventions of her time.

Spain will be Market Focus country at the London Book Fair 2007. New Spanish Books asked Emma House, director of the London Book Fair, to share her views.

Emma Langley is responsible for international literature and translation at Arts Council England. She has a background in children’s publishing and educational research.

One of the "Xeración dos 90" generation of poets, she has more than ten titles to her name, one of which was judged the 2017 Best Poem in World and awarded the Jovellanos poetry prize. As a prose writer she favours short forms.

Emma Pérez Méndez has a university diploma in Nursing from the University of Navarra.

Born in Montgat, she graduated in Journalism from UAB. Animated cartoon creator, scriptwriter and co-producer of children’s series, author of 4 children’s books. In 2007 she published her first book for adults, with stories about eating habits and in 2010 her first novel.

Emmanuelle Ponty is a French illustrator and graphic designer, with a keen interest in arts and crafts for children, who has created her own brand of creative projects, games and fabrics that she promotes through her website.

This book deals with emotions and will take you to the House of Emotions. You will journey to different emotional planets and you will discover the landscapes and the people that hide inside each one.

A children’s publisher specialising in picture books for boys and girls from 3 years old. All our books include educational resources related to emotional well-being and the respectful mentoring of children by adults.

Empar Fernández (Bcn, 1962) alternates teaching with writing, both fiction and non-fiction. Her first novel, Horacio en la memoria (Remembering Horacio) won the Premio Cáceres.

Empar Moliner debuted with the book of stories "L’ensenyador de pisos que odiava els mims", followed by her first novel, "Feli, esthéticienne", which won the 2000 Josep Pla Prize.

短編集L’ensenyador de pisos que odiava els mims(パントマイム芸人が嫌いな不動産屋)でデビューし、続いて最初の小説Feli, esthéticienne(エステティシャン、フェリ)を発表。

After the success of the book Emprendiendo hacia el 2010, the new version of this management classic has been totally revised and updated. It provides a thorough but entertaining analysis of the process of creating companies.

This manual is aimed at students at levels B2 – C1 who wish to broaden their knowledge and develop their skills in Spanish for business.

Carlos Taboada (Pontevedra, 1979) is an illustrator, writer, but mostly a reader.


A wonderful fairy tale in which the boys and girls at an orphanage in China find their parents, thanks to the intervention of some magic birds which live in their garden.

Inés, a fifty-year-old liberal professional, comfortably-off and married with two teenage children, seizes control of her life and turns it upside down. The reason why? Something as wild as stopping colouring her grey hairs.

Neskia Roth is peaceful village where lies don't exist and all the inhabitants live in total harmony with nature, but all this will change when Gaia, the Lady of the Dawn, is kidnapped by the Shadows of Fire and Oblivion, thus unleashing a freneti

Neskia Roth is peaceful village where lies don't exist and all the inhabitants live in total harmony with nature, but all this will change when Gaia, the Lady of the Dawn, is kidnapped by the Shadows of Fire and Oblivion, thus unleashing a freneti

La arquitectura es el inicio de una transformación. La construcción de un nuevo edificio en el barrio mantiene a Clara y a su abuelo Urbano muy entretenidos.

En construcción

An informative book on architecture to share and enjoy with your children. Architecture is the beginning of a transformation. The construction of a new building in the neighbourhood keeps Clara and her grandfather Urbano very entertained.

Many surprises await the reader of this novel, including the delicate art of the goldsmith and Ignacio Abad’s precise way of developing and unfolding the plot.


1998年1月、アナ・マリア・マトゥーテはスペイン王立アカデミーで《En el bosque(森のなかで)》と題した入会の講演を行った。言葉でできたその場所から物語の語り手は、明瞭な声で子どものころから魅了されてきた世界を披露した。聴衆の前に生き生きと立ち上がったのは、作家としての軌跡に常に寄り添ってきた映像や人物、すなわち秘密のささやき、暗がりにひそむ目に見えない命、世界の中心の住民たちの声。

Celeste is twenty years old and lives alone.

Floating in the smoky air of a basement jazz club, we get a bird’s eye view of the fear, desires, ambition, doubts, enthusiasm and jealousy of the group of people below us: a thirty-something whose bravest gesture in life has been to roll up his s

Shortly before the start of the Spanish Civil War, a young man from Tangier is assigned to a disciplinary company in charge of carrying out firing squad executions in Cape Juby, in North Africa’s Spanish protectorate.

Julieta y su madre llegan a La Sabina a pasar las vacaciones. A sus once años esa aldea perdida le parece a Julieta el mejor lugar para dejar atrás problemas a los que no sabe poner nombre.

En la boca del lobo

The author looks for inspiration and characters for his work in the city. With this book, Salvador manages with ease to get inside the majestic circle of Cortázar, Marechal or Bolaño.

Alexandra's grandmother is starting to forget everything. Alexandra's family thinks that she will not understand what is happening, as she is only twelve years old, so they begin to hide and disguise the truth.

The narrative begins with the discovery of a body in the swamp in Olba. The protagonist, Esteban, has been forced to close the furniture shop he owned, leaving his workers jobless and on the dole.


In the Other's Hair follows the lives of two young women from the first months of 1971 to the present day. On the one hand is Ramona Marquès, abandoned by a revolutionary who disappeared from her life, leaving her pregnant.


From the darkest Barcelona, comes a thriller with devlish pace. Eva Valverde is a pick-pocket, she has two income streams and dresses in Prada.

ナタリア・セレソの最初の短編集En las ciudades escondidas (ひなびた町で)に収められた物語を読んだ⼈の⼼には、奇妙なミニマリスト感覚が残る。孤独で難解な登場人物すべてに強く感じられる、秘められた私生活。⼝に出さないこと、失ったことの中に彼らの本当の姿はある。彼らはただ、⽣きている。著者が語るのはそれだ。

Get involved with the Valeria phenomenon. You'll love it! Valeria is a romance writer Valeria and a sublime love Valeria has three friends: Nerea, Carmen y Lola Valeria lives in Madrid. Valeria loves Adrián until she meets Víctor.

A boy called Pedro leaves his home one night in search of his fire engine, and goes into the forest. Some animals watch him curiously. An owl, a squirrel, a hedgehog… He doesn't notice. What is Pedro capable of to get his fire engine back?

ペラという男の子が夜中に家を抜け出して、おもちゃの消防車を探そうと森へ入っていった。何匹かの動物が、珍しそうにペラを見ている。フクロウ、リス、ハリネズミ……。でもペラは気づかない。どの動物なら、ペラに消防車を見つけさせることができるかな? さあ、ペラといっしょに森へ入ろう。そこできみは、好奇心旺盛なたくさんの動物に出会い、一緒に驚きに満ちたすばらしい冒険へと乗り出すだろう。

Who can summarise his or her own life in three hundred words?

自分の人生を300語にまとめることが出来る者がいるだろうか? アンドレス・バルバのこの空想的な小説の主人公は科学者のマルコス。母親が亡くなった後、妻と、複雑な政治歴を持つ引退したコメディアンの義兄弟とが初めてクリスマスに集ったときも、彼はずっとこの不可能なことについて頭を悩ませ続けていた。いつもながら個々人の密やかな空間を描き出すことに長けた作者は、本書でアイデンティティー、家族、ユーモア、願望、他人を真に発見した驚きについて語る。

Many women have had to take on the role of men throughout history to fulfill their ambitions or simply find a place in society.


Cecilia is the only person who visits Silvio, her best friend's grandfather, a man who jealously guards the mystery of a legendary life which he has never wanted to share with anyone.


In crisis-ridden Madrid, where the nights are "a place of frustrated emotions, dreams and passions shattered against the wall of a bar", a series of characters on the edge of another crisis, the thirty-something crisis, are looking for a direction

経済危機下のマドリード。夜は「バールの壁にぶつかって砕けた挫折した感情と夢と情熱の場」である。30代というもうひとつの危機を目前にした登場人物たちが、自分の道を探し求める。主人公の女性は行政訓練校に通う、60年代を懐かしむ作家で、つましい暮らしをしながら世界を変えようと目論んでいる。その友人には、唯一の解決法は光と闇との激しい戦いで全てを破壊することと考える元学生、美貌が却って仇になっている失業中の女優、 「持続可能性フリーク」のばりばりのIT技術者、好奇心旺盛で野心家の成金などがいる。


Born in Cordoba, Encarni Corral Pulido is a teacher of Therapeutic Pedagogy who believes in magic as the most direct route to connecting with children, and that is why she loves stories: she imagines them, writes them, lives them and tells them!

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy has been responsible for the most significant food industry crisis in the European Union. This disease has had an enormous impact on public health, the economy and politics.




- An explanation of each exercise and the muscles involved
- General theory of muscle stretching
- Test to measure the grade of joint mobility of the different parts of the body

The Pilates method is a collection of exercises, mostly low-impact, designed to work on postural correction and muscle and general flexibility without injury.


A work such as this requires great knowledge, experience and access to relevant, up-to-date data and evidence on Celtic culture, in particular in relation to its history, mythology, religion, popular traditions, oral and written (since the 5th cen

The Virtual Encyclopedia of the car is a new concept: an encyclopaedia in which the user not only consults the information, but can also interact with the content due to its the elctronic format.

Bernardo Gurbanov

Um pouco de história

O estudo dos ventos, as viagens de Marco Polo e a cartografia florentina do Século XV, impulsionaram as viagens empreendidas por Cristóvão Colombo à procura de rotas alternativas rumoa um distante Oriente.

Endika Urtaran (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1972). His first steps were taken in the Basque mountains, followed by the Pyrenees. As he always got lost, there was nothing for it but to go to Madrid to study Topographical Technical Engineering. After graduating, he worked in Morocco and Indonesia.

Since Editorial Eneida was founded over a decade ago, it has manage to make a place for itself in the Spanish publishing world due to its independence, the selection of its titles and its beautifully produced editions.

Enero's life seemed to run smoothly along a pre-determined path: studies, work, wedding, mortgage... until everything went wrong and he ended up locked up in a psychiatric hospital for five years.


Never before has a work brought us closer to the realities of bullying.


Enric Lluch has published over thirty books for small children and has won considerable acclaim for his work.

Born in Castalla in 1911, Enric Valor was one of Spain's most notable modern writers, and received the Honour Award for Catalan Letters. He was invested with Honorary Doctorates from several universities, including Valencia and Jaume 1.



Enrique Figueroa. Profesor of Ecology at the Universidad de Sevilla. He has published many articles and books on different issues related to the urban environment and ecology.

Enrique González Duro (La Guardia, Jaen, 1939), a psychiatrist with more than thirty years in public assistance, has been vice president of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry and has received two awards for his research projects.

Enrique Mauricio and Carlos Taboada have been part of the Polo Correo do Vento collective since 2008, dedicated to publishing children's books with Lela publishers, generating content and communication campaigns to paint murals and produce illustrated storybooks.


Enrique Páez was born in Madrid in 1955. He holds as degree in Hispanic Literature and has worked as an editor and teacher of Language and Creative Writing in Madrid and New York. He won the Lazarillo Fiction Prize in 1991 with Devuélveme el anillo, pelo cepillo [Give Me the Ring, Hair Brush].

Enrique Palacios, a Telecommunications Engineer and Master in Computer Science from the University of Alcalá de Henares, has extensive experience in developing projects with microprogrammable devices and has devoted 30 years to the teaching of electronics and computing during which he has publish

Enrique Rojas, a professor of Psychology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and director of the Instituto Español de Investigaciones Psiquiátricas, is part of a generation of humanist scientists that has a long tradition in Spain and in the rest of Europe.


 Sevillano de nacimiento y malagueño de adopción, cambia la Facultad de Medicina por su gran pasión: la cocina.


Vega Fernández ia a Colonel of Infantry in the reserve forces, with diplomas from the Chiefs of Staff and NATO Defence College. He has a degree in Psychology, a Masters in Peace, Security and Defence and a Doctorate in Peace and International Security.

Enrique Vegas is a cartoonist who has spent most of his artistic career humorously recreating characters from movies and comics. He is currently Spain’s most commercial author and is now delighted to add this important, highly personal new work to his list of achievements.

エンリケ・バルガスは、イラストレーターとしてのキャリアの大半を、映画やコミックの人物をユーモラスに再現することに捧げている。今日、最も商業的に成功しているスペイン人作家で、その業績にまたひとつ、重要であると同時に非常に個人的でもあるこの作品が加わった。本書の制作に、著者は多くの時間を費やしている。あらゆる年代の読者とつながる手法で知られており、代表作に『los Cabezones de las Galaxias(宇宙のデカ頭)』3部作、『Jarripotter, el mago Cabezón(ジャリーポッター、デカ頭の魔法使い)』がある。

Enrique Vila Matas, Barcelona, 1948

Enrique Vila-Matas (Barcelona, 1948) is one of the best known, most highly regarded and original Spanish writers of the moment. His works successfully span different genres while retaining his unique and unparalleled style.

What should teachers of physical education keep in mind to respond to the demands of the focus based on competences? How can competences be translated into a practical field?

Traditional Values for parents of today.

Understanding wine is synonymous with knowing how to enjoy life’s pleasures, and connoisseurs have that air of distinction which is conferred by the possession of an ancient and cultivated wisdom.

The book you have in your hands is an eminently practical work addressed both to parents of adolescent children, and tutors and secondary school teachers in general.


La educación de los adolescentes que abandonan la escuela de manera prematura acostumbra a generar opiniones diversas en las se tiende a acentuar su incapacidad para aprender y su incompetencia social, un juicio precipitado que esconde una realida

Entornos que capacitan. Intervención con adolescentes y jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión

When Verónica is ten years old, she discovers the photograph of a girl she has never seen before.


"between snakes and strangers" opens with the abrupt, sudden, surprising death of the narrator's father.


Entre donas (Among Women)

Entre donas

Ten stories by ten Galician women writers who range in narrative style, experience, recognition and other aspects, but are united by their willingness to speak up, with their own voice, placing women at the centre of the story.

Ten stories by ten Galician women writers who range in narrative style, experience, recognition and other aspects, but are united by their willingness to speak up, with their own voice, placing women at the centre of the story.

Alba and Marina have arranged something very special as a present for their father: a dive to a shipwreck.


Coches autónomos, móviles, juguetes que hablan, aspiradoras... Las máquinas inteligentes están por todas partes. ¿Cuánto de humano tienen las máquinas y cuánto de máquina tenemos las personas?

Entre máquinas inteligentes

自動運転自動車、携帯電話、しゃべるおもちゃ、ロボット掃除機……。知的機械はちまたに溢れています。機械はどれだけの人類を所有していて、人間はどれだけの機械を所有しているのでしょう? この本を読めば、知的機械の働き、それらがわたしたちの生活に与える影響や倫理的脅威を学ぶことができます。知的機械がどのようにして作動するのか、どのように学習するのか、多様でいながら使用者を選ばないためにはどのようなプログラミングが必要か、ということがわかります。イラストは鮮やかで、ユーモアたっぷりの本です。

A book for men and women who have an active sex life with their partner.

Entre tu pediatra y tú is the best tool a mother can use to eliminate anxiety caused by loneliness and a lack of knowledge as she brings up her children.

'Between Net Curtains' (Premio Nadal 1957) portrays the atmosphere, conservatism and hypocrisy beneath the surface of a Spanish provincial city in the middle of the previous century.

The novel is set in Salamanca and paints a vivid portrait of what life was like for young women in Franco’s Spain in the 1950s. Martín Gaite creates a whole gallery of characters.

Entre visillos

Entrevías Mon Amour is a love story between a father and his son (Teo Abad, war correspondent and the story's narrator), but also between a group of single women and the hero who returns from an unjust conflict. Yet another one.


At Molino de Ideas [Ideas Windmill] we develop language-based websites, products and services to help Spanish speakers both native and learners, leading to a simplification of language-learning and making Natural Language Processing much more exhaustive and efficient.

1940s Southern Andalusia. Anti-Franco guerrilla warfare is being conducted from the Ronda and Grazalema mountains to the Campo de Gibraltar. Largomayo joins this group of 'maquis', led by Bernabé López Calle, also called Comandante Abril.

When Media Vaca started out back in 1998, the editor was not sure what sort of books they wanted to publish, but it was very clear which ones wouldn't be included: those that had been done a thousand times, like Little Red Riding Hood!

The Twice Upon a Time collection is a second chance to tell well-loved traditional tales without sexism, inequality and violence.


The Twice Upon a Time collection is a second chance to tell well-loved traditional tales without sexism, inequality and violence.


The Twice Upon a Time collection is a second chance to tell well-loved traditional tales without sexism, inequality and violence.


Eric Rolf is a Western master, born in New York on November 27, 1936.
He has explored in depth the creative process and communication, and Medicine of the Soul is the result of its awakening in the field of art through these specialties.

The most surprising young adult crime saga in recent years, with paranormal elements and a hilarious protagonist. Erik Vogler is one of those characters the reader loves to hate but ends up loving.


Erika Lust studied political science at the university of Lund, specialising in human rights and feminism. After graduating in 2000, she moved to Barcelona.


Ernesto Frers is a writer and translator who researches historico-cultural topics.
His last books, published by Ediciones Robinbook, are Piratas y templarios (Pirates and Templars), Claves secretas del arte (Key Secrets of Art) and Más allá del legado pirata (Beyond the Pirate Legacy)

Ernesto Ariganello is a communications engineer and instructor qualified from the Cisco Networking Academy. He gives courses on networks and communications. A specialist in electronics hardware, he has various qualifications, including the CCNP.

Calabuig has a degree in philosophy. He is a writer, literary critic for 'El Mundo''s 'El Cultural' supplement and translator from German. He works as a philosophy teacher at a school in Madrid.

Ernesto de Serdio (Sevilla, 1966) has a degree in Economics by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He has also made postgraduate studies at the European School of Management (ESCP Europe). Since 1992 he has worked in the wine sector as managing director, wine-producer and feature writer.

Ernesto Navarro complements his work as an illustrator by teaching at the Zaragoza School of Art.

This book arises from a collective discussion which suggested articulating the concepts of wandering and writing as a way to read some texts published in recent years by Latin American writers: Roberto Bolaño, Pedro Lemebel, Horacio Castellanos Mo

Although written for teenagers, 'Es raro ser niña' is a book that readers of all ages can enjoy. The author introduces us to Cuasi, the protagonist of a true story.


A Basque terrorist gets out of prison after 25 years while the leaders of the organisation negotiate a ceasefire with the government.


A Basque terrorist gets out of prison after 25 years while the leaders of the organisation negotiate a ceasefire with the government.


Escipión tells of the painful process of a son overcoming the weight of his father’s legacy, and of how his acknowledgment that they are more alike than he has ever cared to admit enables him, paradoxically, to distance himself from this hate figure, accepting him as a person as complex and falli


The difficult relationship between father and son: the burden of inheritance.

The difficult relationship between father and son: the burden of inheritance.

Seven stories starring authors from world literature; texts that all explore the destruction and death caused by armed conflicts, but also the hope that prevails in the face of adversity, the strength to overcome misfortune, and the bonds of solid




Prince or imposter? The impossible story of the last descendent of Moctezuma.

Prince or imposter? The impossible story of the last descendent of Moctezuma.

王子なのか詐欺師なのか? メキシコのアステカ族の王モクテスマの最後の子孫の奇想天外な物語。16世紀にモクテスマの娘のひとりがスペイン人貴族に拉致され、ピレネー山中の人里離れた村に連れていかれた。そこで男児を生んだことが、21世紀まで続く狂気の血統の始まりとなる。この話に魅せられた語り手は、アステカ王女と息子の子孫である、バルセロナ上流階級の男、キコ・グラウのとても本当とは思えない実話を発見する。

Four years after being launched, Esencia is the benchmark publisher of romance and chick-lit.

ESIC Editorial is the publishing arm of the ESIC Business and Marketing School, producing works of research and explanation in the field of economics, business and marketing.
Its constantly updated catalogue contains over 300 current titles.

CIF: R 2800828 B

ESIC Editorial is the publishing arm of the ESIC Business and Marketing School, producing works of research and explanation in the field of economics, business and marketing.
Its constantly updated catalogue contains over 300 current titles.

CIF: R 2800828 B

ESIC Editorial is the publishing arm of the ESIC Business and Marketing School, producing works of research and explanation in the field of economics, business and marketing.
Its constantly updated catalogue contains over 300 current titles.

CIF: R 2800828 B

This book is an introduction to the Psychology of Self-Realization, which encourages people to discover their true and deep nature through inner-development, integrating different psychological theories and techniques.

This is the story of a journey, not without surprises, through the last three hundred years of the history of Spain.

Editorial Espasa has maintained and strengthened its reputation for promoting cultural development in Spain and Latin America through its broad catalogue: reference works and an extensive, select base of classics, combined with the best of contemporary fiction and non-fiction.


Esperança Camps (Ciutadella de Menorca, 1964) studied Information Science and is a writer. She has worked for press, radio and television. She has been a journalist for RTVV since 1989, first with Radio 9 and then Canal 9.

エスペランサ・カム(1964年、シウタデリャ・デ・メノルカ生まれ)は情報科学科卒。ライター。新聞、ラジオ、テレビで働く。1989年よりRTVVのジャーナリストとなり、ラジオ9から始めテレビ9に移動。出版した小説は6冊、いくつかの短編集にその作品が収録されている。アルジラ市賞、バレンシア出身小説家対象の批評家賞、オデュッセイア読者賞等を受賞。ブログwww.ecamps.catも持つ。 エンパル・マルコ(ゴデリャ出身)は文献学士、ジャーナリスト。自治州女性支援サービスの設立に技術者としてに協力。ラジオテレビシオンバレンシアナ社、バレンシア大学など多数の企業に通信分野でかかわる。

Paris, 1935. Writers, painters, poets, and photographers come together in the streets and cafes of the Rive Gauche, as


The forest has been enveloped in total darkness for some time. Its inhabitants miss the moon and the stars but above all they miss the sun.

Una absoluta oscuridad envuelve la selva desde hace tiempo.
Sus habitantes extrañan la luna y las estrellas pero, sobre todo,

Esperando el amanecer

A master of contemporary Galician fiction, the author of Memorias dun neon labrego (Memories of a Peasant Boy) now offers us his new novel, Waiting for the Milkcart.

Is it possible to illuminate and orientate our lives through the search for transcendence?

Based in a ramshackle house on the outskirts of Cadaqués, Simon Schneider works for a highly successful author who goes by the name Gran Bros and lives hidden away in New York.


Esta bruma insensata (This Foolish Haze)

Enrique Vila-Matas’s latest novel is a first person narrative that plays brilliantly with ideas of originality and intertextuality within literature.

Esta bruma insensata

A man who was jailed by police chief Delmar decides to take his revenge and prepares a plan that will take him sixteen years to execute.»

In It's All Still To Do Pau Garcia-Milà Pujol covers everything that can happen after the initial spark of an idea: from the inevitable doubts about its foolishness, to being convinced it will change the world, through to the moment when we decide


Estabulario (Stable)


Two girls chatting on the phone while they wait for the guests. In the street shots and explosions are heard, until one day the television starts to speak to them, encouraging them to flee.

Distinguished and terrible characters, echoes of childhood, looks of yearning and of disgust at life run through 'Estancos del Chiado', a volume that brings together the best stories by the Barcelona author Fernando Clemot, all written before 2005

Injustice, magic, war and love... In an imaginary kingdom in a distant age, the wicked king Lombar Natoque has managed to spread terror throughout the entire country. His ambition knows no limits. Nothing escapes his control.

不公平、魔法、戦争と愛……遥か昔、とある架空の王国では、邪悪な王ロムバル・ナトケが国中を恐怖に陥れていた。王の野望は果てしなく、すべてが王の支配下にあった。魔法は禁じられ、人々は恐れおののいて生きていた。そこで、 ニクライ・エスタネブラヘという若き靴職人が先頭に立って反乱を起こす。


The Spanish scriptwriter and author Esteban Martín was born in Barcelona on 8th December 1956. With a broad ranging career as an actor, scriptwriter and even historian, Esteban Martín has contributed to a variety of magazines and media organs, he has written novels, short stories and scripts.

エステバン・マルティンは1956年12月8日バルセロナ生まれ。脚本家で作家。俳優、脚本家、さらに歴史家などの教育を受けるが、雑誌やメディアで仕事をし、小説や短編、脚本を書いてきた。La clave Gaudí(ガウディ・コード、2007)がベストセラーとなり、数か国語に翻訳。新刊の小説El pintor de sombras(暗闇の画家、2009)もこれまでと同じく、歴史上の人物に陰謀やミステリーを織り込む手法の作品である。

Esteban Mira Caballos. Visiting professor at the University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Ester Pallarès has a degree in Audiovisual Communication by the UAB and a master’s in Multimedia Application Design by the UPC. He is taken a Phd in Persuasive Communication at the UPF and is a consultant in online marketing at Multiplica Madrid.


Ester Sánchez Vallina Bachelor in Geography and History, speciality of History of Art,(1998) and Specialist in Illustration from the Escuela de Arte de Oviedo (2002).

Esteve Pujol i Pons was born in Sabadell in 1941. He has devoted 47 years to being a teacher at all levels, specialising in projective psychology, and combined his own work in psychology and linguistics. He has spent the last 20 years in teacher training.

Esther García Llovet (Málaga 1963) has lived in Madrid since 1970, and studied Clinical Psychology and Film Directing in that city. She has published Coda (2003), Submáquina (2009), Las crudas (2009) and Mamut (2013), as well as stories in various anthologies and magazines.

エステル・ガルシア=リョベト(1963年、マラガ生まれ):1970年からマドリードに暮らし、臨床心理学と映画監督術を学ぶ。『Coda(コーダ)』(2003)、『Submáquina(サブマシン)』(2009)、『Las crudas(なま)』(2009)、『Mamut(マンモス)』(2013)を刊行、さまざまなアンソロジーや雑誌で作品を発表している。英訳者として通常、雑誌「ジョットダウン」の翻訳に関わっている。

The publisher operates under the imprint "Koala Ediciones"


Esther Ginés became involved in writing from a young age. In 2012 she published her first novel, "El sol de Argel" (Argel's Sun), which was followed in 2017 by "En la noche de los cuerpos" (On the Night of the Bodies).

Esther Zorrozua (Bilbao). Studied Romance Philology, and holds a doctorate in literature on Vargas Llosa. She is a teacher in an institute of secondary education. She collaborates with a range of newspapers and magazines, both paper and digital.

Everything begins the day Paula decided to say 'no'. Saying 'no' was fun and Paula could do whatever she wanted... But then something unexpected happened: her house turned into a REAL LIVE jungle with trees, vines, overgrown vegetation...


With its generation of excellent chefs, the world of contemporary Spanish haute cuisine can teach entrepreneurs a great deal about looking for new ideas and show businesses how to re-invent themselves by aiming for the highest levels in their sect

 Understanding a company from the viewpoint of general management is essential not only for top-level executives, but also for functional executives who want a greater understanding of the interrealtionships which occur within organsiations.

This book brings together the current organisation of social groups and the marketing strategies relating to them.

This book has been built from the research work done, over more than one year, by an interdisciplinary and interagency work team.

Anna Miracle and David Acevedo are the creative duo behind DAQ, a studio specialising in illustration and art direction that creates visual content to turn ideas into stories.

"I'm going to tell you the things that only a big brother will tell you; that your father will never say".

If we were living with humans of other species less gifted than our own, such as neanderthals or some kind of homo hablilis, we would respect our differences and not regard them as creatures to be used to serve us.

Sotoo was born in Fukuoka, Japan. He is a sculptor, and visiting professor at Kyushu University User Science Institute, School of Engineering, and Ambassador of Kesennuma, Rias Sanriku (Japan).

A beautiful book written by prestigious, multi-awarded Galician writer Teresa Moure and illustrated by painter Leandro Lamas, one of the most unique artists in the current painting landscape of Galicia.

Eudald Carbonell was born in Ribes de Freser (Gerona) in 1953. He is currently a professor of pre-history at the Univseridad Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, and co-director of the First Settlers of Atapuerca project.


What happened to Dani Santana? The journalist is in plaster from head to foot in hospital after an attempted assassination.

ダニ・サンタナに何があったのか? ジャーナリストのダニは殺されかけ、今は体の上から下までギプスに覆われている。病院という独自の法則を持つ世界で、彼は車椅子生活を送ることになったラグビーのユースチームの選手グラトゥと親しくなる。落ち着きがなく、おまけにハッカーでもあるグラトゥは、保健システムの破たんの原因調査にサンタナを巻き込む。その頃、世界有数の億万長者、メキシコの実業家ロベルト・M・ファウラがバルセロナに到着する。

Eugènia de Pagès Bergés is professor of the history of secondary school teaching and adviser to primary and secondary schools as an expert on the subjects of concentration and relaxation in the classroom.

Eugenia Tusquets Trías de Bes was born in Barcelona and has been a painter for over thirty years, as well as cultivating many facets of writing. Her paintings have won many awards, among which is the very significant national painting award 'Bay Arts 82', for which she received first prize.

Marga Iriarte was born in Barcelona in 1956 and has lived in Galicia and Granada. She studied Social Science and Sociology in Barcelona. She has a Law degree from Barcelona University.

Eugenia Tusquets comenzó su carrera artística como pintora tras licenciarse en Arte y Diseño en la Escola Massana de Barcelona, y paralelamente se dedicó a diferentes facetas de la escritura. Fue guionista del programa Tiempo Libre de Televisión Española.

Publisher whose list includes fiction, poetry and children's/young adult. With a special focus on new authors but with previous successes in other areas of the cultural industry such as various National Prizes and journalism.

Eugenio del Río has published various books, among them: La clase obrera en Marx (1986), La sombra de Marx. Estudio crítico sobre la fundación del marxismo [1887-1900] (1993), Modernidad, posmodernidad (1997), La izquierda. Trayectoria en Europa occidental (1999), Disentir, resistir.

Eugenio Fuentes' (Montehermoso, Cáceres, 1958) huge success as one of Spain's greatest thriller writers is thanks to the cases of his detective, Ricardo Cupido: “El interior del bosque” (The Depths of the Forrest), “La sangre de los ángeles” (The Blood of Angels), “Las manos del pianista” (The Pi


Eulàlia Bosch is a philosophy teacher. One of her main interests is to explore how art can be used in education. She spends some of her time organising exhibitions such as “Criaturas Misteriosas”, “La Capsa Magica”, «Recordar es construir memoria», «Ver la luz» and «Frecuencias».

Eulàlia Fargas (Manresa, 1959) is a chef, teacher, and an expert in cookery for children. Premio Crítica “Serra d’Or” for her children’s recipe book Cocinar Juntos (Cooking Together), published by RBA.


Created in 1979 by the Escola Universitària de Mestres d’Osona (origin of the Universitat de Vic), Eumo was founded to stimulate and support research and teaching activity. It specialises in essays, university manuals and scholastic books.

A review of two centuries’ history of the countries divided by the Vistula and the Danube, from Poland to Serbia, the Czech Republic to Romania.

The First World War has been considered by many historians as the true dividing line of 20th century European history, the traumatic break with the dominant politics of the time.

Born in San Martín del Rey Aurelio (Asturias). She graduated with a degree in chemistry from the University of Oviedo and moved to Madrid, where she continues to live and work. She teaches secondary school maths and chemistry at La Inmaculada school.

Eva Clemente (escritora e ilustraciones) Siempre me ha atraído lo creativo y no me gustan las etiquetas, así que desde pequeña me he ido acercando al arte por diferentes caminos.

Eva Clemente (escritora e ilustraciones) Siempre me ha atraído lo creativo y no me gustan las etiquetas, así que desde pequeña me he ido acercando al arte por diferentes caminos.

Eva Clemente (writer, illustrator) I have always been attracted to creativity and dislike labels, so since I was little I have been experimenting with art in different ways.

Eva Clemente (escritora e ilustraciones) Siempre me ha atraído lo creativo y no me gustan las etiquetas, así que desde pequeña me he ido acercando al arte por diferentes caminos.

Eva García Sáenz de Urturi (Vitoria, 1972) has lived in Alicante since the age of fifteen. Following a degree in Optics and Optometry, she held various management positions in the optics industry before furthering her professional career with a teaching position at the University of Alicante.

エバ・ガルシア=サエンス・デ・ウルトゥリ(1972年ビトリア生まれ)は15歳の時からアリカンテに住む。検眼と視力検査技師の資格を持ち、10年間その分野で働いたのち、アリカンテ大学の専任教員となる。2012年に小説La saga de los longevos(長寿者のサガ)で文学界に入った。同書は売上好調で批評家の評判もよかったため、英語に翻訳されて米国、英国やオーストラリアでも販売され、ベストセラーになった。現在マーケティングやモチベーションや文学についての講義や講演をしつつ、次の小説を準備している。

Eva Rodríguez Juanesbio was born in Madrid in 1979. She graduated in Humanities from the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. For some years she has worked as an editor and translator. Her writing is directed with the youngest readers.


Eva Lara Alberola has a doctorate in Spanish Linguistics from the University of Valencia, where she went on to work for four years as an intern with the Ministry of Education and Culture. She has written in various specialist publications, and spoken at conferences, about her research.

Eva Piquer (Barcelona, 1969) is a writer, journalist and mother of four (although not necessarily in that order!). She has worked as the coordinator of the cultural review Avui, a professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and a correspondent in New York.

エバ・ピケールは1969年バルセロナ生まれ。作家、文化ジャーナリスト、4児の母(この3つの役割は順不同)。アブイ紙の文化特集版のコーディネーター、バルセロナ自治大学教授、ニューヨーク特派員。小説Una victòria diferent (違った勝利)でジュゼップ・プラ賞を受賞。

Eva Rodríguez Juanes, born in Madrid in 1979. She has a degree in Humanities from the University of Alcalá de Henares. She works as an editor for Ediciones Jaguar and in 2006 founded Ediciones Kraken, specialising in comics. She also translates children’s books.


Obtained a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona and went onto broaden her training as an illustrator, graphic and multimedia designer. Since 2009 she has illustrated some twenty books. She has also taken part in numerous exhibitions, mostly in Catalunia.


Eva Santana is a journalist, author and illustrator. She was previously the director of a very popular children's magazine. She believes that books help children become amazing people. Carmen Saldaña is a very popular illustrator with over 185,000 followers on Instagram.

エバ・サンタナ:ジャーナリスト、作家、イラストレーター。非常に有名な子ども向けの雑誌の編集長の経験を持つ。本は、子どもたちがすばらしい人間になる手助けをするものだと信じている。 カルメン・サルダーニャ:インスタグラムで18万5000人以上のフォロワーをもつ、非常に人気のあるイラストレーター。動物、鳥、昆虫など、自然に関するあらゆるものを愛し、それらが彼女のインスピレーションの大きな源となっている。

This book has three main topics: a) the historical plane situates the gospel in the context of the Judean War (66-70 AD) from inside the deployment of the Christian communities.


María Hesse asks about the villains in the story, the
witches in the fairy tales, the capricious and cruel
women who changed the path of history: a brilliant
twist on the fictional figures like the evil stepmother

Evil Women



Lara's nickname at school is 'weirdo'. The main reason why Lara is marginalised is that she's only interested in literature, and social interaction isn't her strong point.



Publishing house for illustrated tales for young and old. Stories portraying emotions and carrying messages and values.


From how it all began to a compendium of formulae to make us happier in an improved world, touching on the keys to our emotions, the complexity of the brain and the secrets of the Earth, Eduard Punset gives us his clear, pleasing and accessible re


Success for Losers is the story, told in the first person, of the success, failure and renewed success of David Cantolla, one of the creators of the animated series Pocoyó and Jelly Jamm.


Winner of the 2016 Premio UPC. Welcome to Zigurat. The colonies on this mysterious planet have survived in an extraordinarily hostile environment for years.


We have really been left in the lurch. No one is going to take care of us now and we have to learn to find our own way in life. From now on, each and every one of us will have to design his own professional career.

My name is Juan and I’m an explorer. Every morning I pack my backpack and go on an adventure. We explorers are very brave. Nothing can stop us! And going to school every day can be an adventure too!



In the last thirty years, interurban European railway traveller services have acquired a new protagonism with the construction of new infrastructures and the implementation of high speed services.

Questions of love are always coloured with emotion, full of dangers, treacherous, full of contradictions, but above all they are weighted with feeling and emotion.


This story based on real events and set in sixties’ Cuba. The revolution has been won and two boys with seemingly nothing in common become friends.


Fabio Morábito (1955) lives in Mexico and is the author of three books of poetry: Lotes baldíos, winner of the Carlos Pellicer prize, De lunes todo el año, winner of the Premio Aguascalientes, and Alguien de lava.

Fabiola Anchorena grew up between Peru and the USA. She studied architecture but works as an illustrator, mainly focussing on nature. She has worked with several initiatives connected to the textiles sector and corporate design. Since 2015 she has promoted Different Folks Co.

Creció entre Perú y Estados Unidos, estudió arquitectura y se dedica a la ilustración, principalmente con la naturaleza como protagonista. Ha trabajado en iniciativas vinculadas al sector textil y el diseño corporativo.

The Galenic fable, where "there are animals which talk like people, and people who behave like animals", recounts the adventures of Aunt Lola's donkey, a character immortalised by the Os Dezas de Moneixas pipers in the paso doble of the same name.

Social networks have become a mass phenomenon in recent years. Their success is blinding and the number of users continues to climb.
Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular of them all, with nearly 640 million members.

Una historia sobre el hijo de la farmacéutica y la hija de El de los piensos, sobre un pueblo leonés donde han clausurado las minas, se va a demoler la central térmica y no hay futuro alguno.



This text aims to help optimize the efficient execution of an integrated management system audit.


¿Qué son? ¿Quién las crea? Y, sobre todo, ¿con qué propósito?
En las redes sociales encontramos, a diario, imágenes y vídeos
manipulados, teorías de la conspiración, deepfakes y bots que

Fake Over

What are they? Who makes them? And above all, what for?

それは何? だれがそれを作り出すの? そしてなにより、目的は? ソーシャルネットワークを通じて私たちは日々、操作された画像や映像、陰謀論、ディープフェイクや悪意のあるボットを目にする。それだけではなく、何が本当で何が嘘かを確かめるすべを持たないために、知らないうちに共犯者になったり、ニセ情報を流して混乱を引き起こしたりしてしまうかもしれない。

The "false calm" referred to in the title is Patagonia, an immense cold, ghostly region in which time seems to have come to a permanent halt.

Falsa calma (False calm)

Falsa calma

Ernesto has decided to go on a teen dating programme on TV with the hope of finding himself a girlfriend. Which is why he is so surprised when, without knowing how it happened, they pair him up with a guy called Félix.


The flash of a false memory can cut a life short and compromise a delicate foreign intelligence operation. Unai Lambert, a young Frenchman who studied history at the Sorbonne, starts work as an analyst for the Spanish intelligence services.

The flash of a false memory can cut a life short and compromise a delicate foreign intelligence operation. Unai Lambert, a young Frenchman who studied history at the Sorbonne, starts work as an analyst for the Spanish intelligence services.

Fiona and Lucas have a secret. It isn't just any old secret but an enormous, gigantic, immense one: the F family (that is to say Fiona and Lucas's family) is part of a witness protection program.


The family occupies a preferential place in psychological, sociological research and, of course, in the field of education, especially in present times.

'There are as many kinds of families as there are ways of loving. A family doesn't need to be explained, just lived.'. This picture book contains fourteen cartoons of different families, each set in a bed.


Fanny is Careles Soldevila's most famous novel.


María is a young journalist used to making an impression. Disillusioned after the break-up of a relationship, she decides to accept a position as a correspondent in Kabul.

Damien has worked for 35 years as a cinema projectionist. He is used to seeing the world through the films that have passed through his hands and thinks and talks like the film characters who have impressed him.


César and Mara, a couple about to finish their degree in business administration, are attacked in the street but survive unscathed thanks to the appearance of a stranger, Mikel.


Ramonet is a Gypsy who lives in the South of France.


Valeria Falcón is an actress with something of a reputation who visits Ana Urrutia, a has-been, every Thursday. Urrutia suffers Diogenes syndrome and does not have a penny to her name.


Nora, a married woman of forty with a secret, meets Nacho, a young biologist, on a plane and is unfaithful to her husband for the first time.


This book displays a general vision on the evolution of the studies on international fascism, as well as the development of Spanish fascism from its beginnings until its inclusion in Franco’s dictatorship.

Faye Williams is a freelance translator from Spanish to English, whose recent work includes co-translating a historical novel, theatre translation, editing crime fiction and audiovisual translation for Manchester International Festival.

What Fede wants most in the world is to be a pirate, but he’s got a long way to go before he becomes one.


Federico Joaquín Delicado Gallego was born in 1956. He works under the name Federico Delicado. He graduated in Fine Arts from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and started working as an illustrator in 1970, creating audIovisual materIal.


Federico García Lorca was born in Fuentevaqueros on 5 June 1898 and was shot dead after the coup d'etat that led to the Spanish Civil War. He was a poet, playwright and prose writer.


He holds a PhD in Chemistry from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Master in Environmental Management from the Institute for Ecological Research and the Open International University of the United Nations.

Publishing company specialising in young adult and children´s literature whose aim is to improve young people´s reading habits. We have over a dozen collections of books for all ages that combine didactic elements with entertainment.


Fedosy Santaella (1970) is a Venezuelan author who has written a number of collections of short stories including "Piedras lunares" ("Moonstones"), "Ciudades que ya no existen" ("Cities That Don't Exist Yet"), "Instrucciones para leer este libro" ("Instructions For Reading This Book") and "Tercer

Félicette fue la primera gata que viajó a la luna. Esta es su verdadera historia. Félix, el gato elegido para ir al espacio había desaparecido, y Félicette, extrañada y curiosa, sin pensárselo dos veces, salió en su busca.


This story recounts half a century in the history of a small city in the north of Spain, from the postwar period in which the protagonist arrives there to work on the railways, up to the present day.

Felicidad Ramos Ramos Cerezo (La Llagosta, Barcelona 1974). With a career spanning more than twenty years, she began her working life at companies in the electronics and automotive industries.

Felipe Benítez Reyes is the author of books including The Fiancé of the World, The Thoughts of Monsters, Chance and Vice Versa and Market of Mirages, which won the Nadal award.

『El novio del mundo(世界の恋人) 』、『El pensamiento de los monstruos(怪物たちの思考)』、『El azar y viceversa(偶然とその反対)』、ナダル賞を受賞した『Mercado de espejismos(蜃気楼の市場)』などの小説を出版。1978年から2008年までに書いた詩は『Libro de poemas(詩の本)』に収められており、その後『Las identidades(アイデンティティ)』と『Ya la sombra(いずれは影)』を刊行。

Felipe Galán has a degree in Media Studies from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He worked as a sports journalist for Telemadrid for sixteen years and has also worked as a Journalism professor at Carlos III University.

フェリペ・ガランは、マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学で情報科学の学位を取得。16年間、テレビ局「テレマドリード」のスポーツ記者を務め、カルロス3世大学でジャーナリズムの教授としても教鞭をとっている。児童書Pedro y el invento del siglo(ペドロと世紀の発明)、Operación Ozono (オゾン作戦)、Amigo di verso(詩集:いろんな友達)、小説La sombra de Nayá(ナヤーの影)の著者。葬儀をテーマにした短編小説国際コンクール1位の他、数々の短編小説コンクールで受賞歴あり。現在、複数のテレビ局でテレビ番組の制作に携わっている。

Felipe has a cold and he can’t stop sneezing, but he doesn’t want the medicine that will make him better. The remedies his friends come up with are a bit crazy, and don’t seem to cure him at all. Poor Felipe, he just can’t get rid of his cold!

フェリペはかぜをひいていて、くしゃみが止まらないけど、薬をのみたくない。だけど、友だちが教えてくれるなおし方はどれもむちゃくちゃで、ちっともなおりそうにない。だからかわいそうに、フェリペはかぜをひいたまま! この絵本に出てくるフェリペは、かぜをひいてもおばあちゃんには耳をかさず、友だちのいうことばかり聞く。経験ゆたかな人の言葉には、教えられることがたくさんあるのにね……。

Félix Ángel Fernández has developed his professional career over the last 10 years in the field of SAP technology, specialising in the data-warehousing tool now known as SAP Netweaver BW.

Born in 1942 close to Santiago de Compostela, Carbó Alonso used to visit the cathedral as a child with his grandmother. The Pórtico de la Gloria has a profound impact on him and he has searched ever since for someone who could explain its images to him.

Félix Fantoba is fascinated by magic. So much so, that he sets up a club and organises a rally to practise escapism in Valdemar, an abandoned village where paranormal activity is said to have occurred.

The first light he saw was that of the sky over Biscay in the mid-sixties. He learnt to read in Bilbao and to write in Portugalete.

Félix J. Palma (born Sanlúcar de Barrameda, 1968) is a writer, professor of creative writing and literary coach. Since his debut with the short story collection 'El vigilante de la salamandra' ('The Salamander's Guard') (1998), which received widespread critical acclaim, Félix J.

フェリクス・J・パルマ(1968年サンルーカル・デ・バラメーダ⽣まれ)は作家で創作及び文芸コーチングの教師。短編集El vigilante de la salamandra(サンショウウオの監視員、1998)で⼩説家としてデビュー、好評を博す。それ以来、Las interioridades(個⼈的な事柄、2001 年ティルフォス賞)、Los arácnidos(蜘蛛、2003年カディス議会イベロアメリカ短編賞受賞)などの短編集を出版し、奇怪幻想⽂学における地位を独力で築く。

Big Bad Wolf's sister is very worried because her son is not bad at all; he is just a big softie. Big Bad reassures her and tells her to send him to his house, because he is going to make his nephew into a real big bad wolf.

大きな悪いオオカミ、フェロスの妹は、心配でたまりません。自分の息子がちっとも悪くないどころか、これ以上ないほどいい子過ぎるからです。フェロスはそんな妹を慰め、甥っ子を自分の家に来させるようにいいました。自分が甥っ子を真の悪いオオカミに鍛えてやろうというのです。子どもオオカミは伯父を訪ね、伯父の言う通りにしようとします。恐ろしい遠吠えをしたり、ウサギを狩ったり、赤ずきんちゃんを怖がらせたり、おばあさんを食べたり…… けれど、いつも失敗してしまいます。

The phenomenon of low cost includes several aspects, where the main one is the variation in the historic concept of price.


Els orígens de cadascun de vosaltres defineixen, en bona part, com sou i com gestioneu la vostra vida, emocionalment i econòmicament.

Fer diners

Fermín Bocos (Santander) studied Medicine and is a graduate in Journalism from the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. As a journalist, he worked as director of the information services at Radio Barcelona and COPE.

Fermín Solís is a children's author and comic artist for adults. His first publications were made in collaboration with fanzines such as La Comictiva, Monográfico and L.S.D.

Fernando Clemot, writer and editor, was born in Barcelona in 1970. His literary output so far has been centred on short stories.

Fernanda Krahn-Uribe was born in 1967 in New York to Chilean parents, and grew up in Sitges, Catalonia. She studied English Philology at the University of Barcelona. She has published two novels for young people in Spain.

Fernando Aramburu was born in San Sebastián in 1959. He graduated in Spanish Language from the University of Zaragoza, and has lived in Germany since 1985, where he works as a Spanish teacher.

Fernando Argenta is well known by adults and children alike from his programme on Spanish TV, "The Big Concert" , which ran from 2000 to 2008.

Fernando Ariza was born in Madrid in 1978. He studied literature at Complutense University and earned a doctorate in Spanish Literature from the same university. He currently works as a lecturer in literature.

Fernando Luque, PhD. in the Physics of Complex Systems, is a lecturer in ETSI Aeronáuticos of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Fernando Ballesteros, PhD in Physics and Astronomy, works at the Observatorio Astronómico of the Universidad de Valencia.

Professor of Spanish Language & Literature. Lecturer and scholar of the culture and history of the Golden Age. He has written various works: Antología poética de Quevedo; El Nuevo Mundo descubierto

Born in Barcelona in 1970, the author has published the books of short stories Unforgettable Safaris (2012) and Chiado Ponds (2009), which was a finalist for the National Prize for Narrative and the Setenil Prize for the best book of short stories published that year.

Fernando da Casa de Cantos (Cartagena, 1967) has a degree in law from the University of Murcia. He is a practising lawyer, working in different fields, a businessman, also in different fields, and doesn't reject the idea of future business ventures.

Fernando Fedriani was born in Seville but adopted Granada as his home. With a degree in Hispanic Literature and a PhD cum laude from the Pablo de Olavide University, he works as a civil servant and a language and literature teacher.

セビーリャで生まれ、グラナダで育つ。パブロ・デ・オラビデ大学のスペイン語文献学部を優秀な成績で卒業。公務員、言語文学の教師。現在は新聞イデアルのコラムニストで、以前はエルムンド、アンダルシア・インフォルマシオン紙でコラムを書いていた。著書に、小説『Menta y nata(ミントとクリーム)』、抒情詩『Vida y vuelta(生命と帰還)』、戯曲『El protagonista muere(主役が死ぬ)』、小説『Magia para torpes(不器用な者のための魔法)』がある。子どもの頃はおもちゃの車で遊び、ペピートというマラガ出身の空想の友だちがいた。

EN - Fernando Fernández Villa

C/ Del Hoyo, 18, 2º D. 30530 Cieza (Murcia) España
Fernando Fernández Villa
+34 968773117 - 630207269

EN - Fernando Fernández Villa

C/ Del Hoyo, 18, 2º D. 30530 Cieza (Murcia) España
Fernando Fernández Villa
+34 968773117 - 630207269


Fernando Figueroa has a PhD in Art History and is a plastic-graphic artist, actor and novelist.

美術史学博士、グラフィック及び造形デザイナー、俳優、小説家。1995年からグラフィティーやストリートアートなどの文化現象の分析と理解に取り組みはじめた。グラフィティーを、現代を中心とする時代や類型ごとにまとめ、コミュニケーションや表現の手段として研究している。グラフィック・アートの展覧会を開催し、舞台、とりわけ道化師の世界やコンメディア・デッラルテの舞台に出演。小説家として、本書とLas máscaras de Gades(ガデスの仮面)を執筆。どちらも歴史小説で、史実に厳密に基づきながらもファンタジーとユーモアに満ちている。

Fernando García Ballesteros was born in Barcelona in 1970. He has a degree in Pharmacy from Barcelona University and graduated in English Studies from UNED. He has worked in healthcare and teaching; currently, he teaches Health and Social care.

He was born in Badajoz, and is a professor of Educational Methodology on the Moodle platform in Madrid.

Fernando J. Múñez was born in Madrid in 1972 and developed a taste for writing from a very young age. He started work on his first novel at the age of 14 and his first film scripts at 18.

Fernando J. López del Oso Was born in Madrid in 1974 and graduated in Biology.He became interested in travel and ecotourism, designing travel packages for some of the most exclusive travel agencies. He also started contributing to the magazine Enigmas.

Born in Zaragoza more than half a century ago he is a Pisces. When he was little he wanted to be an architect. When he grew up he wanted to be a theatre actor. In the middle he studied Law and in the end opted to become a writer.

半世紀前にサラゴサで生まれた。星座は魚座。子どもの頃は建築家になろうと思っていたが、大きくなると舞台俳優になりたくなった。しかしその後、法律を学び、結局作家になることを選ぶ。それを決めたのは1985年2月20日午後9時15分。電話がかかってきて、彼の最初の小説『El Zulo(隠れ家)』がグラン・アングラール賞を受賞したと聞いたときだった。以来、書くことだけに専念。100冊以上の作品を出版し、250万人の読者がいる。国民児童文学賞など、多くの賞を受賞。最も有名な作品は映画化された『Morirás en Chafarinas(君はチャファリナスで死ぬだろう)』。

Fernando Lanzas (Economic and Commercial Counsellor at the Spanish Embassy in London) Fernando Lanzas was born in Madrid in 1951. He graduated in Law and in Business Studies.

Fernando Llor: Vigo, 1982. Comic book writer since 2014. So far, he has published up to fifteen different titles in Spain, France, United States, Germany and Portugal.

Fernando Mansilla (Barcelona, 1965) has been one of the most multi-talented artists of Seville's underground scene since he moved to the city thirty years ago.

Professor of art history at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and prestigious specialist in 16th and 17th century art and architecture, Fernando Marías was the disciple of G. C. Argan y A. E.

Fernando Martínez Laínez is a well known Spanish journalist and historian, who has worked as a foreign correspondent in many different countries.


Fernando Montero is assistant editor of Emprendedores, he has also worked with IPMARK and OTR Press. He is the author of Newspaper and Magazine Marketing and the Creative Journalism Blog (blogdeperiodismocreatico.wordpress.com).

The Fire in the Shadows is above all a multidisciplinary work: text, graphics, music, acting, design, makeup etc.

El fuego de las sombras(闇黒の炎)は何よりまず、文章、グラフィック、音楽、演技、デザイン、メーキャップなど、様々な専門分野が協力してできた作品だ。作家フェルナンド・モリーリョは、バスク地方とスペイン国内で数多くの文学賞を受賞し、バスク神話からとったキャラクターたちについての、闇に満ちた激しい物語の糸を紡いできた。モリーリョと並び、世界で認められている写真家、シャンティ・ロドリゲスがクリエーターとして参加し、ダイナミズムと力強さに溢れた並外れたイメージを生み出している。ロドリゲスが受賞した国際賞の数々は、彼の才能が非凡であることを証明している。

(Valencia, 1964). After gaining a degree in law Navarro García worked first in the private sector and later for humanitarian organisations, combining his work with university teaching. In 2001 he co-ordinated a humanitarian project in Angola, which was going through a long and bloody war.

Fernando Riquelme is an economist, writer and arts promotor, especially in the theatre. As a screenwriter he won the 1997 Institució de les Lletres Catalanes prize for 'El desconocido'.

Fernando Rueda Rieu, who was born in Madrid and studied journalism at the Universidad Complutense, is Spain's foremost expert in espionage.

Fernando Savater (in San Sebastián, 1947) has degrees in Philosophy and Ethics. An essayist, journalist, novelist and playwright, he has published more than forty-five books, some of which have been translated into more than a dozen languages.

フェルナンド・バリェホはログローニョ生まれ。模型制作者による模型制作者のための会社、AK Interactiveの創設者。同社は業界内でも評判のブランドとして地位を確立し、エイジングや多種多様な効果を出すために考案された塗料や筆など、あらゆる商品を破格の値段で販売するセールを定期的に開催している。また、自前の出版社を立ち上げ、これまでに書籍や雑誌など200タイトル以上を出版。歴史をテーマにした書籍に加え、模型業界で関心の高いテーマを取り上げた書籍も手掛けている。

Born in Madrid in 1963. He began his work as an illustrator at the beginning of the 80s, contributing to the now defunct magazine Madriz. He won the Laus de Oro for illustration in 1990.

Ferran Adrià (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1962) is one of the most renowned chefs in the world. A year after starting work at El Bulli in 1983, he was named head chef.

Ferrán Martínez i Coma (Barcelona, 1977) graduated in Political Science and Public Administration from the Universidad Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona in 1999. He got a scholarship from the Juan March Foundation, of which he is a Doctor member and received his Ph.D. in Sociology in 2005.

Born in Barcelona in 1967, Soriano is a businessman and consultant. He has a degree in Business Science and an MBA from ESADE, RPI (New York) and UCL (Belgium).

Ferran Torrent (born Sedaví, 1951) is a Valencian writer and journalist and one of the most important authors of Catalan-language genre literature.

フェラン・トレント(1951年、セダビ生まれ)はバレンシア出身の作家でありジャーナリストで、カタルーニャ語文学における最も重要な執筆者のひとりである。主な作品はGràcies per la propina(チップをありがとう、1994)、Societat limitada(有限会社、2002)、Bulevard dels Francesos(フランス人たちの並木道、2010)、Ombres en la nit(夜に忍び寄る影、2011)などの小説。また、数年前から土・日に放送されるRAC1のラジオ番組「最初の一石」に寄稿している。

Last in the series “Garden Animals”. In this new offering, the friends of Antoñita the butterfly are preparing for the garden’s Festival. Everything is ready for the big night. There will even be dancing with a band!

「にわのいきものたち」シリーズの最新刊。今回は、テントウムシのアントニエタと仲間たちは、1年に一度の庭のお祭りの準備中。楽しい夜にむけて準備は万事オーケー。楽団の生演奏つきのダンスまであります! ところが、いよいよというときになって、楽団の歌手が病気に。お祭りはどうなるのでしょう?

ON THE FRONTIER, THE ONLY LAW IS IRON They called him Fierro. He lived in a secluded and lonely place on the border, that cursed place where Moors and Christians sowed death at will. His only comfort was the beehives, which he loved so much.

Tochtli likes hats, dictionaries, samurais, guillotines and the French. But Tochtli is a child, and what he wants now is a new animal for his private zoo: a dwarf Liberian hippopotamus.

Do you know about the Pagan origins of Christian festivals? What they used to mean, and how exactly they were absorbed by Christianity? Do you know which heretic ceremonies are now Saints' days? Why the Day of the Dead is celebrated?

Noah's mother has decided to stop breast-feeding her daughter. In order to explain the decision to her, she uses the allegory of a cloud of well-being.


1992年ブラガ(ポルトガル)生まれ。幼い頃、ピンク色の服を着たくてバレエを習い始めた著者だったが、運動神経が足りないとすぐに自覚し、アートの道に進むことにした。ポルト大学美術学部でデザインとコミュニケーションを学び、バルセロナのデザイン専門学校エリサバの中でも名門と言われるイラストレーション・漫画の修士課程に進んだ。漫画デビュー作となる『hacerse mayor es una mierda(歳を取るなんてまっぴら)』のアイデアは在学中に思いついたという。フィリパは好んで自分の存在に関するクライシスを表現し、他者の危機についても描く。

El pensamiento no tiene género, pero, el canon filosófico está presidido por un ilustre panteón de hombres blancos, y las mujeres ―a pesar de las aportaciones que han hecho― aún no tienen cabida en él.

Filòsofes de la contemporaneïtat

The principal am of the UNESCO degree course in the philosophy of peace at the Universitat Jaume I is perfectly reflected in this book, which brings together the conclusions of 11 theses from the International Masters in Peace, Conflict and Develo

En todas las familias hay una oveja negra, pero ¿qué pasa cuando en una familia de ovejas negras sale una blanca?



An old friends’ reunion in a mountain lodge gathers a dozen men and women with nothing in common, except an obscure episode in the past in which they were all involved.

A day seemingly just like any other brings together the last living hours of four poets: Cesare Pavese, Alejandra Pizarnik, Anne Sexton and Gabriel Ferrater. Like a black box, Poem’s End records the subtle moments leading up to their deaths.

In 1998 the writer Miguel Anxo Murado was sent to Palestine by the United Nations.

A road near the Portuguese border, June 1977. Juan and Rosa, barely teenagers, have an appointment at a clandestine abortion clinic, but an accident will prevent them from reaching their destination.


Chance, love, disease, desire, madness, travel, family, relationships, fear, time, evil, depression, joy.

Fiume, September 1919. Two hundred volunteers led by the writer Gabriele D'Annunzio occupy a city on the Croatian coast with the goal of establishing an independent state affiliated with Italy: the Free State of Fiume.

This material provides ways in to Flamenco from a variety of angles: musically (in terms of the features of each palo or style), historically and socially (through the unwritten history of the gypsy book) and artistically (through the past greats

For a long time the art of flamenco has been passed down orally from generation to generation in families and neighbourhoods, by the great gypsy dynasties of Baja Andalucía.

Writer, journalist and translator. She was born in Buenos Aires on the 27th of September 1963. She has lived in Barcelona since 1973.


Fishing flies are a world unto themselves.

An imprint determined to become a true reflection of the concerns and problems of those who began their maturity at the turning of the century and the opening of the third millennium.

Florencia Bonelli was born in Córdoba (Argentina) in 1971. Until recently she has written highly historically-accurate romantic novels always set before the 20th century, acquiring a loyal readership that follows her with each new book.

Florencia del Campo (1982) was born in Buenos Aires, and has lived in Madrid since 2013. She has a degree in editing from the Faculty of Arts (UBA) and has also studied Literature and Cinema.

Florentino Sanz: a key figure in the field of adult education until his death in 2007, this book is his final legacy. Doctor of Educational Science, professor and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education at UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia).

『Flores de Bach(バッチフラワー)』は、私たちがどのように行動し、なぜ特定の行動をとるのかを認知し、また自分の感情や自分自身について、少しずつ理解するのに役立つ本だ。同時に、この本を通じて私たちは、プライベート、仕事、社会全般、さらには精神的な暮らしぶりの違いに関係なく、自分がどこにいて今何が起きているかを知ることができる。全ての感情は、たとえそれが隠れたものであっても、私たちの器官、もちろん肌にも記録されている。

Fluidotech is a passionate inventory of body fluids designed for young readers.

Berta es una meona desde pequeñita. Gracias a ello sus padres conocieron gran cantidad de restaurantes de carretera, pues no había manera de viajar en coche sin hacer dos o tres paradas en el camino.

Berta es una meona desde pequeñita. Gracias a ello sus padres conocieron gran cantidad de restaurantes de carretera, pues no había manera de viajar en coche sin hacer dos o tres paradas en el camino.


Fluidoteca es un apasionante inventario de los fluidos corporales dirigido a pequeños lectores. Y no tan pequeños, porque... ¿sabes realmente qué son los fluidos corporales? ¿Lo importantes que son? ¿Cuáles conoces? ¿Para qué sirve el sudor?



Alicia is looking for friends to form a football team.

Europe Makers is a biographical essay on a selection of the most influential personalities in the construction of Europe.


This book offers us images of the most interesting rock formations of the Canary Islands: images that looks like animal, people and objects, accompanied by a sketch, a short poetic text, and geological information about the places they are found.


Mariano Fortuny i Marsal was Spain's most internationally recognised artist in the 19th century. His realist painting paved the way for the advancing modernity of the Impressionists.

Luis Manuel Iglesias is a photographer who, where common mortals see a dead leaf sees a Menophra Abruptaria or a beautiful wild flower camouflaged as a Misumeta Vatia, while an insignificant twig or small branch turns out to be a Biston Betularia

What would happen if one day you photographed something you shouldn't? Something as simple as going out to take pictures of the rain or anonymous people who exude a photogenic quality could change your life.

'Frágiles humanos' ('Fragile Humans') presents a diverse list of people and situations and reflects upon the perplexity of the rapid passage of human time.

Founded in Barcelona in 2007, Fragmenta publishes essays and children's books on philisophy, spirituality, religion and the humanities, always from a position of empathy, rigour and independence.

Fran Nuño was born in Bilbao in 1973 but has lived in Seville since he was ten months old. He is a writer, cultural activist and bookseller-publisher. He has written more than fifty books, almost all of which are for children and young adults.

フラン・ヌーニョは1973年にビルバオで生まれるが、生後10カ月からセビリアに住んでいる。作家で文化活動の活性化に取り組む一方で、書店と出版社を営む。作品は主に児童・YA文学で、これまでに50冊以上出版している。多数の受賞歴があり、その中のふたつは米国のミシガンとニューヨークで受賞。またスペイン国内の言語と、多くの外国語に翻訳されている。数多くの作品がスペインのみならずアメリカやアジアの国々でも取り扱われている。 ※日本では『しあわせなときの地図』(ほるぷ出版、2020年)が刊行https://www.holp-pub.co.jp/book/b529448.html

Fran Pintadera's books have been selected as being among the best Spanish-language books by the Fundación Cuatrogatos and have been recognised by the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez.

Fran Pintadera (born Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1982). He has a degree in educational psychology, a diploma in social education and degree in social integration. He is a storyteller, social theatre director and children's book author. He has taken part in major story telling festivals in Spain.


Fran Toro (Badalona, 1977) is a history teacher and writer and these two activities are as naturally combined as different coloured pieces of plasticine in the hand of a child.

1977年バダロナ生まれ。歴史の教師、作家。子供の手が何色もの色粘土を混ぜ合わせるように、情熱と仕事を両立させている。新聞「ディアリオ・ハエン」、「クロニカ・グロバル」などのメディアや文芸雑誌「ファブラ」、また「アバコ」、「エル・トロ・セレステ」、「パネンカ」などの雑誌に記事やレポート、文芸作品を多数発表している。コミックの世界にも挑戦、常にコンビを組んでいる作画のフアコ・ビスエテと共に、現在は絵本『(Geografía e) Historieta((地理と)漫画)』を出版予定。

Francesc Amorós graduated in History and Philology from the Universidad de Barcelona and works in the Centro de Estudion Históricos in the same.

Francesc Bellart was born in Barcelona in 1984. He has a degree in philosophy and is a teacher and editor. He is married with two children.

F. Bellart (Barcelona, 1984). Licenciado en Filosofía, profesor y editor. Casado y con dos hijos. "El editor indiscreto" fue su exitoso debut literario. "Crónica fabulosa de Mamá Asya y su descendencia" novela la gran historia del Poblenou de Barcelona.

Published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of his birth, the biographer Josep Piera presents the story of Francesc de Borja (1510-1572).

Francesc Fígois is an industrial engineer with a diploma from Bath University of Technology. He was president of the Biodynamic Agricultural Association, promoting the introduction of the most advanced technology for ecological agriculture in Spain.

Francesc Miralles (Barcelona, 1968) studied German Language and Literature and now works as an editor. After writing essays on Franz Kafka and Herman Hesse, he decided to write novels.

Francesc Miralles (Barcelona, 1968) studied German Language and Literature and now works as an editor. After writing essays on Franz Kafka and Herman Hesse, he decided to write novels.

Francesc Puigpelat is a writer and journalist. He is the author of some 20 books, some of which have been awarded notable prizes within the Catalan literary scene.


Francesc Serés: (Saidí, 1972) is the author of The Guts of the Earth (2000), The Trunkless Tree (2001) and A Lead Tongue (2002). These books were gathered in the trilogy of Manures and Marbles (2003), which was awarded the National Literature Prize in 2007.

.1972年サイディン生まれ。出版された主な作品は3部作『De fems i de marbres(堆肥と大理石)』、物語選集『La força de la gravetat(重力)』、『Contes russos(ロシアの短編』(QUADERNS CREMA、当サイト2012年紹介作品 http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/contes-russos)、『Mossegar la poma(リンゴをかじる)』。さらに2冊のノンフィクション、『Matèria primera(原料)』と『La pell de la frontera(国境の皮)』も刊行。

The novel you hold in your hands is one of the ones that is remembered, as much for the rebellion we feel when faced with humiliation and decrepitude as for the transparency of the language in which it is written.

Born near Milan in 1990, Francesca Dell’Orto studied set-design and costume at the Academy of Fine Arts, Brera (Milan).

Born near Milan in 1990, Francesca Dell’Orto studied set-design and costume at the Academy of Fine Arts, Brera (Milan).


Francesco Tonucci is a researcher at the Institute for Cognition Science and Technology of the Italian National Center for Research (CNR) in Rome. His professional activity has been aimed at studying the thinking and behaviour of children, in family, school and city environments.

Born in Santiago de Chile in 1974. He spent his childhood in the countryside, in the town of Malloco, exactly 29 kilometres from Santiago, among animals, fruit trees and imaginary friends. He was a lonely child, though he hardly realised it.


Francisco Cruces Villalobos is a professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, UNED (Spain). Previously he has taught ethnomusicology at the University of Salamanca.

Francisco Díaz Valladares was born in the village of Villamanrique de la Condesa near Seville. He has travelled in the US, Mexico, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy and France. Since he took up painting he has had several exhibitions and won competitions.

Francisco Fernández Beltrán is a journalist and writer.

Francisco Giménez Gracia was born in 1961 in Madrid. Since 1989 he has lived in Murcia, where he makes the teaching of philosophy compatible with writing. In 1997 he was a finalist for the II Vargas Llosa Novel Award with “Sacristanes y proxenetas”.


Ledesma studied law and practised as a lawyer for several years combining this with writing. From an early age he wrote short stories for comics and, later on, Western novels under the pseudonym Silver Kane. For his first two novels he used the pseudonym Enrique Muriel.

Francisco Gutiérrez Carbajo is Professor of Spanish Literature and Madrid Member of the Reial Academia de Bones Lletres. He has served as Dean of Philology at UNED and Pte. A. Española in Semiotics. He has given courses in universities all over Europe and the Americas.

Francisco Ibáñez was born in 1936 in Barcelona. For many years he alternated his work in the Banco Español de Crédito with his real vocation, until, in 1957, he decided to take the big step: to work exclusively for Editorial Bruguera.

Founder (in 1992) and sole manager of Blex Ideas S.L., Francisco Javier Bello Lecuona is a communications specialist who has undertaken over 5,000 professional aassignments over his career.

With his simple and intimate writing style he has captivated thousands of readers in our country.

Francisco Llorca (1980) is a historian, book seller and story teller. In his childhood he walked along the sea shore in a red hat like Jacques Cousteau.

Francisco Narla, nacido en Lugo en 1978 y afincado en un pequeño pueblo del corazón de Galicia, Friol, es aviador y escritor. Pero son sus aficiones las que lo definen; arquero, pescador con mosca, aficionado a los bonsáis, apicultor y casi cualquier cosa sobra la que pueda leer un libro.

Francisco Narla published this first novel in 2009, and in November 2010 his second work of fiction, Black Box, which was re-edited in 2015 and translated into several languages. In 2012 he wrote Assur, which gained public acclaim and topped the bestseller lists.

2009年に1作目の本作『Los lobos del centeno(ライ麦狼)』を上梓。2010年11月に2作目のフィクション『CAJA NEGRA(ブラックボックス)』(Planeta、2010年-当サイト2015年紹介作品・ハーパーコリンズ・ジャパン、2016年)が出版され、様々な言語に翻訳された。2012年刊の『Assur(アスール)』(Planeta、2012-当サイト2012年秋紹介作品)で読者に絶賛され、ベストセラー・リストの上位を占める。

Born in Salamanca in 1922, Francisco Rodríguez Adrados’ long intellectual career puts him in a place of honour in recent Spanish culture.

FRANCISCO RUIZ MARCO (Alicante, 1956) is a doctor of law anda lawyer, and was professor of constitutional law at the university of Alicante between 1996 and 2008. In the field of law he is the co-author of the book 'Delitos Socioeconómicos' (Edit.

He has written over 60 technical works in the fields of electricity, electronics, radio, television and 4 courses on electronics for distance learning.

Francisco Solano (Burgos, 1952) is one of contemporary Spanish literature's most individual authors. The unquestionable quality of his work is as obvious in his novels as in his short stories.


Franco Félix (Hermosillo, México, 1981) estudió Literatura Hispánica y es profesor en Humanidades. Ha publicado en revistas como Vice, La Tempestad, Tierra Adentro, Luvina, Pez Banana, Diez4, entre otras.

Franco Félix (Hermosillo, Mexico, 1981) studied Hispanic literature and is a humanities teacher.


Aimed both at readers who want to read this work for the first time and others who have decided to re-read them with the added appeal of illustration. Always with the guarantee of an adaptation that remains true to the original.

There is alarm in "Ka". Some of our agents have spent months spying on the candidate known as Fredo Cacahuete.And it seems that he is starting to suspect Ka... For now, everything is going according to plan.

Some of our agents have spent months spying on the person known as Fredo Cacahuete.And it seems that he is starting to suspect Ka... For now, everything is going according to plan.

Fátimah and her family embark on a sea journey that shows them that some of the most difficult-to-cross borders can be made of something as fragile as paper.


Fueye tells the story of European immigration to Argentina and all the social, political and cultural development that occurred in the country, thus looking at the history of Argentina from the 20s to the 60s.

Fuga lenta talks about the sentimental education of Juan, in the crucial point of entering into adult life. The economic and emotional collapses of a family, the school, foster homes, the first love and everything that shapes us.

Esteban Montalbán is turning 90. He is not suffering from any terminal illness, but he wants to find the way out of a reality that no longer satisfies him.

Of all the forms in which a priori a musical structure can be organised, the fugue seems the most severe and closed upon itself, controlling and governing the musical discourse, from its beginning in choosing the base and the foundation for the wh



Fulgencio Argüelles was born in 1955. After a long time in Madrid, where he studied Psychology, he returned to Cenera, Asturias, the place of his childhood and youth. His first novel, Letanías de lluvia (The Rain's Litany), received the Premio Azorín in 1992.

フルヘンシオ・アルグエリェスは1955年生まれ。マドリードで心理学を学び、長年暮らしたが、その後、幼少期と青春期を過ごした地アストゥリアスのセネラに戻る。著者の最初の小説Letanías de lluvia(長雨)は1992年アソリン賞を受賞。それ以来様々な小説を発表。

Fulgencio Pimentel is an independent publishers specialising in high-quality fiction, graphic novels, poetry, art books, and illustration. Its editorial policies have always been founded on artistic principles.

Fulgencio Pimentel is an independent publishers specialising in high-quality fiction, graphic novels, poetry, art books, and illustration. Its editorial policies have always been founded on artistic principles.





Fumilayo Johnson was born in Las Palmas in 1989. During her childhood, she lived in Guardamar del Segura in the province of Alicante, and later in Valencia. In addition to her passion for literature,, she also works creatively as a screenwriter.

A publishing house for a child and young adult readership which aims to bring literature to young readers in a fun way. It is run by five members with connections to literature, teaching and the world of business. Each book is a unique project which comes with different resources.


Since 1978, SM has expanded its dedication to teaching with the creation of Spain’s most prestigious and high-quality collections of children's and young adult literature: El Barco de Vapor and Gran Angular. These are books that do not age or lose their relevance and originality. 


The Fundacion Santa Maria La Real is a cultural institution with a national scope. Its mission the promotion of cultural, natural and social heritage.

Grupo Ático has four imprints: Ático de Libros: works of world literature and contemporary classics. Principal de Libros: commercial fiction. Oz Editorial: fantasy, young adult and science fiction, and Kitsune Books: commercial non-fiction.


Sometimes life and literature go hand in hand. This is what happens in this book, in which Xulia Alonso relates the most important story of her life: that of her love for Nico and the experience of losing him.


Gabi Martínez (Barcelona 1972) is a writer. His novel 'SUDD' was chosen by the magazine Qué Leer and El Periódico's literary supplement as one of the best books of 2007, along with authors such as Cormac McCarthy, Jonathan Littell and Javier Marías.


Gabriel Janer Manila (Algaida, 1940) is a novelist, essay writer and pedagogue. Since 1975, he has alternated writing novels and essays for adults with children’s and young adult literature, an area in which he has won such prestigious prizes as the Josep M.


Gabriel Pacheco (México DF, 1973). He studied scenography in the Escuela Nacional de Teatro del Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA). In 1997 he started illustrating children books. Evocation and dialogue with the past are the keys to his work.


Gabriel Ventura (1988) es un escritor reversible que se pasea con la misma naturalidad por el arte, el cine y la literatura. La poesía le lleva a dar clases, a trabajar con artistas y cineastas, con librerías, galerías y museos, a investigar, traducir y actuar.

Born in Buenos Aires, she moved to Madrid as a teenager. She has published around 50 children’s titles, translated to various languages, and 2 have been adapted for the stage. She was a teacher and workshop co-ordinator and worked for 11 years on the magazine ‘Ser Padres’.

Gabriela Ossenbach has a doctorate in Educational Science and a degree in the History of America. She is currently Professor of the History of Education at the Education Faculty of UNED (Spanish equivalent of the Open University).

Gabriela Wiener es considerada una de las voces más importantes de la nueva generación de cronistas latinoamericanos. Se formó en la escuela de la revista Etiqueta Negra, donde aparecieron sus primeras crónicas y se dio a conocer en España y Latinoamérica con SEXOGRAFÍAS.

Distribuciones Alfaomega S. L. was established in Madrid n 1973 with the aim of spreading knowledge on esoteric philosophy and spirituality, both Eastern and Western. Since then we have continued to specialize in these thematic areas, but have also recently begun branching out into others.

In recent years, Galaxia Gutenberg has undergone a great expansion over various Latin American countries and is now being distributed in 12 Spanish-speaking countries besides Spain.


If you sometimes think that your LITTLE WORLD is upside down and back to front then take a trip with Nimu and his gang.



20 de enero de 1919, Benito Pérez Galdós, ya casi ciego e inválido, asiste a la inauguración del monumento en su honor en el parque del Retiro de Madrid.

Galdós y la Miseria

Thousands of shipwrecks occurred in the seas of Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Cuba and other islands, the Central America countries, Colombia, Venezuela, Uruguay, the Philippines, and in the deep waters of the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans, as a cons


Galimatazo is an independent publisher specialising in literature and books for children of all ages. Its aim is to publish works of great quality and artistic value by some of the best authors in the world, all based on ecological and ethical values.


One day just like any other, Milo feeds at his mum’s breast. But with all that guzzling he ends up swallowing his mum! Of course, he misses her and decides to go look for her.



An agency specialising in comics, graphic novels and picture books for children and adults

In this audio book, the famous Hispanist Ian Gibson sums up the essential milestones in Lorca's life, ending with a timeline that allows us to locate him in the cultural, historical and political situation of his time.

Hispanophile Gary McKeone is one of the two representatives nominated by BCLT who rotate to sit on the panel, so he knows the project well.

Gary McKeone was born in Derry, Northern Ireland. He was educated at St Columb's College, Derry and Trinity College Dublin, where he enrolled in an English and Spanish Joint Honours Degree.

Gaspar Cassadó (1897 - 1966) was one of the most internationally famous and most important cellists of the twentieth century.

Gaspar Hernàndez (La Garrotxa, 1971) is a journalist and writer. He directs and presents L’ofici de viure, a programme on Catalunya Ràdio dealing with the art of living and personal development.

ガスパール・エルナンデスは1971年ラ・ガロッチャ⽣まれ。ジャーナリスト、作家。⽣き⽅と個⼈的成⻑に関するカタルーニャ・ラジオの番組Lʼofici de viure (⽣きるという仕事)のディレクター兼司会者。最初の⼩説はEl silencio (沈黙、Destino/El Aleph、2009)で、ジュゼップ・プラ賞を受賞し、その年、カタルーニャで最も売れたフィクションとなった。2014年、 ⼥性⼼理学者とその患者の関係についてのLa terapeuta (セラピスト、Columna/Planeta)を発表。

Born in Serranillos, Ávila, in 1927, the poet has lived for years in León. He studied law in Salamanca, where as a student he began working on the magazines 'Intus' and 'Más', the second of which devoted its two central pages to a small anthology of his work.

The author was born in Villena (Alicante) in 1961. He moved to Caudete (Castilla–La Mancha) at the age of seven, and lived between the two towns before moving to Valencia to study Philosophy.

1961年ビリェナ生まれ。7歳のときにカウデテに転居し、以後このふたつの場所を行き来するが、大学で哲学を学ぶことになりバレンシアに行く。1990年にマドリードに移り、いくつかの職業で運試しをした後、1996年にすべてを捨てて執筆に専念しようと決意。1999年、初めての小説『Las calicatas por la Santa Librada(サンタ・リブラダの試掘)』(Drácena、2019)が第23回アソリン賞の最終候補になる。


『Gato en el camino(路上の猫)』は、セルバンテス賞受賞の詩人ニカノール・パラにとって最初の《自己による反詩の先例》であり、天分を示した作品だ。不条理性、脈絡のなさ、そしてユーモアが運に身をゆだねた猫のいのちを包みこむ。ジュアン・カサラモナが独自の解釈を施した絵は読書の可能性を広げ、この物語をどんな世代の読者にも作者の作品の愛読者にも扉を開く文学的遺産に変えた。

«Gato en el camino» es el primer autoantecedente de la antipoesía y genialidad literaria del poeta y premio Cervantes Nicanor Parra. En este relato, el absurdo, la inconexión y el humor envuelven la vida de un minino abandonado a su suerte.

Gato en el camino

Children's and YA publisher specialising in Nordic literature.

Publishing house specialising in literature for children and young people, with a particular focus on the Nordic countries.


Cat watches the new tenants from the attic's balcony. Through the lighted windows he follows the family's movements, looking for the right moment to conquer them and enter their house.

Editorial Gaumin's objective is to fill the space that we see in Basque children's literature. We want to focus the excitement and passion that the young people of today have for literature, and to spread as far as possible the pleasure of reading a good story.


Under the pseudonym Gaziel, we meet journalist Agustí Calvet (Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 1887 - Barcelona, 1964).

Gema Bonnín was born in Valencia in 1994, and later moved to Mallorca. In 2012 she published her first novel, The Lady and the Dragon (Destino), and some months later went to live in Qatar. Since then, she has travelled around many Asian countries including China, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Japan.

Gema Bonnín was born in Valencia in 1994, and later moved to Mallorca. In 2012 she published her first novel, The Lady and the Dragon (Destino), and some months later went to live in Qatar. Since then, she has travelled around many Asian countries including China, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Japan.

Born in Alicante in 1976, she is an author and freelance editor. A radio host, she directs and presents the children's literature program 'El laberinto imaginario' ('The Imaginary Maze') on Candil Radio. She runs creativity and development workshops for children and mediators.

Gemma Armengol is a social worker and has worked as a writer for the first time on the children’s collection “Garden Animals”, created with Òscar Julve. More titles are on the way.


Gemma Freixas Barcelona, (1962), graduated in philosophy and has combined work in audiovisual production with print journalism on the Sunday papers La Vanguardia, El Periódico and Avui, and such travel magazines as Geo, Rutas del Mundo and Todo Turismo.

ジェンマ・フレシャスは1962年、バルセロナ生まれ。哲学士。映像制作の傍ら、ジャーナリストとして「ラバングアルディア」「エルペリオディコ」「アブイ」の各紙日曜版、「ヘオ」「ルタス・デルムンド」「トド・トゥリスモ」といった旅行雑誌に記事を執筆。著書にTanaka, un Recorrido por la actual Myanmar (タナカ、現在のミャンマーを行く、2003年)、Djoliba, la curva del Níger en Mali(ジョリバ、マリを流れるニジェール川、2009年)がある。

Gemma Armenglo (Barcelona, 1971) is a social worker who commenced her writing career with this children's collection, created in collaboration with Òscar Julve: more titles are in preparation.

Gemma Lienas (Barcelona, 1951) is one of the best known contemporary authors in Catalunya, and has been awarded many prizes for her works of fiction, both for adults and for a younger readership.


Born in Almoines (la Safor) in 1967.

1967年アルモイネス(サフォル自治区)に生まれる。2002年Marina(マリーナ)、2003年Et recorde, Amanda(アマンダ、きみを覚えてる)、2005年L’últim vaixell(最後の船)でサマルクYA文学賞を受賞。他にクレビリェンテのジャウメ1世賞(2003)、ベンビングット・オリベール賞(2007)、バルカノバ賞(2007)、マリョルカYA文学賞(2008)を受賞。

Gemma Sales nació en Barcelona el año 1945. De formación humanística, en 1985 publicó sus primeros relatos en el periódico Avui, en una colección de cuentos para primeros lectores. Unos años más tarde la editorial Joventut editó su primer cuento.

My first job was in the property market with Luk International. My daily work was based on approval of licensed products. I later joined Textil Tarragó where my role was to acquire the best licenses for the company I was representing.

A recently founded publisher specialising in children's books. Amongst our collections are the Chik & Trok series, which deals with naughty behaviour for very small children, and "Dos Hermanos" ("Two Brothers") which reinforces family values.

Gemma Ventura Farré (el Vendrell, 1990) és mestra de primària especialitzada en música.

Gemma Ventura Farré (El Vendrell, 1990) is an elementary school teacher specializing in music.


Con una aproximación general al fenómeno de las migraciones, desde la perspectiva de género, se argumenta sobre el papel de las mujeres y de las migraciones en el desarrollo humano en un mundo con grandes desequilibrios, planteando su función soci

Género, trabajo y familia en inmigrantes. Nuevas tendencias del trabajo social


This book's protagonist is Genio, the genial monster! He has eight colours, one for each kind of intelligence - and he loves a challenge!


Genís Sinca Algué (Manresa, 1970) studied IT (UAB), and before daring to write he contributed to national newspapers, was a foreign correspondent in Italy, a reader in Catalan at the university of Heidelberg, a writer of biographies and other non-fiction books, such as 'El último republicano' (an

Economic power has always been linked to an ability to influence the trading and production of goods acting within existing rules, whether in politics or the business world.



Geogebra, a dynamic geometry software, allows us to solve problems related to geometry and line drawing in plans, experimenting and manipulating all the different objects that take part in construction work, allowing us to design, build, explore a

星の色が違うのはなぜ? 他の惑星から見た太陽の大きさは? 宇宙や地球はびっくりするような秘密や不思議なことでいっぱいだ。本書はカラフルですばらしい幾何学模様を用いて、対比を容易にし、地理学に芸術を持ち込んだ。惑星、大陸、島々などが、円や多角形や線やらせんを描き、私たちを取り囲む世界を説明してくれる型破りな地図帳。

Where is Columbus' finger really pointing at in Barcelona? What is the secret number of the Sagrada Familia? Can a telecommunications tower be used as a sundial? What enigmatic purpose did El Escorial have?

George Orwell was born in British India in 1903. A journalist, literary critic and novelist, he was one of the most influential voices of the twentieth century. Among his works are: Down and Out in Paris and London (1933) and The Road to Wigan Pier (1937).

Georges Escribano is a psychologist and psychotherapist, specializing in Transactional Analysis. He is a professor at the Sigmund Freud University and the Île de France School of Transactional Analysis, both in Paris, where he lives.

Gerard Guix (Vic, 1975) es escritor, dramaturgo y guionista. Ha trabajado o colaborado con compañías, teatros y productoras como Els Joglars, Teatre de Guerrilla, Teatre Romea, Teatro Kismet OperA (Bari, Italia), The Rep - Birmingham Reporty Theatre (Birmingham, UK), Focus o Diagonal TV.Gerard.

Gerard Guix (Vic, 1975) is a writer, playwright, and screenwriter.

Gerardo García-Ventosa (Barcelona, 1951) graduated as an Architect (1977) and Doctor of Architecture (1993) from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), with the thesis "Capitals in the work of Domènech i Montaner", with O

Germà Bel, Master of Economics from the University of Chicargo, completed her undergraduate studies in the University of Barcelona, where he now holds the chair of Applied Economics. He is also a guest professor at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics.

Germán Machado was born in Montevideo, Uruguay and currently lives in Vic, Barcelona, where he runs the specialist bookshop El Petit Tresor. In addition to selling books, he is also a writer and promoter of culture.


Germán Sánchez Espeso was born in Pamplona on 22 January 1940.

Having a brother is very annoying! He's like a monkey, always clowning about. Having a sister is a pain in the neck! Everything I do is wrong and she won't let me play the way I want to.

弟がいるってホントうざい! いつもバカなことばかりしてサルみたい! 姉を持つのだって⼤変だ! なんにでもケチをつけるし、僕がやりたいことは何もやらせてくれない 。だけど、たまには姉弟で助け合ったり、楽しい時間を過ごしたりすることもある。実は弟や姉がいるのはそんなに悪いことじゃないのかも……。でも、これが3⼈兄弟となったら? それは絶対ダメ! 2方向から読める、愉快で独創的なストーリー。

Germans! (Siblings!)

Siblings is a beautifully illustrated and sweet picture book by Rocío Bonilla, with a heartwarming message at its core. Aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 5, it is 48 pages long, but tells the same story from two very different perspectives.


Gervasio Posadas was born in Montevideo, studied in Spain, the Soviet Union, Uruguay and England, alternated with holidays at communist youth camps, Punta del Este or potato fields in East Anglia.

GERVASIO SÁNCHEZ has been a journalist since 1984. He has been published in the Aragon Herald and La Vanguardia, as well as working with Cadena SER and the BBC.

Gestión 2000 publishes books covering a wide range of business topics such as marketing and sales, finance and accounting, the economy, management and management skills.

CIF: B65132250

Avda. Diagonal 662-664 Barcelona 08034

The story begins when Leon wakes up on a beach in a world where he is a giant and all the inhabitants are tiny, and seemingly have no interest in him.


A large format picture book where the text can be found at the end of the book so that the reader looks closely at each page as they follow a child who appears to be in a tiny world from another time. Or is the boy a giant?

全文を巻末に配置した大型本。これにより読者は、別の時代の小さな世界に現れた男の子とともに各ページをじっくり見ていくことができる。あるいは小さな世界ではなく、その子が巨人なのかも? 『ガリバー旅行記』にオマージュを捧げた作品。4歳から。

In my school we were all the same, though we didn’t have the same colour hair, or eyes or skin… Well, there was one boy called Manuel who really was different.

Carlist fighters in Spain.

Gines Sánchez nació en Murcia en 1967, y se pasó toda la infancia siendo un niño flacucho y con gafas que no daba un palo al agua. Luego estudió Derecho y se hizo abogado. Pero se aburría, así que lo dejó y se fue a ver mundo.

The author was born in Murcia in 1967 and has a degree in Law. He worked as a lawyer for ten years until his uncertainties led him to leave it all in 2001 and travel the world.

Ginés Sánchez (Murcia, 1967) es licenciado en derecho y ha ejercido de abogado y ha sido columnista en el diario “La Verdad” en Murcia.

Ginés Sánchez was born in Murcia in 1967 and spent all of her childhood being a skinny kid with glasses who wouldn’t say boo to a goose. Then she studied Law and became a lawyer. But she got bored and so she stopped and went to see the world.

Giny Valrís is a young writer from Madrid who is currently studying for a degree in teaching and Spanish language and literature. She won the VII Short Story and Story-telling Prize awarded by the Hijos de Mary Shelley Foundation in 2006.

Giovanni Di Gregorio es autor de novelas gráficas y cómics, con más de 100 álbumes publicados. También ha colaborado en series de animación y videojuegos de alcance internacional.

Giovanni Di Gregorio is the author of more than 100 graphic novels and comics. He has also collaborated on animations and videogames that have had international success. He is a screenwriting teacher at the Joso School in Barcelona as well as being a professional scriptwriter.

Gisela Baños is a theoretical physicist at the University of Leipzig and an expert in science fiction. She has been shortlisted for several short story prizes and has contributed to the collections My Little Heroes, Extraordinary Women and Mythology for Children.

Gisela Baños es física teórica por la Universidad de Leipzig y experta en ciencia ficción. Ha sido finalista en varios premios literarios de relato corto, y es autora de numerosos libros para niños.

ライプツィヒ大学の理論物理学者で、SFの専門家。複数の短編文学賞で最終候補となる。『Mis pequeños héroes(わたしの小さなヒーロー)』、『Mujeres extraordinarias(非凡な女性たち)』、『Mitología para niños(子どもの神話)』などのシリーズの執筆陣のひとり。

11 de abril de 1970. El cantante argentino Sandro va a convertirse en el primer latinoamericano en actuar en el Madison Square Garden y Gloria será una de las afortunadas asistentes al mítico concierto.



The author is a primary school teacher who has completed a specialisation course in Educational Therapy: Special Education. She has worked in a school in the city of Valencia since 1986. 


Glória Gómez de la Tia has a university diploma in library and information studies. She has more than 16 years professional experience in the world of books working as a librarian.


Glòria Marín (Sabadell, 1959) worked for many years as a teacher and since 1991 she hasn't stopped writing stories and plays for children and young people. She has published, among others, "Llufa, What a Skunk", "The Thirteen Hour Clock", "Skimmer" and "In Dakh I met".

Gloria PÉREZ SERRANO is Professor of Social Education at UNED. She edits the Interuniversity Social Education Magazine and heads the Masters course in Educational Intervention in Social Contexts.

Gloria Rosales and Gordana Vranjes are the founders of the Yoga school Mandiram, in Barcelona. They have studied the main styles in yoga and have worked with hundreds of students.


Golpes de luz

After a short-lived career as a lawyer, Galician writer Ledicia Costas (Vigo, 1979), turned to full-time writing, publishing her first book in 2000.

Golpes de luz

A heartwarming, humorous novel about the lives of three generations of a rural Galician family.


Humorous book for adults. The main character (Cobre) is a young man who has a single motto in life: have a good time.

FRANCISCO GÓMEZ GÓMEZ Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología y Diplomado en Trabajo Social. Profesor titular de la Facultad de Derecho de la UNED.

José Luis Gómez Toré, docteur en philologie hispanique et diplômé en philosophie, est l'auteur d'essais tels que "Le Chêne de Goethe à Buchenwald" ou "Extramuros", et d'écrits sur la poésie.

Gonçal Mayos teaches Modern Philosophy at the UB and publishes a cross-section of his research on his website. Antoni Brey is a telecommunications engineer and author of the essays “La Generación Fría” (Cold Generation) and “El fenómeno Wi-Fi” (The Wi-Fi Phenomenon).

María Fernanda González es Dra. en Psicología y actualmente profesora titular en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina.

María Fernanda González es Dra. en Psicología y actualmente profesora titular en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina.

Gonzalo Giner made his debut in the literary world with his novel 'La cuarta alianza', which was translated into six languages.

Gonzalo Moure is a journalist and author. He has been awarded several of the major prizes in the field of Children's and Young Adult literature. His writing stands out for its social commitment: the Saharui people, the Bubisher "book-busses", children's rights, equality, and the environment.

Gonzalo Moure nació en Valencia en 1951. Estudió Ciencias Políticas y trabajó en prensa y radio desde 1973 hasta 1989. Desde entonces se ha dedicado a escribir libros para adultos y para niños y jóvenes.

Gonzalo Muiño is the art director of GLAMOUR magazine in Spain and his name is synonymous with the designs of major brands: Chanel, Massimo Dutti, La Duquesita, Bottega Veneta, Tissot, UNIQLO (designer of the shops in Spain) and Coca Cola... among others.

(トマスおじいちゃん~記憶と忘却~)』を出版した。 ゴンサロ・ムイニョ:スペイン語版グラマー誌のアート・ディレクター。シャネル、マッシモ・ドゥッティ、ラ・ドゥケシータ、ボッテガ・ヴェネタ、ティソ、ユニクロ(スペイン店舗のデザイナー)、コカ・コーラといった大手ブランドのデザインで名が知られている。

Gonzalo Puente Ojea, a member of the Diplomatic Corps, was Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs and is an ambassador of Spain, having represented Spain to the Holy See between 1985 and 1987.


Gonzalo Torné (Barcelona, 1976) is the author of three novels: 'Hilos de sangre' ('Trickles of Blood',2010, winner of the Premio Jaén de Novela): "A truly extraordinary novel, admirable, impressive and destined to makes its mark in Castilian literature of the twenty-first century.

1976年、バルセロナ生まれ。これまで3作の小説を上梓している。ハエン小説賞を受けた『Hilos de sangre(血の糸)』(Random House、2010)を、イグナシオ・エチェバリアは「本当に並外れて見事、かつ印象深い、21世紀のスペイン語文学における画期的事件となる運命のもとに現れた小説。

 “Now I don’t mind if I die, I’ve returned to Spain.”

"You can call me Googol". But who is Googol? Or, rather, what? Googol isn't what others want him to be: he wants to be who he is, different from his parents and his thirteen siblings. The whole world asks more and more questions.

「僕のことをグーゴルと呼んでいいよ」でも、グーゴルって誰? または何? グーゴルは他者がそうあってほしいと望むものではない。両親や13人の兄弟とは違った、自分自身でありたいと思っている。なのに、みんなは質問ばかり浴びせてくる。それでグーゴルは自分の道を歩み出した。自由気ままに幻想的な所、たとえば、虚栄心の強いテアトルム・ムンディ(世界劇場)とか、頑固な人々の国とか、言葉だけでできた森とかにたどり着く。未来と忘れ得ぬ友達でいっぱいの幻想世界。

Fatty is the story of a very peculiar person who has hundreds of adventures in his search for his place in the world.


A surreal, outrageous and terrifying black comedy. A unique version of Madrid is once again the setting for the author’s story. This time the protagonist is a comedian with the nickname Beaver, famous for his television monologues.


El autor, sensible a la falta de tiempo de quienes, sin embargo, desean cultivar su espíritu, ofrece en treinta capítulos, de manera estructurada y concisa algunos de los textos bíblicos que más le han impactado, y después de un breve comentario c

Gotas de agua en sequedal

The biggest and best selection of Spanish wines, pioneered in Spain. A group of 22 active professionals make up the tasting panel who review, comment on and describe the wines considered worthy of inclusion among the best in Spain.

Exclusive, independent gastronomic guide to Spain. Put together by 67 inspectors who cover the whole country in an anonymous capacity. 12,000 useful references, with comments and qualifications of 1,400 restaurants including prices.

A guide to the best restaurants and hotels in Spain, prepared by 67 anonymous inspectors covering all Spanish regions. In 2008 the guide celebrated its 30th Anniversary.

Gourmetour, Guía Gastronómica y Turística de España has become a print testimony to the great culinary revolution which has gradually changed the menus of the restaurants in our country, and so altered Spanish palates.

Gracia Iglesias studied journalism at Madrid Complutense University, then completed her journalism training working in other media including the newspaper EL Mundo and Efe Agency, and as an intern at CSIC press cabinet in 2003.

Gracia Iglesias is a poet, journalist and art critic. She has published numerous stories in a variety of countries. Along the way she has won a number of prizes and been short or long-listed for others. But what she most likes is writing (and telling) stories for children.

Gracia Iglesias has wings, although you may not be able to see them: they're imaginary wings. She uses them to fly far away, like Pepita the Seedling, and to have adventures which she transforms into stories and poems. She has written a lot of books this way.

マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学でジャーナリズムの学士号を取得。その後、ジャーナリストとしての学びを完成させるために、スペインの新聞社「エルムンド」やEFE通信といった通信メディアに勤務し、2003年に政府奨学生としてCSIC(スペイン科学研究高等会議)の広報室でも働いた。高等芸術学校(I|Art) 文化ジャーナリズム校でコーディネーター、共同創始者であるグアダラハラのオロペンドラ文化スペースで理事を務めた。現在は執筆やパフォーマンスの実施、教育活動に従事。さまざまな文学賞や佳作に輝いている。

グラシア・イグレシアスには目には見えない想像力の羽がある。この羽でペピータ・サルミエントのように遠くへ飛んで冒険し、物語や詩を生み出す。こうして書いた多くの本の中には英語や中国語、韓国語などに翻訳されたものや、賞を受けたものもある。執筆していないときは、ストーリーテラーとして物語を話し聞かせている。愛猫家で牛を収集している。この本が読者自身の羽の発見につながるかもしれないと思うとき、幸せを感じる。  ダビド・シエラ=リストンはペピータが飛ぶことを必要なように、絵を描くことを必要としている。色とりどりの筆を紙の上で動かしていないと、ペピータ同様病気になるだろう。

Graciela Fernández (León, 1981) is a painter, illustrator, graphic designer, creative adviser… Despite her youth, it seems as if she has been working for decades, not only because of the large number of projects she has completed, but also their quality.

Thanks to the internet going down, the life of the whole neighbourhood is about to change beyond recognition. Thanks to bravery and curiosity, the neighbours will go far, so very far. And they will do it together.


“Gramática española básica. Aprender y utilizar” is a clear and comprehensive summary of Spanish grammar for students at levels A1, A2 and B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Instituto Cervantes curriculum.

Basic Spanish Grammar: Study and Use is a clear, comprehensive summary of Spanish grammar aimed at students of Spanish at levels A1, A2 and B1, as established by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages.

1963: A lawyer is found dead in a hotel room in Granada, in the grey year of the flood, when, for the police, suicides will have the monopoly in death by violence.


A book that brings the history of humanity to life through the stories of 25 of its all time most important characters, with the sense of fun and energy typical of illustrator Enrique Vegas and writer Javier Matesanz.


Extremely premature neonates are those babies who are born long before they are expected.

Grazia Piras is an Italian author who lives in London and teaches yoga and mindfulness across Europe and the US. For 15 years, she worked with UNESCO and IIED on worldwide projects to preserve cultural and biological diversity and promote creativity.

グラツィア・ピラス:イタリア人作家でロンドンに住み、欧州・アメリカでヨガとマインドフルネスを教えている。文化的・生物学的多様性を守り、創造性を向上させることを目的としたユネスコとIIED(国際環境開発研究所)の国際プロジェクトに15年参加した。ピラスは、呼吸の魔法のような力で私たちの感情や思考を変えることができると信じている。息子とよく遊び、親子とも恐竜が大好き。 サンドラ・アギラル:1971年マドリード生まれ。マドリード工科大学でファッションデザインの学士を取得し、イラストレーターとなって12年以上経つ。

Gregorio Casamayor (Cañadajuncosa, Cuenca, 1955) is the author of a book of short stories, "Borrón y cuenta nueva" ("Clean Slate"). In 2011 Acantilado published  his second novel, "La vida y las muertes de Ethel Jurado" ("The Life and Deaths of Ethel Jurado"). 


Gregorio León was born in Balsitas (Murcia) and works as a radio journalist. He has Publisher several novels and essays. He loves Billy Wilder and Graham Green.





Nino está a punto de terminar el instituto y empezar la universidad, lo que para él supone una auténtica pesadilla.

Gritarán mi nombre

Publishing group founded in 2013 specialising in novels/YA/essays/comics/children's literature with headquarters in Spain and Russia.


Grup 62 (Grupo 62) is a conglomeration of publishing imprints. It is a benchmark in Catalan publishing.



Anaya produces children's literature with quality texts and illustrations which, when closely linked to the child and its family's social and emotional environment, can be integreated into this early stage of life so marked by basic learning.

CIF: A-37002805

Anaya publiziert Kinderbücher, die eng mit der sozialen und affektiven Umgebung der Kinder (Familie, Schule und Bibliothek) verbunden sind und sich gut in diesen durch Lernen gekennzeichneten Lebensabschnitt integrieren lassen.

CIF: A-37002805



The Loyola Publication Group publishes books in three categories: children's, humanities and religion, offering avant-garde books in humanities and in theology and spiritual subjects as well as literature.


Group made up of publishing companies Dokusou, Raspabook and LibroAzul. We believe in culture as insurrection, a tool for transformation, social innovation, and an exercise in education and awareness to create a space for emerging activities for communication and reflection.


We are a publishing house located in Barcelona, committed to publishing children's and young adult literature and school textbooks. More than hundred years of experience and thousands of books make our group a benchmark in the field of education and children and young-adult literature.


Editorial Bruño is one of the most important publishing houses of children’s literature in Spain, with a catalogue that includes more than one thousand titles; many of them have received awards and have sold a huge number of copies.


Grupo Editorial Sargantana joins six publishing houses specialising in comics, graphic novels, children's books, adult fiction, recipe books, essays, biographies and more.


Prepared by the tasting Committee of Grupo Gourmets, a team of 22 active tasters who recommend the most interesting novelties, the most accessible prices and essential gems of enology, plus valuable information on foreign wines, events in the world of wine, wine blogs, enology-teaching centres an

Grupo Gourments is highly distinguished within Spain's food and drink industry. For 30 years it has published the magazine Club de Gourmets, as well as gastronomic and tourist guides.

Publishing house specialising in novels (adventure, historical, crime) set in the Far East (Japan, China, Korea).


A tribute to the digital generation of young Arabs and their role in preparing the way for the uprisings against dictatorships that rocked the Near East and North Africa.

A pioneering work in Spain, the Guía de Vinos Gourmets is celebrating its silver anniversary.


The realization of a new guide about Santiago at the turn of the twenty-first century is a very difficult task.


A guide to the best Spanish wines, a pioneer in Spain. From a total of 4,460 wines, blind-tasted by the Comité de Cata de Grupo Gourmets, 995 are reviewed and graded.

Guide to independent, pioneering Spanish wines, with a focus on the viticultural sector, and covering the main Spanish bodegas (1,263 in total) whose 4,973 principal wines were tasted at a blind tasting by a team of professionals in the field.

Demand for photovoltaic and wind equipment to obtain electricity and thermical facilities for heating and hot water, grows by the day around the world.

The first book in the non-fiction Chic@Genial series aimed at girls between the ages of 8 and 12 years old, to help familiarize them with the physical changes of puberty.

本書はノンフィクション・シリーズ《Chic@Genial(クールな男の子・女の子)》の1冊目で、8~12歳の女の子を対象とし、思春期に経験する重要な身体的変化に順応しやすくすることを目的として書かれた。この『Guía Genial(クールなガイドブック)』は初めてのブラジャーから初潮まで幅広い状況をカバーし、常に対象者に寄り添った楽しい文体で、わかりやすく正確に表現。女の子たちがこの成長段階に落ち着いて自然に向き合えるように支援する実用書。

Grupo Gourmets, the pioneering gastronomical body and press guide to wines in spain, invites us to enter the fascinating world of wine, wine cellars, specialist shops, wine growing regions etc, in the company of the Gourmet Guide, the veteran publ


Dementia is a tragic reality that affects not only the person suffering from it, but also, and in equally important measure, all those who take care of the sufferer from day to day.


SAP Netweaver Business Warehouse (SAP Netweaver BW) is the analytic, informational, multiplatform data warehousing solution of SAP AG which allows data to be extracted rapidly and effectively from both SAP and non-SAP sources thanks to its pre-def



Guillem Agulló was assassinated in Montanejos in the early hours of April 11, 1993. Anti-fascist. Antiracist. Independentist. He was eighteen years old. The case convulsed and marked an entire generation of young people.

Guillem Agulló was assassinated in Montanejos in the early hours of April 11, 1993. Anti-fascist. Antiracist. Independentist. He was eighteen years old. The case convulsed and marked an entire generation of young people.

Guillem Sala Lorda (Barcelona, 1974) is a Doctor in Sociology and a lecturer at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has published the children’s book Heu vist passar en Puça amb bicicleta? (2004). Imagina un carrer is his first novel.


The author was born in Buenos Aires in 1973. He is a literature professor at the UNLP (Argentina).

ギリェルモ・ロスは1973年ブエノスアイレス⽣まれ。アルゼンチンのUNLP(国⽴ラプラタ⼤学)の⽂学教授。2013年、フランスのマルグリット・ユルスナール・ビラの奨学⾦を受け、Les ruego que me odien (私のことを憎んでください、Musa a las 9)を出版。同書で第1回フランシスコ・アヤラ⼩説賞を受賞する。2012年、⼩説Tendríamos que haber venido solos (私たちだけで来るべきだった、Alianza)でFNAC新⼈賞を受賞。2009年、Avestruces por la noche. Dos nouvelles(夜のダチョウ。

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Diciembre de 1997). Allí comenzó sus estudios artísticos, que continuó en Madrid, donde vive actualmente. No ha parado de dibujar.

Jacoba Casier
Muntaner 339

Alfaguara is an outstanding publisher in the field of Spanish language literature, in both Spain and Latin America.

A female, emotional and sometimes irrational visual artist. Writer and illustrator of action and adventure novels, surrealist short stories and picture books. She paints in oils and acrylics. She currently works in marketing, graphic design and illustration.

Raúl Nieto Guridi (Guridi) specialised in Painting at the faculty of Fine Arts at Seville and since then he has worked in and experimented with almost all the different fields of imagery, printing, design and advertising.


Gus (Gus)


Gus is a hunting dog. Gus does not tolerate being obliged to do things he doesn't Want to. Gus teaches us to give everything and expect nothing in return. Gus just wants to be happy.




Gus is a hunting dog. Gus does not tolerate being obliged to do things he doesn't Want to. Gus teaches us to give everything and expect nothing in return. Gus just wants to be happy.

Gus es un perro de caza. Gus no soporta que le obliguen a hacer lo que no quiere. Gus nos enseña a dar todo sin esperar nada a cambio. Gus solo quiere ser feliz.


Gustavo Dessal is an Argentinian psychologist living in Madrid since 1982. He is a member of the World Association of Psychoanalys and Lacanian School of Psychoanalis. This is his first novel. He has published over a hundred articles in Spain, Britain, France, Argentina and Brazil.


Gusti was born in Buenos Aires some years ago and, according to his mother, with a pencil under his arm. In 1985 he travelled to Europe and has lived since then in Barcelona, where he became a well-respected illustrator.

Teresa Gutiérrez de Cabiedes (Pamplona, 1977) is a mother and communications professional with a PhD in Public Communication from the University of Navarra.

テレサ・グティエレス・デ・カビエデス(パンプローナ、1977年)は、母親でありコミュニケーター。ナバラ大学でパブリックコミュニケーション博士号取得。アメリカ・カトリック大学の客員教授。人文科学現代学校(マドリード)で文学創作の修士の学位を取得。スペイン国内外の文化雑誌で働き、ラジオやテレビのコメンテイターを務める。現在はフリーランスコミュニケーターで、ある哲学者の研究助手を務めるかたわら、詩や小説、エッセイ、スピリチュアルな記事などを書く。主な著書にEl hechizo de la compresión.

María José Gutiérrez Lera was born in Huesca in 1967. Both her parents were teachers, and from a very young age she was fascinated by books, at eight she wrote her first story for her little brother, and soon started on poetry that amazed all the adults around her.



Guzmán López has a degree in Psychology by the University of Valencia, a doctorate in Applied Creativity by UAM and a master in Creative Advertising from the Zink Project.

Kaethennis enjoys the pleasures of life. A lot. You could almost say too much. She is a free spirit or at least that's how she would define herself. Kaethennis has only one weakness, a vice: Jake.


This book deals with the foundations of philosophy of language which form the basis of the theory of rationality, the theory of truth and, finally, the moral theory developed by Jürgen Habermas.

Habla con eñe was founded in 2005 and began its work in the world of ELE (Spanish as a foreign language), publishing the audio magazine 'Punto y Coma'. Habla con eñe puts together teaching resources using genuine news articles

Mario died unexpectedly. And on the night of his mourning, alone, his wife Carmen talks to him for five hours, while Mario remains unresponsive, silent. But death doesn't stop him listening to his wife's monologue.


昔、本当に好きな人とデートしてた時のことを覚えているだろうか? 一生分のデートはどこへ行ってしまったのか? どうしてこの頃は、Hするのがこんなに大変なのか? マッチング・アプリは役に立つのか、それとも、色恋の世界をいっそう複雑にしているだけなのか? 出会い系が失敗に終わるのは、キャリー・ブラッドショー(ドラマ「セックス・アンド・ザ・シティー」の登場人物)やレナ・ダナム(ドラマ「GIRLS」の監督・脚本・主演女優)が出てくるドラマに何らかの原因があるのは間違いない。

Hachiko is a simply told, beautiful tale of loyalty and friendship set in early twentieth century Tokyo. It is divided into two parts: the first part takes place between 1924-1925, and the second part from 1925-1935.


Professor Ueno buys a puppy for his daughter. The relationship between the Professor and Hachiko, the dog, soon turns into something special..


Professor Ueno buys a puppy for his daughter. The relationship between the professor and Hachiko, the dog, soon becomes a special one. Hachiko accompanies him to the station every morning and awaits his return at 5.30 in the afternoon.

Mikela, barely thirteen, leaves the farm where she has lived all her life, taken by her widowed mother to a rich house in a nearby town for two reasons – to lighten the load on the family and train her as a servant, a useful skill for her future.

Exchanged looks. The deep, plastic insight of two worlds both separate and united. Bulls and work at the Arzak lab.

Harry is a totally normal kid, well, I tell a lie, he only has one eye. Harry is a cyclops. His family is pretty normal.

"It is a lovely story. From the description to the poetry. It's a universal story. From the image, to the ideal and the essence. It is a magical story. We have already visualised what we have to Be. It's a story about teaching.


What happens to the Dancing Queen when school's over? April had everything: the boy of her dreams, a scholarship for a prestigious university and a promising future in New York.

Pablo Ramos brings together all the ghosts from his past, which are also those of a society in which alcoholism and drug addiction form part of the fabric of daily life for its families and neighbourhoods.

The Battle of Hastings (1066): One of the most important battles in British history as the victory of Duke William of Normandy had a great impact on the political development, society and culture of the country.

Hawa tells a story that plays out between Spain and Mali, within an atmosphere of tension, danger, love and hate and the most current elements of today's society: Podemos' electoral disaster, the frustrations of an old communist who leaves Spain b

Did the surprising events in the 30 tales by Carles Bosch really take place?In the words of the author: 'they swirled around in my stomach, passed briefly through my imagination or, due to how true they were, left a mark that can be seen in the li

おやすみ前、主人公の女の子はいった。あたしのベッドにウシがいるの。そんなことってある? お父さんが部屋に行くと、そこにはだれもいない。「それは今、ウシがゾウやアヒルと一緒にかくれんぼしてるからよ、パパ」おやすみ前の楽しいお話。これはほんとに、全部女の子が想像したことなのかな?

Antes de dormir, la pequeña protagonista dice que en su cama hay una vaca. ¿Es posible? Cuando su padre va a la habitación, allí no hay nadie. “Papá, es que ahora la vaca está jugando al escondite con un elefante y un pato”.

Hay una vaca en mi cama

Hebe Powell lives and works in London as a freelance translator of Spanish. Born in England, she spent part of her childhood in Argentina and later, took a year to work and travel in Spain.

This title goes focuses on wizards and witches in Spanish Golden Age literature, but begins by taking a look at Greek and Latin depictions of related characters, with the twin aim of determining the literary origins of the wizard and elucidating t

Héctor Borlasca, the illustrator, was born in 1963 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He started studying to be a lawyer, but discovered his true passion was illustrating. He began a career as a graphic designer and then became an illustrator.


Born in Valladolid in 1988, but has lived in Aranda de Duero since childhood.

Héctor Sanchéz Minguillán, (Castellón,1975) has published the novel ¿Por qué mató Julio Galope?

Laura suffers from a strange illness that means she can't experience colours, but if her life is all in grey, it's not just because she suffers achromatopsia.

Helen Weir is a senior editor at Two Hoots, an illustrated imprint of Pan Macmillan. She has worked on award-winning books with the likes of Bethan Woollvin, Jake Alexander, Kate Hindley, Emily Sutton and Dapo Adeola. She is passionate about children's books and illustration.


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you became editor at Two Hoots? What inspired you to become involved in children’s publishing?

Helena López-Casares Pertusa graduated in Information Science from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid (with a doctorate from the same University), and is an academic expert on Public Communication and Defence for the National University of distance Learning (UNED) and the Instituto Gutiérrez M

As the battle between Heaven and Hell reaches its climax, three young people live their lives in ignorance of their true destiny as chosen ones.

Black Grass tells the story of a group of young people who discover a secret organisation that plans to put an end to civilisation using a new species of plant.

The main company of a group that includes three imprints and a foundation. The Group is based in three Autonomous Communities: Galicia, Asturias and Andalusia. It specializes in publishing theme works on areas such as History, Art, Geography, Anthropology, Literature, Nature, etc..


この世に同じ人間はふたりといない。似たような状況であってもまったく同じ行動をとる人はいないし、同じ個人でも常に同じように反応するわけではない。では、知能、創造力、衝動性のレベル、カンの良し悪し、特定の政治的傾向などは、遺伝子の特徴なのか? それともわれわれが育ってきた生活環境に起因するのか? また、脳はどのような役割を果たしているのか? 本書は、われわれの人となりが、親から受け継いだ遺伝子と受けた教育、すなわち、生物学的および文化的な遺産によって形成されると論じている。

When Ángela - blonde and perfect - is too ill to travel to Ireland, her sister, Marina, a specialist in problems and disasters, goes in her place.

This book addresses different types of brothers and sisters and the relationships they have, using a fun and light approach with colourful and warm illustrations.


Herminia Luque (1964) is a writer and professor of Granadan Geography and History. As an author she has worked on anthologies of stories from Mexico (Relato español actual, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2002) and Denmark (Espacios; Arthus, Systime, 2003) among others.

1964年グラナダ生まれ。作家、地理・歴史の教師。作家としては、メキシコで出版された『Relato español actual (現代のスペイン)』(Fondo de Cultura Económica、2002) やデンマークの『Espacios(空間)』(Systime、オーフス、2003年)などのアンソロジーに参加。長編小説は『Bitácora de Poseidón(ポセイドンの羅針盤箱』(2010年)、『El códice purpúreo(赤紫色の写本)』(2011年)、2015年にマラガ小説賞を受賞した『Amar tanta belleza(過ぎたる美への愛)』など。

Hermonías is a book to encourage learning through playing with the rhythms of language either at home or at school; it's a way for children to interiorise human values such as equality and respect for differences; it's a gift to free the imaginati


Hernán Rivera Letelier (Chile, 1950) grew up and worked for many years in the saltpeter mines of Atacama, in northern Chile. His most well-known novel Queen Isabel Sang Rancheras catapulted him to fame in 1994.

Hernán Ronsino nació en Chivilcoy (Argentina) en 1975. Publicó las novelas: La descomposición (2007), Glaxo (2009), Lumbre (2013) y Cameron (2018). También el ensayo Notas de campo (2017). En 2020 recibió el Premio Anna Seghers que se entrega cada año en Berlín a un autor latinoamericano.

Juan Hernaz (born Gijón, 1975) is an illustrator and graphic designer, who works with Spanish and international clients to create images for publishing, advertising and theatrical projects. His work has been recognised with various prizes both within Spain and abroad.


In order to get over a crisis the only option and the greatest we have is to change the way we understand problems and to change our beliefs. Héroes Cotidianos is a book about the methods and the power we all have to move forward with hope.

Hiares was founded to create didactic guides to provide support for teachers. Its editorial scope covers art, history, geography, science, children’s stories and youth literature. Today, its collections are reviewed and updated in both print and digital form.


They've been betrayed. Now they have to survive... until they can take their revenge. Katarina, Crystal and Louane are not only the three most lethal assassins in the service of the King but they are also gifted: they have special skills.


This book describes the life-changing experience of Martín Cortés, a Catalan and Spanish journalist whose boss makes him travel to Mexico on business. About to turn forty and married with a young daughter, he is not particularly happy.



The death of Vicente, a twenty-five-year-old disabled intellectual, forces his family to confront their worst nightmares. Vicente dies as he lived, in a state of extreme abandonment, provoking deep remorse in his brother Ginés.

Three women stand up to the powers that be during an economic crisis that has overwhelmed all expectations, causing many citizens to suffer due to the shady dealings in favour of the financial and political interests of the most powerful.


Since they moved to her new house, Rocio is restless and scared. That house is so big! Actually, she is always with her mum, as if they were sewn together.

新しい家に住み始めてから、ロシオは不安でびくびくしている。この家は、大きすぎる! そこでいつもママに、ぺったりくっついている。まるで糸で縫いつけられたみたいに。仕立て屋ではないけれど器用なママは、そこでを思いついた……。ロシオに特別なワンピースを作ってあげよう。カラフルな糸のおかげで、一緒にいなくても、いつもママとつながっていることがわかる服を。小さな子どもが孤独の恐怖に立ち向かうのに役立つ、心あたたまる本。心の絆のほうが物理的絆よりも強いことを教えてくれる。

Antonio, a young man from Madrid in his forties, is like so many others the victim of the financial crisis shaking the world.

ADHA is one of the most controversial syndromes in current child psychopatholog. Many children are diagnosed with ADHD and treated almost exclusively with drugs, with the risk this implies of the problem becoming medicalized and chronic.


A pop balad, a love letter to cinema. The confession of a group of survivors Berta Álvarez gets the job of telling the story of Mario Ruiz, a psychiatric patient.

A funny & tragic critique of a Spanish civil servant, Berenice, an intelligent, modern woman who thanks to fate  passes the rigorous 'oposiciones' exams for a public sector job on the death of General Franco.

When the conversation turns to philosophy, many of us start to shiver: Philosophy! What's that? It's definitely not for me! There is no reason for this reaction.

The story of Mr. Sabas, a lion tamer, and his admirable Toti Circus family. A unique book which unravels a myth that has survived between collective memory and the strictness of personal secrets.


The year is 2055. Huge multinational companies dominate a globalised world and the symbols of a person's identity can be sold on the market through sophisticated advertising techniques.

The year is 2055. Huge multinational companies dominate a globalised world and the symbols of a person's identity can be sold on the market through sophisticated advertising techniques.

Argentina, the 1970s.The unions are overwhelmed by the radical left, and the CEO of a steel plant dies after falling from the helicopter he was travelling in. The briefcase full of money he had with him disappears without trace.

Argentina, the 1970s.The unions are overwhelmed by the radical left, and the CEO of a steel plant dies after falling from the helicopter he was travelling in. The briefcase full of money he had with him disappears without trace.

Argentina, the 1970s.The unions are overwhelmed by the radical left, and the CEO of a steel plant dies after falling from the helicopter he was travelling in. The briefcase full of money he had with him disappears without trace.

70年代のアルゼンチン。労働組合は過激左翼によって牛耳られている。ひとりの製鉄所幹部を乗せたヘリコプターが川に墜落し、彼は死亡する。現金が詰まった彼のアタッシュケースが跡形もなく消える。彼の死と現金の行方に関する憶測が飛び交う。組合の代表と交渉? 彼らを買収? 大勢の死者を出すことにつながる不法な鎮圧のための資金? 物語は暗いエピソードを軸に展開し、そのドラマの核はコスタ・ガヴラス(映画監督)風に使われ、家族をめぐるこの小説においてお金の役割を見直すこととなる。

The History and Historians of Medieval Spain has been hailed as a classic since its first appearance in the English language.


"Frei's Stories" are the funny misadventures of a child who isn't looking for trouble (nor wants it), but still attracts it like a magnet. A new series written and illustrated by Mikel Valverde, in the style of Manolito Gafotas.

Each book in this non- fiction collection narrates five epic stories whose protagonists are people who have folowed a dream and undertaken adventures in extreme surroundings such as high mountains, the sea, the poles, unexplored territories or the

Each book in this non- fiction collection narrates five epic stories whose protagonists are people who have folowed a dream and undertaken adventures in extreme surroundings such as high mountains, the sea, the poles, unexplored territories or the

It's not strange to wonder about the origin of this curious artistic pseudonym. Even though this seems like the perfect place to explain its origin, I'm going to give you a hint, nothing more.


Hoja de Lata is a small independent house that publishes fiction and non-fiction, a balance of the great names of contemporary literature and new authors with a sensibility for their own and other worlds.

This is the life of a group of friends (a photographer, an actress and a casino croupier) who will accompany Hércules Degard, protagonist and narrator, in his strange attempt to transform society through art.


De las muchas criaturas fabulosas que han poblado la literatura y el cine, la mujer fatal es una de las más recurrentes y proteicas de los dos últimos siglos, si bien forma parte de una antigua estirpe que se remonta hasta la inconstante Helena cl

Hombres fatales Metamorfosis del deseo masculino en la literatura y el cine

Of the many fantastical creatures found throughout literature and cinema, the femme fatale is one of the most frequently recurring and versatile in the last two centuries, although s


Sofía has made the forest her refuge during the school holidays. She spends hours there drawing, absorbed in her notebook. But the summer unexpectedly changes course when she meets Jess.

Will everything ever be known about Dani Santana? The former editor of the daily newspaper Crònica now directs an investigations and interviews programme for television. Escaping from one set of problems he finds a whole new set.

ダニ・サンタナについて、何か知っているだろうか? 彼は日刊紙「クロニカ」の元部長で、現在テレビの調査インタビュー番組を作っている。一連の問題からようやくのがれたと思うと、また新たな問題がもちあがる。気性のはげしいシシリア女性、トゥッザ・テレーザが、彼の番組に登場しマフィアの秘密をあばいたことから、彼の人生は変わる。バルセロナのリセウ劇場の火災の、とある目撃者が、公式発表されているバージョンとはまったく異なる、ひどく気がかりな告白をする。

¿Por qué enfermamos? ¿Por qué envejecemos? ¿Por qué una especie que presume de estar adaptada convive a diario con el sufrimiento? ¿Por qué la selección natural no ha eliminado la enfermedad? ¿Es la evolución una chapuza?

Homo imperfectus

¿Por qué enfermamos? ¿Por qué envejecemos? ¿Por qué una especie que presume de estar adaptada convive a diario con el sufrimiento? ¿Por qué la selección natural no ha eliminado la enfermedad? ¿Es la evolución una chapuza?

Homo imperfectus


En este libro, María Martinón-Torres invita al lector a adentrarse en los rincones más oscuros de nuestra biología para descubrir que lo que habíamos catalogado como imperfecciones esconde aspectos clave del éxito adaptativo de Homo sapiens.

Homo imperfectus

Richard O'Hara is waiting in a hotel in Shanghai for a contract to be signed between the Government of China and western pharmaceutical companies that will make him a wealthy man.

Ricardo Menéndez Salmón is a fairly well-established writer in Spain, having published novels and a range of successful journalistic work. He has won several literary prizes for previous work.

Homo Lubitz (Homo Lubitz)


Horacio Quiroga, a Uruguayan author who settled in Argentina, is considered to be one of the most important Latin American short story writers of all time. His work displays a personal language, far from the style of European modernism and the avant garde.


La autobiografía gastronómica de uno de los restaurantes más míticos, legendarios y reverenciados.


In a world where words have been perverted to the point of losing all meaning, children have taken power and have established silence as the norm.

Nicolau Comagran Serch, better known as the poet Nic Serch, is a young man who returns to Mallorca after a failed literary career.


Liberated from the Dachau concentration camp in April 1945, Andreu Ribera's sole objective is to get to Paris to find news of Rosa.

Right from the novel’s intriguing title –Hotels of Silence –, Javier Vásconez drags us to the brink of horror. For is there anything more chilling than the sound of a child’s cry piercing the night from inside a hotel?

『沈黙のホテル』というこの暗示的なタイトルから、ハビエル・バスコネスは私たちを戦慄の極みに連れていく。真夜中にホテルの闇を切りさく子どもの泣き声よりも身に毛のよだつものがあるだろうか? しかし、この小説の一番の読みどころは、絶望する複数の人々の物語が織りこまれていることだろう。舞台は、子どもという最も弱く無防備な存在を被害者とする連続誘拐と殺人に震撼する都市。この街で登場人物たちは愛と自分自身を探し求める。

Entrepreneurs play a vital role in today’s society. We rely on them to sustain and create jobs and we understand that they are needed to generate wealth and preserve our well being.

An unknown adult unexpectedly turns up in the lives of Gilmar and Lanh at the same time but in different parts of the world.

Beatriz da Costa, Anna Halprin, Audre Lorde, Susan Sontag, Jo Spence, Hannah Wilke: seis artistas, seis mujeres que padecieron cáncer.

Hoy no es el día

París, 1878: el explorador Charles Wiener se prepara para presentarse en la Exposición Universal. Ha estado cerca de descubrir Machu Picchu, escribió un libro sobre Perú, se llevó cerca de 4000 huacos y también un niño.

Huaco retrato

Hugo Stuven (1978, Madrid) is an author, screenwriter and director of cinema. He debuted as a screenwriter and director with the feature-length film, "Anomalous", a psychological thriller set in New York and Barcelona, staring Lluis Homar, Christy Escobar, Edgar Fox, Adria Arjona y Ben Temple.

Huida al Tibet by Endika Urtaran won the XIII (2011) Desnivel Prize for Literature. Jon is a Basque chef and renegade mountaineer who, after a family upset, escapes to Tibet.


Volunteering—praised by some, reviled by others, but well known by all—represents the possibility for every person to have a home, a roof over their heads, irrespective of faith, or where they come from, or economic circumstances, or any other fac

Humberto López y Guerra (www.hlguerra.com) is a Cuban-Swedish writer, film-maker and journalist.

(Barcelona, 1972), a journalist, he is director and presenter of the programme Hora 25 de l'economia (Cadena Ser) and executive producer of the economics programme Lliure d'impostos (Canal 25 tv). He has been CEO and director of economic information portal Noticias.com.

Humberto Salvador (Ecuador, 1909-1982). Novelist, dramatist, essayist and professor.

A British writer and painter, born in 1906. Considered a promising abstract artist in the middle of the 1920s, in the early 30s he joined the Communist party, to later enlist with the International Brigades.

Basajaun knows how to take care of forests and mountains, how to cure nature when it is sick. This time, little Hur will help him find water in the dry land to cover the dried up mountain with plants again. Will they succeed?

バサヤウンは森や山の手入れの仕方、自然が病気になったときに治す方法をよく知っている。今回は小さなウルがバサヤウンを手伝って、乾燥した山がまた木でおおわれるように、乾いた土の中の水を探すことになった。うまくいくかな? 神話と自然の力が結びついた物語。

Doctor en Psicología. Especialista en Psicología Clínica.

Doctor en Psicología. Especialista en Psicología Clínica.

I. Biggi was born in San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) in 1965. He studied psychology at the País Vasco University and is a passionate autodidact with regard to all things historical.

I. ビギは1965年サン・セバスティアン(ギプスコア県)生まれ。バスク州立大学で心理学を学ぶ一方、歴史に関わることなら何でも熱意をもって独学。

I. Frasquet Miguel is associate professor at the Universidad Jaume I, and edited the volume 'Bastillas, cetros y blasones. La independencia en iberoamérica' ( Madrid, Fundación Mapfre, Instituto de Cultura, 2006).


I.S. Guinaldo (Guipúzcoa, 1981) has been writing horror for as long as he can remember. Inspired by his main literary influence, Stephen King, he always knew that he wanted to be a writer.

イー・エセ・ギナルド(1981年、ギプスコア生まれ)はマドリード在住の保健所員。物心ついたときからホラーを書いており、スティーブン・キングに憧れ、自らも小説家になることを常に望んできた。2014年に小説第1作『La muerte velada(隠された死)』を自費出版し、2作目として発表したラブクラフト風のホラー短編『Cararroja(赤顔)』は2018年にアンソロジー『España Punk(スペインパンク)』に収録された。そしてホラーとダークファンタジーが交錯する本作『Sombras silenciosas(沈黙の影)』が誕生する。

Nico and his grandfather Rodrigo go fishing together, read books, talk about art, go for bike rides and do Maths homework. That's when they're not escaping from piranhas, of course.


Ian Gibson was born in Dublin in 1939 and now holds Spanish nationality. Thanks to his books he has achieved the highest international recognition.

Ibaizabal publishes school books and literature for children and young adults.


Iban Barrenetxea (Elgoibar, 1973). The absurd and the coincidental, two elements that definitely govern our world, and form one of the many tools this writer uses to create charismatic personalities that exude a subtle irony.

Iban Eduardo Muñoz is a doctor in molecular biology and biochemistry. He works at the CRAG (Agrigenomics Research Center) as part of the research team at IRTA, the Agrifood Research and Technology Institute.


Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert, S.L. was founded in the mid-1970s as a publishing house and bookstore. We specialize in the publication and selling of books from Spain and Latin America, particularly on human sciences and fine arts.

Ibersaf is a company formed by a number of interrelated business units (editorial production, graphics production, distribution, consulting). We develop editorial projects in multiple media.

ICB Editores is a publisher specialized in technical content for the training of university students and professional retraining of workers.

A publishing house specialising in multimedia training with a modern, innovative vision in constant evolution in order to keep ahead of market demands. Its philosophy is oriented towards quality in its working processes, content and formats.

A publishing house specialising in multimedia training with a modern, innovative vision in constant evolution in order to keep ahead of market demands. Its philosophy is oriented towards quality in its working processes, content and formats.

A publishing house specialising in multimedia training with a modern, innovative vision in constant evolution in order to keep ahead of market demands. Its philosophy is oriented towards quality in its working processes, content and formats.

A publishing house specialising in multimedia training with a modern, innovative vision in constant evolution in order to keep ahead of market demands. Its philosophy is oriented towards quality in its working processes, content and formats.

A publishing house specialising in multimedia training with a modern, innovative vision in constant evolution in order to keep ahead of market demands. Its philosophy is oriented towards quality in its working processes, content and formats.




Idoia Murga Castro is a hired practice ? researcher at the CSIC on the Ministry of Education's FPU programme, and has a degree in Art History from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2006).


Idota Ronzón Oviedo, 1972. Degree in Journalism by Universidad Complutense of Madrid. She also studied Criminology. Between 1995 and 2009 she worked at La Nueva España newspaper, covering Justice and Courts area.

A while ago the journalist Ana R. Cañil began to follow the trail of a terrible story: that of post war prisoners whose children were taken away from them by guards and shut away in seminaries and convents or given up for adoption.

IGLÚ is the children and young adults imprint of Grupo Editorial Olé Libros and has a catalogue of 700 published books. We feel it is our responsibility to publish the best illustrations and the best literature. We are aware of the importance of children’s books in enriching future generations.

Ignacio Abad (León, 1980), has also published the novel 'En Düsseldorf no hay ni puede haber leones' ('There Aren't, Nor Can There Be, Lions in Dusseldorf') with the same publisher. This won the 2019 Leonese Book of the Year Prize, awarded by the Leonese government's Instituto Leonés de Cultura.

イグナシオ・アバド(1980年、レオン生まれ)は、メノスロボス出版から小説『En Düsseldorf no hay ni puede haber leones(デュッセルドルフにライオンはいないし、いられない)』(Menoslobos、当サイト2021年紹介作品 http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/en-dusseldorf-no-hay-ni-puede-haber-leones)を刊行し、レオン県議会文化センターから2019年レオン書籍賞を受賞。現在は東京在住。次回作は2022年に出版予定。

Ignacio Canela Mercadé is a chemistry graduate froom the Universidad del País Vasco (1987) and has an MBA from IESE (1991). After working in various management roles, he is now a manager in the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.


Works as an editor for the publisher Edelvives and has a master in Books and Literature for Children and Young Adults from the UAB. He was a journalist, in the field of culture and literary criticism, and has worked in the press, on radio and TV.

は出版社エデルビベスの編集者で、バルセロナ自治大学で児童・YA文学修士課程を修了。新聞、ラジオ、テレビの文化面の記事執筆や書評を担当してきた。ヤングアダルト文学専門の翻訳者であり、2010年にはIBBYオナーリスト賞を受賞。著作に詩集『Corazón de segundas partes(二番目の心臓)』(1997年のエスキオ詩賞)、『Taciturno peregrino(無口な巡礼者)』(2006)がある。 

(Oviedo, 1971) He lives in Madrid and devotes himself entirely to literature. He has a weekly column in the newspaper El Comercio and contributes to El viajero in El País, among other publications. He currently edits the cultural section "Afinando los sentidos" on Onda Cero.

Ignacio González-Posadais has a degree in Economics and Business Sciences and an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa.

The author has a degree in German Language and Literature and Law from the University of Barcelona, as well as a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Literature and Literary Science from the UPV.

Ignacio Martínez de Pisón (Zaragoza 1960) is a novelist, script-writer and contributor to various publications. He is the author of more than a dozen works of fiction, most of which have been translated into several languages.

Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, Zaragoza, 1960


Ignacio Ochoa Santamaría (Madrid, 1954) is an advertising executive and brand- and marketing consultant. He studied in the UK and US, and has worked and headed up several multinacional agencies (JWT and BBDO) as well as his own, DFVO, which he founded in Madrid in 1991.

Ignacio Peyró (Madrid, 1980) is the author of the encyclopaedia of English culture 'Pompa y circunstancia' ('Pomp and Circumstance') (2014) and has translated and provided forewords for classic authors such as Kipling, Auchincloss and Assía.

イグナシオ・ペイロー(1980年、マドリード生まれ)は、英国文化辞典『Pompa y circunstancia(威風堂々)』(2014)の著者。またキプリング、オーキンクロス、アッシアなど、名作文学の翻訳者であり序文執筆者でもある。ジャーナリストとして、議会や文化についての記事、評論を主要全国紙に書いてきた。また「ザ・オブジェクティブ」などのメディアにも深く関わっている。さまざまな公人のコミュニケーション・アドバイザーやスピーチライターも務める。現在、インスティトゥト・セルバンテス・ロンドンの館長。2018年に『Comimos y bebimos.

Ignacio Vidal-Folch is a writer and journalist.

イグナシオ・ビダル-フォルク。小説家、ジャーナリスト。短編集Amigos que no he vuelto a ver(会わなくなった友人たち、Anagrama、1997)、Más lejos y más abajo(より遠くより下に、1999、最も優れた短編集に贈られるNH賞受賞)、Noche sobre noche(夜のち夜、Destino、2009)を出版。

Born in Barcelona in 1953. I have always wanted to relieve that life must be a bit of a tale. It must have a bit of fantasy, a bit of mystery, risk and uncertainty. I cannot imagine a life without tales, that’s why I write them and tell them.

Ignasi Valios was born on 3rd October 1963 in Lérida. Academic qualification: specialist in illustration from the Escola d'Arts i Oficis in Lleida and the Escola d'Arts Aplicades i Oficis Artístics in la Llotja, Barcelona. He illustrates for books and publicity.

1963年10月3日、リェイダ生まれ。リェイダ美術工芸学校とリョッジャ応用美術・美術工芸学校でイラストレーションを専攻。出版・広告のイラストレーターとして働いている。2001年から手掛けているヒットシリーズ『Cuentos para leer a oscuras(暗闇で読む物語)』は、カタルーニャ語版をバルカノバ、ガリシア語版をシェライス、スペイン語版をアナヤ・インファンティルから出版している。

Ignacio Escolar (Burgos, 1975) has been a journalist since 1995. Founder and first editor of the newspaper Público, he has worked in the print media, radio and television as a political analyst.

House focussing on noir, fantasy, children's books and specialist studies.






Garabato vive dentro de la punta de un lápiz. Es muy tímido, no quiere salir de su escondrijo, porque se siente defectuoso: todo el día ve pasar figuras que son maravillosas.


Doodle (Garabato) lives inside the point of a pencil. He is very shy and doesn’t want to leave his hideout, because he feels there’s something wrong with him: all day he sees marvellous shapes go by.

The purpose of this book is the aesthetic phenomena that transcend art and the one developed by the media.

The foci of this book is the aesthetic phenomena which transcend the artistic and those developed in the mass media.

Living in l’Allau street, a place with no fixed time or location, we find a group of people who may seem familiar to us: unique characters with strange lives, who live out their existence with unusual routines.

Awaken the creativity inside you!

内に秘めた創造力を解き放て! 最新の夢を絵に描こう。求める色が見つかるまで色で遊ぼう。草の上に寝っ転がって一番おかしな形の雲を描こう。横糸を組み合わせてワニやカメやシマウマの皮の模様を描こう。おもしろい髪形を発明しよう。板チョコで実験したり絵を描いたりしよう。デイヴィッド・ホックニー風のプールを描こう。建築家リカルド・ボフィルの建築物「赤い城壁」の影に色を塗り、アーバンアーティスト気取りで壁画を描こう……などなど、この本にはまだまだたくさん楽しいことが載っている。

Imanol Goyarrola Belda has a degree in Chemistry and a masters in Heading Educational Centres. He has taught for over twelve years, for the last six combining classes with his job as assistant head of the Gaztelueta college.

Impala is an illustrator and author with a long career. She finished her studies in graphic design at the Elisava school, Barcelona in 1985. Since then she has learned to work with images and understand graphic art independently of drawing.


IMC literary agency aims to provide a range of editorial services for writers, illustrators, publishers and businesses.

IMC literary agency aims to provide a range of editorial services for writers, illustrators, publishers and businesses.


IMC Literary Agency was founded 15 years ago, representing prestigious authors, illustrators and publishing houses from Spain and from around the world.


Literary agency dedicated to children's, young adults as well as adult literature. With offices around the world representing high-profile Catalonian and Spanish authors.  

インマ・ムンゾは、1996年に初めて小説を刊行。批評家から読者からも好評を得る。そのスペイン語版Nunca se sabeが1997年にティグレ・フアン賞を受賞。第2作Com unes vacances(バカンスのように)は、1998年プルデンシ・ベルトラーナ賞、カバイ・ベルドゥ賞を受賞し、同年カタルーニャ作家協会によって最優秀小説に選出される。第3作 Tot un caracter(性格だから, 2001)で作家としての地位を確かなものとする。

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It is our firm intention to publish the best of classic and modern literature in editions that satisfy both us and our demanding readers. Works inspired by the ideals of quality that we want to be our unmistakable calling card as a publishing house.

Violeta Monreal gives us portraits of 50 women, perfect in their imperfection - visionaries, revolutionaries, dreamers, inventors, all unique people who have transformed the world.


Written by José Sánchez Toledo, who is a renowned expert on the subject, this book is a compliation of information about Roman uniforms, weaponry, tactics and battles, and comes complete with numerous colour illustrations.

This book is an anthology of short stories which link, in an extremely subtle way, the oniric dimension with the threatening aspects of real life, either in the present or in the future.

Inácio Vilariño is a graduate of  fine Arts from the University of Vigo.


Iñaki es de Tafalla, Navarra, aunque vive en Madrid. Actualmente trabaja en televisión y uno de sus hobbies es la cocina, tanto, que desde 2012 alimenta su blog Jaleo en la Cocina. Lo abrió casi por casualidad y desde entonces ha ido creciendo poco a poco.

Iñaki Rubio is one of the most interesting authors of Andorran literature.


This is the story of Incomplete, a tiny little village lost at the very top of a hill and surrounded by sharp, pointy mountains. In Incomplete nobody is welcome.

Everyday scenes created and illustrated by Judy Kaufmann from a noisy, boisterous and unusual universe where therianthropic creatures live.

Index Book (Barcelona 1993) is a publishing house specialising in graphic design and visual commiunication books with a worldwide reputation due to their distribution to specialised bookshops, museums and arts centres by direct sales professionals.

This study establishes the usefulness for social issues of multivariate techniques that lead to an acceleration of countries’ development processes.

An anthropological critique of modernity in its path in colonial India. Pániker questions many of the historical or social assumptions that have been rolled over on Southern Asia.

It's the start of 2015 and in a short space of time the Valencian political landscape changes more than it has in decades... but the people who live their lives against the tide are neither willing nor able to stop.


Inés Bustos was initially trained in Argentina, where she studied a joint degree in Music Teaching and Speech and Language Pathology. She graduated in Pedagogy in Spain.

Inês Castel-Branco was born in Lisbon in 1977, and was awarded a PhD in architecture, with a European mention, from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2007.

イネス・カステル=ブランコ(1977年リスボン生まれ)はヨーロッパ建築をテーマにカタルーニャ工科大学で建築学の博士号を取得(2007年)。同大学で2002年に「建築、美術、仮設空間」の修士号を取得、オポルト大学で建築学課程を修了。クルイラ社で2004年に刊行されたCamins efímers cap a l'etern. Interseccions entre litúrgia i art(永遠へのはかない道のり:典礼と美術の交差)で、2003年ジョアン・マラガイ賞を受賞。イラストや絵画の個展やグループ展に参加し、現在はグラフィックデザインや書籍レイアウトの仕事を手がけている。

Inés Plana was born in Barbastro (Huesca). She graduated in Information Technology from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona before beginning her professional career in Madrid.

イネス・プラナはバルバストロ(ウエスカ県)出身。バルセロナ自治大学で情報科学の学士号を取得。プロとしてのキャリアは当初からマドリードで積んだ。様々な文字媒体、出版分野で仕事をし、一般向けの歴史と芸術関連書籍のシリーズを数々制作・コーディネート。現在はマドリード自治州内の定期刊行雑誌「Vivir Bien(快適な暮らし)」の主幹。本書Morir no es lo que más duele(死ぬよりもっとつらいことがある)は著者の初めての小説で、5年間をかけた力作。

Emma Cruz is a lawyer and professor of criminal law. She moved to the small Galician village of Merlo to teach at the university, not knowing that this place was marked by misfortune.


Ángela, an attractive and successful journalist who never seems to fit in anywhere; Eva, a rebellious teenager who pushes her parents to the limits of their patience; and a young married couple whose idyllic existence comes to an end after the bir

魅力的で成功したジャーナリストだが、自分の環境になじめないでいるアンヘラ、 両親をひどく怒らせている反抗的なティーンエイジャー、エバ、 待ち望んだ娘が生まれた後、幸せな結婚生活がぎくしゃくしてしまった若い夫婦。これらの登場人物の人生が、同じ不幸な運命の下で絡み合う。 彼らの人生の隠された面に想像をはるかに超えた共通点があるのだが、その隠しているものとは何だ?


ING EDICIONS S.L. (Ivette Noguera Garcia Edicions S.L.) Small publishing house that focuses on children´s books that can help in their development and assist in a better understanding of themselves and their environment.

Ingenercan is a recently established publisher for editorial works related to Don José Luis Abad y Benítez’s discovery of the true identity of Jack the Ripper, news which has recently spread across the world.

This work deals with the basic skills needed for professional and functional service of the English-speaking customer in the hotel trade, and for acquiring an advanced level in terms of understanding, interpreting and communicating documents or me


This book is a collection of historical essays, published by the author in several reviews and books, along almost two decades, which share the focus on the “gaze of the Other” towards Spain and Spaniards, in the period between the Enlightenment a

A literacy agency which represents Spanish writers of fiction and essays for adults and children in terms of world rights, in addition to the translation rights for Portuguese authors and foreign publishing houses.


Iñigo Echenique (Vigo, 1957) is a naval engineer by trade and designs many different types of ships. A sailor who has been passionate about the sea from an early age, he has written a book of essays, 'Madeira de mar' (Ed. Galaxia, 2000) about 'gamelas', traditional Galician fishing boats.

IÑIGO LAMARCA (San Sebastian, 1959). With a degree in Law, from 1984 to 1994 he was a lecturer in Constitutional Law at the University of the Basque Country. In 1994 he became a lawyer in the General Assembly of Gipuzkoa.

Inma Muñoz is an author, editor and storyteller who writes books for children and adults. She has studied widely at the Writer’s School in Madrid and has also been mentored by Pablo Albo and Gracia Iglesias. She is trained in theatre, dance, and storytelling.

Inma Muñoz es autora, editora y narradora de cuentos infantiles, así como escritora de relato adulto. Ha estudiado diversos curso durante años en la Escuela de Escritores de Madrid y ha realizado formaciones con Pablo Albo o Gracia Iglesias.

Inmaculada Llamas Maths teacher at Secondary School level and IT and Maths tutor on Distance Learning courses. She has published several books with Ra-Ma as well as several articles in specialised magazines like SUMA, EPSILON or UNION.


PhD in Spanish Philology from the University of Valencia.
Professor of General Linguistics at Universidad de Alcalá.

Sallybooks is a publishing imprint specialising in comics and illustrated titles for children and young people. Its aim is to produce quality books and it is committed to encouraging even the smallest of readers.

Sallybooks is a publishing imprint specialising in comics and illustrated titles for children and young people. Its aim is to produce quality books and it is committed to encouraging even the smallest of readers.

Sallybooks is a publishing imprint specialising in comics and illustrated titles for children and young people. Its aim is to produce quality books and it is committed to encouraging even the smallest of readers.



The past few years have seen many remarkable advances against cancer.

A practical work, addressed at installers, which teaches how to use thermal energy for sanitary and air-conditioning purposes.

Independent publishers of emerging authors with an international market


"A man running is a man fleeing. Don't be fooled by his trainers, his equipment, his heart-beat monitor.


Picasso and Van Gogh can now be seen in the best museums in the world. Yet in his whole life Van Gogh only every succeeded in selling one painting.

In a world like the one we live in now, where preachers and vendors of promises divide up the energy of seekers, this work stands tall as a synthesis of wisdom which gives the reader non-casual inspiration on the best way deal with contemporary li




INTERFOLIO is a company specializing in the publication of non fiction literature, telling true stories of exceptional travellers far from the conventional tourist guides.

Literary agency based in Barcelona since 1960, IECO represents publishers and foreign agencies and manages translation rights for Ediciones B. It also directly represents authors such as Augusto Monterroso, Ramón J. Sender, Àlex Rovira and Fernando Trías de Bes throughout the world.

1960年バルセロナで設立された文芸エージェント。外国の出版社やエージェントの代理人を務め、Ediciones B社の翻訳権を管理している。またアウグスト・モンテロッソ、ラモン・J・センデル、アレックス・ロビラ、フェルナンド・トリアス=デベスといった作家の、世界における直接代理人である。

IECO is one of Spain’s the top literary agencies, with branches in Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Sâo Paulo. It represents Mann, Freud, Salinger, Grass and Monterroso and, since 1990, other Spanish authors, such as Alex Rovira, Fernando Trias de Bes and Javier Tomeo.

IECO is one of Spain’s the top literary agencies, with branches in Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Sâo Paulo. It represents Mann, Freud, Salinger, Grass and Monterroso and, since 1990, other Spanish authors, such as Alex Rovira, Fernando Trias de Bes and Javier Tomeo.



The multidisciplinary staff at public health centres are responsible for performing a range of interventions by means of which the needs of dependent patients are assessed.

Architecture not only manifests itself in the form of buildings but also as interventions born of their context. Our inextricable

connection to nature has always prompted architects to


Todavía de noche y acompañado de su perro, un hombre sale a cazar, aprovechando los últimos días de la temporada.


Shambhala, a Sanskrit word, means "place of peace and tranquility": an apt name for the work of sowing seeds of light across the land.

Este es un libro de introducción a la Sociología.

Introducción a la sociología actual


José Luis Sicre Díaz’s Introducción al Antiguo Testamento hopes to be, in the author’s words, ‘practical and amenable’, although the readability might be difficult to achieve given the vast and complex texts of the Old Testament.



At the start of winter in 1809, a badly injured deserter from the Napoleonic Army arrives in a small town somewhere in the mountains, a location which will become the heart of the novel.


The new novel from Eloy Moreno, an icon of more than 110,000 sales and twenty editions! This special 2020 edition includes a bonus chapter, El Dragón (The Dragon). Exciting, moving, different...

TITLE: Invisible (Invisible)

AUTHOR: Eloy Moreno

PUBLISHER: Nube de Tinta

GENRE: Young Adult Fiction

READER’S NAME: Danielle Maxson



透明になりたいと思ったことがない人なんている? 透明になるのをやめたいと思う人なんていないよね? ぼくの問題は、その力をうまくコントロールできたためしがないことなんだ。たとえば、透明になりたいと思えば思うほど多くの人に見られたり、逆に、みんなに見られたいと思ったときには体のほうが消える気になったり。学校のいじめとその苦悩を感受性と知性豊かに描いた物語。

Eloy Moreno’s Invisible is a moving and inspirational novel. Invisble has sold more than 500,000 copies.
It has become a literary phenomenon and a key book in the reading lists of hundreds of schools and high


The new novel from Eloy Moreno, an icon of more than 110,000 sales and twenty editions! This special 2020 edition includes a bonus chapter, El Dragón (The Dragon). Exciting, moving, different...

A novelised version of the history, obstacles and difficulties experienced by a small group of women who participated behind the scenes in the historic Second Vatican Council.

Iolanda Iolanda Barenys (Barcelona 1967) has a degree in Physics and works in IT. She discovered a passion for writing with her book, el Obrador de històries (The Storyteller). She won the 2015 i'Eixample short story prize and was a finalist for the 19th Tinet Short Story prize, 2015-16.

Iolanda Batallé is a writer and editor who has lived in England, Argentina, Morocco, South Africa, the United States and Baix Empordà, Catalonia.


Iolanda Bustos (Palafrugell, 1976) is a self-taught chef. In 2001, She decided to work at the family restaurant, El Racó de l'Era, in Palau-Sator (In Catalonian Ampurdán).

Irati Elorrieta Agirre was born in Algorta in 1979. This is her first book. The opening and closing stories of "Bubbles" have won several awards for short fiction.

Irene Comins Mingol (Almassora, 1976) gained her doctorate from the Universitat Jaume I (2003). Since 2001 she has been a researcher on the UNESCO course in the philosophy of peace and teaching coordinator for the International Masters in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies at the UJI.

When the young Irene arrives in Constantinople from Athens she has no idea what her future holds, but she soon finds her direction: wife and mother of emperors, she will become the one and only empress of an eastern Roman empire, which although in


Irene Gracia was born in Madrid. She studied painting and sculpture at Barcelona Faculty of Fine Art.

Irene H. Arauz was born in Seville in 1982 and has always loved writing. This is why she studied journalism and now works in communications for various businesses and institutions.

Irene Vasco is a Colombian author. She's published numerous books for children and young adults, some of which have been awarded important prizes. She has dedicated a large part of her life to taking workshops on reading and the teaching of reading in remote areas of Colombia.


Irene Vasco was born in Bogotá and worked with Gian Calvi in his Graphic Arts studio, Casa de Creación. When the Fundación Rafael Pombo first started up in 1986 she was coordinator of its children's programs.

Irene Verdú Muñoz (Oliva 1973) studied philosophy at the University of Valencia, where she also completed her teacher training. Since 2000 she has worked at the Oliva Archaeological Museum.

Irene Verdú es licenciada en Filosofía y diplomada en Magisterio por la Universitat de València. Trabaja al Servicio de Bibliotecas del Ayuntamiento de Oliva. Como escritora, ha publicado libros para el público infantil.

Ireneu Segarra (1918 - 2005) was also a child singer in his time. He studied music with maestros Barberà, Taltabull, Marshall and Nadia Boulanger. He directed the Choir School of Montserrat for over 45 years.

Iria G. Parente (1993) and Selene M. Pascual (1989) are two young authors from Madrid and Vigo respectively.



Tomando como partida investigaciones de autores extranjeros que analizaron la respuesta de Irlanda a la Guerra Civil española, esta obra abre vías de reflexión sobre una problemática a la que la historiografía ha prestado escasa atención.

Iru Expósito is an illustrator from Tenerife who lives in Granada. She currently works in a coworking space called ErranT, which she balances alongside her personal graphic design and illustration projects.

Isaac Rosa was born in Seville in 1974. He has published, among other works, several novels with Seix Barral, including ¡Otra maldita novela sobre la guerra civil!

Isaac Rosa was born in Seville in 1974 and now lives in Madrid. To date, he has published such novels as El vano ayer (Vain Yesterdays), El país del miedo (The Country of Fear) and La habitación oscura (The Dark Room), plus several collections of short stories.

1974年、セビーリャに生まれ、現在はマドリードに住んでいる。今日までに、『El vano ayer(虚しい昨日)』、『El país del miedo(恐怖の国)』、『La habitación oscura(暗い部屋)』(当サイト2014年紹介作品http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/la-habitacion-oscura)などの小説を出版している。YA向けグラフィックノベル『Aquí vivió(ここに生きた)』や『Tu futuro empieza aquí(きみの未来はここから始まる)』のシナリオを執筆し、新聞や雑誌に作品を寄稿。

Teacher, writer and columnist. She has written numerous books, from teaching manuals, to children’s books and including essays and fiction.

Isabel Alba is a photographer, script-writer and writer. She studied Philosophy at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and lives in Donostia.

イサベル・アルバは写真家、脚本家、作家。マドリード・コンプルテンセ⼤学哲学科で学⼠号を取得。ドノスティア(=サン・セバスティアン)在住。出版された作品には、映画のストーリーテリングに関するふたつのエッセイと⼩説3作、Baby spot (ベイビー・スポット、2003)、 エウスカディ⽂学賞最終選考に残ったLa verdadera historia de Matías Bran, El recinto Weiser (マティアス・ブランの真実の物語〜バイゼル区域、2011)、65 % agua (65%⽔、2014)がある。

1964年マラガ生まれ。詩人として長く活動し、2016年に最初の小説『Una casa en Bleturge(ブレトゥルヘの家)』でカフェ・ヒホン賞を受賞した。主な詩集に『Los días felices(幸福な日々)』(第1回レオン・フェリペ詩歌賞受賞) 、『Pan comido(食べられたパン)』『Hojas secas mojadas(濡れた枯れ葉)』『Cahier(カイエ)』『De otra vida(別の人生)』『Lo seco(かわいたもの)』がある。

Isabel Camblor was born in Madrid and spent her early years and childhood in Tarragona, going on to study Humanities at university in Alicante. She currently lives in Madrid.

Given the number we will merely list them: Alfonso García, Andrés Martínez, Ángeles Caso, Antonio Colinas, Antonio Pereira, Clara Sánchez, Eñena Santiago, Gustavo Martín Garzo, Isabel Cantón, José Enrique Martínez, José Luis Puerto, José Mª Merino, Juan Pedro Aparicio, Julio Llamazares, Luis Mate



Isabel Coixet (Barcelona, 1962. Before becoming a film director, she worked as a journalist for the cinema magazine Fotogramas.

The illustrator, Isabel de Arechabala, studied Fine Art at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Since 1982 she has worked in illustration and graphic design.


ISABEL GARCÍA ZARZA has qualifications from Salamanca University in teaching English and Science, courses which she completed in the UK and Belgium. She began as a journalist with Reuters in Brussels, with whom she worked for ten years, including stints in Cuba as a correspondent.

Isabel Gómez Acebo (Madrid, 1940) is a political expert and theologian. She graduated in Political Sciences from the Universidad Complutense, Madrid, and in Theology from the Pontificia Comillas, where she has taught, and is Chair of the Fundación Sagrada Familia.

Isabel Hierro, illustrator and writer, was born in Carmales (Catalunya) on the 13th of December 1976. Isabel is a self-confessed lover of nature.


Isabel Pérez (Gijón) es historiadora del arte y pastelera. El arte le ha dado rudimentos para entender el mundo, incluida la cocina, de un modo que no hubiese podido lograr de no haber sido por él.


Isabel-Clara Simó's (Alcoi, 11943) literary career has been intense and decisive and has won her critical and popular success. She has been awarded several notable & prestigious prizes, and her novel  'Mi hermano y yo' won the Ciutat d'Alzira prize.


Isabelle Kaufeler developed a love of translation during her undergraduate degree in Modern & Medieval Languages at Cambridge.  She continued her translation studies with a Masters in Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia and now works as a freelance translato

Isidre Grau has lived in Cerdanyola del Vallès since he was born there in 1945. For 30 years he alternated between chemical engineering and writing and teaching literature. Professor of Catalan and literary technique, he works with written communication.

Isidro Cicero Gómez was born on 1st September 1947 in Valdeprado (Liébana) Cantabria, Spain. He is a journalist fiction writer and editor; undergraduate degree in Sociology, diploma of Advanced Studies, and Philosophy.

Isidro Ferrer is the youngest of a family of 20 children. He had to fight mice for a hunk of cheese to eat. In the end he grew tired of only eating cheese and left home. Then he stowed away on a boat and travelled several times around the world.

Lives crossed in a fantasy country. An unforgettable journey to Iceland. A watchmaker who has never left Sabadell and has to go to Iceland to fix and old clock. A young Scandinavian in search of a band to play the music he likes.

Lives crossed in a fantasy country. An unforgettable journey to Iceland. A watchmaker who has never left Sabadell and has to go to Iceland to fix and old clock. A young Scandinavian in search of a band to play the music he likes.



著者はセビリア大学教授(金融論)。AgoBlockchainプロジェクト、Olivacoinの創設者であり、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:新規仮想通貨公開の意)の国際アドバイザーでもある。

Ismael Saz. Valencia, 1952. Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Valencia. He was awarded a scholarship at the Spanish School of History and Archaeology) and was visiting professor at the University of London.

Improvement in productive processes would be unthinkable without information systems. The adoption of ISO/IEC 20000 Standard involves the implementation of an ITSMS which the company loans to its clients.

Isola Bella, Italy. Lake Maggiore. Stresa. Borronees islands. The rain.


Federico Andornino - Editorial Director de Weidenfeld & Nicolson

Itsaso Lozano Madariaga , a devout lover of English literature, Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters, has unsurprisingly set her novel in the English countryside and the Loire Valley, landscapes that fuel the imagination of XIXth century literature.

Itziar and Jorge Miranda Vicente were born in Saragossa. Their mother is a writer, and as children, sister and brother would lose themselves in books and imagine they were characters in the stories.

Iván García Campos (!974-, A Coruña) won the 2008 Rodríguez Figueiredo national short fiction prize, established by the Fundación Pedrón de Ouro, for his work 'Unha casa chea de xanelas'. For this, his first novel, he was awarded the Blanco Amor prize.



著者イバン・ガルシア=カンポスは、1974年ガリシア州ア・コルーニャ生まれ。Unha casa chea de xanelas(窓いっぱいの家)で、2008年ペドロン・デ・オウロ(Pedrón de Ouro)財団創設のモデスト・ロドリゲス=フィゲイレド国民短編小説賞受賞。小説第1作である本書で、ブランコ・アモル賞受賞。

Iván Ledesma (Barcelona, 1977) es un escritor y guionista barcelonés. Negorith fue su primera incursión en la novela, con la que en 2017 ganó el Premio Joaquim Ruyra de novela juvenil. Posteriormente ha publicado otros libros como 184, Barcelona 2059 y Perturbada Realidad.

Iván Repila (Bilbao 1978) is a writer, editor and cultural commentator. He has worked for diverse organisations as well as national and international institutions in the production, coordination and management of conferences, meetings and festivals of theatre, music and dance.

Iván Solbes is an Illustrator by vocation and, for twenty years, also by profession. He does many very different things and tries to make sure they all turn out well. What he likes best is to think up new ideas and draw them.

Isabelle developed a love of translation during her undergraduate degree in Spanish and Italian at St John’s College, Cambridge.  Following graduation, she continued her translation studies with a Masters in Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia and now works as a

J. Á. González Sainz was born in Soria (1956) and has lived in cities such as Barcelona (where he graduated in Philology), Madrid, Padua and, above all, Venice and Trieste.


J. Black River (Sabadell, 1988) has a degree in philosophy and an addiction to cheeseburgers. He grew up with the wolves until a witch taught him to read, and has since been a farmer, a nanny, and the captain of a publishers. He likes to look at the moon and give guitar concerts for animals.

J. Olloqui is the old guy who wrote this book. He's over 30. He loves popular literature, the cinema, comics, and pop music - and that's why he's always in a bad mood. Although he took up writing at an early age, when he was a teenager, he took a detour from the world of letters to discover pop.


Born in Madrid when punk was about to take off, he grew up in one of the dormitory cities around Madrid, 'the most mediocre place on Earth' (his own words).

Born in Madrid in 1978, he studied Business Management at Seville University and since then has been linked to the financial sector, specialising in private banking and personalised advice.

Among his books are: La noche en casa (A Night Home, 1977), El río de la luna (Moon River, 1981), which was awarded the Critics' Prize, El esperado (The Expected, 1984), La mirada (The Look, 1987), La Tierra Prometida (The Promised Land, 1991), winner of the Plaza & Janés prrize, El sentimien

“J.S. Bach and the Children” is part of the series “The Great Composers and the Children” (a collection of 5 books with CD) designed and produced by Montserrat Roig with the collaboration of different specialized authors.

Jack the Ripper. The Most Intelligent Killer in History presents the conclusions of more than 5 years’ research by the graphologist Don José Luis Abad y Benítez. Every year dozens of books about Jack the Ripper are published.

John y James son los padres de Jack. Y han desaparecido. Pero ella ya ha trazado un plan para encontrarlos con la ayuda de sus amigos: el sireno Kraken; Helecho, la aspirante a druida; y Oliver, el fantasma de isla Cangrejo.


Jack’s parents, John and James have disappeared. But she has already got a plan to find them with the help of her friends, Kraken the mermaid; Fern (Helecho) an aspiring druid; and Oliver, Crab island’s resident ghost.


Julia Rendón Abrahamson’s debut novel is told from the perspective of Sara, a young Equatorian-Jewish woman and new mother living in contemporary New York, with smatterings of English and Catalan interspersed throughout the text.

Lengua ajena

Jacob Rogers is a translator of Galician and Spanish prose and poetry. His translations have been featured in a variety of journals including Words Without Borders, Epiphany, The Offing, Asymptote, and Arkansas International.

Jacobo Bergareche (London, 1976) combines his writing with his work as a producer and script-writer of fiction series.

1976年ロンドン生まれ。執筆に携わりながら、創作ドラマシリーズのプロデューサー兼脚本家としても働く。他に、詩集『Playas(ビーチ)』(2004) 、戯曲『Coma(カンマ)』(2015)、児童書シリーズ『Aventuras en Bodytown(ボディタウンでの冒険)』(2017)、自伝的エッセイ『Estaciones de regreso(帰りの駅)』(2019)の著作がある。テキサスのオースティンに4年住み、その間にハリー・ランサム・センターでさまざまな作家の私的書簡を研究することができた。本書は、その研究のひとつの成果である。

Jacobo Fernández is from Galicia, and this can be seen in his work. After studying fine art he returned to his city, where he earns his living drawing, writing and painting.

Jacobo Rivero (Madrid, 1974) is a journalist.  He currently works for the Latin American news channel TeleSur.


「ディアゴナル紙」の編集部メンバーで、 「el Economista. es」のバスケットボール・コラムニスト。「ABC紙」、「ムンド・デポルティーボ」をはじめ、「basketconfidencial.com」 「NBAmaniacs」 「basket4us」 「ACB.com」など数多くの専門ウェブサイトに記事掲載。

On reflection it seems my first encounters with Spanish-language literature happened at school, where I took Spanish GCSE and A-Level. One of my Spanish teachers – let’s call him GJB – was a former missionary who used to smuggle Bibles into Bulgaria during the Cold War.

Jacques Testard is a co-founder of The White Review and publisher of Fitzcarraldo Editions.

Edicones Jaguar is a long-standing publisher. Its catalogue covers a wide range of different publications, including children's literature, young adults' novels and guide books. One of its most recent collections is Jaguar Ilustrado, which includes the wonderful 'Zooilógico.' A gem of a book.

Jaim Royo (born Madrid, 1971), formerly known as Jaime Royo-Villanova, is the author of the novels 'Malvania' (Ediciones del Viento) and 'Gran Océano' ('Great Ocean'), (Plataforma Editorial), which has been translated into Korean.

ハイメ・ロヨは1971年マドリード生まれ。以前はハイメ・ロヨ=ビリャノバの名前で知られていた。彼の2作の小説Malvania(マルバニア、Ediciones del Viento)とGran Océano(大海、Plataforma Editorial)は 韓国語に翻訳されている。 2006年、ポルフィリオ・ルビロサの伝記を書き、かのビラ=マタスに絶賛された。 雑誌「ラ・レビスタ・デ・リブロス」の文学評論家(2000〜2009年)で、「エルムンド紙」の文化欄、雑誌「アルテ・デ・ビビール」と「バニタス」にも寄稿。 2010年、大事故に遭い、数年間文学活動から離れていたが、今また復活した。

Jaime Nuño Gonzalez was born in Gumiel de Mercado (Burgos), and currently resides in Orbo (Palencia). He has a degree in Archeology and Medieval History by the University of Valladolid. Nuño has taken part and directed more than fifty archaeological works.

Jaime Vidal is a canine educator and trainer, specialising in dogs. He is the technical director of Bluenitdogs.

Jake Corinthian was born in Valladolid in 1992. He finds reality to be largely uninteresting. With a desire to both create more engaging realities and to express his own ideas, he started writing a few years ago, and hasn't stopped since.

ジェームズ・ジョイス(1882年ダブリン生まれ、1941年チューリッヒにて死去)は、20世紀を代表する作家のひとりであり、後世の作家に多大な影響を与えてきた。代表作に『Dublineses(ダブリン市民)』(1914)、『Retrato del artista adolescente(若い芸術家の肖像)』(1916)、『Ulises(ユリシーズ)』(1922)、『Finnegans Wake(フィネガンズ・ウェイク)』(1939)がある。

Jane Harris is the Executive Director Children’s Publisher at BonnierZaffre.

Janeth G. S. is a Mexican writer who began posting on the social networking site Wattpad in 2014. The number of her followers grew quickly and In 2015 Who Killed Alex? was awarded the Watty's Prize for best mystery novel.


Alejandro Viñuela Agra was born in A Coruña in 1979. He graduated in Fine Arts and spent time in Bergen, Norway on. He also studied Illustration at the Escola Massana in Barcelona.

Writer and scriptwriter of a dozen picture books, comics and books, his penultimate story published by a Madrid publishing house is: "Patria de las lenguas" [Homeland of Languages].

Whatever drove me to becoming a Hispanist (a stimulating teacher, Moorish Spain, Aztec Mexico, escaping my family etc), my first trip to Spain was when I was 16. I went on my own by air but happened to sit next to E. M. Wilson, then a professor at Cambridge.

Like all classical mythology, the story of Jason is also relevant to our lives - the need to keep moving forward and the achievement of dreams that seem almost impossible.


Jaume Benavente i Cassanyes (Barcelona, 1958) is a Catalan writer. He spent his early childhood in Brazil, to where his parents had emigrated. A graduate in Fine Arts, he has worked as a draughtsman, library assistant, documentary maker and museum curator, among other professions.


Jaume Cabré (Barcelona, 1947) came to fame in the contemporary international literary scene with Las voces de Pamano (The Voices of Panamo) and his other novels Fra Junoy o la agonía de los sonidos (Fr Junoy or the Death Throes of Sounds), Señoria (Rule) and La sombra del eunuco (The Shadow of th

Jaume Cabré (Barcelona, 1947) machte einen kraftvollen Sprung ins gegenwärtige internationale Literaturpanorama mit dem Roman Las voces del Pamano und auch mit seinen Romanen Fra Junoy o la agonía de los sonidos, Señoría und La sombra del eunuco.

Jaume Cela combines his work as a teacher and educator with writing novels for children and young people.

Jaume Copons began writing for Sesame Street while working as a teacher. In the last fifteen years he has written novels, short stories, songs, plays, and television programs and series.

Jaume Copons is a Catalan writer. He has written novels for children and young adults, as well as scripts for TV, radio and other media. Òscar Julve is a Catalan comic book artist, illustrator, and puppet maker. Together, they are a successful team.

ジャウマ・クポンス(文)(1966年バルセロナ生まれ)はスペインの作家、脚本家。児童・YA向けの長編・短編小説を創作し、テレビ、ラジオ、その他のメディア向けにも脚本を書いてきた。文学の世界で成功をおさめる前は、中学校の先生だった。※当サイト2021年紹介作品『スーパーピッグ』 http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/superporc

Jaume Copons es un escritor catalán. Ha escrito novelas para niños y jóvenes, así como también ha escrito para la televisión, la radio y otros medios.Òscar Julve es un dibujante, ilustrador y ninotero catalán. Ambos, forman un tándem de éxito

Jaume Sañé began raising silkworms at a very young age, and he now works with all types of animals, from roe deer to grouse. A naturalist, photographer, camera operator and director, screenwriter and documentary filmmaker.

Terradas set up the first team researching terrestial ecosystems in Catalunya and was the driving force behind the University of Barcelona's Centre for Ecological Research and Forest Applications (CREAF).

著者テラダスは、カタルーニャ初の陸域生態系研究チームを組織した他、UAB(バルセロナ自治大学)森林生態学応用研究所(CREAF)を推進。スペイン陸域生態学協会会長、カタルーニャ自然史研究所副所長を歴任。現在、カタルーニャ研究所会員で、ナルシス・ムントゥリオル勲章、カタルーニャ自治州政府環境賞ほか受賞多数。200以上の啓蒙、環境教育の専門記事を執筆。著書は、Biografía del món(世界の伝記)、Ecología de la vegetación(植物生態学)、Ecología urbana(都市生態学)、Ecología del foc(火の生態学)など。

Javi Padilla (1977, Seville) is a journalist, designer, computer programmer and businessman. His love of programming began at the age of seven, when he was given his first Amstrad CPC472 as a present for Epiphany. At that time he learned to produce simple games in BASIC code.


Javier Andrada Guerrero (Zamora, 1972). From a young age I liked two things very, very much: painting and books. Since I didn’t do very well at school, I spent as many hours as possible drawing and reading.


ハビエル・アラは脚本家で漫画家。『Atraco a mano al mano alzada(フリーハンド強盗)』が、バレンシアの漫画イベント、ヒーローズ・コミック・コンの第1回ホセ・サンチス・グラウ賞(最優秀スペイングラフィックノベルおよびコミック・フューチャー・タレント)に選出された。

Javier Argüello is an Argentinian writer living in Barcelona. He has published the books Siete cuentos imposibles (Seven Impossible Tales, Lumen, 2002) and El mar de todos los muertos (The Sea of All the Dead, Lumen, 2008).

Javier Azpeitia (Madrid, 1962) is the author of the novels 'Mesalina' ('Messalina') (1989), 'Quevedo' (1990), 'Hipnos' ('Hypnos') (1996; winner of the Hammett Prize for crime writing and adapted for the cinema by the director David Carreras), 'Ariadna en Naxos' ('Adriadne on Naxos') (2002) and 'N

Javier Calvo (Barcelona, 1973) is a novelist and literary translator. He is considered one of the best literary translators from English, and his translations include works from authors such as David Foster Wallace, J. M.

Javier Carrill, Executive Coach PCC (Professional Certified Coach) for the International Coach Federation, Executive and Public Speaking trainer. Since 2007, he has been directing member of Execoach, a consultancy specialising in executive coaching, motivation and directorial skills.


Javier Engel is a member of: ESVC, AVEPA, GECAR, of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, BSAVA. He presently works as consultant cardiologist at the Best Friend Veterinary Group, Broadway Veterinary Hospital, Peterborough, UK.


After graduating in Journalism, he studied Cinema and Television at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) and is now a screen-writer for film and television.

新聞学で学士号取得。カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)で、映画・テレビを学ぶ。映画・テレビの脚本家。ここ20年は複数の広告代理店、数多くの制作会社やオーディオビジュアル系の企業で働きながら、セミナー講師を務める。著者のクレジットが出ている映画には、『タデオ・ジョーンズの冒険』(ゴヤ賞最優秀原作脚色賞受賞)、Atrapa la bandera(旗をとれ)、Tadeo Jones 2, el secreto del rey Midas(タデオ・ジョーンズ2 ミダス王の秘密)がある。現在 4キャッツ・ピクチャーズのクリエイティブ局のスーパーバイザー。

Javier Fonseca Garcia-Donas is the author of over a dozen books for children and young people. He also teaches Children’s and Young Adult Literature at the Madrid School of Writers and provides book reviews in this genre for the cultural magazine Adiós.


Javier Fuentes Merino is one of the most prominent experts in sales in the Spanish language. He strongly advocates for the sales force as a marketing tool and is a prestigious business manager.

JAVIER GOZÁLBEZ (MURO D’ALCOI) is a pharmacologist and traveller and visited much of the world before arriving in Ethiopia. He stopped there. The result was the book Etiopía, un rostro con tres miradas (Altaïr), in collaboration with his wife Dulce Cebrián.

As an author, Lacomba has published stories in the magazine 'Calabazas en el trastero', edited by Saco de Huesos, and in numerous books published by Generación Bibliocafé, a literary intitiative led by Mauro Guillén and born from the warmth of José Luis Rodríguez Nuñez's Bibliocafé bookshop.

Javier Lorenzo was born in Madrid and studied journalism. He worked first in radio, on the SER station, although eventually ended up writing for newspapers, which he continues to do. He has also worked as a TV scriptwriter.


著書に、La España hortera (悪趣味なスペイン、Temas de Hoy)及び処女小説Las guardianas del tabú (タブーの番人)があり。El último soldurio (最後のサムライ)は読者の間に大きな反響を起こし8版を重ね、5万部以上を売り上げている。

Javier Márquez (Seville, 1978) is currently deputy manager of Cambio 16, and a frequent contributer to  Esquire, La Aventura de la Historia, Cuadernos para el Diálogo, Interfilms, Efe Eme and Canal Sur Radio.



Javier Marquina Huesca, 1975.

ハビエル・マルキナ (1975年、ウエスカ生まれ)。『Abraxas(アブラクサス)』(2018年アラゴンコミック賞最優秀脚本賞)と『Aquí nunca pasa nada(何でもない)』をいずれもGP出版から、『1585: Empel(1585: エンペル)』をカスカボラ出版から刊行。また、35人以上のアーティストの協力を得て作ったチャリティー漫画『Abraxas en Cuarentena(隔離されたアブラクサス)』をメセナで自ら出版した。

Javier Montes (Madrid, 1976) was awarded the Premio José María Pereda for his first novel, Los penúltimos (The Last -But-Ones, Pre-Textos, 2008) and shared the Premio Anagrama with Andrés Barba in 2007 for La ceremonio del porno (The Porno Ceremony).

Javier Negrete was born in Madrid in 1964. He studied Classical Philology and since 1991 has taught Greek at the Gabriel y Galán school in Plasencia.

Javier Otaola is a lawyer, a writer and was Grand Master of the Symbolic Logia of Spain for some years. Now he works for the Basque Government as an ombudsman in Vitoria. He has written several essays: La Metáfora masónica. Razón y Sentido / The Masonic Metaphor.

Javier Pastor, one of the most rigorous, innovative and ambitious writers of contemporary Spanish prose, has constructed in his third novel a meticulous linguistic apparatus to obsessive and addictive results.

Javier Pellicer is a writer and columnist. He began his literary wanderings with stories, winning the 1st Cryptshow Fantasy Story Festival in 2008. He has been included in several anthologies: Phantasmagoria, Illusionary 2 and Chronicles of the Mark of the East.

ハビエル・ペリセールは、1978年ベニガニム(バレンシア県)⽣まれ。短編で⽂学の世界に⼊り、数多くのアンソロジーに参加。中でも特筆すべきはFantasmagoría(ファンタスマゴリア)、Ilusionaria 2(イルシオナリア2)、Crónicas de la Marca del Este (東の辺境領年代記)。短編⼩説La sombra de la Luna (⽉の影)は、Save the Children (⼦供たちを救おう)「1 冊1ユーロ」⽀援プラットフォームから電⼦書籍で提供されている。

Javier Pérez Andújar (Sant Adrià de Besòs, 1965) is a graduate in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona.


Francisco Javier Pérez Bolet (Oviedo, 1968).

Francisco Javier Pérez Bolet (Oviedo, 1968).


Javier Rovira teaches at the ESIC Business and Marketing School and is an associate director of Know How N.P., a consultancy specialising in strategy and organisational development, with broad experience in a range of sectors.

Javier Sádaba (Vizcaya, 1940), is a graduate of Humanities from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, and in Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome; He has a PhD in Humanities from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Javier Sádaba (Vizcaya, 1940), is a graduate of Humanities from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, and in Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome; He has a PhD in Humanities from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



Miguel Murugarren is from San Sebastián, and has a degree in geography and history. His professional life has been in the fields of graphic arts, mostly in books graphics, design and printing.

Javier Tomeo (Quicena, Huesca 1932-Barcelona 2013) studied law and criminology at the Universidad de Barcelona. In the 80s he consolidated his reputation as one of the best and most personal contemporary Spanish novelists.

Javier Uriz is a psychologist. He gained his degree from the University of Louvain, and works in the world of business as a human resources consultant.

Forensic Psychologist at both Madrid's Superior Court of Justice and its Juvenile Court. First Children's Ombudsman in the Community of Madrid. Doctor of Psychology and of Health Sciences. Educational therapist and professor at the Complutense University, Madrid.


Javier Vásconez was born in Quito, Ecuador. He studied first at the University of Navarra and later in Paris. He began his narrative journey with A Distant City and in 1983 he won the Special Mention from the Mexican magazine Plural with Angelote, My Love.

ハビエル・バスコネスはスペインで学んだ後、パリで勉強を続ける。1982年に『Ciudad lejana(遥かな町)』を出版。『Angelote, amor mí(我が愛しの君はお人好し)』でプルラル・メヒコ誌プリメーラ・メンション賞を受賞。小説『El viajero de Praga(プラハの旅人)』(1996)はアメリカのスペイン語圏と欧州で話題を呼んだ。同年に中編小説『El secreto(秘密)』を、続いて1999年にロムロ・ガリェゴス賞の最終候補作品となった『La sombra del apostador(ギャンブラーの影)』を上梓。

ハビエル・ベラ(1981年マドリード生まれ)は2003年にアドナイス賞を受賞してその名が知られるようになった。マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学で文学論・比較文学の学位を取得。『Hotel Origen(ホテル・オリジン)』(Pre-Textos、2015)の著者であり、詩とフィクション、思想の境界を取り払った2つの作品、超短編集『Pequeñas sediciones(小さな暴動)』(Menoscuarto、2017)と偽の伝統のアフォリズムと曲解の本『Libro de las máscaras(仮面の本)』(Pre-Textos、2019)を執筆。

Javier Vidal was born in Segovia in 1979. An economist and musician, he spent a year living in London and six years in Paris, during which time he became a studio musician. A classical musician by training, he has been fascinated by American culture since he was young.

Javier Zuloaga (Bilbao, 1952) has published three novels with El Aleph Editores: El hombre que pudo ser libre (The Man Who Could Be Free, 2005), La isla de los rebeldes (Rebel Island, 2009) and Librería Libertad (The Liberty Bookshop, 2011). El caso Ruglons is his fourth novel.

ハビエル・スロアガは1952年ビルバオ生まれ。エル・アレフ社から3作の小説、El hombre que pudo ser libre (自由になれた男、2005年)、 La isla de los rebeldes (反逆者たちの島、2009年)、Librería Libertad (自由書店、2011年)を出版。El caso Ruglons (ルグロンス事件)は4作目の小説。現在、バルセロナの銀行ラ・カシャの社内コミュニケーション部長。

Jean Charles Bouchoux es psicoanalista, psicoterapeuta y escritor. Desde hace diez años forma a otros terapeutas, psicoanalistas y públicos confrontados con la relación de ayuda.

Jean-Paul Wabotaï was born in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1964. At the age of 8, he was a member of the Chem Chem Yetu choir, where he learned singing and traditional dance.

Nagore Vargas, or Jenisjoplin, as her father calls her, was born in a Basque industrial town and life's challenges have left her hardened by the age of twenty-eight.


Jennifer Arnold spent six years living and working in Spain. She has an MA in Translation Studies and is currently half way through a PhD in the translation and reception of Catalan literary fiction into English at the University of Birmingham.


Jessica Centelles Escribano is a secondary school teacher, with a degree in Philosophy and a research master's degree in theoretical and practical philosophy.

Jessica Johannesson Gaitan holds an MSc in Literature and Transatlanticism from the University of Edinburgh, where she is currently based.

Jesucristo Riquelme has a doctorate in Hispanic philology, a Masters Degree in different subjects related to education and culture. He is a university professor, a skilled investigator (literature, social-linguistic, advertising, cinema, psychology and anthropology).

Jesús Bengoechea (Madrid, 1970) is an economist, media producer, blogger and writer. He has lived and worked for long periods in Mexico, Ecuador, Ghana, Mozambique, Angola and São Tomé, among other places.


Do you know about the Pagan origins of Christian festivals? What they used to mean, and how exactly they were absorbed by Christianity? Do you know which heretic ceremonies are now Saints' days? Why the Day of the Dead is celebrated? What symbology bullfighting carries?

Jesús Carlos Gómez Martínez (Pamplona, 1961) is a journalist and writer. His long career has been marked by opinion articles, cinema reviews, short essays, short fiction and novels that have brought him around 50 national and international prizes.

Jesús Carrasco established himself with his novel Intemperie [Out in the Open] as one of the most dazzling debuts on the international literary scene.

ヘスス・カラスコは、『INTEMPERIE(太陽と痛み)』(Seix Barral、当サイト2013年紹介作品。2016年早川書房より既刊。)で国際的文学シーンに華々しいデビューを飾り、作家としての地位を確立した。このデビュー作は、マドリード書店組合賞、地方研究財団による文化美術文学賞、英国PEN賞、ユリス賞を受賞し、オランダのヨーロッパ文学賞と、フランスの地中海文学賞外国文学部門の最終候補となり、エルパイス紙で2013年の今年の本、英国のインデペンデント紙で2014年の優秀翻訳作品のひとつに選出された。

Jesús Díez de Palma (Madrid, 1962) studied art history and was a teacher for some years, and currently works as an environmental educator in Madrid’s Retiro Park.

Jesús García studied Business Science at CUNEFF (Madrid) and is a certified life coach, mentor, change facilitator and transpersonal therapist.

Jesús Gil Vilda was born in 1971 in Zaragoza, where he later graduated with a degree in chemistry. Since then he has worked in industry as a process engineer and marketing manager. He currently lives in Barcelona.

ヘスス・ヒル=ビルダは1971年サラゴサに生まれた。当地で化学の学士号を取得したあと、プロセスエンジニアおよび販売部長として企業に勤務。現在はバルセロナ在住で、映画の脚本家として、モントリオール国際映画祭やカタルーニャ映画アカデミーのガウディ賞など、さまざまな賞を獲得している。Crisis de gran mal(最悪の危機)はヒル=ビルダ初めての小説。

Jesús López Moya is a teacher, writer and editor. He was born in Bigastro (Alicante) in 1977. He currently works as Head of Studies at the San José de Calasanz Teacher Training Centre in the same town.

I was born in Liédena (Navarra) in 1946 and have lived in Molins de Rei (Barcelona) since I married. I graduated in History and, after a brief three-year period as a teacher, I opted for books, which are my real passion. Almost my whole working life has been passed in the world of publishing.

1946年リエデナ(ナバラ)に生まれ、結婚後モリンス・ダ・レイ(バルセロナ)に在住。歴史学の学士号を取得し、3年という短い期間、教職に就いた後、本当に好きな本の世界に入る。その後は、ずっと出版にまつわる仕事に従事、教科書や児童書の編集にあたる。EU4か国の出版社(Ediciones B 、HarperCollins 、Arena Verlag 、Editions de LAmitié-Ragéot)共催のヨーロッパ賞を創設し、3年間推進活動をする。ドイツのミュンヘン国際児童図書館奨学生。CCLIJ(IBBYカタルーニャ支部)会員で、スペイン作家組合連盟に所属。

Jesús Martínez (Barcelona, 1975). Reportero. Doctor en periodismo por la Universitat Ramon Llull (URL). Licenciado en periodismo por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Jesus Martinez (Barcelona, 1975). He is a reporter, with a PhD in journalism from the Ramon Llull University (URL), as well as a degree in journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

ヘスス・モンティエル(1984年グラナダ生まれ)は、5つの詩集によりその才能を認められる。そのひとつである『Memoria del pájaro(小鳥の思い出)』は2016年にエペリオン賞を受賞。翻訳作品はクリスティアン・ボバンの『Resucitar(復活)』と『Prisionero en la cuna(ゆりかごの囚人)』。

Jesús Ortiz is a publisher (Milrazones). He has a degree in visual arts, worked for El País and is a partner at Icaria publishing house where he is in charge of their poetry list.

ヘスス・オルティスは編集者(出版社ミルラソネス)。グラフィックアートを得意とし、「エルパイス紙」での勤務経験がある。出版社Icariaの共同経営者で、同社の詩集の編集長。著書にエッセイ集¿Sueñan los androides con tarifas eléctricas?(アンドロイドは電気代の夢を⾒るのか、エル・デスベロ、2018)がある。キケ・イバニェスは1980年サン・セバスティアン⽣まれ。マドリードでグラフィックアート、グラフィックデザイン、イラストレーションを学び、2008年からは編集者、実業家、ジャーナリスト、俳優、ミュージシャン、友⼈にデザインやイラストを提供。

Jesús Padilla Gálvez. October 28th, 1959. Philosopher born in Almeria. Teacher at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo. Also an investigator at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Jesús Rodella Navarra (Pomar, Huseca 1961). Son, brother, cousin, nephew, friend, uncle... Indefatigable collaborator. Voracious and curious reader. Proactive librarian. Facilitator of discussion groups and literary events, chatty, happy and a willing accomplice.

Jesús Sánchez Adalid (1962) studied law at the university of Extremadura. His wide-ranging, original literary oeuvre has connected with a huge number of readers thanks to the truthfulness of his arguments and the intensity of his descriptions, which are based on observation and documentation.

Jesús Tíscar Jandra (Jaén, 1970) writes short stories, novels, articles, film scripts and plays. He also works as a professional actor.


José Zoilo (Tenerife, 1977) se dedica profesionalmente al desarrollo rural y la agricultura. Pero, como él mismo se define, es, en realidad, «un biólogo enamorado de la novela histórica».

Antonio is eight years old and dreams of being a real-life cowboy and that John Wayne, his hero from the films is going to come to Santiago de Compostela to take him to the Wild West.


Jimena Tello was born in Buenos Aires. At the age of four she went to live in France with her family, where she lived for twenty years. There she studied editorial design at the Estienne School of Design and then Children's Illustration at the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg.

nace en Sevilla. Estudia Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas y, posteriormente, Diseño Gráfico. En 2014, se traslada a Barcelona para cursar el Máster de Ilustración y Cómic de Elisava.

ジン・タイラ=アロンソは1970年、オビエド生まれ。日本人の父とスペイン人の母を持つ。原広司、磯崎新、伊東豊雄といった世界的に名高い建築界の巨匠たちの近くで、日本で建築家としてのキャリアを積んだ。SDreview(SDレビュー)やCasa de Encuentros de Corvera(コルデラ出会いの家)など国内外のコンクールでの入賞歴あり。非常に創造的かつ個性的な人物として知られる同氏は、著作物を発表し、国内外の雑誌「アルキテクトゥーラ・ビバ」や「10+1」などで記事を書いている他、建築と都市に関するコース、ワークショップ、国際会議の企画・協力などの活動も行なっている。

José Antonio Fortea Cucurull was born in Barbastro, Huesca, in 1968 and is a priest and theologian. He studied theology at the Universidad de Navarra, did a degree in Church History in the Facultad de Teología de Comillas and a PhD in the Ateneo Regina Apostolorum, Rome.

Jo Alexander (Barcelona, 1977) published her first novel at the age of twenty - Extrañas criaturas (Strange Creatures) (1998) which was followed by L'hivernacle (The Greenhouse) (Quaderns Crema, 2009)

ジョ・アレクサンデルは1977年バルセロナ⽣まれ。20歳で最初の⼩説Extrañas criaturas(奇妙な⽣き物、1998)を、続いてL'hivernacle(温室、クアデルンス・クレマ、2009)を出版。

Tom lives in an orphanage and loves animals.


A young and innovative publisher from Barcelona. Recognised throughout the Spanish-speaking world for our young adult and romantic fiction. We also publish non-fiction, historical novels, thrillers, and short stories. 


Joan Antoni Martí Piñol (Barcelona, 1979), has published the adult novel '200 locuras para que te quedes conmigo (Plaza y Janés), and the children's books 'Crónicas apestosas' (Montena), 'Laya y el horripilante monstruo de champú' (Edebé),  'Menudos chistes' (Montena) and ' Los dragones de hierro

ジュアン・アントニ・マルティ=ピニョル(バルセロナ、1979)は、一般向け小説200 locuras para que te quedes conmigo(きみがぼくといるための200のばかげたこと, Plaza y Janés)、児童文学Crónicas apestosas(うんざりする年代記、Montena), Laya y el horripilante monstruo de champú(ラヤとシャンプーのこわーいモンスター、Edebé),Menudos chistes(すごいジョーク、Montena), Los dragones de hierro(鉄のドラゴン、Alfagu

Joan Antoni Mele Barcelona, 1951. During his more than 30 years in the banking sector he has had the chance to see and get first-hand knowledge about the relationship between people and money and the consequences deriving from it.

JOAN BESTARD COMAS (born 1940) is a priest, and was an Episcopal Priest in the Diocese of Mallorca from 1974 to 1980, an executive in the Secretariado Nacional de la Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral from 1980-1986, a general priest  from 1986 to 1999, and a Catedral Dean from 1998 to 2004.

1962年、「ブルゲラ出版」の雑誌「シッシ」に最初の漫画が掲載される。その後、「トライ出版」が出した戦争マンガシリーズ『Hazañas Bélicas(武勲)』で独自のスタイルを確立し、「アスセナ」、「バベッテ」、「ロサス・ブランカス」、「サロメ」、「セレナータ」などのロマンス雑誌で活躍する。1966年、「ブルゲラ出版」および「ガラオール出版」の仕事を同時にスタートさせ、それぞれ恋愛漫画と戦争漫画を描いた。「ガラオール出版」では、1968年に全てひとりで取り組んだ最初の作品『La Tierra del Futuro(未来の地球)』を描く(同社閉業により絶版)。

Joan Carreras (Barcelona 1962) has won the Saint Jordi and Ciutat de Barcelona prizes. A journalist, scriptwriter and teacher, Carreras began his literary career with two story collections published by Quaderns Crema, in 1991 and 1993 respectively.

ジョアン・カレラスは1962年バルセロナ生まれ。サン・ジョルディ賞、バルセロナ市賞の受賞者。ジャーナリスト、脚本家、教師の肩書を持つカレラスの小説家としてのキャリアは、1991年と1993年にQUADERNS CREMAから出版した2冊の短編集から始まる。その後長編小説『La gran nevada(深雪)』と『Qui va matar el Floquet de Neu(誰がコピート・デ・ニエベを殺したのか)』(出版社はともにEmpúries)を上梓。続いて挑発的な作品『L’hombre de origami(おりがみ人間)』(Ara Llibres)を出版した。

The author learned of the non-violence movement in 1973, and one year later, a fugitive from Spanish military justice and in the middle of both Spain and Argentina’s dictatorships, he worked for over three years in the foothills of the Argentinian Andes with the indigenous Colla Indians.

Joan de Déu Prats is a Catalan-language writer. His work is characterised by its agility, fantasy, humour and poetry. He has published over a hundred books in Catalan, Spanish, English, Italian, Chinese, Galician, Portuguese, Euskera, Korean and Braille.

JOAN DE DÉU PRATS (Barcelona, 1962): author, scriptwriter and journalist, he has written more than 70 books for children and young people, some of which have been translated into English, Chinese, Portuguese, Basque and Braille.

Joan Domènech Francesch is a teacher and currently

Born in 1965 in Terrassa, a town where he lives at present. Working professionally in the financial sector. He has been linked to the world of hiking for 20 years and is a member of the Centre Excursionista de Terrassa for 15 years.

Joan Fontcuberta (Barcelona, 1955) is a photographer, critic and professor.

Joan Garriga Bacardí was born in Bellpuig (Lleida, Spain) in 1957. He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.
He trained in Humanist Therapy, specialising in Gestalt therapy, PNL,  the Ericksonian approach and performance and body-based methods.

Joan Giné-Masdeu (Falset, 1950) has published three anthologies of poetry and makes his novelistic debut with 'El genet nu', winner of the Premi Pin i Soler in 2009.

Nacido en Huesca el 1977. Ha publicado las novelas L’Altíssim (Premio Andrómina, 2005), L’úter de la balena (Premio Vila de Lloseta, 2010), Una dona meravellosa (2014) y Aglutinació (Premio Joanot Martorell, 2018).

Joan Jordi Miralles was born in Huesca in 1977.

An author whose personal story makes him stand out from many other writers of his generation. Among others, his publications include 'El dia de l’ós' ('The Day of the Bear') (Winner of the Premi Crexells 2005), which marked a significant step forward on his literary journey.

Joan Marín y Balmas (Barcelona, 1890-1945) was a businessman and a keen traveller. Educated in La Salle, he presided the Asociación Bosanova until 1993. In 1929 he wrote De París a Barcelona pasando por Honolulu, an account of his trip around the world by boat, that we publish in a new edition.

Joan Mas i Vives (Maria de la Salut, Mallorca, 1951), is a professor of Literatura at the  Universitat de les Illes Balears, as well as working as  cultural historian, literary critic, biographer and director of various critical publications.


Joan Negrescolor  was born in 1978 in Barcelona.

Joan Negrescolor nació en 1978 en Barcelona. Cursó estudios de ilustración en la Escola Massana y posteriormente asistió a diversos cursos, entre ellos, el Curso Internacional de Ilustración y Diseño de Albarracín y el Máster de Ilustración Infantil de la Escola EINA.

Joan Negrescolor nació en 1978 en Barcelona. Cursó estudios de ilustración en la Escola Massana y posteriormente asistió a diversos cursos, entre ellos, el Curso Internacional de Ilustración y Diseño de Albarracín y el Máster de Ilustración Infantil de la Escola EINA.

Joan Negrescolor Nació en 1978 en Barcelona. Cursó estudios de ilustración en la Escola Massana y posteriormente asistió a diversos cursos, entre ellos, el Curso Internacional de Ilustración y Diseño de Albarracín y el Máster de Ilustración Infantil de la Escola EINA.

Joan Plans Esperabé was born in Caldes de Montbui in 1961, and is married with a son and daughter. He is a psychologist, but none the worse for being so, and earns a living selling ideas to others, normally in groups and workshops.

Joan RUÉ is a lecturer at the Department of Applied Pedagogics of the UAB, of which he was also head. He has written numerous articles for Spanish and international education magazines, and has published important books on teaching action.

Joan Seguí es bisnieto, nieto e hijo de panaderos desde hace más de 100 años. Hace 13 años recogió, junto a su mujer, el relevo generacional de la panadería-pastelería Forn Sant Francesc.


Joan Subirana, A.K.A. “Subi” (Manresa, 1969)

“Subi” es uno de los más reconocidos ilustradores catalanes. Tiene una amplia trayectoria y, trabajando en común con la escritora Anna Obiols, crean cuentos que hacen disfrutar tanto a los pequeños como a los mayores.

Joan Todó (La Sénia, 1977) is a writer. Graduate in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. He has published two volumes of poetry and a book of critically acclaimed short stories.



Joan-Gabriel Burguera-Serra, doctor en Lengua Española y graduado en Derecho, es profesor de la Facultad de Filología y Comunicación de la UB. Su investigación gira en torno a la configuración lingüística del discurso político en sus múltiples géneros y formatos.

Joan-Lluís Lluís (Perpignan, 1963). Writer and journalist. He studied History of Art at the University of Montpellier. Although he has written a few essays, he has mainly published novels, often with a personal narrative that makes him stand out from many writers of his generation.

In the time when animals, plants and water could still speak, Joan-Ratot and his wife, the little rat Torna-per-més lived in the Sierra de Castalla.

Joana Raspall (1913-2013) is a writer and librarian, and well-known for her poetry for children.

Born in Zaragoza in 1965, he has a degree in Spanish Literature from the University of Zaragoza.

Joaquín Berges (Zaragoza, 1965), licenciado en Filología Hispánica, se dio a conocer con “El club de los estrellados” (Mejor Ópera Prima en el Festival du Premier Roman de Chambéry, 2009), a la que siguieron “Vive como puedas” (Nuevo Talento FNAC en 2011) y "Un estado del malestar" (Pre

Joaquín Berges (Zaragoza, 1965), licenciado en Filología Hispánica, se dio a conocer con “El club de los estrellados” (Mejor Ópera Prima en el Festival du Premier Roman de Chambéry, 2009), a la que siguieron “Vive como puedas” (Nuevo Talento FNAC en 2011) y Un estado del malestar (Premio Cálamo 2

Joaquín Camps teaches literature at the University of Valencia, the city in which he also lives. His main research and teaching interest is human behaviour in organisations, and he has published numerous scientific texts in this field.

Joaquín Guerrero-Casasola (1962) is a Mexican-Spanish writer. His first novel was Ley Garrote (awarded the International Prize for Crime Fiction L’H Confidencial in 2007), which is now followed by his second work, El pecado de Mama Bayou.

Joaquín Lorente (Barcelona, 1943), one of the most highly renowned publicists in the world, is the paradigm of a go-getter and a leader in the evolution of creativity and communication.

Joaquín Pérez Azaústre (Córdoba, 1976) lives in Madrid, where he obtained a creative grant at the Residencia de Estudiantes, and he graduated in Law.

Joaquín Rodríguez began working in the publishing sector in 1995.

Joaquín Sánchez Herrera has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and is a Doctor of Information Sciences; he currently teaches at the ESIC Business & Marketing School.

It's not easy to get it right at first. Texts don't always come out perfectly. A zero is round and so is a meatball and a potato. Things aren't what they seem... or are they? A manual for writers. Does fiction imitate reality?

いきなり成果を収めるのは簡単ではない。必ずしもいつも完璧な文章が丸々書ける訳でもない。ゼロは丸だし、ミートボールやジャガイモだって丸だ。物事は見かけによらない……それとも、見かけどおりか。この本は作家のための手引書。小説は現実の写しなのか? それとも現実は小説を超えるのか? オーケストラの指揮者は音の製作者、それとも単なるオブザーバー? 読者は単に読むだけか、はたまた本と影響し合うのか? 作家とは天性のものなのか、それとも成すものなのか?永遠の謎… 小説の書き方を知るには最適な本。

This book is an informative non-fiction book on the subject of tunnels throughout history, from prehistoric networks of underground tunnels unearthed in archaeological sites in locations such as Cornwall, Jordan, and Mexico, t


Joe Williams translates literary and non-fiction texts of various kinds from Spanish and Portuguese, having worked with authors such as Manuel Astur, Rosa Oliveira and Ricardo Menéndez Salmón.

John Newman has had an association with the Newham Bookshop since 1989 and has been their Children’s book buyer since 2002. He has previously been involved in the Bookseller’s Association Children’s Booksellers Group as Chair, World Book Day and the IBBY UK committees.


Can you tell us a bit about Newham Bookshop and your role there?

Jon Agiriano (Bilbao, 1964) started working for the newspaper El Correo in 1986 and contributed to the Features pages until 1997, when he joined the Sports section as a columnist writing about Athletic de Bilbao.

ジョン・アヒリアーノは1964年ビルバオ⽣まれ。1986年から「エルコレオ紙」で働き始め、1997年まで報道部員。同年、アトレティック・ビルバオの担当記者としてスポーツ部に異動。記者としてオリンピック、ワールドカップ、欧州選⼿権を取材。ジャーナリストに贈られるアルトゥーロ・ブラスコ賞とボセント賞を受賞し、Una cuestión de orgullo. Las 24 Copas del Athletic Club(プライドをかけて:アトレティック・クルブの24のタイトル)、⼩説La noche vencedora(勝利の夜)を上梓。⼩説は2005年のバスク州⽂学賞の最終選考作品となる。

Jon Arretxe was born in Vizcaya in 1963 and now lives in Navarre. He studied piano, has a PhD in Basque Philology and a Degree in PE. Currently he is studying English Philology and French.


Jon López de Viñaspre (Bilbao, 1970) has a short but bulky repertoire. Basque in origins and sentiment, he lives in Barcelona and writes in Catalan and Spanish.


Alex is a Latinist who travels to New York to attend a conference. There, he meets Jonàs, a skilled, creative photographer, and discovers his own closet sexuality.


ジョナサン・ロペス=ベラは、バルセロナ自治大学で東アジア研究を専攻。ポンペウ・ファブラ大学(UPF)で世界史の修士号を、同大学で日本史の博士号を取得した。専門は日本史で、UPFとバルセロナ大学で教えた経験がある。スペインや日本、パナマ、キューバ、フランス、ルーマニアで催された国際会議に参加。著書は、『Historia de los samuráis(サムライの歴史)』(SATORI EDICIONES, 2016)。2020年に英語に翻訳された。


コミックの小さな出版社。主力は偉大な科学者の生涯をコミックで描く『 Colección Científicos(科学者シリーズ)』。

著者紹介: 1972年、アルボライア(バレンシア)生まれ。バレンシア工科大学で美術を学び、他の若手作家たちと同人グループ “シエテ・モノス(7匹のサル)”を結成、『Magia&Acero(魔術と鉄)』シリーズを出版した。また2003年に、出版社「アレタ・エディシオネス」からファンタジーシリーズの『Entre Tinieblas(闇の中で)』を出版し、マドリード国際コミック展覧会EXPOCÓMIC 2007で全国最優秀脚本家賞を受賞した。

Jordi Cervera was born Tarragona, in 1959. His professional career has always been linked to the world of culture, in particular as a journalist heading several radio programmes and periodical publications. He combines his journalistic activity with editing poetry collections.

Jordi Coca (Barcelona, 1947) began his literary career in 1971 with Els Lluïsos, which he re-wrote some years later with the title Un d’aquells estius. He has worked in the field of education and has translated plays and poetry collections.

Jordi Colomer studied law at the Universidad de Barcelona, and worked as a lawyer for 23 years, until in 1967 he founded his yoga centre, Ananda Yoga Instituto.

Jordi Cortès Badalona, 1960) has dedicated a great part of his professional life to geography and history, both in teaching and research. The fruit of his work as a geographer is the publication of essays on different regions and territories of Catalunya.

Jordi Cuadrado began his professional career in the area of commercial aviation in 2004, in Barcelona-El Prat airport while finishing his studies in engineering.

Jordi Cussà Balaguer (Berga, 1961) knows from first hand experience the torture of heroine and the hell of addiction and this is reflected in his first book, Wild Horses (Caballos Salvajes, 2000) and in "Formentera Lady" (2015).

ジョルディ・クッサ(1961年バルセロナ県ベルガ生まれ、2021年没)は作家、詩人、翻訳家、劇作家で演出家だった。彼が「赤い時代」と称した80年代は薬物に依存していた。依存症の地獄から脱した90年代半ばにその体験を形にした作品『Cavalls salvatges(野生の馬)』(2000)を出版。疎外された世界の忠実な描写と新たな文体で代表作となる。「本を書いたのはジャンキーではなくジャンキーだった作家だ」ということを明確にしたかった著者は、翌年次の小説を出版し、執筆活動は亡くなる少し前まで続いた。流行作家としてすでに成功を収めていたクッサは、創作意欲真只中の60歳でこの世を去った。

Once you get past your ten years of daily writing your hands (and your brain) simply fly, according to Howard Gardner and Malcom Gladwell's theory of ten years or ten thousand hours.


Jordi Jauset (lleida, 1955) is a piano teacher and a telecommunications engineer. His various postgraduate studies took in Business as well as Biomedical Engineering. He finally specialised in Communications at the Ramón Llul University of Barcelona.


Jordi Lara (Vic, 1968) is a writer who invites us to get involved in universes outside the mainstream and the festival of consumerism: tradition reinvented as a form of modernity, losers who are content to be losers, abandoned places, difficult love affairs.

Jordi Ledesma was born in Tarragona in 1979, and is the author of Narcolepsy (Alrevés, 2012), which was a finalist in the Silverio Cañada memorial of the 25th Semana Negra de Gijón and published in Mexico under the title Narcosis (Ediciones B, 2014); and of The Devil in Every Corner (Alrevés, 201

Jordi Llompart began his career on the radio and as a journalist in 1984. He then spent thirteen years working for Catalan regional television, directing and presenting the news and other current affairs and documentary programs.

Jordi López Daltell a qualifications in Psychology, an MA in Family Therapy, postgraduate qualifications in Management from R.R.H.H, and an MBA from the University of Barcelona. He has specialized in team building in all kinds of commercial environments.

Jordi Luengo López has a PhD from the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Castellón. He is an active member of the SIF (Feminist Research Seminar), where he has edited various monographs for the journals Asparkía and Dosssiers Feministes.

Jordi Morell was born in Ivars d’Urgell in 1975 and is an agronomist and forest engineer. To date he has written short stories, irrigation projects, a travel blog, flooding studies and rambling tales.

Jordi Nomen (1965) es profesor de filosofía y ciencias sociales de la escuela Sadako de Barcelona, reconocida como uno de los centros educativos más innovadores de España.

ジョルディ・ノメン(1965年生まれ)はスペインで最も革新的な教育機関のひとつとして知られるバルセロナ・サダコ学園の哲学・社会科学教師。バルセロナ大学では現代史、同大学大学院修士課程では積極的市民権、ヘローナ大学大学院博士課程では哲学を専攻。その教育における業績で、EDU21賞とアルナウ・デ・ビラノバ賞を受賞した。ベストセラーとなった『El niño filósofo(小さな哲学者)』(Arpa、2018) と『El niño filósofo y el arte(小さな哲学者と芸術)』(Arpa、2019)を執筆、子供のための哲学という分野で確固たる地位を築く。

Jordi Nopca (Barcelona, 1983) is a writer and journalist. He holds a degree in Journalism and the Theory of Literature and has worked in many different communications media.

Ortiz a publié plus de 20 livres et a reçu plusieurs prix : Contarella, Vila de Perpinyà, Mallorca et le 51 Carlemany.

Ortiz ha publicado más de 20 libros y recibido varios premios: Contarella, Vila de Perpinyà, Mallorca y el 51 Carlemany. Saura está licenciado en Historia del Arte y ha trabajado como diseñador durante muchos años y ha publicado varios álbumes en editoriales españolas.

Jordi Pigem (Barcelona, 1964), is a Doctor of Philosophy. Between 1998 and 2003 he was a professor on the Masters in Holistic Science at Schumacher College (UK).

La historia de Sabater Pi podría parecer una novela pero es real. Se fue a África con diecisiete años y volvió a Barcelona treinta años más tarde convertido en uno de los primatólogos más reputados del mundo.

Jordi Sabater Pi: l’últim naturalista


Jordi Sebastià (Burjassot, 1966) ha treballat com a periodista i ha sigut alcalde del seu poble i diputat al Parlament Europeu.

Jordi Sebastià (Burjassot, 1966) has worked as a journalist and has also served as mayor of his hometown and as a Member of the European Parliament.

Jordi Sevilla (Valencia, 1956) is a state economist for the opposition. He was an M.P. for three separate terms of office, secretary of economic policy for the executive of the PSOE, economics spokesman for the Spanish parliament and minister for public administration between 2004 and 2007.

Jordi Sierra i Fabra (Barcelona 1947) founded and edited Spain's leading rock magazines during the 1970s. He has written more than 500 books, including YA and adult novels, and has won more than 40 literary awards. In 2007 he received the National Prize for Literature.

Jordi Soler was born in La Portuguesa, a community of Catalan republicans in the jungles of Veracruz, Mexico.


ordi Tomàs (Barcelona, ​​1971) is an anthropologist and writer.

ジョルディ・トマースは1971年バルセロナ生まれ。人類学者、作家。長いこと西アフリカに住む。短編集のほか、小説Arrels de baobab (バオバブの根、2000年)、 Un cor aixanti (アフリカの心、2008年)、El mar dels traïdors (裏切り者たちの海、2012年、ラ・オディセア読者賞)を出版。セネガルについて数多くの記事を執筆している。

Jorge Bergua Cavero (Zaragoza, 1965) has a PhD from  the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and teaches Greek Philology in the University of Malaga.

1965年サラゴサ生まれ。マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学博士で、マラガ大学ギリシャ哲学講師。 1990〜1993年、マドリード学生寮の奨学生。ミシガン大学および在ローマ歴史考古学スペイン研究所で客員研究員。文学・音楽・思想や言語における古典の伝統、また古い時代の文化がそれらの中でいかに生き残っているかを中心に研究。古代ギリシャ語、フランス語、ドイツ語の翻訳家としても幅広く活躍している。

Jorge Blaschke won the Spanish National Prize for Journalism in 1982. He has been a correspondent for El País, a director of radio programmes and a screenwriter and producer of TV documentaries.

Born into a family with Jewish and Arab roots, Jorge Bucay was born and grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied medicine and psychology and has worked from the age of 13 and in his travels through life, has had many jobs: taxi driver, clown, and street seller.


Jorge Cabrerizo (Granada, 1980) is the author of the novels '¡Esto contigo no pasaba!' and 'Episodio Nacional 21', as well as the short story collection 'Fauna Granatensis'. He has been awarded various prizes for short fiction, is a scriptwriter and professor of dramatic writing.

Jorge Eduardo Benavides was born in Arequipa, Peru in 1964 and studied Law and Political Sciences in the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, in Lima. From 1991 to 2002, he lived on Tenerife, where he founded and directed the fiction workshop Entrelineas.

ホルヘ・エドゥアルド・べナビデスは1964年ペルー国アレキパ市生まれ。リマ市のインカ・ガルシラソ・デ・ ラ・べガ大学で法学と政治学を学んだ。1991年から2002年までテネリフェで暮らし、エントレリネアス文学工房を創設し、指導した。「バベリア」「カバリョ・ベルデ」「ララソン」など有名文学雑誌や全国紙の文化欄に寄稿し、ペルーの種々メディアでも活躍。

Jorge Edwards was born in Santiago de Chile in 1931. He studed law and philosophy at the universities of Chile and Princeton. He began his diplomatic career in 1957 and was an outspoken defender of freedom of speech when in exile during Pinochet's dictatorship.

ホルヘ・エドワーズは1931年チリのサンティアゴ生まれ。チリ大学とプリンストン大学で法律と哲学を学ぶ。1957年外交官になり、ピノチェト独裁政権時代の亡命中は、表現の自由の擁護者として活躍する。欧米の大学で非常勤講師を務め、チリのユネスコ大使。1994年チリの国民文学賞、1999年セルバンテス賞を受賞。また、パブロ・ネルーダに関する伝記Adiós Poeta (さらば、詩人よ)でコミリャス賞を受賞。エドワーズはネルーダの書記官で協力者だった。短編、小説、エッセイ、回想録の他、全世界の新聞のコラムニストで、現在は在フランスのチリ大使。

Jorge Fernández Díaz is a writer and journalist. For 35 years he was, by turns, a crime reporter, an investigative journalist, a political analyst, a news editor and a magazine editor. He is currently one of the lead columnists for Argentine newspaper La Nación.

Jorge Franco was born in Medellin (Columbia) in 1962. He studied literature at the Universidad Javeriana and film at the London Film School.

Yurre Ugarte leaves a wide and impressive wake as an audio-visual creative, scriptwriter and editor (ETB, Tele%, TV3, Telemadrid…) directing short films and writing works for publication and theatre.

Jorge González (1970, Argentina) has been living in Spain for thirteen years.
His first album, Hard Story, with a script by Horacio Altuna, was published by Norma Editorial.

Jorge Guasp completed his undergraduate studies at the Técnico Universitario Forestal (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina), holds a Masters in Environmental Management (Universidad de Lérida, España) and is a graduate in Local Environmental Management(Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira,

Jorge Herralde is the founder and director of Anagrama, and has also written five books about his work as a Publisher.


What does this award mean to you?

Jorge L. Tizón. Studied medicine at the Universidad de Barcelona, and is a primary healthcare psychiatrist, a psychoanalyst and a neurologist. He heads up research teams and has received several prizes for this work.

In October 2010 Jorge Lorenzo became champion in motorcycling's 500cc category.  He is the new and unrivalled king of MotoGP; having secured 383 points he also broke the record for most points won in a season.


Jorge M. Mier (1989) nació y vive en Ciudad de México, pero, de padre mexicano y madre española, siempre ha mantenido un vínculo muy fuerte con España. Desde muy joven, su obsesión ha sido contar historias. No en balde, en la adolescencia trabajó en la librería familiar.

Jorge M. Mier (1989) was born and lives in Mexico City but, the son of a Mexican father and a Spanish mother, he has always had a strong connection with Spain. He has been obsessed with telling stories since he was very young.

Uruguayan writer (1969). Graduated in architecture from the University of the Republic of Uruguay, taught design and mathematics in various schools in his country and abroad. In 2003 he gave up his previous careers to dedicate himself solely to writing and research.

Jorge Molit studied industrial engineering and completed a Master's in business management. He worked in large corporations where he worked his way up to positions of executive responsibility in the United States and several European countries.

Jorge Navarro Pérez was born in 1962 in Castelldefels, where he works as a secondary school teacher.

Jorge Nazra (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, 1974) is a journalist and writer, specialising in health and self-help issues.

I was born in Madrid on the 23rd of November 1985. Curiously, the same date on which Roald Dahl, one of the authors I most admire, died. I've been writing for as long as I can remember, although I only began to take it seriously during the year I spent in Florence, Italy.

A journalism graduate, he was born in 1976 in Torrente (Valencia). His professional career has been linked to written media and sports, especially cycling. He was editor and later director of the national weekly META 2MIL, a position he held for five years.

1976年、トレンテ(バレンシア)生まれ。学士号(ジャーナリズム)の学位をもっている。活字メディアや、スポーツ、特に自転車の分野に関連する仕事に携わる。スペインの週刊誌「META 2MIL」の編集者、その後編集長を5年間務める。現在、プロスポーツの世界で仕事を続けながら、自身のブログ(www.jorgequintanaorti.com)を通じて、書くことへの情熱を持ち続けている。本書以前に、2作の小説『Cuervos y Palomas (カラスと鳩)』、 『La mujer sin nombre(名前のない女)』を出版。

Jorge Sierra (A Coruña, 1983) describes himself as having a passion for travel and adventures. He has completed the whole Camino de Santiago on a number of occasions and—his most ambitious project—has travelled around the world in his 1979 Citroën 2CV called "Naranjto".

Jorge Zepeda Patterson, economist and sociologist, has a Master's degree from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences and did doctoral studies in Political Science at the Sorbonne.


José A. Ramírez Lozano is the author of nearly 70 works of poetry and fiction.



José Ángel de la Riva García (Sotrondio, Asturias, 1969) is a technical lecturer in professional training in restaurant services for the Consejería de Educación del Principado de Asturias, an expert in Public Service for State Employment for occupational training in the hotel trade and teaches a

J. Á. González Sainz was born in Soria (1956) and now lives in Trieste (Italy), where he teaches at the university. He has also lived in Barcelona (where he graduated in Philology), Madrid and, for almost twenty years, in Venice


José Ángel Mañas belongs to the so-called neorealist generation of Spanish authors, along with Gabriela Bustelo, Ray Loriga and Lucía Etxebarria. His novels are stark, fast-paced and aim to give a snapshot of real life in Spain. He was born in Madrid on 22 October 1971.

Su primera novela, Historias de Kronen fue finalista del Premio Nadal 1994 e inspiró una de las películas españolas más taquilleras de los años noventa, siendo presentada en el festival de Cannes y ganando un Goya al mejor guion adaptado.

ホセ・アンヘル・マニャスは、ガブリエラ・ブステロ、ライ・ロリーガ、ルシア・エチェバリアとともに、いわゆるネオリアリズム世代のスペイン人作家に属している。彼の小説は生々しく、テンポが速く、スペインの現実の生活を描写することを目的としている。1971年10月22日、マドリード生まれ。マドリード自治大学で現代史の学位を取得している。1994年には最初の作品Historias del Kronen(クローネンの物語)でナダル賞の最終候補に残った。この小説は大きな反響を呼び、新世代の作家への扉を開いた。

José Antonio de Aguirre, after a brief passage through the world of university education, has developed his career as a professional economist, first at the Ministry of Finance and later in the Stock Exchange of Bilbao, Barcelona and Madrid.

Since we were children we have experienced creativity as something natural and spontaneous, and have always been influenced by telling stories that can move, amuse or entertain others.

I was born in Chipiona, Cadiz, the 1st of June 1974. To have come into the world in such a special place is something marvellous. The dunes, the ocean, the pine forest, the carnivals, the people... My childhood memories, above all of summer holidays, are full of nostalgia.

Born in Albacete in 1972, José Antonio Fideu is an author and writer of graphic novels. A qualified teacher, he combines his vocation for teaching with his other great passion: telling stories. After publishing his first comic book ('Núbilus'), 'Núbilus' the novel came out in 2009.

José Antonio Fortea Cucurull (1968) is a priest and theologian who specialises in demonology. He studied Theology at the Universidad de Navarra. He graduated, with a major in Church History, from the Facultad de Teología de Comillas.

José Antonio Guerrero has a B.A. in Arts and graduated in Digital Image from the Dorset’s Bournemouth And Pool College of Art and Design.

José Antonio Jiménez-Barbero was born in Barcelona in 1975, although he currently lives in Murcia. After several years working as a police officer and then a specialist mental health nurse, he now works as a professor in the faculty of nursing at the University of Murcia.


José A. Leal Castillo studied Physical Sciences at the Universidad de Sevilla, Psychology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and completed post-graduate studies in Army Psychology.

Psychologist for the Madrid local government's Anti-bullying in schools team, teacher, secretary to the governing board of the Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid, professor at the Universidad Camilo José Cela and member of the advisory council for the chair in 'Law and Minors' at the Univers


José Antonio Marina's research has been dedicated to forming a theory of intelligence which extends from neurology to ethics.

José Antonio Mayo Davó (Málaga, 1990).

José Antonio Mayo Davó  was born in Malaga in 1990. He has a degree in tourism from the University of Malaga but history, cinema and writing have been his true passions since childhood.

José C. Vales (Zamora, 1965) graduated in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad de Salamanca and later specialised in the philosophy and aesthetics of romantic literature in Madrid. His professional career has always been linked to publishing, as an editor and translator with various imprints.

José Campanari is a storyteller by trade. He tells original stories devised from the starting point of some overheard line.


José Carlos Bermejo is a member of the Camilo religious community and director of the Tres Cantos Centre for the Humanisation of Health (Madrid). He is a Dr of Theology and Psychology and a specialist in aid and has wide experience of the pastoral element of health.


José Carlos Carmona (Malaga, 1963), PhD, teaches at the Universidad de Sevilla and is a musician and writer.

A teacher by profession and a fan of high quality children's and YA literature, he is co-founder and co-author of Soñando cuentos, one of the most respected and visited Children's and YA literature blogs.

A teacher by profession and a fan of high quality children's and YA literature, he is co-founder and co-author of Soñando cuentos, one of the most respected and visited Children's and YA literature blogs.

JOSÉ CARLOS ROMÁN: after a Teaching qualification and then a degree in Pedagogy, Román has been dedicated since 1999 to his great passion: teaching in Early Childhood Education.

ホセ・カルロス・ロマンは教職資格を取得し、後に教育学を専攻。1999年より、念願だった児童教育の教師となる。精力的な読書家で、授業のための本を探す中、数年前に児童文学のブログ《おはなしを夢みて》を立ち上げる。多くの賞を得たこのブログには、世界中から日々たくさんの教員や家族が訪れている。2016年に出版界でも活動を始めた。 モニカ・カレテーロはスペイン、英国、マケドニア、韓国、レバノン、フランス、オーストラリア、米国で多くの本のイラストを手がけてきた。スペインや中南米の様々な雑誌ともコラボしている。

児童・YA文学をこよなく愛する教師。高い評価と閲覧数を誇る児童・YA文学部門のブログのひとつSoñando cuentos(物語を夢見て)の共同創立者で共同執筆者。数多くの本を読むうちに子供やそれほど子供ではない人向けの話を書きたいという思いに駆られる。

児童・YA文学をこよなく愛する教師。高い評価と閲覧数を誇る児童・YA文学部門のブログのひとつSoñando cuentos(物語を夢見て)の共同創立者で共同執筆者。数多くの本を読むうちに子供やそれほど子供ではない人向けの話を書きたいという思いに駆られる。

My name is José Carlos Sánchez and I was born on 27th August 1976 in Madrid. I studied law before doing a master's and postgraduate degree in sports management and sports law. But that's not what we're interested in here, is it?


José de Cora Paradela, writer and journalist (Lugo, 1951), has worked in all areas of the media: news agencies, newspapers, magazines, radio, cinema and television. His cartoons won the Codorniz de Plata in 2000.

José de Cora Paradela, writer and journalist (Lugo, 1951), has worked in all areas of the media: news agencies, newspapers, magazines, radio, cinema and television. His cartoons won the Codorniz de Plata in 2000.

1951年、ルゴ生まれ。作家でジャーナリスト。通信社、新聞、雑誌、ラジオ、映画、テレビなど、あらゆるメディアで仕事をしてきた。ユーモア作家としての新聞での活動により、2000年、コドルニス・デ・プラタ賞を受賞。1976年から、『Ideologías para un rey (国王のための思想)』(Aguaribay)、『Manual del Perfecto Político (完璧な政治家のためのマニュアル』(Espasa Calpe)など多数のエッセイを執筆。映画人としては、数多くのシリーズものやドキュメンタリーを脚色、監督、プロデュース。

1951年、ルゴ生まれ。作家でジャーナリスト。通信社、新聞、雑誌、ラジオ、映画、テレビなど、あらゆるメディアで仕事をしてきた。ユーモア作家としての新聞での活動により、2000年、コドルニス・デ・プラタ賞を受賞。1976年から、『Ideologías para un rey (国王のための思想)』(Aguaribay)、『Manual del Perfecto Político (完璧な政治家のためのマニュアル』(Espasa Calpe)など多数のエッセイを執筆。映画人としては、数多くのシリーズものやドキュメンタリーを脚色、監督、プロデュース。

He graduated in Romance Philology and is a Professor of Spanish Language and Literature.
His interest in the civilization that flourished in Al-Andalus has led him to study Arabic.
His first novel, “Si Vivaldi aprendiese solfeo”, was published in 2006.

José Federico Barcelona Martínez writes literature for children, young adults, and adults, and has won several prizes and awards since he began publishing in 2019. He works with magazines like In-fan-cia (Rosa Sentat Association), culturadeinfancia.com, and CaoCultura.com.

José Federico Barcelona Martínez. Escribe literatura infantil, juvenil y narrativa para adultos, habiendo obtenido varios premios y reconocimientos desde que empieza a presentar su obra públicamente en 2019. Colabora con revistas como In-fan-cia (Asoc.

Illustrator and creator of comics and children's books. After studying cartoon animation and graphic design in Madrid he worked in New York several years until finally moving to Chicago from where he workes as an illustrator for Picture Farm Productions in Brooklyn, New York.

Born in Torre del Mar, Málaga, he has been a professor at the university of Malaga since 1986.

José González Torices was born in Quintanilla del Olmo (Zamora) and lives in Valladolid. He qualified as a teacher in Tarragona and studied Hispanic Philology at the Universidad de Barcelona. He also studied Dramatic Arts in Madrid with a grant from the French Embassy.

José Guadalajara. Phd in Hispanic Philology and a Language and a Literature teacher. He writes historical novels set in the medieval world: Signum (2004) and Testamentvm (2005). The foremost characteristics of these books are the historical precision, the suspense, and an impeccable style.

A graduate in Law, Jose Javier Abasolo is now on leave of absence from the State Administration and works in the Basque Government in the Department of Justice, Employment and Social Security.

José Jiménez Lozano was born in Langa (Ávila) in 1930. He graduated in Law in Valladolid, in Philosophy and Literature in Salamanca and Journalism in Madrid.

José Juan Moreso was born in Spain. He took a Law Degree from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 1983 and a Doctorate in Law from the same University in 1988.

The achievements of José López Rubio (Motril 1903 – Madrid 1996) were recognised in 1994 when he was awarded the Medalla al Mérito for Fine Arts.

The author of Jack the Ripper. The Most Intelligent Killer in History was from an early age attracted to the study of graphology. He had read the work of Matilde Ras and a graphological analysis by Professor Augusto Vels, one of the greatest graphologists.

José Luis Ágreda (Sevilla 1971) is an author and illustrator. He has taken part in architectural exhibitions at the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo and often contributes to the architecture magazine Pasajes.

José Luis Caballero is a journalist with a Degree in Information Science from the University of Barcelona, specializing in International Relations and Secret Services.

José Luis Corral Lafuente was born in Daroca (Zaragoza) in 1957. He is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Zaragoza and has been a visiting lecturer at various universities in Spain and abroad.

José Luis Correa (Las Palmas, 1962) is professor of Language and Literature Teaching at the university of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.

José Luis de Juan was born in Mallorca and is the author of eight novels, including 'El apicultor de Bonaparte' ('Bonaparte's Beekeeper'), 'La llama danzante' ('The Dancing Llama') and 'Obra muerta' ('Dead Work'). He has also published short stories, poetry and essays.

ホセ・ルイス・デ・フアンはマリョルカ生まれ。本書El apicultor de Bonaparte(ボナパルトの養蜂家)、La llama danzante(踊る火)、Obra muerta(乾舷)など8作の小説を出版している。また短編集、詩、エッセイの著作もある。彼の作品は様々な言語に翻訳され、国内外の賞を受賞。ベルリンやエジンバラなどのフェスティバルでも紹介された。新聞・雑誌で文学や旅行に関する記事を書いている。

José Luis Garrot Garrot was born in Jaén. He has a degree in Medieval History and a Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies. He is a member of the Arabist Association of Spain and Castellum Sociedad Cultural, which studies the Middle Ages.

José Luis Martí is a legal and political philosopher. He holds a degree in Law (LLB) from Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona (1997) and a PhD in Political Theory from the same university (2004).

José Luis Muñoz (born Salamanca, 1951), traveller, columnist, literary and film critic and cultural activist, is a key figure in Spanish crime writing.

José Luis Olaizola practised as a lawyer for 15 years.

ホセ・ルイス・オライソラは15年間弁護士を務める。多くの文学賞でその実力を認められてきた。 「スペイン内戦に関する最高の小説」との評価を得て、La guerra del general Escobar (エスコバル将軍の戦争)で1983年セビリア文芸協会賞とプラネタ賞。1982年にCucho (クチョ)でバルコ・デ・バポール賞を受賞ののち、同作品はフランス語に翻訳されフランス読者アカデミーグランプリを取る。El cazador urbano(都会のハンター)で1992年ボルドー・ブラン文学賞受賞。

José Luis Orihuela is Doctor in Information Science and teaches at the Faculty of Communications of the University of Navarre. He has been a lecturer and guest lecturer in many countries.


José Luis Ortiz Nuevo nació en Archidona, Málaga, en 1948. Periodista, poeta, dramaturgo y especialista en flamenco, ha escrito diferentes estudios de artistas como Enrique Morente, Pepe de la Matrona, Pericón de Cádiz, Tío Gregorio el Borrico, Tía Anica la Piriñaca o Enrique el Cojo.


Born in Salamanca in 1955, he holds a diploma in Education, a BA in Geography and History and a PhD in Medieval History from the University of Salamanca, where he currently works as a teacher.

José Luis Sicre Díaz (Cadiz, 1940) is emeritus lecturer at the Granada Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Bible Institute of Rome and the Facultad de Theología de San Miguel (Buenos Aires). He is the author of numerous articles and a variety oof works related to Bible studies (v.


José María García Sánchez was born in 1964 in Santa Coloma de Gramanet. He completed his law degree at Barcelona's Autonomous University in 1987 and since then has worked as a lawyer. He works with different chambers and comanages the firm García Sánchez & Plaza Gómez.


José Manuel Aparicio is the consulting editor for the publishing agent, Rúbric.

出版サービス業務を行う会社ルブリクの編集コンサルタント。作家としては、『El desierto(砂漠)』で第6回文学チャンネル短編コンクール、『El mal de Fortún Sánchez(フォルトゥン・サンチェスの災厄)』で第2回イスリブリス歴史物語コンクール、そして『El Pueblo(村)』で第11回ミゲル・アルティガス文学コンクールの、それぞれ最終候補に選ばれた。

José Manuel Naredo (1942) is Doctor in Economic Sciences and belongs to the State Statistics Higher Group.

An industrial engineer, he has trained at various European and American universities. He is a Certified Trainer ( TMC, Michigan.)



José María Conget (Zaragoza, 1948) studied Philosophy and Literature. He has worked in education and cultural management in various places in Spain, Scotland, Peru, England, United States and France. He currently lives in Seville.

The author is a research professor at the Aragon Institute for Nanoscience and Materials (CSIC-Zaragoza University).

JOSÉ MARÍA DORIA is a Bachelor in Law, has master course in Higher Business Management and a master course in Psychology. He works as a transpersonal psychotherapist and emotional coach. He carries out workshops on Education of the Emotions, Integral Consciousness and Introduction to Meditation.

He gained a degree in Spanish Literature from the University of Seville in 1988. Assistant Undergraduate Professor since 1989 specialising in Spanish Language and Literature.

José María Jiménez Solana was born in Spain in 1954. He is a lawyer, holds an International Masters in Business Management, an MA Master en Derecho Tributario y Asesoría Fiscal, Master en Derecho Laboral y empresario.

EN - José María Martín Tena


José María Martínez Selva (Elche, 1955) is Professor of Psychobiology at the Universidad de Murcía, where he has taught psychophysiology, psychology and physiology since 1978.


José María Merino (La Coruña, 1941) has won many prizes: the Novels and Stories for Novel of Andrés Choz (1976), the Critics for The Dark Shore (1985), National Young People's Literature for The Summer Trains, the Miguel Delibes Fiction for Lucrecia's visions (1996), the NH Stories for Imaginary

Born in Burgos, he has worked as a cultural correspondent for many years. In 1995 he was shortlisted for the Edebé prize for his first book, No es un crimen enamorarse, which appears in the honour list of the CCEI awards, and since then has published over 40 titles.

ブルゴス生まれ。長く新聞の文化欄の記者をつとめてきた。1995年に処女作No es crimen enamorarse(恋するのは罪じゃない)でエデベ賞を受賞し、またこの作品がCCEI賞の最終候補になる。以来、40作以上を出版。『ぼくのドン・キホーテ』(行路社、2006年)は、韓国語、アラビア語、中国語、日本語に翻訳されベストセラーとなる。子どもと青少年向けの詩のアンソロジーを4点編集。現在は、執筆と写真、旅行、自作を読んだ子どもたちがいる学校へのオーサービジットにほぼ専念している。

José María R. Olaizola (Oviedo, 1970) is a Jesuit priest and writer. He searches for the Word in his words. Cova Bayón (Oviedo, 1973) is an illustrator and craftswoman who tells uses her pictures to tell stories.


The author is a Doctor of Economic and Business Science from the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid, a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the London Business School, University of London, and a graduate in Economic and Business Science from the Faculty of Economics and Business Adminsitrati

José Miguel G. Cortés is a doctor of philosophy and professor of art theory in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Valencia. He was the director of Espai d'art Contemporani de Castelló (EACC) from 1998 to 2003. Of note among his recent works include 'Gilbert & George.

José Miguel Parra Ortiz (Madrid, 1968) has a PhD in Ancient History from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he also obtained a Masters in Translation.

José Morella (Ibiza, 1972) has a degree in literary theory and comparative literature. He was a semi-finalist for the Herralde Award for Personal Matters (2008), which also received the Qwerty Award for new narrator.

1972年、イビサ生まれ。学士(文学理論と比較文学)の学位を持つ。 『Asuntos propios (個人的事情)』(2008)で、エラルデ賞のセミファイナリストに選ばれる。同作品は、クワーティ新人作家賞も受賞。また、『Como caminos en la niebla (霧の中の道のように)』(2016)で、ジーグムント・フロイトの弟子で無政府主義者、オットー・グロスの人生を小説化。バルセロナを拠点に仕事をし、小説やクリエイティブ・ライティングの講義をしている。本作『West End(ウエスト・エンド)』はカフェ・ヒホン賞(2019)受賞。

José Mª Carpintero, a technical engineer, has always had links with the world of teaching. He had the idea for a simulated soldering iron for teaching purposes: Soldamatic 100. In recent years he has collaborated with Seaberry Solutions to turn his idea into a multimedia tool.


José Mª Sainz de Vicuña Ancín has a doctorate in Economic and Business Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, a MBA from the London Business School and a degree in Economic and Business Sciences from ESTE (University of Deusto).


José Antonio Piqueras Román (Adra, 1987) studied Business Administration and Management and Market Research and Techniques at the University of Granada. He also has a master’s degree in Digital Marketing from the European School of Management and Business.

Director of the Climate Laboratory of the Universitat Jaume I, José Quera Sala has extensive teaching and research experience, embodied in twelve books and nearly 200 articles in national and international journals.


José Ramón Alonso is a biologist and professor at the University of Salamanca. He thinks that science is the great adventure of our times and that it should be shared with everyone who is curious about it. He has written numerous science books for both children and adults.


José Ramón Alonso (born 1962) is a biologist and writer and a lecturer at the University of Salamanca. He has published over twenty books and he loves writing about science for both children and adults.

José Ramón de Cea Velasco is an army colonel who enjoys two passions in his free time: music and writing stories. The Missing Note brings these two together.

José Ramón Gómez Cabezas (Ciudad Real 1971) is a psychologist, and has combined his work for several years with essays and articles published in magazines dedicated to crime literature, including the prestigious La Gansterera and the more recent 38, as well as Prótesis, which published the story

José Ramón Gómez Cabezas (Ciudad Real 1971) is a psychologist, and has combined his work for several years with essays and articles published in magazines dedicated to crime literature, including the prestigious La Gansterera and the more recent 38, as well as Prótesis, which published the story

Born in 1963, José Sánchez Toledo is an authority on the Classical word. He has vast publishing experience, and writes opinion articles and serialized pieces for publishers as well as historical books. He is an active participant in battles recreations all around the world.

José Soto Chica fue militar profesional y estuvo destinado a la Misión de Paz de la ONU (UMPROFOR) en Bosnia Herzegovina. Un accidente con explosivos le costó una pierna y lo dejó ciego, lo que le llevó a reencauzar su vida hacia su verdadera pasión: la historia.

José Soto Chica was a professional in the military with the peace-keeping UN (UMPROFOR) in  Bosnia Herzegovina. An explosives accident cost him his leg and left him blind, and gave him the chance to redirect his life towards his true passion of history.


Born in Vitoria in the Basque Country in 1962, he has a degree in Basque and Hispanic literature and is the author of multiple books and articles about legal and administrative language. He is also a professor at the Escuela de Escritores.

Josef Ajram (Barcelona, 1978), apart from being a top broker, is the first Spanish sportsperson to successfully complete gruelling competitions such as the Ultraman in Hawaii and Canada, which includes swimming 10 exhausting kilometres in open water, then cycling 421 kilometres, followed by runni

Josef Vinasheiv was born in Prague (Bohemia). He has British, Iberian and Slavic blood in his veins, all of which makes him feel fully Austro-Hungarian. He is the grandson of the Spanish socialist delegate and leader, Ginés G.

Josefa Ros Velasco es investigadora postdoctoral en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde dirige el proyecto «Pre-bored. Well-being and prevention of boredom in Spanish nursing homes».

Josep Chapa (Valencia, 1971) graduated in Geography and History (specialising in Medieval History) from the University of Valencia. He works as a writer and professor of ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) and Baccalaureate, teaching History and Geography (Colegio Jesús-María, Valencia).

Josep Gregori (Alzira, 1959) first made a name for himself as a poet in 1978. He later focused on fiction, especially children's and Young Adult literature, with titles such as 'La bruja alocada' ('The Crazy Witch') and 'La brujita Teresita' ('Teresita The Little Witch').

1959年、アルシラ生まれ。1978年に詩人としてデビューを果たした後、児童・YA文学を中心に小説の執筆に従事。著書には『La bruja alocada(おかしな魔女)』、『La brujita Teresita(小さな魔女テレシータ)』などがある。1986年にブロメラ社を設立し、現在も編集者として活動している。

Josep Lluís Badal is a writer and professor. His literary work combines children's literature with poetry, fiction for adults and essays. He is known for his incredible imagination and children really connect with his fantastical world.


Anyone who has ever read about the things they have really seen... would be completely right to think that Josep Lluís Badal is a man who has lived.


JOSEP M. ROMERO (Barcelona, 1956) has been travelling from the age of seventeen, first hitchhiking throughout Europe, then in Asia, at the time when it was being rediscovered by hippies, and later on other continents.

Josep M. Trigo Rodríguez (Valencia, 1970) es astrofísico, formado en la Universidad de Valencia, donde se doctoró cum laude en 2002 con un trabajo sobre la interacción de los meteoritos con la atmósfera terrestre y su origen dinámico.

Josep Maria Rovira Belloso was born in Barcelona in 1926. He graduated in Law in 1948 and was ordained into the priesthood in 1953.

Josep Maria Salrach Marès (1945) is a Doctor of Medieval History from the University of Barcelona, where he tought until 1993. Since then he has lectured at the Humanities Faculty of the Univesidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). He has also taught courses at the VII university of Paris.

Josep Maria Vallés studied agronomic engineering in Barcelona and Lleida. He has collaborated in projects in the Venezuelan plains and the Bolivians Andes. He has been worked as a gardener for several years and nowadays he is a teacher.

Josep Piera (Beniopa, La Safor, 1947) is a poet, essayist and writer. His poetry has been collected in Dictats d’amor (Poesia 1971-1991), En el nom de la mar (1999) and in Cants i encants (2004).

J.P. Sansaloni (Ferreries, 1992) lives in Menorca, although he goes on a quick visit to Barcelona once every month. He has a degree in Catalan language and is a professional proof reader and editor; currently he works with an Artificial Intelligence company.

Disciple of Taltabull and Leibwitz, he follows the tradition which they taught him: musical emotion sustained by a technique and a structure which are developed to their maximum.


Josep Sucarrats is a journalist who has been writing and talking about gastronomy since the beginning of the 21st century. He is the director of Cuina magazine and a regular contributor to gastronomic discussions on radio, television and digital media.

Josep Vila Miravent (Barcelona, 1962) is a specialist in the psychology of ageing and has a master’s in clinical gerontology from the University of Southern California (USC) and a master’s in family therapy from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).





Josep Vilella is a member of the 5 a Taula (the team of food critics with La Vanguardia) and is also a member of the Catalan Academy of Gastronomy.


He is better known for the novels based on his travels in the Himalayas but also writes short stories and, in recent years, has begun a series of novels set in the Pyrenees.

Josep-Francesc Valls is professor of Marketing, Strategy and Tourism Management at ESADE Business School (Barcelona).

La capitale de la Tunisie comprend la médina arabe et la ville européenne construite au XIXe siècle. En 1881, convertie en protectorat, la construction de la ville coloniale s'est accélérée.

Josune Urrutia Asua (Bilbao, 1976). Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad del País Vasco, estudió ilustración en la Escuela ArteDiez de Madrid.

Jovi Lozano-Seser is a journalist and writer. He focuses particularly on short narrative, as evidenced by the numerous prizes he has won. Since 2012 he has written a blog, 'Calcetins desparellats'.

Dora is a journalist on a local paper where her job is to fill the boring pages of the cultural news section. Each day she has to travel on the commuter train from the suburbs, where she lives, to Barcelona, where she works, and back again.

Juan has published the poem collections Memoirs of a Beard (Ediciones en Huida) and Hunher and Knives (Editorial Amarante) and the story anthology Son of a Cannibal God (Ediciones Atlantis and Ediciones Kudelka). Other fiction published in various anthologies: Anthology Z.

詩集『Memorias de una barba(髭の回想)』(Ediciones en Huida)、『Hambre y cuchillos(空腹とナイフ)』(Amarante)、短編集『Hijo de un dios caníbal(食人種の神の息子)』 (Atlantis / Kudelka)を出版。また、『Antología Z.

JUAN ANTONIO MASOLIVER RÓDENAS (Barcelona, Spain, 1939) is Professor Emeritus of Spanish and Latin American Literature at the University of Westminster in London and writes regularly as a literary critic for the renowned Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.


Juan Arnau was born in Valencia in 1968.

Juan Azpilicueta (Madrid, 1977) is an architect, designer and teaches art, maths and geometry. He has given courses in heuristics, applied creativity and work systems. He is passionate about music and art in all forms, and has an almost spiritual devotion to geometry.

フアン・アスピリクエタ(1977年マドリード生まれ)は建築家、デザイナー、芸術・数学・幾何学の教員で、発見的手法、応用創造性、ワークシステムに関する講座やワークショップを行ってきた。音楽とあらゆる形の芸術をこよなく愛し、幾何学にはほとんど宗教的なまでに傾倒。ギターをかき鳴らし、ドラムを激しく叩くことも好む。2021年にラルースから出版した児童書『Libros infinitos: El huevo o la gallina?(無限の本たち:卵が先かニワトリ先か)』と本書『Libros infinitos.

Juan Berrio started out by studying architecture, but soon discovered that his passion lay in drawing. As a result, he has spent the last thirty years dedicated to illustration, comics and other aspects of graphic production. He lives in a multi-family building in the centre of Madrid.

Juan Berrio went to architecture school, but soon discovered that his true passion was drawing. And so he has spent the last thirty years working in illustration, comics and other facets of graphic arts. He lives in a multi-family building in the center of Madrid.

Juan Berrio comenzó estudiando arquitectura, pero pronto descubrió que su pasión era dibujar. Y así ha pasado los últimos treinta años dedicados a la ilustración, el cómic y otros aspectos de la producción gráfica. Vive en un edificio plurifamiliar del centro de Madrid.

Juan Bonilla has published six books of short stories, four novels and 2 novellas.

Xabier Gutiérrez, Juan Calduch and Igor Zalakain are three young men who regularly collaborate in cookery research in Arzak’s restaurant.

Juan Carlos was born in Ausejo to a mushroom-growing family. He is proud of his origins and thinks being a farming is one of the best things you can be. He studied to be a teach Logroño and Spanish Philology in Zaragoza.


(Valera, Venezuela, 1967) is a novelist, short story writer and biographer. He studied literature in Caracas and Salamanca.

Juan Carlos Cubeiro is considered to be Spain’s top expert in leadership. He is honorary chairman of the Spanish Coaching and Consultancy Association (AECOP) and chairman of Eurotalent.


Juan Carlos Garrido Luque was born in Madrid in 1963. The enormous interest he showed for music and drama since childhood has led to a passion for the dramatic arts and musical theatre.

1963年マドリード生まれ。青年時代から音楽と演劇に深い関心を持ち、舞台芸術やミュージカルの大ファンとなる。マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学で経済経営学の学位を取得し、マドリード、ニューヨークの金融業界で輝かしい成功を収める。デリバティブ商品の金融オペレーションに関する数々のマニュアルを執筆。2003年に人生の方向転換をはかり、アルメリア沿岸の村、サンホセへ移住。観光、レジャーのプロモーション活動に従事。2005年にパルマ・ホベン劇団を設立・主催、アンダルシアの演劇コンクールなどで様々な賞を受賞する。ミュージカルEl Novio de Níjar(ニハルの恋人、2007年)の作者。

Juan Carlos Rivas González was born in Cáceres and has a degree in Hispanic Literature from the University of Extremadura's faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Juan Carlos Sanz Bachiller: studied Educational Science. Adult educator. Publications: Internet como fuente de información, documentación y recursos para la education y formación de P.A. (2003).

Juan Carrión Maroto is a Doctor of Business Management (BIU-University of California).

Juan de Ávila González was born in Caracas in 1976. He has a degree in Business Management. After a decade working in fashion, he now works in corporate and political communication. The Children with no Name is his first novel.


A graduate in Biology from the Universidad de Sevilla, Juan Domínguez Bendala was awarded a PhD by the prestigious Roslin Institute in Scotland under the supervision of one of the creators of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned animal in history.


A doctor in Psychology and lecturer at the University Jaume I, he has written different articles which have been published in prestigious magazines. Since 2001, he has been teaching some subjects related to the study of psychological development.

Juan Eduardo Cirlot (Barcelona 1916-1973) was a composer, poet and art critic. Trained in musical composition by the maestro Fernando Ardévol, he was part of Manuel de Falla's circle.

Born in Dieburg, a small town near Frankfurt (Germany) but grew up in the working-class neighbourhood of Vallecas, Madrid. For years he maintained his twin passions: literature and the application of Psychology in the area of crime.

Astrólogo consultor y profesor de astrología desde 1988, ha escrito y publicado más de treinta libros sobre la materia, cuatro de ellos junto al autor uruguayo Boris Cristoff. Es autor de numerosos artículos de investigación, publicados en revistas astrológicas internacionales de primer nivel.

Astrólogo consultor y profesor de astrología desde 1988, ha escrito y publicado más de treinta libros sobre la materia, cuatro de ellos junto al autor uruguayo Boris Cristoff. Es autor de numerosos artículos de investigación, publicados en revistas astrológicas internacionales de primer nivel.

Juan F. Pérez-Carballo Veiga is an industrial engineer, a Doctor of Business and Economic Sciences and has a diploma in Business Administration, Finance and Economics in the electricity sector. At present, he is director general of CONVERTHIA (Centre for Business Evaluation and Development).

Juan Francisco Ferré (Málaga, 1962) has published the short story collection 'Metamorfosis®' (2006) and the novels 'La vuelta al mundo' (2002), 'I love you Sade' (2003) and 'La fiesta del asno' (2005; translated into French in 2012).

フアン・フランシスコ・フェレーは、1962年マラガ生まれ。短編集Metamorfosis®(変身®、2006年)と、小説La vuelta al mundo (世界一周、2002年)、 I love you Sade (愛しているよ サド、2003年) と La fiesta del asno (ロバの祭り、2005年、仏語訳2012年)が出版されている。Providence (プロビデンス、2009年エラルデ賞最終候補作)は、批評家が声をそろえて絶賛。稀な事である。Karnaval(カーニバル)は、2012年エラルデ小説賞を受賞。

Juan Gómez Alcaide works as a civil servant in Benahadux, and is a staunch defender of the district where he was born, El Chuche, a place that holds a power of attraction over him that is difficult to put into words. He is currently studying his true passion, history.


Juan Gómez-Jurado is a journalist and author of several successful novels, which have been translated into forty languages.

Juan Gómez-Jurado is a fiction writer and journalist, the author of novels published in over 40 countries.


フアン・ゴメス=フラドはジャーナリストで作家。執筆した複数の小説はベストセラーとなり、40か国語に翻訳されている。最新のスリラー小説、『Reina Roja(紅の女王)』(Ediciones B, Penguin Random House、2018―当サイト2019年紹介作品)が25万部以上を売り上げて一大現象となり、このジャンルを代表する国際的名手の仲間入りを果たした。この最新作『Loba Negra(黒い狼)』は、このヒット以前に出版されたものである。現在、複数のメディアに出演しているほか、ポッドキャスト番組の「トード・ポデロソ」や「アキ・アイ・ドラゴネス」を共同制作している。

A Doctor of Law, Juan Hdez. Vigueras has worked in the management of large corporations and as a professor of postrgraduate studies. In his role as writer, he has specialised in political criticism of the deregulation of global financial markets.

Juan José Flores was born in Barcelona in 1955. He graduated in Biology at the Uni¬ver¬si¬ty of Barcelona.

Juan José Millás was born in Valencia in 1946.


Among his other posts, Juan José Pérez Cuesta has been Director General of Danone in Germany and France, Global Chief Officer of Actimel, CEO of Chupa Chups and European President of Snacks for Master Foods.


The author, Juan J. Sampedro Reiriz, is one of the characters involved. As a graduate in Biological Sciences, marine cultivation are a weakness for him. And as a specialist in foreign trade, export is a challenge.


Among his most noted works are a children’s book on the Aztec culture and an Epithalamion poetry book (literary genre rarely dealt with in the West, whose reference is found in the Book of Psalms of King Solomon in the Bible).

Juan Kruz Igerabide was born in Aduna in 1956. He is a university professor, poet, novelist and above all, author of children’s literature. He has received numerous awards.

For many years Juan Kruz Igerabide Sarasola (Aduna, Guipúzcoa,1956) was a teacher, in primary and secondary schools, and later, at the País Vasco University specialising in Basque Language studies.

フアン・クルス・イゲラビデ=サラソラ(1956年、ギプスコア県アドゥナ生まれ)は数年間小中学校で教鞭をとったあと、パイス・バスコ大学のバスク語文献学の教師となった。数多くの児童・YA向け文学作品のほか、詩、警句集、一般向け小説も執筆している。1999年、エベレスト社から出版した『Jonás(ヨナス)』シリーズでバスク文学賞、2018年には『Abezedario titirijario(人形使いのアルファベット集)』で国民児童文学賞を受賞した。

Juan Luis Arsuaga (Madrid, 1954) is Professor of Palaeontology at the Complutense University of Madrid, director of the Centre for Human Evolution and Behaviour (UCM-ISCIII) and co-director of the Atapuerca Research Team.

Juan Luis Arsuaga (Madrid, 1954) is Professor of Palaeontology at the Complutense University of Madrid, director of the Centre for Human Evolution and Behaviour (UCM-ISCIII) and co-director of the Atapuerca Research Team.

フアン・ルイス・イグレシアス:漫画原作者。『50 años no es nada(50年なんて大したことない)』(Dibbuks)、『Moscas y dragones(ハエとドラゴン)』(Drakul)などを出版。『Visiones del fin(終末の光景)』(Aleta)、『Dark Hearts(ダークハーツ)』(Nowevolution)などのアンソロジーにも参加。「アルタール・ムタンテ」、「キラー・トゥーンズ」、米国の「ブロークス・テリブル・トゥーム・オブ・テラー」、「クトゥルー」(Diábolo) などのホラー系アンソロジーマガジンで定期的に作品を発表。

Juan Madrid was born in Malaga in 1947. After graduating from the Universidad de Salamanca, with a degree in Modern History, Juan Madrid worked as an investigative reporter and columnist, a field in which he has earned distinction.

Juan Manuel Maqueira Marín Engineer with more that 23 years experience in the IT sector, mainly with Fujitsu. He has taken part in many IT projects within the banking, public administration and Industry sectors. Since 2007 he is an fellow professor at the University of Jaén.

Arzak was born in Donostia (San Sebastian) and, since 1970, has worked to convert his restaurant into one of the foremost names in world gastronomy. He is one of the undisputed leaders of New Basque Cuisine, a movement which was the basis of the Spanish culinary revival.

Juan Martínez de las Rivas (Buenos Aires, 1957), during his school years lived in Madrid. Between 1978 and 1981, he was part of the CLOC group of “Arte y Desarte”, devoted to counterculture and literary activism. He works as a physician. Fuga lenta is his first novel.

Juan Martorell (Madrid, 1947) has a degree in Science from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, where he worked as a professor in the Petrological Department.

Juan Martos Quesada was born in Jaén in 1953. He has a Phd in Semitic Philology by the University of Granada, with a thesis in Islamic Law in al-Andalus. Currently he is the Director of the Arab Studies Department at Madrid University.

He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Education of the University of Granada and holds a PhD in Language and Literature Didactics. Among other books he has published Como mirar a la luna.

Juan Muñoz Ramos was president and founder of the Asociación Catalana de Sumillers (1989-2001), and is co-founder and president of the Unión de Asociaciones Españoles de Sumilleres (UAES), director of the Comisión Didáctica of the Asociación de Sumillería Internacional (ASI), professor and coordi

Juan Pablo Villalobos was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1973. He studied marketing and Spanish literature. He has done a great deal of market research and published travel stories, literary and film criticism.

If you have ever dreamed of discovering that your father was a genuine pirate on the seas; that he might take you with him to fight sea monsters and giant robots; if you want to believe in mermaids and buried treasure and even in magic violins...


Juan Ramón Azuar Romero nació en 1965, en Canillas de Albaida (Málaga), y vive en la actualidad en Molins de Rei (Barcelona). Es licenciado en Historia.

Juan Ramón Azuar Romero was born in 1965 in Canillas de Albaida (Malaga), and currently lives in Molins de Rei (Barcelona). He has a degree in history.

Juan Ramón Barat (Valencia, 1959) works across all literary genres and has been the recipient of various prizes and awards as a poet, dramatist and fiction author.

1959年、バレンシア生まれ。あらゆるジャンルの文学を手掛け、様々な賞を獲得。詩人、脚本家、物語作家として評価されている。散文の代表作に、スペイン王位継承戦争時代を描いた『1707, el sueño perdido(1707、失われた夢)』と中世後期を舞台にした『Jaime I el rey templario(ハイメ1世、テンプル騎士団の王)』の歴史小説がある。『Infierno de neón(ネオンの地獄)』ではサラマンカ市国際賞を受賞。

A Colombian author now living in Madrid. His works on popular culture and marginal literature have been published in a variety of magazines. He is a critic for the magazine Artecontexto.


Juan Tallón (Vilardevós, Ourense, 1975) is a graduate in Philosophy and a journalist who has collaborated in such media outlets as El Progreso, El País, Jot Down and Cadena SER.

Juan Tallón (Ourense, 1975) has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Santiago de Compostela. He contributes to various media outlets including El País, JotDown and La Lamentable.

1975年オウレンセ県ビラルデボス生まれ。哲学を学び、ジャーナリストとして、「エルプログレソ」「エルパイス」「ジョット・ダウン」「カデナ・セール」などのメディアに寄稿してきた。ガリシア語で数点の本を書き、スペイン語では、ノンフィクション『Libros peligrosos(危険な本)』 『Mientras haya bares(バルがあるあいだ)』、小説『El váter de Onetti(オネッティの便器)』『Fin de poema(詩の最後)』『Salvaje oeste(ワイルドウエスト)』『Rewind(リワインド)』を刊行した。

Juan Trejo (Barcelona, 1970) graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona, he was a member of the editorial team of the magazine Lateral and co-director of the literary magazine Quimera from 2006 to 2009.

フアン・トレホ(1970年生まれ)はバルセロナ大学でスペイン文献学の学士号を取得。今は廃刊となった「ラテラル誌」の編集委員を務めた。2006年から2009年まで文学雑誌「キメラ」の共同編集長。現在「ラバングアルディア紙」の文化欄で執筆する傍ら、バルセロナ文芸クラブで教鞭をとり、アウラ・エスコラ・エウロペアの講師も務める。小説第1作であるEl fin de la Guerra Fría (冷戦の終焉、2008)は「新しいツールで書いた感傷性回復の見事な演習」(ロバート・フアン-カンタベリャ氏)と賞賛された。

Juan Vilà was born in Madrid in 1972. He studied Philosophy but makes a living as a journalist, writing and working for all types of media.


Juan Villoro was born in Mexico City in 1956. He was cultural attaché at the Mexican embassy in the then Democratic Republic of Germany and has worked on many magazines and newspapers.

Juana Cortés Amunarriz (Hondarribia, 1966) es Licenciada en Filosofía y escritora de relato, novela y literatura infantil. Reside en Madrid, donde inicia su trayectoria literaria en el año 2004.

Juana Erice is a graduate of Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and began her professional trajectory working in advertising.

Two years ago, David Bowman was on holiday on Ibiza when he met a unique character who told him an impressive story.

Licenciada en Psicopedagogía, (especializada en orientación y asesoramiento), y Diplomada en Magisterio, (Educación Infantil). Su pasión por escribir cuentos le viene desde la infancia. Disfruta escribiendo cuentos, poesías y canciones para sus alumnos.

Juani Velilla has a degree in psycho-pedagogy (specializing in guidance and counselling), and a teaching diploma (infant school). Her passion for writing stories started when she was a child. She loves writing stories, poems, and songs for her students.

Juanma Roca (Lugo, 1978) has a PhD in Communication from the Universidad de Navarra, a Masters degree in Business management and Communication and is an economic journalist, specialising in management and business schools.

This book is the posthumous work of the diplomat, writer and arabist, Rodolfo Gil Benumeya.

Judit Frigola was born on a clear night in Figueres. Undecided whether to become a judge or a chemist, she opted instead for illustration. She studied at the Escuela Eina, then at La Llotja, in Barcelona, where everything became clear. Or nearly everything.

Judit Frigola was born on a clear night in Figueres. Undecided whether to become a judge or a chemist, she opted instead for illustration. She studied at the Escuela Eina, then at La Llotja, in Barcelona, where everything became clear. Or nearly everything.

Judith Andrés Sendra (Zaragoza, 1976) has a degree in social work from the University of Zaragoza and is authorized by the Colegio Profesional de Educadores y Educadoras Sociales de Aragón to teach social work.

This short, prize-winning novel, narrated in first person by 30-year-old Alba, covers in its eight chapters eight scenes from her life over roughly six months. It mainly takes place in present-day Barcelona with a brief period spent in a village in Castile.

Consum preferent

Judith Willis is a translator who specializes in Catalan. Amongst her translations is Camí de Sirga (The Towpath) by Jesús Moncada (The Harvill Press, 1994).

Judy Kaufmann is an illustrator living in Barcelona, with a colourful and refreshing style that attracts clients from all over the world, and she has worked on some important publications.

Sergio is an exceptional player both at tennis and football. But it’s time to make up his mind: he knows that, if he wants to go far, he’ll have to choose one and give up the other.

How did the children of the 1950’s and ‘60’s pass the time without smart phones (mostly, they didn’t even have TV!).

¿Cómo se divertían en casa las criaturas de la década de los cincuenta y los sesenta cuando no había móviles (¡ni siquiera televisión!)?

Juegos de antaño para todo el año


Magic is the art of doing extraordinary things.

In an adulterous relationship, the lovers exchange true and false sentiments with the same conviction. It is an intimate setting with no witnesses. But what happens if the false is true, and the truth is fear of replacing the spouse?

不倫の恋人たちは、偽りの感情も本当の感情も、同じ確信をもってかわしあう。それが繰り広げられるのは、ほかに証人などいないふたりきりの場所だ。だが、もし偽りが真実で、本当は、夫に取って代わるのを恐れているのだとしたらどうなるだろう? この物語の語り手である無名の男は、この疑問を解き明かそうとして書いているのではない。「別の人間になりきり」、不貞を理解できたなら気がすむのだ。自分の中には、感情の絶頂と賞味期限があり、愛人の中には、既婚者であるのを嘆くだけの投げやりな感情があるのを認識している。

Julen Gabiria Lara (1973, Galdakao) is a Basque writer and translator, a qualified sociologist and a great fan of cycling.

フレン・ガビリア=ララ(1973年、ビスカヤ県ガルダカオ生まれ)は作家、翻訳家、社会学者。サイクリングをこよなく愛し、バスク語で数冊の小説を出版しているほか、ピーターパンの物語やシェイクスピアに触発された戯曲といった英語のテキストから、アンデル・イサヒレの有名な『Plomo en los bolsillos(ポケットの中の鉛)』まで、多数の本をバスク語に翻訳してきた。本書は、バスク語のベストセラー小説『Han goitik itsasoa ikusten da』を作者自身が翻訳したものである。2014年にオランダ語で好評を博し、このほど、ついにスペイン語で楽しむことができるようになった。

Julia has suffered the first great disappointment of her life and she reacts by screaming rudely at her mother.


Julià Guillamon is a critic for La Vanguardia and curator of the international exhibition Literatures de l’exili. For this book, she has joined forces with the designer Mariona Garcia and the photographer Ramiro Elena.

Julia Montejo was born in Pamplona. She studied singing and piano at the Conservatorio Superior Pablo Sarasate, and Journalism at the University of Navarra.

著者フリア・モンテホはナバラ州パンプローナ出身。ナバラ大学でジャーナリズムを修め、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)脚本・映画制作・監督修士。米国映画及びテレビ界で脚本家及び評論家として活躍。映画No Turning Back(後戻りはできない)の脚本・監督を手がけ、同作品は20以上の国際映画賞を受賞。

Ecuatoriana establecida en España.  Licenciada en Literatura. Cuatro libros publicados. Profesora de Creación Literaria. Ha trabajado en Boston, Nueva York y Buenos Aires.

Julia Rendón is an Ecuadorian who lives in Spain. She has a degree in literature and has published four books. She teaches creative writing and has worked in Boston, New York and Buenos Aires.

Julián Casanova is professor of Modern History at the University of Zarazoza.His books include "Anarquismo y revolución en la sociedad rural aragonesa, 1936-1938" (Anarchism and Revolution in Rural Aragonese Society, 1936-1938, 1985; Crítica 2006), "La historia social y los historiadores"  (Socia

A Spanish colonel who served in the Spanish Foreign Legion in the Sahara (1957-65). He entered the Armed Police in 1966 and in 1975 was let go when his links with the Unión Militar Democrática (of which he was a founding member) were discovered.

What is a literature? In Spain 's case the answer seems more self- evident than it might for other countries, or languages. Something unconsciously evolved and something consciously invented both walk its unsoftened, fantastic landscape together.

Julián Granado was born in Nerva (a Spanish mining town near Huelva) in 1957. He currently lives in Seville and combines his strong literary vocation with his work as a doctor. He has published the novels La pavana de Sieberg and Mendizábal, el caballero Neto.

Julián Sánchez was born in Barcelona in 1966 and has lived in San Sebastian since 1993. His whole life has revolved around two main passions: literature and basketball. In the sport he developed his professional activity as a referee for five seasons in the ACB League.

Juliet Mabey is the co-founder of Oneworld Publications, an award-winning independent publisher focusing on narrative non-fiction, literary fiction, crime fiction and children’s titles.

Illustrator and graphic designer.

Has a degree in medicine from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is a specialist in neuroradiology.

Julio César Cano was born in 1965 near Barcelona, and worked in the family business until the world of music knocked at his door. For several years he was a musician and band manager, and now he combines writing with work in advertising.

フリオ・セサル・カノ(1965年、バルセロナのカパリャダス生まれ)は音楽に目覚めるまで家業に従事していた。数年間音楽グループのマネージャー及びミュージシャンとして活動。現在は広告業界で働く傍ら執筆している。作家としては食と旅に関するエッセイや記事、小説や短編でよく知られ、Cocina, carretera y manta (料理、街道と毛布)やHojas del otoño(秋の木の葉)などの著書がある。Asesinato en la plaza de la Farola(ファローラ広場の殺人)で始まるモンフォルト警部シリーズの、本書は第2弾。

Julio Cortázar (Brussels 1914) was father of a long line of young writers, a genius of the short story form, poetic prose and fiction. He wrote many classics of 20th century literature.


Julio Crespo was born in Madrid in 1970 and was bilingually brought up between England and Spain in a family of British origin.

Asterisc Agents prides itself on a curated list of authors who have established the agency on the international market. Their works have won some of the top national and international prizes and travelled around the world, finding new readers in other latitudes.


Julio José Ordovás was born in 1976 in Zaragoza, where he currently lives.

Julio Lancho: Doctor of Educational Science. Consultant to the OEI in Paraguay; professor in the department of the Theory and History of Education at U.C.M. Deputy Director of content for the programme La aventura de saber produced by T.V.E.

Born in Vegamión (León) in 1955. A novelist, poet, travel writer and scriptwriter for the cinema. Translated into over twenty languages.

Julio Moya Boix was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1948. He has worked as a typographer, editor, a specialist in graphic arts, and spent ten years as an ortho-typography corrector for several newspapers, including Nuevo Diario, El Alcázar, and Diario 16.


Julio Rivera is an educationalist and a poet.

フリオ・リベラは教育者で詩人。教育者としては、スペインの教育システム指導者の第一人者で、文部省関係の著作がある。『El Niño Tímido(内気な子ども)』、『A Tales Padres, tales Hijos(そんな父親にそんな子ども)』など指導書も手がける。中学教師向けにスペイン全土で教授法の講義をしてきた。詩人としては12冊の詩集があり、フライ・ルイス・デ・レオンとアルヘンソラス兄弟賞などの最終候補になる。

I was a computer scientist long before I studied computer science and I love technology. I also love writing and have been doing it all my life, although without ever planning to publish anything. But then a few years ago I dropped everything and went travelling the world with my family.


J.A. Serrano: Nacido en Puertotosco, en las Tierras del Noreste, el día 21 de Cantinelas del año 6-83. Dramaturgo, cuentacuentos y biógrafo de grandes héroes. Juanjo Cuerda Nacido en Tresmares, en las Tierras de Noreste, el 1 de Angustias del año 6-71.

Julio Vilches (Valencia, 1953) was a lighthouse keeper on the island of Sálvora from 1980 until August 2017. A climber and lover of the outdoors, he abandoned his medical studies for the techno-mechanical study of maritime signs.

Julio Zarco Rodríguez, born in Madrid, graduated as a medical doctor from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and is a specialist in general practice.

A wonderful and universally appealing adventure story, with the classic air of a traditional spoken story and a real flair for language.

"Some of us look for comfort in the light(...). Others, however, want to end their lives for once and for all. We all find ourselves at this point in the road.


Justo Sotelo was born in Madrid. He is an economist and professor of Economic Policy and has a degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, and an MA in Literary Studies.

フスト・ソテロはマドリード生まれ。経済政策の教授であり、文学理論と比較文学の学士号、文学研究の修士号を持ち、エコノミストでもある。1995年に初の小説La muerte lenta(緩やかな死)を出版。2年後にVivir es ver pasar(生きるとは通過するのを見ること)がセサモ賞とセビーリャ文芸クラブ賞の最終選考にノミネートされた。


Three friends from Mallorca, who grew up in the same neighbourhood, have followed their own very different personal and professional paths: journalism, sport and an army career.





Kakuzō Okakura est né au Japon en1862. Philosophe, écrivain, historien et critique d'art au Japon, il a également été directeur de l'École des Beaux Arts de Tokyo.


KALANDRAKA was founded in 1998 with the goal of publishing works of the highest aesthetic and literary quality: original picture books, adaptations of traditional stories, rediscovering children's and YA classics... these are our main focuses and combine to form a lively and diverse list.


Kalashnikov begins with an appeal from de European Parliament to capture Joseph Kony, the greatest war criminal ever, who on top of murdering, raping and turning thousands of children into slaves, he uses them as soldiers for his army.

Kalilu Jammeh 1973, Jirong, Gambia. Once finished High School, he worked in a hotel for four years. In August 2002 he decided to come to Europe looking for new opportunities and, perhaps, studying History and Political Science in England.

Vatsyayana claimed that there are eight basic ways of making love and eight main positions. We claim the same thing, only this time in the field of business: there are eight basic ways for a company to face the world.

Kambirí is a nine month old African baby rescued from a dinghy onf the island of Lampedusa, along with her dead mother and seventy immigrants.

Karen Peralta is a German-Mexican writer, a passionate traveller, specialist in international trade, public speaker, and mother. She was born in Mexico City in 1976, where she spent the first years of her life.

Karlos Arguiñano has gained a reputation for his work in promoting good cooking over the last twenty years.

As an independent freelance journalist, Karlos Zurutuza has spent the past decade working in conflict zones - from the Causasus to the Western Sahara to East Balochistan - zig-zagging his way through countries such as Libya, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Born in Bilbao in 1977, during her childhood she spent a great deal of time in the countryside and in the mountains between the Basque Country, the north of Burgos, and Galicia.

1977年ビルバオ生まれ。幼少期はバスク、ブルゴス北部、ガリシア地方などの田舎や山で多くの時間を過ごす。獣医学を学び、卒業後すぐにボランティアとしてベネズエラの野生動物救済センターへ。そこで初めて霊長類を扱う獣医としての経験を積んだ後、オランダに渡り、類人猿の救済センターであるStichting AAPで働く。次に挑戦したのは、類人猿をはじめとする野生動物の生息地での活動で、インドネシアに渡り、ボランティアに従事。2006年、夫のアルギトエ・ランティング、チームの同僚とともにNGOを立ち上げた。資金調達の過程でインターナショナル・アニマル・レスキュー(IAR)と出会う。

The starting point for this novel is a real person: one of the most powerful men in the world, who became the hottest topic of conversation on news reports, TV debates and among gossips around the world after he was arrested as he flew speedily ba


In summer 2011, Pol Bársac climbs off the balcony and escapes from the police; they want to arrest him for sabotage during the Indignants demonstrations.


I named my daughter, Alba, after a character in Isabel Allende’s novel, ‘The House of the Spirits’, translated by Magda Bogin. ‘They searched for a name in a thesaurus, where they found hers, the last in a chain of luminous words.

Katherine Mansfield was born in New Zealand in 1888. She was her country’s most famous female writer. She studied at Queen’s College, Oxford, where she met Ida Baker, who would be her friend and lover for the rest of her life.

Katherine Mansfield Nació en Nueva Zelanda, en 1888. Fue la escritora más famosa de su país. Realizó sus estudios en el Queen’s College de Oxford, donde conoció a Ida Baker, quien sería su amiga y amante hasta el final de sus días.

Kathlyn Crocker works in the bookshop Tales on Moon Lane, a multi award-winning children's bookshop committed to inspiring a life-long love of reading. They are involved in a year-round programme of events, from school author visits and literary festivals to book launches and in-store workshops.

Katia Klein has been a professional actress for over 15 years. She has appeared in popular TV Spanish TV series including Tell me what’s going on (Cuéntame qué pasa) and Love is forever (Amar es para siempre) as well as in theatre and films.

Katia Klein has been a カティア・クレインは15年以上も前から女優を生業にしている。スペインで人気のテレビドラマシリーズ『Cuéntame cómo pasó(あの頃のことを教えて)』や『Amar es para siempre(愛は永遠に)』などに出演するだけではなく、映画や演劇の世界でも活躍している。独学で作画の道にも進み、様々な媒体で作品を出すことに成功。

Katia Klein (Santander, 1986). Actriz, ilustradora y guionista, vive en Madrid pero nació en Santander y pasó su infancia en Barcelona. Actriz profesional desde hace más de 15 años, no solo ha trabajado en populares series de televisión sino también en el teatro y el cine.

Kathleen March is Professor Emerita of Spanish, University of Maine. After years of research in Latin American literature, the study of Portuguese brought her to Galician and its literary process, always linked to linguistic, political, and social concerns.

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Kevin R Wittman es historiador del arte, medievalista e historiador de la cartografía, licenciado en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de La Laguna y Máster en Identidad Europea Medieval por la Universidad de Lérida. Doctor por la Universidad de La Laguna con la tesis “El imaginario oceánico.

作者はラ・ラグーナ大学で美術史の学位を、リェイダ大学で中世ヨーロッパ学の修士号を取得した。その後、ラ・ラグーナ大学に戻り、論文『El imaginario oceánico. Las islas del Atlántico meridional en los mappaemundi medievales (siglos IX-XIV) (大洋の幻想。中世の地図帳に描かれた南大西洋諸島(9~14世紀))』により博士号を得た。ラ・ラグーナ大学中世・ルネサンス研究所およびスペイン中世学会の会員。国内外での学会に多数参加し、イマーゴ・ムンディなどの専門誌にも論文を発表している。

Kiko Sánchez es un escritor e ilustrador mallorquín residente en Barcelona.

Kiko Sánchez is a writer and illustrator from Mallorca who now lives in Barcelona. He has loved drawing ever since he could hold a pencil.

Born in Vizcaya in 1970, Uribe graduated with a degree in Basque Philology and completed his post-graduate studies in Comparative Literature in Trento.

1970年ビスカイア県オンダロア生まれ。2009年、初めての小説『ビルバオ-ニューヨーク-ビルバオ』(白水社)でスペイン国民文学賞を受賞し、世界的な話題を呼ぶ。それ以前に詩集『Mientras tanto cógeme la mano(しばらくのあいだ私の手を握っていて)』(Visor、2005) を刊行。続いて小説。『Lo que mueve el mundo(ムシェ 小さな英雄の物語)』(Seix Barral、当サイト2013年紹介作品。



A publishing house specialising in publications on canine management, training and ethology.

A publishing house specialising in publications on canine management, training and ethology.

鹿島孝一郎:1991年生まれの若き日本人アーティスト。京都精華大学にてイラストを学び、卒業に際し同校の卒業制作展で学長賞を受賞。その後は日本内外で個展を開いている。絵本作家としては本作が処女作。 マリア・ホセ=フェラーダ: 1977年、チリのテムコ生まれ。ディエゴ・ポルターレス大学でジャーナリズム、バルセロナ大学でアジア学を専攻。2005年から、国内外の有力な出版社で作品を上梓。創作のための助成も受ける。イシドロ・フェレールのイラストによる『Un jardín(公園)』で2017年ボローニャ国際絵本原画展ラガッツィ賞選外佳作に選ばれるなど数多くの文学賞を受賞。

We are a publishing house specialising in books for children from 0 – 9.
We think good children’s book contribute to making good readers. And we are convinced that books made with love help to make happy readers.


A fantasy novel for children and young adults with a message about the environment, demonstrating how its deterioration is due not only to our lifestyle, but also to our indifference to nature.


Koldo Almandoz. Donostia 1973. Ha escrito y dirigido películas de distintos géneros y formatos los últimos 25 años. Entre ellas, largometrajes como “Sîpo Phantasma” (2016), “Oreina” (Ciervo 2018), la mini serie “Hondar Ahoak” (Bocas de Arena 2020) y también es autor de cortometrajes.

Konrad Seller felt the pull of stories from a young age. He wrote an endless number of stories on an old Olivetti Lettera type writer, just like his idols, Tolkein, who awakened a world of fantasy inside him, and Stephen King, who submerged him in the darkness of every tale.



Kudryavka (perra de pelo rizado) (‘Kudryavka (Curly-haired bitch)’) is a first

"Kudryavka (perra de pelo rizado)" cuenta la historia en primera persona de Pepa, una mujer a quien la policía avisa de que su exmarido ha muerto de un infarto, al mismo tiempo en el que se producía un incendio.

Kudryavka (Perra de pelo rizado)

Publishing and distribution company


Anna, a graphic designer by chance, independent by necessity, introspective, constantly calculating, keeping the balance, putting the meter back to zero in order to keep going on.


A publisher for both adults (essay, psychological novels) and children (illustrated poetry)

A publishing house founded in 1977 in Barcelona. We publish books of essays (mainly historical) and literature. We also publish the monthly magazine, L’Avenç, which deals with history and culture. More information can be found at: www.lavenc.cat y www.elsllibresdelavenc.cat


A novel about the abnormality of daily life of a group of friends who try to live and love as if everything were normal. Lluís Calvo writes an unusual love story that seeks a singular epic genre and hides in the corners of each and any of us.


A young English girl, a ship's captain, an Eskimo and an ice spirit meet one magical night. Fate takes them on a fascinating journey as they flee from an anthropologist obsessed with capturing mythical beings to turn them into museum pieces.

The skeleton Huesecitos wants to be a footballer like the people made of flesh and blood. Dismayed, his family tries to make him see that this is not possible for a skeleton. But even so, why not try ?

"The Black Mare and The Aubarqueta Well" is a story for kids written by Elisabet Frabregas and illustrated by the renown English painter Justin Hindley.


This silent graphic novel was produced during the ’24 heures de Angoulême’, a competition in which the only rules were that the action takes place in a museum, that it had 24 pages and was drawn in 24 hours. I believe I did it in 19.


A thirty-five-year-old writer leaves the city to return to his parents' home in a village in the south of Catalonia, under pressure from the crisis. There he finds himself both a native and a stranger, in an inverse trajectory of discoveries.


The godfather’s garden tells the story of two children who watch television all day long.


The Island is a journey about establishing bonds, empathy, sharing, discovering, respecting and learning. The Island teaches us to trust in what we know, and to want to know about everything that seems different to us.


La isla es un viaje que nos habla de establecer vínculos, de


When she agreed to go out with that boy, Marta did not realise that she was entering hell, or that from then on, it would be as agonising to go forward as to try to escape.

The only literary agency specialising in all subgenres of romantic novels where the author chooses her own career and literary goals. L.A. Boutique - where authors are all that matters.

The only literary agency specialising in all subgenres of romantic novels where the author chooses her own path and literary goals. L.A. Boutique - where authors are all that matters.



Is there a formula that can change people’s destinies? There is an extremely powerful force that can change our perception of the universe and our own lives. Until now no one has been able to explain it.

It is the year 1229. Serious events in the Abbey of San Benito cause deep concern in the Crown of Aragon. A series of novices have suffered mysterious attacks in the kingdom's first all-female convent.

La abeja Flora vive al lado de un prado lleno de flores. ¡Le encanta visitarlas y recolectar su néctar y polen!

La abeja Flora y el prado de las cinco flores

Marina y Ulises están a punto de adentrarse en una increíble aventura. Cuando llegan a la mansión de su abuela, descubren el secreto mejor guardado de la familia: ¡la abuela es en realidad una pirata!

La abuela pirata

This is the first book from journalist and author Almudena Sánchez, who has previously been featured in Bajo treinta, an anthology of notable Spanish writers under 30. This very short collection contains ten surreal and dreamlike stories, largely focused from a female perspective.

La acústica de los iglús

Ten stories in which music, wit and lyricism combine to create a dreamlike atmosphere that will create in the reader a sensation similar to that evoked by the stories of Clarice Lispector.


This is the first book from journalist and author Almudena Sánchez, who has previously been featured in Bajo treinta, an anthology of notable Spanish writers under 30. This very short collection contains ten surreal and dreamlike stories, largely focused from a female perspective.

La acústica de los iglús (The Acoustics of Igloos)

This book tells the story of Narciso, Lirio and their three daughters: Rosa, Margarita and Violeta. All the characters have the names of flowers, and live  in L’Albagés when there were still no cars, or motorbikes, or computers...

"La amante imperfecta, a mixture of noir literture, love story and contemporary social critique, enthrals readers with its words, its brilliant descriptions, the texture of its characters, their lies, longings and ambitions.

A unique story which goes beyond fiction to show us the events and protagonists of one of the most violent moments of the 19th century in colonial Africa, an episode which inspired Henry Rider Haggard to write King Solomon’s Mines.

Eudald Carbonell makes an amazing journey on board the Beagle, Charles Darwin's scientific boat.


Eudald Carbonell makes an amazing journey on board the Beagle, Charles Darwin's scientific boat.


The emergence of ancient intellectuals is linked to the invention of writing as a requirement of civil and religious administration, expressed first in rudimentary accounting boards.

An amazing journey to India in the best tradition of the adventure novel. This is the unusual adventure of a British man, born in India, during the time of the Second World War. With no experience, Masters is named Jay Town’s chief of police.


La bajamar

Adirane returns to the family home in her town next to the river in the north of the Basque Country with the fragile excuse of recording her Granny Ruth's first childhood memories of the Civil War.


La bajamar (Low Tide) is a beautifully written story of three female characters searching for meaning: interrogating themselves and others to find answers within and from their past.

La bajamar

It's bath time, a daily routine that with a little imagination can become a true adventure. The soap box is like a flying saucer, the sponge reminds us of the car-wash, and the shampoo foam is a lot like an iceberg.

毎日の日課であるおふろの時間は、想像を働かせると、まさに冒険にかわる。せっけん入れは空飛ぶ円盤を連想させ、スポンジは洗車場、シャンプーの泡は氷山のようだ。おふろよりわくわくするものはある? そう、ママが一緒におふろに入ること。だけど、それはママ? それとも無人島? バスルームのさまざまな物がインスピレーションのたねとなり、思いがけない冒険へと私たちを運ぶ。物を何かに見立てて遊ぶ母親と息子が、自由な空想をときはなつ。イラストは、水の深みへと私たちを導く。

We go on two journeys. One is happy: about a girl on a transatlantic liner where food and drink are plentiful, where there is dancing in the evenings, and where the sound of the waves helps you to sleep better.


La Barca de Hanielle is a highly innovative and beautifully designed book for children of about six or seven, although it would appeal to any age group. The content portrays two journeys. One is taken by a blonde little girl and her mother on a ship, with dinners and dancing.

La barca de Hanielle

At Batidora Ediciones we publish books for a better life... books that talk about well-being, that invite reflection and propose new perspectives; but above all, books that connect readers with the pleasure of reading.


New York, end of the 20th century.

We have all the necessary ingredients for a great story: a princess (Talía), a castle, three fairies (Leonarda, Rafaela and Angelines), an evil, really evil, witch, a curse and even a prince (or several - who knows?!…).

'How many lives would we have to live to find out whether or not we are deceiving ourselves?' This is the question Tomás asks himself as he goes over his last encounter with Gloria, the woman with whom years ago he had a destructive relationship,


Atop the black mud of Auschwitz that swallows everything, Fredy Hirsch has built a secret school.


Selva is a special little girl who has blue skin and comes from a country where there is nothing but sand. She has a rusty bicycle with no bell, but with a great story hidden in its saddle.





The failures of old age are at the centre of this new collection of twenty stories by Sergi Pámies.

After the unexpected re-issue of her uncle's rather unsuccessful novels brings her a small fortune, quiet, sensible Kate Salomon lives a peaceful life in a house in Ribanove which she shares with two female friends.

Don Yata really loves golf, but when he's playing on top of a hill... he sends the ball flying and loses it.


Maruja the witch is always getting into trouble. The latest was when she asked to be transferred to Hansel and Gretel's house of chocolate. What will the bossy witch Mandona do when she finds out that she has turned the story upside down?

Anabel is a very special witch because she was born the day the Moon kissed the Sun. Because of it, she is the only witch who can fall in love.

魔女のマルハはやっかいな問題を起こしてばかり。一番最近のは、ヘンゼルとグレーテルのお菓子の家。別の場所への移動願いを出したけれど、お話をめちゃくちゃにしてしまったのをえらい魔女のマンドーナが知ったらどうなるか……。本書は9歳以上まで読者対象を広げている、大ヒットシリーズEl Baúl de los Monstruos(怪物たちのトランク)の1冊。イラストがたっぷり入ったオールカラーの絵本で、型やぶりの魔女が子どもたちを笑わせてくれる。

Melilla, the nineteen fifties. Faced with the decolonisation of Morocco, the Spanish inhabitants of the Protectorate are forced to return to the Iberian Peninsula.

Melilla, the nineteen fifties. Faced with the decolonisation of Morocco, the Spanish inhabitants of the Protectorate are forced to return to the Iberian Peninsula.


Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince is a work whose rich message contains a series of signs and nuances, profound reflections that at times escape the simple reader.

¿Tú también quieres saber qué hay dentro de esta caja? Tendrás que acompañara a Mika y Zarpas para descubrirlo y... te quedarás con la boca abierta, en serio. Un cuento sobre la curiosidad, la imaginación y el juego.

La caja

Do you want to know what’s in the box too? To find out, you’ll have to come with Mika and Zarpas and… your jaw will drop! Seriously. A story about curiosity, imagination, and play.

The biggest box in the world isn’t just any old box. So Leonora, the cat in this story, can’t be without it. Leonaora isn’t just any old cat either. She collects cockroaches, balls of wool, feathers, and especially boxes.

世界で一番大きな箱は、ただの箱ではない。だから、主人公の猫レオノーラは、その箱なしにはいられない。レオノーラだって、ただの猫ではない。ゴキブリや毛糸、羽も集めるけれど、何と言っても箱が好き。色とりどりの、大きさもさまざまな箱。レオノーラのまわりにはたくさんの物がある。だけどそんなにたくさんあるのに、一番大事なもの、「自分の居場所」を探し忘れているみたい。あなたがこの本のとりこになるのはなぜ? 1.一般的ではないが大切な価値観を伝えてくれるから。

This unique book tells the story of a cat called Leonora who likes to collect things. One day she finds the biggest box in the world, and decides she has to own it!

La caja más grande del mundo

君もこの箱の中に、何が入っているか知りたいかい? 何が入っているのか、ミカとサルパスと一緒に探ろう。驚くこと請け合いだ。これは好奇心、想像力、遊びに関する物語。巻末のQRコードから、家族や教育者への教育の提案が見られる。

The technological paradigm shift to which photography has been subject over the last few years has not only revealed the photographic nature of our culture, but has also shaken some of the foundations that appeared to be an unseparable part of the


Nora is 24 years old, fearless and with hardly any past behind her, a great sense of humour but above all, an endless desire to enjoy all that life puts in front of her.


Book ahoy! By Oriol Garcia Molsosa, illustrated by Guridi. A pirate book with a difference. To tell a pirate story you only need a ship, a treasure map and a crew set for adventure.

The Indignants make camps, write slogans and hold assemblies to protest about a political class that doesn't represent them.


In a lonely forest, two teenagers are brutally attacked by a supernatural being. In their statements, they both say that their assailant was a zombi. Inspector Laura Tébar takes on the case.

Soledad, single and childless, has just reached sixty. But what might look like a normal life to many is to her a symptom of her difference, and she spends days and nights torturing herself about it.


A piece of paper blown away by a sandstorm ends up in the hands of Moussa. As soon as he finds it, the little boy thinks of his father, who lives abroad, and decides to send him a picture.

El jardín es una casa, y la casa un jardín.

La casa como jardín

The House of Beasts is a children's story by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (1874-1939), the best Croatian children's story writer. It tells how two brothers and three sisters decide one day to make a house of beasts with their toys.

『La casa de fieras(動物園)』は、クロアチア最高の児童文学作家イワナ・ブルリッチ=マジュラニッチ(1874-1939)原作の童話。5人の兄弟(ふたりの男の子と3人の女の子)がある日、ペットたちと動物園をつくることにした。兄弟たちの考えは、ペットたちをエキゾチックな動物に変装させることだったのだが、ことは思うようには運ばず…。

One winter night a man arrives at the Sallent in Santa Pau. Soon this newcomer is engaged as a tutor to Mar, a thirteen-year-old girl. Her family is the axis around which all lives in the valley of Ser revolve.


The house on the frontier is a bar, a rooming house and a general store next to the French customs post at Puigcerdà. It has belonged to the Grau family since they acquired it at the end of the 19th Century.

One calm boring September morning, a series of events begins that will end in a completely unexpected climax. A journey of discovery hidden in the branches of a great tree.


'La casa del silenci ' is a novel about women, classical music and a violin.

La casa del silenci(沈黙の家)は女性、クラシック音楽、バイオリンをめぐる小説。ベルリンでのあるコンサート中に物語は展開する。コンサートが今しも始まろうとしている。はりつめた空気。観客の中にいる老女の存在にオーケストラのメンバー何人かが落ち着かなくなる。彼女は何者か? 彼女との関係は何か? たくさんの物語がひとつになった小説。持ち主の手を離れ人手に渡った1台のバイオリン。亡命生活を余儀なくされたオーケストラ指揮者。家族を引き裂いた戦争。

The House is not a history book or a tract on architecture. And neither is it an anthropological essay or a manual on interior design.It is a collection of stories that date from the dawn of human existence.

本書La Casa(家)は、歴史書や建築学の専⾨書ではない。かといって、⼈類学についてのエッセイでもなければインテリアに関するマニュアルでもない。本書には、⼈類の始まりから今の私たちに⾄るまでの歴史が集められている。これらの歴史の主⼈公となるのは家庭であり、何世紀にもわたって家庭を構成してきたすべてのものだ。


'La cátedra de la calavera' tells the story of the first steps in the life of the University of Salamanca, an institution created in the 12th century, but which started to enjoy international renown when Isabel La Católica decided to turn it into

This is the first in a new series of five novels entitled The Devil’s Horde.

“And They Lived Happily Ever After”.
This is the conventional ending that we’re all familiar with.

A sound of breaking glass comes from the toilets at school. Carlos, alarmed by the noise, rushes there and finds Esther Sánchez, the most perfect girl in the school, lying on the floor with a cut to her head.


En un edificio del barrio madrileño de La Latina confluyen las vidas de tres mujeres. En el pequeño piso de la cuarta planta vive Oliva, atrapada en una peligrosa relación que ha transformado la pasión inicial en una jaula.

La ciudad

There are two central fears at the root of the terror that shapes life in the city. The first is related to economic inequality; the second to a lack of knowledge of others and the fear of losing one's identity.

“A vibrant epic about the clamour of the Civil War,” Ignacio Martínez de Pisón.


Set in Madrid in the last days of the Civil War, and based on

In 1923, Helena Lennox is 17 years old and has a single desire: to leave the streets of London for a life of adventure and excavations in distant lands.


This is a strange novel, a mixture of the old collections of Oriental tales that were so common during the Middle Ages and 20th century adventure novels.

After several years living in Paris, Alfredo Gastiasoro returns to Bilbao when he learns that Izarbe has died.

The crossroads of chance; the troubles of thwarted love but also the catastrophic shared passion when updating a celebrated story by Cervantes; memory and its treacheries; these are just some of the protagonists that make up the eight stories of L

Let's make cities a place where we can live sustainably and peacefully. Lía lives on her parents' farm, a place where she is happy and where every night she gets to contemplate the immense starry sky.


Barcelona, Novemebr 1909. The naked body of a young priest, Gabriel Martín turns up in the Cathedral district. He has been murdered and there are strange marks on his back that resemble wings.

At times Clara can be impulsive and, as a result, her actions sometimes have negative consequences. Chic the fairy is by her side to help her consider and reflect on her mistakes.


La cocina de la salud demonstrates how to have a healthy diet and enjoy eating.

From a reflection on what we cook and the culinary odd habits of great thinkers, La cocina de los filósofos invites us to see with new eyes the evolutionary origin of humans, the utopian tradition, the enlightened thought, psychoanalysis, the evol

Clara, a young woman fallen on hard times, has suffered from agoraphobia since the sudden death of her father.


La colaboradora is the story of a woman who works as a ghostwriter at a publisher in Barcelona.



Following the death of Prosper Merimée in Cannes in 1870, a number of literary sketches, first drafts and unfinished manuscripts were found in his study, with no certainty as to whether or not he intended to publish them.


Benítez Reyes' new novel sets us in a moving meeting of five conspiracy theorists, in the midst of the pandemic, who allow their theories to run wildly to exotic conclusions, in contradiction of official information which they consider to be flagr


We live in a world of numbers, are surrounded by them. They play a part in our lives, history, beliefs, myths, taboos and even curses.

In this first instalment, investigative journalist Magda Ventura uncovers what may be the most important case of her career. A case that could cost her life.

“This is a ground-breaking work by one of Spain’s foremost contemporary historians. It is based on extensive original research, which has uncovered material of clear international significance. “(Kirsty Hooper)

“This is a ground-breaking work by one of Spain’s foremost contemporary historians. It is based on extensive original research, which has uncovered material of clear international significance. “(Kirsty Hooper)

AUTHOR: Ángel Viñas

READER: Kirsty Hooper


La conspiración del General Franco y otras revelaciones acerca de una Guerra civil desfigurada: (Barcelona: Crítica, 2011)

The author has collected in this book some of the essays he has written in the last ten years, the majority of them already published.

María Begino is a young consultant who has been entrusted with an impossible task.

This is the story of María Margarita, a girl with the strange gift of telling movies.



Arturo Balz falls in love with the oldest daughter of an Englishman named Thomas Doghram, an unsociable man that keeps his family mysteriously shut away. Arturo is determined to confront Doghram and declare his love to his daughter Rosie.

Both children stopped to look around. That silence was not a good sign. A few seconds passed and there was a loud crack. Someone, or something, had snapped a stick. The two friends turned pale. If it was an animal, it must be huge.

To summarise, Daniel is already in his third year of Journalism although some things haven't changed: his relationship with Alicia and his powerful visions.


If you are still wondering what is going on with the current global econo¬mic crisis, this is your book. Leopoldo Abadía explains in a very positive and clear way that anyone is able to make the most out of the worst situa¬tions in life.

Ivo Cukar lives happily with his large family in Mrs Atril’s house. But everything changes when they are forced to flee their home.


An absurd, senseless crime, of tertiary importance (or at most secondary, depending on the quota of 'good conscience' for the day), at least that is the most the news that a pair of vagrants have died in a fire in a small city could hope to be.

The Moura Cave is the title of this sage, which shares its name with the ancient Celtic legend that is the basis and trigger of this frenetic adventure.


The Moura Cave is the title of this sage, which shares its name with the ancient Celtic legend that is the basis and trigger of this frenetic adventure.


The Moura Cave is the title of this sage, which shares its name with the ancient Celtic legend that is the basis and trigger of this frenetic adventure.


Barcelona, 1771. Sixteen-year-old Constança leaves the distant city of Lima after the death of her father, a diplomat in the service of the Viceroy, to journey to Barcelona to join her grandparents.


This thrilling fantasy novel for teens is the literary debut of Patricia García, the well known booktuber "Little red read".

本作は「Little red read(リトル・レッド・リード)」で知られるブックチューバー、パトリシア・ガルシアのデビュー作で、スリル満点の青春ファンタジー小説。若いイレーヌは城に閉じこもり、驚異的なパワーを持っていることを秘密にしている。その力は、抑え込んでおかなければ王国中を破壊してしまうほどの力なのだ。けれど、とつぜん戦争が起こり、陰謀の渦に巻き込まれ、家族に危険が迫る。イレーヌは今にも自制を失いそうだ。

The most famous policeman from Spanish noir's underworld chases a wheelchair through the dirty streets of Barcelona. A crime has been committed from this wheelchair, and he thinks he knows who the owner is.

Beginning of XX century. An American woman fascinated by Africa and by an impossible love. Jayta Humphreys, a rich American lady married to a German veteran of the colonial wars tells her life in German Southwest Africa.

Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of England and France, travels to Castile in the company of her friend and confidant, the Druid Blédhri, who wants to leave a written record of the queen's eventful life.

Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of England and France, travels to Castile in the company of her friend and confidant, the Druid Blédhri, who wants to leave a written record of the queen's eventful life.


The day Erika met Hayden both were children, but she felt something so strong that she ran away. And in her flight she met a dragon.



Fernando Girón, a young filmmaker, learns that his accountant has been swindling him for years. Suddenly, the dream of filming the script that he has finally finished vanishes along with everything else that seemed solid in his life.


This book has the risky goal of offering a passage to a place where almost nobody has yet been. That place is the History that goes beyond a social aspect, and not against it.

At the dawn of humanity, numerous dangers stalk the men who live scattered across the savage earth. Ker Jar is born outside a clan, in the heart of a family that has been exiled.

Albert Llimós recounts the story of an authentic, anonymous heroine of the 20th century, who survives and lives with the nobility and misery of the human condition.

Albert Llimós tells the story of a genuine anonymous 20th century heroine, who lives through the grandeur and misfortunes of the human condition.

Nes is a 48 year old psychiatrist who lives with the burden of an abnormally accelerated perception of time. The daughter of a surgeon in a provincial city, she comes from a family which is divided into two categories: the fast and the slow


A viceroy stands in for a king. In the 16th and 17th centuries the royal House of Asturias possessed a set of states whose common characteristic was that the king must rule them as though he were only king of each one.

In 'The Middle Ages' three stories take place overlapping in time, shot through with the anxiety, humour and tragedy of thwarted hopes.

Una tarde de finales de agosto, Catalina, que acaba de cumplir dieciséis años, abandona la casa de su mejor amiga en una urbanización de las afueras tras un desagradable percance.

La educación física

Una tarde de finales de agosto, Catalina, que acaba de cumplir dieciséis años, abandona la casa de su mejor amiga en una urbanización de las afueras tras un desagradable percance.

La educación física

Una tarde de finales de agosto, Catalina, que acaba de cumplir dieciséis años, abandona la casa de su mejor amiga en una urbanización de las afueras tras un desagradable percance.

La educación física

Una tarde de finales de agosto, Catalina, que acaba de cumplir dieciséis años, abandona la casa de su mejor amiga en una urbanización de las afueras tras un desagradable percance.

La educación física

Una tarde de finales de agosto, Catalina, que acaba de cumplir dieciséis años, abandona la casa de su mejor amiga en una urbanización de las afueras tras un desagradable percance.

La educación física

“Physical Education” offers a perspective of PE through the years: beginnings, evolution according to different trends, possible trends in the future. It speaks about its important role in the education system.


One afternoon at the end of August, Catalina, who has just turned sixteen, leaves her best friend’s house on a suburban development following an unpleasant incident.



El aburrimiento es un fenómeno cotidiano que nos atormenta cuando la realidad no cumple nuestras expectativas. A todos nos visita alguna vez, en su forma más sencilla y pasajera o en su expresión profunda y duradera.

La enfermedad del aburrimiento

Aisabeth is the Chosen One to free the human world from the slavery to which it has been subjected. For this she will have to find a precious stone and set it in the Key of Freedom that hangs from her neck.

アイサべスは、人間世界を奴隷状態から解放するための「選ばれし者」である。目的を果たすためにはある貴重な宝石を見つけて、自分の首にかけている「解放の鍵」にはめこまなければならない。それはひとりではできない。神託『血と引き換えの命、意志の結合により王国の扉が永久に開かれる』をやりとげるには、ケンタウロスの命と自分の命をつなぎ合わせなければならないのだ。彼女は虚栄心を克服して、エリセオに近づけるのだろうか? 彼は獣性を放棄してアイサべスに命を与えられるのだろうか?

Being a good circus apprentice requires skill, practice, imagination and a lot of desire to have fun. Come and join this unusual school and learn alongside its fun characters.

This is the love story between Morvan and Lua, two young nobles in the Spanish Middle Ages. Morvan is widely known as ‘the impassive’ because of his ability to hide his emotions.

Palim VI is the son of one of the builders on the Tower of Babel, and he discovers his immortality when he survives the fire at the Babylon library.


In this exciting new detective novel by Lorenzo Silva we meet the now famous investigator from the Bevilacqua Guardia Civil (more incisive and ingenious than ever in his comments and attitude) and his colleague Virginia Chamorro, along with a new

It hides; you can’t see it, but it’s always there, observing you, watching you, spying on everything you do and say. It’s not a vampire, but it feeds off you, it depends on you, that’s why it hides and uses you.


Pablo was in love with Guille. Guille was in love with Pablo. Unfortunately they lived in different cities, so Guille left Pablo and broke his heart.


Finding documented evidence of the historical reality of Jesus of Nazareth from Christian sources in their Jewish context is equivalent, by implication, to demonstrating the error of the mythologists who confuse the Jesus of messianic tradition wi

Le 30 novembre 1803, la corvette 'María Pita' appareille du port de La Corogne.


La serie “La experiencia U-feeling” es una caja de sorpresas. Cada nueva entrega nos adentra en un universo diferente.

La experiencia U feeling II Gabri la zampabollos

La experiencia U-feeling(ユー・フィーリング体験)』シリーズ(

A new international company has landed in the capital to commercialise body swapping. No more gender war, no more class war, no more xenophobia.


Two years have already passed since Augusto Salas and Carmen Reverte uncovered a series of child murders committed in a prestigious school. Now, retired from the police force, they run a successful detective agency.


This book offers us an overview of a problem which has been man-made and well documented, and has persisted throughout the history of humanity: hunger.

This book tells the seven-year story of a family through the crockery in their kitchen, which bit by bit gets broken, lost or used for other things, and demonstrates the losses, discoveries and changes that the family go through.


In this rigorous and accessible essay, the renowned theologian Josep Maria Rovira Belloso reflects on the basis and the role of Christian Faith upon today’s society, both at an individual and collective level.

'La fea burguesía' offers a brutal portrait of the so-called middle- and privileged-classes, represented by five marriages in search of success, summed up by obtaining money, and proved by the constant acquisition of goods.

You're always rushing around, dragging yourself from place to place, and you can't hide the fact you feel everything's your fault. You've already worked out that the so-called work-life balance is a myth.

A hilarious comedy in which five Spanish women and the ghost of García Lorca try to trick an eccentric Englishman.

A sentimental, literary novel, full of humour, passion and melancholy, 'La felicitat dels dies tristos' tells the story of Tabou, a university student marked by a family history as intense as it is complicated.

In this short story for children or for the parents who want to read it to them "Tommy Roca" tells us the start of the story of Little Kitty Mishifuz, who is abandoned as a young kitten and found in the garden of a pretty house on the Spanish Cost

子どもと、「トミー・ロカ」を子どもに読んでやりたい大人のための短いお話で、Historia del Gatito Mishifuz(猫のミシフスの物語)のプロローグにあたる。主人公のミシフスは小さい頃に捨てられ、スペインのコスタ・デル・ソルにある可愛らしい家の庭で見つかった猫。ミシフスを拾った家族はこれ以上猫を飼えないので、引き取ってくれる家族を探したところ、オランダで見つかる。

Guille is a very fun child. But that's when he's at home - when Guille leaves his family environment he becomes nervous and introverted. A simple birthday party can become a nightmare for him when his best friend is unable to attend.


No one knows what is happening in the school. Students and teachers are running through the building and trying desperately to get out, while sounds like gunfire ring through the building… But this is impossible, right?

学校でいったい何が起きたのか、誰もわからない。銃声のような音が響く間、生徒も教師も建物中を走り、何とかして外に出ようとする。でも、こんなことありえないよね? 武装した彼らが入っていくのを、通りにいたひとりの女の子が見たという。別の生徒は決して忘れられない光景を目の当たりにして、図書館で震えが止まらない。そしてジョンは…ジョンはどこに? どうしてみんなは必死で逃げようとしているのに、彼は銃声の方向に向かって廊下を歩いてるのか? たぶん、彼は話したいのだろう。だって、これはジョンの物語だから。

3.La forastera (The Outsider)

La Forastera is a complex unpicking of family relationships confused by generations of lies and secrecy. It is also a portrait of life in a small rural community populated by an aging gang of misfits.

La forastera

After a life of extravagance, Angie has retired to a secluded village in the south.

In this brilliant essay, which explores the limits of the multitude and reveals the cryptic processes that shape us, Férnandez Mallo traces a genealogy of an infinitely expanding cap

En este brillante ensayo, que perfila los límites de la multitud y desvela los procesos crípticos que nos conforman, Fernández Mallo traza una genealogía de un capitalismo indefinidamente expansivo, partiendo de una idea del ser como una entidad i

La forma de la multitud

A train driver commits suicide and leaves a letter in which he begs forgiveness for the part he played in the deaths of four people.


Son tiempos duros para los alanos, que luchan por su supervivencia. Goar es aún sólo un muchacho, pero ya sueña con emular las gestas de su abuelo, el gran guerrero Beuca, y cabalgar arco en mano junto a su primo Safrax.

La frontera de piedra

 A person is buried alive, a young man disappears mysteriously, a fake spiritualist session does not turn out as expected, a remote village in the Amazon is dominated by a diabolical being and attacked by two strange men…The time has come.

生き埋めにされた人間、謎の失踪をとげた若者、期待どおりの結果を得られない偽のスピリチュアルセッション、悪魔的存在に支配され、ふたりの奇妙な人物に封鎖されているアマゾン奥地の忘れられた村……時は来た。恐れていた時代が目前にせまり、その前兆として、地球上のあらゆるところで尋常でない出来事が起こる。黒い境界線とは何か? 身も凍るそのこたえは、知らないほうが身のためかもしれない。

He throws a peanut into the air, does five summersaults, catches the peanut again and pops it delicately into his mouth. For 1,825 days on the trot, Narciso has performed the same trick in the circus… And he can’t face it anymore!

Lanzar un cacahuete al aire, dar cinco vueltas sobre sí mismo, atrapar el cacahuete e introducirlo delicadamente en su boca. Durante 1.825 días seguidos, Narciso ha repetido el mismo número en el circo… ¡y ya no puede más!

La fuga

ピーナッツを放り投げてくるくると5回まわり、ピーナッツを鼻でキャッチして、スマートに口に運ぶ。象のナルシソは連続1825日間、サーカスでこの芸を行ってきた。でももう限界だ! 逃げ出すことにしたが、その計画はうまくいきそうにもない。ナルシソの問題は自尊心が少し足りないことだけなのかもしれない。

Children's book publishers

In this, the first tome of the historical navel novel series 'A Spanish Sailor Saga', Luis Delgado deals with the life suffered in the galleys of Spain's Royal Armada in the second half of the 18th century.


Bluecrest the hen loves pecking and scratching about in the ground for bugs to eat. She also loves pirate stories: she takes them off to her favourite nook to read there.

In schools today, the short attention span of pupils together with a lack of boundaries make for a lethal combination in any kind of learning environment. What can be done about this?

La premio Nobel en Medicina, la Dra. Barbara McClintock, nos habla del complejo, pero interesantísimo, mundo de la genética.

LA GENÉTICA. Explicada por Dra. Barbara McClintock

Dr Barbara McClintock, winner of the Nobel prize for medicine talks to us about the complex but super interesting world of genetics.

ノーベル医学・生理学賞を受賞したバーバラ・マクリントック博士が語る、複雑だが興味深い遺伝学の世界。恐竜のクローンを作れるかどうか知り、全ての生き物が従う取扱説明書、つまりゲノムの秘密に驚いてほしい。なぜ両親に似ているのか、突然変異とは何か、科学者たちがどのように遺伝学の知識を使って病気を治療しているのかが分かるだろう。偉大な研究者ロザリンド・フランクリンや、遺伝学の父グレゴール・ヨハン・メンデルなど先駆者たちについても学べる! 『El cerebro humano.

Never before has a stamp collection led to a game like this - a dangerous game. Do you dare to join Paula, our young protagonist, in this adventure that will change her life?

To date there was no work examining the Camino as a way of ways. La Gran Obra de los Caminos de Santiago. Iter Stellarum is here to fill this void.

In the middle of December 2009 the first murders in Hornachuelos leap from the television and newspaper headlines.


Ta-raa. We'd like to introduce you to Agus Pianola, a very careless, slightly cheeky boy who is really very nice.

ジャーン! アグス・ピアノラを紹介します。そそっかしくてちょっと図々しい男の子だけど、いいやつだよ。部屋を片づけなきゃならないのはわかってるけど、いつもママにいわれるまで手をつけない。だって、なかなか始めるチャンスがないんだ。散らかった部屋ではボールやらゲームやら作文やら、いろんなものがなくなるけど、代わりに別のものが見つかることもある……。

A group of young people decide to construct a "dark room": an enclosed space into which light never enters.

In tumultuous 19th century Spain, one man, Rosendo Roca, refuses to accept his fate and considers a risky proposal that will end up affecting his whole life.

Mar and Álex are brothers.


A nun disappears, leaving an enigmatic message and an assistant to Pope Francis contracts two Intelligence agents to move heaven and earth until they find her.


In 1820 Andrea Carbayo de Jovellanos, The Frenchwoman, daughter of Gloria Carbayo, the Enchantress, and Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, Jovino, writes her memoirs to record the adventures and misadventures that brought her to the place where she is

Los cerezos ya han florecido.

La hija del Loto


Madrid in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Daniel Bagao is the millionaire proprietor of a successful magazine of Esotericism and the Occult which is sold all over the world.

Practical ideas to help children grow up happy. Books that teach them to develop the necessary habits to resolve their emotional conflicts efficiently, overcome challenges and learn to think positively.


The Big Bang theory of how our world may have come into being is part of the popular culture of our era; but few people know that it was originally put forward by the physicist and Catholic priest, Georges Lemaître.

Lays out the project of financial concentration and centralised control of the global economy.

“Finding a new way oflooking at this iconic figure was an ambitious project which has been beautifully accomplished by Hernández and Torres in La Huella de Lorca.” (Lise jones)

The life, work and death of Federico García Lorca have been amply and expertly documented over the years, but this is the first time that the Granada poet has been the subject of a graphic novel.

La huella de Lorca

Simón the rabbit planted a lot of carrots, but someone suggested he try lettuce, someone else tomatoes, someone else eggplants… and the vegetable patch grew, and had not just vegetables but some very special gardeners: the rat, the hen, the goat,


What does a cow on a motorbike do? Flee, flee like a soul bearing the devil of a slaughterhouse, to the place where cows have rights and can live freely: India.

Global risk is one of the central problems facing humanity: since 9/11 we have become clearly aware of how vulnerable our societies are; many ecological catastrophes are a fait accompli and others are on the horizon, such as climate change or the

One of the main deficiencies of contemporary education is in the area of co-eduation on equality, without which girls and boys tend to continue repeating gendered stereotypes, functions and roles, thus reproducing gender inequality, discrimination

This book proposes a profound revision of graphic illustration from the period 1800 to 1870, examined here as a problematic body of images frequently assigned contradictory meanings, plagued by anachronisms and ill-adjusted with respect to some of

Mario Menkell’s peaceful existence —a shy university professor author of one successful novel— suddenly changes when he has to take custody of the personal belongings of his tenant, Fernando Montalvo, who has just committed suicide.

The Incredible Story of the Cat Moon is the beautiful story, based on a Spanish fable and folk song, which tells of the love between the Sun and the Moon, between Lorenzo and Catalina.


Do you think you are normal? Think again. This is the story of an incredible, exceptional, fantastically normal boy. Do you want to meet him?

Sara has gone through some difficult times: the death of her mother, falling pregnant when she's not yet sixteen… But now, at 24 and totally involved in this little family made up of her son Iván, her father Mario, and herself, she has found somet


Judit is a twelve-year-old girl with a gift: her talent for drawing. She lives with her mother and grandfather in Geneva. Her father, a famous painter, abandoned them and moved to Hungary when she was little.

In the new 21st-century economic environment, characterised by globalisation and the drastic changes produced by the transition to the Information Society, companies must focus their efforts in improving competitiveness at an international level,

1920. It all began with the murder of the English sailor Jeremiah Perkins in Havoysund and the mysterious packet he sent to Lady Elisabeth Faraday before he died.

1920年。すべてはイギリス人の船乗りジェレミー・パーキンスがノルウェーの町Havoysund で殺され、死ぬ前にパーキンスがエリザベス・ファラデイ夫人に送っていたなぞの包みから始まる。あるいは物語はもっと前、不思議な聖遺物が発見され、シグマ地理協会会長ユリシーズ・ザルコ博士が船でサン・ミシェルへと向かい、思いもかけない冒険にまきこまれたときから、始まっていたのかもしれない。

Leaving the city, taking the train that goes every hour from Concha station and arriving at Puentes Grandes, the Borrero family's big rambling house next to the river Almendares.



Oko and Leo are half-brothers. Oko, the oldest, is in a music band with a bird, he loves skateboarding, and playing Animalemon cards with his friends.

Oko y Leo son medio hermanos.
Oko, el mayor, tiene un grupo de música con un pájaro, le encanta ir en monopatín y jugar a las cartas Animalemon con sus amigos. Leo es un enorme tigre azul muy bromista y no le gustan nada los domingos.

La isla de Oko

Nine-year-old Nicolás Roblealto is travelling on a boat with his parents. He's really bored. And instead of enjoying themselves, his parents spend the whole time arguing.


A classic tale with vintage illustrations. The text is in Spanish, adapted to Level B1 (independent user threshold) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Treasure Island is one of the greatest adventure stories of all time and will, without a doubt, be enjoyed by readers of all ages.

A wealthy woman decides to investigate the life of her only daughter, who ran away from home at a young age, apparently for romantic reasons.

The young teacher was on her way to a school in the Amazon jungle and she arrived laden with books. What her student's liked best was for her to read them stories.


Just as he does almost every day, Four Paws, the oldest and wisest chimpanzee in the group, prepares to teach the younger ones a lesson. Today they will talk about human beings and how they evolved.

The Legend of Don Fermin is an original story by the illustrator Manuel Marsol based on the tradition of Spanish legends. It tells of the mysterious disappearance of Don Fermin, a medieval knight who went out on his horse and never returned.

La leyenda de don Fermín(ドン・フェルミンの伝説)はイラストレーター、マヌエル・マルソルの⼿による、スペインの⾔い伝えにもとづいたオリジナルの物語である。⾺とともに散歩に出たまま、⼆度と戻ってこなかった中世の騎⼠ドン・フェルミンの不思議な失踪が語られる。この失踪は何が起きたのかという様々な仮説を生み出し、その様々な仮説により、伝説は何世紀も語り継がれることになった。

The first complete re-writing in Spanish of the Arturian era based on various literary sources which make up this universal legend.


A pop-up book which tells a story popular with children. The legendary adventure of Saint George, a well-known knight in certain cultures, now in a story with spectacular pop-up illustrations, and a very amusing rhyming text.

Prison equals to punishment, but it can also mean redemption. This book is a heart-breaking story of 10 real –life examples about misanthropy, hatred, cruelty, ambitions or mere disgrace.

Roger Murphy had it all. A great apartment in the Marina District, the best dog in the world and the most widely debated column in the San Francisco press.



This is a book about the Sagrada Familia temple, different to all others that can be found in bookshops.

Summer 1977. Jaime Olalla, a shy teenager who loves literature and cinema, returns home after spending a year with the Jesuits in Burgos. He plans to move to Madrid the following September to begin his studies in medicine.

Un cuento tradicional para la época de Pascua acompañado de a bellas y delicadas ilustraciones.

La liebrecita

The star of this original book is a line. A simple pencil line that one day got bored with the pages of an exercise book and decided to escape from class.

1本の線が主人公のユニークな本。ある日、鉛筆で書かれたただの線が、方眼ノートの上を動き回るのにうんざりし、教室から抜け出すことにした。自由な世界に飛び出して、気分は最高! こうして線は町にたどりつき、高い山に登り、海を知り、恐ろしい海賊に出くわす。そこで読者は、物語の本当の主人公がレオナルドという名の少年だということに気づく。レオナルドは授業中に想像の世界に羽ばたいて、クラスメートが書き方の練習をしているあいだに、冒険の旅に出かけるのだ。

Juan and Lotte meet at Villa Aurora, the former home of the writer Lion Feuchtwanger in southern California. Far from home, routine and family ties, they want to explore their relationship, which soon turns out to be intense and complicated.

At last, a serious and intelligent analysis of the New Age phenomenon. Probably the most comprehensive and ambitious work produced on the subject by a Spanish speaking author.

Una noia vetlla el seu avi, i en la solitud absoluta té dues grans companyies: la de la memòria i la de la imaginació. Mentre els cirerers es despullen, la llei de l’hivern s’imposa recordant-nos que per renéixer cal deixar anar.

La llei de l'hivern

This book is considered to be one of the most outstanding essays ever written on the logical possibilities and difficulties of a science of society. Considerations on the method to follow in the different areas of the social sciences are offered.

Álvaro's house is the highest in the city. He studies the moon from his balcony every night and wonders what it is that causes it to wane... A lovely story about wishes, the importance of caring and, most of all, friendship.

A forbidden love affair, a passionate adventure set between 19th century England and Cuba. María Lezcano's tranquil life comes to an end at the age of nineteen when she realises that she is in love with her adoptive brother, Eric.

19世紀の英国とキューバとの間で展開する禁断の愛と、情熱的な冒険。 マリア・レスカノの穏やかな人生は、養子である兄エリックに恋していると気付いた19歳のときに大激震する。 それは、1870年のイギリスでは白い目で見られる行為だった……。エリックもまた、彼女への恋心を自覚し、家を出る決心をする。彼が出て行って、マリアと両親の心は千々に砕けた。そんなとき、アレハンドロ・モンテネグロが彼女の人生に登場する。これはおそらくマリアがエリックを忘れるために待っていたチャンスかもしれない。

Literary non-fiction.


Literary non-fiction. La conmovedora historia real de un adolescente que cruzó todo un continente para seguir estudiando.

La luna esta en Duala

One day the moon got tired of looking at the Earth and went on a trip. She wanted to know what there was beyond the Earth.

Jacob has decided to die. A car accident has left him paraplegic and in such pain that his life is unbearable. His father David faces the hardest of tests: witnessing the event.


In 1350, when Europe is recovering from the Black Death, the future pope Gregorius XI visits the Tuscan painter Adriano de Robertis to destroy his last work, the blasphemous Bearded Virgin.

Un libro singular e inesperado, libre y personal, destinado a acompañar a quienes lo lean para siempre.

La luz que cae


In 1954, after going into exile in 1939 and being taken in by Dr. Goldstein's family for 15 years, the young psychiatrist Germán Velázquez returns to Spain to work in the women's asylum in Ciempozuelos.


Jack's Mum is a children's picture book for children aged six years and upwards. It is based on a traditional oral tale which exists in several different versions. The story aims to explain to children how death is a part of life.


If a woman had ever been destined to shine, it was Beatriz Calanda, whose eccentric, outrageous life iunfolds during the last sixty years of Spanish history.

The inspiring story of one woman's tireless struggle to change the course of a stunted society. She will not allow her past to be used in negotiations.

Some children, sons of prostitutes who don’t dare to report the kidnappings to the police, have disappeared lately in Barcelona.

An anxious mother gives in to wretched temptation on a nocturnal flight; a young girl reveals the terrible mystery behind an innocent circle of light on the ceiling; a psychiatrist discovers the symptoms of a remarkable phobia concealing the colle



Whoever possesses the spear of Longinos will rule the world. But whoever loses it will meet their own death. Eliza is a well-known English medium who earns a living with her family putting people in touch with their loved ones on the other side.

The last years of the life of a king who had aspirations to the imperial crown. A king who tryed to embrace all the knowledge of his time and to pass it on for posterity. An unforgetable king.

You're a famous writer. You've been invited to present your book Witch Hunt in a lost place, worryingly called The Dead.


Who doesn't have the right to fill a suitcase with the dream of a better life? A suitcase that passes from hand to hand, a silent witness to the different lives that take place throughout the 20th century.

Publisher specialising in picture books.


Barcelonta, Barcelona, the early sixties: anarchist urban guerillas are still alive and kicking, a headache for Franco's political police. The former Belgian Congo, in the same decade: European mercenaries are to be found in the war torn country.

Every book is a journey, that's what José Luis Muñoz always says when he talks about the ones he's written, many of which have taken shape during his journeys over five continents.

When his mother dies, Óscar travels to Berlin to take charge of her belongings. He hasn't had word from her in years because, in fact, she was living with another woman and had turned her back on her son.


If you are ill or have a physical problem, perhaps you believe that you have not done anything to make yourself sick. It is also possible that you believe that you cannot personally do anything to make yourself better.

This is a cookery book for all tastes, based on ingredients that were once well-known and popular but are now in danger of being forgotten.

From now on there will be five of them in the house: five toothbrushes in the bathroom, five plates on the table. And the flat smells different.

Homero is fifteen, the only child of a wealthy Barcelona family who has been left alone as a result of the Spanish Civil War. His life is transformed into a fight for survival, full of loneliness but also opportunities for self-discovery.


Grandma's Marvellous Hair-Raising House is the latest book from duo Martí and Salomó. A story through a scary house where you mustn't miss a single detail. This house is special, because it hides a lot of surprises.

My guide to yoga is, above all, an invitation to all those people who believe that yoga might be helpful to them but have never dared to enter a yoga centre because they fear not to be flexible enough or simply because of the uncertainty involved

This bilingual edition brings together 185 poems, previously unpublished in Spain, by Emily Dickinson, one of the most widely read English language poets in our country.

On 10 September, 2001, Brandon Moy found himself in York with an old friend who made him remember all those old dreams they had shared as young men and which he had never achieved.


The fast-paced, hallucinatory lives of the outsiders in a city torn asunder by violence. A world populated by armed beggar children planning to seek revenge and get rich quick.

The news of the possible closure of the museum has caused a real commotion amongst its occupants. With the aid of the stuffed lion, the mummy has decided to return to Egypt. But can anyone show him the way?

La Moneda, September 11 is, above all, a collection of testimonies.


La Moneda, 11 de septiembre (La Moneda, September 11)

La Moneda, 11 de septiembre

La muchacha salvaje tells the story of how a girl who comes from a nomadic tribe discovers that she is different from everyone else, and begins a journey which will bring her into contact with other tribes and people with new customs who will help

Behind the outer face of nature lie deep mysteries, plots and unknown relationships, and time has different rhythms and different orders, with their own enigmas and truths.


In 1588, Michel de Montaigne meets a young admirer of his work, Marie de Gournay. At the age of fifty-five and 'well married', Montaigne begins a mysterious relationship with the idolised Marie, whom he makes his 'adopted daughter'.

Tomás Casademunt (Barcelona, 1967) is an exceptional artist who was forged by two decades as a photojournalist.

José Guadalupe Posada’s cavorting skeletons are for many people among the most emblematic images of Mexican art, representing a supposed mockery of and indifference to death that runs deep in Mexican culture.

A Moscow police officer is transferred to Ukraine as punishment by the Supreme Soviet, and ends up in Pripyat, the closest place to the Chernobyl nuclear centre.

A poetic, philosophical essay about pain. A story told by three voices. A story in search of a plot.

Un ensayo poético filosófico sobre el dolor. Una historia contada a tres voces. Una historia en busca de un argumento.

La mujer de pie

Shortly before he dies in an accident, Guillermo confesses to his friend Eusebio that he is involved in a sadomasochistic sexual relationship with a mysterious woman. Eusebio decides to look for this woman to tell her Guillermo has died.




Lucas was convinced that he was born to fly. He watched planes, tried to make himself all kinds of wings, and even asked to be able to fly as a Christmas present!

ルカスは、自分は飛ぶために生まれてきたのだと思いこんでいた。飛行機を見て、あらゆる種類の翼を作ろうとした。クリスマスプレゼントに、「飛べること」をお願いさえした! だけど、どれもうまくいかないようだった……。そんなある日、夢をかなえる方法はほかにもあると母さんがいって、ルカスに1冊の本を手渡した。その日、いつのまにかルカスは飛び始めた……。

One of the fundamental questions in this study is the one which is – at least for those who tend to perceive the world with their ears before their eyes – the most complex within the field of the humanities: the relationship between language and m


In a carpet from India a journalist finds a message from the child who wove it. It's a plea for help, a desperate cry he cannot ignore.


Celia is a thirteen-year-old girl who was cryogenically frozen because she was suffering from a terminal disease, and is now returned to the 22nd century to be adopted.


Este libro nace de dos fuentes igualmente importantes. Por una parte, de las lecturas, la reflexión y el debate con colegas.

La negociación, piedra angular de las evaluaciones y las investigaciones

Wichi is a twelve-year-old Thai girl, intelligent, joyful and outgoing. Happy because her parents live together and love each other, things begin to go wrong the day her mother starts spending the little money they have on gambling.

This story begins when the cities began to grow at the cost of forests and jungles, and when pollution began to fill the skies and the oceans.

In the time of your grandparents' grandparents' grandparents, when "the good old days" hadn't even been invented, Trog wanted to make the Journey. But in the Invisibles tribe only boys made the Journey. And Trog was a girl.


The focus of this book is preventing bites (from dogs to children).


La nit de les papallones is a novel that portrays the colourful Barcelona nightlife of the 1970s, and at its centre is Carla, a burlesque dancer who turns heads with her aesthetically dazzling and emancipated performances.

En septiembre de 2018, el excéntrico equipo de Andergraun Films, liderado por el director Albert Serra, llega a Alentejo, al sur de Portugal, para rodar la que será la película más provocadora y procaz del cineasta de Banyoles: "Liberté", que acab

Short and skinny, nobody would have imagined that such an insignificant appearance concealed possibly the best poet in the history of Spanish literature and a most accomplished person in mystical union, Saint John of the Cross.

1936. Against the backdrop of a fratricidal war, in a village surrounded by mountains, the awful murder of a little girl unleashes the underlying violence in this remote location.

On the eve of San Juan in 1980, the inhabitants of Calabella, on the Costa Brava, are waiting for the mythical Ava Gardner, who is going to open the town's summer cinema.


At the beginning of the 20th century, Barcelona is in flames, suffering various types of social conflict on a daily basis.

Lucha, the old woman, is about to be killed by her husband in front of the astonished eyes of her granddaughter. The  the anger accumulated over the decades has its origins on a specific date: the 2nd January 1921.


This is a story about music and the basis of music knowledge, something that is always hard for a beginner, told through the story of the book’s protagonist: a small saxophone.


What is the graphic novel? In the last few years, comics have grown up. A wealth of ambitious, innovative works is giving a cultural prestige comparable to art and literature to what has traditionally been considered a children's product.

like a bride, but no one knows who she is. The investigation finds that she had committed suicide, although the police are unable to identify the victim. Twenty-five years later, Inspector Garibaldi takes the case up again.


A corpse that appears to be the victim of a ritual killing, a journalist on the hunt for an exclusive and a police force that can’t imagine the danger their investigation entails.

Un cadáver que parece el producto de un asesinato ritual, una periodista en busca de una exclusiva y una policía que ni se imagina el peligro que corren al investigar.

La novia del obispo


The thrilling adventures of Ulysses, adapted for present-day children. There was once a hero who undertook one of the most incredible journeys ever known.


"When you lose your dreams, you become a slave to your nightmares. That's why the world needs people...



In the first third of the 20th century in Spain, women were condemned to a life of not subverting patriarchal dogma and their liberty was reduced to the marble model of 'exquisite femininity'.

Few people were as influential in Hitler's life as the mysterious Erik Hanussen, considered, for many years, the most outstanding clairvoyant in Berlin and a personal counselor to the dictator.

This book is a map. The map is a portrait of the people and the strange ways of being that cohabit on the Cuban archipelago.


La otra orilla


A topsy turvy world, a story without a text so that every reader can imagine his or her own adventure. The aim is to enable very young readers to tell stories. Adventures that change with each narrator.

Dare to be different like the little black sheep! Every night, when the moon rises and it's time for the children to go to bed, Mr.

The lion on this side of the page is very satisfied with the happy life he lives there. In contrast, the animals on the other side of the page are less content.

ページの上にいるライオンは、そこでの楽しい生活に大満足。一方、下のページの動物たちは、あまり楽しくはなさそう。ライオンの気まぐれの相手をしなければならず、歩くときにはその重みにたえなければならない始末。もし、本を逆さまにして、上のページを下のページにしたらどうなる? すべての登場人物に変化が起きることになるだろう。ユーモアのセンスが光る、とても独創的な本で、小さな子どもは笑い、大人はほんのちょっぴり皮肉を感じる。上と下、ページをひっくり返して、空間を遊ぶことへ誘う1冊。

The Page Above is a short, quirky story that shows how one group of animals have to hold up a lion, who believes that his page – the page on top – is special, and that he deserves to have whatever he wants, provided for him by the animals on the page below.

La página de arriba

The pigeons in the park love breadcrumbs, but it seems that one of them is not eating anything. Carla and Pablo want to help the pigeon.

We are Maite, Santi, Pepe, Valle and Sol, well, Sol is Valle's dog, but still one of the gang. We live in the village of Verdeluz and in school we're part of the Nature Class, where we look after the environment.

La papallona negra explores the passionate and obsessive relationship between Jordi, heir to Can Montalà, an old ancestral house in the Catalan countryside, and Martina, a disquietingly beautiful university student from Barcelona.

Marta has kept a secret from her partner for ten years, but she finally tells him the strange and fascinating life of Daniel Faura Oygon, an old man whom she met in the residence where she works.


"I feel like those voluntary exiles – if that isn't a contradiction in terms – who never find peace anywhere because, at heart, they have not severed their ties with the one thing it is impossible break with: ourselves." A Peruvian immigrant write


Born into a family of intellectuals and nurtured by reading certain books at a young age, Leila feels how her calling as a writer grows inside her. Her plans will be propelled hopelessly forward by an uncontrollable passion.

How do you put together a winning team and why does it stop winning one day? How does a good leader act? How do you close a deal successfully? How do you manage highly talented human capital?

In a hidden corner of the vegetable garden there is a courgette hiding. He's always dressed up to the nines and wears the most stylish wig in the garden.


Valentín Fuster's new book is designed to teach children to live a healthy life.

Andrés is fifteen and has just lost his father, Fernando. A respected police inspector, Fernando was found dead of a barbiturate overdose in the swimming pool of the Birmania Hotel, which suggests the possibility of suicide.

15歳のアンドレスは少し前に父フェルナンドを亡くした。フェルナンドは尊敬された警察署長だったが、ビルマニア・ホテルのプールで睡眠薬の過剰摂取で死亡しているのが発見された。自殺に思われた。だが、腑に落ちない点もある。フェルナンドは楽天家で幸せに過ごしていたのに、なぜ自ら命を絶つ必要があるのか? アンドレスは偶然、父の古いパソコンの中に謎のファイルを見つける。その瞬間から、物語は全く逆の方向へ進み始める。アンドレスはどんなことでも起こりうる怪しく危険な世界に立ち向かわざるを得なくなる。

La perla de Sanzio (Raphael’s Pearl)

La Perla de Sanzio


The fictitious Torres y González (that is, the authors Lucas Torres y Jesús González) have updated the adventures of the guileful Justina, continuing her adventures where the unknown 16th century author who wrote under the name of Francisco de Úbe

A collection of adventure books aimed at children aged 7+. Over 120 pages of fun, adventure and mystery with full-colour illustrations. “Hello! My name is Txano and my twin brother is called Óscar. Have you ever seen a falling meteor?

7歳以上を対象とした児童向け冒険シリーズ。色彩豊かなイラスト入りの120ページを超える本で、冒険、ミステリーなどが楽しめる。「やあ!僕はチャノ。双子の兄弟の名前はオスカル。君は隕石が落ちるのを見たことある? 僕たちは見たんだよ。夏の初めに遠足に行ったとき、目の前の空を巨大な火の玉が通り過ぎて森の中に落ちたんだ! 本当は反対の方向に逃げなくちゃいけないってわかっていたけど、僕たちは森に探しに行ったのさ。見つけたのは緑色の不思議な石。

Ángel is a writer going through a crisis. On his way home, he runs over Sofía then flees the scene. Guilt-ridden, he decides to go back to the site of the accident to find out if the victim is dead.

Awarded the XIV José María de Pereda Short Novel Prize, this work is the unfathomable banned story of a Serbian pianist, told by a man called Eduardo Halfon.

This is the story of a Guatemalan – called Eduardo, like the author – who goes in search of a Serbian pianist by the name of Milan Rakic.

La Pirueta

Awarded the XIV José María de Pereda Short Novel Prize, this work is the unfathomable banned story of a Serbian pianist, told by a man called Eduardo Halfon.

Repression is usually regarded as a consequence of the Civil War and the violence which the conflict aroused on both sides. But Santiago Vega Sombría now offers us a new and very different point of view.

A magical work, based on real events and with a very special atmosphere and characters; a splendid human landscape in which emotions blossom intensely.

La Palma (1850-1946) is the setting through which Petra, the moneylender of Villa de Mazo, passes with the people in her life. The hunger that forces emigration to Cuba.


Guillermo has to stay at home alone for a while and a multitude of negative thoughts invades his head; he feels in danger, his heart thumps, he loses control and finally he faints.


What is that ball of mud rolling towards the palace garden? The king jumps when it appears in the sitting room, the cook screams in terror when it enters the kitchen and the court guard detains it to find out what it is....

Una princesa italiana que pasó de vivir en los más fastuosos palacios a acabar en un campo de concentración a la que la historia casi olvidó: Mafalda de Saboya.

La princesa de Buchenwald

Vanesa is a modern princess but also a dreamer who lives in the clouds, in the kingdom of Babia alongside giraffes, witches and soap bubbles.


This book, which is based on a Japanese legend and brilliantly illustrated by Philip Giordano, tells the story of the impossible love between Princess Shining Night and the Emperor of Japan, and explains how Mount Fuji arose from this love. 

Once upon a time, in a town in China, lived Princess Little Mouse, who wanted to marry the most powerful person there was. So, without thinking twice, she picked up her rucksack, a sandwich and a dozen oranges and went to look for him.

A terrible disease threatens the lives of an entire population. The townsfolk are from a diverse range of religions; Christian, Jewish and Muslim.

A unique and really beautiful book based on the universal legend of Saint George and the Dragon.

In a Native American village, activity comes to a halt when Shep slices off the tip of his thumb with a blade.


Intrigue, action, corruption, bad deals, lawyers on the margins of the law. Trails and evidence that gradually unravel to reveal a twisted plot which confounds with every chapter.


Manel Loureiro surprises us with a thriller set in Galicia, a mysterious land of legends.


The world of quantum physics is stranger than fiction. Down among the tiny sub-atomic particles and approaching the speed of light, extraordinary things happen and the ideas needed to understand them will blow your mind.

La puerta de los tres cerrojos

“The Door with Three Locks” is attractive, accessible, entertaining, fascinating, surprising and by turns exciting and cute. It is a great introduction to the astonishing subject of quantum physics. (Catherine Forrest)

“The Door with Three Locks” is attractive, accessible, entertaining, fascinating, surprising and by turns exciting and cute. It is a great introduction to the astonishing subject of quantum physics. (Catherine Forrest)

After receiving a mysterious message, Niko takes a new route to school and discovers a house he's never seen before. By solving a puzzle he is able to enter what turns out to be a strange place where universes are born.


Two forty-something Colombians meet in a street in Paris and launch themselves immediately into a frenetic conversation, which, against the backdrop of the revolutionary movements of the 60s, particularly the Colombian Freudo-Sartro-Marxist varian


1851. Tragedy engulfs the mansion on Crompton Place: the Royceston sisters and their mother have all died in mysterious circumstances.

1851. La tragedia asola la mansión de Crompton Place: Los hermanos Royceston y su madre han muerto de manera misteriosa.

La quinta noche



In a cosmopolitain and prosperous Western city, a strange phenomenon occurs which seems initially to be nothing more than an irritant but which quickly comes to represent a more insidious threat, capable of overturning the most intimate conviction


We are accustomed to architects' omnipotence; their deification, however, goes back to the dawn of history.

The plot of The Empty Region takes us from the base camps of the holy warriors in Pakistan to the security corridors of the CIA and the FBI.

The plot of The Empty Region transports us from the camps of sacred warriors in Pakistan to the security corridors of the CIA and FBI. It is a fascinating puzzle filled with historic characters, among them Osama Bin Laden and George W.


The Queen of Lentils doesn’t like lentils. And she has a big plate of them right under her nose. And her dad is telling her to eat them all. On top of that, her little brother is throwing everything on the floor and won’t stop crying.

レンズまめの女王はレンズまめが好きではない。目の前に大きな皿を置かれた女王は、全部食べなさいとパパに言われた。しかも弟は何もかも床にほうり投げ、ずっと泣き続けている。もううんざり! ところが、運良く遠い国からマトリョーシカが、女王への贈り物を持ってやってきた。マトリョーシカたちはお腹がすいているに違いない。世界を広げたり、より人間的な世界をつくったりするツールとしての遊びやお話作りについての、小さい人とそれほど小さくない人のためのお話。

With the abolition of the Salic law and the arrival to the throne of Isabel II, the tumultuous 19th Century begins in Spain, full of fratricidal wars, conspiracies, and mysteries.


In July 2009 Leo Margets became famous after achieving glory in Las Vegas when she was crowned best female poker-player in the world.

Princess Tamiel, the only descendent of the King of Latos, has never fitted in. She doesn't meet up to her father's expectations. She can't resign herself to the unclear future of a dependent queen consort.


This book offers a detailed and thorough analysis of what has become the most important democratic theory in the last twenty years in the world: deliberative democracy.

Did you know that you can become anything you want, deliberately creating the life of your dreams? And do you know that you can experience it all by yourself through simple exercises, even using your computer?

Julio Pretel, a soloist from Seville, has a strange encounter with a mysterious woman in the beautiful Alcazar of Seville. Then the girl disappears before his eyes, vanishing into thin air. Hallucination? A paranormal experience?

A 21st century archeological dig. A 9th century Viking population. Over a thousand years separate the two worlds, and yet there is a connection linking them.

La foca Mila ha encontrado una roca especial en medio del mar, allí se siente muy a gusto. Le encanta saltar al agua desde arriba y también tumbarse encima a descansar. Un buen día, un divertido accidente hizo que conociera a la gaviota Carlos.

La roca de Mila y Carlos

The Kingdom of Aragon, 1283. In this dangerous frontier realm, dominated by castles, nobles and military orders, the life of the young shepherd Joan de Mas is tragically cut short when a mercenary attempts to commit murder.

After selling more than 300,000 copies of her first two books, the author of Un burka por amor and Amor cruel returns with a new novel based on a true story.

 A woman seeks revenge whilst a Nazi agent seeks information, both united by a common foe: The Spanish Republic.

'The Joyce Way' is a travel book, recounting the cities visited by Alfonso Zapico when he was researching and documenting Joyce's movements for the graphic novel 'Dubliner' (Astiberri , 2011), as well as the other cities he visited while he was wo

Hernán Cortés has destroyed Tenochtitlán in Mexico but he has not been able to eradicate the people’s beliefs.

Barcelona's most characteristic monument is not a straightforward thing to fathom. In spite of this, Gaudí designed it not as an unsolvable enigma, but as an open book, literally and metaphorically open on all sides.


The novel is set in a community of country houses scattered about the Maestrat in the 1940s and 50s.


Nearly twenty years on, the students of Liceo de la Guardia de Blyd are busy using their magic to protect a society that has been living in peace for years.

This story teaches us the value of ourselves and others. We sometimes live our lives obsessed by what others have, when what is true and important is inside each person, valuable, individual, unique and infinite.


A tormented ninja. A hidden conspiracy. A dangerous mission. An immortal work. It is 1689 and the poet Matsuo Bashō undertakes a pilgrimage to the province of Sendai in order to finish writing what will be his most celebrated work 'Paths of Oku'.


Love and Death in New York On a cold night in a Brooklyn suburb in 1968, the young John Di Mateo is murdered in cold blood by the police during a raid.

Two neighbours whose paths cross thanks to a domestic incident begin a strange game: recycling time.

La séptima cuerda

La séptima cuerda es una novela sobre el flamenco, donde se narran las peripecias de un joven guitarrista en la búsqueda del conocimiento de este complejo arte.

La séptima cuerda

La séptima cuerda es una novela sobre el flamenco, donde se narran las peripecias de un joven guitarrista en la búsqueda del conocimiento de este complejo arte.

La séptima cuerda

La séptima cuerda (‘The Seventh Chord‘) is a novel about flamenco which recoun


This picture book tells a Portuguese legend about two giants, the sea and the mountain, who fall in love with a mermaid and challenge each other for her love.



The ignorance-based society is the other side of the coin of the “knowledge-based society” and raises vitally important questions that demand answers: what dangers lurk behind the promises of the “knowledge-based society”?


La soledad is a delicate journey to the interior of our feelings, brimming with imagination in which desire, gratitude, justice and dreams come together.


This story begins at a lake flooded by the sea, continues across a country in the grip of the war and spreads across a maze of trenches on the banks of a river that acts as the frontier with a bad dream.

Marta Ribas had a promising future when she met Antonio, but a misunderstood loyalty will disrupt their lives.

Lucía loves the way Lucas smiles, the new boy in her class, smiles.


Marco Buitrago is a free-lance journalist who survives by writing scientific articles, until his feature on the international human genome project brings Marie Alida Karwecki into his life, and the old lady changes his whole existence.

In the prison infirmary, Fede Cortés remembers the roller coaster ride of his life.

The narrative begins in the winter of 1974 in the Basque Country and ends in the spring of 2019. Forty-five years of our recent history, almost half a century, pass throughout its pages.


The symbiosis between the author and his main character reaches the point where events and not a few roles are reversed. The first three people in this singular tale switch back and forth like the viewpoint of a swimmer.

A relationship of dependence between two characters who will seduce you from the very first page. A story of one of the most common illnesses of the 21st century: anxiety.


The use of sound to promote wellbeing—be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual— has antecendents as as far back as antiquity.


One night, Víctor leaves his house to go and discover Buenos Aires at night, unexplored territory for him, aiming not to go home until the sun comes up.

The story of the abuse of a young girl is told with extraordinary literary force in this uncomfortable and necessary book. A single gesture was enough to turn her into a helpless calf.

幼女に対する虐待を圧倒的な文学の力をもって語る。いたたまれない内容だが読むべき本。たったひとつのしぐさで彼女は子牛と化した。その子はあまりにも幼くて、自分が不自然な立場に置かれている事さえ分からない。深い絶望を秘めた瞳と驚きを隠せぬ眼差し。自分の家には居場所がなくなった。親しくしている隣人はまだ適齢に達してもいない彼女を肉として初めて味わった。孤独だけが彼女に残った。『La ternera(子牛の肉)』は誰もが目を背けていたい虐待の現実を、抑制のきいた筆致で語る。

La tierra de los últimos is a novel of manners set in rural Andalusia in the mid twentieth century, with touches of etching, sometimes rough, sometimes smooth, but always a gentle charm, a poetry that touches the soul.

El riesgo de que los asteroides impacten en la Tierra ha propiciado el desarrollo de nuevos detectores, misiones espaciales y telescopios que permiten catalogar y estudiar su naturaleza.

La Tierra en peligro. El impacto de asteroides y cometas

Maretonhampstead has the longest name of any village in England but it was soon to be known for a more extraordinary event: the legend concealed by the tomb of Mary Jay.






Maretonhampstead has the longest name of any village in England but it was soon to be known for a more extraordinary event: the legend concealed by the tomb of Mary Jay.







Nicolle's dreams  are in tatters. She wants to be a painter and exhibit in Barcelona's best galleries, but in truth, all she has done in the city is have an affaire with a married man - something that has got her nowhere.

It is easy to recognize the Agbar Tower, but it is difficult to discover its interior.

After being involved in an accident resulting in complete memory loss, Jack Winger is admitted to a convalescent clinic.


An entertaining and surprising collection to help the little ones understand the need to protect endangered species close to home.

La traición de Roma (third volume of Posteguillo’s trilogy) is the story of Scipio’s son, who battles to be on par with his father, whom the Romans consider almost a God.

Bruselas, 25 de diciembre de 1914. En plena Primera Guerra Mundial se decreta un alto el fuego. Un oasis de paz que durará solo un día. El día de Navidad.

La tregua

A special new book about The Camelot Tribe, with smells, thermal inks and surprising games, The Tribe once more confronts a very extraordinary case! The great wizard Triki has lost his magic wand, and without it, he is unable to do any tricks!

Guillermo hates reading, but the rest of his family love it. So, living with them is a daily torture - like having to go to the library once a week, pick a book, read it and write a summary for class. What a pain!



Paul of Tarsus once appealed to Philemon on the behalf Onesimus, an escaped slave. We know this from what is the shortest of Saint Paul's epistles.


The attractive professor of literature Victor Vega decides to accept the highly unusual proposal put to him by the widower of the writer Hugo Mendoza: to investigate whether her husband is still alive, despite the fact that his death has been lega


They were only in their early twenties at the time. A group of friends who met up in Bar Kronen and enjoyed their youth through sex, alcohol and drugs. Occasionally they flirted with death and there was even the odd casualty.


ベン・クラーク「詩でも小説でもない。これはフィクションではない。我々を生と調和で満たす濃密な人生なのだ」 エリカ・マルティネス「厭世の帝国を離れ、ヘスス・モンティエルは私的な現像室で純粋な心を露わにする。現代のシニシズムとは折り合わない純真さを読者に取り戻させる。彼が強く必要とされるのは当然だ」アルフォンソ・トレシーリャス「彼の詩とその純真さは、ボバンの作品にある生の歓喜を彷彿とさせる。それは無邪気な歓喜ではなく、人間の本質に根ざしたもの、彼の超越した感覚に基づくものだ」

In these eleven, extraordinarily unique stories, the author offers us human experiences of unusual intensity. The last time an exile sees the the city he grew up in.

The early 20th century: a lawyer without a future, a frustrated anarchist, an ex prostitute, a clairvoyant, and an unemployed teacher.

'This is the story of Victoria the cow: the cow died and that was the end of the story.' That's how the popular story goes, and it's only slightly longer than the story of the dinosaur from Monterroso.


Nacho is ten years old and he's just moved to a new flat.

Victim to the current crisis, to past ones and to his proverbial bad luck, Leonardo Expósito takes a radical decision: he mortgages his mother’s house and enrols in a prestigious business school.


La ventana

What would a world be like where most children were taught via artificial intelligence and only a select few, the sons and daughters of the elite, got to meet actual teachers?


When you have a broken leg you can’t run, jump, or climb. Julia is so bored, but then she gets an idea: why not check out what the neighbours are up to using her binoculars?

脚を骨折したら、走ることもジャンプすることも登ることもできない。退屈を持て余したフリアはあることを思いつく。双眼鏡でご近所さんを覗いてみよう。幸運にも向かいの建物は活気があり、幼稚園、クリスの美容院、アレスの部屋やその他あちこちの窓を覗いていると1日があっという間に過ぎていく。あなたは、どんな双眼鏡で世の中を見ていますか? 本書は文化的背景によって子どもたちに押し付けられた先入観を壊そうとしている。なぜなら、そうした先入観は子どもたちそれぞれが成長する可能性を狭めているからだ。

Con una pierna rota no puedes correr, saltar ni escalar. Julia está tan aburrida que se le ha ocurrido una idea: espiar al vecindario con sus prismáticos.

La ventana indiscreta

Nos pensées sont le dernier territoire d'indépendance qui reste debout, mais il existe de nombreux assaillants extraordinairement bien armés et prêts à prendre le contrôle de nos cerveaux et à manipuler nos pensées.


Federico. This name acquires through the book some connotations that little by little clarify an end sometimes surrounded by many characters, relationships and events

There are truths that can seem incredible, so to avoid problems it might seem best to tell a little white lie. But if this still doesn't sound convincing, we have to invent another, bigger lie: a big fat lie, a rotten lie, or a dirty great lie.


Someone died today, and I’m responsible. But nothing ever happens just like that. Lots of other things happened first. Like the first time I found myself in front of a mirror. The summer I chose my real name.

今日だれかが死に、その責任はぼくにある。だけど、どうってことない。そうだろう? その前にいろんなことがあった。最初、ぼくは鏡の前にいた。ぼくが本当の名前を選んだ夏。すべてを、全員をなきものにすると決めた中学のあの学年。ぼくが選ばれたキャスティング。ドラマの成功。フォロワー。手首に見つけたタトゥー。殺人の夜。そしてぼくは、自分の真実を知ってほしい。どうしてあのことが起きたのか。これはぼくのバージョンだ。

After some years without seeing her family, a woman travels to the United States to visit them: her brother, who is married to an American, and her mother. During the 18 days she spends with them, she tries to reconstruct the past and history.

This singing method collects the experiences carried out with the children of the Choir School of Montserrat, the result of years of work by the author.

Three stories cross on the pages of "The Past Lives of Dolphins": the fate of an unfinished book by the feminist Edith Wynner dedicated to Rosika Schwimmer the activist, pacifist, and suffragist multiple nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize and the r


Two strangers meet on a train that has no specific origin or final destination. It is the year 2024 and two thousand wagons make up this enormous iron serpent.

Este libro explora los diferentes modos de vida que aportarían una accesible felicidad, un sensato bienestar.



´Life When it was Ours´ is a clever intertwining of narratives and stories that brings together unexpected associations and characters to portray some new and original perspectives on the Europe of the first part of the twentieth century.

La vida cuando era nuestra

Lola lives a life filled with books and café conversations, languid siestas and projects for constructing a better Spain, but in 1936 the day comes when life is pure resistance.

A logbook for a new way of facing life. A response to the pandemic through writing.


Audrey´s life has been turned upside down. She has left her lover with whom she shared a home since University. She has quit her job, tired of never receiving enough recognition for her work at the Museum.

When Primitivo Dátalo replies to an advertisement in which the writer Mauro Ledesma Peris seeks a secretary, he is unaware that he is entering a labyrinth of horror.



Úrsula is an eleven-year-old girl with a rather complicated life. She has changed schools several times and her mother is on the run after stealing a painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.... No... That's not right.

11歳の女の子、ウルスラの生活はちょっと複雑。何度も小学校をかわり、母さんはメトロポリタン美術館から絵を盗んで、逃亡生活を送っている……。ちがう……、そうじゃない。ウルスラはレベッカと名乗る11歳の女の子で、母さんを消してしまった魔法使いたちが大嫌い。それともレベッカは有名なスパイで、追跡をかわすためにウルスラと名乗っている? まあ、いずれにしても11歳で、箱のなかの5匹のミミズと、宇宙で迷子になったネコを飼っている。

La vida sense la Sara Amat is a coming-of-age story that primarily takes place over the course of ten days in August of 1981, ten days that changed the protagonist’s life, marking his shift from a boy to an adolescent.


Who now remembers Sara Amat? She was just thirteen when she disappeared one summer night and was never again heard from. There was a single news item the following day in the Diario de Terrassa, and a great deal of speculation and many rumours.

今日誰がサラ・アマットのことを憶えているだろうか? ある夏の夜、行方不明となったとき、彼女は13歳かそこらだった。以後何もわかっていない。ただ、翌日タラサ新聞にニュースが出て、多くのうわさや憶測が飛びかっただけだった。だが、この物語の語り手である、サバテール家のペップは彼女のことをよく覚えている。というのも、彼の話によれば、サラはその夜、姿を消したのではない。彼の家に裏口から忍び込んだからだ。

'Ethel Jurado had approached the group to ask for help,' Marcos Recaj tells us in this novel, 'and we gave her our unconditional support.

Raimon writes for the radio and lives with his brother Blai who was traumatised by an accident he had in the forest when he was small and who now lives a very simple life working in an occupational therapy workshop.


The myth of the grail provides the title for this book about the possibility of perception beyond the physical world.

A visitor appears every night in the bedroom of the family’s youngest member and makes him tremble, but is it from fear or excitement?


GLOBITOS are creatures with a special charm: gentle, warm and loving. But their naive approach to life gets them in trouble sometimes.


A Chinese ecocolgist, a Peruvian shaman, a Maori from New Zealand, a future Russian cosmonaut…What do they have in common? What worries them? How do they live? How do they face the future?

中国の女性エコロジスト、ペルーの男性シャーマン、ニュージーランドのマオリ族女性、ロシアの女性宇宙飛行士の卵…。共通点は何だろう? 悩みは何だろう? どんな暮らしをしているのだろう? どんなふうに将来に立ち向かうのだろう? これはジャーナリスト、マルク・セレナが1年間にわたって世界一周をし、25か国の同年齢25歳の若者25人とともに暮らしながら問いかけた質問である。

An indispensable book about Flamenco, with 28 interviews, three authors dictionaries, more than 100 photographies and a CD with 20 tracks comprising a Century of Flamenco Art.


ビルヒニアは家族と一緒に田舎で、動物や草木に囲まれて暮らしている。雌犬のライカ、カエルのレネー、フェレットのウーゴ、鳥のグリップと暮らすのは、兄弟といるのと同じように極自然なことだ。彼女にとって動物は家族同然だ。しかしその夏、ビルヒニアはとても不思議な出来事に出会う。木の上に作られた小さな家に、どこからともなく次々と本が現れるのだ。誰が置いていくのだろう? それはなぜ?

Ela is a promising, ambitious young civil servant who has just been named director of operations of CNI, the Spanish intelligence agency, a secret service post occupied by a woman for the first time in history.

La voz interior would like to resemble the biographical novels of the 19th century, that deliberately seek to be entertaining, in spite of the fact that Sebastián Uribe Riley’s life was the monotonous existence of a stranger to whom nothing worth

This manual takes a comprehensive approach to the voice in its different categories.

Adaptación del clásico más universal de Julio Verne en el 150 aniversario de su publicación

Phileas Fogg apuesta con los miembros de su club londinense que es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en solo ochenta días.

La vuelta al mundo en 80 días

Ramon Besora has travelled a long way to arrive at this tender, luminous poetry collection, the result of his long love affair with words and the poetic games that they can play.


La butxaca is the paperback imprint of Grup 62 and its policy is to make the contents of the major publishing catalogues in Catalan available to the greatest number of readers possible, to the highest standards and at an accessible price.

Gemma Sanjuan

0034 934928165

Silvia doesn't fit in at home or at school. She does the impossible in order to have a normal life, but she's not happy. There's something missing in her life, but she doesn't know what.

Laia Berloso has a degree in Early Childhood Education and specialises in Visual and Plastic Arts. She currently balances her teaching work with illustration. Her most recent illustrated works include Els angelets de les dents i la Malva [The Tooth Angels and Malva] (Ed.

ライア・ベルロソは児童教育学の学位を持つ、視覚芸術と造形芸術の専門家。現在は教育活動とイラストレーションを両立させている。最近の作品に『Els angelets de les dents i la Malva (歯の天使たちとマルバ)』(Ed. Base)、『La bruixa amiga (魔女のともだち)』(MMV Edicions)、『La vecina más mala de todas las vecinas (最悪の隣人)』(La Galera)がある。

Laia Falcón studied philosophy and worked as an editor until she founded El Culturista, a cultural magazine for families.

Laia Longan is a Barcelona bookseller. Animallibres has also published “Otto, el nen que va arribar amb la neu” (Otto, the Child Who Reached the Snow), her authorial debut in child and young adult literature

Laia López is a young illustrator from Barcelona with a degree in Fine Arts. She has developed a self-taught artistic style and has more than a million followers on Instagram. She is also known for selling her art in the form of pillows, notebooks, phone cases, and much more.

Laia Soler was born in Lleida on a spring day in 1991. She now lives in Barcelona, where she moved in order to achieve her dream of studying journalism and making a living from writing.

Laila Winter is a sixteen-year-old girl with a small problem: she has green hair. This is the reason everyone rejects her and makes fun of her.

Lara Moreno (Sevilla, 1978) saltó a la escena literaria con su primera novela POR SI SE VA LA LUZ (2013), muy bien acogida por la crítica y ganadora del premio Nuevo Talento Literario de la FNAC.

Lara Vázquez (Barcelona, se desconoce el año — Avisará dónde y cuándo morirá). Ha sido guionista de televisión y dio clases en escuelas de cine y de artes visuales.

Lara is curious to know all about everything in the world that surrounds her. She asks question after question, without stopping. Luckily, she has a grandfather who knows how to answer her questions.

The encyclopaedias for which they are known have allowed Larousse to widen their repertoire in different areas: gastronomy, social sciences, art, and more, in keeping with the spirit of spreading information.


In this book, the author invites the reader the consider the world of business and life in general by means of an intelligent reflection of the 27 virtues.

At the peaceful Stargazer school, where students and teachers alike all have nicknames, something unpleasant has been happening: crowns have been disappearing from the little girls' heads... too many crowns!!!

Don Quixote of La Mancha is a novel written by the Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

The year is 1888. London is preparing to celebrate Christmas. Laura Holmes, niece of the popular detective Sherlock Holmes, is offered a very important case: with her inseparable friend Philip H.

In the faraway kingdom of Asgard live the most powerful gods of Nordic mythology. One in particular was famous for his great feats, ferociousness and exceptional strength - Thor, the great god of thunder.


En el lejano reino de Asgard, vivían los dioses más poderosos de la mitología nórdica. Uno de ellos destacó por sus grandes hazañas, su fiereza y su fuerza descomunal... ¡Era Thor, el gran dios del trueno!

Las aventuras de Thor

Antonio Lorente brings the full genius of his portraiture to illustrate the soul of one of the most famous children's characters in all of literature: Tom Sawyer.


Yaiza Rubio, una de las principales expertas en ciberseguridad del mundo, se convierte en la protagonista de este libro, en el que enseña a los chicos y chicas a utilizar internet de forma segura.

Las aventuras del Equipo Ciber


Yaiza Rubio, one of the major world experts on cybersecurity, is the main character in this book designed to teach kids how to use the internet safely.

Since ancient times birds have fascinated men and caught their imagination. Their singular characteristics have allowed them to represent such diverse concepts as liberty, innocence or peace.

Verdun, 1916. When the Great War breaks out, Irene Curie wants to be as close to the front as possible.


Maybe it’s because it’s a sharp, dirty parody set in a provincial town in England, or maybe it’s because of its lewd, irrelevant and sometimes outright provocative language; whatever it is, The Kindness of a murderer immediately brings to mind the

辛口でむさ苦しいパロディー、下品で時に不敬な言葉遣い、全てにおいて腹立たしい、イギリスの田舎町での出来事。そのどれを取っても、本書『Las bondades de un asesino(ある殺人犯の親切心)』はガイ・リッチーや ダニー・ボイルの素晴らしいコメディ映画を彷彿させる。しかしこの小説の結末には物悲しいパラドックスが隠されていて、それはスペインの良質のユーモアのなかにはなかなか根付かない流れだと言えば不興を買うかもしれない。

Fun is guaranteed with this story of Braulia, Brígida and Brunilda, the witch triplets famous at the Witch Academy for their pranks and for always putting their foot in it.



The Lost Letters of Jane Eyre and Ana Karenina is an epistolary novel based on the fictional correspondence between two of literature’s most fascinating female characters.

Las cartas olvidadas de Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina

Paris, 1623. Secret letters. Lost jewels. A secret code. A Queen and a court painter. Camogli, Italy, 2010. Ann Carrington, a history teacher from the US, is on holiday.


The three themes that make up the title of this book have for the last few years occupied the pages of newspapers and magazines, and been the focus of ethics debates not only by specialists, but also by a wider public interested in the consequence

Vindictive secretaries, Mcjobs, spam, impossible loves, domestic possessions, neighbourhood pimps, amateur boys in love with their female best friends, MSN murders, white trash girls, gigantic beetles, nymphomaniacs with webcams, crazy spiritualis

When an English boat brings coal for the furnaces, becomes stranded off the Cantabric coast, finally breaking and dumping its load into the sea. The whole village of Algorta, during the night, wakes up to pick the very much needed coal up.

Detective novel set in turn of the century Barcelona. Baron Castellfullit is at the centre of a plot of hatred that culminates in a failed assassination attempt that will cost the lives of five people. Everyone has a motive for killing the baron.


The night is huge and structureless. But it is punctuated by our hearts. It's mid-afternoon, the weather is good, father rolls up his shirt sleeves. A dog barks outside, the elm trees rustle, the tap in the bathroom drips.


What would you do if you discovered that you have superpowers and your best friends also have strange talents and your greatest enemy is the Devil?

自分に超能力があり、親友たちが不思議な才能を持ち、自分の最大の敵は悪魔だとわかったら、きみならどうする? それが僕に起きたことだ。中学で一番さえない男子だった僕が、地下世界で最も人気のある半天使になった。

Jonas Plum is the name of the candid protagonist of this novel set in the Caribbean in the early nineteenth century.

Dora  and Violeta Oliver, two sisters with  an ambiguous relationship, live an solitary life in a house on the outskirts of a community.

I'm not going to explain the plot of this novel. You can find that in many places.


Four sister cooks who gain fame by feeding rich and poor; a curious young visitor; a noble mansion that seems abandoned; a spot in the European Mediterranean, with a beach and a river, where members of an ancient lineage and families without a hom

David is a member of the Fearless Ones, the gang of friends who appear in the mystery and adventure series of novels written by José María Plaza.

ダビッドは、ホセ・マリア・プラサの冒険ミステリーシリーズLos Sin Miedo(恐れを知らぬ者たち)の主人公である若者たちのひとり。祖父の家で見つけた古い手稿で読んだ怪談を、いつも(場違いなときでさえ)仲間たちに話している。幸い、いつも最後まで話すことができない。

ダビッドは、ホセ・マリア・プラサの冒険ミステリーシリーズLos Sin Miedo(恐れを知らぬ者たち)の主人公である若者たちのひとり。祖父の家で見つけた古い手稿で読んだ怪談を、いつも(場違いなときでさえ)仲間たちに話している。幸い、いつも最後まで話すことができない。


This book pays homage to an entire generation who lived through a time of upheaval and suffering, not just in Spain but across the planet.

Mudy, an eight year old girl, is spending some time at her grandmother's house in the country. In the forest she meets Pedro, the woodcutter, who gives her a silver pine cone with magical powers.

人生において家族やお金の重みとはどれほどのものだろうか?違う場所、時代に、違う身体で生まれてくれば、何か違っただろうか? この小説にはふたりの女性が登場する。ひとりはマリア。彼女は60年代後期にマドリードで働くためにそれまでの人生を捨てた。もうひとりの女性アリシアは、30年以上も後にマリアと同じ道を通る。『Las maravillas (素晴らしいこと)』はお金、そしてお金がないことにまつわる小説で、所持していないお金がどのようして人を定義づけていくのかを描く。

Children can find traditional art tedious and irrelevant, while being dragged around musty art galleries by well meaning adults often only serves to fuel their resentment.

Las Meninas

A book which combines the history of art with images, spectacular pop-ups and enjoyable activities to help readers discover the most celebrated works of Velázquez.

A semi-autobiographical novel, stirred by the stigma of an amour fou for an older, alcoholic man, The Prodigy Girls is also a comedy in several acts, and a tale with hints of gothic horror.

Las niñas prodigio (天才少女たち)は、部分的にはアルコール中毒の中年男の執拗なアムール・フー(狂気の愛)にかき乱される自叙伝だが、数幕ものの演劇、ゴシック・ホラーの色合いを持った物語であるとも言える。しかし本書はとりわけ、ひとりの女性が不完全な現在からスタートして、あらゆる時代に戻るためのアイデンティティについての現代小説だ。

The novel Las niñas prodigio is the result of a yearlong writing retreat in the wilds of the Alpujarras, on the slopes of the Andalusian Sierra Nevada.

Las niñas prodigio (Child Prodigies)


Este libro cuenta —con gran ternura y un toque de imaginación—, el motivo verdadero, tan especial, que impulsó a una familia a adoptar a su segunda hija.

Las Nubes del Corazón

After driving away one cruel orphanage matron, eight rebellious girls swear that nobody will ever humiliate them again.

Tras ahuyentar a la cruel directora de su orfanato, ocho niñas revoltosas juran que nadie las volverá a humillar nunca jamás.

Las nueve bailarinas #1 · Contra la banda del oso

A gusty wind, a cat and a rabbit. A King who becomes a Gink. A snail that says hello. A whale who travels in a foam chariot. Birds who escape from their cage. A little girl who speaks with the wind.


Have you ever noticed the magical power of a hug when you make up with a friend? Have you ever wanted to hide when you realised you were blushing more and more? Who hasn't cried with anger after a disappointment? Fear, affection, jealousy, joy...

友だちと仲直りするときのハグの魔法にあなたは気づいてる? 顔が赤くなるのがわかって、隠れたくなったことはない? がっくりして腹が立って泣いたことは? 恐怖心、やさしさ、嫉妬、喜び……は、本書に出てくる気持ちの一部だ。快くないものもあれば、すばらしいものもあるが、いつでもそういういろんな気持ちが人生を、どこかわくわくする生きるに値するものにするのだ。

The emperor of Japan is determined to regain the power that the samurais seized from his ancestors at any price. However, the Hōjō clan attacks the imperial capital before the uprising.


A new girl, Felisa Wilmer, joins a religious school for girls in the north of Buenos Aires.

The SUPERHEROES OF ROBERTO SANTIAGO multiverse is an innovative long-term publishing project: a saga of several independent collections that makes its debut with the launch of the first two: THE ELEVEN and THE REBEL PRINCESSES.

「ロベルト・サンティアゴのスーパーヒーローズ」は、前例のない長期出版プロジェクトで、『LOS ONCE(イレブン)』と『LAS PRINCESAS REBLEDES(手に負えない王女たち)』というふたつのシリーズで幕を開ける、複数のそれぞれ独立したシリーズを集めたサーガ。冒険や超能力、時事問題、ユーモアの素晴らしい組み合わせで、子どもたちを読書の虜にしてしまう。

There are kinds of psychosis associated with a more benign clinical pattern than the major psychoses and these have been named atypical psychoses.


It tells eight real stories that take place during the civil war, stories rescued from those who, in order to survive, had to leave Spain to try their luck in another country.

In the outskirts of Prague a woman’s body appears: her throat has been slit and her eyes gouged out. Over the following weeks, one by one, more women’s bodies keep appearing with different limbs amputated each time.

 The professionals charged with accompanying the people and families who face the death of a loved one, especially when this death has been sudden or traumatic, need specific skills to help them comprehend the complexity of the experience, and cri

A fish called Yorick and a kitten called Montaigne. A young philosophy student who corners her old professor in the corridors of the faculty.

Ernesto, a writer always trying to find inspiration for his masterpiece, finds an old brass safe that contains a photo of a young couple, Mercedes and Andrés, along with a series of love letters.

In an unknown region, lost in the mists of the Middle Ages, lives Baronet Otto Pette, a man committed in body and soul to the ever difficult task of forgetting the past itself.

The story of "The magic candles" has not been written by anyone yet. It cannot be found in any bookshop.


Adriana llora a su madre mientras cuida de su padre enfermo. Congelada por el dolor, temiendo la desaparición de su familia, advierte la carga emocional que arrastra.

Las voces de Adriana

An estate agent with a passion for her job is preparing a house for a visit from some buyers when she runs into a seven-year-old boy who doesn’t blink.

The notes of “Adiós Nonino”; the tears of Máxima de Holanda during her tryst with Prince William; the photo that she discovers, among the guests, the face of a dangerous activist daughter of a German banker.


The essays collected in this book represent an approach to the always difficult relations between Spain and England, from the point of view of Cultural History: according to this perspective, there are many more “cosas de España” (“Spanish things”

Lata de Sal is a publisher of illustrated/picture books specialising in contemporary books as well as classics for children. Their catalogue already has nearly 60 different titles in Spanish and 40 in Catalan and Galician.

Lata de Sal SL(ラタ・デ・サル)は子ども向けの新作・名作の挿絵入り書籍や絵本を出版している。これまでにスペイン語の本60点近くとカタルーニャ語、ガリシア語の本40点を刊行している。

Laura in the City of Saints is an undeniable classic of 20th century Catalan fiction. It tells the story of an attractive, inexperienced woman who hopes to fulfil herself by marriage to a rich heir from a provincial city: Comarquinal.

Laura en la ciudad de los santos (聖人の街のラウラ)は、誰もが認める20世紀カタルーニャ文学の古典のひとつ。地方都市コマルキナルの裕福な家の跡取り息子との結婚によって自己実現をしようとする、世間ずれしていない魅力的な女性の物語。しかし、彼女はすぐに、欲得ずくの上品ぶった保守的社会の裏に隠れた偽善に気づく。ラウラはボヴァリー夫人と共通点が多いが、最終的に反抗するところが違っている。

A graduate in Fine Arts from the Universidad de Barcelona and in Advanced Illustration Technique from the Barcelona Escola Llotja. She works as a freelance children's illustrator on publishing projects, and for Catalonian independent television.

Laura Barbero Miguel (Salamanca, 1976) has a university diploma in Nursing from the Universidad Pontificia in Salamanca, a diploma in Public Health from the National Health School, and in Company Nursing from the National School for Medicine at Work.


Laura Catalán was born in Vigo. She studied Humanities and Anthropology but she felt as if these areas were missing an ingredient. Her search took her to illustration and she found it hard to believe that something so fun could be a job.

Laura Falcó Lara (Barcelona 1969) has a degree in English Literature from the University of Barcelona and a Masters in Business Management from ESADE.


Laura Ferrero es periodista y editora y se ha convertido en una autora revelación tras la publicación de su primer libro de relatos, Piscinas vacías (Alfaguara, 2016). Compagina su trabajo para diversas editoriales e instituciones culturales con la pasión por la escritura.

Laura Ferrero is a journalist and editor who became a breakout author following the publication of her first book of short stories, Piscinas vacías (‘Empty Swimming Pools’, Alfaguara, 2016).

Laura Freixas (Barcelona, 1958) is the author of short-story collections (El asesino de la muñeca, 1988, Cuentos de los cuarenta, 2001), novels  (Último domingo en Londres, 1997, Entre amigas, 1998, Amor o lo que sea, 2005), an essay (Literatura y mujeres, 2000) and an autobiography (Adolescencia

ラウラ・フレイシャス(1958年、バルセロナ生まれ)は、地元バルセロナのリセオ・フランセス(フランスのインターナショナルスクール)で学んだ。1980年に法学士を取得したが、執筆は常にしていた。1988年に短編集『El asesino en la muñeca(手首の殺人者)』でデビュー。

Laura Gallego holds a position of honour among child and young adult literature authors in Spain. She has a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad de Valencia, but began to write at the early age of eleven.

Laura was born on 11 October, 1977. Her place of birth is Quart Poblet, Valencia, where she still lives. At the age of 11 she started writing a fantasy novel and published her first book at 21.

ラウラ・ガジェゴはスペインの児童・YA文学界で栄えある地位を占めている。バレンシア大学でスペイン語文献学の博士号を取得している彼女が創作を始めたのはわずか11歳のときだった。デビュー作の『この世のおわり』(邦訳:偕成社)でバルコ・デ・バポール賞を受賞、3年後に再び『漂泊の王の伝説』(邦訳:偕成社)で同賞を受ける。童話のほか、国民児童文学賞を受賞した『Donde los árboles cantan(木々が歌う場所)』や絶大な人気を誇る3部作『Memorias de Idhún(イドゥウン年代記)』など、これまでに30冊の小説を上梓している。

The author was born in Seville in 1979, where she studied Audiovisual Communication. Following her passion for writing, she finished her studies with a Postgraduate degree in Scriptwriting at the Escuela Superior de Cine y Audiovisuales de Cataluña (ESCAC).


A graduate of Classical Language and Literature, Laura Gomara works both in publishing and as a teacher of creative writing.


Laura Isabel Arranz es doctora en Alimentación y Nutrición, farmacéutica y dietista-nutricionista. Profesora del
Departamento de Nutrición, Ciencias de la Alimentación y Gastronomía de la Universidad de Barcelona; consultora

食物・栄養学博士、薬剤師、管理栄養士。バルセロナ大学の栄養・食物・ガストロノミー学科教授。栄養コンサルタントとして、また個人・家庭アドバイザーとしての仕事もしている。専門は肥満、線維筋痛症、慢性痛、良い習慣の獲得。科学記事の調査や執筆を手がけ、数冊の著書がある。「Gana Nutrición(食事を味方にしよう)」プロジェクトの創設者。Webサイト「Dieta Lógica y Alimentación Emocional(ロジカル・ダイエットと感情豊かな食事)」の制作者で、個々の特性に合わせた地中海料理を広めている。

Laura Macaulay joined Pushkin Press as Deputy Publisher in 2016, and acquires fiction and non-fiction across the imprints Pushkin Press, the Pushkin Collection, Pushkin Vertigo and ONE. She’s a member of the English PEN Literature in Translation committee.


What made you interested in publishing?

Laura Macaulay joined Pushkin Press as Deputy Publisher in 2016, and acquires fiction and non-fiction across the imprints Pushkin Press, the Pushkin Collection, Pushkin Vertigo and ONE. She’s a member of the English PEN Literature in Translation committee.

Anècdotes de primer magnitud is a collection of twenty-four short stories in Catalan, interwoven with subtle ties of time, memory and love that g

Anécdotas de primera magnitud

Laura McGloughlin has been a freelance translator from Spanish and Catalan since completing a Masters in Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia.

Laura McGloughlin has been a freelance translator from Spanish and Catalan since completing a Masters in Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia.


How did you get into literary translation?

Thanks to good karma, Laura Norton, has been able to earn a living from writing.

Laura Pérez (Valencia, 1983) ha trabajado en el ámbito de la ilus- tración para publicaciones y editoriales nacionales y extranjeras como The Washington Post, National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, Wacom, American Airlines, Fnac, El País, Penguin Random House, entre otras.

Laura Riñón Sirera (Zaragoza, 1975) was born in Zaragoza but when she was just three, her family moved to Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).


Laure Merle d’Aubigné's literary agency represents French and Spanish language publishers in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries and represents, primarily Spanish, authors, globally. Laure Merle d’Aubigné founded the A.C.E.R Literary Agency in 1986.


Lauren Etxepare (Irún, 1972) estudió en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad del País Vasco, donde se doctoró. Es profesor agregado desde 2012 y fue director del Departamento de Arquitectura.

Lauren Etxepare (Irun, 1972) a étudié à l'École technique supérieure d'architecture de l'Université du Pays basque, où il a obtenu son doctorat. Il est professeur agrégé depuis 2012 et a été directeur du Département d'architecture.

A woman travels from Geneva to Lausanne to visit her son. Through the window of the train, her memories slide inexorably over the lake’s surface. In spite of the passage of time, some memories retain their ability to harm us.

The main character of this delightful book is Maria, a little girl who loves writing her name, testing new flavours, and playing, but not washing her hands.

ブルーニョは1898年にその歩みを開始した。現在はヨーロッパ随一の出版企業集団と考えられているアシェットグループに属する。児童・YA文学では第一人者とされ、既刊本のなかには『アステリックス』や『トム・ゲイツ』のシリーズ、『星の王子さま』『もりでいちばんつよいのは?』、『Junie B. Jones(ジュニー・B・ジョーンズ) 』シリーズなど、世界的に有名なキャラクターの書籍が数多くある。

Layla Martínez (Madrid, 1987) es escritora y editora en el sello independiente Antipersona. Su ensayo más reciente, UTOPÍA NO ES UNA ISLA, explora la idea de la utopía en los últimos siglos y la posibilidad de construir un horizonte utópico en el presente.

Lázaro Covadlo (Buenos Aires, 1937) se dio a conocer en 1997 con los relatos de Agujeros negros y le siguieron las novelas: Remington Rand, una infancia extraordinaria (1998), Conversación con el monstruo (1998), La casa de Patrick Childers (1999), Bolero (2001), Criaturas de la noche (Premio Caf


Leandro Lamas had his first exhibition in 1998 at the Sargadelos Gallery in Ferrol and has not stopped painting since.
He has exhibited his paintings in many different places from bars to art galleries.

This practical and easy to read book is structured in five main sections. The first takes a conceptual approach to conflict, the ideas associated with it and its causes.

The entry of a new team into the Formula 1 circus, without a sponsor or famous names, surprised a lot of people.

In 2006 Imatge-9, SL, the publishing company of Cossetània Edicions, created the imprint Lectio Ediciones, with which it publishes books in Spanish on a similar line to those published by Cossetània.

Ledicia Costas is a Galician author with a degree in Law, who has dedicated herself professionally and exclusively to literature for several years.


Legua Editorial's aim is for all-round quality, both in terms of its texts and authors as well as the editions it produces, and is a benchmark of good-quality publishing. It specialises in adult fiction and illustrated titles for children and adults.

Leila Guerriero was born in 1967 in Junín, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She began her career in journalism in 1991, in the magazine Página/30.

Leila Nachawati Rego lectures in Journalism at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and is responsible for Communications at the international human rights organisation, Association for Progressive Communications.


A group of Westerners living in Egypt set out on a journey to the Libyan Desert in February 2006, during the 'Cartoon Controversy'.

January 1945, end of World War II. A young woman wrapped in a heavy military cape that hardly protects her from the cold escapes through Polish and Czech territories.

レラは児童・YA読者向けのガリシア語書籍に特化した出版社。2016年の設立以来、 Mulleres Galegas(ガリシアの女たち)シリーズをはじめとする15点の本を刊行してきた。

A young woman is overjoyed to discover she is pregnant. So the rollercoaster starts, planning to redecorate the house with her partner, choosing a name, imagining their new life together.


Una mujer joven ecuatoriana tiene una hija con un banquero catalán y en medio de una sociedad actual rota busca una forma de redimir la emigración familiar que se remonta a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, desde la Viena ocupada por los Nazis.Un potente

Lengua ajena

A young Ecuadorian woman has a daughter with a Catalan banker and, in the middle of our broken contemporary society, tries to put an end to her family’s cycle of emigration that has

A young Ecuadorian woman has a daughter with a Catalan banker and, in the middle of our broken contemporary society, tries to put an end to her family’s cycle of emigration that has


As in the ancient legends of the Orient, the author invites us to discover a singular universe made up of secrets and shadows by a cat who wants to achieve wisdom, a sultan who wants to rule the kingdom of silence and a dumb carpet weaver who expr


Lengua de Trapo is an independent literary publishing house. We’ve been working for 15 years in the creation of a wide but coherent and extremely rich catalogue focused on the new narrative in Spanish and the most original voices of other countries.

Después de un accidente que a la postre resultó fatídico, Ana María pasó tres años entrando y saliendo de una clínica en Hermosillo, ciudad en la que culminó la última de sus vidas.

Lengua dormida

After what turns out to be a fateful accident, Ana María spent three years in and out of a clinic in Hermosillo, the city in which she spent the last of her lives.


There are thousands of languages in the world. And each one is a treasure trove of words, expressions, stories, and games.

En el mundo hay miles de lenguas. Y cada una guarda un tesoro en sus palabras, expresiones, historias, juegos. Lenguas muy habladas, pero también muy poco habladas, incluso lenguas que se dejaron de hablar y se han recuperado.

Lenguas del mundo

Leo Margets is the woman who went furthest in the world poker championships held in Las Vegas in the summer of 2009, achieving 27th place from nearly 6,500 participants, which makes her the best female player in the world.

After coming out victorious in his previous adventure, nobody knows why Leo Titán decided not to ever come back to the magic World of Ultreya. During his absence, General Matur has met a powerful Djinn who will grant him all his wishes.

Leo is a young lion who feels a bit strange because he's about to get a new sister. His friends are no help, they just say that once his little sister is born Leo won't be the most important anymore.


My name is León, León Kamikaze. I’ve never had a family; not even friends. I fell in love once... I've had three lives. In the first, the world rejected me. In the second, everyone hated me. In the third, I still don’t know who I am.


León Rodríguez Zahar, Mexican, is a graduate of El Colegio de México and a career diplomat. He has a Ph.D in History of Art and specialises in Middle Eastern subjects. He has had postings at the United Nations and in Libya, Egypt, Palestine and Spain.

レオン・ロドリゲス=サアールはメキシコ⼤学院⼤学卒業のメキシコ人。キャリア外交官。美術史で博⼠号取得。専⾨は中東。外交官として、対国連、レバノン、エジプト、パレスティナ、スペインに赴任。メキシコ⼤学院⼤学からLa revolución islámica de Irán (イランのイスラム⾰命、1991)、Líbano, espejo del Medio Oriente (レバノン 中東の鏡、2004)、Arte islámico, evocación del Paraíso (イスラム芸術 楽園の喚起、2008)を出版。「レフォルマ紙」の⽂化欄エル・アンヘルに寄稿。

Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910). The skill of this deep, multi-talented Russian author penetrated the deepest corners of the society of his era to enlighten those shadows and bring to light the spirit that enlightened his contemporaries.

Leonardo Cano (Murcia, 1977) has a law degree and a Masters in Literary Theory and European Comparative Literature.

Twelve years after the death of his father in the Valley of Lotar, Pablo Galván receives a letter that his father Arturo wrote to him shortly before dying.


Leopoldo Abadía (Zaragoza, 1933), Phd in Industrial Engineering, is a retired professor of the IESE Business School. He is nowadays president of the Consulting and Training Sonnenfeld Group. Father of 12 and grandfather of 38, he assures knowing nothing about economy.

 Leopoldo Brizuela is a poet, writer, translator and screenwriter. His novel Inglaterra, una fábula won the Premio Clarín de Novela in 2009 and has been translated into several languages by highly prestigious publishers.

On the shores of the Aegean Sea, in the long-forgotten times of King Minos, stands Crete in all its glory. The people living there are at the edges of a land that is growing more violent. Until now.

He's called Pedro and he is a boy although he seems like a girl. In contrast, his sister Valeria, seems like a boy. They are the weirdest kids in school.


The plot develops in Egypt, a country that has fascinated the author since she was a child, with its mysteries, architectural marvels and especially its complex mythology.


Esta es la historia de un rosal que vive en un jardín maravilloso pero se siente tan solo y triste que se empieza a marchitarse. La llegada de una luciérnaga y la curiosidad de saber quien es, y que viene a hacer en su jardín, lo reaviva.

Les cuques de llum

Maria Roderich (The Old Lady), Maria Magí (The Mrs) and Maria Costa are three women who, throughout almost a century, have run La Principal, the most important house in the village of Pous, in the heart of the grape-producing region of La Abadia.

Maria Roderich (The Old Lady), Maria Magí (The Mrs) and Maria Costa are three women who, throughout almost a century, have run La Principal, the most important house in the village of Pous, in the heart of the grape-producing region of La Abadia.


The brutal murder of two partners of a financial advice company in Barcelona unleashes a huge police operation that implicates Germán Rojo, a powerful figure who believes himself to be untouchable, conferred with the gift of immunity and far above

This is a ghost story. A novel that begins with a return and ends with a howl.

これは幽霊の話だ。帰還に始まり、咆哮とともに終わる⼩説。Les possesions (憑依)の語り⼿は、バルセロナからパルマに旅し、⽗親の偏執的な陰謀のスパイラルにブレーキをかけようとする。⽗親は退職と同時に穏やかな学校教師から⼀転、都市犯罪疑惑に対して法廷闘争を始めた。居⼼地の悪い週末、突然見知らぬ人間へと変貌した⽗親との会話、何事もないかのように振る舞う⺟親、そして古い恋⼈でよき助⾔者だった男。

Leticia Ruifernández was born in Madrid in 1976. She is an Architect by training. Her interest in paining as a means of storytelling has directed her professional career to focus on the world of illustration and on the creation of numerous books featuring both text and images.


"Charcoal Letters" (Irene Vasco and Juan Palomino): Almost no-onemin the town of Palenque knows how to read. Señor Valendia, the owner of the shop, is one of the few people who do.


In the village of Palenque, almost nobody knows how to read, but the shopkeeper Señor Velandia is one of the few who does.

Letrimagia is a magic team of professionals who are passionate about literature and children. All of us have an incredible past, an amazing, magical present, and a promising future yet to be discovered.

The novel tells the story of Fuerte, a young man living in the countryside happy with his simple existence, until one day he meets a stranger who changes his fate forever.

Gil Baleares was once an officer of Mexico City Police, but now he’s just a rather unsuccessful Private Investigator, haunted by the memories of his ex-wife and out of money.

There are as many stories as there are words and voices inside people. There are as many poems as there are sounds and colours in nature. So what happens when a poem gets inside a story? Suddenly, a legend appears.


As is well-known, in the Middle Ages the Way of St James provided the perfecct conditions for the greatest, most continual concentration of people from different countries, and for rich cultural exchange.


For hundreds of years pilgrims have been making the journey to the tomb of Saint James the Apostle in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, near the “End of the World” at Finisterre.

Leyendas y milagros del camino de Santiago

As is well-known, in the Middle Ages the Way of St James provided the perfecct conditions for the greatest, most continual concentration of people from different countries, and for rich cultural exchange.

Ribera del Ebre, April of 1930. Dolors, Lola, is found dead on the shore of the Ebre river.


Madrid, winter of 1620.


Our aim is to publish specialist works in a variety of disciplines for the professionals works that, due to their practical aspects, will also be easily understood by the general reading public.


Independent publishing house founded on the conviction that all great stories are classic and modern, regardless of their origins. Our catalogue aims to represent a transversal reflection of authors and genres that helps us to understand our times.


Book bot offers you an entertaining and educational journey into a cyber universe. A fascinating world of robots and amazing landscapes where children can let their imaginations fly.

サイバネティックの世界をめぐる、楽しく教育的な旅の本。ロボットやすばらしい景色の魅力あふれる世界が、子どもたちに想像の翼を広げさせる。インタラクティブな作りで、ダイナミックにどこからでも読める。「すばらしい機能を持つ、何百万ものロボットがある。小さなもの、中くらいのものもあれば、太陽も隠してしまうほど大きくて、何キロも先から見えるものもある。ロボットに何ができると思う? ロボットのガイド、ロンポットが、無数の自動人形や機械や奇跡に満ちたこの世界で待ち受ける謎を教えてくれる」

This manual brings together in one volume all the different level of Reiki, from the very first initiation through to the highest level of mastery.

This complete manual gathers for the first time in one volume all the levels of Reiki.

こんなにたくさんの動物たちが集まってここで何しているのだろう? 王様選び! 状況からみて、最後に王座につくのはどう見てもライオンのようだが、雌ギツネは陰で権力を操るためにあらゆる策略を巡らすだろう。すべてを支配する快感に浸りたい、その昔からの願望に突き動かされ、主人公(雌ギツネ)は、だまし、嘘、ずる賢さ、巧みな話術を駆使して陰謀を企てる。しかし、この作品は本当は動物の話ではない。動物は登場するが、人間の本性の暗い面を描いている。

¿Qué hacen aquí tantos animales reunidos? ¡Pues elegir rey! Todo parece indicar que será el León quien al fin se engaste la corona, aunque la Zorra hará todo tipo de artimañas para controlar el poder desde la sombra.

Libro de las bestias

A stimulating book to read and look at. It combines the discovery of everyday objects, nature and creativity with the similarities between the five most important geometric shapes.


During the course of his life Pablo Neruda wrote countless poems dedicated to every person, animal, mineral and object in the universe. After his death, poems kept appearing to fill more books, in case anyone had been left out.

An audacioius story surrounds this Visitors' Book.

Libro Hobby Club was founded in 2000, and counts on the talents of a group of professionals with more than thirty years experience in the publishing world. The company has continued to grow since its establishment, and is renowned for the meticulous quality of its books.

Libros Cúpula publishes book on the home, health, care of children, sexuality, hobbies, humour, music and film. It is the largest illustrated practical book publisher of the Planeta group, issuing high quality and more economical books.

A publishing house specialising in cycling and bicycle-related themes, both in non-fiction (biographies, chronicles, etc.) and fiction. It also publishes titles relating to other sports under the LDR Sport imprint.


Libros de Seda is a publishing house based in Madrid, Spain, which specialises in fiction.

Libros del Asteroide is an independent publishing house founded by Luis Solano in 2005.


Libros del Imaginario publishes books for children and young people. Through our three collections (Letrarium, Gran Letrarium and Ilustrarium), we hope to appeal to all audiences with writing that is both entertaining and of a high quality.

Libros del Imaginario publishes books for children and young people. Through our three collections (Letrarium, Gran Letrarium and Ilustrarium), we hope to appeal to all audiences with writing that is both entertaining and of a high quality.

As the main tool for building a publishing house's identity, the catalogue requires titles that follow a clear line and one that makes it easier for readers to choose.

This is Libros del Náufrago's aim. We aim, no more and no less, to produce books and find readers for them.


An independent publsher founded in barcelona in 2009. With a catalogue which includes narrative, essays and poetry, its interests stretch from great but forgotten or unpublished national works to new talents both at home and abroad.

Since their inception in 2004, Libros del Zorro Rojo have established themselves as an internationally recognized publisher of illustrated books for readers of all ages. They have received the 2011 National Award for the Best Publishing Work and the Best European Publisher Prize, FLB 2015.

The surprising and ingenious system of moving and folding the pages of this book allow readers to discover the illustrations and text that turn it into an infinite book.

ページを動かしたり折ったりすると次々にイラストや文章が現れ、「無限の本」へと変わっていくという、機知に富んだ驚くべき仕組みの本。フアン・アスピリクエタのデザインにより、読者はページを様々な方法で見て、読むことができる。遊びが詰まった、尽きることのない読書体験だ。初めて本を読む年齢の子どもたち向けにグラフィックが工夫された『Libros infinitos. El Sistema solar(無限の本たち:太陽系のはなし)』は、単なる本にとどまらない。

A MAGICAL ACTIVITY BOOK, WHERE YOU CAN WRITE AND ERASE TO PRACTICE LETTERS AND NUMBERS Ideal for parents and teachers who want to introduce children to learning to read and write in the most fun way.


Licia López de Casenave was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She studied history and has been working in publishing in that country for many years. She has carried out long research on the military dictatorship and the armed movements in Argentina.
This is her second book.

LID Editorial is a leader in business and enterprise books. Founded in 1993 we publish more than one hundred books a year in Spanish and English.

Liébana Goñi Yárnoz (Pamplona, 1986) es escritora e ilustradora. Estudió artes, diseño gráfico y dirección de arte en publicidad interactiva.

Liébana Goñi Yárnoz (Pamplona, 1986) is a writer and illustrator. She studied art, graphic design, and art management in interactive advertising.

The disturbing story of a relationship. What happens to fairies who can't find true love? Lili believes in fairies, Marlene doesn't.

恋人同士の波乱万丈な物語。真実の愛が手に入らないとき妖精はどうなるだろうか? リリは妖精を信じている、マルレーンは信じていない。マルレーンは慎重、リリはクレイジー。読者はこの双子のおかげで、ベルリン出身のカタルーニャ語教師である母親と、「ママの新しい恋人」の間のどきどきの恋の行方を目の当たりにできる。舞台はバルセロナ。ベルリンを出たときは小学生になったばかりだった双子のまなざしは、裁くことなく、母親と恋人の弱点や欠点、素晴らしさや喜びをとらえていく。

Es escritora y psicodramatista. Es autora de libros infantiles publicados por A buen paso, Einaudi Ragazzi, Eli Edizioni, Libri Liberi y Telos.

Lilith Moscón is a writer and drama therapist. She has published other children’s books with various publishers like A buen paso, Einaudi Ragazzi, Eli Edizioni, Libri Liberi, and Telos.

Eight narratives almost entirely featuring women, daughters of pop culture, who live under their crowns of an "existential literary and musical narrative" and yearn for fascination.

Eight narratives almost entirely featuring women, daughters of pop culture, who live under their crowns of an "existential literary and musical narrative" and yearn for fascination.

The unnamed narrator of ‘The Astronauts’ (an auto-fictionalised version of the author) is a woman in her 30s whose parents divorced when she was just a baby.

Los Astronautas

Lindsey Ford has had a career as a Spanish to English translator for over a decade, and also works as a literary scout and reader.

Werner is a member of Nazi Germany's Hitler Youth as the country prepares for war. His family has a great secret, and when it is revealed Werner is forced to flee across Europe. His flight takes him first to Trieste, and then to France.

もし君が殺人犯でそれを知らないとしたら? ある連続殺人事件によってロンドン市民は不安に襲われる。この一連の殺人事件を結びつける不穏なもの、それは「水」である。コルト警部はこれらの凶悪殺人事件を解決し、その背後にある謎を解き明かすことができるのだろうか? もしかしたら水の殺人犯は、私たちが認めたくないくらい、近くにいるかもしれない。もし君が殺人犯で、それを知らないとしたら?


Liquid Memories. El asesino del agua

After completing her studies in philosophy, Lisa Biggi (1975) contributed to poetry competitions and literary magazines.

リザ・ビッジ(1975年生まれ)は、哲学を学び、詩のコンクールに応募し、文学誌に寄稿する。『Miranda(ミランダ)』(La Palissade, 2016)、『Une nuit d'été(夏の夜)』(Magellan & Cie、2017)、『Il cavaliere Senza Macchia(汚れのない騎士)』(Cepages、2019)など、悲喜劇の物語やさまざまな絵本を出版してきた。ミラノの学校で日中働いているので、夜、執筆する。 パロマ・コラル(1982年生まれ)は美術学部卒業。

Lisbon, November 1942. Portugal has received an ultimatum to go to war. The terror of Nazi occupation or Allied bombing takes over the city.

Our publishing house is called Litera and it talks about creating. Meaning going up and down, talking, fighting, learning, leaning out, jumping, falling, laughing, sharing, dreaming and... sleeping (when possible). Our Litera aims to be more than just a publishing house.

Travessera de Gràcia 47-49 08021 Barcelona
Justyna Rzewuska
93 366 02 91

There has always been a very fertile relationship between literature and cinema.

Ilustradora de Granada, MI VIDA SIN ROSA es su primer cómic bajo un sello editorial.

グラナダのイラストレーター。『MI VIDA SIN ROSA(ピンク無しの私の人生)』は、著者がインプリントで発表した初めてのコミック。

Llanos Campos was born in Albacete in 1963.

Llanos Campos was born in Albacete in 1963.

Juan has managed to gain his independence, far from his native country, when he is forced to return to his small hometown due to the death of his father.


Llevantada es un pequeño canto a la madurez. Con esta
novela corta, Carme Ripoll nos muestra como una vez bien


Jerusalem. Nora has just lost her best friend; she has killed herself at the Jewish market. A few months later another terrorist attack, this time against a Palestinian child, will affect her closely. The pillars of her life collapse.

Llorenç Capdevila (Alpicat, el Segrià, 1969) is a graduate of Catalan philogogy; he teaches in Manresa and contributes to various regional organs of the media.

Born in Alfafar (Valencia) in 1954
He studied teaching and worked as a teacher at the Gavina school, one of the first schools to pioneer teaching in the Valencian language. He passed his public teaching exams and began his teaching career at the Llauri state school.


Llucía Ramis studied Communication Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and works as a journalist. She has been editor of Quimera magazine as well as producing and presenting the books programme, Això no és Islàndia on Balearic television.

Lluís Calvo (Zaragoza, 1963) has published nineteen books of poetry, the most recent being Col·lisions (3i4, 2009), Estiula (Labreu, 2011), Teresa la mòmia (with David Caño, Pont del Petroli, 2013) and Llegat rebel (Edicions Terrícola, 2013). He has also published three novels: Aconitum (Ed.

リュイス・カルボ(1963年サラゴサ生まれ)はこれまでに19冊の詩集を出版。また、小説は、Aconitum (トリカブト, 1999)、Electra i la carretera (エレクトラと街道, 2001)、L’expulsió del paradís (楽園からの追放, 2004)の3作を出版、エッセイではLes interpretacions (解釈, 2006) 、Baules i llenguatges (つながりと言葉, 2011)を出版している。他にも共著や雑誌で多数文学評論記事を執筆。国内の地方や都市の文学賞を多数受賞している。

Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona. He has been working as a professional illustrator of
children’s books since 1993. He also writes books for children and young readers. 

In 2007 Lluís Llach (Girona, 1948) brought to a close an artistic career spanning forty years that had taken him everywhere in the world with the hits of Catalan song. He made his debut as a novelist with Memoria de unos ojos pintados (Memories of a Pair of Painted Eyes).

Lluís Prats was born in Terrassa in 1966. He studied Art and Archaeology at UAB and Girona Univeristy. For several years he worked as an historian.

1966年、タラサ生まれ。カタルーニャ文学作家。30万部以上を売り上げた世界的ベストセラー『Hachiko. El perro que esperaba(ハチ公 待っていた犬)』で知られる。バルセロナ大学とジローナ大学で美術史と考古学を学ぶ。多才な作家で、エッセイ、美術書、歴史小説、20冊以上の児童文学など、あらゆる分野の著作がある。

Lluís-Anton Baulenas (Barcelona, 1958) is a novelist, translator and dramatist. His novels and theatre productions have won him some of the major prizes for Catalan literature.

Luisa Sallent was born in the town of Ripollet on the 12th of December 1934. The difficult circumstances of her childhood, in the post-war period, led her to free herself from a closed and repressive environment and to show her independent character from an early age.

Lluïsot is an illustrator and graphic novelist.

Lluïsot es ilustrador y dibujante de cómic. Colaborador regular en la revista satírica El Jueves, ha publicado en otros medios y revistas como La Vanguardia, El Periódico de Catalunya, Tretzevents y Cavall Fort.

We are an independent publisher with five collections. We publish current essays, classics, children and young people and fiction. We started work in mid-2010 and to date we have published 25 titles.

On 20th November 1936 a man died and a myth was born. Buenaventura Durruti, the mechanic, anarchist gunman, and member of the Barcelona anti-fascist militia.


Madness is not a good travel companion when your job is murder. A professional assassin abandons the organisation he has worked for many years.


"A woman cannot be herself in modern society", wrote Henrik Ibsen in 1878. Things have changed, but not enough. Almost 150 years later, a young actress knows how to change her face and voice, but feels she cannot be herself.


This book shows children and adults the magic of words, the mystery of fortune telling and the amazing experience of having an art exhibition in your own home. What more could you want?

Lo que dicen los síntomas (What the Symptoms Say) 

Lo que dicen los síntomas

Alicia is a young supply teacher who has to move with her three-year-old daughter to the the capital of La Mancha to teach in a school for a few months.


Lucie and Danny are best siblings. In fact, they are more than that, they are best friends. They share everything, have no secrets, but this beautiful relationship changes.

Nadia is heading to Ibiza to oversee the work at Sa Marea, the house she and her husband Marcos have bought. Her marriage is not at its best.


Sandra has decided to go to live in a village on the east coast of Spain: she has left her job and, pregnant, spends the days trying to put off the decision of what to do with her life.

Winter 1936: the rebel troops that have risen up against the Second Spanish Republic bomb Madrid. The republican government decides to start evacuating the most valuable paintings in the Prado.





Antonia is twenty-six when she finds herself alone with her four-year-old son in the ever-changing Madrid of the 1980s.


Cuando la guerra aparece en los titulares, suele provocar sentimientos como el miedo, la tristeza, la ira o la ansiedad en los más pequeños. Los niños siempre buscan respuestas en los mayores y encontrar seguridad y protección.

Lo que no le gusta a la guerra

The children's picture book gives visibility to all types of bodies, and highlights the importance of loving ourselves as we are.


In the early 1990s, the death of a young boy changes the lives and routines of a group of villagers on the Mediterranean coast who in the last forty years have already lived through huge transformation.

With an attentive and subtle gaze and an unaffected emotiveness, Paloma Díaz-Mas explores the meeting of two stories, two pasts (that of the family and the collective past, the political and the personal), which remains embodied in objects, accoun


What do dogs dream about? Maybe looking like their owners? Having fleas and being able to make fire?

Lo que sueñan los perros (What Dogs Dream About)

Lo que sueñan los perros

Israel is a writer and insurance salesman in the middle of a mid-life crisis who suddenly finds his world crumbling around him when, following some medical tests, his mother has to go into hospital in Vigo, where she lives.

STAY ALIVE Antonia Scott is not afraid of anything. Only herself. NEVER WAS But there is someone more dangerous than her. Someone who could defeat her. SO DIFFICULT The Black Wolf is getting closer and closer.


Rachel and Anne are twin sisters who come to the world together and face life together. They will invent their own language, create a common imaginary world and develop a unique complicity.

Adrian is a strange teenager. Not just because of his autistic behaviour but because he is a seventh son and in the tradition of the mountains that means he is a werewolf.


A perfect book for history lovers, with 125 extraordinary, funny anecdotes about the world’s biggest civilisations and historical eras. We all know that there are pyramids in Egypt and that medieval knights were formidable warriors.


Illustrated books with a heart. www.somoslibros.es

A publisher specialising in children's and young people's literature. Founded in 1977, it works with internationally recognised authors of prestige.

The literary agency Laure Merle d’Aubigné represents French- and German-language publishing houses in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries, as well as authors - principally Spanish ones - throughout the world.

Lola Llatas was born in Valencia in 1976, and currently lives in London with her family. She studied Civil Engineering.

Lola López Mondéjar (1958, Murcia) is a psychologist, psychoanalist and writer.

Valencia, 1941. Co-ordinator of International Cultural Organizations in the Spanish Ministry of the Exterior, where she was also director of the novel and essay section of the publication Índice Cultural. She contributes to Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos and other specialist journals.

Lola Moral (born 1964 in Montalbán de Córdoba) studied fine arts in Granada, specialising in art restoration. That's where she met Sergio García, who introduced her to the world of cartoons and comics.

Born in Madrid in 1961, Lola Núñez edits text books for Santillana and and writes books for children and adults. She also has a degree in Teaching, which gives her an informed perspective on the needs of readers of different ages. She has dozens of highly successful titles to her name.

Lola Ordóñez (escritora): Escritora de cuentos, además de psicóloga infantil y psicoterapeuta familiar. Mi experiencia como psicóloga me ha permitido dedicarme a proyectos llenos de alma y corazón, donde las emociones nos hablan y los conflictos se escuchan.

Lolita Bosch (Barcelona, 1970) is a graduate in Philosophy and began her literary career in Mexico. She has received some of the most prestigious awards, including the Serra d'Or Critics' Prize, the Young Protagonist and the Cultural Omnium for Literary Experimentation.

In 1922, together with several other friends, Manuel de Falla organised the first 'Deep Song' festival.

This impassioned and passion-inspiring biography of Federico García Lorca sets out to bring to light aspects of the poet’s life that have been ignored or distorted for more than seventy years, finally giving the poet’s homosexuality the place it d

Lorena Chanes was born in Montevideo, Uruguay on November 1 1984. She moved to Spain (El Masnou, Barcelona) with her parents and sister in 1990. She has lived in Paris, Madrid, and Paris again, where she lives today.

Freelance and self-published author. She is responsible for managing and carrying out all editorial aspects of her novels, including editing, layout, logistics, distribution, social media and sales.

Lorena López Míguez was born in Madrid (05/22/1986), where she now lives after spending nine years in a small town in the province of Pontevedra, Galicia. Although she was born in Madrid, her blood is 100% Galician.


ロレーナ・ロペス=ミゲス(1986年5月22日マドリード生まれ)はガリシア州ポンテベドラ県にある小村で9年間過ごした後、再びマドリードに住む。家系は100%ガリシア人。読み書きは、その能力を身に着けてから彼女の人生の大切な一部となっており、幼少から物語を書き始め、貪欲な読書家となった。2010年末、最初の小説『Dando en la Diana(ディアナに夢中)』の執筆を進め、2014年2月に小さな出版社から発刊されるも、2か月で契約を解消してしまう。以降は自己出版するフリーの編集者として、自作の小説の紹介や書籍フェアでのサイン会など、販売に関わることは全て自分自身で対応している。

Lorena Martín Morán was born in Barcelona in 1976. She has a graduate in Teaching from the Universidad Internacional of Barcelona.
She has spent part of her spare time collaborating with educational centers thanks to her vocation and the love she feels towards children.

Lorenza Garcia was born and brought up in England. She spent her early twenties living and working in Iceland and Spain. She graduated in 1998 from Goldsmith’s College with First Class Honours in Spanish and Latin American Studies, before moving to France for seven years.

Lorenzo de’ Medici, "the last Medici", is a direct descendent of one of the most important families in history.

「最後のメディチ」、ロレンソ・デ・メディチは歴史上最も重要な家系のひとつとされるメディチ家直系の末裔。これまでに10カ国に住み、6カ国語を話す。『Los Médicis, nuestra historia(メディチ家、私たちの歴史) 』 に代表されるような歴史エッセイの作者。旅行ガイド本『Florencia y la Toscana(トスカーナ州とフィレンツェ)』、『Campos de golf(ゴルフ場)』も執筆。

Lorenzo Montatore (Madrid, 1983) irrumpió en el mundo de la historieta a través de la autoedición, escribiendo y dibujando multitud de fanzines en los que mostró un fascinante universo propio, recogido por ECC en la antología Montatore: Obras incompletas (2015-2022).

Lorenzo Silva (Madrid, 1966) studied law and practised that profession for several years in a number of large companies until, in 2002, he decided to become a full time writer.

Combel presents a selection of the best board games in the world. You'll find new ways of enhjoying yourself in this game-book for the whole family. It includes the boards, counters and dice: everything you need to discover a world of games!



A highly attractive compendium of ten board games from different cultures around the world, some of them dating back hundreds or even thousands of years. The boards, made of stiff card can be pressed out from the pages and returned to their slots after use.

Los 10 mejores juegos del mundo

Combel presents a selection of the best board games in the world. You'll find new ways of enhjoying yourself in this game-book for the whole family. It includes the boards, counters and dice: everything you need to discover a world of games!


Did you know that our brains are divided into four parts? Each is responsible for a specific task, but we need adults help us achieve calm and balance. Do you want to learn about them with Arantxa?

わたしたちの脳は4つの部分に分かれてるって知ってた? その一つひとつの部分が決まった仕事をすることになってるんだけど、穏やかにバランスを保つためには大人の手助けが必要なんだって。どんなものなのか、 アランチャといっしょに見てみない? 最近の神経画像の技術によると、脳は生後10年まで発達し続けることがわかってるんだって。残念ながら、さまざまな問題とか状況のせいで、脳の発達の可能性を最大限に発揮できない人もいるんだ。

Men pass through Victoria's life one after the other, the kind that should have sent her running in the opposite direction and yet with whom she fell in love nonetheless.


Valle and Cáceres were in a pop rock band in the 90s. They practiced together, played together, got drunk together. It’s been many years since they last saw each other when they meet in a café.

We all learn in early childhood which people form our family and what links connect us to each of them. All of us except the protagonist of this novel, who was never told that she, too, used to have a family at some point in her life.


Una história protagonizada por cuatro mujeres, mujeres fuertes, luchadoras, que se sobreponen una y otra vez a las dificultades que la vida les presenta. Tan fuertes como los Baños del Almirante.

Los Baños del Almirante

Fátima, Àngels, Clara and Rachel, four women who share a connection as old as the Baths of Almirante. An ancient public baths in the old quarter of Valencia, now converted into a museum.


A moving ensemble novel that follows a year in the lives of families, neighbours, parents, children, the young and the elderly, ordinary people who have the courage to keep going.


Stories set in a medieval fantasy, which by their design allow young readers to dream and live intense adventures in environments, sometimes mysterious, some other times magical or fun; but adults will also recognize certain messages about fundame

Un cuento popular chino sobre la amistad y la magia de dar y recibir

Los buenos amigos

In these 11 intimate tales Clara Pastor reveals her singular universe, located in different places but in very specific environments, recognisable by the subtle feelings of the characters.


Susanna gets dressed on her own for the first time. Everything goes perfectly until her other white sock can’t be found anywhere in the room. Where can it be? Have fun joining Susanna on her search!

スサナは、はじめてひとりで服を着ました。うまくいったと思いきや、白いくつしたが片っぽ、どこにも見あたりません。いったいどこにいったのでしょう? スサナといっしょにくつしたをさがしてね! 


The young Rutona tries to reconstruct the life of her mother Rut with whom she shared a life that was both free and intense. Rut drove a tow-truck on the Catalan highways through the seventies, eighties, nineties and noughties.

Clara, 35 years old, divorced and with two children, has a life as normal as any other woman, until one day something happens that changes her completely.

Inspector Cito (diminutive of Inspector because he is very small), the detective who is famous throughout the world for his wit and his love for Spanish omelette, works for the Department of Strange, Mysterious and Super Difficult Cases with the h

These tales, so real that some details have been eliminated for coming too close to the truth, belong to the genre known as micturition literature, and are so starkly realist they can be slipped into its subgenre – laxative text.


The Skies of Curumo is a story constructed like a house of cards.

Toni feels that he is a writer who never writes and a teacher who never teaches.

The present volume attempts to explain independence in Ibero-America through spatial, temporal, regional, ethic and racial diversity.

Once upon a time, many years ago, there was an old man who dreamed of flying like birds do: beyond the clouds, crossing the Earth from one end to the other… Flying so high that he would be able to touch heaven with his fingers.

In this novel a man and a woman attempt to move forward with an absolute love, for which they must face everything and everyone. Destiny has already traced an ending for them, against which they both rebel.

This book places armed conflict in the broad frame of reference of the confrontation between those with kratotropic leanings (towards dominating others) and those with eleutherotropic leanings (towards surrendering to others’ control) that charact

Mientras en La Habana Nat King Cole cautiva a su público de Tropicana, Marlon Brando se deleita sin prejuicios en madrugada y el mafioso Meyer Lansky consolida su imperio de casinos, a los pies de la Sierra Maestra el guajiro Plácido Navarro lucha

Los conjurados

Mexico City: the actress Pamela Dosantos attained stardom due to her famous thighs and a big, generous heart through which Mexico's top politicians have passed.


Musical theatre is the thread that runs through this novel in which a serial murderer outwits the Special Brigade of the Central Madrid precinct.


While reporting on a Velázquez exhibition at the Prado Museum, the misanthropic and mordant journalist Mariano Larro and the intrepid and seductive photographer Fran Kapa witness a series of inexplicable murders and become the sole suspects for th

The purest of oral African traditions, known as Nisintory, evoking the collective action of telling and listening to stories, displays all its magic and luminosity in Fumilayo Johnson's stories.


While spending a weekend at home with his family, Sergeant Major Bevilacqua receives the news that the body of the mayoress of a town on the eastern coast of Spain, whose disappearance had been reported by her husband, has been found on the beach



Los diarios del opio sigue las huellas de escritores legendarios como Rudyard Kipling, Joseph Conrad o Graham Greene, entre otros, que quedaron hechizados por la magia de Oriente.

Los diarios del opio


Los días perfectos

Luis, a journalist bored with his job and his marriage, is planning to attend a conference in Austin, Texas, but the trip is really subterfuge for a brief tryst with Camila, who has become the only high point in his life.


In this fast-paced thriller set in the world of wine, an investigation about some murders related to the world of wine falls into the hands of a police officer.


In ancient times there were all kinds of dragons, in every colour. Different families lived together and got along with other animals. Why did they disappear? Can they still be found anywhere today? Discover a magical world and dare to dream.

El 14 de enero de 1950, Asún acude al tablao donde desgrana coplas con más descaro que talento, sin saber que esa noche conocerá a alguien que cambiará su vida: Santos, bibliotecario del Ateneo y colaborador habitual, a través de sus vínculos cult

Los Elegidos

The 14th of January, 1950.



Pincho the hedgehog lives with his family on the hillside of a mountain. He is inquisitive and adventurous, so when he hears about the dark lands he simply has to go and find out about this mysterious, menacing place.

The river, or the serpent, crosses the small village of Noaberri. Federico, the postman, is about to lose his job, but his granddaughter Iria has a plan to save it. But Don Isidoro, the mayor, hates the river, and he also hates Frederico.


¿Qué harías si te dijeran que es posible viajar por el tiempo?

Los Exploradores del Tiempo: Las Legiones de Roma



Over there, where some only see ordinary mountains, you must know that sleeping giants lie hidden…Would you like to wake them up and learn their magic arts?

After four years as Cuban correspondent for Television Española, nothing should surprise me anymore. However, this is not the case. Cuba, like Magritte’s pipe, is not an island but the image of an island.

Much more than a game. Pegasus and Delta have many things in common. They’re shy, they don’t make friends easily and both are really good at video games.

Mucho más que un juego.
Pegaso y Delta tienen muchas cosas en común. Son tímidos, les cuesta hacer amigos y ambos tienen una habilidad increíble para los videojuegos.

Los Gamers Piratas 1. Destino: Mítica Infinite


Three people pass a night in San Juan, Murcia, which they are unlikely to ever forget.


“The Great Composers and Children” is a series of books with CDs designed and produced by Montserrat Roig with the participation of different specialized authors.

Cómo afirmaba el cartógrafo e historiador J.B. Harley (1932-1991) “cartografiar no es sólo dibujar mapas, es crear mundos”. Y es que los mapas, ya sean antiguos o contemporáneos, son mucho más que fieles representaciones de un territorio.

Los grandes mapas de la historia

Nuria's teacher has given her a box of silkworms to look after.

What if your worst punishment was to abandon your planet? Liam and Aria face a fate they had never imagined. The siblings with apparently normal lives are forced to abandon Lain, their birth planet.

もし、あなたに対する最大の罰が、自分の星から出ていくことだとしたら? リアムとアリアは想像だにしなかった運命に直面する。一見、普通に暮らしているように見える兄妹ふたりは、故郷の惑星ラインを離れることを余儀なくされる。未知の世界の危険にさらされながら、ふたりは答えを探しに何が何でも生き延びなければならない旅に出る。秘密の中には永遠に埋もれてしまっていた方がいいものもあることも知らずに。

The China Seas, 1805.

10 years after 15-M, the protest carried out in the spring of 2011 by young Spanish people rebelling against political corruption, we publish The Invertebrates, a novel that opens a week before the protests.


Santiago De Luca (Santa Fe, Argentina) es el director de la publicación literaria internacional SureS y el coordinador del Espacio Argentino-Magrebi Jorge Luis Borges dependiente de las representaciones diplomáticas de la región.

Hay diversos mitos sobre la fundación de Tánger.

Los irregulares de Tánger

One of the recurring reasons couples give for splitting up is a lack of personal space.

In a rural Galician village the local miller, a resentful widower, observes how the worst nightmares of Galician oral tradition are becoming reality around him.


Villa Nueva is full of sad stories. But Monday is the day everyone looks forward to: Nelson and Gerson come with their bookmobile. Thank to their stories, the children go home feeling happier and the sun shines again.


The Minidead are kids, but they are very different from you: they are kids from beyond the grave. They are waiting for their parents in "The Other Neighbourhood", a staging post where they can do whatever they like.


When Lorenzo and Natalia meet, the chemistry between them the means that they cannot help starting a secret relationship because they are both married.

Una reflexión sobre la infancia y la necesidad de disfrutarla sin prisas.

Los niños de corral

On returning from Burkina Faso, Patricia shows her writer friend her travel snaps.

Every Thursday, three friends meet up in a bar. One is a film director who always seems to be blurring the boundary between reality and imagination.


Abril and Xalaquia have a lot in common. They have both recently turned sixteen. They both want to be the mistresses of their own destinies. And they are both about to see their lives change for ever.


Eyes Closed is a novel about a single place, Pueblo Chico, a small town, no different from any  other, perched on the side of a craggy mountain range that is sometimes covered in mist, sometimes in snow, in which animals are sometimes lost and peo

Poor, sick and almost blind. This is how Benito Pérez Galdós, the Spanish genius of 20th century literature, lived his last years. In spite of everything, he did not lack in affection from his friends, family and neighbours.


Young Fanya and her grandmother Simone, the healer, find a strange human-like creature named Sharduk lying wounded and unconscious on the beach. Simone recognises him as a spirit of the waters and she and Fanya try to save his life.


Since her days as a veterinary student, Karmele had a clear idea that she wanted to work with wild animals.


Probably the most enlightening book about the process that led to civil war, written by one of the historians who have most contributed to the debate on a crucial period of Spanish history.

Probably the most illuminating book on the events that led to the Spanish Civil War, written by a historian who has made a great contribution to the debate about a crucial period of Spanish history.

This book is divided into one hundred short chapters, concise in style and comprehensive in content.

Experience the genuine accounts of the children who suffered the Nazi holocaust from the testimonies they left us in their own diaries, drawings and poems.


After Franco's victory, the young republican doctor Guillermo García is able to continue living in Madrid, thanks to a false identity organised for him by his best friend, a diplomat whose life Guillermo saved in 1937 and who in 1946 comes home on

Vega has heard a story about a little bird who treated his partner badly. Do you want to find out what happened? Do you know why there are little birds that behave like that? Do you want to know what the little bird did?

ベガはパートナーにひどい扱いをする雄の小鳥の話を聞きました。何が起きたか知りたいですか? そんなことをする小鳥がなぜいるか知っていますか? 雌の小鳥がどうしたか知りたいですか? 性差別暴力は地理的、社会的、時間的境界を越えた大きな社会問題です。性差別暴力はいろいろな形で現れますが、このセンティクエント・シリーズで取り上げるのはカップルの間で男性が女性にふるう暴力です。子供たちの健全な育成のためには、幼少期にきちんとした扱いをうけなければなりません。

A brilliant satire about a writer who changes languages. An immigrant from eastern Europe is admitted to a Belgian psychiatric hospital and submitted to a linguistic reinsertion therapy to cure his ailment: not writing in his mother-tongue.


In Los parientes de Ester, Luis Fayad enters the social fabric of Bogota in the late sixties and early seventies to tell the decline of a family that clings to tradition.


The wealthiest family in an inland city is composed of the Wife, her Husband, their two young children, the Wife's mother and Amalia, the maid. In the large house where they live, everything is impeccable but appearances can be deceptive.


The chance discovery of an unusual, apparently worthless painting in the rubble is, in fact, the tip of the iceberg of a collection of extremely valuable, eccentric, irreverent works of art that a group of enlightened people hid during the War of


El perverso narcisista utiliza el vínculo familiar, profesional o sentimental para someter al otro. Necesita de esta proximidad para ejercer su influencia y no permite que su víctima se aleje de él.

'Nobody loved the Pissimbonis. They lived in an ivy-clad house at the top of a hill, far enough away from the other houses for everyone to think of them as living outside the town.


Vicente Friman is the new kid. It’s happened before, so he’s not too worried. But this time is different. This time there’s Barbara, the leader of the Protectors. Or so she thinks.


Based on real events related to the members of the resistance who went into hiding in the north of Spain during Franco’s regime.

Sofi lives with her parents and her grandfather in a house near to the wood. Sometimes her grandfather disappears for hours or even days, and returns home seeming very happy, albeit dirty.

ソフィーは森のそばにある家に両親とおじいちゃんと一緒に暮らしている。おじいちゃんは時々姿をくらまし、それが数時間のときもあれば数日にわたることもある。そしてすっかり汚れて、でもすごくうれしそうに帰ってくる。おかしいのはそれだけじゃない、メガネがすごくおかしくて……。おじいちゃんは何を隠してる? 本当は何をしてるの? それがわかった時、ソフィーは次第に大きくなる危険の存在に気づく。夢をこわす者たちがいるのだ……。

Inside every city exist other invisible cities. the Mopa clan live a hidden existence on the rooftops of the huge buildings in the middle of the city.

Sara's dangerous hobby of breaking into abandoned buildings has allowed her to get to know  Álex and  Ray, a couple of young adventurers.

In Grandma's house there's a catflap, with some very strange symbols drawn on it. and it's much bigger than normal. But what's really strange is that Grandma doesn't have a cat.


Spanish football has provided the greatest joy in 44 years, and now they daringly disclose the secrets of their success. In this book, La Roja reveal their little known and more personal side.


Berto is missing, and his classmates Mia, Eric, Samira and Justin at the New York Solfandi music school need to find him to make up a quintet to perform at the Fall Festival. Where can he have gone?

バートがいなくなった。ニューヨーク・ソルファンディ音楽学校の仲間たち、ミア、エリック、サミラ、ジャスティンは、秋祭りにクインテットで参加するためにバートを見つけなければならない。どこに行ったのか? バートは音楽に夢中なので、音楽のある所ならどこだって彼のいる可能性がある。必死になって街の通りやバーや劇場に行ってはバートを捜し歩くうち、友人たちはラテン音楽やジャズ、クラシックにラップ、ゴスペルやミュージカルを楽しむようになる。

Sikhs are a religious and social community with a very pronounced sense of identity. Not surprisingly, in its five centuries of history Sikhism has known how to establish differences with Hinduism and Islam.

What do 365 words weigh? 600 grams. How much space do they need? 609 cubic centimetres. How many letters do they have? Almost 2,600. Can you learn 365 words in a year? Of course! Especially if you learn one every day.

A compilation of questions and answers in the child collection, Superquestioners has sold over 100,000 copies in Spain.

Science keeps on advancing and in this book for the Supercurious, people who what to know everything, you will find a door to a future that is already here!

科学は常に進歩している。なんでも知りたい仲間たち、『los Superpreguntones(超聞きたがりっ子)』シリーズのこの巻は、すぐそこにある未来への扉を開く。テーマごとに章分けし、1年間1日ひとつにあたる365の質問を収録。未来の職業、薬、学校、動物、輸送機関、ロボット、宇宙旅行は、どうなっているのだろう。子どもや大人がこの本を囲んで座り、ページをめくって、みんなで読み、絵や質問を楽しめるように作られた、超特大サイズの本。知識の源である好奇心がどんどんふくらむ。

The newest addition to the successful child collection, Superquestions, which has sold 100,000 copies in Spain. We all tremble when a superquestioner looks us in the eyes and opens its mouth to ask… Is there such a thing as infinite drawings?


Everyone feels a bit uneasy when one of the Supercurious looks us directly in the eye and opens their mouths to ask... Is there an enormous island made of plastic in the Pacific Ocean?


Forma parte de una colección de libros llamada Los tentáculos de Blef, con historias siempre protagonizadas por el pequeño extraterrestre Blef.

Los tentáculos de Blef -Amor

Un álbum repleto de sensibilidad sobre la importancia de cuidar nuestro planeta.

Los tesoros de Joel

A picture book to raise awareness about the importance of caring for our planet. Joel has one great passion: to give a second life to those objects nobody wants.

The rules that governed the world in recent years are now a thing of the past. The 'sharks', who were everywhere, who were so celebrated and did so much harm, are dead, but they haven't realised.

The Tikis-Mikis were creatures from a bygone age. They were given that name because they spent all day complaining, as if everything bothered them, and the other animals did not dare talk to them. Would they ever change their attitude?

The first title in a collection that's sure to get people talking: it stars a group of friends, Dogo, Olivia (Oli to her friends) and Niko, who love skateboarding and are known as the Turboskaters.


London, 1871. Young Aurelius feels as though he is languishing away at the family's tavern, living a life as grey as his father's.

Adelaida García Morales is one of the most mysterious figures in recent culture.

Junior, the poly-addicted son of the former mayor Roger Lobus, decides to return to the city of Sierpe where, after suffering an overdose that is on the point of killing him, he finds out that his father has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.


The internet dominates the world, and what would you think about our reality if we told you that everything is controlled by a single company? Only certain people question what for millions is a reality.

During the excavation of the tomb of an Egyptian priest, two Spanish Egyptologists discover some strange inscriptions which turn out to be a fragment of Critias, Plato's dialogue which narrates the history of Atlantis.



There is more and more waste in the sea. Lota the sperm whale wants to know where all the rubbish is coming from.


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[Lourdes Navarro] was born in Gran Canaria in 1988. She soon discovered a love of drawing which continues to this day and prompted her to study Illustration and Graphic Design at the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño in Gran Canaria.

1988年、ラス・パルマス・デ・グラン・カナリア⽣まれ。早くから芽生えた描くことへの強い関⼼は今も続いている。グラン・カナリア美術デザイン上級学校でイラストとグラフィック・デザインを学んだ。マドリードに居を移すまでの数年間、広告会社で働きながらコンクール向けの短いマンガを描き始める。マドリードではESDIP(プロ絵画学校)でマンガの勉強を開始し、⼀⽅で⼦供向けイラストのプロジェクトにも携わる。その後まもなく、マーク・ティネントとの共作でViejos Descubridores(⽼発掘者たち、Evolution cómics-Panini Cómics、2017)を出版。

This is a brutal story about three characters trapped in a web of emotional ties that prevent them from being their true selves.

Lucas Torres teaches Spanish Literature at the Université du Havre. He carries out research into Golden Age literature and has published various studies and papers and a critical edition of La pícara Justina (The Guileful Justina).


Lucero is the nickname of Federico Garcia Lorca, and this is the story of the person behind the poet; behind the revolutionary, the symbol of a Spain fighting for liberty and expression.


The lives of the poètes maudits are subject to the caprices of whoever wants to interpret them. 'Shining Light' both is and is not a novel about the life and times of Federico García Lorca.

詩人ヴェルレーヌのいう、いわゆる『呪われた詩人たち』の人生は、その人生を解釈する者の気まぐれに左右されるのだろう。本書はフェデリコ・ガルシア=ロルカの人生と時代についての小説であり、また、そうではない。おそらく、暗殺されるに足る根拠をひとりの詩人に与えるために、国がどのような陰謀を企てるかについての物語といえるかもしれない。 1916年、ラ・ベガ・デ・グラナダ。アンダルシアの最も豊かな土地は、扇動的な社会・政治紛争の舞台だった。

The daughter of a bookseller and a teacher, the author grew up with a love of books.


Lucía González Lavado was born on February 16, 1982 in Mérida.
Her hobbies include sports such as swimming, which she practised for years, and martial arts. She is fond of animals, nature and spending time outdoors.

Born in Alto Aragon, Huesca, in 1982, Lucía Mallén is separated and child free. She currently teaches art and literature in Madrid, but she previously lived in the US, where she studied modern comparative literature. She loves Ibiza and the sea. What the Sea Hides is her first novel.


Join Lucia and her dinosaur friends on an amazing adventure to explore the power of magic BREATHING using eight easy and fun breathing techniques inspired by Yoga. Ideal to help children and adults cope with their feelings and learn to relax.


- Spanish/Foreign Language, Spanish/Second Language - Intermediate (A2-B1)
- Spanish as a mother tongue for those living abroad
- School children (aged approximately 14 and above) and adults

Lucrecia Zappi (Buenos Aires, 1972) is a journalist, translator and writer. Her childhood was divided between São Paulo and Mexico City. She studied Visual Arts at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. On her return to Brazil, she worked for various specialist art publications.

ルクレシア・サッピ(1972年、ブエノスアイレス生まれ)はジャーナリスト、翻訳者、作家。 サンパウロとメキシコシティで子供時代を過ごす。アムステルダムのリートフェルト・アカデミーでビジュアル・アートを学んだ後、ブラジルに戻って芸術専門誌のための仕事をいくつかした。ガヴィーノ・レッダの古典『父 パードレ・パドローネ ある羊飼いの教育』(Berlendis&Vertecchia、サンパウロ、2004)のイラストを描いた。

Lucy Greaves translates from Spanish, Portuguese and French. She won the 2013 Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize and in 2014 was Translator in Residence at the Free Word Centre in London.

Lucy Greaves translates from Spanish, Portuguese and French. She won the 2013 Harvill Secker Young Translators’ Prize and in 2014 was Translator in Residence at the Free Word Centre in London.

During the fifteen years I worked for English PEN’s Writers in Prison committee, we campaigned on behalf of many writers whose work was not translated into English.

After the exciting adventure of 'The Crystal Navigator', this time daring Lucy Nightingale leads us into the world of Leonardo Da Vinci when one of his greatest works, the Mona Lisa, suffers a strange phenomenon that threatens to make a total mess

El Navegador de Cristal(水晶の冒険家)のめくるめく冒険に続いて、大胆なルーシー・ナイチンゲールが今回はレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの世界に我々を誘う。ダ・ヴィンチの最高傑作のひとつ、「モナリザ」が、名画をすっかりカオスに陥れようとする奇妙な現象にさらされる。アメリカ人のルネサンス美術専門家、ナンシー・ロッジ先生が再び私たちに贈るすばらしい物語。

Santiago Arroyo Esteban, a researcher with a doctorate in Art History at the Universidad Complutense de Madrdi, has focused his work on Venetian painting of the Renaissance and artistic literature from the 16th century, undertaking numerous research trips to Venice and Rome.

The latest instalment of a larger work in progress, Memorias de Ficción by César Antonio Molina, is a journey through places and readings from Naples to Drina, visiting Saint Petersburg, Beijing, Prague, Buenos Aires, New York and Tangier along th

Luigi Boccherini: The Life of a Genius was awarded the Verbum Ibero-American Novel Prize in 2015, winning out over hundreds of high quality works.

Luis Alfonso Aranguren has a PhD in Philosophy and has also studied Theology. He has worked for many years teaching in public centres and in programmes for socially excluded youth. For seven years he has been in charge of the Spanish Volunteering and Charity programme.


Comic and film critic. Began publishing in the e-zine Ad Astra. His first book was Batman: from Bob Kane to Joel Schumacher (Nuer), in collaboration with Carlos Díaz Maroto, and he later published El anime erótico: de la A a la X (Midons).

Luis Álvarez González was born in Jerez de la Frontera on 28th July 1952. He was a teacher for 35 years specialising in Mathematics and later in Physical Education. At present he works with the Delegation for Football in Jerez as a subdelegate of the Coaching School.


Licenciado en Musicología y en Historia del arte, realizó el Bienio de formación de la Escuela de los Sentidos de Milán. Su libro Pum pum hice daño a la luna fue finalista del International Latino Book Award (Álbum ilustrado más inspirador).

Luis Amavisca: Licenciado en Musicología y en Historia del arte, realizó el Bienio de formación de la Escuela de los Sentidos de Milán. Su libro Pum pum hice daño a la luna fue finalista del International Latino Book Award (Álbum ilustrado más inspirador).

Luis Amavisca holds degrees in Musicology and History of Art and completed a two year training course at the School of the Senses in Milan. A visual artist, he has worked with photography and video and created installations. Amavisca has shown his work in Malaga, Paris, Basel, Madrid and Berlin.

Luís Bassat was born in Barcelona in 1941. Founder and honorary chairman of the Bassat Ogilvy Group Spain, he has dedicated his professional life to advertising.

1941年、バルセロナ生まれ。長年広告業に携わり、グルーポ・バサット・オグルビー・エスパーニャ創業者、名誉会長。マドリード・ヨーロッパ大学コミュニケーション人文学部名誉博士号の他、輝かしいキャリアをつうじて受賞歴多数。著書にEl Libro Rojo de la Publicidad(広告レッドブック、1993年)、El Libro Rojo de las Marcas(ブランド・レッドブック、1996年)、Confesiones personales de un publicitario(ある広告人の個人的告白、2008年)。

Luis Béjar is the author of: Aquello es lo que llamábamos Berlin (That's What we Used to Call Berlin; Premio Sésamo, 1978), translated to Russian; El coleccionista de agujeros (The Hole Collector; Premio Eulalio Ferrer, 1981); El manuscrito de París (The Paris Manuscript; Premio Castilla-La Manch

Luis Cobo Calderón in a graduate in Law and has worked as a lawyer and art dealer. He has published various titles related to the world of art.


Captain and writer, Luis Delgado Bañon (Murcia 1956) is the author of a large number of historical essays. He entered the general corps of the navy at 16 and since then has been linked to the sea, being ship's captain for over 40 years. In the field of fiction he as published over 20 novels.

Luis E. Íñigo has a PhD in History and works for the Cuerpo de Profesores de ESO (professional body for Spanish secondary school teachers). He was the deputy inspector general for the Autonomous Community of Madrid's education inspectorate from 2013 to 2016.

ルイス・E・イニゴは歴史学の博士号を取得し、中等義務教育の教員資格を持つ公務員。2013年から2016年までマドリード自治州の教育検査局・副局長を務めた。歴史に関して10作あまりのエッセイを出版しており、小説 La Conspiración Púrpura(赤紫の陰謀)、La Profecía del Juicio Final(最後の審判の預言)、Liber Hyperboreas(リベル・極北人)、児童書 Cuentos para la hora de comer(ランチタイムのための物語)の著者でもある。

Geography and History teacher at middle school. Writes and publishes in various magazines and media. Since 2003 he has worked with the publisher Brosquil as a literary editor and copy editor and is focused on literary works.

Considered one of the best Latin American narrators of the second half of the twentieth century, he was born in Bogotá in 1945.

Luis García Jambrina (Spain, 1960) is a full professor of Spanish literature at the University of Salamanca. He is PhD in Hispanic Philology and an expert in fiction screenplay for television and cinema.

Luis González Seara (La Merca, Orense, June 7th, 1936) is a Spanish sociologist and politician.

Luis Goytisolo (Barcelona, 1935) achieved fame with his first novel, The Outskirts, and he has become one of the most highly regarded names in contemporary fiction.

Luis Goytisolo (Barcelona, 1935) achieved fame with his first novel, The Outskirts, and he has become one of the most highly regarded names in contemporary fiction.

Born in Galicia (Spain), graduated in Law from the Universidad Central and in Journalism from the Escuela Oficial de Madrid.

Born in Zaragozin 1972, Luis J. Esteban Lezaun studied law at UNED and political science at the university of Salamanca. In the 1990s he began working as an inspector at the Police School in Ávila, after getting the highest marks in the entrance exams.

Luis Jesús Fernández Rodríguez has a degree in Medicine and Surgery (1989), specialising in Psychiatry (1993) and a doctorate in Medicine (1996). He has worked as a Psychiatric Doctor at the Mental Health Centre and Outpatient Clinic of Tudela.

Born in Alburquerque, Badajoz,1948, with a degree in Spanish Language from the Complutense University, Luis Landero has taught literature at the School of Dramatic Arts in Madrid, and was an visiting professor at Yale University.

ルイス・ランデロは1948年バダホス県アルブルケルケ生まれ。コンプルテンセ大学でスペイン語学の学士号を取得。マドリードの演劇芸術学校で文学を教え、米国イェール大学で客員教授を務めた。1989年『Juegos de la edad tardía(たそがれ世代の危険な愉しみ)』(1990年批評家協会賞、国民文学賞小説部門受賞)で世に知られるようになる。

Luis Leante was born in Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) in 1963. He graduated in Classical Languages and worked as a high school teacher for twenty years. He currently teaches at the Ciudad de la Luz Film School in Alicante. He has published novels for both children and adults.


Born in A Coruña in 1970, Luis has carried out all his photographic work in his native land, where he published his first book, entitled A Coruña, tan cerca de la naturaleza (A Coruña: So close to nature) which displays a diversity of themes related to the natural world with precision and sensiti

Born in Villablino (León) in 1942, Mateo Díez has shaped his own personal universe in his work, with its desolate characters and landscape who leave their homeland but are transfigured by imagination.

Luis Miguel Ariza is a biologist, journalist and novelist. He has been head of the science section of the newspaper La Razón, he has worked for the prestigious titles Scientific American and New Scientist, and in 2000 he was coordinator on the series 2.mil for Television Española.

Luis Montero was born in Madrid in 1965. After living for a time in New York, Frankfurt and Marrekech, he studied advertising and philosophy. He has published articles on the future of technology in La Experiencia del Usario.

He was born in Colombia in 1972. After studying literature at university, he worked as a university lecturer until the end of the 1990s, when he moved to Spain.

Luis Rojas Marcos was born in Seville in 1943. In 1968 he emigrated to New York where he has lived ever since, dedicating himself to medicine, psychiatry and public health. In 1992 he was appointed head of Mental Health, Alcoholism and Drug Dependency Services for the municipality of New York.

Born in Valencia in 1964, the author is a non-commissioned officer in the Air Force with a degree in Geography and History from the University of Valencia.

Luis Zueco is an engineer and studied history and a masters in artistic and historical investigation at the UNED. He regularly contributes to the media and gives frequent talks on history, culture and photography. He has written numerous articles.

ルイス・スエコはエンジニア。国立遠隔教育大学で、史学の学士号、芸術・歴史研究の修士号を取得。各種メディアで普段から記事を書き、歴史、文化遺産、写真に関する講演も頻繁に行っている。数多くの研究論文あり。最初の2作品、有名なレパントの戦いを舞台にした歴史小説Rojo Amanecer en Lepanto(レパントの赤い夜明け)、一般読者向けの歴史書と旅行ガイドの中間的性格を持った出版物 Castillos de Aragón. 133 rutas(アラゴンの城 133ルート)は商業的成功を収め、批評家からも絶賛された。

She was born in San Sebastián in 1957.

1957年サン・セバスティアン生まれ。これまでに出版した小説はEl detective de sonidos (音の探偵、2011) 、El ángulo ciego (死角、バスク賞、2009)、Los peces negros (黒い魚、2005)、Vino (ワイン、2000)、El mal más grave (最悪の悪、1997)、 Efectos secundarios (副作用、1996)。

Luisa Gonzalez was born in 1967 in Cabra del Santo Cristo (Jaén). Her name first became known with the short story “Palabras” (Words), which won the Premio Relatos de Mujer in 2001.

Tras una larga trayectoria profesional como ilustradora de prensa en medios como The New York Times, El País y La Vanguardia, Luisa decidió dar un giro a su carrera y dedicarse de lleno a la literatura infantil. Ya ha ilustrado numerosos libros para las principales editoriales españolas.

After a long professional career as a press illustrator for newspapers such as The New York Times, El País, and La Vanguardia, Luisa decided to go for a change of scene and dedicate herself whole-heartedly to children’s literature.


Luisgé Martín (Madrid,1962) studied Hispanic philology at Madrid Complutense University and completed an MBA at IE Business School.


Luna 174 is an original novel that slips between fantasy and science fiction, but is mainly a love story that crosses the barriers of death and space. Luna Hatton is 20 and lives in a lost town in Australia.

本書『Luna 174(ルナ174)』はファンタジーとSFの中間的な小説で、オリジナリティーと驚きに満ちている。しかし何より、空間と生死を超越する愛の物語だと言える。ルナ・ハットンは20歳、オーストラリアの片田舎に暮らす。平凡な毎日だが、ルナには幼い頃から持っている特異な才能があった。他人の魂の色を見分けられるのだ。周囲にいる大半の人の魂は灰色で、善悪の中間にある色だ。しかし、ひとりだけ白い魂を持つ女の子がいた。彼女には何かひかれるものがあり、彼女の家の屋根の上には星々が輝いていた。

Luna Miguel (Alcalá de Henares, 1990) has lived in Barcelona since 2011. She works as a copywriter and editor at PlayGround and has translated authors such as Marcel Schwob, Arthur Rimbaud and Tracy K. Smith; she has also coordinated the production of several anthologies in the last few years.

1990年、アルカラ・デ・エナレス生まれ。2011年からバルセロナに住んでいる。ネットマガジンPlayGroundの編集者兼発行人として働き、マルセル・シュウォッブ、アルチュール・ランボー、トレーシー・K ・スミスらの作品を翻訳してきた。近年ではアンソロジーのコーディネートも手掛けている。エルパイス紙、ナイロン紙、プブリコ紙、ジョットダウン誌、Sモダ誌に記事を執筆するなど、ジャーナリストとしても働く。

Luna Moon is a child reporter always looking for news for her magazine: The Luna Moon Diary. She finds a sensational exclusive; a new boy has started at school, a very mysterious boy.

Un libro para acompañar a las niñas a recibir su primera menstruación.

Luna nueva

Lur Sotuela Elorriaga was born in Bilbao in 1978. He soon moved to Madrid, where he now lives permanently. He has worked in the world of books from a young age, and has been an editor and the owner of a bookshop. He now edits Eneida Editorial's literary magazine, El Invisible Anillo.



Laura Lasheras is the ceramic artist behind 'Lusesita', the name with which she signs her work. Born in Calahorra, Rioja, and currently resident in Barcelona, she is well known on the international ceramic art scene and has participated in individual and group exhibitions around the world.

Matchstick (Cerilla) is always cross, and, in the meantime, life carries on. Her family and friends try to help her but, is there anyone who will succeed?


Cerilla siempre está enfadada y, mientras, la vida va sucediendo.
Su familia y amistades intentarán ayudarlo pero, ¿serán quien de conseguirlo?.


A man who might be called Marcelo Mosén goes over the circumstances of his personal decline, a parallel of the sinking fortunes of a country that might well be Spain after the pandemic.

Luz Orihuela is a children's book author, editor, translator and proof-reader for publishing houses such as Combel, Planeta, La Galera, Teide and Casals.

The Publisher specializes in ornithology and natural history in general. In 2005 it launched a children’s collection, Paper Wings, with the idea of bringing young children closer to nature.

In this book, art plays a significant role. Museum director Alexander Kahn is carrying out some research to find the original of the work 'City of towers', a drawing by Paul Klee from 1929.


Who is writing the texts that the protagonist of this novel keeps finding in the most unexpected places? Firstly, within the pages of a bible, later in the walls of an abandoned lighthouse and in a doctor’s waiting room in Vienna.

M. C. Arellano was born in 1984 in the city of Toledo. She is a graduate in History of Art and an expert in Museum Documentary Management; she has also been a camp monitor and a storyteller.


著者紹介: マベル・ロサノは映画監督。

Mabela Ruiz Gallardón (Madrid, 1970) is a Law graduate and has a PhD in Philosophy of Law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is the author of several monographs and articles on philosophy of law.

The chef Bermúdez wants to cook the most original dishes in the world. The ingredients? The most terrifying monsters. His kitchen assistants? His unpleasant rat Estiércol, a swotty boy and a girl gymnast.

Salvador Macip (Blanes, Girona, 1970) is a doctor, researcher and writer. He leads a research team working on cancer and aging at the University of Leicester, where he is also a professor in the department of Molecular and Cellular Biology.

En 2021 Edurne Portela recibe una llamada en la que le ofrecen una serie de documentos históricos sobre María Josefa Sansberro, conocida como Maddi.

Maddi y las fronteras

Madeleine O’Shea is a fiction editor at Head of Zeus, an independent publishing house dedicated to beautiful books and great storytelling. She works on a range of titles from commercial thrillers to literary gems and has always enjoyed reading fiction in translation.

Javier Maderuelo has a PhD in Architecture from the University of Valladolid, a PhD in History of Art from the University of Zaragoza, and is a Profesor of Lanscape Architecture at the Department of Architecture at the  University of Alcalá. He has been an art critic at El País since 1993.

The collection “Cuadernos de Viaje®” was started with the intent to discover, from a totally intimate and subjective perspective: its corners, its customs and the elements that make them unique.


Felipe Bonasera is an openly gay retired diplomat in his early 60s who has decided to spend the month of July alone at his family’s summer home after being diagnosed with an unidentified life-threatening illness.

Mae West y yo

“Mae West y Yo tackles the theme of death and mortality from an unusual perspective, showing how humour and imagination can help when facing adversity, whilst also presenting a gentle critique of the privileged lives of Spain’s upper-middle classe

Magela Ronda is a writer and editor of children's books. She has had a long career in the children's book sector, having been the editor of outstanding titles such as Ensueños [Daydreams] by D. Aceituno and C. Roset, Besos que fueron y no fueron [Kisses that were and were not] by D.

Marina thought that, as always, life was treating her unfairly. That summer she wouldn’t even get a whiff of the sea.

Magic Jungle es una invitación a encauzar el proceso creativo desde el trabajo interior.

Magic Jungle

Once upon a time there was a fantastical kingdom with fairies, dragons, knights and everything else that fantastical kingdoms have. There was also a big city and a path leading to it, and next to that path was the Fat Ogre's house.


Born in Barcelona in 1958 she has a degree in Geography and History. She combines teaching literature with the creation of scripts mostly for TV.

Maite Carranza (Barcelona, 1958), is a scriptwriter and author and has published more than fifty titles, winning important literary prizes, including the Premio Cervantes for children, the Premio de la Crítica Serra d'Or, the Premio EDEBÉ for Children's Literature and the one for Youth Literature

The author was born in Hondarribia in 1971. She has a degree in management studies and economics. She works as a consultant in businesses and employment. This is her first novel.


Maite Grau was born in 1963 in Barcelona. She studied Modern History at the Universidad de Barcelona, and took courses in Fine Art in San Diego and Paris.


Biologist, poet, and editor. Lives in Barcelona.

Bióloga, poeta y editora. De Barcelona.

One man, three stories. Harry fell in love with Swell. Before that he had been in love with María. Then Harry fell in love with Sabrina. Harry is just one man who lost his wife, his job and his home in a single day.

ひとりの男、3つの物語。 ハリーはスウェルを好きになった。 昔はマリアが好きだった。 その後、サブリナを好きになった。ハリーは1日のうちに妻、仕事、家を失った男。 ハリーは自家用車で寝泊まりするようになる。 ハリーは精神病院に入院した。 ハリーはどん底まで落ちたが、助かった。 自我を切り取られ、真実が一番大切だという信条を守っていた。 もう決して、口先だけで愛の言葉を言うことはないだろう。 決して心を偽って親切にしたりはしないし、決して言い訳や偽善で装うことはしない。

Set in the United States, Dog Gone Flea-bitten Mutt is the story of Jimmy Brand, an old Mafia boss who has been betrayed, and a price put on his head by both the police and his former companions in crime.

Old rock stars don't have it easy. And if anyone disagrees, tell it to Iván Uturría. At 40, his life is a disaster.

Old rock stars don't have it easy. And if anyone disagrees, tell it to Iván Uturría. At 40, his life is a disaster.

Maldragón Editorial ist ein junger, dynamischer Verlag, der sich auf Comics, illustrierte Bücher, Romane sowie Rollen- und Brettspiele spezialisiert hat.

Maldragón Editorial is a young, dynamic publishing house whose focus is comics, illustrated books, novels and role-play and board games.

Maldragón Editorial is a young and dynamic publishers dedicated to comics, illustrated books, novels, role-play and board games. We are interested in any type of universe or format that our writers can bring to life.


Malpaso y Cía is a heterodox publishing house, committed to literature and to their readers. We select books by authors who seek to address the most important issues of the human condition from the viewpoint of criticism and literary creation.

Esta historia sucedió en un valle. Pero no en uno cualquiera, sino en un valle embrujado. Lo gobernaban tres brujas muy malvadas, famosas y temidas por sus escalofriantes hechizos.


It all happened in a valley. But not just any valley, in fact, it was in an enchanted valley.

Mum spent all day running around, all over town. And when night came, she was always so tired. Sometimes, she didn't answer us or seemed to have her head somewhere else. What could she do to run faster and be on time everywhere?

Four daughters grow up. Mummy protects them. Or at least she tries. The youngest watches, wonders, counts silences.

Cuatro hijas crecen. Mamá protege. O lo intenta. La pequeña observa, se hace preguntas, cuenta silencios.

Mamá no lo sabe todavia


The wicked sorcerer Deshielo has kidnapped the Three Kings and Father Christmas, so that all the children throughout the world will have no presents this Christmas.

My mum does lots of things without me. My mum lives inside a balloon that wants to fly very far and very high. Then I get a bit scared because some balloons that fly very high end up disappearing into the sky.

絵本。主人公の男の子が1人称で語る。「ぼくのママはぼくがいないところで、山ほどたくさんのことをしてる。ママは、高く遠くに飛んでいきたがっている風船の中で暮らしてる。高く飛んで空のかなたに消えてしまう風船もあるから、ぼくはこわくなる」 仕事やスポーツジムなどに行ったときなど、ママは主人公から遠い風船の中にいるように見えることがある。けれども、男の子はうまい手を持っている。ひもをひっぱって、風船をひきよせるのだ。

This book chronicles the Homeward Bound expedition to Antarctica, in which 100 women travelled to the South Pole to fight for a more sustainable planet and demand more female leadership in conversations about our relationship with our planet.

This book chronicles the Homeward Bound expedition to Antarctica, in which 100 women travelled to the South Pole to fight for a more sustainable planet and demand more female leadership in conversations about our relationship with our planet.

Mamá se va a la Antártida (Mum goes to Antarctica)

Mamá se va a la Antártida

Mamen Duch is a teacher and founder of Yogi Kids. She became a certified teacher of yoga for children in 2008 at Karma Kids Yoga school in New York, studying with Shari Vilchez-Blatt; and a teacher of yoga for children with special needs studying with Craig Hanauer.

Mamen Sánchez studied IT at Madrid's Complutense University and has undertaken doctoral studies in history and literature, as well as courses in literature and French civilisation at the Sorbonne, and English literature at the universities of London and Oxford. She is sub-editor of ¡Hola!

Halfon’s book is a powerful evocation of a young boy’s childhood in 1970s Guatemala, disrupted by the increasingly violent guerrilla and army attacks in Guatemala City that led to the arrival of a military junta in 1982 and the flight of the narrator’s (and author’s) family in 1981 to the United

Mañana nunca lo hablamos

“A truly stunning work with a beautiful stillness to it, very few potential translation issues, and which deserves to be in as many languages as possible. “(Rosalind Harvey)

“A truly stunning work with a beautiful stillness to it, very few potential translation issues, and which deserves to be in as many languages as possible. “(Rosalind Harvey)

The goal of the frog who is the heroine of this story is to perform a good jump. Frog makes various attempts but each is more painful and frustrating than the last.

Tomorrow All Day is an inspiring and extraordinary book from promising new illustrator Bea Enríquez. The star of the story is a daring, brave, reflexive, sometimes chaotic cat who always follows his dreams.

イラストレーション界のホープ、ベア・エンリケスによるインスピレーションに満ちた驚きの作品。主人公の猫は大胆で勇敢、思慮深いが、ときどきしっちゃかめっちゃかになり、なんといっても夢見がちだ。どこに行っても空想し、必要となるといつでも空想が働く。その空想力のおかげで、主人公は無限の世界を作り出すことになるが、現実は猫の考えるフィクションにまさっていた。この本のとりこになるのはなぜ? 1.いつも夢見ることの大切さをおしえてくれるから。

The only clue to the identity of a serial killer is a strange collection of bible verses, in a race against time in quiet Castellón, as the town is turned upside-down by the macabre discovery of a brutally mutilated body in a town-centre flat.


Manel Loureiro is a writer and a lawyer who has also worked as a TV presenter in Galicia and as a screen writer on several projects. At present he works with several newspapers including, La Voz de Galicia and El Mundo, as well as the online radio channels, Cadena Ser and Onda Cero.

作家、弁護士。ガリシア・テレビの番組の司会や様々な企画のシナリオライターとして活躍。現在は「ラ・ボス・デ・ガリシア紙」、「エルムンド紙」に寄稿し、ラジオ局「カデナ・セル」や「オンダ・セロ」の番組制作にも協力している。デビュー作の『Apocalipsis Z. El principio del fin(黙示録Z:終わりの始まり)』は空いた時間にブログに書いてネットに上げたものだったが、大きな反響を呼び(オンライン読者が150万人を超す話題作となる)、2007年に本として出版されベストセラーになる。

Ways of living starts gently and evolves into a fast-paced, modern thriller that takes your breath away as it unfolds. But it’s also a novel within a novel, where the line blurs between fiction and reality.


"My name is Jana and I have a mission: to dance on the lake in the moonlight. It might seem ridiculous to you, but it is very, very, very important to me. I promised my sister Zya before she died that I would do it.


"Juegos y posturas de yoga para los peques."

Primer día de vacaciones y Moni no sabe a qué jugar. Por suerte, Mani tiene una buenísima idea: ¡jugar a yoga!

Mani y Moni juegan al yoga

Games and yoga positions for little ones. It’s the first day of the holidays and Moni has no idea what to play. Luckily Mani has a great idea: let’s play yoga!

「ちびっこのためのヨガゲームとポーズ」。夏休みの初日、何をして遊んだらいいのか困ってしまうモニ…。すると犬のマニが、「いいこと思いついた! ヨガをしようよ!」と叫ぶ。 遊びながら、モニと小さな動物たちは、マニのおかげでたくさんのポーズを覚えて、とても楽しい時間を過ごす。パブロ・アロンソとエステル・ブルゲーニョによる本書で、家族みんなで実践できるヨガの基礎を、ゲームや簡単なポーズを通じて楽しく学べる。

Miguel Valbuena, better known by his nickname Redhand, is one of the great pirates of the Caribbean.

Clara Deza is contradictory and irreverent, a policewoman, wife and colleague as sensitive on the inside as she is hard on the outside.

Manu Carbajo (Madrid, 1989) es escritor, director audiovisual, guionista y un cinéfilo empedernido.

Manu Carbajo (Madrid, 1989) is a writer, audiovisual director, screenwriter, and inveterate film buff.

This manual is an in-depth synthesis of the present state of knowledge in exotic animal clinics, giving all the basic information necessary for achieving an advanced level in daily practice.

This benchmark manual will be of great help to small animal vets working with patients with endocrine disorders.

Larry P. Tilley states that 'The RVT Manual is a complete source of knowledge which includes all the information a registered veterinary technician needs.

『Manual de Psicología y de Psicopatología perinatal e infantil(周産期と乳幼児期の心理学および精神病理学)』全4巻のうちの第1巻。

Apresentamos o primeiro volume (de um conjunto de quatro) parte do Manual de Psicologia e Psicopatologia Perinatal e Infantil.

work has been done in universities and scientific institutions in Canada, the United States, Sweden and Great Britain.

Manuel Álvarez-Xagó was born in Avilés (Asturias) in 1978. He graduated in Law from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Bilingual in Spanish and English, as a child he began to spend time in Ireland and later in the United States. He loves animals, nature, the sea and, of course, books.

Manuel Aparicio Villalba was born in Seville one early August morning in 1964. He was hospital manager of the Virgen del Rocio University Hospital for 20 years, and his innovation and dedication to social issues enabled him to run international health projects with Mauritania.



Manuel Baixauli (Sueca -Valencia-, 1963) is a painter and writer. He has published the short story collections Espiral (Premi Ciutat de Badalona, 1998) and the novel Verso (Premi Ciutat d’Alzira, 2001), both of them to critical acclaim. He won the Premi Narrativa for L’home manuscrit in 2006.

Manuel Ballester has a doctorate in philosophy and has been a professor since 1985. He is the author of several books, including La unidad del pensamiento (1992), El camino del amor (1997), La filosofía de la matemática de Imre Lakatos (1998) and La búsqueda de sí mismo.

Manuel Bosch Barrett (Barcelona 1895-1961), lawyer, writer and translator. Named by the government of the Republic, between 1936 and 1939, he became president of the Mixed Tribunal of the New Hebrides (nowadays Vanuatu).

Manuel Cruz is professor of contemporary philosophy at the University of Barcelona. He has been visiting professor at several European and American universities, as well as a researcher at the CSIC Institute of Philosophy, Madrid.


マヌエル・デ・ラ・フエンテ=ソレールは、バレンシア大学視聴覚コミュニケーション学教授。文化の社会政治的影響を専門に研究し、映画、ポピュラー音楽に関する講義を受け持つ。研究のために、これまで米国、中国、英国、フランス、スイス、アルゼンチン、チリ、ペルー、ブラジルに滞在。また、『Frank Zappa en el infierno.

Manuel Gerena was born in the village of La Puebla de Cazalla, Seville, in 1945. He has had a love of song and poetry from an early age, first concentrating on writing flamenco lyrics and then on singing.


Manuel Gil graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has a Masters in Commercial Management and Marketing from the Instituto de Empresa de Madrid. He was a member of the first Advanced Programme in Publishing Management course at the instituto de Empresa.

Manuel Guisande was born in Santiago de Compostela in 1958. He studied law in Santiago and wrote for the newspaper El Correo Gallego, the weekly El Orzán and the Ideal Gellego. Since 1986 he has worked on la Voz de Galicia.

マヌエル・ギサンデは1958年サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステラ生まれ。サンティアゴで法律を学び、「エル・コレオ・ガリェゴ紙」、週刊「エル・オルサン」紙、「エル・イデアル・ガリェゴ」紙の編集者だった。1986年からは「ラ・ボス・ガリシア」紙の編集者。新聞記者ラモン・バレナと共作のLos Aparcacientos de Pacópolisで戯曲コンクールで優勝。

Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón (Torrelavega, Cantabria, 1942) is a film director and writer. His first feature-length film was 'Habla, mudita' (1973), which won the Critics' Prize at the Berlin Film Festival.

Manuel Jabois was born in Sanxenxo, Pontevedra, in 1978 and began his career in journalism with the newspaper Diario de Pontevedra. He moved on to El Mundo, and since 2015 he has worked for El País, writing reports, features and columns.

Manuel Lamana (Madrid, 1922 - Buenos Aires, 1996). In 1939 he fled to France with his family. Years later he returned to Spain and in 1947 was arrested and sentenced to six years in prison.

Manuel Marsol (Madrid, 1984) is an illustrator who specialises in illustrated books and picture books. After graduating in Advertising and Audiovisual Communication, he was employed in advertising from 2009-2012 and his work was recognised in such festivals as El Sol and Cannes Lions.

Manuel Marsol (Madrid, 1984) is one of the most interesting illustrators on the European scene at the moment. His illustrations for Yōkai won him the Premio Internacional de la Feria de Bolonia-Fundanción SM.



PhD in Spanish Philology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Lecturer of Spanish at the Universidad de Alcalá.

Manuel Mira Candel (Orihuela, 1945) has been described as one of the last real journalists and as an innovative writer who works on the border between reality and fiction. As a journalist he worked in every capacity, from editor to media director and creative entrepreneur.


Manuel Moreno Alonso is a Lecturer in Contemporary History at the University of Seville, after years of teaching in the same position at the “Colegio Español” and at the University College in London.

Born in Cordoba in 1963, Manuel Moyano is considered by many critics to be one of the most important story-writers of his generation. Over time he has become known for a precise and elegant narrative that flirts with fantasy but resists the straitjacket of genre.

Born in Seville in 1961, he is an editor and writer. An agronomic engineer, with a degree in Law and Senior Management, he has been a member of the Andalucian Parliament, General Secretary for Employment, and Minister for Work and Social Affairs.

Manuel Pinomontano is an Andalusian writer, born in Huelva in 1966.

Manuel R. Torres Soriano Teaches Political Science at the University Pablo de Olavide in Seville.

Nació en Sevilla en 1974 y desde entonces no ha parado de saciar su curiosidad probando y estudiando cuantas cosas llamaran su atención.

Nació en Sevilla en 1974 y desde entonces no ha parado de saciar su curiosidad probando y estudiando cuantas cosas llamaran su atención.

Manuel Ramos Ramos was born in Seville in 1974 and has always been insatiably curious when it comes to studying and experimenting with anything that captures his imagination.

Manuel Rivero Rodríguez, Head of Modern History at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, is the author of numerous articles, books and essays, including “Felipe II y el gobierno de Italia” (Felipe II and the Government of Italy, 1998), “Gattinara. Carlos V y el sueño del imperio” (Gattinara.

A secondary school teacher in Vitoria, he studied French and English Literature and was one of the authors of the Basque Country Foreign Language Curriculum Design and is author of the applied study for Ararteko ("Juan San Martín" Human Rights Collection) A School Without Borders: Teaching Immigr

Hernán Migoya. Among his most important scripts are El hombre con miedo (The Fearful Man; drawn by Man and a prizewinner at the Barcelona Salon, 2001), Final feliz (Happy Ending; drawn by Rayco Pulido, 2004) and Olimpita (with Joan Marín, 2008).

Manuel Vilas (Barbastro, 1962), narrador y poeta es un auténtico vanguardista de su tiempo. Es autor de tres libros de cuentos y varias novelas, entre ellas ORDESA (2018), novela autobiográfica que sorprendió a la crítica y a los lectores españoles por su honestidad poco vista en la literatura.

Manuel Vilas (Barbastro, 1962), narrator and poet, is truly ahead of his time. He is the author of three short story collections and several novels, including ORDESA (2018), an autobiographical novel that surprised critics and Spanish readers with an honesty rarely found in literature.

Manuela Dunn-Mascetti started following the trail of vampires across eastern Europe when she was studying anthropology and mythology at London University, so feeding her fascination for the legendary past of this obscure tale.

This book provides 30 simple suggestions for practical projects which girls and boys can adapt to their own methods to create objects made from cardboard, plastic bottles, fabric remnants and all those things that are no longer needed.


Midori’s suicide at a young age drives her father mad. Mr. Nagara, a rich Japanese business man, cannot get over the loss of his daughter and seeks vengeance over her death.

Skin against skin, an intimate way of establishing a unique connection with your partner: SENSUAL MASSAGE. This pack will make it much easier and more enjoyable to achieve that connection.

This book shows how to make all sorts of professional mock-ups to precise scale for presenting construction projects in architecture, engineering, museum exhibits and temporary commercial installations.

Mar Benegas is a poet, writer and children's book author, who specialises in teaching and lecturing in poetry, and encouraging reading and creativity in children. Her work encompasses reading, writing, creativity and poetry for adults and children. She runs courses in Spain and abroad.

Mar Cantero is a writer and personal and creative coach. She studied literature at the School of Letters in Madrid and history at the UNED, and is currently a regular collaborator with the magazines MÍA, Objetivo Bienestar and Cultivar Salud, and editor of the magazine Mentes Abiertas.


She studied fine art in Madrid and has taken a great interest in the world of graphic design and illustration from a very young age.


A journalist by profession, Mar Guerra Cid (Madrid, 1963) has lived in La Coruña since 1987.

PhD in Fine Arts from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. She divides her time between illustration and teaching at the university and other centres, giving classes in Spain and other parts of the world.


Mar Mella Romero was born in Madrid in 1967. She began her career in international hotel chains, working in sales, marketing and publicity, and press office in a variety of locations. However, some years ago, she changed track and began to write for a number of media organs.

Mar Pavón (Manresa, 1968) loves day-dreaming and considers herself a first-rate student of clouds and the moon (especially the Valencian one), of darkness, limbo and creepy-crawlies.


Mara Blefusco was born at the end of the eighties in a Mediterranean city. As a little girl she was fascinated by the smallest things in her home, imagining what life would be like if she were only a few centimetres tall.


Mara Faye Lethem is an award-winning translator of novels by Jaume Cabré, David Trueba, Albert Sánchez Piñol, Javier Calvo, Patricio Pron, Marc Pastor, Toni Sala, Irene Solà, Iván Repila, and Alicia Kopf, among others. She is currently translating the stories of Pere Calders.

Mara Turing receives a mysterious message when she's about to start her summer vacation in New York: "I need your help." This enigmatic call is from her uncle, a member of the dangerous "Dirtee Loopers," hackers.


Marc Artigau i Queralt (Barcelona, 1984) is a graduate in Stage Direction and Dramatology from the Institute of Theatre in Barcelona.

1984年、バルセロナ生まれ。バルセロナの演劇学院で学士(舞台演出・演劇学)の学位取得。『Els perseguidors de paraules(言葉の追求者)』、 『La cova dels dies(日々の洞窟)』、ジョルディ・バステとの共著 『Un home cau(男が落ちる)』と『Els coloms de la Boquería(ボケリア市場の鳩)』といったYA小説を出版。詩集に『Vermella (赤)』と 『Desterrats(流刑者)』がある。現在はラジオ番組「El món a Rac1」用に毎日ショートストーリーを書いている。

Marc Giner is a psychopedagoue and logopaedist for Clavé Psychopedagogues, and an advisor at several educational centres. He is an Associate Professor at the Universidad Autónoma in Barcelona, and editor of the blog

Born in Barcelona, graduated in Criminology and Criminal Politics, he works in the scientific police of the ‘Mossos d’Esquadra’. He has published Montecristo (2007) a novel of war adventures which shares its atmosphere and some of its characters with La Mala dona

Marc Ripol is a journalist and photographer specializing in travel stories. When not wandering the world, he has his home port in Barcelona, his hometown. He has published the travel book “De turista a viajero” and the humour books “Humor on line” and “Dos cabalgan juntos”.

Marc Sans was born in Barcelona in 1978. He studied Graphic Design, and this discipline has become his profession. In 2003 he founded, together with Óscar Perales, the advertising agency OYEME! where he combines his studio work with more personal editorial projects.

マルク・サンスは1978年バルセロナ生まれ。グラフィックデザインを学び、職業とする。 2013年にオスカル・ペラレスと広告代理店OYEME!を設⽴し、アトリエでの作業と個⼈の編集事業との両⽴をスタートさせた。著書にグラフィックノベルLa noche de los cautivos(捕虜の夜、Edicions de Ponent)、漫画Death Row(死刑囚監房、Drakul Editorial)がある。本書Un hogar sin par(かえがえのないおうち)は初の児童書だが、著者が今後さらに多くの魅力的な物語を生み出してくれるのは間違いない。

What is a brand? According to the dictionary it is an indelible mark. It's that simple. Well, what if we applied this concept to people? Can we differentiate ourselves to achieve and excel in a homogeneous world? To be the most valued?

'Marcelina en la cocina' ('Marcelina in the Kitchen') is a rhyming book which your little ones will love. Marcelina has lots of talents, but cooking isn't one of them.

小さな読者が喜ぶ、韻をふんだリズミカルな文章で書かれた絵本。キリンのマルセリーナはなんでも上手だが、料理だけは苦手。うまく作れないくせに、めいっこが好きなごちそうを作ってあげたくなった。どんな騒動がもちあがるか、想像がつくでしょう! 友だちがあれこれととんでもないアドバイスをして、ディナーはしっちゃかめっちゃかのパーティーに。気の毒なマルセリーナ! キッチンはもうたいへん! どうすればいいの? ディナーはどうなる?

Carlos MARCELO is Didactics and Educational Organisation Professor of the Educational Science Department at Seville University. He leads the PAIDI Group on Research, Innovation and Development; Evaluation and Assessment (IDEA), evaluated as an Excellence Group.

Marcial Pons business group is devoted to the world of specialized books and journals.

Sentir is a publishing house that takes a sensitive approach to children's issues and uses stories as therapeutic tools to deal with complex and current issues.

MARCOMO, S.L. has two imprints: Marcombo is a technical and scientific book publishing company founded in 1945. Meanwhile, Editorial Sentir was born out of a demand for appropriate books to help children deal with present-day issues and problems.

Marcopola, before it was called Marcopola, was an isolated little island in the middle of the ocean. It used to get very bored until, one day when it woke up, it found an oar on its beach.

Marcos Álvarez

Fernando Macarro Castillo (Marcos Ana) was born in 1921 in Ventosa del Río Almar, a village in the countryside of Salamanca. In 1929 his parents move to Alcala de Henares near Madrid as orchard workers. In 1936 the Spanish Civil War got underway and Marcos, then only 15, volunteered himself.

マルコス・ベーは、自分で漫画の技法を身に付けたガリシア人作家で、主にミステリー、アドベンチャー、ファンタジーものの作品を発表している。大人向けの作品はリアルで細部にまでこだわった劇画調、ユーモラスな作品はシンプルで軽いタッチ、というふうにまったく異なるスタイルで描き分けるのが特徴だ。絵や物語の創作はずっと続けていたが、プロデビュー作は2013年に出版された初の長編漫画『Las aventuras de M&M, El caserón del acantilado (M&Mの冒険、崖の上の豪邸)』。

The author has been awarded the Ala Delta prize for his book El Cartero de Bagdad (The Postman of Bagdad), nominated in the White Ravens and in the Barco de Vapor award in Galician.


A Doctor of Aeronautical Engineering, and a teacher since 1964, he is a professor of Airports and Airport Construction. He has retired from the Advanced Technical School of Aeronautical Engineering, although he teaches on Masters and PhD courses.

Marcos González Morales has completed doctoral studies in Internal Communication and Social Responsibility at the Ramon Llull University, postgraduate studies in Corporate Social Responsibility at the Castilla la Mancha University and the Corporate Responsibility Program at IE Business School.


Marcos Herrera (Buenos Aires, 1966) has published the novels Cacerías, Ropa de Fuego (winner of the II Premio de Novelas del Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Argentina), as well as three volumes of poetry: Modo de final, Pulgas and Músicos de frontera.

'Marcos Montes' tells of the vicissitudes of a miner trying to get out of a gold mine after an accident, and the difficulties he has in doing so. It is also the convergence of a group of distressed and exhausted creatures of uncertain fate.

Marcos Obregón est né en 1973 à Barcelone, où il étudie la philologie hispanique. Pendant des années, il combine sa passion pour le théâtre et son projet de créer une école de théâtre, avec des emplois comme correcteur éditorial.


Marcos Pereda was born in Torrelavega in 1981. First he was a little boy, then he grew up, and now he has become a little boy again. He has worked as a ghost writer, but prefers not to talk about that because he was young and innocent.

マルコス・ペレダは1981年トレラベガ⽣まれ。最初は⼦どもで、成⻑して、今また⼦どもに戻っている。ゴーストライターとして働いたことがあるが、それについては語りたがらない。当時は若くて世間知らずだったのだ。今は「ジョット・ダウン誌」「CTXT」「コンキスタ・マガジン」「Soigneur」など、評判が良くてしかも彼の存在を大目に見てくれる媒体で執筆している。ちょっと変わった本や、Arriva Italia(イタリア万歳)、Periquismo. Crónica de una pasión(ペリコ崇拝。情熱の記録)など⾃転⾞についての本もある。

Scotland, at the end of the 20th Century. Elisa decides to leave her old life behind to begin anew thousands of kilometres from her home, on the remote Orkney Islands.

Marga Nadal (Barcelona, 1964). Doctora en Biología, ha dedicado toda su carrera profesional en la investigación biomédica. La escritura es una de sus pasiones, cultivada desde la adolescencia con todo el secreto que permite ser la pequeña de una familia numerosa.

Marga Sánchez Romero (Madrid, 1971) es catedrática de Prehistoria, divulgadora y vicerrectora de Igualdad, Inclusión y Sostenibilidad en la Universidad de Granada.

Margaret Jull Costa has been a literary translator for over twenty-seven years, and has translated many of the true greats of Spanish and Portuguese literature, including Eça de Queiroz, José Saramago, Javier Marías and Bernardo Atxaga.


What book or books are you working on at the moment, and can you reveal any future books or new authors you will translate?

Born in Malpica de Tajo, she has a degree in law, but soon saw her path turning towards the world of stories. She now tells them both orally and on paper.


The author is a clinical psychologist specialising in communication, self-esteem, childhood and childhood sexual abuse.


Margarita Hertnández Laille was born in Madrid and has a PhD in Natural History from UNED, which offered her a scholarship to undertake research on the teaching of Darwinism in Spain and England for her thesis.

Margarita Torres is a doctor and professor of medieval history at the Universidad de León. She has twice received the National Prize for Young Medievalists, awarded by the Spanish Society for Medieval Studies.

The author was born in Palma de Mallorca. She organises seminars on canine subject matter in Mallorca. She attended the International Course for Trainers taught by Turid Rugas in Spain between 2007 and 2009, an experience which inspired her to write this story.

Margarita Vergara has a PhD in Industrial Engineering. Since 1993 she has worked as a teacher in the area of Graphic Expression in Engineering at the Universitat Jaume I, mainly in Engineering and Technical Engineering in Industrial Design.

Writer, teacher, trained psychologist and sex education specialist, with a diploma in therapeutic pedagogy. A speaker on the course 'Alternative Methodologies for Teaching', she has also published articles in education magazines. A teacher by vocation, she is passionate about her work.

Mari Carmen González (Arevalillo, 1966) es maestra, licenciada en psicología, diplomada en pedagogía terapéutica y monitora de educación sexual.

作家、教員、⼼理学⼠。治療教育学を修了し、性教育の指導員でもある。「代替教育⽅法論」講師。教育関連誌への寄稿多数。自分の職業に情熱を注いで⽌まない天性の教育者。El Brujo Pirujo. Un lugar para dormir(魔法使いピルホ-ぼくの眠る場所-)、本書La Cueva de la Pintura(お絵描きの洞窟)の他、未出版の物語を多数執筆している。23年にわたる就学前教育および初等教育の経験を踏まえ、独⾃の教育ガイド(本書を⽤い、⼝述、記述、⼯作、演劇を通して多重知性、感情教育、クラス間活動等に取り組む11のアクティビティを紹介)を作成した。

María Agúndez, (Zaragoza, 1990) studied Advertising and Screenwriting in Madrid. At the age of twenty-one, she wrote and directed a documentary about male sexuality, Los hombres también son vírgenes (Men Are Virgins Too), which won the best short documentary prize in the Premio Ciutat de Palma.

1990年サラゴサ生まれ。マドリードで広告と映画脚本を学んだ。21歳で男性の性についてのドキュメンタリー『Los hombres también son vírgenes(男性も処女である)』の脚本、監督を手がけ、最優秀短編ドキュメンタリーに与えられるパルマ市賞を受賞した。広告プロデューサー、ドラマの歌やコマーシャルソングの作詞家として働いてきた。広告のアナウンサーで、さまざまなブランドのコピーを書いている。本書は初めての小説。

Maria Barbal (Tremp, 1949) errupted onto the literary scene with "Pedra de Tartera" (Stone in a Landslide) which won the Joaquim Ruyra Prize in 1984 and the Joan Crexells Prize in 1985 becoming a landmark in contemporary Catalan fiction.

マリア・バルバル(1949年、トレンプ生まれ)は、『Pedra de tartera(侵食された岩)』で文壇デビュー。同書は1984年ジョアキム・ルイラ賞、1985年ジョアン・クレシェイス賞を受賞し、彼女は現代カタルーニャ語小説の重要作家となった。その後『Mel i metzines(密と毒)』(1990)と『Càmfora(カンフル)』(1992)を発表し、批評家協会賞カタルーニャ語小説部門と国民文学賞カタルーニャ語部門を受賞。

María Bastarós (Zaragoza, 1987). Cultural consultant, art historian, public speaker, writer and fanziner.

マリア・バスタロスは1987年、サラゴサ⽣まれ。 ⽂化イベントプランナー、美術史研究家、講演者、作家、ファンジン発⾏者。 フェミニスト⽂化プラットフォーム Quién Coño Esの創設者。

Maria Carme Roca is a historian and linguist. She has been a professional writer since 1997 and has published around fifty books. She writes for children, teenagers and adults. She has won various literary prizes.

歴史学者、文献学者。1997年から執筆業に専念し、これまでに約50点の本を出版した。児童・ヤングアダルト向けと一般向け、両方を手がけている。いくつかの文学賞を受賞。バルカノバ社で刊行したEl faedor de mentides(嘘つき)で2004年ホワイト・レイブンズに選出され、2005年にはAkanuu, l’arquer persa(ペルシャの射手、アカヌー)でバルカノバ児童文学賞を受賞した。バルカノバ社刊行作品にはほかにDedica’m un poema encara que sigui teu(あなただって私に詩を書いて)がある。

PhD in Architecture with the thesis “The staircase and the house: path architecture” from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of A Coruña in 2003.

María Cascales Doctor degree (phD) in Biochemistry (1961) from the Complutense University (Madrid). Post doctoral fellow, in Kansas City (USA) 1965 – 1966). Royal Society Fellow in London (UK) 1973-1974. Specialist in Clinical Biochemistry.

マリア・カストロ(1969年マドリード生まれ)は『El baño de Moka(モカのおふろ)』、『El día favorito de Moka(モカのお気に入りの日)』、『Los robos de Moka(モカ泥棒)』の作者。デジタル雑誌「センダ」とエルクルトゥラル誌で文化批評を執筆している。

María del Carmen Gómez Gómez (Salamanca, 1979) studied special needs education, speech-language & hearing, and children's education, and has a degree in pedagogy. She also has a Master's degree in the education of people with sensory disabilities.

The author is professor and chair of psychopedagogy at the Paculty of Psychology and Education of the University of Deusto. Since 1978 she has provided training in psychopedagogical guidance and diagnosis of children and teenagers.

María del Mar Rodríguez was born in Caracas in 1961. Her parents were from La Palma, and emigrated to Venezuela but returned to La Palma after two years, where their daughter grew up.


María del Pilar Góngora Ayala was born in Madrid in 1961. She works in historical research and is a member of the Madrid Institute for Historic Studies Jimenez de Gregorio. She has worked in the annals of the institute whcih have been published by the University Carlos III.

As a teacher for over twenty years, stories, music and children are part of María del Pilar López Gómez's everyday experience.

María Elena Simón Rodríguez is a Gender Analyst, a specialialist Coach in Co-education and Language for Equality and a feminist writer. She was a secondary school teacher and, during that time, also persued personal studies and belonged to a number of thought and debate groups.

María Esther Ferreiro Fernández (Lugo, 1966) studied Business Informatics at the University of Oviedo. She has ample teaching experience in accredited, occupational and continuous training related to office software, network administration, internet and operating systems.

The author has worked as a columnist on several publications including El País, the printed Comunidad Valenciana, Las Provincias, and the newspaper Diario Levante-EMV, and writes literary critique in Posdata.

Maria Helena Feliu graduated in philosophy from the Universidad de Barcelona and has a diploma in clinical psychology from the Faculty of Medicine of the same university.

María Hesse is a well-known illustrator whose work has appeared in several exhibitions. She is the author of the publishing phenomenon Frida Kahlo. A Biography, which was followed by Bowie, the biography of the musical chameleon and Lust, an illustrated book about women’s sexual pleasure.

María J. Cuesta is a magician of words and colour.

María J. Cuesta es una maga de las palabras y del color.

María Jesús Comellas is a Doctor of Pedagogy. She is a full professor of Didactics and Scholastic Organisation at the Universidad Autònoma in Barcelona. She is Director of the Research, Guidance and Educational Development Group (GRODE) and Coordinator of the Observatory on School Violence.

Maria Jesús Lorente is a secondary school teacher at a school in Almería. She is a reader and mythomaniac regarding anything to do with literature. Antonio Lorente has a degree in fine art from the UPV and has shown his work in Rome, London and Almería.

マリア・ヘスス・ロレンテはアルメリアの中学校で教鞭をとっている。⽂学を取り巻くあらゆることに取りつかれた読者。アントニオ・ロレンテはバレンシア工科⼤学芸術学部卒業。ローマ、ロンドン、アルメリアで個展を開いたり、多くの展覧会に出展したりしている。イラストをつけた作品にYago(ヤーゴ)、La princesa aburrida(退屈なお姫さま)などがある。

She holds a degree in Hispanic Philology. A teacher in high schools in Spain, France and Morocco, and also at Instituto Cervantes, both in Fez and in Lyon. Examiner for the Certificates of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) and for the official tests of International Baccalaureate (IBO).

Col&Col Ediciones es una editorial independiente con sede en Málaga que empezó su andadura en 2015 como un blog gastronómico.


María José Floriano has worked as a journalist for several radio and TV stations, as well as for companies such as Prisa Internacional, El Mundo TV and Antena 3. Currently she is focussing on her literary work as an author while also speaking at conferences and giving writing workshops.

como periodista en varias emisoras de radio, cadenas de televisión y productoras como Prisa Internacional, El Mundo TV o Antena 3.

The authors of this work are a large group of lecturers from various universities and professionals from research institutes and public opinion institutes, all with extensive teaching and/or professional experience, which enables usefully getting the contents of each issue closer to the reality o

María José Prieto González has qualifications in chemical science from the Complutense University of Madrid, an MA in Engineering and Environmental Management from the Industrial Organization School and an MA in Company Administraion and Management from IESE.

María José Sánchez was born on the 3rd of April 1982 in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina. From an early age literature played a fundamental part in her life. She learnt to read and write at age 5, and from then on she started writing stories.

María José Vela is passionate about literature. Like the main character in her novel, she made a big change in her life so she could devote it entirely to her great passion: writing.

María Martínez is the author of the New Adult series Cruzando los límites (Crossing the Boundaries).

María Martínez-Sagrera graduated in Anglo-german Philology, has a diploma in Religious Science Studies and a further degree in Theology. She lives in Seville with her husband and four children. She published her novel La cara oculta de Pedro (The Hidden Face of Pedro) with Ediciones Mensajero.

アングロ・ゲルマン文献学の学士号、宗教学の准学士号、神学の学士号を取得。夫と4人の子供とともにセビリア在住。 Ediciones Mensajeroから小説La cara oculta de Pedro(ペドロの隠れた顔)を出版している。 現在、セビリア大学の法学・犯罪学部で、犯罪被害者学セミナーの児童虐待に関する講義を開いている。

María Martinón-Torres (Ourense, 1974) es doctorada europea en Medicina y Cirugía y está especializada en Evolución Humana por la Universidad de Bristol y en Antropología Forense por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

María Martinón-Torres (Ourense, 1974) es doctorada europea en Medicina y Cirugía y está especializada en Evolución Humana por la Universidad de Bristol y en Antropología Forense por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

María Martinón-Torres (Ourense, 1974) es doctorada europea en Medicina y Cirugía y está especializada en Evolución Humana por la Universidad de Bristol y en Antropología Forense por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

María Menéndez-Ponte is an author of novels and short stories, aimed mainly at children and young adults.

主に子どもや青少年向けの小説や短編を手がけるベストセラー作家。『Nunca seré tu héroe(きみのヒーローには絶対にならない)』は、2006年、金の本賞を受賞し、実売10万部以上、シリーズで合わせて40刷以上を重ねている。子どもたちに大人気のキャラクター、Pupi(プピ)のシリーズもベストセラー。教科書や音楽、脚本や雑誌記事なども多数手がける。2007年に全業績に対して、セルバンテス・チコ賞を受賞した。

María Neila Martín is a music composer and writer. IN JANUARY 2016 she published her first novel, "ABUELO TOMÁS" [GRANDAD TOMÁS], WHICH WAS SELECTED AS ONE OF THREE FINALISTS IN THE BEST NOVEL CATEGORY OF THE CÍRCULO ROJO AWARDS 2016.

マリア・ネイラ=マルティン:作曲家で作家。2016年1月、初の小説『ABUELO TOMÁS(トマスおじいちゃん)』を出版し、2016年のシルクロ・ロホ賞最優秀小説部門の最終3候補に残った。2016年の10月には2冊目となる、シリーズ続編『ABUELO TOMÁS -EL REGRESO-(帰ってきたトマスおじいちゃん)』を、2018年には3冊目で完結編の『ABUELO TOMÁS -RECUERDOS Y OLVIDOS-

María Oruña (Vigo, 1977) lives in Galicia, although her father is Cantabrian and she spends a lot of summers in Cantabria, where Hidden Port is set. She is a lawyer and practiced law for ten years before taking a break to research, write and be a mother.

ガリシア出身の作家で、幼い頃からしばしばカンタブリア地方を訪れてきた。彼女の4編のノワール小説は、すべてカンタブリアが舞台。ノワールのジャンルのデビュー作『Puerto escondido(隠れた港)』(2015、当サイト2015年紹介作品http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/puerto-escondido)は成功をおさめ、ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語、カタルーニャ語に翻訳された。

María Paz Lebrero has taught at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia since 1986. She is the author or co-author of approximately a hundred books, audio visual materials and magazine articles .

Desde muy joven, Maria Pilar Ibern (El Masnou) se interesó por la ecología y la alimentación. Con solo 20 años
empezó a dedicarse profesionalmente al arte gastronómico, labor que, desde entonces, comparte con la creación de

マリア・ピラール・イベルン(エル・マスノウ在住)は、かなり若い頃からエコロジーと食に興味を持っていた。わずか20歳でフードアートの現場で働きはじめ、それ以降、いろいろな場所で、料理教室の立ち上げ、料理番組の制作、健康的な食事についての講演などに携わる。また、個人で、栄養のカウンセリングも行う。料理への情熱はさまざまなメディアへと広がり、「ビタル」「ビオエコアクチュアル」「クエルポ・イ・メンテ」など、食と健康に関する雑誌に寄稿している。ベジタリアン料理の本をこれまでに8冊執筆し、そのうち、『¿Un banquete?

I was born in Cáceres in 1984. I did a fine arts degree in Salamanca. I studied for the civil servants' exams in order to get a normal job, but I threw in the towel and decided to move to Madrid, where some friends and I created Crispis, a music and illustration studio.


María Rubio (Zaragoza, 1987) is a screenwriter and novelist. She studied Publicity and Public Relations and her work in the advertising industry has won her several awards. Without doubts, however, what she most enjoys is humour.


Maria Saladich (Barcelona) compagina su trabajo de cirujana con la ilustración y el humor gráfico. Bajo el pseudónimo de Marylou creó la viñeta de «La chica que siempre hace tarde», que se publicó semanalmente durante tres años en el Diario El 9 nueve, donde colabora.

Eduald Palma (Torelló) is the author of this text, but he is an illustrator and designer by training and profession. He has published books both nationally and internationally, such as El gran llibre dels somnis [The Big Book of Dreams] (translated into several languages).

エウダルド・パルマ(トレリョ生まれ)は、イラストとデザインを学び、それを職業としている。本書では本文を担当した。数か国語に翻訳された『El gran llibre dels somnis(偉大なる夢の本)』をはじめ、国内外で著作を発表。また広告やCDジャケットのイラストを手がけ、アニメ業界でも働いてきた。

María Sonia Cristoff (Trelew, Patagonia, 1965) has been making a mark on 21st century Argentinian literature with here unique works.

An educational psychologist and professor of Special Education, the author uses various self-growth techniques to develop awareness. As a child I would watch the cars from my window and I would ask myself why they had to make so much noise.


María Tena (born Madrid, 1953) spent her childhood in Dublin and Montevideo. She has a degree in literature, specialising in Hispanic literature, and also holds a law degree. She has spent her professional life in public administration working on cultural and educational projects.


A detective story in the form of a pop-up! The case is going to be difficult: Maria, a four year old girl, has lost her box of treasures.

María Zaragoza was born in Madrid in 1982, and has lived since she was seven in Campo de Criptana, Ciudad Real.

María-Milagros Rivera Garretas is Professor of Medieval History and one of the founders of the journal and of the Centro de Investigación en Estudios de las Mujeres Duoda at the University of Barcelona, which she directed between 1991 and 2001.

The illustrator Màriam Ben-Arab was born in Roca del Vallès, near Barcelona, in 1983. She picked up a pencil at an early age and never put it down. She studied Fine Art at the Universidad de Barcelona, and specialised in illustration at the Escola Llotja.

Marian Izaguirre was born in Bilbao and presently lives between Madrid and Barcelona. In 1991 she published her first work, La vide elíptica (Elliptical Life), which won the Premio Sésamo.

She graduated in Applied Arts from the University of Moholy-Nagy with a specialism in visual communication. She studied Italian Language and Literature at the University of Budapest and works as an illustrator of children's books.


Mariano Antolín Rato (Gijón, 1943) is one of the most innovative writers in contemporary Spanish literature. His first novel, Cuando 900 mil Mach aprox (At Aprox.

Mariano Pardo (San Javier, 1993) es historietista y diseñador grá- fico.

Mariano Pardo (San Javier, 1993) is a cartoonist and graphic designer.

Mariano Peyrou (Buenos Aires, 1971) has lived in Madrid since 1976. He is a Spanish poet, a musician and holds a degree in Social Anthropology. He received a grant for artistic creation enabling him to live at the Residencia de Estudiantes.

1971年、ブエノスアイレス生まれ。1976年からマドリード在住。学士(社会人類学)の学位を持つ。スペイン語で詩を書く詩人、ミュージシャン。芸術創作の奨学金を受けてマドリードの「学生館」に住んでいた。最近の詩を集めた様々な詩集や選集に彼の作品が掲載されている。2016年、著者の処女作『De los otros (他人の)』が出版された。

Mariano Quirós (born in Resistencia, province of Chaco, Argentina, in 1979) is the author of novels ROBLES (Oaks) (First Premio Bienal-CFI prize), TORRENTE (Torrent) (Premio Festival Iberamericano de Nueva Narrativa), RIO NEGRO (Premio Laura Palmer no ha muerto) (Laura Palmer Hasn't Died Prize) T


Graduated in Spanish Philology from the University of Barcelona. Teacher of Spanish as a foreign language (E/LE). Teacher trainer and author of publications in E/LE, and encouragement to culture and reading.

Mariasun Landa was born in Rentería (Gipuzkoa) in 1949. She graduated in Philosophy, and lived for some years in Paris. She has worked as a teacher for many years and continues to teach now.

Marijose Tobal (Zamora 1959) Diseñadora gráfica y artista multidisciplinar. Muestra sus obras en galerías de arte, museos, salas de exposiciones y espacios alternativos de diversos países.

Born in Madrid in 1947, the author holds a degree in Biology and is a university teacher in the subject of Science Education at USC. Her first books were for the youngest readers, for instance "A formiga coxa" (The Ant Thigh, 1989) and "O rescate do peneireiro" (Rescuing the Kestrel, 1990).

1947年マドリード生まれ。生物学の学士号を取得、サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ大学にて科学教授法を教える。執筆活動開始当初は『A formiga coxa(太ももアリ)』(1989)や『O rescate do peneireiro(チョウゲンボウの救助)』(1990)のように児童向けの物語を書いていた。その後は青年向けの『Nogard(ノガード)』(1994)や冒険小説『The Pacific Expedition(太平洋遠征)』(1994)などの作品を執筆。

Marilyn Bobes León (La Habana, 1955) is a true institution in Cuba. For many readers she is the voice of female literature on the largest island of the Antilles.

Marina Gibert (Girona, 1989). Based in Lisbon, she studied at the La Llotja School of Art and Design in Barcelona, and furthered her training at the Illustration Seminar at the Ar.Co Art and Communication Centre in the Portuguese capital.


Marina Hdez Ávila was born in Madrid in 1984. She is a professional illustrator. She trained at the Escuela de Artediez in Madrid and has a degree in Fine Arts from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Trabajo con procesos híbridos y heterogéneos de microtransformación social arraigados en los territorios; en proyectos colectivos, comunitarios y pedagógicos que relacionan las ciencias del mar, el diseño basado en el lugar, la gastronomía, el grafiti de recetas de cocina, la geografía radical y

Marina Perezagua (Sevilla, 1978) is a graduate of History of Art from the University of Seville and took a doctorate in Language and Literature in the United States.

Marina Percales always wants to know the reason for everything. Because of this, everyone calls her Marina Why?. One day, her mother tells her that she has to learn to read. And of course, she wants to know why.

Marina Sáez was born in Barcelona. Every weekend she used to wake her parents up with all kinds of drawings. Years later, she is still more or less the same. She likes painting whiskers and colouring outside the lines.

Marina Sáez nació en Barcelona. Cada fin de semana despertaba a sus padres con toda clase de dibujos. Años después, la cosa sigue más o menos igual. Le gusta dibujar bigotes de gato y salirse de la raya. Y aunque lo ordene todo por colores, siempre le da mucha pereza sacar punta a los lápices.

Marina Sáez nació en Barcelona. Cada fin de semana despertaba a sus padres con toda clase de dibujos. Años después, la cosa sigue más o menos igual. Le gusta dibujar bigotes de gato y salirse de la raya. Y aunque lo ordene todo por colores, siempre le da mucha pereza sacar punta a los lápices.


Marina has a new friend but he is an unusual friend. He is an extraterrestrial friend! Marina will show him everything about life on Earth but what will the Little Green Boy show Marina?. Let´s find out!

Marino Amodio was born in Naples in 1989 and has a degree in Architecture. He is a big fan of the Mediterranean. He works with a variety of illustrators and also works as a printer in the fields of silk screen printing and photography.


 Mario Cuenca Sandoval was born in Sabadell in 1975, although he now lives in Cordoba, where he works as a teacher of philosophy.

Mario Lacruz Muntadas was born in Barcelona in 1929, and died in the same city in 2000. During his lifetime he published the three novels which are now presented as The Trilogy of Guilt.

Mario Szichman was born in Buenos Aires in 1945, and lived in Caracas from 1967 to 1971, where he worked as a journalist and wrote his novel False Chronical, which made it to the Casa de las Américas awards in 1969.

Mariona Cabassa studied illustration and graphic design at the Escuela Massana in Barcelona (Premio Extraordinario 2000). In 2000 she did a postgraduate course in illustration and engraving at l’École des Arts Déco (Strasbourg) and another at l’École des Beaux Arts (Marseille).


With a degree in art history and another in geography and history, Marisa López used to work as a teacher, a public center director, and a training advisor in teachers center (CPRs), but now she is a full time of poetry and literature for children and young adults.

Maestra. Licenciada en Historia del Arte. Licenciada en Geografía e Historia. Directora en centros públicos y Asesora de Formación en Centros de Profesores (CPRs), en la actualidad está dedicada plenamente a la poesía y a la LIJ (literatura Infantil y Juvenil).

Maestra. Licenciada en Historia del Arte. Licenciada en Geografía e Historia. Directora en centros públicos y Asesora de Formación en Centros de Profesores (CPRs), en la actualidad está dedicada plenamente a la poesía y a la LIJ (literatura Infantil y Juvenil).

Marisa López Soria is a widely recognised and experienced writer of children's and young adult literature. She was born in Albacete but has lived most of her life in Cartagena and Murcia.


1969年マドリード生まれ。マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学でスペイン文献学を学び、イタカ中等学校で教師を務める。デジタル雑誌「ティエンポス・モデルノス」「プルマス・イスパノアメリカノス」、ブログ「プブリコ紙の公開メモリー」に寄稿してきた。フェルナンド・サビドの『Poetas del siglo XXI(21世紀の詩人たち)』やアグスティン・カルボの『Las afinidades electivas(選ばれた類似性)』といったデジタル・アンソロジーや、雑誌「ガトス・イ・マングリアス」「アロラ・ラ・ビエン・セルカダ」「アルカイド」に、いくつかの詩が収録されている。

マリソル・オルティス=デサレテは、ビトリア生まれ、同地在住。読書好きが高じて執筆を手がけるようになり、2002年に初めての小説Los enigmas de Leonardo(レオナルドの謎、Bruño社)を出版。2作目の小説La cruz bajo la lengua(舌の下の十字、Arte-Activo社、2007年)ともに歴史もの。旅行が好きで、実際に現場で史実の裏づけをとったり、自作の登場人物のように舞台となった場所をめぐったりしている。子ども向けの短編も書いており、中の数点は短編小説コンクールで入賞。

Marisol Sales Giménez was born in Valencia on the 18th of August 2000. She lives in Alfafar (Valencia), although she considers herself as coming from Antella and Sumacàrcer. She was in the first year of her high school diploma when she wrote this book.


Màrius Serra (Barcelona, 1963, www.mariusserra.info) has published more than 6,000 crossword puzzles, 2,000 articles, 8 narrative works and 3 wordplay books, among them Manual d’enigmística and Verbalia (2000), winner of the Octavi Pellissa Prize, the Serra d’Or Prize and the Lletra d’Or Prize.

Mark E. peterson is head of the department of endocrinology at the Animal Medical Center, New York, the Animal Wellness Center of Bedford Hills, New York.


We currently face a new Web that bonds people with social links powered by technology. Web users are now better informed and know exactly what they want.

Transmitting, persuading, communicating and above all convincing. Political marketing is an essential tool for approaching voters and gaining their confidence, the aim of all electoral campaigns.

Marli Brosgen Editorial is a publishing house supported by social organisations of the Comunidad de Madrid, which was founded with the aim of filling the need during the pandemic to guarantee a link between cultural and social causes. It is part of the Fecha Empresa Social SLU.

Marli Brosgen Editorial is a publishing house supported by social organisations of the Comunidad de Madrid, which was founded with the aim of filling the need during the pandemic to guarantee a link between cultural and social causes. It is part of the Fecha Empresa Social SLU.



Marta (Zaragoza,1994) didn't want to learn to read because she thought that her sister would stop telling her stories. But Marta did learn, luckily for her and the bookshops of her native city.

マルタ(1994年サラゴサ⽣)は⼩さい頃、⽂字をおしえてもらいたくなかった。⽂字を覚えなければ姉がずっとお話をしてくれると思っていたからだ。しかしマルタにとって(そして街の本屋にとっても)幸いなことに、⽂字を学び、読めるようになった。今、彼⼥は読書が好き過ぎて、⾃分のYou TubeのチャンネルMartitaraBookVlogsでみんなと本の感想を分かち合いたくてたまらない。読むだけでなく、マルタは物語を作ったり、歌ったり、ひどいジョークをリツイートするのが好きだ。それにチーズがたっぷりかかったピザも大好き。⽝も好きだが、⽝からはあまり好かれていない。

Marta Barrio García-Agulló (New Haven, 1986) is an editor. She is a graduate of Spanish Languages and of Oriental Studies from the Autónoma University, Madrid. She took a masters in Editing at Salamanca-Santillana University.

マルタ・バリオ=ガルシア-アグリョは1986年ニューヘイブン生まれの編集者。マドリード自治大学でスペイン文献学と中東学を学び、サラマンカ・サンティリャナ大学で編集の修士課程を修める。小説第1作である『Los gatos salvajes de Kerguelen(ケルゲレンの野生猫)』 (2020)が、ヒホン・ノワール週間のシルベリオ・カニャーダ記念賞の最終候補になった。2021年トゥスケッツ小説賞を受賞した本書は、胎児の喪失の悲痛な物語と、それを乗り越え、人生の前で再び自己肯定する力を、冷たい抑制のきいた筆致で描く。

Since 2002 this author has illustrated for several publishers, advertising agencies, design studios, and communication services. "Since I was very small I already loved submerging myself among the drawings on the pages of stories and go travelling by doodling across the page." 


Marta Busquets (Barcelona, 1995) es filóloga de formación y ha trabajado en la edición y corrección de textos. Es autora de dos álbumes ilustrados infantiles: Bambú (ING Edicions, 2020) y La abeja Flora y el prado de las cinco flores (ING Edicions, 2023).

Marta Busquets (Barcelona, 1995) es filóloga de formación y ha trabajado en la edición y corrección de textos. El 2020 publicó su primer cuento, Bambú (ING Edicions). Lisa Landwehr (Witten, 1995) es una ilustradora alemana.

The author was born in Badalona, Barcelona. For over 20 years she has worked in public libraries and currently she works in digital publishing. She has also been a story-teller and works as an announcer for the collective EnVeuAlta.

バダロナ(バルセロナ県)に生まれる。20年以上にわたり、いくつもの公共図書館に勤務し、現在はデジタル出版の世界に従事。ストーリーテラーとしても活動しており、オーディオ文学の団体EnVeuAlta(大きな声で) にナレーターとして協力している。バルセロナ文芸協会で作家のための教育を受け、出版社や雑誌で様々な年齢層向けの物語を複数刊行。


A journalist and writer, Marta Fernández started her working life at Diario I6. She then worked for Televisión Española, Telemadrid, and CNN+ before moving to Telecinco. She has been at Mediaset since 2007. There she continues to tell the stories that current affairs put in front of her.


Marta Gómez (Valladolid, 1967) has a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Valladolid. She has worked as a language and literature teacher in Valladolid, Melilla and Scotland.

マルタ・ゴメス(1967年バリャドリード生まれ)は、バリャドリード大学でスペイン語学の学位を取得。バリャドリード、メリリャ、スコットランドで言語と文学の教師として働いた。1999年からはマドリード、ニューヨーク、そして現在住んでいるバルセロナで、児童書や一般向け書籍の大手出版社で編集者として働いてきた。児童・YA書を何冊かと一般向けの物語を1冊出版している。 カルラ・ナザレ(1975年モザンビーク生まれ)は、おそらく現時点でもっとも影響力のあるポルトガルの若きイラストレーター。コインブラとリスボンに住んだ経験がある。リスボン大学の美術学部でデザインとコミュニケーションの学位を取得。

Marta Guillén is an image consultant, beautician and marketing specialist for companies in the beauty industry. She is a professional make-up artist.


Ganadora de premios literarios. Escritora.

Winner of literary awards. Writer.

Marta Rivera de la Cruz (Lugo, 1970) graduated in Information Sciences and is a specialist in Political Communication at the Universidad Complutense.

マルタ・リベラ=デラクルスは、1970年ルゴ生まれ。コンプルテンセ大学で情報科学の学士号、政治コミュニケーションのスペシャリスト資格を取得。1998年、Que veinte años no es nada (20年なんて大したことない)で、アテネオ・ホベン・デ・セビーリャ小説賞受賞。この作品は第5版まで出た。2006年には、En tiempo de prodigios(奇跡の時代に)がプラネタ賞最終候補作品になる。その前の小説La importancia de las cosas(ものごとの大切さ)は読者に絶賛された。

Marta Rivera Ferner was born in Argentina. She studied Fine Arts in Buenos Aires. She has published children's stories and has worked for cultural magazines as well as for television, always combining work with her vocation as a painter.

Marta Rojals (1975) was born in la Ribera d’Ebre (Tarragona). She holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. She is also a translator and a freelance editor.

Marta San Miguel (Santander, 1981) es escritora y periodista. Ha publicado los poemarios Meridiano (2010), que recibió el XXIX Premio José Hierro de Poesía, y El tiempo vertical (2015). Posteriormente debutó en la narrativa de no ficción con Una forma de permanencia (Libros del K.O., 2019).

With a degree in early childhood education from the University of Valencia, she has published so far three novels with a small publisher, one on paperback, Quédate siempre (Stay Forever), and the other two, the Vertigo duology, on digital format.

licenciada en Magisterio Infantil por la Universidad de Valencia, ha publicado tres novelas hasta el momento con una pequeña editorial. Tiene una en papel, “Quédate Siempre”, y dos en digital: la bilogía “Vértigo”.

Marta Sanz has a doctorate in literature. In 2007 she won the Premio Mario Vargas LLosa NH story prize.


'When I was little, my parents bought me books from the bookfair in my city. I used to jump for joy. I love to read. Writing is another way of reading, a game I play for fun. Now, when I jump, it's because I have finished writing a story.'

Editorial Liana publishes quality illustrated books: picture books, comics and narrative fiction. We look for books that are poetic, ask questions and have illustrations that expand the text by adding another reading dimension. www.lianaeditorial.com


Marta Vicente is a painter, engraver and illustrator. She was born in Argentina and lives there to this day. She won the A la Orilla del Viento prize for illustrated children’s book, and has published work in Mexico, Spain and Argentina..


Martí Colom Martí (Barcelona, 1971) studied Anthropology in Barcelona and Theology in Milwaukee (USA). He has worked with development projects with immigrant communities in Colombia, the United States and also, for ten years, in the rural areas of southeast Dominican Republic.


Martí Domínguez has a PhD in Biology. He teaches journalism at the Universidad de Valencia, and is editor of the scientific magazine Mètode. He writes in a variety of media organs, such as El Temps, La Vanguardia, Ara and El País.

Martí Domínguez (1966) és professor de Periodisme de la Universitat de València. Ha estat guardonat amb el Premi Nacional de Periodisme per la seva tasca com a director de la revista científica Mètode.

マルティ・ペラルナウは1980年モスクワ五輪に走り高跳びの選手として出場。スペイン国内では同競技の全カテゴリーにおいて覇者および記録保持者となった。その後、複数の国内紙やカタルーニャ州のスペイン国営放送局でスポーツ部門のトップを務め、後者においては番組Estadio 2(スタジアム2)を制作した。20年以上前からマネージメント界でも活動しており、1992年バルセロナ五輪のメインプレスセンター長を皮切りに、マドリードへ拠点を移してからはオーディオビジュアル企業の取締役も務めた。現在は、自らの広告製作会社を率いる一方、複数のメディアにアナリストとして協力。

Meritxell Martí is a writer and teaches art and literature. She has published some thirty children's books, some of which have been translated. Xavier Salomó is a paper engineer and illustrator. He works for some of Spain's and France's main publishers and has twice won the Junceda award.

“Martin is my best friend. But he’s not like the others. Or at least that’s what the others say. He likes eating strawberries through his nose. He loves wearing shirts with all the buttons done up.

「マルティンは僕の親友。でも変わってるってみんなが言うんだ。イチゴが大好きだけど鼻から食べるし、シャツを好んで着るけどボタンは全部しっかり留めるし、庭で虫を捕まえてはポケットに入れちゃう。コロッケは毎回必ずきっかり9個ずつ食べるんだ」。  2015年10月21日に教育省の後援でスペイン児童図書評議会 (OEPLI)が公募したラサリーリョ賞絵本部門の受賞作が決定した。応募のあった51作品の中から選出されたのは本作品マルティン。

Martín Álvarez González (Ourense, 1974) teaches cookery at the Vilamarín college of secondary education (Ourense).

Martín Caparrós (Buenos Aires, 1957) es un periodista y novelista de fama internacional. Tiene casi cuarenta libros publicados, entre ellos: LA DISTANCIA, DIOS MÍO, LA VOLUNTAD, LA GUERRA MODERNA, AMOR Y ANARQUÍA y EL INTERIOR.

Martin Choice is a psychologist, journalist, graduate in Labour Relations, and writer.

Martin was an expert at losing things.

Martin Schifino is a translator and critic who has translated and reviewed more books than he cares to remember. Buenos Aires-born, he lived in London between 1999 and 2008, and now resides in Madrid.

Martín Sotelo was born in Toledo in 1982 and studied Hispanic philology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He combined his studies with multiple jobs as a teacher, writer, editor, researcher and documentary maker.

Xus Martín es profesora de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Barcelona y miembro del GREM (Grupo de Investigación en Educación Moral). Es experta en educación en valores, aprendizaje servicio y adolescentes en riesgo de exclusión, temas sobre los cuales tiene numerosas publicaciones.

Martina is feeling a bit low: her parents pay more attention to her little brother, who is teething.


Andrés Martínez Esteban has been a priest of the diocese of Madrid since 1997. He studied in Madrid and Rome, where he did PhDs in Theology and Church History respectively.

Iker Martínez es profesor de Historia de la Filosofía Antigua en la UNED. Sus investigaciones de centran en la filosofía romana en el periodo tardorrepublicano y altoimperial. Su último libro es El ejemplo y su antagonista. Arquitectura de la ‘imitatio’ en la filosofía de Cicerón (Ed.

CATALINA MARTÍNEZ MEDIANO (Coordinadora) Profesora Honorífica del Dpto. MIDE I, UNED. Desde mis comienzos me he interesado por la calidad de la educación, investigando la potencialidad de la Educación a distancia y en línea.

Profesora titular de Universidad de «Métodos de Investigación Evaluativa en Educación», imparte «Evaluación de programas» «Investigación evaluativa», y «Modelos de calidad y su evaluación» en el Grado de Pedagogía y el Máster Universitario en «Innovación e Investigación en Educación» de la UNED,

Maru Godàs arbeitet als freie Illustratorin und Designerin in Barcelona.


A Branding & Marketing agency specialising in Personal Branding for writers as a literary agency.


Branding agency for writers and artists

Branding agency for writers and artists



Mary Solari, (Buenos Aires, 1952 - Madrid, 2018) was an author. Words have always been very important in my life, stories into which I plunged right to the very bottom. Sometimes I only remember feelings and I forget names and facts. I have lived in several countries and many many more books.

How to use and apply the power in order to achieve all your ambitions: read each chapter carefully, absorb the message, follow the recommendations and the Law of Attraction will yield your just rewards.

Diego is a survivor of the holocaust that decimated the Asháninka people in the Peruvian Amazon, carried out by the Shining Path from 1989 to 1992. At five years old he is adopted by Bernardo and Alicia, an upper-class couple who live in Spain.

This is not a method for singing but a in-depth reflection on singing as a career, its demands and its repercussions on the life of the singer. Being the bearer of one’s own instrument demands greater discipline on the part of the singer.

An introduction to the thought of this great spiritual master.

Beyond the great literary and cinematic successes, find out about the history of vampires and their modern reincarnations.

A costumbrista novel, but with strange customs. A realist story, but from a reality different from yours. Or not. More or less. 'Do you know who you are?

Rebecca looks at the new lights in her garden; her divorce and unexpected move are far behind her.

Massimo Mariani est diplômé en peinture et beaux-arts de l'Académie de Brera, et il a exposé dans plusieurs galeries en Italie. Il a publié plusieurs livres sur des sujets aussi variés que le cinéma, l'art, la représentation de la féminité, Freud et l'inconscient.

A professionally tortured writer –who’s also a drunkard, a misanthrope and a textbook degenerate– flees his life and takes refuge in a spa in Monegáster that’s seen better days.


Nació en 1960 en la Ciudad de México. Estudió Biología en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y algunos cursos de Bioquímica en el Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional.

Mateo Miguel was born in 1960 in Mexico City.

Mateo Sancho Cardiel (Zaragoza, 1983) is a writer, journalist and sociologist. His adolescence was a rural one, but he faced the big city to spend six years in Madrid working in film journalism, and then moved to New York in 2013 to be a correspondent for Agencia Efe for two years.

En la nova societat que descriu Mater, la gestació es du a terme fora del cos femení.





In the new society described in Mater, pregnancy takes place outside the female body.


Mateu Carrió was born on the 12 November, 1991 in Pedreguer, Alicante. He began writing at the age of 15 and hasn't stopped since. Aged 20 he published his first book, and now, aged 21, is awaiting the launch of the second.

Matías Néspolo is a journalist and writer. He has published poetry, novels, and kids books. He has been translated into English, French, Italian, and Dutch. In 2010, Granta magazine included him among their best children's writers in Spanish.


マティアス・ネスポロ(1975年ブエノスアイレス生まれ)は、アルゼンチン出身のジャーナリスト、小説家で、バルセロナを拠点に活動している。小説はこれまでに本書と『Con el sol en la boca(口の中の太陽と)』(Libros del Lince、2015)の2冊を出版している。2010年には、イギリスの権威ある文芸誌「グランタ」の特集号「最も優れたスペイン語の若手作家」で紹介された。各新聞の文化欄にも定期的に記事を書いている。現在はマルパソ出版の編集者。

An interesting story of the life and work of a Spanish woman who ended her days exiled in Chile, because of her participation in the II Spanish Republic government.

Matthew Scott nació y creció en Nueva Orleans, ciudad considerada la cuna del jazz y reconocida por su identidad cultural heterogénea fruto de la época colonial.

Matthias M. Tischler (1968) estudió Historia Medieval y Moderna, Ciencias Históricas Aplicadas, Filología Latina y Románica, Filosofía, Teología y Estudios Islámicos. Obtuvo su doctorado en Heidelberg (1998) y fue profesor asistente en Fráncfort (2001-2009).

Maurici Pla is an architect, writer and translator from French, English and Italian. He regularly combines his academic work with writing.

クアデルンス・クレマから出版された作品には、A favor del suspens(サスペンスのために、1997年)、初の小説Dissabte a les fosques (暗闇の土曜日、1999年)、文学エッセイ Sobre la imaginació analògica: Lautréamont, Breton, Roussel (アナログ的想像力について:ロートレアモン伯爵・ブレトン・ルーセル、2003年)がある。本書は、2作目の小説。

Mauricio Rosencof, born in Florida, Uruguay in 1933, is a writer and journalist. A leader of the Movement for National Liberation (the Tupamaros), he was arrested in 1972 and kept as a hostage in solitary confinement for eleven years, six months and a few days from September 1973.

Mauro Zúñiga Araúz was born in Panama City in 1943. He received his doctorate in medicine from the National University of Panama in 1968, specialising in internal medicine.

Max is fascinated by superheroes. He guards his books, films, strategy games, trading cards, action figures, posters (etc) as if they were treasure. And his friends share his enthusiasm. But of all the superheroes, Max has a favourite: Megapower!


Max and the Superheroes is a charming and beautifully illustrated picture book by Rocio Bonilla and Oriol Manet. Aimed at children of between 3 and 5 years, it is a sweet story about a little boy called Max who loves superheroes with a gentle surprise at its heart.

Max i els superherois

Màxim Huerta (Utiel, Valencia, 1971) graduated in Information Sciences from Universidad CEU San Pablo, Valencia. In 2014 he was awarded the Primavera Novel Prize for La noche soñada (The Dreamed Night).

In the Andalucian city of Granada, by the Plaza de Isabel la Catolica, a turbaned philosopher-poet stands on a pedestal, holding a scroll aloft. The noble medic is Yehuda Ibn Tibon, the 12th-century “patriarch of translators”.

Mayra Montero was born in Havana in 1952 has lived in Puerto Rico for over 40 years.


Since its establishment in 1997, MB Agencia Literaria has represented a select list of writers in Spanish and Catalan to the whole world. It also handles the rights for a prominent group of international agencies and publishers, for Brazil, Portugal and the Spanish-language market.

Young Cara Piqueres lives with her family in a big city and leads an apparently normal life. However, when night falls and her father returns home, preceded always by The Shadow, the nightmare begins.

This is my dad. He's as big as an elephant! He's a bit bald, but he's very handsome and nice... My dad makes the bed, takes me to school, cooks, does the washing, plays hide-and-seek and even sings opera... I love my dad!

これがぼくのパパ。象みたいに大きいんだ! ちょっとハゲているけど、とてもかっこよくてやさしいよ。パパはベッドをととのえて、ぼくを学校に送ってくれて、料理や洗濯をして、かくれんぼうもするし、オペラだって歌うんだ。ぼくはパパが大好き! 性別への既成概念にとらわれない父親像が登場する、かわいい絵本。元気あふれるイラストに彩られたリズミカルな文章が、家事に楽しいイメージを与えてくれる。

Publishing house specialising in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)


Since 1998, Media Vaca has been producing highly illustrated books for readers of all ages. Their list is composed of 42 titles distributed in 5 collections. The attention and effort that each project requires only allows for the publication of 3 titles per year.

At the height of summer, 1950, five adolescent girls at a convent boarding school play, for the last time, a game of 'Truth or Dare', which they call the 'clothes game', Two of them, the Viño twins, are about to start a new life, full of uncertain

After several years' absence, the protagonist of this novel decides to abandon his peaceful life in Barcelona and return to the city of his birth.


Meditation is not a fad. By now it has become a way of life, a way to combat the stress and anguish caused by our daily lives. Jordi Colomer explains how 'all roads lead to Rome'.

It is centuries since the Earth became a glacial waste invaded by giant jellyfish, where humans hide inside mountains to survive.


Growth always implies some form of violence.

Melcior Comes (Mallorca, 1980) has a degree in Law and the Theory of Literature. He is the author of the novels L’aire i el món (Ciutat d’Elx Prize), L’estupor que us espera (Documenta Prize) and El llibre dels plaers immensos (Ciutat de Palma Prize).

1980年、マヨルカ生まれ。学士(法学および文学理論)の学位を持つ。著書:小説 『L’aire i el món (空気と世界』(エルチェ市賞)、 『L’estupor que us espera (君たちを待つ驚愕)』(2004年ドクメンタ賞) 、『El llibre dels plaers immensos (測りしれない歓びの本)』(2006年、パルマ市賞)を出版。メルシオル・コマスは、アブイ紙、ディアリ・デ・バレアレス紙、週刊プレセンシアといった様々な新聞に寄稿もしている。

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Forty souls speak to us in death, in the first person.

23rd February, 1981. A village in Castille surrounded by mountains. Every Monday, seven-year-old Elena goes to her catechism class.

A book of poems in which, faced with the hounding of time and the mortal horizon, the poet questions and seeks solutions.

This exciting book is the result of a no less exciting life. Its pages swarm with an amazing variety of experiences.


I have lived in a time and a place in which everyone, not only criminals, exempts themselves from obeying the law.

Independent publishing house focusing on contemporary Spanish literature.


In the medieval world there was such a symbiosis between art and liturgy at the time of both plastic and poetic creation, the latter was seen not only as a source of inspiration, but also as interpretation of reality.

Xenia works hard to be top of her class, inspired by the dream of studying medicine; but lately her performance has been flagging. The fact is that Xenia has fallen in love, though not with one of the boys she knows.


What are markets and what has been their role over time? What can they offer us? How do they work?

Graduated in Illustration from the Escola d’Arts Aplicades Pau Gargallo in 1993. She has worked on books for children and young readers, as well as textbooks, for major Spanish publishers such as: Santillana, Anaya, La Galera, La Magrana, Casals, Edebé, Bruño.

Mercè Conangla is a psychologist, nurse and writer. She specialises in emotional education, training in leadership skills and non-verbal communication. She works as a trainer and consultant in the fields of education and health.

Psicóloga clínica. Psicoterapeuta (SEPYPNA-FEAP). Psicóloga especialista en psicoterapia, EuroPsy (EFPA). Profesional del CSMIJ de Gràcia (Barcelona) de la FETB.


Psychologist and child and adolescent family psychotherapist. Founder and Director of Psicólogos Pozuelo. Coordinator of the Health and Clinical Psychology Section of the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid. Advisor to the Psychotherapy Division of the General Council of Psychology.

幼少期の家族療法を専門とする心理学者。ポスエロ心理学者グループの創設者および代表。マドリード公立心理学者養成校の臨床心理学部門および健康部門コーディネーター。心理学評議会心理療法部顧問。公立および私立学校の教員。I.M.S.I.S.(マドリード幼少期-青年期及びその他のシステム論的療法協会)会長。情報誌「Psicología para Tod@s(みんなの心理学)」編集長。Sentir出版刊行の、子どもの感情の成長に関するシリーズ「Senticuentos(感情の物語)」と」Crecicuentos(成長の物語)」の編纂者でもある。

Her first novel 'Y punto.' (Alfaguara, 2009), the fruit of nine years' work, was critically lauded and voted best debut novel in Spanish by the Festival de Chambéry in France. Her latest novel, 'Mantis' is an absorbing work of psychological intrigue.

処女作で、9年間かかって書きあげたY punto(それだけだ、2008年、Alfaguara)は批評家から絶賛され、シャンベリー・フェスティバルでスペイン語の最優秀作品と評価される。本書『かまきり』は、読者をひきこんではなさない心理サスペンス。これまでの主な作品に、ロサリア・デカストロ全詩集(初のスペイン語・ガリシア語併記、2004年)、ペレス・ガルドスの注釈本Trafalgar(トラファルガー、2001年)、詩集La niña en rebajas (セールの女の子、2001年)がある。

Mercedes Gutiérrez, born in Madrid in 1971, studied at the Universidad Complutense and has a doctorate in American Literature. Her specialty is American road novels. Although she grew up between León and Madrid, she has lived in the United States for years.

1971年マドリード生まれ。コンプルセンセ大学で学び、博士(米国文学)の学位をもっている。彼女の専門は米国ロードノベル(紀行小説)。レオンとマドリードで育ったが、何年も前から米国に住んでいる。ボストンや、オハイオ、ペンシルバニア、ニュージャージー各地に住み、その経験が執筆の際の彼女のインスピレーションになっている。著作は、シビラ、エル・クラケン、ボセス、アウカ、キメラ、レビスタ・デ・オクシデンテ、クラリン、などのスペインや米国の雑誌に掲載された。2017年に、それらをまとめたものを『Perro Verde(緑の犬)』のタイトルで出版。

Mercedes Juliá is professor of Spanish literature at the University of Villanova, Pennsylvania, where she is head of the Departament of Romance Language and Literature. Her books include 'De la nueva luza: en torno a a poesía última de Juan Ramón Jiménez' (2010).

メルセデス・フリアはペンシルバニア州(アメリカ合衆国)にあるヴィラノヴァ大学スペイン文学正教授で、ロマンス系言語および文学部の学部長を務める。著書に、De la nueva luza: en torno a poesía última de Juan Ramón Jiménez(新たな光に:フアン・ラモン・ヒメネスの最後の詩について)などがある。

Mercedes Núñez Targa (Barcelona, 1911-Vigo, 1986), was the secretary of the poet Pablo Neruda during the Spanish Republic when he was the Chilean consul in Barcelona. She fought in the Civil War with the Catalan socialists and in 1940 was sentenced to twelve years in Ventas Prison.

Mercedes Olivet (Terrassa, 1963) has spent much of her professional life in the industrial and technology sectors, working for well-recognised, prestigious multinational companies.

Mercedes Olivet (Terrassa, 1963) ha desarrollado su carrera profesional dentro del sector industrial y tecnológico, trabajando para empresas multinacionales de reconocido prestigio. Escribir cuentos es su vocación y ha dedicado años de preparación para ello.

Mercedes Rodríguez Jiménez was born in Mairena del Alcor, Seville, in 1969. In 2013 she decided to write her first novel, 'Ajenjo', which was a finalist for the national 'Premio Felipe Trigo' prize 2013. In 2015 she conceived her second book, 'El rescate de Tamait' ('The Rescue of Tamait').

Mercedes Salisachs (Barcelona 1916) Her first published novel was Primera mañana, última mañana in 1955, followed by Una mujer llega al pueblo (Premio Ciudad de Barcelona 1956), La gangrena (Premio Planeta 1975), El volumen de la ausencia (Premio Ateneo de Sevilla 1983), Bacteria mutante, El últi

Born in 1961 in Madrid, Villegas studied at San Luis de los Franceses school and finished her degree in Hispanic philology at the Complutense University in Madrid. She lived for several years in London and then moved to Santiago de Compostela where she ran a bookshop, María Balteira.


Mercurio López Casillas, a passionate bookseller, comes from a family of 13, 9 of whom share his passion for books. He has devoted 70 years to purchase and sell them. His father taught them discipline and a love of books.

I am a young vine from a 1981 vintage who grows in the Celler de Gelida, a cellar that has produced great wines for five generations.

Meritxell Martí was born in Sabadell (Barcelona) in 1972. She has a doctorate in Art, a degree in Humanities and a diploma in Composition and Modern Music.

Meritxell Martí has a degree in Humanities and a degree in classical and modern music. She has been a professor of Art, Cinema and Literature at the UOC for 10 years. She holds a doctorate cum laude with a thesis on Internet Art. She is currently studying the Master Remind at the UB.



Meritxell Olaya is an Advanced Singing Teacher, Piano Teacher and Modern History graduate of the Universidad de Barcelona. She has worked throughout her career with Montserrat Pueyo and broadened her knowledge with the help of Carmen Bustamente and Gilbert Price.

Leicester, winter 1862. Mary Jane Potterton falls under the feet of an elephant in the Wombwell Circus procession. The incident is prophetic, and the child she is carrying will bear the cross his whole life.


The best footballer in the world has never had it easy: overcoming his growing-up problems, becoming an adult far from home, shining in such difficult clubs as F. C.

This handbook aims to provide an introduction to scientific research in the field of Psychology and Education: it provides the basics of scientific methodology, presents the specific research methods used in these areas and teaches how to build an

Have you ever thought about mixing yellow with magenta? And if you add more magenta? If that's piqued your curiosity, then follow Arán and Tigreta as they pass through the colour windows to visit hundreds of fantastical worlds in search of...

黄色と赤紫色を混ぜたらどうなるか考えたことある? もっと赤紫を足したら、どうなるのかな? もし好奇心をくすぐられたら、アランとティグレタと一緒に旅に出よう。色の窓を次々にくぐって、数々の素晴らしい世界を訪ねよう。そして……おっと、これから先は秘密だよ。でもヒントをひとつだけ。ティグレタの様子に注目してね。

A tender story of the relationship between a grandmother and her grandson. A story full of warmth for the whole family.

"I play at hiding kisses with my Grandpa Simón every day. Although he may have to go to hospital, although he may not be there, my Grandpa Simón and I keep playing...".



Hélene has experienced great love and sexual passion with her husband. When their two children are born, however, he starts to lose interest in her as a lover. She can't bear it.

Ariadna is the main character of this book, a girl who loves animals. In first person and in rhyme, her father tells us what his little girl likes about animals.


Laura is a kid who owns a red biplane and in it, she travels the world, reaching Australia where she meets koalas and kangaroos before getting back home. This is a story with two main themes, friendship and protecting the environment.


My great-grandmother is an old woman, a very old woman, and that's why she knows a lot about almost everything. She's very interesting and funny. Sometimes she seems sad, but she's almost always happy.

わたしのひいおばあちゃんは、すごく年をとっていて、だから、何でも知っている。とてもおもしろくて楽しい。ときどき悲しそうになるけれど、たいていはほがらかだ。ひいおばあちゃんは、わたしといるのが大好きで、わたしもひいおばあちゃんと一緒にいるのが大好き。よかったら、紹介してあげるよ。会ってみたくない?……呼んであげる。家族で読むための家族の本のシリーズEn familia(家族で)の1冊。ページの中には、モザイク、布、写真、スポンジ、段ボール、ファスナー、愛撫や愛情がつまっている。

In My Family the author presents a collection of stories about the members of a family: first the father, then the mother, the sister, the brother, Norberta the turtle, Daniel the grandfather…

'My Family is Special' introduces us to diverse types of family. Stunning illustrations draw us into a story starring a lot of animals and a one-hundred-year-old granny who invites her family to her birthday party.

本書を読むと、家族の多様なあり方がわかる。見事なイラストによって、読者はたくさんの動物が登場するストーリーに引き込まれる。そこでは、100歳になるおばあちゃんが誕生日祝いのパーティーに家族みんなを招待する。いろんな家族のタイプを見つけよう。さらに読者は、イラストに何度も出てくるものを探して遊べる。さあ、見つけられるかな? 文章は大文字で書かれている。

Pol is twenty-nine years old and has Down’s Syndrome. He’s like a little baby but with an enormous body.

This book responds in an approachable way to questions such as:
- What toys can we use to stimulate our child?
- How should we choose toys?
- Is it normal for a child to confuse fantasy and reality?

This story is about a little girl in a wheelchair and a cat who was rescued from the street. Each has their own reasons to be scared to leave the house.


Pour la petite fille narratrice de cet album écrit à la première personne, le trajet pour aller à l'école avec son papa se transforme chaque jour en une aventure magnifique, ponctuée de jeux et de rituels.

« Moi je ne vois presque pas, et papa ne voit pas. Il est aveugle. »

Mi Lazarilla, Mi Capitán

Emotion and beauty, the profound love between a father and a daughter, and the ability to see beyond the visual limitations are all part of this book.



Mi lazarilla, mi capitán (My Guide, My Captain)

This is a 32-page picture book…

Mi Lazarilla, Mi Capitán

Do you feel nervous butterflies in your tummy when you start something new? Or does your heart start hammering really, really fast when you have to do an exam?

This is a book for parents, written in language easy to understand but ofering in-depth information of this chronic condition.

Papá y mamá me llaman dulcemente mi PEGATINA. Aún no lo he entendido, pero todos dicen que me viene como anillo al dedo.

Mi pegatina


My First Larousse of the Bible is an historical guide suitable for all readers.

My First Larousse of Art leads you on a journey through the whole of art history since the birth of humanity, across all continents and in every era, from prehistoric cave paintings to current artistic trends.

道を歩いているとき、時間はだれにでも同じであるように思える。私たちにも、すれ違う近所の⼈にも、モスクワの住⺠にも、⽕星の岩にも。けれども、アルベルト・アインシュタインは100 年以上前に、時間はどこでも同じに流れているのではなく、物体が移動する速さによって変わることに気づいた。だから、私たちが光の速さで移動できたなら、時間と空間について信じられないことが起こるのがわかるだろう。アインシュタイン博⼠の案内で、魅⼒あふれる相対性理論の世界を発⾒しよう。

A young Galician schoolteacher has just split up from her partner.



Una historia autobiográfica. Una mujer que siente que sería mejor vivir en otra posición. Con otro rol. Ser de otra forma.

Mi vida sin rosa

Mía is nine years old and in this book she tells us all about the amazing adventure of growing up, as she discovers the changes her body will make during puberty.

9歳のミアが、大人になるという特別な冒険について語る。思春期に女の子の体はどう変化するの? 胸は? ブラジャーは? 脱毛って? 生理って? タンポンって? 主治医の小児科の先生がミアの疑問にすべて答えてくれる。大人になるのはすばらしい冒険で、それはよく知っていればいるほどいい! 内分泌学専門の小児科医が、思春期の変化について書いた本。イラストはクリスティーナ・ロサントス。

Michael F. Ryan is a journalist, lecturer and leader writer and The Augusta Chronicle, and previously at The Topeka Capital-Journal.

During his research for The Last Freedom he met the extraordinary family of Dr. Viktor Frankl, to whom he owes many thanks.



There is a bald fact that underlies the whole question of the British reading public's  seeming indifference to non-English language books: only three per cent of the titles published each year in Britain (and America) are translations from a foreign tongue while fiction accounts for only one per

Michel Suñen, an advertising creative manager, writer and teacher of rhetorics, has published six novels, including "Si Muerte muriera.. " and the book of short stories "Nacieron desnudos", which includes, along with other award-winning stories, his work "Sami", first consolation prize of the XXI

This book introduces the reader in the realization of electronic circuits projects built with the popular PIC16F84 microcontroller.

Miedo de ser dos is a reflection on bipolar disorder, a condition suffered by the author, recounting novelised episodes from his and his family's lives, mixing fictional elements and fantasies so that the borderline between fiction and reality is


Some retired artistes cross Europe in a bus, fleeing from the Nazi police. Berlin, 1945. An Allied bombing raid destroys the Artists House where great figures of the world of performance live in retirement.

It's 1945. In post-war Spain people are ready to leave the bad times behind and there is an air of optimism and progress. But not for Isabel.

Iris is walking a tightrope. She either accepts her boss' proposal or she'll be out on the street. None other than to set up a seduction workshop.


Miguel Aguilar and Carlos García have won many fishing prizes and have published books and articles in specialist magazines. Miguel has won several sports photography contests, perfectly complementing his feats as a fisherman.


Miguel Alayrach (Segorbe, 1979) has a degree in journalism and archivism from the Faculty of Information Science, Complutense University, Madrid. He won the International Max Aub short story prize in 2013 and has published twenty-three children’s books.

Miguel Alayrach (Segorbe, 1979). Licenciado en Periodismo y Documentación por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ganador del Premio Internacional de Cuentos Max Aub 2013. Ha publicado veintitrés libros infantiles.

Given the truth of the phrase 'you're from where you went to university', I consider myself to be from Madrid, although I was born in a small town called Pueblo de Alcocer. My professional life has been dedicated to advertising, an often reviled activity, but one I feel proud of.

Miguel Ángel Díaz (Madrid, 1974) is a sports journalist. A graduate in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, he began his professional career on Radio Las Águilas.

Cristina Durán (Valencia, 1970) and Miguel A. Giner Bou (Benetússer, 1969) are graduates from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia. They met after the zine No Aparcar Llamo GRUA co-authored by Miguel A. thanks to the fact Cristina was the only girl in the course who wrote comics.

He has written children's books for years and is know for The Conspiracy Trilogy ('El enigma de la lápida', 'El manuscrito perdido' and 'El secreto del peregrino'), writes on on literature at http://megustan-loslibros.blogspot.com, the go-to blog for culture with thousands of fans on social netwo

A lecturer in the History of Art at the Universidad de Murcia, he has written prize-winning novels such as Intento de Escapada (Attempt to Escape) (Anagrama, 2013)El instante de peligro (The Moment of Danger) (Anagrama, 2015), as well as collections of stories such as Cuaderno [...] duelo (Notebo

ミゲル・アンヘル・エルナンデスはムルシア⼤学美術史教授。彼が書いた⼩説Intento de escapada (逃⾛の試み、Anagrama、2013)、El instante de peligro(危険の瞬間、Anagrama、2015)は賞を受けた。

Miguel Ángel León, bases his work as a coach and trainer of other coaches on the PNL (Neurolinguistic Programming) and the Creasistema systems (of which he is cofounder), encouraging leadership qualities and a competitive spirit in others.

He has a degree in psychology and has been a qualified psychotherapist since 1981, always working closely with the world of alternative education.


Miguel Ángel Oeste (Málaga, 1973) es licenciado en Historia y en Comunicación. Ha escrito las novelas “Bobby Logan” (2011) y “Far Leys” (2014), sus cuentos han aparecido en diversas antologías y coordina distintas publicaciones que relacionan cine y literatura.

Miguel Ángel Oeste (Málaga, 1973) es licenciado en Historia y en Comunicación. Ha escrito las novelas “Bobby Logan” (2011) y “Far Leys” (2014), sus cuentos han aparecido en diversas antologías y coordina distintas publicaciones que relacionan cine y literatura.

Miguel Ángel Oeste (Málaga, 1973) has a degree in history and communication. He has written the novels "Bobby Logan" (2011) and "Far Leys" (2014). His stories have appeared in various anthologies, and he edits several publications about the relationship between cinema and literature.

Miguel Ángel Pérez Arteaga (Zaragoza, 1965) is an illustrator and graphic designer. He is director of the graphic design atelier, Batidora de Ideas, has taken part in numerous solo and group shows of painting, design and photography and worked with various publications.

Born in the city of A Coruña (Spain) in 1977, Miguel Angel Villar Pinto started in the world of letters in 2005 while studying his degree in History. Since then, he has built up a prolific literary career, being included in anthologies and outstanding at literary awards in the short story genre.

Born in Lugo in 1965, Anxo Murado is a writer and scriptwriter for film and TV.

Miguel B. Núñez, Madrid (1970) is an cartoonist and comic book writer. He won the Expocómic Prize (2001) for best new author. He started his career as a cartoonist at the end of the eighties, working for the music magazine Trash Metal and the independent recording company, Subterfuge Records.

Born in Sevilla, 1974. He began his career by self-publishing in Dinero in the early 2000s. He later worked on Diagonal, El Jueves, la Vanguardia, Cinemanía, Ajoblanco, Mondo Brutto, El País and Rolling Stone. Mondadori have published compilations of his work under a Creative Commons license.

Miguel Cerro is an illustrator from Cordoba who specialises in book illustration and advertising. He has had thirty books of all different kinds published, including some picture books he wrote himself. Some of his books have been translated into Chinese, Korean, French and English.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (Alcalá de Henares, 29th September 1547-Madrid, 22nd April 1616) was a Spanish soldier, novelist, poet and playwright.

Miguel Dueñas (Madrid, 1975) is a writer and session musician. He has participated in concerts and television programs as a drummer, percussionist, and musical director.

1975年、マドリード生まれ。作家で、セッション・ミュージシャン。ドラマー、打楽器奏者、音楽監督としてコンサートやテレビ番組に出演。著書に小説『Suficiente Soga (十分な束縛)』で第3回フランシスコ・アヤラ小説賞受賞。その他の著作は『La Crecida (成長)』(第13回フライ・ルイス・デ・レオン賞) 、本書 『La Prohibición del Jade (翡翠の禁制)』(La Huerta Grande、 2019)。また短編は様々なコンクールに入賞している。

Miguel Espinosa (1926-1982) was born in Caravaca (Murcia) where he has lived for most of his life. He studied law and worked for two Japanese companies in the area of import and export, and latterly as a legal adviser for various companies.

Miguel Francisco Caballero Pérez was born in Málaga in 1959. He works in historical research and is a founding member of the Madrid Institute for Historic Studies, Jimenez de Gregorio. Currently he is the official reporter for Láchar in Granada.

Miguel Gallardo (Lleida, 1955), has a Diploma by the Escuela Massana de Artes y Oficios of Barcelona. He started his career working both in comics and illustrations. He created Makoki in 1977, the most emblematic character of the Spanish underground culture.

A 50 poem anthology which includes a detailed poetical and biographical study. The author of this book exposes the key characteristics of Hernandez’s poems.

Miguel Luis Sancho (Madrid, 1968) writes novels for children and young people as well as teaching Language and Literature at a secondary school in Madrid - but what he most likes is creating stories full of fantasy. His work is characterised by a careful style and unexpected plots.

Miguel Melendro Estefanía holds a PhD in Education, is a teacher at the Faculty of Education at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia National and Director of the Institute for Ecosocial Research and Training.

Miguel Mora Díaz (Madrid, 1964) is the correspondent of the newspaper El País in Rome. He previously was the correspondent in Lisbon, between 2005 and 2008.

Miguel Mora Díaz (Madrid, 1964) is the correspondent of the newspaper El País in Rome. He previously was the correspondent in Lisbon, between 2005 and 2008.

Miguel Ordoñez studied illustration in Madrid and graphic design at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London. After finishing his studies, his entire professional life has been dedicated to graphic art.

He has developed his whole career, almost 10 years, on the Internet.


Miguel Pedrero, writer and journalist, is an editor and reporter for the international magazine Año/Cero, a team member on the popular radio show La Rosa de los Vientos (Onda Cero) and a contributor to 'Levántate y Cárdenas', the famous morning show broadcast on Europa FM.


Grupo Edebé is located in Barcelona and specialises in publishing textbooks and literature for children and young people.

Born in Madrid in 1963.

Miguel Serrano Larraz (Zaragoza, 1977) studied Physical Sciences and Spanish Literature at university. He first garnered attention for his short story collection 'Órbita' ('Orbit') (Candaya, 2009), which put him at the forefront of writers of his generation.

Mike Lightwood was born in Seville, grew up in Palmas de Gran Canaria and currently lives in Madrid. He combines writing with translation and reading manuscripts for a number of publishing houses.

Mike Lowery was born in Chattanooga, TN, but moved North soon after. He went to Art college for a BA, started teaching, studied for a MFA, worked as a graphic designer at the US Census Bureau and worked as an in house illustrator for ThinkGeek.

Doctor por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con tesis doctoral cum laude en neurociencia aplicada al comportamiento y las emociones, es investigador, escritor y conferenciante, reconocido en el Top 100 de Thinking Heads como uno de los mejores conferenciantes de España.

Mikel Santos, ‘Belatz’, dibujante, guionista e ilustrador navarro, formó parte de Kukuxumusu y actualmente es parte del equipo creativo de Mikel Urmeneta, y ha ilustrado, tanto a nivel estatal como internacional, diversos cuentos infantiles, entre los que destaca la adaptación del guion de la pel

Mikel Santos, ‘Belatz’, dibujante, guionista e ilustrador navarro, formó parte de Kukuxumusu y actualmente es parte del equipo creativo de Mikel Urmeneta, y ha ilustrado, tanto a nivel estatal como internacional, diversos cuentos infantiles, entre los que destaca la adaptación del guion de la pel

Mikel Valverde was born in Vitoria-Gasteiz and graduated in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country, specialising in Graphic Techniques.

Between the pages of this book you will find the story of Miko, an adaptation of a Japanese legend that explains the origins of the Maneki-neko, the friendly lucky cat so beloved of the Japanese.


The country where M lives is not like yours. M lives in a kingdom of metal criss-crossed by a thousand million pipes, in a metal house whose garden has a shiny grey lawn. In this country, in this house, on this lawn, a meteorite is about to fall.

Una historia laberíntica, fantástica y metálica, con muchas, cientos, miles, millones de tuberías.

El país donde vive M no es como el tuyo.

Mil millones de tuberías

‘M’ lives in a kingdom of metal and pipes, where even the grass is grey. One day, a meteorite falls into his garden, and he has to use all his ingenuity in order to keep a small piece for of it for himself.

Mil millones de tuberías

The country where M lives is not like yours. M lives in a kingdom of metal criss-crossed by a thousand million pipes, in a metal house whose garden has a shiny grey lawn. In this country, in this house, on this lawn, a meteorite is about to fall.

Mildre Hernández Barrios was born in Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, in 1972. Her entire oeuvre is aimed at children and teenagers.


Following an extended professional trajectory in the business world, Milena Ivanova abandoned her job as a top executive in order to dedicate herself exclusively to her career as an author and screenwriter.

Milena's beauty was also her downfall. A sex slave since adolescence, she attempts to escape on the death of her protector, a communications magnate who suffers a heart attack while making love to her.


Milyuna Ediciones emerged as a publishing business inspired by moral values. Our essay collection 'Cierta ciencia' aims to contribute to a person's education through the great works of universal literature.

A story for young children with a relative with some sort of disability.

Minerva Piquero (August, Mexico, 1967) studied journalism at Ari¬zona State University, and became an on-screen name in the nineties after 20 years of presenting, directing, writing and producing television programmes.


France (Bayard), Italy (Franco Cosimo Panini), simplified Chinese (Beijing United Publishing)

本書はマルティとサロモの2人の作家による新シリーズ 『Minino (ネコ)』の一冊。本シリーズは厚紙製で、各ページの舌状の部分を指でスライドさせると、子どもが簡単に絵を動かせる仕組みになっている。ページをめくるごとに日常生活のささやかな瞬間に潜む魔法が見つかるというわけだ。ネコとその仲間たちと一緒に月への旅に出かけよう。ずっと遠くまで行けるよ!

An independent publishing house with collections of essays, poetry and fiction, specialising in cultural essays, which publishes in both paper and digital formats.


The indisputable benchmark for science fiction and fantasy literature, with titles in its catalogue such as Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings', and works by renowned authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick.

CIF: A08186249

Avda. Diagonal 662-664 Barcelona 08034

Miquel Arguimbau and Daniel Arguimbau are the authors of the novel 'Querido Leo' ('Dear Leo'). They've known each other for some time and are very good friends. Oh, they also happen to be father and son.


Miquel Berga is Professor of English Literature and has served as Dean in Humanities at Pompeu Fabra University. He has published extensively on English-language writers related to the Spanish Civil War.

Pujarnol, Gerona, 1985. Graduated in Chemistry and is currently a doctoral candidate in Bioinformation, he has worked at MIT, in Tel Aviv and in San Salvador.

Miquel Llor Forcada is one of the greatest 20th century novelists.

20世紀の偉大な作家のひとり。エミリ・ビラノバ、ナルシス・ウイェール、カテリーナ・アルベールやプルデンシ・バルトラナの伝統を受け継ぐリョルは、マルセル・プルースト、アンドレ・ジッドやイタロ・ズヴェーヴォの作品の影響から、現代人の悲観的で幻滅的なビジョンをカタルーニャ文学に持ち込んだ。1928年にTàntal(タンタル)を発表し、ある種物議を醸す。しかし、本書Laura en la ciudad de los santos (聖人の街のラウラ、1930、クレシェルス小説賞)は、成熟した語りで高い評価を得る。他にも風俗小説風の作品が数作ある。

Miguel Pajares has a PhD in Social Anthropology and is a researcher at the University of Barcelona's exclusion and social control group, Grup de Recerca sobre Exclusió i Control Social.

José Antonio Miquel Silvestre (Denia, 1968) has a degree in law and has earned a living registering property, but also impossible realities and probable fictions.

Miqui Otero (Barcelona, 1980) is a novelist and journalist.



Miquits es un gato, más no uno calquiera, es el familiar de una bruja. Junto a ella vive aventuras peligrosas y emocionantes para partirse de risa. ¿Te atreves a acompañarlo?


Day is dawning and the aftershocks from yesterday’s party can still be felt. A girl sitting on a bench.

El día despunta y los estragos de la fiesta de ayer aún se palpan en el ambiente. Una chica sentada en un banco. Es Miriam, con el pelo revuelto, rasguños en las rodillas y la cara desfigurada por ríos de rímel.

Mira a esa chica

Mira Editores was founded in Zaragoza in 1981 and is the first publishing house based in Aragon. Since this time it has published more than a thousand titles in all genres including outstanding collections of narrative fiction as well as literary studies, and scientific essays. 

Launched on 30th July 1987 by a group of people from the publishing world with the aim of publishing Aragonese topics with almost no market presence. Over 15 years ago, Joaquin Casanova Chulilla, owner of Librería Central S.A., took charge of the company and started a new editorial line, continui

The brain is considered to be the most complex machine in existence. It's the control centre for all our activities. But is it really a perfect machine?

脳は世界で一番複雑な機械だと考えられている。私たち人間のすべての活動の司令塔だ。でも、本当に完璧な機械だろうか? この質問に答える前に、本書を開いて、脳がどんなふうにできているか見てみよう。脳は間違うことだってあるんだ!

This is an essay about a great humanist and the Modern Age.

Miranda France is a linguist, translator and writer. She has lived and worked in several Latin American countries and is now based in London. Her works include Bad Times in Buenos Aires, Don Quixote‘s Delusions and The Day Before the Fire.

One of the great attractions of learning a foreign language - especially one your parents don’t speak - is that feeling of a door opening onto secret territory.

Mireia Broca (Barcelona) began writing for the youngest readers after a business call from the Bored Witch (la Bruja Aburrida) and the Three Twins (Las Tres Gemelas).

Mireia Broca (Barcelona) empezó escribiendo para el público más joven cuando la Bruja Aburrida de Las Tres Gemelas la contrató . Por ahora, todavía puede afirmar que fue cronista para el web júnior del FCB, junto con el Topo Wembley, del mejor Barça de la historia.

Clinical pyschologist. Psychotherapist (SEPYPNA-FEAP). Psychologist specialising in pyschotherapy, EuroPsy (EFPA).




(Valencia, 1984). She has studied Fine Arts in Valencia, Angoulême and Madrid. When she was 15, she learned to create Web pages where she published her first texts and illustrations, becoming one of the pioneers of the Spanish blogosphere.

1962年バスク地方レケイティオ生まれ。一般と子ども、両方の読者向けに執筆している。詩集『Azalaren kodea(肌のコード)』 (2001)、『Bitsa eskuetan(手の中の泡)』 (2011) で批評家賞を受賞し、バスク文学賞(YA文学部門)を3回受賞した。小説『Kristalezko begi bat(ガラスの目)』は数か国語に翻訳された。2020年刊行の詩集『Nola gorde errautsa kolkoan(どうやって灰を胸にしまうのか)』で、2021年国民詩歌賞を受賞。

Miren Amuriza Plaza (Berriz, 1990) has a degree in Basque literature and later specialised in Children's and YA literature. She has contributed to various print media and has published several children's books.


Míriam Raventós: I was born in Barcelona in 1964. I had to grow up before I could get interested in yoga and I was over thirty when I began my training as an instructor. Since then, yoga has always been my companion, helping me to live a simple and beautiful life.

Miriam Sugranyes was born in Barcelona and now divides her time between that city and London.

Tirado is a journalist specialising in parenting and a parenting consultant for parents with children aged 0-7. She accompanies women and men on the journey to becoming mothers and fathers.


Miriam Tobin is a literary translator working from Spanish into English. She studied in Edinburgh and Barcelona and later completed her MA in Literary Translation at UEA where she won the 2021 British Centre of Literary Translation Dissertation Prize.

This is a charming, engaging and enjoyable book for children of seven or eight years old. Malvarina the nine-year-old protagonist narrates the story in the first-person, directly addressing her readers and daring them to read on if they aren’t too scared.


A book of activities and games for boys and girls from aged 3 onwards. The little ones can play with the Mironins, characters who have escaped from a painting by Joan Miró.

Petra is the happiest, most intrepid and fun girl in the neighbourhood. Her favourite games are hide and seek and giving people shocks. Boo! But then she starts having nightmares: crocodiles, bugs, monsters. Terrifying nightmares!

ペトラは地元で一番明るく、勝ち気で楽しい女の子。お気に入りの遊びはかくれんぼうで、わっ!と驚かすのが大好き。でも、ある日からワニや虫、お化けなどが登場する悪夢を見始める。なんて恐ろしい悪夢! 「その夢の中で遊んでみたら?」と、おばあちゃんが言った。「なんですって? どうやって遊べっていうの?」びっくりしたペトラはおばあちゃんに訊ねた。精神の力で自ら判断し、勇敢に悪夢に立ち向かう術を子どもに授けるために最適な絵本。

A book in which you will find the authentic heroes of history, flesh and blood characters, as real as you or me, who made the world a better place.

The young protagonist of this story has been watching her neighbours for a long time. Their behaviour provides the answers she needs to understand what love really means.


When you won a trip to the Antartic to visit a scientific station, you didn’t think it would be so dangerous.

Swift and Brainy have travelled to prehistoric times and they need your help to memorize everything that happens on this adventure and return home. Will you get the super memory medal? Memory training has great benefits for everybody.

先史時代を訪れたスウィフトとブライニー。ふたりが無事に戻るには、冒険で起きるすべての事柄を記憶する必要があり、そのために君の助けを求めている。君はスーパーメモリーのメダルを獲得できるかな? 記憶力を鍛えることは誰にとっても大きなメリットがある。今はいつでもアクセス可能なデータバンクがあるが、優れた記憶力は知的活動を行う際により多くの情報を提供できるので、論理的思考力などの向上に貢献すると考えられる。

Marta Ferrer, a middle-aged married women with two children who works in Barcelona’s treasury department, and whose life has been changed in the last few months by her fight against breast cancer.

"People think that a full life is when many things happen to you, but I believe that living a full life is when you know what you're missing", 1993.

"If only a Meerkat like me hadn't read that advertisement asking for pairs of animals of all species to undertake a voyage to a new world!


From Stevenson’s pirates and treasures to King Kong and his amour fou for a blonde; from Edgar Allan Poe’s nineteenth-century terror to the claustrophobic horror of Alien; from Sherlock Holme’s cold analytical skills to James Bond’s powers of sedu

Hugo and Olivia have been asking their parents for a dog for years and, after much begging, crying and promises, they're getting one! But their happiness is short lived.

A woman is found hanged on the blade of one of the wind turbines the company Mistralia is installing in an until then idyllic landscape. Her name is Esther and she is an engineer working in the company. Murder or suicide?

以前はのどかだった場所にミストラル社が設置を始めた風力発電の近代的な風車。その翼で首を吊った女性の死体が発見される。それは同社のエンジニア、エステルだった。殺人それとも自殺? リカルド・クピード刑事は依頼を受けて捜査に乗り出すが、たどりついたのは夢にも思わない場所だった。風力発電所は争いの種だった。多くの住民はここぞとばかり土地を売却したが、環境保護に熱心な夫婦は売却を拒否するばかりか、この事業を台無しにしてやると脅す。発電所では次々と嫌がらせや襲撃が起こる。

'All I'm asking you for is an opportunity. This is a one-trick bet. If I win, if I manage to convince you in time, you will not read a single page of this book.

Everyone has heard of Moby Dick; ever since Herman Melville gave him life, he has become a source of inspiration for every branch of art over generations.

Este libro desarrolla los contenidos de la asignatura de Modelos de Calidad y su Evaluación del Máster en Innovación e Investigación en Educación de la UNED del Módulo de Investigación sobre Calidad y Equidad en Educación, en torno a los temas: 1.

Modelos de calidad y su evaluación

Born in 1983 in Alhucemas, in the Moroccan Rif, he has lived in Spain since his teens. The Winter of the Goldfinches is his second novel, and the winner of the 2021 Málaga Novel Award.

Nacido en 1983 en Alhucemas, en el Rif marroquí, vive en España desde la adolescencia. El invierno de los jilgueros es su segunda novela, ganadora del Premio Málaga Novela 2021.

Born in Salamanca in 1955, he holds a diploma in Education, a BA in Geography and History and a PhD in Medieval History from the University of Salamanca, where he currently works as a teacher.

Molino de Ideas is a Publisher dedicated to creating innovative teaching resources for Spanish teaching, thanks to the application of the technologies and linguistic knowledge we develop as an NLP (natural language processing) company

“Mummies are far more than they appear to be at first sight.

A new series designed especially to help the mental development of the youngest readers. Mon and Pin, are the perfect duo to keep you company as you discover the world all around.


"They come here thinking they're writers and leave as personalities", thinks Mona Tarrile-Byrne a young peruvian novelist.

「彼らは我こそが作家だとうぬぼれてここにやって来たけれど、帰るときは自分たちが登場人物になっているわ」と、若いペルー人作家モナ・タリレ=ビルネは思う。カリフォルニアの麻薬とセックスの深みにはまりつつある中で、モナは権威ある文学賞Basske Wortz賞にノミネートされた数人の小説家たちと共にスウェーデンのとある村に降り立つ。北極圏の真夜中ちかく、文化的居住空間の境界線にあるその極限の地で、不思議な説明のつかない暴力の痕跡を見つける。


Mongo blanco

I am Don Pedro Blanco, slaver. A mad man. Giant or monster. The White Mongo. The Great Magician-Mirror-Sun. The King of Gallinas. The Pirate. The Father. The Brother.


Monia Presta was born in Italy in 1977 and now lives in Catalonia. She is a psychologist, actress and art therapist and pioneered the introduction of dramatherapy in Spain.

Mónica Bustos was born in Asunción (Paraguay) in 1984. She began writing when she was nine and after the publication of her first novel, "León muerto" (Dead Lion), at eighteen she went on to publish a book of short stories, "Complejo de Bustos" (Bustos Complex) in 2004.

モニカ・ブストスは1984年アスンシオン(パラグアイ)生まれ。9歳から習作を始め、18歳の時に最初の小説『León muerto(死んだライオン)』を発表した後、2004年に短編集『Complejo de Bustos(ブストスのコンプレックス)』を発表。2008年、ある作品集に『La cuestión es sencilla(問題は単純)』で参加。2冊目となる小説『Chico Bizarro y las moscas(勇敢な少年とハエ)』はアウグスト・ロア=バストス賞を受賞し、2010年にアルファグアラ社より刊行。この年、パラグアイで最も売れた一冊となった。

Family therapist, psycho-oncologist, expert in families and oncology, the author has a degree in psychology from the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), and has completed a Masters in psycho-oncology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2003-2005) and a Masters in systemic family therapy


Mónica Gonzalo Caballero is a psychologist and child and youth psychotherapist. She is a member of the board of directors of the clinical and health psychology department, and teacher at the Official College of Psychologists of Madrid.


A journalist specializing in classical music. She collaborates in specialized magazines like Revista musical Catalana or Ritmo, as well as in culture management projects and promotion of cultural issues related to music. In 1997, she published the biography “Conxita Badia.

Mònica Peitx is a paediatrician specialising in endocrinology and nutrition, and she works in Barcelona. In 2008 she wrote her first story, for overweight and obese children, Max’s Story. She has followed this with Aina’s Story about diabetes, and Quim’s Story that is about children’s sizes.

Mònica Peitx is a Barcelona-based paediatrician specialising in endocrinology and nutrition. She wrote her first book, El cuento de Max' ('Max's Story') for overweight and obese children, in 2008.

モニカ・ペッシュは、バルセロナで働く、内分泌と栄養が専⾨の⼩児科医。2008年に初めて⼦ども向けの肥満についての本El cuento de Max(マックスのはなし)を書き、続いて糖尿病についての本Cuento de Aina(アイナのはなし)、⼦どもの⾝⻑についての本Cuento de Quim(キムのはなし)を刊⾏。クリスティーナ・ロサントスは、バルセロナ⼤学美術学部卒業。1985年からプロとしてイラストレーションに携わり、スペインやヨーロッパの多くの出版社の仕事を⼿がける。「アブイ紙」「カバイ・フォルト」「タタノ」等の新聞雑誌で定期的に描いている。

Mónica Peñalver was born in Asturias. She is thirty four years old. She has a Diploma in Labour Relations and works as an executive secretary at an advertising agency. Her great passions, however, are reading and writing.

Mónica Rodríguez was born in Oviedo (1996). She holds a degree in Physics and worked in research for fifteen years. In 2003 she published her first children's book. Since 2009 she has been totally dedicated to children's and young adult literature and has published more than a hundred books.

Mónica Rodríguez was born in Oviedo in 1969. She is a writer and has a degree in physical sciences and a master’s in nuclear energy. In 2009 she left her job at Ciernat to devote herself full-time to children’s and YA fiction.


Primerapersona is a young publishing house founded in 2000. We have a varied output centred on child and young adult educational projects. We also enjoy taking on individual projects in such areas as photography and essays.



コミック『Monstruos Ibéricos: Tras los pasos de la Quarantamaula(イベリアの怪物たち:クアランタマウラの足跡を追って)』の舞台は、16世紀のスペイン。フェリペ2世の治世下、スペインが日の沈むことのない帝国だった時代だ。しかし、スペイン全土に恐ろしい怪物たちが出現し、その権勢に影を落としていく。

El cómic Monstruos Ibéricos: Tras los pasos de la Quarantamaula, se sitúa en la España del siglo XVI, bajo el reinado de Felipe II y cuando España era un imperio bajo el que jamás se ponía el sol.

Monstruos Ibéricos tras los pasos de la Quarantamaula

Moontero Glez (Madrid, 1965) is the author of: Sed de champán (Thirst for Champagne, 1999), Cuando la noche olbliga (When the Night Says So, 2003), Manteca Colorá (Pig Fat, 2005) and Besos de fogueo (Blank Kisses, 2007), a collection of short stories which was shortlisted for the Premio Setenil,

Eloísa MONTERO, María RUIZ and Beatriz DÍAZ form part of the LudologΩs Team, alongside other education professionals interested in discovering the educational possibilities within the social phenomenon of videogames.




En pleno periodo de transformación personal y literaria, el narrador de esta novela comienza a observar señales en puertas y en cuartos contiguos, símbolos que comunican París con Cascais, Montevideo, Reikiavik, San Gallen y Bogotá, y que le van d


Dr Montgomery Lee is a university teacher, conference speaker and writer of international renown.

Poet, primary school teacher, president of the Associació de Relataires (Storyteller’s Association).

Poeta, educadora infantil, presidenta Associació de Relataires.

Montse Balada is the author of many children’s books, and she also writes poetry and theatre for children.

Montse Escutia Acedo is an agricultural engineer specialised in ecological agriculture. Since 1996 she has been teaching at the association “Asociación Vida Sana”.

Montse Ganges, the author, was born in Malgrat de Mar in 1964. She has a degree in Catalan Filology. She has worked in the restoration of paintings and works of art. She has published several children´s books.

Montse Gisbert is a well-known children's author and illustrator with an extensive back catalogue for which she has received major national and international prizes.

Montse Homs was born in Gurb, Catalonia in 1960 and has been a teacher for more than 30 years. During this time she has published 'Els Murris' (The Smarts), a book of source material for literacy skills containing twelve short stories.

モンセ・オムスはカタルーニャのグルブ地域で1960年に生まれた。30年以上にわたって教師を務める傍ら、読み書きの学習教材として12の物語を収めた『Els Murris(いたずらっ子たち)』を出版。また児童向け雑誌「カバイ・フォルト(強い馬)」でも短編を発表、現在は詩集の編纂も進めている。バルセロナ文芸協会ライティング・スクールで作家教育を受けた。

Mercè Galí is a professional illustrator with years of experience, and she combines her passion for children’s illustration with traditional music.

EN - Montse Roig

C/ Ramon Llull, 16 - 08193 Barcelona
Montse Roig
(+34) 935 804 246

Monserrat Jimeno, 1965. Textile designer. This is her first incursion into the world of children's book illustration.


Montserrat Rico was born in Barcelona, in 1964. She has had a vast activity as a lecturer and is well-known for her ability to talk to the public with historic rigour while entertaining at the same time. As a poet she has made her own recitals and her poems have been recited by other poets.

Jordi Sierra i Fabra returns with a powerful thriller of huge relevance: the objectification of women, evictions, corruption, the construction industry, the new wave of politicians, poorly paid jobs, the financial crisis...

Bites and Nibbles is the latest title from Mar Benegas in the Marsupiflap collection, illustrated by Susie Hammer. What has happened to this book? Who has been at its pages? Whose are these teeth marks?

Mordiscos y bocados (Bites and Nibbles)

Mordiscos y bocados

Sacerdote secular, capellán del Monasterio cisterciense de Buenafuente del Sistal (Guadalajara) y párroco de los pequeños pueblos del entorno.

A man is found hanged in a pinewood on the outskirts of Madrid, his eyes torn out by the roots.


A novel that takes place in the historical setting of the Sahara's decolonisation (1970-1975). A novelistic essay that is a blend of reality and fiction, the work as such cannot be taken as a faithful reflection of historical events.

The manager calls in Mortadelo and Filemon to bolster the Spanish squad, boosting the morale of the Reds by their presence in the 2010 Football World Cup. The Spanish squad has possibly never before had such a great chance of winning the final.

(Albacete, 1973). Another Generation X man from La Mancha who devotes his life to the fruitless vocation of making felt-tip doodles.

"This is a chronicle about the extinction of a bloodline but also about the destruction of a way of life. The cruelty to which all of us without a second chance in life have been condemned." Fire a rifle and the mountain trembles.


This 711-page multimedia book offer a broad-ranging knowledge of themal engines from their origins to the present day.

The brutality and vitality of a world which we know nothing about is presented, in its rawest form, in four stories set in four African countries: Namibia, Congo, Senegal and Rwanda.


Teresa Moure is a writer of novels, poetry, plays and essays in Galician, and an associate professor of general linguistics at the University of Santiago de Compostela.


MR Ediciones joined Grupo Planeta in 1992, although it has a history of over four decades. Today it is a leading publishing house that offers a comprehensive catalogue of fiction and non-fiction.

Mt ediciones is the publishing label with non-fiction collections dedicated to military history, a genre which has a growing number of followers and for which there was a gap in the Spanish publishing market.

We are a small independent publisher in Barcelona. We are defined by our creative and interactive books and games, things that ask you to touch them, practice with them, get messy, and feel emotions. 

An independent publishing house from Barcelona, specialising in interactive books, creating books that double up as a creative and artistic experience for young and older readers alike.



Marta was happy when her grandmother arrived one weekend. She knew that with her visit would come stories with happy endings.

Andrés lives in City, an unnamed metropolis where every day a never-ending flow of suicidal people choose to put an end to their lives.


The brutal murder of a woman and her son, the wife and son of a famous basketball player who used to play for NBA, shakes the everyday life of a quiet Catalan town. No one could have imagined such a thing could happen in their town.


Barba’s short novel is an intense examination of inner life and one’s conscious and subconscious response to situations, looks, gestures and words.

Muerte de un caballo

“Barba’s short novel is an intense examination of inner life and one’s conscious and subconscious response to situations, looks, gestures and words.”  (Rosalind Harvey)

“Barba’s short novel is an intense examination of inner life and one’s conscious and subconscious response to situations, looks, gestures and words.”  (Rosalind Harvey)

An English nanny, drowned. A great house and a labyrinth that hides more than it would seem. A new challenge for Inspector Requesens.

In a small neighbourhood in the middle of the city live five women who buy flowers.


"Women who read" could just as well have been entitled women who sang, women who painted, women who played piano or women who danced.

Multimédica Ediciones Veterinarias specialises in publishing high-quality scientific and graphic texts and is the most prestigiousSpanish-language publisher in the veterinary sector. The publishing house is celebrating its twentieth anniversary in 2010.

We represent Spanish authors. From prize-winning novelists with established literary careers to new voices who  stand out in the contemporary publishing scene. Our work is to defend their literary interests throughout the world in all formats.


We represent Spanish authors. From prize-winning novelists with established literary careers to new voices who stand out in the contemporary publishing scene. Our work is to defend their literary interests throughout the world in all formats.

A young writer, overwhelmed by his publisher's demands to deliver a new novel, recreates his experiences from two university semesters spent abroad: one in Brighton, UK, and the other in Grenoble, France, to which each of the two parts of the book

Those with a romantic vision of innovation and creativity may be surprised or even indignant that a technological tool which only allows you to exchange messages of 140 characters should have turned into one of the most powerful means of communica

Al caer la noche Munia sale a buscar agua con sus padres y su hermana Andrea. La luna, brillante y redonda, se refleja en el río y Munia decide llevarse un poco de agua de luna en su botellita.

Munia y la luna

As night falls, Munia goes out to get water for her parents and sister, Andrea.

夕暮れどきに、ムニアは両親と妹のアンドレアと共に、水汲みに行く。川面に映るのは、まんまるで、輝くような月。ムニアは、ほんの少しだけ月の水を自分の小さなボトルに入れて、家にもち帰ってしまう。家で眠りについたムニア を訪ねてきたのは月…、欠けてしまった小さなかけらを返して、と。

The author has been a fan of this art since childhood, and has participated in many courses and workshops, going on to take part in competitions at national level. This is his first published book, one of a long list of titles on origami, of which many have been published by this company.

Muñoz Moya editores Muñoz Moya Editores is devoted to publishing of books of several collections: American Library, Politics and Society, Geography and History, Esoteric, Literature, Fiction books, Social Sciences & Humanities books, Handbooks, Books upon request.

Muriel Villanueva is a writer and Creative Writing teacher, with a diploma in Musical Education and a degree in the Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature.

ムリエル・ビリャヌエバ:⼥流作家で作⽂教師。⾳楽教育者の資格ならびに⽂学理論と⽐較 ⽂学の学⼠号を有する。これまでに15を超える⼦供、若者、⼤⼈向けの詩および物語作品を出版。各種の賞を受賞しており、作品は様々な⾔語に翻訳されている。 フェラン・オルタ:リバ=ロジャ・デブラ⽣まれ。タラゴナ美術デザイン学校とバルセロナ・ドナ学院でイラストレーション、絵本、個⼈出版を学び、イラストレーターとなる。個⼈やグループとしての活動で、各種の出版および展⽰会プロジェクトに参画。DTP、同⼈誌、シルクスクリーン印刷の世界にも関わっている。現在はバルセロナのラ・ロダ工房でイラストレーターとして活躍。

In the midst of the euphoria at the arrival of the new millennium, a Caribbean musicologist receives an invitation from a well-known fashion designer to collaborate on a strange exhibition.

新しいミレニアム到来のお祝い気分の真っただ中、カリブの博物館学者が、有名なファッションデザイナーから奇妙な展覧会に協力してほしいとの誘いを受ける。 動物界の在り方に対する大きな関心がふたりを結びつける。7年が経ち、展覧会はとん挫していたが、デザイナーの死後、博物館学者はふたりの共同作業のファイルを取り戻す。眠れなくてファイルを読み始めた長い夜、あの常軌を逸したプロジェクトの裏には、デザイナー一族の謎の歴史を解読するための鍵があったことを知る。

Arcadia returns to Barcelona in 1949, accompanied by her aunt Inés, a viola and a suitcase full of memories.

Musik recreates a fascinating picture of life in classical Greece, with intelligence, wit, suspense and a wonderful female hero, Mora, a water priestess forced by the chances of life into slavery.

Myriam Cameros Sierra was born in Pamplona in 1978, and is an illustrator and grafitti artist. Her work has appeared on huge murals, shirts from different labels, exhibitions, the graffic press and much more. She has won several artistic and comic competitions.

M.ª Ángeles López Romero (Sevilla, 1970) es periodista especializada en información social. Ha trabajado en diversos medios, entre los que destaca la revista 21, de la que ha sido redactora jefe durante 20 años.

M.ª Ángeles López Romero (Sevilla, 1970) is a journalist who focuses on social issues. She has worked for various media outlets, in particular 21 magazine, where she spent 20 years as editor-in-chief.


Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara studied Advertising and Public Relations at the UAB, but she has been drawn to short fiction and poetry since childhood. Currently she divides her time between work as an advertising creative and various writing projects.

Mª Jesús Godoy Domínguez has a PhD in Philosophy and an undergraduate degree in Information Science from the Universidad de Sevilla, where, since 2000, she has taught Aesthetics.

Mª Nieves San Martín Montilla – She is a journalist and has a degree in pedagogy

Medical doctor. Autor of the doctoral thesis L’intent de suïcidi en el nen i l’adolescent. SEP-IPA psychoanalyst. Teacher at the SEP Instituto de Psicoanálisis de Barcelona. Works at the FETB CSMIJ Gràcia (Barcelona).

精神科医。医学博士。博士論文のタイトルは『児童と青少年の自殺未遂』。SEP-IPA(スペイン精神分析学会-国際精神分析学会)所属精神分析医。SEPバルセロナ精神分析研究所講師。FETBグラシア地区(バルセロナ) CSMIJ専門職員。バルセロナ大学心理学部で児童青年精神病理学・児童青年精神分析学の教授。カタルーニャ自治州政府精神衛生審議会メンバー。大学院、博士課程、修士課程での講義を受け持つ。精神分析、精神衛生、児童精神医学の学会に多く参加、発表を行っている。



Mª Victoria Rodríguez Salido is 33 years old and has a degree in Architecture. She won a prize for her writing at the age of eleven.

Since births have moved into hospitals, children no longer see babies being delivered. Artificial milk has banished the culture of the breast from homes.


The demon Docar needs to take on a physical form to leave his mountain and rule over the lands of Nartanis, and he is prepared to use any tool at his disposal, from fear and hate, to love, courage and hope.


NACHO FERNÁNDEZ: He was born in Bilbao in 1973, studied Drawing and Painting for 5 years at the workshop of Bilbao´s artist Antonio Unzalu y and has a Degree in Graphic Design from Vitoria.

From an author of stories and a lover of comics and theatre, there is no lack of humour in these tales and plays, clearly displayed in Capitan Zheimer, a saga that discusses the difficulties of Alzheimer's disease through a children's story of values and fun.

Nacho López Llandres is a writer from Madrid. He has a degree in Journalism and for more than 15 years has been the director and presenter of the show "Hoy por Hoy" on Chanel SER Madrid Norte. He has been the voice of many campaigns for big business and publicity agencies.

Nacho Sierra studies psychology at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, and although the subject of his studies has always been animal behaviour, he is taking us by surprise with this amusing book about the male of the human species.

Cora needs to reinvent herself in order to get out of the hole she has sunk into after the sudden breakup from the love of her life.


A Spanish diplomat travels to Liberia with the aim of finding a compatriot who has disappeared. When Charles Taylor’s militiamen take Monrovia, many citizens take refuge in the embassy.


Rafa Nadal is one of the most admired and loved sportsmen on the international scene, representing many positive values such as modesty, sacrifice, self-improvement, discipline, effort and motivation.

Pep Domingo (Nadar) nace en Castelló de la Plana en 1985. Durante sus estudios universitarios se alza con varios premios en cer-támenes de cómic españoles (Portugalete, Cornellà, CAM, INJUVE...).

Pep Domingo (Nadar) nace en Castelló de la Plana en 1985. Durante sus estudios universitarios se alza con varios premios en cer-támenes de cómic españoles (Portugalete, Cornellà, CAM, INJUVE...).

Nobody's Sleeping is a shriek, a vomiting fit. It wants to talk about the things that hurt, the moon's dark face in our relationships with others. Sex, the body as a prison, as a jail sentence.

Julián Leal is an inspector with the Barcelona police and is going through a rough time.


The War Quartet tetralogy tells the stories of four great composers who fight for their lives and the life of music when totalitarianism and the horrors of war are assaulting Europe: Béla Bartók, Richard Strauss, Dimitri Shostakovich and Arnold Sc

The central character in this story wakes up with amnesia, in a body that is not his own.

Najat El Hachmi was born in Beni Sidel (Morocco) in 1979. At the age of eight she moved to the city of Vic (Barcelona) and grew up there. She studied Arabic at the University of Barcelona, then worked as a cultural mediator and with refugees before becoming a full-time writer.

En una región del mundo, veinte países y más de 400 millones de personas comparten una lengua, una historia, una cultura, preocupaciones y esperanzas.


Nancho Novo (A Coruña, 1958) has had a solid career as an interpreter, author and theatre director with over 40 works. The most recent are El Cavernícola, Los Cuernos de Don Friolera and Nunca es Fácil.

Nancy Kunhardt Lodge is an American author with a degree in History of Art, specialising in the Renaissance. She is a professor at the universities of Maryland, Boston and Washington D.C.. She has written various articles and presented at conferences on the Renaissance in Italy and the EU.

ルネサンス美術史の学士である米国人作家。メリーランド、ボストン、ワシントンDCの大学教員。ルネサンスについて、イタリアとアメリカで多数の記事を書き、講演してきた。米国で母親と教育者による賞(マムズ・チョイス・アワード)を受けたEl navegador de cristal (水晶の冒険家)に続く、ルーシー・ナイチンゲールの冒険の続編。文学者の家系に育ち、祖母は有名な絵本『パット・ザ・バニー』の著者ドロシー・クンハート。

Nando López (Barcelona, 1977) es novelista, dramaturgo y Doctor Cum Laude en Filología Hispánica. Es ganador del Premio Gran Angular 2020 con La versión de Eric y finalista al Premio Nadal 2010 con La edad de la ira, convertida en serie para Atresplayer Premium.

Nando López (Barcelona, 1977) is a doctor cum laude in Spanish Language and Literature, a novelist and playwright and has been teaching Spanish Language and Literature in secondary schools for years. He was attracted to the theatre from a young age.

1977年バルセロナ生まれ。スペイン文献学のラテン・オナーズ、小説家、劇作家。長く中学や高校で言語と文学の教師を務める。若い頃から演劇にひかれ、時とともに、文学と演劇と教育への情熱が結びついた。短編や小説を書き、2010年ナダル賞の最終候補となった『La edad de la ira(怒りの時代)』は、後に脚色されて芝居になり、スペイン各地で上演された。児童文学では、バルコ・デ・バポール・シリーズの『La foto de los 10000 me gusta(「いいね」が1万ついた写真)』などの作品で、小さな子どもたちに演劇を親しませてきた。

Nanen García-Contreras was born in Guadix (Granada) and when she was not climbing trees or chasing cats she would draw and write stories. She grew up and got a degree in Fine Arts in Grandada, specialising in painting, and then went to Seville to take a course in Design and Printing.



Founded in 1968, the company has published over 1700 titles. It covers two well-defined areas: scientific and technical books on educational pychology, sociology, humanities, social work, university studies, genre studies, and books on innovation and the latest developments in education.

Founded in 1968, the company has published over 1700 titles. It covers two well-defined areas: scientific and technical books on educational pychology, sociology, humanities, social work, university studies, genre studies, and books on innovation and the latest developments in education.

Founded in 1968, the company has published over 1700 titles. It covers two well-defined areas: scientific and technical books on educational pychology, sociology, humanities, social work, university studies, genre studies, and books on innovation and the latest developments in education.


21 of the best Spanish-language writers share their experiences of school, whether their own or from their imagination.

Independent publishing house for children's and young adult literature. We publish quality illustrated books: picture books, comics and story books.

Natalia BERNABEU and Andy GOLDSTEIN are co-heads of the "Proyecto QuadraQuinta" Creativity and Learning Project.

Natàlia Cerezo (Castellar del Vallés, 1985) attended primary and secondary school in Castellar del Vallés, where she met the teacher and writer Josep Lluís Badal, who later became a close friend.

Natalia was born in Athens, Greece in 1968. She studied French literature at university and began teaching French. However, she soon discovered that what she really liked doing was drawing pictures on the blackboard rather than correcting French grammar exercises: and so did the children.

Natalia Olmedo was born on 3 January, 1995 in Alicante. Since she was a child she loved to read and soon she wanted to write her own stories, from poems and stories to novels that she decided to self-publish on Amazon and start her career as a writer.

1995年1月3日、アリカンテ生まれ。ごく幼いころから読書好きだったが、自分で物語を書きたいと思うのも早かった。詩、短篇小説から書きはじめ、やがて長編小説を書くようになり、アマゾンでの自費出版のかたちで作家としてのキャリアをスタートさせた。現在は幼児教育と文学の世界の両方に携わる。自費出版小説を何冊か出した後、『Tu alma en mi lienzo(私のキャンバスの中の君の魂)』で読者の心をつかんだ。読者を最後まで引き付ける、感動的な小説だ。

Natalio Grueso's professional career is in cultural management and international relations. He has held posts of responsibility in a variety of institutions of global relevance and is presently the director of the Teatro Español and director of scenic arts for the city of Madrid.

Natasha tiene 18 años. Acaba de llegar a la ciudad para estudiar en la universidad. Comienza a vivir en un piso que comparte con Elena y Ane.


Natura quasi morta is an astute and brilliant novel of intrigue, which grips us from the first page.


An editor and teacher of ELE. She currently works as an editor at Editorial Edinumen publishing house and as a teacher of ELE at International House Madrid (specializing in teaching young people).

Cirlot wrote 'Nebiros', his only novel, in 1950. It was not authorised for publication under Spanish censorship law as it was considered to be 'repugnant' and of 'disgusting morality'.

Lost and forgotten for over sixty years, then finally published on the centenary of the author’s birth, Nebiros is a claustrophobic and unsettling novel that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.


Following a long illness, a writer is invited to a biography conference in Jerusalem where the accounts of the odd lives of the other participants come as a shock.


¿De qué trata esta obra? Muy simple: de aplicar al mundo de los negocios, de manera fácil e inteligente, un conocimiento ancestral: la astrología.

Negocios con estrella


This collection introduces four real heroes. They are important figures in the history of mankind. They are the greatest.

He is the author and also the protagonist of this story. He was born in Trojes, El Paraíso, Honduras, on 26 February 1991. He works as a cultural promoter for the the Compartir Association and is a passionate writer of children's literature, music teacher, singer-songwriter and social musician.


Nere Basabe was born in Bilbao in 1978, and has a diploma from the Strasbourg Institute of Political Studies, and a degree in philosophy and political science and PhD in history of political thinking from Madrid Complutense University.

Nereida Carrillo es doctora en Comunicación y Periodismo por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), periodista, investigadora y docente. Ha impulsado Learn to Check, un proyecto educativo en abierto que enseña a verificar y promueve el espíritu crítico para combatir las fake news.

Nereida Carrillo has a PhD in Communication and Journalism from the Autónoma University, Barcelona. She is a journalist, researcher, and teacher.

Néstor Braidot has Phd in Administration Sciences, masters in Economics and a degree in Business Management.

Netbiblo is a scientific-technical publishing company which started its activities in late 2001. It aims to publish works of quality for the markets of Spain and the rest of the European Union.

• Why do we drink Coca-Cola if we like Pepsi more?
• How does music affect the way we act in the supermarket?
• How does the price of a product affect our perception of its quality?

Nevsky Prospects is a publishing house with headquarters in Madrid. Our list includes classic and contemporary Russian authors, European genre literature and Spanish authors.


Vicente Bucay, prestigious scientist, finally meets his famous ancestor Isaac Newton. After years of work, he and his team have managed to bring him back to life as a clone in a secret laboratory.

Nicanor Parra. Born in San Fabián de Alico, Chile, in 1914. Chilean antipoet, mathematician, and physicist.

Nicanor Parra Nació en San Fabián de Alico, en 1914. Antipoeta, matemático y físico chileno.

Rereading some of the earlier feature articles in this series, I am struck by how many of the authors vividly remember how they were first introduced to literature in Spanish thanks to books they read in the original at secondary school.

Nick Caistor is a British translator from Spanish, Portuguese and French. After living for several years in Latin America, on his return to Britain he began to translate fiction by Latin American and Spanish authors.

Nick Caistor is a prolific British translator and journalist, best known for his translations of Spanish, Portuguese and French literature. After living for several years in Latin America, on his return to Britain he began to translate fiction by Latin American and Spanish authors.


Why did you become a translator?After coming back to England from Argentina I became involved in human rights issues, and began translating for Amnesty International and other organizations, and this led on to literary work.

Nico is a very young spy who, thanks to a mysterious magical encyclopaedia, and accompanied by his friend Mega, is able to have exciting adventures in different eras such as the Golden Age (where they join Cervantes at the Battle of Lepanto!).

Nico ist ein blutjunger Spion, der mithilfe einer geheimnisvollen Zauber-Enzyklopädie zusammen mit seiner Freundin Mega die spannendsten Abenteuer in Epochen wie Spaniens Siglo de Oro erlebt (an der Seite von Cervantes in keiner geringeren als der

He graduated in Fine Art from the Universidad Javeriana in Colombia in 2008, got a Masters in Exhibition Management from the Universidad Europea de Madrid in 2008 and founded Editorial Cohete in 2016.


Today Nicoleta lost her first tooth. At night, just after she puts it under her pillow to be exchanged for a small gift, some creatures enter her room and steal her precious fang. Will she get it back? Join her on this adventure!

ある吸血鬼一家のお話。今日、初めてニコレタの歯が抜けた。夜になり、プレゼントとの交換を楽しみに枕の下に置いた。するとすぐに変な虫たちが部屋に入り込み、その大切な牙を盗んでいった。果たして無事に取り返すことができるだろうか? さあ、ニコレタと一緒にこの冒険に出かけよう!

This book responds in an approachable way to questions such as:
- What should be the function of grandparents? What is expected of them?
- And what do grandparents expect of their grandchildren?

Prior to publishing the Fredo Cacahuete collection, Nieves Hernández won various prizes, such as an honourable mention in the VII Emilio Murcia Contest for her work 'El Espacio de los perdidos', 2nd prize in the 'Ciudad de Algeciras' Contest for 'El escritor', and finalist in the 1st Internationa

ニエベス・エルナンデスは、第7回エミリオ・ムルシア文学賞と 第1回言葉の美術館国際賞で最終候補となる。音楽教師向けの Juegos Musicales en el Aula(教室での音楽遊び)の共著者。第1回UAM作曲コンクールの最終候補となり、イギリス人の映画監督エイミー・スペンサーによる短編映画Complexes(コンプレックス)のオリジナルサウンドトラックを作曲した。フレド・カカウエテ・シリーズは、はじめての児童文学作品。

'I've been a writer for over 20 years, at first for fun and because I loved it, then later to entertain my friends and colleagues, until I published my first novel,'Lo que dure la eternidad', which helped me to carve a space out for myself on the romantic literature scene.

ニエベス・イダルゴは20年前から小説を書きはじめる。当初は単なる趣味として、後に友人や職場の同僚を楽しませるために書いていたが、処女作Lo que dure la eternidad (永遠が続く間)の出版を機に、ロマンス小説界に踏みだした。2009年には第2作Orgullo sajón (サクソンの誇り)で、リンコンロマンス小説賞の最優秀作家賞と最優秀小説賞を受賞してその地位を確かなものとした。またAmaneceres cautivos (囚われの夜明け)でダマ賞のロマンス小説家部門とロマンス小説部門で最優秀賞。

Born in Valladolid in 1976. Although she always had a connection to words, both as a story writer and reader, she chose a different path for her education: nursing. For her, writing is a way of life.

1976年、バリャドリード生まれ。物語作家として、あるいは読者として、いつも彼女の生活には文学があったが、看護という違った道に進む。彼女にとって、書くことは人生のひとつの形。文学技巧を学んだあと、様々な短編集に参加し、小説関連のブログや、文学雑誌「El taller de la factoría(工房)」に寄稿。今回、本作でついに一歩を踏み出し、情熱を注ぐふたつの分野を結び付けた素晴らしい歴史小説を私たちに届けてくれた。

HISTORICAL NOVEL The greatest Roman of his time, the Edetani Marcus Cornelius Nigrinus Curiatius Maternus, suffered the damnatio memoriae (condemnation of memory), for being a threat to Trajan, the other candidate for Caesar's throne.



Nina Melero is an author from Madrid who lives in South-East Asia. She is currently the coordinator for the Spanish department at the National University of Singapore. her novel 'Ella y el faro' ('Her and the Lighthouse') (Nazarí, 2020) was shortlisted for the 72nd Premio Nadal.

ニナ・マレロは東南アジア在住のマドリード出身の小説家。現在はシンガポール国立大学のスペイン語学科の責任者を務める。小説『Ella y el faro(女と灯台)』(Nazarí、2020)は第72回ナダル賞最終候補作品。今回の小説は4冊目の作品。海上生活と航海へ深い興味を持つマレロは、伝統的な船で航海するマレー諸島の次のプロジェクトに参加している。第2回バランガイ航海(2018年、フィリピン)、ジャワーボルネオ海路の航海(2016年‐2017年)、クラカタウへの航海(2017年)。またフィリピンのバジャウ族やインドネシアのオランラウトなど海上で生活する民族も訪ねている。

Nina Minina is the pseudonym used by the authors Olga Rodríguez and Amparo Tárrega. They are by definition inseparable and complementary, and the novels they have written together could never have seen the light of day without the agreement and bewilderment of their interlinked minds.

ニナ・ミニナはオルガ・ロドリゲスとアンパロ・タレガによるコンビのペンネーム。どこからどこまでがそれぞれの担当かなんて決められないし、お互い補完しあっている。呼応しあって考えるふたりの頭脳の一致と不一致がなければ、彼女たちの作品が日の目を見ることはなかっただろう。ふたりのロマンティック・コメディはアマゾンで5万部以上を売り上げた。作家として歩み始めたのは2016年、アマゾンから小説第一作『Ni conmigo ni sin mí(わたしがいてもいなくても)』を自費出版し、メディアの高い評価を得てからだった。

A las niñas y niños feministas nos gustan todos los colores, llevar el pelo lo largo que queramos y elegir nuestros juguetes. Nos encanta jugar todas y todos juntos y mostrar nuestras emociones.

Niñas y niños feministas

Fiction and reality overlap in this metaphor about power which tells the life story of a tyrant.


"Everyone says that my grandmother is very, very old, but we both know that deep down inside there’s a child hiding." Is it possible to speak to our little ones about Alzheimer’s in a way that’s tender, sensitive and even fun?

「おばあちゃんはすごーく年寄りだってみんな言う。でもその心の奥には子供が住んでいるって、ぼくとおばあちゃんは知ってるんだ」。アルツハイマーについて小さな子供に優しく、丁寧に、時には面白おかしく話すことはできるだろうか? 大人の作った概念を取り払って愛情を育み、理解し合うおばあちゃんと孫の物語をアライネ・アギーレとアイナラ・アスピアスが届けてくれる一冊。

Magda, a young woman aged 21, leaves her home town and decides to go and do her final year of medical school in Barcelona. Behind her she is leaving everything: a boyfriend, a family and her university degree.

The protagonist is a literature teacher and admirer of Hanif Kureishi and Philip Roth who describes his daily life to a friend who has decided to return to Morocco, their homeland, to bring up his children there.


The events narrated in these stories are not tragic or even especially serious.

María Casta and her teenage son Edipio shelter from the lashing storm that occurs on the same day as the death of the old parish priest, Lubencio.

El alumno de un curso de auto-­amor abandona la sala dejando un reguero de odio a su paso. En la asamblea de una casa okupa se debate sobre la propiedad de los cuerpos tras un

No es cuestión de encariñarse

Three women full of anger at the world and at themselves, trapped in a life that is the opposite to ideal. Carmen, Rebeca and Susana all live lives they don't want.

Intrigue, action and mystery in Inspector Méndez’s Barcelona. González Ledesma has created a definitive Méndez, the perfect one.

Under his ordinary appearance, Dominique is not only an artist in the growing of flowers, but also an authentic wizard: without anyone knowing how, he has managed to convert a corner of Paris into a garden.



Ciudadela, Menorca. When María Médem returns to her job as an officer in the local police after maternity leave, two sexagenarians are murdered on the island.


Who do 'los indignados' accuse of causing the crisis? What are they asking for? What is their strategy? Their manifesto? Will they change the course of Europe? Is this a global citizens revolution?

Panda and Zebra love living in a diverse world, because IT DOESN'T MATTER that they are different! Are you about to discover this? A story to educate children about diversity

パンダやシマウマは多様なこの世界に住むのが大好き。だって、違っていてもだいじょうぶだから! その謎を探ってみない? 児童の多様性を養うためのお話。


A lovely book in which the authors, grandmothers and grandfathers who teach, talk about their experience of their new role in the family: 'The love of a grandparent is a simple love, which arrives without asking permission and settles down inside

What is current western society like? What will it be like? Are we as individuals ready to face our downfall? In the present day, politicians are asking for volunteers to work in libraries. They will soon disappear.

The beach? The mountains? A cruise? Sporting competitions? Botelia imagined a life filled with adventures. Ending up stuck in a yellow recycling bin didn't feel like a great plan.

浜辺? 山? 外洋のクルージング? それともスポーツ競技? 瓶は冒険に満ちた一生を夢見ていた。リサイクルの黄色いボックスに入れられて終わるなんて、大して良い計画だとは思えなかった。でも、多くの人は知らない。夜になるとリサイクルボックスは、踊ったり、歌ったり、時には夢を見たりする者たちでいっぱいの不思議な場所に様変わりするのだ。もしゴミ箱に捨てたものが新たな人生を持てたとしたら? この物語では私たちが捨てたものに生命が宿り、ゴミを排出する私たちの自覚を促す。

Spanish literary publishing house mainly dedicated to foreign and Spanish narrative in three collections: Literatura Mágica (YA), Noches Blancas (general) and Noches Negras (thrillers).

主としてスペイン国内外の小説を取り扱うスペインの文芸出版社。「Literatura Mágica(魔法の文学)」(YA)、「Noches Blancas(白い夜)」(一般向け)、「Noches Negras(黒い夜)」(ミステリー)の3つのシリーズを持つ。

With time, Daniel has found his place in the world, but on this night, in the deserted station of Portbou, while he awaits the arrival of a friend, memories come flooding back.


Noel Ceballos (Madrid, 1985) es redactor de cultura en la revista GQ. Ha escrito para medios como Fotogramas, SModa, MTV o El Confidencial, además de haber ejercido como guionista en TCM, Calle 13 o Paramount Channel.

Noël Lang. Noël Lang was born in Alicante in 1981. Drawn to the world of ideas and creativity, he decided to study advertising at the Universidad de Alicante, where he won the Young Creatives prize, which opened the door to the labour market.

Noemí Sabugal (Santa Lucía de Gordón, León, 1979) holds a degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Al sur de los Estados Unidos late uno de los destinos culinarios más fascinantes del mundo: NOLA (Nueva Orleans, LuisianA), fruto de la confluencia de grandes culturas durante la época colonial.

NOLA. La cocina de Nueva Orleans

Monica is 17 years-old and is just about to finish school. She has summer ahead of her and she is not sure what to do with the rest of her life.

Nono Granero is a puppeteer, writer, narrator and illustrator, among other things. He has been performing the story of Victoria the Cow to great acclaim from audiences of all ages for some time.


Nora puede imaginar mil y una cosas, excepto una para la cual no puede encontrar una explicación. De repente, aparece un pequeño ruido y se repite a menudo. Todo sucede en la escuela, durante la "Semana de las profesiones".

Nora i el soroll misteriós

Nora Rodríguez was born in Buenos Aires in 1960. She studied education and Spanish. A pioneer in  analysis and research into school violence in Spain, her books son innovative education have become much translated classics in Europe and America.

Nora Rodríguez is a linguist, teacher, and the author of numerous books aimed at a young adult audience.

ノラ・ロドリゲス(文)は文献学者、教育学者であり、青少年向けの本を多数執筆している。なかでも『Guerra en las Aulas(教室の中の戦争)』(Temas de Hoy、2004)は、学校のいじめ問題を取り上げたパイオニア的作品として大きな反響を呼んだ。この題材に関して著者は社会的プロジェクトや講演や出版物で現在も取り組みを続けている。本書『Guía genial para una chica como tú(君のような女の子のためのクールなガイドブック)』や『Un batido de emociones(感情のシェイク)』(当サイト2022年紹介作品)の著者。

Norah Lange (Buenos Aires, 1905-1972) was an Argentine poet and writer, notable for being one of the few women who devoted herself to writing avant garde prose.

Founded in 1978, Editorial Noray specialises in technical nautical books and maritime literature, and aims to produce quality books that help readers gain an insight into navigation and maritime culture.

CIF: A08933806

Muntaner 337

Pablo Zendrera Zariquiey



With over 40 years of experience, Norma Editorial is an independent publisher of comics and illustrated books based in Barcelona.


Established over 40 years ago, Norma Editorial publishes comics and illustrated books. Founded as an independent publishing house in Barcelona in 1977 by Rafael Martínez, Norma Editorial specialises in editing, distribution, representation and sales.



Nos recordarán

We Will Remembered takes the reader back to the summer of 1794, a summer that Goethe and Schiller spent together which would prove to be crucial not only for their work, but also their personal relationship.


Irene cree haber vivido el matrimonio más perfecto del mundo. Años de absoluta entrega y pasión entre dos seres, así evoca su amor con Marcelo, su difunto marido.


'That's what friendship should be. Those invisible ties with a person you haven't seen for fifteen years but you feel like you just spoke to them yesterday.' Kim and Laura meet at university. They come from different worlds.


We, who have written nothing yet, who have not managed to finish anything, had already taken on the role of writers, and we couldn't have been anything else.

Jorge is a would-be writer, who travels from Seville to Barcelona, hoping to become a real writer. In a bar, he happens to meet a real writer, Mario Sala, who confides in him about the one-night stand he has just had with someone he refers to as ‘the most beautiful woman in the world’.

Nosotros los no escritores

We, who have written nothing yet, who have not managed to finish anything, had already taken on the role of writers, and we couldn't have been anything else.

Two couples, four friends, and a loss that will change everything.

4人の友からなる2組のカップル、そしてすべてを変えていくある喪失。著者の一連の代表的小説『El verano que empieza(始まりの夏)』、『Un año y medio(一年半)』 、『Los viejos amigos(旧友)』に続いて、本作は時の流れや愛、人生の浮き沈みを描く。男性2名、女性2名からなる4人の人物は、人生の本番が始まる前の思春期に知り合う。ソレールが、こまやかで映画的な特徴ある文体で描く物語は、読みだすと止まらず、忠実な読者の心をつかむ。

Nova Galicia Edicións set up a new line in 2004 that includes books for children and teenagers, both fiction and non-fiction. Our catalogue includes a wide range of titles, from children's stories to educational books on current values and issues. Avda.

A couple lose their son in an unexplained accident, two travellers find themselves implicated in a cannibal ritual, bloodthirsty cultists on motorcycles, UFO hunters, Beatnik wolf-men, a youngster with messianic delusions obsessed with blood, a di


L'intervention auprès des mineurs et des jeunes en difficulté sociale nécessite des professionnels dotés de solides connaissances théoriques et pratiques, qui leur permettent de maîtriser des stratégies, des ressources et des instruments divers et


One night, a headteacher gets an unexpected call and is told that one of his pupils has attempted suicide during a study trip to France.


Joe Meteor, brief star of the boxing world, scrapes by collecting debts for a local mafia boss.


Nuc recibe un paquete con una caja misteriosa y pronto descubre que contiene todos los objetos mágicos que usan las brujas. Pero convertirse en bruja no es tan fácil como parece...

Nuc y el kit mágico

With a few remaining exceptions, democracy is the widely accepted form of government, though with great variations in context and in risk.

About to hit 30, Simon moves to New York with plenty of expectations, a few reservations, and little money.

When gens gothorum settled in the territories of the Gallic diocese of Septem Prouinciarum, it resulted in a renewable pact with the Roman administration, the model of which was repeated with other peoples, although not in identical terms.

Technological advances gained ground among creatives of the fashion design industry throughout the 20th century.

Publishing house specialising in graphic novels, comics, illustration and children's stories.

Hidden Numbers is a visual game where you must find the numbers that have been hidden by the animals. You can ride with ONE, fly with THREE, lay an egg with FOUR.


Javier Goitia is an investigative journalist with a long career behind him who ends up being fired. To get over this blow, he goes to G...., where he has a friend who takes him in for a while, and where he hopes to rethink his future.

One night, on summer camp, Nora meets a glow-worm, Totopo, the brightest of them all. They become inseparable and, when they are together they shine like nothing else. Can they continue to shine when everything changes?

María spends a week writing to Alba about what is happening to her mother, who has been feeling rotten since her separation. Alba, in return, tells her about the weekends with her father, who has surprisingly become young again.

マリアは平日に母親とのあいだに起こったことをアルバにメールする。母親は、父と別居してから頭が少しおかしくなっている。アルバは、父親と過ごした週末のできごとを書いて返信する。驚いたことに、父親は若々しくなっていた。そしてマリアとアルバは、両親が知り合った場所でもう一度ふたりを会わせようと計画を練る。それで何かが変わるかも知れない! メールという現代の書簡体で、マリアとアルバのふたりが苦しみながらも、両親の状況を理解していく様子を描く。


Borja is a translator for an international company in New York, where he lives with his partner John. One night he gets a call from a forgotten cousin to tell him his brother has just died and left him something.

Borja is a translator for an international company in New York, where he lives with his partner John. One night he gets a call from a forgotten cousin to tell him his brother has just died and left him something.

Nunila López Salamero of Aragonese descent, was born on a Barcelona housing estate in 1966, in the middle of an economic migration. Since she was 28 years old, she has written and told stories throughout the country and made a CD that has gone across the world and changed many lives.

In this third book, Nur has moved with his parents to China, where he makes some new friends. To celebrate the birthday of his new friend Guo Guo, they all meet at a big theme park. Once there, they realise that Guo Guo has disappeared.

Núria Amat is a novelist, poet and essayist.

小説家、詩人、エッセイストであるヌリア・アマトはバルセロナで生まれ、現在もそこで暮らしている。スペイン語での執筆活動は長く、その作品は10ヵ国語以上に翻訳されている。小説では、Todos somos Kafka(我々はみなカフカである、1993年)、La intimidad(私生活、1997年)、El país del alma(魂の国、1999年)、Reina de América(アメリカの女王、2001年、バルセロナ市賞)、Deja que la vida llueva sobre mí(私に命降り注ぐままに、2008年)。

Núria Aparicio (Barcelona, 1982) es una ilustradora con más de 15 años de experiencia. Empezó su carrera en el mundo de la animación y ha trabajado para cine, series y publicidad, hasta que un día le llegó al mail su primer encargo editorial.

Núria Aparicio (Barcelona, 1982) es una ilustradora con más de 15 años de experiencia. Empezó su carrera en el mundo de la animación y ha trabajado para cine, series y publicidad, hasta que un día le llegó al mail su primer encargo editorial.

Nuria Barrios is an author with a PhD in philosophy.


Núria Cadenas was born in Barcelona and lives in Horta Sud, near Valencia. She works as a bookseller and contributes to various media (Vilaweb, El Temps). She has published, among others, the books Cartes de la presó (1990), L’Ovidi (2002), El banquer (2013) and Secundaris (2018).

Nuria Labari (Santander, 1979) has degrees in Political Science from the University of the Basque Country and International Relations from the Instituto Ortega y Gasset.

Nuria Otte  is a programmer and art director for various web and multimedia projects. She studied illustration and animation at ESDIP and design at the European Institute of Design.

Programadora y directora de Arte de proyectos Web y Multimedia. Estudió Ilustración y Animación en ESDIP y Diseño en el Istituto Europeo di Design.

Núria Perpinyà (Lleida, 1961) is a Professor of Literary Theory at the University of Lleida. She has published articles and essays on literary criticism, including studies of the work of Gabriel Ferrater.

Núria Pradas nació en el barrio barcelonés de Poble Nou, cuando todavía vivía de espaldas al mar y las playas de las que disfrutamos hoy eran un sueño. Por razones laborales, se fue a vivir a Sant Feliu de Llobregat y trabajó como profesora de Lengua y Literatura Catalanas.

Núria Pradas was born in Barcelona in 1954. She studied Catalan Language and Literature and began her literary career writing plays for the theatre. She published her first book in 1995 and has since had more than forty books published, and worked with numerous publishing houses.

Núria Riera was born in 1975 in Terrassa (Barcelona). She has contributed as a freelance journalist to the magazines Descobrir, Soweto, Cuentos sin fronteras and Vivir en el campo, and to the publication of education books and guides.


Nuria Roca was born in Montcada, Valencia in 1972. Involved in radio from the age of 15, in 2007 she decided to try her luck with writing and had huge success: 'Sexualment' has sold over 70,000 copies. 'Para Ana (de tu muerto)' is her second novel.

Núria Sara Miras Boronat (1977), profesora de Filosofía Moral y Política en la Universidad de Barcelona, se doctoró en 2009 con la tesis Wittgenstein i Gadamer: llenguatge, praxi, raó.

Núria estudió Bellas Artes con especialización en imagen en la Universidad de Barcelona. Sus obras se han expuesto a nivel nacional en ferias de arte contemporáneo como ARCO e internacionalmente en Austria, Finlandia e India, entre otros países.

The majority of stories in novels could only have taken place in a specific location. In every great work, the setting and the landscape are as closely linked to the plot as any of its characters.

She got a degree in Philosophy from the University of Zaragoza in 1980. She has worked in high schools and is the author of books for children and young people, as well as writing literary articles for various newspapers.

Bia de Medici, illegitimate daughter of Cosme I, Duke of Florence, describes the last days of her life in the pages of a kind of posthumous diary which is found amongst her relics when her tomb is opened several centuries after her death.

Emma Olsen is confronting the last months of her life. She is suffering a terminal illness and knows that death is near.


Happy families are all alike, but every family is unhappy in its own way.

Literature and music go hand in hand in this music-tale (book + CD), a recreation of the traditional tale by Charles Perrault by Xosé A. Neira Cruz, illustrated by Rodrigo Chao.

An 18th century map that hides a secret. A letter written by a man at death's door. The ancient legend of a city sunk beneath the waters of Lake Antela. Ancient towers that guard the borders of a different world.

An intense, personal and profound book of poems. The central theme is passion, by way of an intimate feeling of solitude.

The team that has put this guide together is made up of educationalists, psychologists, teachers and social workers with extensive professional experience. They constitute a group of specialists coordinated by Berta Boadas from the Blanquerna Foundation Family and Adoption Team.


Obra maestra

The plot of this novel is completely unlikely, and yet it actually happened: for its inauguration in 1986, a museum with an international reputation —the Reina Sofía—commissions a piece by the North American superstar Richard Serra.


Night, a sleepless man, a sleeping woman. He abandons himself to images that only blossom between waking and sleeping and feels that "insomnia is a dark animal with eyes as red as embers".


Catalan publisher of fiction books for adults and children. We publish in Catalan and Spanish.


Obrador Editorial was created with the intention to publish work that opens doors to new literary worlds, written and illustrated in Catalan and Spanish.


OBSCURA means ‘obscure’. In other words, uncertain, instilling fear, insecurity or mistrust. Unknown, barely known or mysterious.

恐怖と不安と不信感を感じさせる不確かなもの。未知の、よくわからない、謎めいたもの。弊社の看板となったアンソロジー『Obscura, Diez relatos(オブスクラ 10の物語)』(本サイト2021年紹介作品。http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/obscura-diez-relatos)の第2弾。新たに私たちを、不確かなもの、隠されたもの、未知なるもの、すばらしいもの、震撼させるもの、神秘なるものへと導く。

Independent publisher focused on horror, fantasy and science fiction books.


Among the many synonyms for "Dark" we find (Oxford English Dictionary): mysterious, enigmatic, sinister, evil. This anthology is a faithful reflection of how each of the authors in this anthology sees darkness and terror.

オブスクラ(OBSCURA)とは、「不確かな」、「恐れや不安、疑念を抱かせるような」、「無名の」、「世に知られない」、「怪しげな」という意味である。各作家が作品を通して恐怖に対する自身の見方を忠実に映し出した選集。 一見怖くなさそうだが最後は予期せぬ怖い展開になる作品、出だしから恐怖を感じる作品、さらには、思いもよらない場所(その多くは人間の心の内)にも恐ろしさがあることを教えてくれる作品もある。ホラー文学界で台頭著しい作家たちによる選集であり、多彩なアプローチによる作品の数々が集結。


The Cultural Observatory is a recent phenomenon which has arisen as a response to the challenges posed by the information and knowledge-based society.

Occidente, llorarás por mí (⻄洋よ、お前は俺のせいで泣くことになる)は、⼩さな事件が発端となり、徐々に史上最⼤のジハーディスト(イスラム過激派)の脅威を明るみに出していく捜査を描いた推理⼩説。当初、型どおりの確認作業をしていた⼩さな事件が、氷山が少しずつ姿を現すかのように、国際的にも影響を与えるとんでもない様相を⾒せていく。政府の秘密情報部員という厳しい仕事で鍛え抜かれた主⼈公、ミゲル・アギーレがこの難事件の解決に挑む。

"En agosto de 2019, en vísperas del G7, una ballena vara en la playa de Hondarribia. ¿Es una llamada de la Naturaleza, convertida de pronto en una invitada incómoda a la fiesta de la riqueza?


"In August 2019, on the eve of the G7 summit, a whale becomes stranded on the beach at Hondarribia.


At Ocho en punto we believe that books will last the test of time. We are a small imprint publishing original and entertaining stories. We love to play with imagination and encourage children to explore new places.



Octavio Escobar Giraldo was born in Manizales (Colombia) in 1962.

Jordi Vila Delclòs, has illustrated textbooks, children’s stories, and novels for publishers and magazines. He also works in other areas of illustration.

Jordi Vila Delclòs, ha ilustrado libros de texto, cuentos infantiles y novelas en editoriales y revistas. Trabaja también en otros campos de la ilustración, .

He is an expert in communications and public relations with a global vision. He has offered his services in Mexico, his homeland, and in Spain, where he has lived since 1997.

Medieval Occultism is an invitation to the reader to immerse himself in the eventful Middle Ages and to discover the hidden aspects of the Masons, their lives and their customs.

At the top of a vast skyscraper one night, a man does what many have dreamed of, and plucks a star from the sky. He slips away through the dark streets with the star in his pocket, but his impulsive action brings him more trouble than he could have imagined.

Oda a una estrella

The night was black And I slipped away Down the road With the stolen star in my pocket’ At the top of a skyscraper, in the vastness of the night, someone takes hold of a star; the moment they put it in their pocket, their odyssey begins.

This is the reality: we've turned our oceans and seas into a rubbish dump. Could one little girl speak to the sea-animals and find a solution to this problem?

オブスクラ(OBSCURA)とは、「不確かな」、「恐れや不安、疑念を抱かせるような」、「無名の」、「世に知られない」、「怪しげな」という意味である。各作家が作品を通して恐怖に対する自身の見方を忠実に映し出した選集。 一見怖くなさそうだが最後は予期せぬ怖い展開になる作品、出だしから恐怖を感じる作品、さらには、思いもよらない場所(その多くは人間の心の内)にも恐ろしさがあることを教えてくれる作品もある。ホラー文学界で台頭著しい作家たちによる選集であり、多彩なアプローチによる作品の数々が集結。

Es una realidad: hemos convertido los océanos y los mares en un basurero. ¿Podría una niña hablar con los animales marinos para revertir esta situación?

Oda al Mar


A literary  agency based in Barcelona (Spain), mainly focusing on Spanish independent publishers of critical thinking, essays, literary journalism and several fiction authors.

A literary agency based in Barcelona (Spain), mainly focusing on Spanish independent publishers of critical thinking, essay, literary journalism and several fiction authors.




She was the younger sister of his best friend, in love with the colour yellow and who created her own sky full of invented constellations. He was the rebel in the leather jacket who used his biro to draw everything that moved him.


Saira has never liked the way she looks. She is blonde, has blue eyes and everyone calls her Kharami, that is to say bastard. She lives in Afghanistan with her sister, mother and grandfather, and believes herself to be eight years old.


When the old local printer’s in which Felipe Díaz Carrión had spent half his life went bankrupt, he was left without a job and with no chance of finding another. It was the era of migration to the industrial towns of the north of Spain.

These are uncertain, unstable times, with the desire for a new republic and repeated attempts to overthrow the monarchy of Alfonso XIII.


"Wave of Cold" is not a novel about drugs and alcohol nor the descent into the hell of addiction. Nor is it a novel about the economic crisis, nor how this has changed the face of Madrid forever.

Olalla González Maestra is a storyteller and specialist in encouraging reading. In addition to collaborating with KALANDRAKA, she has coordinated Lobocoxo's childrens space. She has adapted the traditional stories "Garbancito" (Little Bean) and Chivos chivones" (Annoying Goats; KALANDRAKA).

オラリャ・ゴンサレス=マエストラは、ストーリーテラーで読書のアニマシオンの専門家。カランドラカ社と協力し、子どもスペース、ロボコショをコーディネートしてきた。カランドラカ社では、昔話Garbancito(まめつぶこぞう)、Chivos chivones(3びきのやぎのがらがらどん)の再話も手掛けている。マルク・タエヘルはバルセロナでグラフィックデザインを学ぶ。ガリシアに居を定め、イラストレーター、デザイナーとして働く。得意とするアニメーション、絵画、彫刻、グラフィックアートの作品は、ルクセンブルク、ドイツ、中国、スペイン、フランス、コスタリカで展示されてきた。

Economist and managing director of the consultancy Global Marketing Strategies, with 25 years’ experience in business, marketing and international negotiation. He has participated in numerous courses and seminars for international managers and executives.

A psychologist and expert in gender violence, with an extensive background in direct care for women and child survivors of male violence. For 13 years she has coordinated different resources specialising in gender violence for the Madrid City Council and the Community of Madrid.

性差別暴力を専門とする心理学者。性差別暴力のサバイバーである女性や子供を直接ケアした幅広い経験を持つ。 13年間、マドリード市議会とマドリード自治州の性差別暴力に関するさまざまな方策の調整役を務めてきた。最近では、マドリード自治州の「自分を傷つけないで」プログラムで思春期の性差別暴力の被害者をケアするチームとして活躍。幼少期の愛着とトラウマの専門家である彼女は、虐待された経験を持つ子供や幼少期にトラウマになる体験をした子供に介在した経験もある。

She is dedicated to art and to illustrating for children.

子ども向けの美術やイラストに専念し、2013年、『Monstruo Rosa(ピンクーにじのでるばしょ)』(APILA EDICIONES、2016、日本語版:World Library、2014年-当サイト2014年日本向けおすすめ書籍)でアピラ第一印象賞を受賞。多様性はわたしたちの社会を豊かにしてくれることを説く物語で、15か国語に翻訳され、スペイン語版は7万部以上売り上げた。またこの絵本は、2013年11月に上海児童書展の国際優良絵本部門で金の風車賞も受賞した。彼女の作品はヌベ・オチョ、プラネタ、ペンギン・ランダム・ハウスから出版されている。

Olga Merino was born in Barcelona in 1965. She studied information sciences and specialised in her master's in Latin American history and literature in the UK.

1965年、バルセロナ生まれ。情報科学を学び、英国でラテンアメリカの歴史と文学のマスターコースを修める。ロンドンとモスクワで暮らし、モスクワでは、エル・ペリオディコ・デ・カタルーニャ紙の特派員を5年間務め、ソビエト体制から市場経済への移行を経験。1999年、小説第1作『Cenizas Rojas(赤い灰)』を出版し、批評家から絶賛される。2004年に『Espuelas de papel(紙の拍車)』を出版。2006年に『Las normas son las normas(規則は規則)』でバルガス=リョサ賞(NHホテル主催)を受賞。彼女の小説はイタリア語、オランダ語、英語に翻訳されている。

Olga Roig is a journalist, writer and researcher.

Oliverio Coelho has published the novels Tierra de vigilia (Land of Vigilance, 2000), Los invertebrables (The Invertebratables, 2003), Borneo (2004), Promesas naturales (Natural Promises, 2006), Ida (2008) and the short story collection Parte doméstico (The Domestic Side, Emecé, 2009).

Olivos de cal is a rural novel worthy of Delibes at his most sober. The skilfully drawn characters hide their feelings to such an extent that their silence is itself another character.


Online Editor at Granta, and contributor to publications such as TLS and openDemocracy among others.

“I don't understand it one bit when Grandma says that Grandpa is worn out after so many years. One day at school we learned that stones wear out over time because of erosion. But Grandpa isn’t a stone. Or is he?

「年を取るごとにおじいちゃんが衰えてるとおばあちゃんが言うけど、何のことかちっともわからない。学校で石は時の流れによって浸食されすり減ると習った。でもおじいちゃんは石じゃない。それとも石なの? 時々そう思える、だって例えば寝ている間は1ミリも動かないから」。2015年ラサリーリョ賞絵本部門の栄冠に輝いたタッグが戻ってきた。今回は時の流れや老化、そして死を子どもの目を通して語る優しく感動的な物語。幼い子どもを対象に、愛する人の旅立ちを、現実を踏まえつつほっこりと、そして誠実に語りかける。

「年を取るごとにおじいちゃんが衰えてるとおばあちゃんが言うけど、何のことかちっともわからない。学校で石は時の流れによって浸食されすり減ると習った。でもおじいちゃんは石じゃない。それとも石なの? 時々そう思える、だって例えば寝ている間は1ミリも動かないから」。2015年ラサリーリョ賞絵本部門の栄冠に輝いたタッグが戻ってきた。今回は時の流れや老化、そして死を子どもの目を通して語る優しく感動的な物語。幼い子どもを対象に、愛する人の旅立ちを、現実を踏まえつつほっこりと、そして誠実に語りかける。

One of my favourite short stories by Roberto Bolaño is ‘Sensini’ which opens the collection Last Evenings on Earth beautifully translated into English by Chris Andrews, but which first appeared in Spanish in the volume Llamadas telefónicas, published in Barcelona twenty years ag

What could have happened that night? Martina looked out of the window and... didn’t see a single tree in the street. Or in the square. Or in the park. Or by the river. The city had lost its greenery!

Onada Edicions is a publishing house specialising in publications committed to quality and innovation. Through the Onada Imagina project we offer quality reads with values that promote the habit of childhood reading with fun, exciting and magical stories.


Olga is a forty-eight year old biologist who often dreams about a stranger who gives her pleasure.

The main characters in this book are the monkeys that live in high up on a snowy mountain and try to keep warm in its hot springs.

Ediciones Babylon is a Spanish publishing house based in Ontinyent (Valencia), Spain. It was founded in February 2010. It publishes comics, novels, children's stories and picture books, both under license and its own original publications.

What if it were possible to recognise every corrupt politician, police officer or business person by an indelible mark on the face?

A collection of adventure books aimed at children aged 7+. Over 120 pages of fun, adventure and mystery with full-colour illustrations. “Hello! My name is Txano and my twin brother is called Óscar.

7歳以上を対象とした児童向け冒険シリーズ。色彩豊かなイラスト入りの120ページを超える本で、冒険、ミステリーなどが楽しめる。「やあ!僕はチャノ。双子の兄弟の名前はオスカル。緑色の不思議な隕石を見てから、僕たちはテレパシーを感じるようになったと親友のラウルとソニアに話したら、とても驚いた。それで彼らが最初に思いついたことがなんだかわかるかい? なんと捜査本部を作ることだったんだ! そんな時、ツインシティでは犬の失踪事件が相次いでいた。だからどうしたって? それが大いに関係あるんだよ。

Manuel, the hero of this novel, is a sensitive, Catholic, Republican small town boy… and he is a homosexual. Through his diaries the reader begins to understand his personal, emotional, existential and spiritual development.

This book deals extensively with the PL/SQL programming language (Procedural Language/SQL) that is used to access and work with Oracle databases from different environments.

Ten funny stories from Africa that illustrate the value of love for nature and for your neighbours, taking the reader on a journey through different African cultures.


Oriol Canosa is a children's author and bookseller. He has published the collections of short stories La Casa del profesor Kübris (Professor Kübris's House; Edelvives, 2013) and Apa! Et penses que no ens ho creurem? (Goodness Gracious. Can You Believe It?; Cruilla, 2015).

作者は児童文学作家で書店も営む。短編La casa del profesor Kürbis (クルビス教授の家、Edelvives、2013)やApa! Et penses que no ens ho creurem? (ええっ! 私たちがそれを信じないとでも思ってるの?、Cruïll、2015)、児童向け小説La isla de las cartas perdidas (失くなった手紙の島、Babulinka、2014)を上梓したほか、複数の児童向け雑誌に寄稿している。

Oriol Garcia Molsosa is a clarinettist, and between concerts and practice he likes to write stories. He has worked with Fundación La Caixa, the magazine Cavall Fort and Editorial Casals. Guridi has a background in editing and graphic design, publicity, ephemeral architecture and painting.

Es clarinetista y como músico, compagina su actividad profesional con la docencia, y participa en varios espectáculos familiares y escolares con talleres pedagógicos para escuelas e institutos. Como escritor, ha escrito para la revista Cavall Fort y para Combel.

Oriol Ginestà is a musician, yoga teacher, music therapist and fan of nature and the stories that live within it. His concerts combine his singing with therapeutic sounds. Having released several albums, this tale is taking him down a new path.


Born in Barcelona in 1959, he has worked intensively as a clarinetist, focusing on the classical repertoire as well as that of the twentieth century. He has worked in the dissemination of the repertoire by Joaquim Homs.

Oriol Toro is a journalist and storyteller. Since 2006 his work has focused on telling stories for children young and old alike through his group 'Vivim del Cuentu'. He has also been writing his own stories for some time.


Óscar Collazos (Bahía Solano, Colombia, 1942), novelist and essayist. Between 1969 and 1970 he was director at the Centre for Literary Research at the Casa de las Americas in Havana. Later, he lived in Barcelona for eighteen years, where he published a major part of his literary work.

オスカル・コリャソス(1942年コロンビアのバイア・ソラノ生まれ)は、小説家でエッセイスト。1969年から1970年まで、ハバナのカサ・デ・ラス・アメリカス文学研究所の所長を務め、その後18年間バルセロナに住み、小説を発表してきた。パリ、ストックホルム、ベルリンにも一時滞在。現在はカルタヘナ(コロンビア)に住み、「エルティエンポ紙」のコラムニストとして活躍。作品は、フランス語、ドイツ語、イタリア語に翻訳され、YA小説La ballena varada(座礁したクジラ、Siruela)は売上15万部を記録している。

Óscar García Sierra nació en León en 1994 y vive en Madrid. Ha colaborado en antologías en México (Pasarás de moda y Hot babes), Argentina (1000 millones. Poesía en lengua española del siglo XXI), Estados Unidos (The Poetic Series, Noon on the Moon) y España (Millennials).

Óscar García Sierra was born in León in 1994 and lives in Madrid. He has collaborated on anthologies in Mexico (Pasarás de moda and Hot Babes), Argentina (Billion. Poetry in Spanish of the 21st Century), United States (The Poetic Series, Noon on the Moon) and Spain (Millennials).

Óscar Gual (Almazora, 1976) is a qualified Computer Engineer and works at the Jaume I University of Castellón. His published novels include Cut and Roll (DVD Ediciones, 2008) and Fabulous Sea Monkeys (DVD Ediciones, 2010) and he is co-author of the short novel Julia’s Heart (Morsa, 2011).

Óscar Lbato (Madrid, 1958) is a journalist and writer. In the first of these facets he has more than 20 years' professional experience as a specialist in questions related to security, defence and the environment. This is his second novel after 'Cazadores de humo', Alfaguara 2007.

Spanish author Óscar M. Prieto studied Philosophy and Law, and has taught at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, where he he currently works in the field of International Relations.

Óscar Montoya was born in Alicante, has a law degree and currently lives in Vigo, where he works for an export and import company. He began his literary journey writing micro-stories on current affairs and daily concerns which he would publish regularly under the pseudonym Montoya Jackson.

I began my career as a cartoonist for adults in the seventies. In the eighties and nineties I also worked as an advertising illustrator.

70年代の半ばに大人向けのコミック作家としてのキャリアをスタートした。80-90年代は広告イラストレーターとして働く。2005年に勇敢なエコロジストのおばけ、ウリオルの冒険シリーズを書き始めたことが転機となり、著者独自の活動を開始する。シリーズはバルカノバ社によってカタルーニャ語で出版されて続編を重ね、つい最近21巻を書き上げた。スペイン語ではシルクロ・デ・レクトーレス社が「Lee con el duende Max(リーとおばけのマックス)」シリーズでこの冒険を出版。2018年には20巻の出版を記念して、カタルーニャ中の図書館や本屋で巡回展示会が開かれた。

Born in 1854 in Dublin (Ireland), Oscar Wilde was a writer, poet and playwright, famous for his brilliance and wit.


Julio, a model neighbour and businessman, likes to walk through the lower-class neighbourhood that reminds him of his humble origins and above all, of his success climbing the social ladder.

Osvaldo Reyes (1971) is a gynecologist-obstetrician, a teacher and researcher.

Estudió medicina en la Universidad de Panamá y luego se especializó en Ginecología y Obstetricia. Es encargado de la Cátedra de Obstetricia de la Universidad de Panamá y es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

Estudió medicina en la Universidad de Panamá y luego se especializó en Ginecología y Obstetricia. Es encargado de la Cátedra de Obstetricia de la Universidad de Panamá y es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

Osvaldo Reyes studied medicine at the University of Panama, and later specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics. He is in charge of the Department of Obstetrics at the University of Panama, and is a member of the National System of Researchers.

Osvaldo Reyes (1971) is a gynecologist-obstetrician, a teacher and researcher.

A los 8 años su abuelo le propuso hacer un cohete para ir a la Luna. Solo llegaron a hacer pólvora con chispas de colores. Siendo jovencito construyó micrófonos y un mezclador. Así comenzó a trabajar como técnico de sonido en la PAI, compañía de teatro y animación zaragozana.

“Hotel Ellesmere is on the south side of Hyde Park, in East Kensington, one of London’s poshest districts and home to the creator of Peter Pan”. Lily, about to start at university on a grant, is amazed at the luxury of where she’ll be living.


This novel tells of the relationship between a young councillor from Cádiz, brilliant, combative and spirited, and an older writer from Madrid, apparently calm and with as few illusions as prejudices.

Ever since Otto was born it hadn't stopped snowing in Immer. No one knew why. At first, everyone thought it was just a very long winter, but then they decided it was some kind of magic and they stopped hoping for spring.

Spring, 2089: the whole world has heard of the disturbiances in the external university franchises. Demonstrations in New Berkely, protests in the Sorbonne Resseau and student riots throughout the Academic Ring.

Oxford University Press is an enterprise attached to Oxford University. Our mission is to support the University's drive for excellence in research and education through our publications which are available across the world.


“Black Bread is an exceptional novel.

Black Breadis a novel set in rural Catalonia in the worst period after the end of the civil war – the hungry 40s.

Pa negre

“Black Bread is an exceptional novel.

Pablo Albo is a word tamer.
Every day he subjects them to  careful and thorough training. He gathers them together, he arranges them like this or like that, he makes them into little towers, he folds down their corners, he polishes their adjectives, he adjusts their point of view…

Es profesor de Hatha Yoga y Kundalini Yoga tal como lo enseñó Yogi Bhajan. Profesor y formador de profesores de yoga para niños y adolescentes. Meditador, masajista yóguico y exactor.

A student of Yogi Bhajan, Pablo Alonso teaches Hatha and Kundali Yoga. A teacher himself he also trains teachers in delivering yoga to children and young adults. He also meditates and is a yogic masseur.

Pablo Aranda has a degree in Hispanic Philology and is a tireless traveller. Among other things, he has worked as a carer for the mentally ill, as a teacher of young offenders and he has taught Spanish in the University of Oran, Algeria.

パブロ・アランダは、スペイン文献学士で、疲れをしらぬ旅人。さまざまな職業につき、精神病患者のコーチ、犯罪を犯した少年の教官、オラン(アルジェリア)大学でのスペイン語講師などをつとめてきた。2003年プリマベーラ賞最終候補となった小説La otra ciudad(別の町)を刊行してからは、小説と、さまざまな出版物のコラムや旅行記事の執筆に専念している。Desprendimiento de rutina(ルーチンをはずれて)で第1回ディアリオ・スール短編小説賞を受賞。他にEl orden(秩序、2004年)、 Ucrania(ウクラニア、2006年)など。

A born scientist, after studying biochemistry in his native Zaragoza and spending a year as a researcher at Cambridge University (UK), Pablo became interested in all things ‘neuro’ and so, he did a master’s and a doctorate in Neuroscience at the University of Barcelona.

Pablo Brañas Garza is Professor of Fundamental Economic Analysis at the University of Granada and director of the Granada Lab of Behavioral Economics (GLOBE).

Pablo C. Reyna was born in Valencia in 1987 and has lived in Madrid for a number of years. He is a children's and YA literature editor by day and uses his evenings for writing and drawing.

パブロ・C・レイナは1987年にバレンシアで生まれ、何年も前からマドリードに暮らす。昼間は児童書の編集をし、夜は執筆したり絵を描いたりしている。『Memorias de Idhún(イドゥン戦記)』や『ハリー・ポッター』といった一世を風靡した作品に関する書籍を出版した。『MultiCosmos(ムルティコスモス)』は自身の名前で出版した処女作。編集者をする前はよく流行っている書店で働いていた。この経験を活かし、インターネット上で「Libreros, un webcómic sobre libreros(書店員。

With a degree in Fine Art, Pablo Caracol began his artistic journey by exploring photography and sculpture before discovering his love of illustration.

Pablo Carbonell. Nació en Cádiz en 1962. Un personaje muy polifacético que comenzó colaborando en el programa de televisión “La Bola de Cristal”.

Pablo Carbonell was born in Cádiz in 1962. A versatile personality, he began his career working on the TV programme, "La bola de cristal" (The Crystal Ball).

A writer, filmmaker and visual artist, Casacuberta has published various works including 'El mar' and 'Aquí y ahora'. His novels have been published in Mexico and Colombia.

Tormenta is a literary agency specialising in children's books. www.tormentalibros.com

Pablo Chamorro is the main author of the work and director of Ecomundis Editorial. His experience in the field of environmental science has been been growing since his first professional job.

Pablo de Aguilar was born in Albacete in 1963 and has lived in Molina de Segura in Murcia since 2000.

Pablo de Aguilar González was born in Albacete in 1963. He currently lives in Molina de Segura. He is an IT analyst, a job which he combines with writing.


Pablo d’Ors (Madrid, 1963) was born into a family of artists. He is the grandson of the essayist and art critic, Eugenio d‟Ors, he is a narrator, hospital chaplain and critic in the ABCD las Artes y las Letras, where he reviews central European narrative.

Pablo Gutiérrez was selected by Granta as one of its best young Spanish language writers soon after the publication of his first novel, Rosas, restos de alas (Roses, Remains of Wings; La Fábrica, 2008), which was awarded the Tormenta best new author prize.

Pablo Gutiérrez fue seleccionado por la revista Granta como uno de los mejores narradores jóvenes en español cuando apenas había publicado su primera novela, Rosas, restos de alas (La Fábrica, 2008), que recibió el premio Tormenta al mejor autor novel.

パグロ・グティエレスがグランタ誌によってスペイン語で書く最も優れた若手作家のひとりに選出されたのは、トルメンタ最優秀新進作家賞を獲得した小説第一作『Rosas, restos de alas(薔薇、翼のなごり)』(La Fábrica、2008)を出して間もないころだった。それ以来、出版する作品はすべてヒット。その傍ら講義や講演を行い、パネルディスカッションにも参加している。本書は初めて若い読者を想定し、特に教え子たちに敬意を表して書いた小説。

A graduate in Fine Arts from the Universidad de Salamanca, with specialisation in Audiovisual Design, 2000. He has had numerous collective and individual exhibitions throughout Spain.

Pablo Martín Sánchez (born outside Reus, in 1977) has a doctorate in French Language and Literature from the University of Lille-3 and a doctorate in Theory of Literature and Art and Comparative Literature from the University of Granada.

パブロ・マルティン=サンチェス(1977年、レウス近郊生まれ)は、リール第3大学でフランス語学文学の博士号、グラナダ大学で文学・芸術理論と比較文学の博士号を取得。リーダー、校正者、翻訳者、書店員として、出版業界で働いてきた。雑誌「ベルビグラシア」を創刊。短編集Fricciones (摩擦、EDA Libros, 2011)を出し、 雑誌「エル・クルトゥラル」によって2012年の最優秀デビュー作に選ばれた小説 El anarquista que se llamaba como yo (私と同名のアナキスト、Acantilado、 2012)を出版。

Pablo Navajo. Psychologist. His career has been linked to the Spanish Red Cross, where he currently is Director for training and environment.

Pablo Neruda was very ugly. His nose stuck out and so he had no friends. So as not to get bored he took to writing poems and wrote so many that he covered all the paper in his house. Every time he saw a piece of paper he wrote a poem.

Pablo Ramos (Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, 1966) is the author of the three novels "El Origen de la Tristeza" (2004), "La Ley de la Ferocidad" (Alfaguara, 2007) and "En Cinco Minutos Levantate Maria" (2010), a trilogy in which each novel can be read independently.

Pablo Rodríguez Burón (Valladolid, 1980) is a writer, journalist and EFL teacher, and has lived in Seville for the last 13 years. He has worked for different media, including El Diario de Valladolid, Ociototal.com, Youthing and Libros y Literatura, and currently collaborates with Negratinta.

The author has a degree in scriptwriting from ECAM (The Community of Madrid Audiovisual and Cinematography School) and had his first job on the series 'Amar en Tiempos Revueltos'. Since then he has specialised in historical audiovisual projects and literary adaptations.

ECAM(マドリード自治州映画・オーディオビジュアル専門学校)で脚本を専攻し、準学士課程修了。連続ドラマ『Amar en Tiempos Revueltos(動乱の時代の恋)』でキャリアをスタートさせ、それ以来歴史分野及び文学の映像化のオーディオビジュアル・プロジェクトを専門に活動してきた。『El corazón del bambú (竹の心)』(Planeta 2014)の著者で、 本作『La senda secreta(秘密の細道)』は著者2作目の小説。

1965, Barcelona. An emminent man of action, Pablo Tusset gave up a comfortable future as a foreign language assistant to devote himself to writing. His first novel, 'Lo mejor que le puede pasar a un cruasán', was a huge critical and popular success.

 Pablo Vázquez (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1979) has lived in Madrid for twelve years, where he has managed to get by doing all sorts of jobs: film critic, press agent, comic strip writer, copy editor, evening entertainer in the bars of Getafe, film and TV extra, contributor to trend magazines and f

Pablo Zurita Espinosa has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Lleida. He did the Senior Business Management course at the Instituto Bravo Murillo. He has been a director since 1995 and is an expert in temporary management.

Paco Nadal (Murcia, 1960) is a writer, journalist and photographer, specialising in travel and the natural world. He now lives in Madrid and works in the print media, radio and television.

Paco Roca (Valencia, 1969) started working in advertising and ended up creating an illustration studio in his home city.

Roncero trained to be a chef at the Escuela Superior de Hostelería y Turismo de Madrid. When he finished his studies in the 90s, he had his first contact with the world of work staging at the restaurant Zalacaín (3 Michelin stars), and later in Madrid's Ritz hotels.

A graduate in Spanish and Catalan Philology. He works as an editor and translator for various publishers, as well as teaching in secondary school s and adult education.

Paco Sordo. Ha estado trabajando en los más conocidos estudios de animación de Europa, tanto para cine como para la televisión. Desde 2008 lo compagina con el diseño de personajes (Cartoon Network, ING Direct, Media Markt, Movistar...).


Every year, hundreds of thousands of babies are born. Many of them are the first offspring of couples joining the thrilling world of bringing up a child, a world in which men want to play a moe active role.

50 recipes for rice, paella, noodles, risotto, vegetables, fish and meat.

Tsou began drawing at a very early age, but has only been illustrating professionally for four years. Her most important cultural influences are traditional Indian ink paintings, Japanese comics and street art.



Pagès editors was created by Lluís Pagès in 1990 in Lleida and to date has published around 3,000 titles. The collections produced by Pagès editors are aimed at professionals in various areas of study (history, philosophy, linguistics, technology, etc...)


Páginas de Espuma was founded in 2000 with the aim of publishing work by the best contemporary authors. In recent years, we have also started publishing the complete short stories of great historic writers, including Anton Chekhov, Maupassant, Edgar Allan Poe, Balzac, Pessoa and Flaubert.


Simón finally has a diary - a real one, with hard covers and a lock to keep his secrets as safe as if they were made of gold. Now Simón can hide his experiences from his nosey brother Julián.


This publisher’s lines of philosophy, politics, psychology, history, education, communications, film, science and popular science are complemented by highly successful series of self help, parental guides, health, biography and popular science in general.

CIF: B64777022

The Marquess of Torregrossa reads an article in the newspaper that worries him. It's Tuesday the 24th of March, 1964.

Humankind is naturally restless. It loves unostentatious beauty. It seeks knowledge tenaciously. And one of its preferred ways to satisfy these desires is to travel: seeing strange places and the pleasure of the novel.

La mayoría de las historias que suceden en las novelas no podrían ocurrir en cualquier lugar. En toda gran obra, el escenario y el paisaje están tan ligados al relato como cualquiera de sus protagonistas.

Paisajes literarios

The majority of stories in novels could only have taken place in a specific location. In every great work, the setting and the landscape are as closely linked to the plot as any of its characters.



"Yellow Bird" is a children's picture book for children aged three and upwards. It is the story of a character named Yellow Bird who is a bird who cannot fly.


Mikel Giokoetxea, better known as Goiko, was in his day one of the best homicide investigators, though he has had to scrape a living as a private detective since being forced to leave the Ertzaintza, the Basque police force, when his life, reputat

How to turn a “passionate love” into an “amorous life”? How can one maintain the initial enthusiasm in one’s daily life? This is the problem that all lovers have had to solve in their own way, with mixed results.

Kori es un niño sordo que vive en los campamentos de refugiados del Sáhara y va a la escuela sin entender para qué sirve leer y escribir. En el corral de su tío nace un camellito de color caramelo, que pronto se convierte en su amigo.

Palabras de Caramelo


Palabras de Caramelo


"There are words that fall slowly, drop by drop, in a constant assault on the heart.

eodosia Maceda (Teo) was born in a rain storm in the middle of the jungle at the end of the 19th Century. When we first meet her, she is about to embark on a journey with her husband, from her native Peru to Asturias in Spain.

Palabras de lluvia

What happened to Bárbara Molina? Her body was never found and no suspect was ever caught.

In this book, Álex Rovira gathers the quotes and ideas that have most seduced him along his reading life. Author of international renown, he has managed to select an admirable number of impressions which denote experience and vital wealth.

Paloma Corral and Kike Ibáñez are illustrators who have adapted the classic text by Apollonius of Rhodes, the Greek poet from the third century BCE who was director of the Library of Alexandria, for this new edition.


Paloma Díaz-Mas (Madrid, 1954) is an research professor for the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)) and was a professor of literature at the University of the Basque Country for eighteen years.

パロマ・ディアス=マス(1954年、マドリード生まれ)は科学研究高等委員会CSICの教員。18年間にわたりバスク大学で文学の教授を務めた。口承文学やロマンセ、スペイン中世文学、セファルディの文化に関する研究論文を発表してきた。弱冠19歳でショートショートの短編集を出版、この本は最近Ilustres desconocidos(名もなき著名人)のタイトルで電子書籍として復刊された。

Paloma Gómez Borrero was TVE's correspondent in Italy and the Vatican; she was also a correspondent for the COPE chain. Author of many books, she has ample knowledge of the Holy See, and accompanied Pope John Paul II on his 104 tours and visits to 160 countries.

Nació en Madrid, es licenciada en Derecho, periodista, speaker, coach y, sobre todo, una samurai moderna, seguidora del código de honor de esos antiguos guerreros japoneses.

A writer, lawyer and journalist, Orozco Amorós' professional career has always been linked in some way to the media.

Paloma Sánchez Ibarzábal (Madrid), writer. She began her explorations in children's literature in 2004, when she wrote The Wind Wizard, shortlisted for the Barco de Vapor prize. She has published twenty works, including novels and illustrated books.

パロマ・サンチェス=イバルサーバルは、マドリード生まれの作家。バルコ・デ・バポール賞最終候補になった『El brujo del viento(風の魔女)』で、2004年に児童文学作家として歩みだす。絵本と児童文学を合わせて20点の著書がある。YA小説の『Ecos (エコー)』は、ラサリーリョ賞最終候補になった。多くの著書が、学校の授業にふさわしいとみなされ、大手出版社の学校用図書に採用されている。作品は英語、フランス語、イタリア語、ポルトガル語、ロシア語、韓国語に翻訳されている。

Paloma Sánchez-Garnica is the author of El gran arcano [The Great Arcane] (2006), La brisa de Oriente [The Breeze from the East] (2009) and El alma de las piedras [The Soul of Stones] (2010).

She is linked to the professional media since 1986, when she was still studying journalism at the University of Madrid. She became part of Antonio Herrero's editorial team on Antena 3.

Paloma Ulloa was born in Yverdon les Bains (Switzerland) in 1968. Her early interest in Literature made her publish her first children’s book in 1989. Since then, she has published several children’s and travel books and is now preparing her first novel.

Pamies Editorial

During the winter of 2010, in a small inland town on Mallorca, Anna and Marina meet again after not seeing each other for fifteen years, to sell a windmill and bakery they have inherited from a woman they never knew.

Pancho is a pretty grey elephant. He is friends with monkey and bird, although he hides from Lion. And he stays as far away as possible from human beings. But people have something Pancho really likes...

Pedro Panera Martínez (Barcelona, 1991) is the Secretary of the Spanish Association for Military History and a full-time predoctoral researcher at the General Gutiérrez Mellado Institute (IUGM) in Madrid, where his PHD studies focuses specifically on the Spanish Military History and Historical In


Panza de burro



Little Carmen has decided to unleash her creativity all over her bedroom wall... something that her dad is not going to like one bit And when Carmen’s dad gets angry, he turns into “Daddy-childeater”.


Origami is the art of paper folding. According to Eastern philosophy, Origami brings calm and teaches patience to whoever practices it. In the West the practice is inspired by the creation of ‘nothing or ‘almost nothing’.

Paper folding, or origami (oru: fold, kami: paper) is the ancient art of representing the things we see around us by making folds in paper. Origami is first and foremost a pastime and a diversion.

Ana met the writer Carlos Pacheco when she was scarcely a teenager and shared twenty years of her life with him. Amoral, passionate and brilliant, Carlos was, for better or worse, the most extraordinary thing that happened to Ana.

A delightful gift-album recounting, in simple language suitable for young readers, the life of Pope Francis from his birth to being chosen as Pontiff.


Situated on the border between life and death, High Heaven is an unusual site of pilgrimage, an abandoned town which holds a mysterious attraction for the suicidal.

Alto Paraíso begins with the town’s self-appointed angel introducing the reader to himself and the town.

Paraíso alto (High Heaven)

Adriana is a young daydreamer who lives in the strict, grey world of her parents, who no longer show any affection to each other.

Paralelo Sur was founded to import mainly Spanish-speaking authors from the southern hemisphere, in order to refresh the literature being published in Spain.


Eliah Al-Saud is a charming young man related to the Arab royal family, a powerful millionaire who heads a French security company that in reality offers clandestine defence and espionage services to the highest bidder.

Parramón Paidotribo S.L. unites two publishing names to publish books in the following fields: for adults, drawing and painting, craftwork, design and audiovisual, fashion, architecture, music, sports, health and medicine and the third age.


1890. Bastian and Hugo Fortuny leave for Tahiti in search of opportunity after losing their jobs as glass blowers in their native Mallorca.

In September 1930, Aleister Crowley appears in Lisboa unexpectedly. Expelled from Italia by Mussolini himself, Crowley was well-known for being very sinister.

Álvaro Pascual and Rodrigo Septién are the creators of Unravelling History, the channel that tells the macabre and surprising stories that are hidden behind traditional tales, traditions and popular festivals, and the historical facts that have inspired films and popular TV series.

The circumstances surrounding the murder of Italian poet, writer and film director Pier Paolo Pasolini in November 1975 have been the subject of conjecture for many years.


On the night of the 1-2 November 1975, Pier Paolo Pasolini was brutally murdered on the beach at Ostia.


Pasqual Alapont has worked as a translator and linguistic corrector for several publishing companies. His professional career has included writing and theatre, as an editor, screenwriter, novelist, dramatist, actor and theatre director.

Publisher of literature for children and young people, with a focus on the Middle East.


シノプシス: 臨床微生物学の先駆者ルイ・パスツールは、あらゆる生物は既存の生物から生まれることを証明し、自然発生説を否定した。微生物に関する彼の理論は細菌説と呼ばれ、医学の研究に革命を起こすものだった。それは無菌法の基礎を築き、その後、多くの命を救うことになるワクチンの開発など、新しい世界への入り口となったのである。本書は、パスツールの生涯と研究、また彼がどのように未知の生物たちが躍動するミクロの世界を発見したのかを紹介する。

1978, Valladolid. Blasco began grappling with words, headlines and spaces while editing the magazine Escalar. She has produced several publications for the Instituto de la Mujer and worked on various productions as a scriptwriter for documentaries and drama.

パティ・ブラスコは1978年バリャドリード生まれ。「エスカラール誌」の編集者として、言葉、タイトル、スペースと格闘し始める。スペイン女性協会の出版物を編集し、脚本家としてドキュメンタリーやフィクションの番組制作にかかわる。数多くの記事、短編小説を執筆。第8回デスニベル賞(山、旅、冒険文学賞)の受賞作Andando la vida (人生を歩みながら)は彼女の処女小説。現在デスニベル出版社に勤務し、長年の夢だった著作活動に専念しているが、旅行登山家としての一面も持つ。

Pato Mena (Chile, 1980) is a writer and illustrator working in children's literature and comics. Her books have been published in Spain, Chile, the United States, France, Italy, Argentina, Korea, China, Japan, and Macedonia.

バスク武装組織ETAが武装放棄を発表したとき、ビトリは、テロリストに殺された夫の墓前で、彼らが住んでいた家に戻る決心をしたと報告する。彼女自身と家族の人生をめちゃくちゃにしたテロ事件の前も後も、彼女に嫌がらせをした人々と同じ場所で暮らすことができるだろうか? ビトリの存在は、村の、特に隣人ミレンの見せかけの平穏を乱すことになる。ミレンはかつて親友だったが、ミレンの息子のホセ・マリは投獄中のテロリストで、ビトリにとって最悪のテロ事件の容疑者だった。


Patricia García writes for young adults and is very well known as the creator of the YouTube channel "Little red read" which has more than 46,000 followers. Her first novel was "La cúpula de hielo" [The Ice Dome]. She currently lives in Zaragoza.

パトリシア・ガルシアはYA小説の作家。YouTubeの「Little red read(リトル・レッド・リード)」というチャンネルの創設者として知られ、46,000人以上のフォロワーがいる。『La cúpula de hielo(氷のドーム)』が小説第一作。サラゴサ在住。

Patricia García-Rojo has a degree in Spanish Language and Literature and teaches the subject in a secondary school.

Patricia Geis, barcelonesa, es diseñadora gráfica, autora e ilustradora de libros infantiles.

Patricia Geis was born in Barcelona in 1966. She studied graphic design at the Eina School of Barcelona and graduated in fine arts and the New York Institute of Technology.

マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学で広告・広報学士を取得後、ヨーロッパデザイン学院(IED)でファッションデザインを勉強し、最終的にテキスタイル&サーフェスデザインの修士号を取得。2011年、さまざまな偶然が重なり、絵付け陶器のブランド「CHICHINABO INC」を設立することになり、以来、その経営に携わる。

Patricio Nouveau was born in France in 1971 and educated in Spain. He graduated in Law and has an international aid worker since 1992. He was the youngest speaker at the 5th International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994).

Patricio Pron (Argentina, 1975) has lived in Madrid for the last few years and is a prolific writer.

Patrick Rosas (Lima, 1947) has double Peruvian and British nationality. He attended a French school, the Recoleta School, and at nineteen, following a trip to Rio de Janeiro, he travelled to Europe for the first time.


Patxi Zubizarreta (Ordizia, Guipúzcoa, 1962) is a writer with a long career in children’s and young adults’ literature. He has published more than 20 books, all very successful in schools. His stories have been awarded several prizes both in Spanish and Basque language.

Pau Clua has worked as a television script writer for children's programmes and several fiction series, and is co-author of the books Everything About TV3, The Whys of Catalonia, Christmas with the Fernandez Family, and Everything you Ever Wanted to Know About Catalonia but Nobody Has Ever Told Y

Pau Garcia-Milà Pujol was born in Barcelona in 1987. At the age of 17 he created, alongside Marc Cercós, the basis of eyeOS, an innovative Operating System that, years later, would become the phenomenon that is Cloud Computing.

Pau Garcia-Milà Pujol was born in Barcelona in 1987. At the age of 17 he created, alongside Marc Cercós, the basis of eyeOS, an innovative Operating System that, years later, would become the phenomenon that is Cloud Computing.

Pau Joan Hernàndez was born in Barcelona in 1967, and currently lives in Bigues i Riells.

Pau López i Vicente is a teacher, holds a degree in Philosophy and Education Sciences, and a PhD in Psychology from FPCEE Blanquerna (Universidad Ramon Llull).

Paul Engles is an editor at MacLehose Press, specialising in bringing authors in translation to the English-speaking world.

Madrid, 1979. He studied audiovisual communication and works for the media and in TV. He has been editor of the magazines Zero and FHM. His novel 'El aviso' (Ed. RBA), published in 2011, became a real literary phenomenon, enjoying a huge success among readers and critics.

コミュニケーション学士。メキシコ、インド、スペイン、ウルグアイで複数スタイルのヨガを学ぶ。ウルグアイで3課程のキッズヨガ研修への参加を経て、2012年に『Minipadmini, yoga para niños y niñas(ミニパッドミニ キッズヨガ)』を上梓。2014年より児童教育活動をスタートさせた。2018年には音楽アルバムYoga es Unión(ヨガは絆)をSpotifyに収録。YouTubeチャンネル「Minipadmini, con animaciones(アニメと一緒にミニパッドミニ)」も運営している。

Fene, La Coruña, 1972. She studied Hispanic Philology. Since 1994 she has worked as an oral narrator. She has taken part in cultural projects in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Chile.

Born in Fene, A Coruña in 1972, she has a degree in Hispanic literature. She has worked as an oral story teller since 1994, taking part in cultural events in Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Chile.

The author was born in Valencia, Spain, in 1970. In addition to holding a degree in humanities and completing a Masters in the promotion of children's literacy and literature, she has been telling, listening to and reading stories professionally since 1997.

1970年バレンシア生まれ。大学で人文学を学び、読書推進と児童文学修士号を持つ。1997年からプロとして、お話を語ったり、聞いたり、読んだりする活動に携わる。スペインの出版社で、数点の絵本を執筆し刊行。そのうちの1点は、2014年にホワイト・レイブンズに選出された。El más rápido(いちばん速い子)は、クアトロガトス財団賞(訳注:クアトロガトスは、マイアミにある児童文学財団。毎年、優れたスペイン語の児童書を選出し、賞を贈っている)を受賞。

Paula Cuadros is a painter and illustrator who lives in Barcelona and is involved in several fanzines, artistic blogs and other specialist media related to her unique and colourful style.

Paula Farias (Madrid, 1968) is, by vocation, a doctor, humanitarian aid worker and a teller of stories that can be separated into stories, books, songs, poems and articles.

A small agency based in Barcelona representing the rights of authors.


Paula Merlán Was born in Vigo in 1979 and studied law and children's education.


Paula Porroni (Buenos Aires, 1977) studied Literature at the University of Buenos Aires and completed both a Masters in Latin American Studies at Cambridge University and and a Masters in Spanish Creative Writing at New York University. She lives in London.

Paula Roc was born one night in September in the neighbourhood of Gracia. She has always had a passion for medicine but was never able to practice, as she has since a small girl felt faint at the sight of blood.

Paula has always wanted to travel to the moon. She has tried all sorts of things to get there, from standing on her father's shoulders to building a rocket powered by soap bubbles and kites.


The story of Saul of Tarsus (Saint Paul), a simple Pharisee. He wasn't important, but was filled with  ambition.

The hilarious novel by the director of The Oxford Murders

At Pearson we take education personally. The training and resources we offer are available as books and online, allowing people to learn wherever and however they want to.



Irene was a happy child, in the only way a child could be happy during that period, scarred by war, poverty and fear.

This is a novel, but also the faithful portrait of a whole era, a sharp description of what was happening in Spanish professional cycling in the years before and after the sadly famous Operation Mountain Pass.


The unforeseen incidents that befall a little boy trying to create an album of farts, trumps and rippers. As nobody in his family wants to explain what a 'fart' is, he decides to find out for himself and classify them.

Pedro Azara is an architect and professor of aesthetics at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Barcelona. As well as his teaching work and research, he commissioned the exhibitions Casas del alma (1997) and La fundación de la ciudad.


He holds a diploma in Teaching of English from the University of Jaén. He discovered, after finishing this novel, that his vocation was writing.

Pedro Company is an industrial engineer and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València. Since 1996 he is Professor of Graphic Expression in Engineering at the Universitat Jaume I, where he was also head of the Department of Technology from 1995 to 2005.

Pedro Corral (San Sebastian, 1963) is a journalist and writer.

Pedro Estrada Royo (Madrid, 1982) is a journalist. He has worked in several press agencies (Europa Press and Aragón Press), sport’s publications (Marca and Motociclismo) and financial publications (Nexotur, Conexo, Gold&Time).

Pedro Estrada and Raquel de la Morena, the authors of this saga, keep in close contact with their followers through social networks and the website www.peliculibros.com where, as well as offering readers extra content, they have organised the 3D Filmbooks Treasure Hunt.


Pedro García Martín is an academic and a writer. Professor of history at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, he has taught at institutions in Italy, Finland, Portugal, France, Russia and held positions in the Spanish departments of colleges in Boston and New York.

Peter J. Canut was born in Barbastro (Huesca) in 1966. He has a Law Degree from the University of Zaragoza, a Diploma in Legal Practice, a Master's Degree in International Internet Law and is an expert in electronic Law.

Pedro Juan Gutiérrez was born in Matanzas, Cuba, in 1950. Since he was young he has had many different jobs, including newspaper and ice cream seller, soldier, builder, and working in the sugarcane harvest.


Pedro Mañas has a degree in English Language and Literature from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where he won the Narrativa Breve (Short Story) prize in 2004.

Pedro Mañas (Madrid, 1981) has a degree in English Philology from Madrid's Universidad Autónoma. That was also where one of his short stories was selected for a collection of work by young authors.

ペドロ・マニャス(1981年マドリード生まれ)はマドリード自治大学で英語文献学の学士号を取得。若い作家の選集に短編が収められたのも大学時代のことだ。それ以来、国内外の児童小説の賞をいくつも獲得してきた。受賞作品のなかにはフランス語、ドイツ語、ポルトガル語、韓国語、中国語などに翻訳されたものもある。 ダビド・シエラ=リストン(1987年マドリード生まれ)は美術高校を出た後、マドリードの美術学校エスクエラ・アルテ・ディエスでイラストレーションの上級講座を履修。2012年、卒業制作で、マドリード自治州より美術学校の生徒に贈られるアウレリオ・ブランコ賞を受賞した。

『El zoo de los números(数の動物園)』、『Cuentos cortos para dormir(おやすみ前の短いお話集)』、『Emoticuentos(きもち物語)』、『Cuentacomecuentos(読み食べ聞かせ)』、『El libro del buen humor(上きげんの本)』、『Los chistes de Jaimito y Jaimita(ハイミートとハイミータの笑い話)』、『Cuentos cortos para ser feliz(幸せになるための短いお話集)』など、著者がブルーニョから出版している本はどれも、伝えている価値観だけではなくその

Pedro Miguel Lamet (Cádiz, 1941) has published 48 books in several genres, from poetry to novels, as well as biography, history, essays and journalism.


Pedro Nueno is a world authority on entrepreneurship and management of innovation and change. He is professor at Harvard Business School, at the IESE Business School and Executive President of the CEIBS Business School (Shanghai).

Pedrio Riera was born in 1965 in Barcelona, which is also where he studied for a degree in Media Studies.

1965年、バルセロナ生まれ。同市で情報学を修める。テレビ、映画、コマーシャルの分野で活動。90年代後期、ボスニアにおいて国際機関のテレビ及びラジオのキャンペーン番組のプロデューサー、監督、脚本家を務める。この体験をもとに2作の小説『Heridas de guerra (戦争の傷)』(2004)、『Un alto en el campo de los Mirlos(コソボの戦場にてひと休み)』(2005)を執筆。

Pedro Rojas is a graduate in ADE and a postgraduate in Community Management.
He currently works as an consultant specialising in Social Media strategies and as a univerity lecturer in Digital Marketing.

Born in Quintanar del Rey, Cuenca, in 1978. He has worked as a teacher in various schools and residential schools in Castilla-La Mancha, as well as at centres in Colombia and Marocco.

Pedro Solís (Barcelona, October 15th 1968) is a Spanish director and scriptwriter. He works in 3D animation and has won two Goya best short film prizes for 'La Bruxa' ('The Witch', 2011) and 'Cuerdas' ('Strings', 2014).


PhD in Hispanic Philology. Professor at Instituto Cervantes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (Santander), University of California (Berkeley), University of Philippines (Diliman), Université Lumière Lyon II.

Pedro Torréns Otín (Huesca 1961), studed Business Administration at the university of Zaragoze. At 16, one of his teachers, the writer Rafael Andolz, advised him to become a writer.


Pedro Vaquero was born in Madrid, in the summer of 1971, but the blood running through his veins is from Extremadura.

ペドロ・バケーロは1971年夏にマドリードで⽣まれたが、流れている血はエストレマドゥーラ⼈のもの。コンピューター技師であり、神経⾔語プログラミングとマインドフルネスの修⼠号を持つ。人生の半分はラテンアメリカを旅して過ごしている。チリ、アルゼンチンに数年間居住し、メキシコやコロンビアなどこの地域の国々で長い時間を過ごした彼にとって、中南米は第二の故郷だ。コリマ社からはHistorias del Reino de Baram(バラム王国の物語)を刊行している。

Throughout history, hairstyles have represented an aesthetic ideal, but also a status symbol. Over the course of this book you will learn the history of the hairstyle, the basic theories, and the necessary tools for the proper care of your hair.


This new book pays homage to fantasy films: from The Lord of the Rings or the recent feature-length production The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and passing through emblematic films such as The NeverEnding Story, The Wizard of Oz, Fantasia, Labyri

ファンタジー映画『指輪物語』、最近公開された『ホビット』から『はてしない物語』『オズの魔法つかい』『ファンタジア』『マジック・ダンス』『コナン・ザ・グレート』などの名画へのオマージュとして生まれた新しい本。『映画本3D』シリーズの主人公は5人の子どもたちで、5人で力を合わせて謎や追跡や挑戦に立ち向かっていく。羽のあるサル、魔女、小人……。脚本家が戻ってきた! ファンタジー映画の世界で、どんな驚きがきみを待ち受けているのか? 3Dめがねをかけて、この新しい世界を体験しよう。

Eduardo is the most famous hairdresser in the neighbourhood. Everyone who enters his hair salon comes out satisfied, contented, happy - it's no coincidence that he's the ower of the Happiness Hair Salon.

エドゥアルドは町で一番有名な理容師。さすがは「うれしさ理髪店」、お客さんはみんな幸せで満ち足りた気分になって店を出る。それなのに、彼はため息をついてばかり…どんな秘密があるのか? お店にはとても愉快な人たちがやってくるけど、彼らのうれしさをエドゥアルドは共有できないみたいだ。いつか誰かが彼自身にしあわせをもたらしてくれない限り。愛すべきキャラクターたちが登場し、最後は意外な展開を迎えるユーモアたっぷりの絵本。

Peluquería Alegría (The Happiness Hair Salon) 

Peluquería Alegría

La Pema Maymó is a Mallorquina but with roots in Barcelona. She loves to read anything she can get her hands on, make infinite lists and lined notebooks. SHe has always worked in the world of culture, first in communications and now as an editor.

ペマ・マイモは、マヨルカ島出身だがバルセロナに根を下ろしている。手あたり次第に読むこと、無限のリストをつくること、そして罫線入りのノートが好きだ。彼女が働くのは常に文化の世界で、最初はコミュニケーターとして、現在は編集者として活躍。余暇には雑誌El Culturista(文化人)に記事を書いたり、自身の3人のスーパーキッズのために物語を作ったりするが、彼らはなかなか手厳しい批評家でもある。

The media dubbed him The Executioner.

The civic duty of the philosopher or of any of us; the abandonment of the sacred without renouncing the mystery of the world's existence; experiences of death in extreme situations such as the death penalty, suicide or euthanasia, bearing in mind

Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial specializes in book publishing and distribution, and offers authors the best experience in the world of literature.


Ediciones Peninsula is a benchmark publishing house with over forty years experience which publishes essays for a general readership without loss of academic rigour and quality.


There is no worse storm than the ones that go on in your own head! Our minds never rest, even when we’re asleep. This book can help children identify the thoughts that make them feel nervous, restless, sad or angry.

頭の中を吹き荒れる嵐ほどひどいものはない! 寝ている時すら人間の心は休んでいないのだから。子どもたちが緊張したり、不安になったり、悲しんだり、怒ったりする時の思考がどのようなものか知るのに役立つ本。また子どもたちは本書を通じて、彼らの小さいけど素晴らしい頭の中から不愉快な考えを素早く消し去るための、とっておきのコツを学ぶことができる。

Pep Brocal está licenciado en Bellas Artes dentro de la especialidad de pintura, y en 1984 se inició de manera profesional en el cómic.

Pep Bruno is a graduate in Hispanic Philology and Literary Theory. He has travelled around such countries as Portugal, Peru and Chile, telling stories and has helped to organise events like El `Festival de la Palabra in Alcalá de Henares and El Maratón de Cuentos in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Pep Coll (Pessonada, Pallars Jussà, 1949) is well know for his collections of legends – such as Mnntes malditos (Accursed Mountains, 1993) – youth novels and television scripts, but his outstanding achievements have been as a novelist, including such titles as: La mula vieja (The Old Mule, 1989),

Pep Molist is a librarian and author in Catalan who writes particularly for children. In 1994 he published his first book "El tren que hace chup chup" (The Train that went Choo Choo) and since then has written more than seventy titles which have obtained many prizes between them.

ペップ・モリストはカタルーニャ人の図書館員で児童文学作家。1994年、初めての作品『El tren que hace chup chup(しゅっぽ、しゅっぽする電車)』を刊行。それ以来、60冊以上の本を書いて多くの賞を受けてきた。文芸批評の作品に加え、牛のPlis Plau(プリス・プラウ)シリーズをはじめとする子どもやYA向けの本でよく知られている。児童・YA向けの本に関する雑誌「ファリストル」の編集評議会メンバーで、別冊版「プレセンシア」やエルパイス紙で児童文学批評を担当している。

Pep Puig was born in Terrassa in 1969. His first novel, L'home que torna (The Man Who Returns, 2005) was critically acclaimed and won the Fnac Young Writers prize.

Pepa  Mayo was born in Barcelona in 1966. She studied Image and Sound as a branch of cinematography and began to write scripts for cinema shorts, two of which won prizes in national and international competitions. Since 1990, she has worked in Televisión autonómica de Cataluña as a camerawoman.


ペペ・モンテセリン。小説、短編、芝居、テレビの脚本、エッセイ、子ども向け物語、歌詞、新聞雑誌の記事やルポルタージュ……。彼の散文は、皮肉で、批判的で、大げさで、百科的で、バロック的で、頑固というよりもしつこく、重々しいというより横柄で、途絶えることなく、力強く、ユーモアや温かみや詩的な意図にあふれ、すべてのジャンルにおいて多数の評価を得ている。 ミニア・レゴスは、ビーゴ大学で美術を学び、絵本と視聴覚アニメーションの修士号をとる。

Pepe Serrano was born in Zaragoza in 1978 and has a teaching diploma, specialising in Musical Education. He teaches in a primary school.

ペペ・セラーノは1978年サラゴサ⽣まれで⾳楽教育の教員資格を取得。⼩学校の教員として働く。2009年以降、Nalvay社からMáziel Spück y el misterio del cuadro(マシエル・スプックと絵画の謎)、Cocina rápida para tortugas(カメのためのラクラク料理)、アルバロ・オルティスとの共著で Peponman(ペポンマン)を出版。さらにダニエル・ネスケンスとの共著でCasi un millón de cuentos(ほぼ100万個のおはなし、エデルビベス、2013)を出版。

Education: He has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Seville, specialising in painting.

グリディ:セビーリャ大学美術学部絵画学科で学ぶ。2014年に第7回サン・ジョアン・ダ・マデイラ国際イラストレーション大会で優勝、El Rebaño(ヒツジたち)でマドリード書店組合の最優秀絵本賞を受賞。2010年からは、児童書のイラストレーションと、芝居や舞踏や人形劇などのポスター、ジョア・ドゥ・リール社刊行の書籍の装画を中心に描いている。手がけた本は9つ以上の言語で翻訳出版されている。

This is the story of Pepita the Seedling, who was always getting carried away by the wind every time she ventured out. Worried she might fly too far away, her family try to keep her on the ground. Will they find away to avoid losing her forever?


Pepitas de Calabaza was founded twenty years ago and, with over 200 titles behind us, we continue to be faithful to the same ideals that underlay our original policy: opening the doors and windows of a house that, to our way of thinking, had been closed up for too long: radical, sincere social cr


Pepito is a boy, onion is just a description. A thousand and one layers of love from everybody who knows him make Pepito not a boy but an onion. Find out what happens when he escapes all the layers!

ペピートはたまねぎみたいな男の子……。なぜたまねぎかって? それは周りの大人たちが、ペピートを子どもではなくて「たまねぎ」のように、何層もの愛情で包んでいるから。その層がはがれた時、何が起きるかな?

A Brief History of Music offers a tour of this fascinating subject, starting with prehistoric times and continuing through the ancient world, the middle ages, the renaissance, the baroque, classical and romantic periods up to the 20th Century and

Un libro poético homenaje a la infancia y a la paternidad. Dedicado a todas las Pequeñas Personas, a sus habilidades e intereses, y al camino que les llevará a convertirse en Grandes Personas.
No hay prisa en crecer, Pequeña Persona…

Pequeña Persona

子供と大人が一緒に建てて楽しむ16タイプの小屋の作り方。簡単なテクニックでできる素敵な小屋の建て方を覚えれば、子供は建築に対する興味を持つだろう。家族や学校、友人や地域のグループ、あるいは日曜大工を趣味とする人を念頭に考えられた本。これらの小屋は遊び心と想像力を育み、また遊びながら建てることで特別な気分を味わえる。Build it yourself(BIY)で建てる小屋の本。あなた自身で小屋を建てよう!

The animals in the forest have a visit from the Mischievous Goblin, but naughty as he is, the Goblin begins hiding personal objects from the little animals.

Pequeñas mujeres rojas (Little Red Women)

Pequeñas mujeres rojas

Paula Quiñones arrives in Azafrán to locate graves from the civil war era.


Throughout history, many athletes have been shining examples of tolerance, persistence, teamwork and respect for others. Some of them were world famous, but others remained anonymous.

Per Abbat (fl. 1207) is the author of the 1207 copy of the Cantar de mio Cid. The name Per(o) Ab(b)at (Pedro Abad) was very common at that time, which makes it very difficult to ffind detaails the author.

ペール・アバッドは『わがシッドの歌』の1207年の写本の作者。名前のPer(o) Ab(b)at(ペドロ・アバド)は当時ありふれたものであったため、人物を特定するのは難しい。コリン・スミスは1983年に、ペール・アバッドはこの詩の作者であると主張した(1957年にウビエルト・アルテアも同じことを主張)。

At the School of War there has been a horrendous crime. A man has been murdered and his body cut up and disposed of in the drains.



Perdido en el museo

近代美術館での散策はいかが? この本の主人公はマティス、モンドリアン、ピカソ、ドローネー、モネ、ゴッホ、ミロなどの画家を称える架空の美術館を歩き回る。各見開きページには折り返しがついていて、芸術ムーブメントに関しての簡潔な説明が添えられ、裏にはその時代の画家の絵に着想を得た迷路遊びがある。もう一度戻って遊びたくなること間違いなし!この美術館を訪れる親子と一緒に行って、印象派からポップアートまでの近代美術を堪能しよう。もし迷子になったら迷路を抜けて次の部屋へ出よう。

Pere Antoni Pons (Campanet, 1980) has published, among others, the poetry collections "El fibló i la festa" ("The Sting and the Party", 2003) and "Fervor tan fosc" ("Dark Fervour", 2006), the interview book "La vida, el temps, el món: sis dies de conversa amb Joan Francesc Mira" ("Life, Time, Wor

A journalist and writer from Sa Pobla (Majorca), was the director of the delegations of the Agencia EFE in the Federal Republic of Germany, in Vienna and in the UN (New York).

Pere Calders (Barcelona 1912-1994) started writing in the 1930s, but it was after the civil war, during his exile in Mexico (1939-1962), that he wrote one of his most accomplished works: Hidden Truth Chronicles (1955), a collection of stories where he definitively develops his style.

Pere Cervantes (Barcelona 1971, when life was indeed a noir novel).

Pere Fabra i Abat (Valls, Tarragona, 1958) holds degrees in Philosophy and in Law from the University of Barcelona, and a doctorate in Law from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. After practising as a lawyer for several years, he was a researcher at the J. W.

Pere Ginard was born in Mallorca in 1974, he is an illustrator, cinematographer, and co-founder of the multidisciplinary studio Laboratorium.

Pere Ginard Nació en Mallorca en 1974. Ilustrador, cineasta y cofundador del estudio multidisciplinar Laboratorium. Como ilustrador ha obtenido numerosos premios, como el Injuve 2000, el de Álbum Infantil Ilustrado Ciudad de Alicante y el Junceda de ilustración infantil-juvenil.

Pere Martí i Bertran was born in Sant Quirze de Besora, in Osona, in 1952. He has written a large number of children’s and young adult books, featuring the themes of ecology and animals’ place in the debate, characterised by his realist style and clever use of language.

A graduate in Catalan (UAB), the author has taught Catalan Language and Literature, and teacher training. She is currently Professor of Secondary Language and Literature, as well as a critic, translator and literary advisor on children and young people’s literature.

Pere Soler Paricio, Doctor en Historia Contemporánea por la Universidad de Barcelona, es autor del reporte oficial El procés constituent 1991-1993. Una revisió històrica, proyecto de investigación financiado por el Gobierno del Principado de Andorra.

Sabino Perea Yébenes is Titular Profesor of Ancient History at UNED (the National Distance Learning University). He is head of the Ancient History Department.

Sabino Perea Yébenes es Profesor Titular de Historia Antigua en la UNED. Director del Departamento de Historia Antigua. Principales áreas de investigación: Estudios sobre ejército romano, sobre todo de época imperial, fundamentados en la documentación epigráfica.

Sabino Perea Yébenes es Profesor Titular de Historia Antigua en la UNED. Director del Departamento de Historia Antigua. Principales áreas de investigación: Estudios sobre ejército romano, sobre todo de época imperial, fundamentados en la documentación epigráfica.

The value of "Perfect" is in the invisible. In a couple of little things you cannot see. Your attitude to life and your inner beauty. The main aim of "Perfect" is to reinforce the reader's self-esteem. A loved and wanted child is a happy child.


Pergamino is the son of Mikhola, the librarian of An, a mythical Slavic kingdom. A story about a missing cursed book, conceited prophetesses and sly oracles and creatures and powers as old as night.



Periférica is a young Spanish publishing company that began to work in April 2006 and follows three lines of action: A selection of “modern classics”, many of which have not yet been published in Spanish.

Atlantic Voyage is a very free version of Negriño Panchito by Alfonso R. Castelao. Panchito is a penguin who lives in Galicia, where he is the only one of his species, and there is nobody else like him.

本書は、すでに著作権フリーとなっているアルフォンソ・R・カステラオ著『O negriño Panchito(黒くて小さなパンチート)』を自由奔放にアレンジした作品。パンチートはガリシアに住む唯一のペンギン。周りにほかのペンギンは一羽もいない。ある日、彼は町の若者たちがしているように自分も世界を見たいと思い立ち、こっそり船に乗り込んで、大西洋横断の冒険の旅に出た。ついに目的地の南極大陸に着くと、そこにはたくさんのペンギンがいた!…でも、ガリシアが懐かしくなって……。

A tear contains a story, but a mermaid's tear contains a legend. Dive into this magical adventure of sailors and pirates about the mermaid of Saint Ives. Are you ready to discover the true origin of pearls?

She is an illustrator and mural artist based in Barcelona.  She studied fashion design in Sweden, graphic design in Paris and drawing and communication in Barcelona.


Santiago, a doctor in charge of the accident and emergency department of a large hospital in Madrid, is enjoying a well-earned holiday after the stress of the first year of the COVID pandemic. He is travelling to Breda with his wife and son.


1938. Dimas Prado, a youg and ambitious fascist, takes charge of an investigation into the double murder of an adolescent prostitute and her Madame at a house in Burgos.

For Perseus Roig (Zaragoza, 1974) writing was never a choice, from the very beginning the words flooded out through his fingertips. His stories move between fantasy, noir, horror, science fiction, with a consistent sense of acid and uncomfortable humour. Discomfort above all.

“This seemed to me a jewel of a book.

Norah Lange was an important Argentinian poet and novelist who lived from 1905 to 1972. She was married to the avant-garde poet Olivierio Girondo, was herself a great friend and inspiration to the young Jorge Luis Borges, and was one of the members of the Florida group of writers.

Personas en la sala

“This seemed to me a jewel of a book.

Fluidoteca is an illustrated book aimed at younger readers. Its focus is on the scientific explanation of bodily functions. The tone is appealing, amusing, with lots of comic humour,  but that doesn’t detract from its scientific rigour.


Peter Bush has translated many Catalan, Spanish and Latin American writers including Carmen Boullosa, Chico Buarque, Juan Carlos Onetti, Najat El Hachmi, Leonardo Padura, Ramón del Valle-Inclán, Teresa Solana, Joan Sales, and Mercè Rodoreda.

After a five-year stint as Director of the British Centre for Literary Translation and Professor of Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia, Peter Bush now works in Barcelona as a freelance translator.


Tell us about the start of your career as a translator. What made you become a literary translator?

Director of Hay Festival After Segovia in 2007, Granada will hold the Hay Festival this year for the first time. New Spanish Books has interviewed the event´s director, Peter Florence.


There are some things we can only learn thanks to the example of those around us ... And even then, sometimes the Blue Goblin needs to remind us!



PEZ es un inconformista, y ni el mar, ni la tierra, ni el cielo son suficientes para ahogar sus ansias de explorar y recorrer playas y calles en un irónico canto a la libertad, a la creatividad y al desarrollo personal de un disparatado celacanto


With a Spanish father and a French mother, she currently lives with her husband and four children in Madrid, because life demands it, but spends as much time as she can in Esles (Cantabria), because a love of the countryside and her family are ties that bind.

Philip Giordano was born in 1980 close to Savona in Italy, the son of a Swiss-Italian father and a Philippine mother. He studied illustration at the Istituto Europeo di Disegno in Turín, where he later took a Masters in Animation Technique.

An American illustrator living in Barcelona, Philip Stanton earned an MFA degree in illustration from School of Visual Arts in New York and worked as an art director at Prentice Hall Press, before moving to Barcelona, years ago and founding Stanton Studio.

Angela’s life is overturned with the arrival of a mysterious blond boy to her town.

Malaga, Barcelona, Paris, painting, Bohemia, passion, endless vitality… these are just a brief outline of the concepts which the intense, magnetic life of Pablo Picasso bring to mind.

An solitary old wolf, a man who has retired to the coast, receives a visit from his grandson.

When Marta dies in Toulouse in 2004 and her will is read, her granddaughter Marthe hears with astonishment that Marta had a son during the Spanish Civil War who was given up for adoption and that she has to track him down.

"Skin Inside" is made up of 45 essays, 4 poems and 11 illustrations. It is worth mentioning that the cover was also designed by the author. The book is prefaced by Prof. David Almorza Gomar, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cádiz.

Pol is a teenager who spends his days reading novels. After an incident at school he is expelled and begins to self-medicate.

This book is a powerful awakener and a cheerleader for the brain! Sentence after sentence, it offers people, groups and companies an avalanche of concepts which excite, inspire and persuade our mind’s enormous capacity.

Pietro Gottuso (Verona, 1987), is a graduate of Philosophy and Ancient Oriental Languages but he decided to broaden his training at a school of illustration because he was "fascinated by the communicative power of images".

ピエトロ・ゴトゥッゾ(1987年ヴェローナ生まれ)は哲学と古代オリエント諸語を履修した後、“画像の持つ伝達力に魅せられて”イラストレーションの学校に入り直す。2018年度レネル賞、第24回ウモール・ガララテ国際賞、サンスペラルテ・パエセ・イラスト賞の最終候補となり、第30回アートのなかのユーモア国際ビエンナーレに選出された。初めての著作である本書『Desde 1880(1880年から)』は第13回コンポステラ国際絵本賞を受賞した。

Our aim is to educate through reading and physical activity. Education is the keystone to every person, people or nation, and reading is one of the principal tools for achieving a good education


Pilar Adón was born in Madrid in 1971. Narrator, poet and translator, her novel “Las Hijas de Sara” (Alianza, 2003) was considered by critics to be one of the best ten novels of the year.

Madrid 1971.

Pilar Fernández Uriel id a Doctor of Ancient History and director of the Department of Ancient History at UNED. She is a member of a variety of associations and academic institutions  and The Academia Real acaddemic advisor for the History of the Spanish Enclave of Melilla.

Pilar Jericó is a Doctor of Business Organization and has a degree in Economic and Business Sciences. She has carried out specialized studies on strategy at Harvard University, on Organizational Behaviour at UCLA (USA) and in the Università di Firenze (Italy).

Pilar López Ávila is a secondary school teacher and has received several prizes in children's literature competitions.

中学教師で、子ども向け読み物の多くのコンクールで受賞歴がある。『Las divertidas aventuras de las letras(文字の楽しい冒険)』シリーズはベストセラー。絵本『Las letras van al cole(文字、学校に行く)』の著者で、詩的な文章を書き、各種定期刊行物に寄稿する。

Pilar Lozano Carballo really loves words. Writing them, saying them, finding out their meanings, reading them, playing with them, inventing stories... That's why she chose journalism as her job and literature as her hobby. She's worked for newspapers, magazines and TV.

ピラール・ロサノ=カルバヨ(文)は言葉が大好き。言葉を書いて、声に出して、意味を調べて、読んで、遊んで、お話を作る……。好きが高じてジャーナリズムを職業に選び、趣味で文学に勤しむ。新聞、雑誌、テレビで働き、ビア・リブレ誌の編集長を務める傍ら、時間が許す限り児童書を書いている。『Siete reporteros y un periódico(ひとつの新聞、7人の記者)』で児童文学のバルコ・デ・バポール賞を受賞、複数の外国語に翻訳されている。またエデベ児童文学賞の受賞歴もある。

Pilar Martin San Félix nació en Segovia en 1969. Siempre le han dicho que aprendió a leer muy temprano y que no ha dejado de hacerlo desde que empezó. También cultiva el amor por la escritura desde muy pequeña, cuando escribía diarios personales.

Pilar Pascual (Malaga, 1976) has a degree in Spanish Literature and a Masters in Advanced Publishing Studies. She completed her training by studying painting and illustration, which she still does part time.


The author, Pilar Pont Geis, is a Doctor in Physical Activity Sciences who specializes in Third Age. For more than 20 years she has been responsible for the physical activity for senior citizens at the Asociación Deportiva Sarriá-San Gervasio (Barcelona).

ピラール・キンタナは小説3作を既刊している。『Cosquillas en la lengua(舌がむずがゆい)』(Planeta、2003)、『Coleccionistas de polvos raros (奇妙な粉の収集家』(Norma、2007)、『Conspiración iguana (陰謀イグアナ』(Norma、2009)。また短編集には『Caperucita se come al lobo (赤ずきんちゃん狼を食べる)』(Cuneta、2012) がある。2007年ヘイ・フェスティバルによって、39歳以下のラテンアメリカの優秀作家39人のひとりに選ばれる。

Pilar Rahola (Barcelona, 1958) is a political analyst for La Vanguardia and the radio programs El món a RAC1 and 8 al dia with Josep Cuní.

Pilar Redondo creció en una familia numerosa donde las historias se cocían a raudales. De pequeña, en las tardes de primavera y verano, subía a la azotea de su casa con cuaderno y lápiz bajo el brazo. Pasaba horas contemplando atardeceres tras los muros infranqueables de antenas de tv.

Pilar Redondo grew up in a large family where stories were abundant. As a child, on spring and summer afternoons, she would go up to the roof of her house with a notebook and pencil and spent hours watching sunsets behind the impenetrable walls of TV antennas.

Pilar Romera was born in 1968. She earned a degree in Contemporary History at the Universitat de Barcelona, where she works, and took a Masters in writing for film and television at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Pilar Ruiz (Santander, 1969) studied journalism, a master's in scriptwriting and a postgraduate degree in cinema direction. She has furthered her career in different audio-visual disciplines, as a scriptwriter for film and television (The Señora, TVE).

A writer, translator and journalist, she was born in Valladolid. She studied for a doctorate in English at the Universidad de Salamanca, specialising in Modern Middle Eastern History after a degree in Arabic and Islam at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Pilar Sánchez Vicente is a documentary maker and writer. With a degree in Geography and History, she works as head of the Publications, Administrative Archives and Documentation Service of the Government of the Principality of Asturias.

ドキュメンタリー制作者、作家。地理歴史学士で、アストゥリアス政府の行政文書館の出版部長を務める。インフォメーション専門家協会(APEI)会長。TVEアストゥリアスやTVE国際放送テレビ番組の脚本家と進行役も務めた。主な著作に『Breve Historia de Asturias(アストゥリアス小史)』(Ayalga、1986; VTP、2006)、『Comadres(おしゃべりな女たち)』(KRK、2001) 、『Gontrodo la hija de la luna(月の娘ゴントロド)』(KRK、2005)がある。

Pilar Serrano Burgos (Madrid, 1977) has a diploma in Primary Education and specialises in Early Years. She teaches at a state school where she is responsible for the young readers' library; she finds the company of her pupils unbeatable, enjoying their lively ideas and adventures.

Pilar Velasco studied IT at the Universidad Complutense. Since 2007 she has worked as an investigative journalist for Channel Ser.

Pin Tam Pon is the artistic name of the duo Julia Abalde and Clara Saez, two restless minds who combine their work as illustrators with arts education.

Penguin wakes up one morning with a single idea in his head: He wants to fly! But he doesn’t yet know that penguins can’t. Penguin has a friend named Pingüino.

“Pino en el mar” (Pino by the sea) belongs to a four-title series of picture books for readers from 4 years old and up.

Pintar-Pintar Editorial has two remits: publishing picture books and organising educational activities to help the very young learn about and enjoy art. Pintar-Pintar was awarded the Premio Nacional de Edición (for publishers) in 2007, 2012 and 2014.


Pintar-Pintar Publishing Co. is a Spanish publishing company born in 2005. Specialized in children’s books, it publishes illustrated albums for children charac¬terized by their detailed design and illustrations full of colour.

Pío Moa (Vigo, 1948), an extreme left-wing activist in his youth, is today a historian who has widely research and written on the Spanish Civil War. His books are very famous and enjoy high sales.

Si eres un apasionado de los animales, ¡únete a las aventuras de Pipa y Otto! Pipa viaja por todo el mundo para capturar con su cámara la belleza de los animales en la naturaleza. Su inseparable amigo Otto la acompaña en sus viajes.

Pipa y Otto en la Sabana

A girl arrives in Minorca with her parents. The island is one of the many places she lives in during a life in which change is habitual. El Calypso, a house with a view of a lighthouse, is her new home.



Piso compartido

'Piso Compartido' ('Flatshare') is an interior novel. A comedy of manners combining magic, memory and daily life.


In Pistol and Knife, Montero Glez brings back the Flamenco singer José Monge from his death bed.

N3 is a young humanonid who gets lost during an interstellar journey on his flying motorbike and ends up on Earth, in the Bay of Cadiz to be precise, where he is rescued by the sailors of the mythical Vaporcito.


Editorial Ultramarina Cartonera & Digital is a pioneer in Spain in the world of paper, as a publishing house that aims to bridge the gaps between shores, people and genres.

Dolmen Editorial (1994) is a leading publisher in the world of comics, classic comics, film and video game essays and horror fiction. Espiral Ediciones is our imprint for children and young people.

プランBはドルメンの関連会社。1994年創業のドルメンはコミック、名作コミック、映画とビデオゲームについてのエッセイ、ホラー小説の分野を代表する存在。ドルメンのインプリントに児童・YA向け書籍を扱うEspiral Ediciones (エスピラル)がある。

“Pleasing, useful, rigorous, practical, attractive, effective, interesting, profound, superb, balances, enriching, well-structured, clarifying, detailed, coherent, systematic, precise, up to date…” These are just some of the words used by professi

Imagine that you’re moving to work in another city because your boyfriend lives there. Now imagine that your boyfriend leaves you for another woman the day before you arrive so you have to start looking for somewhere to live.

Publishers Nowevolution and Nou Editorial have been a part of Planeta Nowe SL. Publishers since 2008. They feature defined lists of mostly Spanish authors. nowevolution.net nowestore.com

This book shows how university teaching staff can compile their own 'Teaching Guide' for the materials they impart; considering the compilation of the Guide to be a process of innovation, capable of improving the quality of the teaching-learning p

Strategic planning has become a vital skill for organizations. Shall we use the same focus, style and tools for planning in a non-profit organization as we do in any other type of company? Would it be just as effective? How should we do it?

FERNANDO PÉREZ DEL CASTILLO, the great-great-grandson of a hero of the Spanish-American War who managed to make fun of the Yankees, has inherited from his ancestor an exotic shock of blonde hair, a crippling shyness and an unyielding desire to bec

フェルナンド・ペレス・デル・カスティーリョは1898年の米西戦争で米軍に一杯食わせた英雄の玄孫。異国風の金髪、意固地なまでの小心さ、そして名高い俳優になるとの強い熱意を先祖から受け継いでいた。このような性質を持った本書「Plano Americano(アメリカ全図)」の主人公はマドリードでのブルジョア生活から抜け出し、刺激的な冒険の旅に出て地球の半分を周り、多くの人と出会って様々な状況を経験する。

Do you love animals? What about plants? Did you know that there are beings that are half plant and half animals that represent our emotions? Do you want to meet the plant-animals with Martina and Marcos?

動物は好きかな? 植物はどう? 感情を持つ、植物と動物の中間の生き物がいることは知ってるかい? マルティナやマルコスと一緒に、そんなプラントアニマルについて学んでみない? 彼らが君に、感情とは何かを、そしてそれらを表現し理解する方法を教えてくれる。感情知能の刺激と発達が生活の質と幸福感を高めると指摘する研究は数多く存在する。ゆえに幼少期において感情知能を刺激する主な情緒的能力を知り、楽しく愉快な遊びを通してそれらを伸ばす例を知ることは非常に重要なのだ。

"Domesticated plants and other mutants" will answer some of the questions you didn't even know you had: Have the species we consume today always been edible?

これまで不思議にも思わなかった謎に対する答えが見つかる本。今食べられている食物は最初から食用だったのか? カナリア諸島のバナナを北京で植えたら、そのバナナはカナリア産なのか、あるいは北京産? なぜ私たちは種無しスイカが欲しいのか。そして種無しスイカを植えるための種はどうやって手に入れる? 楽しみながら、例えば歴史の流れの中で植物の種がどのように変わっていったかといった様々な疑問を解くのに適した本。

Domesticated Plants and Other Mutants is a fun, informative look at how humans have domesticated plants and what we have learned in the process.

Plantas domesticadas y otros mutantes

Plataforma Editorial is an independent publisher which publishes books that make you want to read and share them. In our catalogue you will find genuine works and talented authors, dealing with up to date themes related to education, health and personal development among others.


A great story about what really matters, paired with colourful, fun illustrations. Once upon a time there was a wise man so wise that he had nothing left to learn. That's why, one fine day, he decided to take a trip around the world.


Palacios is a man in his forties who is trying to move away from his most recent profession: contract killer.

パラシオスはここしばらくやってきた仕事、ヒットマンをやめようとしている40代の男。 運よくとても実入りのいい仕事の依頼を受け、引退の可能性ができたように見えたが、その仕事が終わるとかえってことが複雑になり、報酬も彼自身の社会復帰も重大な危機に陥り始めた。お金を受け取るために、パラシオスは彼にとっては全く見ず知らずの汚い世界を彷徨うはめになる。その世界とは、都市計画がらみの投機から生まれる巨大マネーの世界。

The year is 2040. The headquarters of Knowledge and Power are trying to erase from the face of the earth all traces of philosophy and insubordination in order to maintain an automated and obedient society.

Plaza & Janés is a noteworthy name in Spanish publishing, formed by Germán Plaza and José Janés in 1959, establishing itself in Spain and Latin America during the 70s; aquired by Grupo Bertelsmann in 1984; becoming  joint venture Random House Mondadori in 2001.


Sigilio was founded in Buenos Aires in 2014 and has had an office in Madrid since 2018. We publish contemporary fiction and non-fiction and also represent the rights of some of our authors.


Plaza y Valdés is a company interested in the research and spread of knowledge. The company is operating in the Spanish market since 2003 and has a catalogue of more than one thousand titles dedicated to in-depth study of humanities, social science and scientific divulgation.

This book is a series of simple origami projects for open minds, from eight years and up. A series of folded paper figures waiting to be put together, played with and given as presents.

Young Soltaren leaves her friends behind to go in search of the lost kingdom. During the many ups and downs she experiences on the journey, the girl starts to realize that cooperation is the best way to tackle the obstacles in her path.

Paula Sen is a teenage swimmer of immense ambition. She knows that her coach won’t praise her for coming fourth.

Paula Sen es una nadadora adolescente con una ambición desmedida. Sabe que su entrenador no la aplaudirá por llegar la cuarta.



This poem demonstrates Joana Raspall's ability to comprise in a few words a universal message that is easily understandable for the youngest readers.

What better place to discover poetry than the garden? A place where time stands still, like a satisfied lizard, only to fly off as flighty as a ladybird.

Pol Beckmann is a writer born in Barcelona in 1991. He first began writing as a child but stopped during his teenage years only to return to it for good just before his eighteenth birthday.

Pola Oloixarac was born in Bueno Aires in 1977. She studied philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires and is the author of "Las teorías salvajes" [Savage Theories], translated into six languages, and "Las constelaciones oscuras" [Dark Constellations].

1977年、ブエノスアイレス生まれ。ブエノスアイレス大学で哲学を学ぶ。著書に、6か国語に翻訳された『Las teorías salvajes(野蛮な理論)』と『Las constelaciones oscuras(暗い星座)』がある。2010年には雑誌「グランタ」によりスペイン語最優秀作家のひとりに選ばれ、国家芸術財団の文学奨学金を受けた。オペラ『Hércules en el Mato Grosso(マットグロッソのヘラクレス)』の台本を書き、2014年コロン劇場の実験センターで上演。

The Arctic Ocean, 1960. Everything has changed on board the Eridanus, an old prospecting ship anchored off the island of Jan Mayen.


Travel journalism returns. In the 21st century the planet has been mapped, measured, photographed and explained down to the last detail. Is finding Terra Incognito, savouring something approaching a discovery an impossible task?


Travel journalism returns. In the 21st century the planet has been mapped, measured, photographed and explained down to the last detail. Is finding Terra Incognito, savouring something approaching a discovery an impossible task?

Toadcop is a young toad with only one burning desire: to become a police officer.

Nuria Polo (coord.) (UNED), experta en fonología. Ruth Campos y Carmen Nieto (UAM), en trayectorias del desarrollo infantil y trastornos del neurodesarrollo. Carolina Vittar Paz (fonoaudióloga), especializada en estimulación temprana y tratamiento de las dificultades del lenguaje.

Nuria Polo (UNED), experta en fonología. Ruth Campos y Carmen Nieto (UAM), en trayectorias del desarrollo infantil y trastornos del neurodesarrollo. Carolina Vittar Paz (fonoaudióloga), en estimulación temprana y tratamiento de las dificultades del lenguaje.

Polo Correo do Vento is a publishing company and content generator founded in 2008 and specialising in children's literature. http://polocorreodovento.blogspot.com/


POMO! Comics son muchas, muchísimas tiras cuadradas de humor. A veces absurdas, a veces heroicas, a veces transcendentales, a veces simples pero eso sí, siempre divertidas.

Con prólogo de Liniers

Pomo comics!

Nathalie was born in Arenys de Mar. She is a Humanities graduate, a primary school teacher and the author of various articles for educational magazines.

Looking for a ponstel? Not a problem!

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Founded in 1992 by Anna Soler-Pont, Pontas is a literary and audiovisual agency that represents a wide range of writers from around the world.


Founded in 1992 by Anna Soler-Pont, Pontas is a literary, film and television agency providing international representation for a range of authors from all over the world. Pontas is also an audiovisual production company that works on projects for both film and TV.


Sandra, a young squatter who lives with her partner, a street guitarist, starts seeing strange apparitions as soon as she gets pregnant.

This book is a work of reference for anyone who wants to know what coaching is, what specific skills it helps to develop and what choices it gives you in obtaining your goals.

At the Episcopal palace, his destiny was sealed, despite the fact that the young Enrique, second son of Rascón y Cornejo, was a long way from imagining so.


Editorial Pòrtic  was founded in 1963 and became part of the Grup enciclopèdia Catalana in 1997. In 2007 it joined Grup 62.
It's work is centred on essays and noon-fiction, nature books and guides.



PPC was established in 1955 in Salamanca, the result of meetings between various priests and lay youth who understood that something truly new was needed within journalism and religious writing, something that reached out to the streets, and actually listened to youth and public opinion.

In designing this book the broad range of its users and their levels of professionalism has been taken into account, so as to provide a practical and useful manual for all.

Founded in 1989, as a publisher specialising in books about mountain sports, nature and tourist guides, heritage, maps and a broad selection of literature and essay (Las Tres Sorores imprint) and audio books, we now have an initial selection of illustrated books for children and young adults.

An all-encompassing manual written by Miniaturas Andrea's team of modelling and figure-painting professionals. A definitive illustrated guide detailing the processes of painting military and all other kinds of miniatures.

En el relato que se ha construido de las sociedades prehistóricas, las mujeres han ocupado un lugar secundario que la ciencia no se ha preocupado por entender y explicar en profundidad hasta ahora, cuando el feminismo reivindica el papel fundament

Prehistorias de mujeres

Publisher specialising in science fiction and graphic novels. With over one hundred published titles, it has established itself as a benchmark in quality book publishing. It strategically publishes science fiction and fiction for children and young adults under the same imprint.

After an accident, Julia lies in suspense between a dream world and reality and only her instinct for survival will be able to guide her back to the people she loves.


Being a wine expert requires time and effort, but with 'Presume de vinos en 7 días' you will be able to have fun while taking in everything there is to know in order to make a good impression in any situation.



Sooner or later the same thing that happens to all other young people on the planet will happen to you: your parents will decide you're old enough to make your own breakfast, lunch and dinner. You have no idea where to begin.

Princesa de África relates a love story that breaks all rules. Sonia is a beautiful Spanish dancer, specialising in African dance; Pap is a Senegalese percussionist.

This amazing psychological thriller won’t leave the reader alone until its melancholic epilogue.

Esta es la historia de un monstruo diferente a los demás, con intolerancia a la comida monstruosa y un aliento pestilente.

Prodigioso Repelús

この作品は、他のモンスターとは違うモンスターのお話。プロディヒオーソ・レペルスという名のモンスターは、他のモンスターが食べるものに耐えられず、それにひどい口臭。 そのため、他のモンスターたちは彼を避け、彼は避けられないようにするために、食べるのをやめることにする。ある日、空腹に耐えられなくなった彼は、森で落とし物の本を見つける。それを丸のみすると、なんと、その食べ物が自分に合っていることに気づく。そこで、村の家々から本を盗んででも、もっと本を探すことにした。

Inciamos Profit Editorial en 1984, especializándonos en la publicación de libros de management. En 1997, ampliamos horizontes con el sello Amat, enfocado en el libro práctico.


This book is especially aimed at those who want to quit smoking. How can this be achieved? By means of a whole set of tasks, exercises, hints, aids...

This book tells the story of Eugéne Chignon, a young French governess who travels to New York in 1932 to look after a little girl, Alice, whose unbridled passion for the world created by Lewis Carroll has caused her parents to ban her from reading

Prestigious architect Emil Zarco receives the most important commission of his life, an ambitious urban project with which he can showcase his ideas on the essence and purpose of men: that we are a long lineage destined to perpetuate itself in sea

One morning in 1484, a pirate ship attacks the village of Llafranc. Ramón Serra dies defending his family, but he can't save his wife and daughter from being kidnapped.

A Spanish commercial traveller is working at his company's branch office in eastern Europe, where he had lived during the troubled years of the 80s.


A Spanish commercial traveller is working at his company's branch office in eastern Europe, where he had lived during the troubled years of the 80s.

This collection of stories, pictures and photographs has been designed to highlight the Jacobean Routes. With fun and lucidity, this collection explains all the different Jacobean Routes.


This novel is the fruit of the interview the author, a known investigative journalist, conducted with people linked to the world of espionage, politics and the economy.


Entrenched behind the so-called Atlantic Wall, the Nazi troops await the imminent Allied invasion. In England, the greatest armada the world has ever seen is being prepared, for a confrontation between men and machines.


For the first time in a single volume, we present the trilogy that changed the course of Spanish literature.


Pruden Panadès was born in Barcelona in 1954, and studied History of Art there. At twenty-two she decided to go and live at the foot of the Montseny mountains. After a short period as a teacher, since the 1980s she has worked in the area of cultural management.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus mattis tristique feugiat. Donec tempor sit amet augue a mollis. Sed ligula est, tincidunt vel nibh egestas, vulputate facilisis diam. Sed id magna a diam facilisis malesuada ac a quam. Etiam consequat commodo interdum.

The reader will find in this book a great diversity at several levels. This has allowed us to divide the book in several sections.


PUV is the publishing imprint of the University of Valencia, the third in Spain for its number of teachers and students. This is why academic books derived from research rank high in its activities, as do works of general interest, addressed at a broad reading public with cultural concerns.

Since its creation in 1991, the Universitat Jaume I has maintained an intense programme of publishing, committed to the social and economic development of its environment. University publishing is an essential element of our ultimate goal: the generation and transmission of knowledge.

Pucu the caterpillar thinks all the animals in the forest are more beautiful or happier than she is. But Pucu will come to see that she too is very special when she begins to go through a surprising transformation.

Oliver inherits a large colonial house in the coastal village of Suances, Cantabria. In renovating the house they find the squashed corpse of a baby, alongside something completely anachronistic.


Elia has just woken up from a coma and is feeling a bit disorientated. The last thing she remembers is a concert and a sentence: "I can't give you the song back, but I can show you how fishes dance".


Punto de Lectura is the paperback imprint of the Santillana Group, and was created in 2000. With a varied catalogue covering all literary genres from fiction to essay, by way of romance, humour and current affairs, we cover all corners of the Spanish-speaking world.

Punto Rojo Libros has been helping authors to publish and sell their books in the market since 2004 and has offices in Madrid and Seville, plus offering global distribution services to major chains of booksellers.


After receiving a scholarship, Nerea moves from her city, Valencia, to the capital of the United States, Washington D.C.

Purple has transcended its limits as a mere market product and become a mark of social distinction. This colour, somewhere between red and blue, is a symbol of authority, power and wealth.

This novel tells the bleak story of women who are kept in captivity by the human trafficking mafia for the purposes of sexual exploitation.

Acantilado is an independent publishing house founded in 1999 by Jaume Vallcorba. The catalogue is conceived as a space for transversal reflection, where books from different periods and genres are in dialogue with each other, forming an increasingly rich universe.


The author reconstructs the life of his great grandfather, Francisco Oller, who, at the age of sixteen, decided to leave Cassà and travel to France in search of a better life. And he found it.

The author reconstructs the life of his great grandfather, Francisco Oller, who, at the age of sixteen, decided to leave Cassà and travel to France in search of a better life. And he found it.

It is 1941. Young, beautiful Aurora leaves behind a tumultuous Spain and a tormented past to move to Mexico, where she takes a job as a nanny for the wealthy Vigil de Quiñones family.


A Minimoni le encanta pasear con su perro Max, se entienden la mar de bien. En cambio, a los mayores, a veces cuesta más entenderlos, como cuando hablan del amor...

Què és això de l'amor, Minimoni?


Minimoni loves to take her dog, Maz, for a walk. They understand the sea very well.

Educational book full of colourful illustrations and pop-ups which explain the concepts of ecological agriculture, biodiversity, ecosystem and ecological balance to children.

This is the story of Mateo and Olga, and a job application destined for Google. Mateo is interested in robots and determined to establish whether the concept of merit should be banished from human relations.



Adrià learns to lose both on and off the pitch of love when his best friend falls in love with the Sara, the same girl as him. Then he starts to write a letter to his hero, Leo Messi, which ends up becoming a book.

一番の親友が自分と同じく、サラという女の子に恋をしたとき、アドリアは感情の領域の内外で負けることをおぼえる。そのとき彼は尊敬するサッカー選手、レオ・メッシに手紙を書きはじめ、それが1冊の本になった。人生において10はとても重要な数字だ。読者は、アドリアやその家族や友だち、先生やコーチの日々の態度や行為が認められるに足るものかを判断することになる。ユーモアはあるか? もちろん。騒動は? それもある。落胆やフラストレーションは? そして克服がある。

This is a novel as funny as an after-dinner chat with friends, but as aggressive as a gut punch. Part of this contradiction can be found within its protagonist, Basilio, nicknamed the Hippopotamus by his enemies.


Quiet covers seven years in the life of the author’s son, Lluís -Llullu, who was born with serious brain disease which neurological science has been unable to define.

Quim Español is an architect who also writes poetry, a field in which he has published Ultralight (Ultralleugers, Carles Riba Prize 1994), The tree of innocence (L'arbre de la innocència, first prize in the Floral Games 1998), 70 poems, Nadir and other nights (Nadir i altres nits) – the main poem

Since she was little, Clara has had funny things growing out of her head: frogs, an olive tree… One day she sprouts a satellite dish, through which she overhears a conversation between two baddies that makes her hair stand on end.

Qwerty Vintage is a chat, and it starts with an editor's note: 'It was the author's wish that the dialogues be reproduced precisely as they were originally written.


Pure-bred Malagueña and citizen of the world, in love with stories on both page and screen. She never stopped writing whilst practising as a lawyer, not even in her worst moments.

生粋のマラガっ子で世界市民。紙の小説と映画を愛する。弁護士として働いていた間も人生どん底の時も書くことを止めなかった。家族と飼い犬たちと共に数年間海沿いの小さな村で暮らしたことがある。リサイクルへの情熱は並大抵ではない。イメージコンサルタント、ショッピングアドバイザー、スタイリストであり、ユーチューバー、インスタグラムの「インフルエンサー」でもある。これまでに25冊の著書を出版。数々の賞で最終候補に選ばれ、『Santa Valentina tiene un plan(聖バレンタインの作戦)』でビッグバン小説賞最優秀女性主役賞を受賞。


Ra-Ma is a company dedicated to publishing books on science, technology, business and education.

Rachel Deville was born in 1972 in Firminy, near Saint-Etienne (France) where she studied Fine Arts and graduated in 1996. Having had enough of conceptual art, she stopped studying to devoted to drama and singing. But she always continued drawing.

The park is a wonderful place for children: slides, swings, sandpits... and lots of other children to play with!

The author has a degree in health and clinical psychology from the Complutense University, Madrid. He has a PhD in education and is an expert in educational psychology and holds a masters in brief psychotherapy.


Rafa Sánchez was born in Aguilar de Campos, a very small town in Valladolid, but very soon was taken to Madrid. There she started to read and write and she later trained as a teacher. In 1995 she founded the Cháchara Cuentacuento group.


Rafael Argullol has written more than thirty books, including novels, essays and poetry collections. He has also collaborated on various projects for theatre and cinema and taught in European and North American universities.

Rafael Balanzá (Alicante, 1969) has live in Murcia since 1986. In January 2002 he founded the magazine El Kraken, which ran until 2009 with a total of 27 issues and was described by Fernando Arrabal as the best magazine in Europe.

(Barcelona, 1935), has a unique knowledge of the reigning dynasty in twentieth-century Spain, on which has already published several titles that have already become reference works: “El Rey de los rojos. Don Juan de Borbón, una figura tergiversada” (1996); “El Rey perjuro.



Rafael Chirbes was born in Tabernes de Valldigna (Valencia), in 1949. He studied modern and contemporary history in Madrid, worked as a literary critic for a while and later in the world of journalism.


Born on January 15, 1970 in Santiago, Chile, the author is a professor of Spanish and Teaching in Literature from the University of Chile. He has worked primarily on media, both written and audiovisual.

Rafael Jiménez was born in Barcelona. He is a detective inspector in the National Police Force and has also edited and co-authored two anthologies of the best cases undertaken by that force: Barcelona negra (Barcelona Noire; Planeta, 2009) and España negra (Spain Noire; Planeta, 2011).

バルセロナ生まれのラファエル・ヒメネスは国家警察の警部である。Barcelona negra (暗黒のバルセロナ、Planeta、2009)とEspaña negra(暗黒のスペイン、Planeta、2011)という国家警察が扱った興味深い事件に関する2冊のアンソロジーにおいて調整役と共著者を務めた。

Rafael Laso was born in Xinzo de Limia but has lived in Vigo for several years. He has a degree in industrial engineering from the E.U.E.T.I in Vigo, the city in which he also works in his private company.

Master's Degree in Books and Literature for Children and Young People from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.


Rafael Narbona taught philosophy at secondary level until his recent retirement due to illness.


Rafael Ordóñez Cuadrado was born in 1964 in Aguilar de Campos. He studied Teaching.

ラファエル・オルドニェス=クアドラドは、1964年アギラル・デ・カンポス生まれ。教育学を学び、1995年に夢見る仲間たちと一緒に、チャチャラ・クエンタクエントス(おしゃべり・お話聞かせ隊)を結成。他の作家の物語を世に広め、子どもも大人も読書好きにした。彼が作家になれたのもこの取り組みのおかげだ。スペインで最も権威のあるいくつかの出版社から児童・YA小説と数多くの絵本を出している。 (当サイト2020年紹介作品 :http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/chispeanditillejo)

Rafael Reig (born Cangas de Onís, 1963) studied philosophy and literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and has taught literature at several North American universities. He is currently a bookseller, chess player and columnist for a number of publications.

Rafael Salmerón López was born in Madrid. He has been an illustrator of books and posters since 1994. He has illustrated more than thirty works and he has been included in The White Blackbird Honour List (Frankfurt, 1996)

Rafael Salmerón

Rafael Sarmentero (Murcia, 1978) has published the poetry collections New Text Document and Dadá Demodé. His work has been included in various anthologies Faceless Poems Competition 2005-2006-2007, Bukowski Club 2006-2008, Bukowski Club. Poetic Anthology and Life is a Bar. Night Stories.

Rafael Torres (Madrid, 1955) is a well-known journalist and author of the seven-part work on the Spanish War that has been to stimulus for and a point of reference in the restoration of Memory after the Franco era. He has written a column in OTR-Europa Press for almost 30 years.

ラファエル・トレス(1955年マドリード生まれ)はよく知られたジャーナリスト。スペイン内戦に関する7部作の著者。このシリーズは、フランコ独裁後の記憶を回復するための刺激となり、参考文献となっている。30年近く前からOTRヨーロッパプレスにコラムを連載。2004年には小説Los náufragos del Stanbrook(スタンブルックの遭難者たち)でアテネオ・デ・セビーリャ賞を受賞。トレスの著作は、各地の中・高等学校や大学で推薦図書となっている。

Rafael Vallbona (Barcelona, 1960) is a writer and journalist. He is the author of sixty books spanning all genres: novels, essays, poems and travel books, some of which have been translated.

Rafael Yuste (Zaragoza, 1968) has a degree in geography and history, specialising in the history of art. He has worked as a cultural manager and has curated exhibitions of heritage and contemporary art, and he has also written guides and articles in this field.

Rafael Yuste (Zaragoza, 1968): licenciado en Geografía e Historia, especializado en Historia del Arte, ha trabajado como gestor cultural comisariando y organizando exposiciones de patrimonioy arte contemporáneo, ha escrito guías y artículos en ese ámbito, y es autor, hasta la fecha, del libro de

She was born in Cadiz, where she currently lives.

She got a degree in Economics and Business Science at the Business School in Cádiz.

Rafaela Wait was born in Cádiz, Andalusia (Spain).

Rafel Nadal (Girona, 1954) is a journalist, writes in La Vanguardia and regularly works on RAC1, TV3 and TV8.

Rahul Bery translates from Spanish and Portuguese into English and is based in Cardiff.

Rahul Bery translates from Spanish and Portuguese into English and is based in Cardiff.


The author is a Catalan teacher and writer with a degree in literature. He has been a contributor for various magazines and newspapers. He has won two journalism prizes and was the director of the magazine 'Descobrir Catalunya' and editor in chief of the magazines 'Infància' and 'Altaïr'.

カタルーニャの教育者で作家。文献学を学び、さまざまな新聞や雑誌に寄稿してきた。ジャーナリズムの2つの賞をとり、雑誌「ダスクブリール・カタルーニャ」の編集長、雑誌「インファンシア」「アルタイル」の編集主幹を歴任。多数の小説と、さまざまな旅の本を出版。2005年には『Vull una corona!(王冠が欲しい)』でセラ・ドール批評賞、2019年には本書で国民児童文学賞を受賞。そして2019年には、本作『Caminos de Agua(水の道)』で国民児童青少年文学賞を受賞した。

Ralph del Valle (1978). His first novel Gnadenlos (Sin compasión) [Gnadenlos (Without Mercy)], a caustic portrait of a lost generation seen through the prism of advertising agencies, won the IV Pemio de Creación Literaria de Budok in 2012.

ラルフ・デルバリェは1978年生まれ。広告代理店の視点から失われた世代を辛辣に描いた作者初の小説Gnadenlos (Sin compasión)(グナデンロス(情け容赦なく))は2012年に第4回ブボク文学創作賞を受賞。本作は2014年デスニベル山岳文学賞の最終選考にノミネートされた。

Ramiro Pinilla was born in Bilbao in 1923. He won the Nadal Prize in 1960 and the National Prize of the Critics in 1961 with the novel Las ciegas hormigas (The Blind Ants), and was a finalist to the Planeta Prize in 1971 with Seno (Breast).

Ramón Aguilera is a specialist in Pedriatics from the Universitat de València, head of the Neonatal Unit of Hospital General de Castellón, founder and chairman of the Neonatal Study Group in this city.

Ramon Besora Oliva is a teacher, editor and writer. He is the author of various publications and articles concerning teaching, children's creativity, the construction of readers, poetry, experimentation in poetry and he has also written several titles for children.


Ramón Carlos Suárez y Alonso (Vigo, 1962) is a computer specialist, employer and teleworker. He holds a degree in Management Computing and has completed two Masters Courses, one in Software Engineering and another one in Business Administration.

ラモン・D・ベイガは、スペイン文献学の学士号を取得し、1996年から出版に従事。子供向けにガリシア語で『Violeta quere ser vampiro. Un conto do Samaín(ビオレタは吸血鬼になりたい。サウィンのお話)』、『É tempo de entroido!(カーニバルの時間だ!)』、『A araña que lles tiña medo ás arañas(クモが怖かったクモ)』、『Meigas fóra!(魔女は出ていけ)』、『Non pare a festa(フィエスタをやめないで)』を描き出版している。

Ramon Erra is a graduate in political science and gives classes at the Ateneu Barcelonés school of writing. He has contributed to El 9 Nou, La Marcha, El Tiempo, Presencia, El Temple, La Rella and El Avui. In 2001 he won the Rafael Cornellà prize for for a literary portrait of Bohumil Hrabal.

ラモン・エラは政治学学士。バルセロナ文芸クラブの創作クラス出身。「9 Nou」「ラマルチャ」「エルティエンポ」「プレセンシア」「ラレリャ」「アブイ」など、種々の紙誌で記事を書く。2001年にチェコの作家ボフミル・フラバルの評伝でラファエル・クルナリャ賞を受賞。出版デビュー作はジョルデイ・マルティと共著のYA小説Operació gàbies buides(空の鳥かご作戦, 2001)。旅行記A Bòsnia ens trobarem(私たちはボスニアにいるだろう, 2004)も執筆している。

Ramón Pérez Montero (Medina Sidonia, 1958) studied Spanish Philology at the University of Cádiz and has worked as a teacher of Spanish Language and Literature.


In the words of E. M. Foster, the difference between story and plot in novels can be summed up in a single word: pain. It is the pain that creates the plot.

E. M. フォースターの言葉によると、小説においてはたとえば、悲しみというたったひとつの言葉がストーリーとプロットを分ける。悲しみがプロットをつくるのだ。本書『Ramona(ラモーナ)』は幼年期から青年期への移行を、その過渡期に生じる特有の悲しみを通して描いた物語。その描き方のためだろう、主人公も彼女を取り巻く登場人物たちも読者の同情に訴えかけようとせず、贖罪を求めている風でもない。ロサリオ・ビリャホスがつくりだす世界では、ヒロインの旅は、通行料を払う手段さえ持たないことを知る人の旅だ。

Three-eyed Frog is growing up in a contaminated place, the water where he lives is very dirty. But why? He will have to jump very high to understand what's happening and discover the reasons for the damage to his habitat.

三つ目のカエルは汚れた場所で育ち、住んでいるところの水もとてもきたない。でも、それはなぜ? 何が起きているかを理解し、自分の住みかがひどい状態になっている原因を見つけるためには、うんと高くジャンプしなければならない。やがて、三つ目のカエルは物事を変えていこうと決心し、おばあちゃんに助けてもらい、今の現実を変えて環境をよくしていくという課題にいっしょに挑んでくれる友だちを探しだす。共通の解決策を探すよう私たちを勇気づけてくれるお話。

In this book, the author relates the story of the archaeological expedition led by Thor Heyerdahl to Easter Island in 1987. Francesc Amorós and Antoni Pujador were invited to accompany the explorer.

Let’s sing, listen, dance or read, raps the chicken Carolina. A lively story featuring Carolina, the independent artist who is the biggest noise anywhere.

Raquel Brune was born in Madrid in 1994 which means that she's been waiting for her letter from Hogwarts for fourteen years now. In the meantime she studied for a joint honours degree in Publicity and Business Administration before trying her luck working in communications.

1994年マドリード生まれ。つまり14年間ホグワーツ魔法魔術学校からの手紙を待ち続けてきた。その間に広告と経営学を学び、コミュニーションの分野で働いてみることにした。そうして、魔法に囲まれて暮らしたいなら、自分で作り出すしかないとわかった。本書は著者が初めて出版した小説で、ここから新しい冒険が始まる。執筆に取り組みながら、YouTubeの文学チャンネル(ラケル・ブッキッシュ)やブログやSNS のデジタルコンテンツを制作し、そこには7万人以上のファンが集まる。ペンネームの苗字はパリの通りからとったが、アイルランドの平原の小さな家で暮らすことと、世界中を旅することを夢見ている。

Raquel de la Morena was born in Talavera de la Reina in 1975. When she was six years old she and her family moved to Alberche del Caudillo, a lovely close-knit town in the province of Toledo, where she passed a very happy childhood between books and games.

A native of Seville, Raquel Díaz Reguera is one of Spain's best known children's picture books authors, achieving phenomenal sales with titles such as 'Yo voy conmigo' ('I'll Go My Own Way') , 'Hay algo más aburrido que ser una princesa rosa' ('Is There Anything More Boring Than Being a Fairytale

セビリア出身の筆者は絵本作家として有名な存在で、本作『Yo voy conmigo(私は私らしく)』、『¿Hay algo más aburrido que ser una princesa rosa?(理想的なお姫さまになるよりも退屈なことってあるかしら?)』、『Catálogo de besos(口づけのカタログ)』などは記録的な販売数を誇る。グラフィックデザイナー及びイラストレーターとして活動中。

Raquel Díez (Jerez, 1982) holds degrees in Psychopegagogy (2005) and Advertising and PR (2007) from the University of Cadiz. She is the author of children's and YA books and has taught Infant and Primary Education since 2005.


Raquel G. Estruch (Benidorm, 1973) has a degree in Journalism from Barcelona Autonomous University and in Humanities from UOC. With over 20 years of professional experience, she has worked as Editor-in-chief for press such as radio and television, and has always dedicated time to writing.

Raquel Martínez-Gómez López was born in Albacete in 1973. She has a PhD in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and specialises in International Relations.

Raquel is a teacher in a state primary school. She is an avid reader and has been writing for years. "Dos Hermanos" ("Two Brothers") published by La Pulga con Gafas is her first published book. She is currently working on new collections with the same publisher.


Raquel Rodríguez was born in Orihuela (Alicante) and has been a care assistant since the age of eighteen. She has worked in different specialisms and hospitals and most recently has spent twelve years working in a hospital in the province of Alicante.

A short guide to colouring-in with the twenty best known and most common species of birds. Each page has a brief description of bird's features and habits, illustrated by Miriam Sugranyes' unique and delicate pen.

At Raspabook we believe in culture as insurrection, as a challenge to dominant values, as a mechanism for transformation, like social innovation. Culture as a form of embrace, not of exile. That's what this is about. This, and doing it, too.

A circus arrives in town, and Little Mouse is amazed at the majestic lion’s performance. However, the lion seems sad. It does not like being shut up in a cage, and it wants to be free again, as it was when it was young and lived on the savannah.

Raúl Aguiar (born La Habana, 1962) is a writer. He has a degree in geography from La Habana University.


Raúl Allen (Valladolid, 1979) is passionate about everything creative – from theatre to music, film and literature, he tries to practice all the arts, although the pleasure of drawing with a cup of coffee next to him is more important than all of them.


Raúl Cordero (Málaga). Ha dirigido y guionizado el programa de radio La Mandrágora en sus seis años de emisión, siendo uno de los podcast más relevantes del panorama nacional español. Ha guionizado tiras de prensa, fanzines, cómics y videoclips.

Raúl Eguizábal teaches Theory and History of Advertising at the Faculty of Information Science in Madrid and is a professor at UCM.

ラウル・エギサバルはマドリードの情報学部で広告の理論と歴史を教えている。マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学の正教授で、Historia de la publicidad(広告史)、Fotografía publicitaria(広告写真)、Teoría de la publicidad(広告論)の著者。学術的業績以外に、芸術批評や文学評論も手がける。「ディアリオ16紙」の文学書評欄の執筆陣も以前つとめた。「スペイン、100年の広告アート」、「魅惑の記憶――国立図書館での19世紀のポスター展覧会」、「スペイン芸術のなかのサーカス」といったさまざまな展覧会の実行委員をつとめる。

Raul García Castán (La Granja de San Ildefonso, Segovia, 1970). His sporting titles include European Overall Champion in Trail Running in 2009 and Spanish Champion in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. He is a reader, writer and music-lover.

Raül Garrigasait (Solsona, 1979) has published 'El gos cosmopolita i dos espècimens més' ('The Cosmpolitan Dog and Two Further Specimens'), an essay that falls somewhere between fiction and philosophical reflection, the novel 'Los extraños' ('Els Estranys', 'The Strangers') which won the Llibrete

1970年セビーリャ生まれ。10年以上絵の教師とイラストレーターの二足の草鞋をはいてきた。イラストレーターとしては、ずっと出版を続けている。イングリッド・チャベルト作の絵本『El día en que me convertí en pájaro(ぼくが鳥になった日)』、『Tres Tigres Tristes(3頭の悲しい虎)』は、13ヶ国語に翻訳され、2016年にアンデルセン賞(イタリア)の最終候補になった。自分の声とスタイルを求めて、絵と文の両方を手がける絵本作家となる。絵と文をかいた作品に『Pasen y vean.

Raúl Peralba / Ralph Whitestone and the company Positioning Systems are associated in Spain and Latin America with marketing and positioning guru Jack Trout

Editorial Proa was founded in 1928 to publish the great Catalan novels of the time and the 19th Century. Its catalogue includes collections of narrative prose, poetry, essays and theatre, literary and historical studies, reflective pieces and debate.

Editorial Proa was founded in 1928 to publish the great Catalan novels of the time and the 19th Century. Its catalogue includes collections of narrative prose, poetry, essays and theatre, literary and historical studies, reflective pieces and debate.

Ediciones Proa was born in 1928, with the help of M. Antich and J. Queralt, encouraged by Pompeu Fabra.



Waukegan, Illinois , 1920 Novelista, cuentista, poeta, dramaturgo, guionista de cine y de radio, Ray Douglas Bradbury fue uno de los grandes creadores del siglo XX.

Ediciones de Eclipse is an independent publishing house founded in 2012 which publishes work that is inquisitive, engaging, audacious and demanding.


Ediciones de Eclipse is an independent publishing house founded in 2012 which publishes work that is inquisitive, engaging, audacious and demanding.


Fidel Centella is twentysomething and lives in Barcelona.

Miqui Otero’s third novel, Rayos, is part coming-of-age novel, part rom-com, part portrait of 21st-century Barcelona, and all heart.

Rayos (Rays)

By incorporating such prestigious publishers as La Magrana, Gredos and Molino, and committing to ongoing collections such as crime fiction, current affairs and general non-fiction, RBA has converted itself into one of the leading Spanish publishing firms.


Soledad Puértolas (Zaragoza 1947) lives in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid.

Rebeca Khamlichi (Madrid, 1987) isn't a painter, she's a form of painting.

Rebeca Luciani was born in the city of La Plata, Argentina where she studied drawing and painting. She currently lives in Barcelona where she works as an illustrator. She has published over 20 books for children and is currently working for various magazines and several Spanish publishers.


5 great books to enjoy meals together. A nutritional guide from birth until five years of age, with over 100 recipes and many tips and ideas to turn a meal into a happy moment.
EARLY FOOD. 6 months. How to introduce the first food


This title explains the concepts, commands and graphics necessary for configuring Cisco devices in corporate networks and achieving the much-valued certification.

In an effort to ensure that network professionals possess the necessary knowledge to perform administration and support tasks, Cisco Systems has developed a series of courses and certifications that serve as a benchmark for network technologies.

The object of this investigation by Antonio Antón, Professor of Sociology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, is the process of restructuring the welfare state and the impact of the current economic crisis: the trends of European welfare states

El presente volumen se organiza en dos grandes capítulos. El primero contiene en sus siete
apartados una serie de reflexiones sobre las Estrategias de Seguridad de la Unión Europea;

Reflexiones sobre las estrategias de seguridad de la UE y otros estudios en el ámbito de la seguridad internacional

Reflexology stands from the various different types of massage as it stimulates zones removed from the pressure points. The reason this happens is due to the human body’s reflex mechanism.

Why have they got me out of bed in such a hurry? It's still nighttime. We leave, carrying very few things. This isn't an outing. Every face looks frightened and tired. Dad holds my hand very tightly. It hurts. I want to cry, but I don't.

どうしてこんなに急いで起こされたんだろう? まだ夜なのに。荷物もほとんど持たずに出発なんて。ピクニックに行くわけじゃない。みんなの顔には恐れと悲しみが浮かんでる。パパはわたしの手をぎゅっと、痛いくらいに握る。泣き出したい気持ちだけど、泣かない。どこに行くんだろう? どうして逃げるんだろう? 話題のフィクションである本作の主人公の疑問は尽きない。


Hast du gewusst, dass jedes Jahr Tausende von Haustieren von ihren Besitzern verlassen werden? Und weißt du, was danach mit ihnen geschieht?


Reino de Cordelia is an independent publishing house with an extensive catalogue including graphic novels, poetry and essays, as well as foreign classics and Spanish novels. It won first prize for the best edited version of Macbeth in 2016 and second prize for Dracula in 2014.

This book contains simple tools for children to relax and to help them practice, alone or with the help of an adult, mindfulness.


La sociedad líquida que anticipó Bauman se muestra en los discursos públicos, en todos los formatos adaptables a una pantalla o eclosionando sin fin en las redes sociales. Y todo este contenido, necesita un relato.

Relata, que algo queda


This anthology brings together complete stories by the best Spanish and Latin American authors. Every story has an introduction to the author and the plot for a better understanding of its historical and social context.

This is a collection of complete stories by the best Spanish and Latin American authors. All the stories have an introduction to the author and the plot to give a better idea of the historical and social context.

'Relatos Faunescos' ('Fawnish Stories') is a collection of stories that all feature animals, whether they are the protagonists of the story, because an animal is the key to the dénouement, or simply because the protagonist looks or behaves like an

This 152-page work of fiction is, as its prologue – written by a respected artist – advises us, a series of portraits as well as a collection of stories.

Relatos Faunescos (Faunish Stories)

This anthology brings together complete stories by the best Spanish and Latin American authors. Every story has an introduction to the author and the plot for a better understanding of its historical and social context.

Every day, millions of tons of rubbish are dumped into landfills and driven into perpetual disuse. But when creativity meets resourcefulness in the form of an architect, someone else’s waste can become the next designer’s building material.

Remeis de Sirena es un poemario que pretende acercar el encanto del mar y de los que lo habitan, sean peces, sirenas, marineros, algas, moluscos, niños y adultos para sorprenderse con su belleza, variedad e inmensidad, tanto en la calma como en la

Remeis de Sirena


This novella is built around a spiral with three different registers. It starts with a realist discourse, the blunt realism of mistreated women. It continues in a tone that is closer to noir, deliberately dark with flashes of humour.

Renata Paz Couso has a degree in Social Psychology by the University of Santiago de Compostela and a master degree in Bussiness Administration by Caixanova Business School.

This book explains how renderings, or virtual graphic representations of projects, are done, in this case in the field of architecture.

René Ruano is a prime example of self-taught success. Circumstances forced him to leave education early, and the need to grow up fast meant he had to sacrifice his pursuit of knowledge.

レネ・ルアノは独学者の好例だ。様々な事情から早くに学業をあきらめなければならなかった。知識の習得を犠牲にし、早くから大人になる必要があった。ドラッグとアルコールが普通に受け入れられている環境の中にありながら、それらにNOという固い意志は、彼を孤立させ、深い鬱に沈み込ませた。しかし卓越した創作の才のおかげでそこから見事に抜け出し、『El ardid del Diablo(悪魔の策略)』シリーズを書くことになる。もはやトールキンのような著名作家の高みに達していると言っていい。

Intermediaries between the writer and the publisher.

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Three years after the start of the crisis, 10% of companies have closed their doors;; unemployment is over 20%; we have dropped 16 places in competitivity and consumption and exports have not reached their former levels.

One of the challenges for our society is the growth of consciousness and exercise of responsibiliy in the process of death, be it personally, in relation to our loved ones, or those confided to our care.

Social, cultural and religious diversity is a source of wealth for any society, and recognising this is of benefit to everyone.

Breathe is a dialogue between a little boy and his mother at bedtime.


Respira (Breathe) is a picture book for children, with two strands.


Pedro Manuel Martín Lodares is a modern crusader. A crusader in an irrational world full of hatred, a crusader in the Spanish Civil War.

From the hand of the artist Lluïsot, you will learn not only about representing reality just as it is, but you will also get a grounding in the basic skills and knowledge to help you


De la mano del artista Lluïsot, aprenderás no tanto a representar la realidad tal cual la vemos como a adquirir las bases y conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar libremente tu instinto creativo sobre el papel.

Retrato creativo o el arte de perder amigos

In a hospital room, the day before his death, a man of 65 tells the story of his life. Allowing himself to be carried along by his memories, he moves back and forth in time, reviving the small adventures he has had.


It's amazing enough to come out of an egg, but it's not the only incredible thing that can happen to you if you're curious and like making friends.

Reyes Martínez was born in Madrid in 1972 and has been a Senior Diagnostic Imaging Technician since 1993. She currently lives in Gijón (Asturias), where she combines her job in a hospital and work as a housewife and mother of three with her love of writing.


It's not always easy for young children to understand the Gospels. The language, the scenes, the characters all presuppose knowledge of the adult world and of the context in which Jesus lived.


Ricard Ruiz Garzón (Barcelona, 1973) is a writer and teacher at the Ateneu Barcelonès School of Writing.

リカルド・ルイス=ガルソン(1973年バルセロナ生まれ)は作家でバルセロナ文芸協会作家学校の教授。『LA INMORTAL(イモータル-いつまでも忘れない)』(当サイト2018年紹介作品)で第25回エデベ児童文学賞を受賞。『Las voces del laberinto(迷宮の声)』、『Los monstruos de Vila Diodati(ディオダティ荘の怪物)』、YA向けシリーズ『Guardianes de sueños(夢の番人) 』、絵本『El mejor regalo del mundo(この世で最高のプレゼント)』など15冊ほどの本を出している。

Ricard Ruiz and Álex Hinojo (Barcelona, 1973 and 1975) are writers and journalists, Ricard specialising in literature and Álex in film. They both writer for several important publications. 'Los guardianes del sueño' is their debut into children's literature.

リカルド・ルイスとアレックス・イノホは、それぞれ1973 年と1975年にバルセロナで生まれ、ともに作家でジャーナリスト。リカルドは文学、アレックスは映画が専門。ふたりとも多くの新聞雑誌で執筆。本シリーズはふたりのYA文学デビュー作である。

Ricardo Abrantes Bernardo has a degree in Philosophy and Letters (Art) from the Complutense University of Madrid. He teaches History of Art at the Faculty of Geography and History of UCM.

He was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, but now lives in Barcelona, Spain. While studying psychology in Brazil, he realised he wanted to explore other career paths. An advertisement for a children's literature competition in a newspaper showed him the way forward.

Ricardo Alcántara has published two hundred books, all aimed at children and young adults, many of which have won prestigious awards such as the Lazarillo, the Serra d'Or, the Apelles Mestres, and the White Ravens. His books have been translated successfully into several languages.

Ricardo Alcántara publicado doscientos libros, todos dirigidos a niños y jóvenes, y muchos de ellos han ganado premios de prestigio, como el Lazarillo, el Serra d’Or, el Apel•les Mestres, el White Ravens... Sus libros han sido traducidos con éxito a muchos idiomas.


Born in San Sebastián in 1971, he has two great passions: chess and literature. He stopped competing in international chess tournaments in order to finish his studies and ended up with a degree in Chemistry from the Universidad del País Vasco.


Ricardo Cano Gaviria was born in Medellín in 1946. In 1966 he enrolled at the Universidad de Antioquia, where he studied general studies and sociology. The following year he was an assistant sociology tutor at the same university, which he left during the student strike of 1966.

Ricardo Cortines (Santander, 1968) is a born entrepreneur, a businessman with a background in law who is passionate about learning and whose main quality is without doubt his ability to analyse the reality that surrounds him.

Ricardo Díaz Peris was born in Valencia in 1993, and studied fine arts at the Polytechnic University of Valenica. His illustrations have been rejected by top publications such as Vice, Vogue and Paper Magazine.

Ricard Marí is a Merchant Marine Captain and holds a Ph. D. in Marine Science. He is also a lecturer in the Nautical School of Barcelona (FNB), attached to the Department of Nautical Science and Engineering of the UPC.

Born in Gijón in 1971, he studied Philosophy at the Universidad de Oviedo. He writes for the newspapers ABC and La Nueva España and in the magazines, Mercurio and Tiempo. Many of his works have been translated into German, Catalan, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish.


Ricardo Tosca is a doctor and a specialist in Pediatrics from the the Universitat de València, and head of the Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Hospital General de Castellón.

Richard Mansell is Senior Lecturer in Translation at the University of Exeter, where he trains translators and researches translators’ decision-making processes and how texts are received in translation.

In 2006 we set up the Rigden Institut Gestalt publishing house with the aim of channeling and publicising issues and discoveries that especially move us. They all have one common denominator: helping with the journey of the soul on which every human being has embarked.

CIF: B-63991848

Rita Morrigan was born in a coastal town in the north of Galicia. This green, craggy landscape with its constant mist helped to develop her introspective nature. She grew up with the tales and characters of Galician mythology, which fed her imagination and her desire to tell stories.

リタ・モリガンはガリシア北部の海岸沿いの町で生まれた。緑豊かで切り立った景観と霧の多い環境が、彼女の内省的な性格を形成。 ガリシアの神話の幻想的な物語やキャラクターに囲まれて育ったことで、想像力と物語を語りたいという欲求がどんどん大きくなっていった。 ア・コルーニャ大学で社会学の学士号を取得した後、人類学研究に没頭。A festa no aire (空中の宴、2006年)、De sol a sol (太陽から太陽へ、2010年)、Os heroes van de paisano(英雄たちは平民姿、2012年)など民族誌学研究の様々な研究論文を発表した。

The author is a full professor of Sociology in the field of Educational Sociology in the Faculty of Educational Science at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Rita goes to Egypt to meet up with her Uncle Daniel, who is working on some excavations, but due to a terrible misunderstanding, Rita fails to find the person her uncle has sent to meet her and joins a band of robbers who are looking for the same

Robert Brasillach is a part of France's cultural heritage. A patriot and child prodigy who aroused envy and jealousy even in those famed authors to which he is sometimes compared (Céline and Drieu de la Rochelle), yet who has not enjoyed the same treatment as them.


Robert Juan-Cantavella (Almassora, 1976) is author of the novels Otro (2001), El Dorado (2008) and Asesino cósmico (2011), the book of short stories Proust Fiction (2005), the novella El corazón de Julia (2011, written with Óscar Gual and illustrated by Riot Über Alles) and the book of poetry Los

: 1976年アルマソラ生まれ。これまでに小説Otro(アナザー、2001)、El Dorado(エルドラド、2008)、Asesino cósmico(宇宙の殺人者、2011)、オスカル・グアルとの共著、リオット・イーバー=アレス画の中編El corazón de Julia(フリアの心、2011)を出版している。実験的小説は鳴かず飛ばずだったが、その後短編集Proust Fiction(プルースト・フィクション, 2005)が、「旨味のある充実した短編集」と「エルパイス紙」でフアン・ゴイティソロに絶賛される。

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) is a British novelist, poet and essayist. His legacy is a vast body of work including travel literature, adventure and historical novels, as well as poetry and essays.

Roberto Aliago was born in Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real) in 1976. He graduated in biology, and began his career in children's literature in 2005 with the book La oficina de objectos perdidos y encontrados (The Lost and Found Office).

Roberto Bortoluzzi has qualifications in Philology from the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice. He has been a Latin and Italian teacher at Saint Paul’s School in Barcelona, and is currently working as a high school teacher in Italy.

Roberto Canales is a partner and general director of Autentica Real Business Solutions S.L.


After graduating in History of Art, Roberto Corral Moro has dedicated the larger part of his life to teaching. He is presently head of a School for Spanish as a Foreign Language.

ロベルト・コラル=モロは美術史で学士号を取得後、その人生の多くを教えることに費やした。現在外国人向けスペイン語学校を経営。2013年、5つの物語を収めた短編集『Gulo, el elefante anoréxico y otros cuentos(拒食症の象グーロとその他の短編)』(Mensajero、当サイト 2015年紹介作品 http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/gulo-el-elefante-anorexico-y-otros-cuentos)を刊行。2019年、同じカテゴリーの『El Palacio Blanco(白い宮殿)』が世に出る。

Roberto de Paz is a social worker and has a degree in Sociology. He has worked as a grocery boy, a newspaper boy and a mystery shopper. He now works in a social services centre. This is his first novel.

Roberto Santiago was born in Madrid in 1968. He studied Image and Sound at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid and Literary Creation at the Madrid School of Writing.

Roberto Santiago es escritor, guionista, dramaturgo y director de cine.

Roberto Santiago es escritor, guionista, dramaturgo y director de cine.

Roberto Santiago es escritor, dramaturgo, guionista y director de cine.

Writer by day, superhero by night. When he was eleven years old, Roberto Santiago put on a mask and a cape and took to the streets to save humanity. Since then, he has already saved two kittens, a fern and an abandoned dog. As for the rest of humanity, he's still at it.

昼は作家で夜はスーパーヒーロー。ロベルト・サンティアゴは11歳になったとき、仮面とマントを身につけ、人類を救うために街に出た。それ以来、すでに2匹の子猫と1本のシダの木、そして捨て犬を救い、残りの人類についても救おうとしつづけている。傑作シリーズ『Los Futbolísimos(最強のサッカー軍団)』(400万部以上を売り上げ、13言語に翻訳された)と『Los Forasteros del tiempo (時のよそ者)』(60万部以上販売)の著者が、再びマントと仮面を身にまとい、『Los Once(イレブン)』を執筆。

ロベルト・サンティアゴは1968年マドリード生まれ。マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学のコミュニケーション学部で映像と音響、マドリード文芸学校で文学の創作を学ぶ。テレビ脚本家、マドリードの広告代理店でコピーライター、ビデオクリップを制作し、数点の小説を出版してきた。そのうち、Los Futbolísimos(サッカーづけ)シリーズは、スペインの近年の児童書シリーズのなかで爆発的ヒットとなり、いくつかの言語に翻訳された。彼の処女小説であるEl ladrón de mentiras(嘘泥棒)はバルコ・デ・バポール賞最終候補。

It is always a challenge to transmute a narrative text into images, even more so when the original text tells one of the most famous stories of universal literature.

The plot of Robbery in São Paulo takes place in 2004 and begins with a visit from the president of the Canary Islands, Adán Martín, to the city for its 450th anniversary.

A thirst for money, danger and adventure. Wit, audacity and a love of games. Meet history’s most cunning thieves in this entertaining look at the great robberies of the past two centuries.



Estáis a punto de embarcaros en la fantástica travesía por la historia de los robots que os cuenta Berta.


Be prepared to embark on this fantastic trip through the history of robots. Berta will be your guide! Robots have been part of our lives for a much longer time than you would imagine.


Independent publishers founded in 2003 by six people with extensive experience in the world of books. We like being independent and working with no ties, and enjoy being creative and aware of what we are and where our readers direct us.


Rocío Alejandro (Buenos Aires, 1978) studied graphic design for advertising, but illustration for children's book is her real vocation. She has participated in a number of workshops and courses that have helped to shape her artistic career.


Rocío Araya is a Basque artist. She lives in France and works as an illustrator and painter. She was born in the Basque Country in 1982 and studied Fine Arts at the Universidad del País Vasco and in 2010 did a master's degree in education.

ロシオ・アラヤは1982年バスク地⽅ビルバオ⽣まれの造形作家。現在、イラストレーター、画家としてフランス在住。バスク⼤学にて美術を学び、2010年に教育学修⼠号取得。独学でイラスト技術を学んだ後、ビオレタ・ロピス、ロヘル・オルモス、ロートラウト・スザンネ・ベルナーといったイラストレーターに師事。イラストレーターとしてダニイル・ハルムス著Un Cuento(物語、ミルラソネス、2014年)を出版。これまでスペイン、フランス、チリで20回以上展⽰会を開催している。2017年にイタリアのサルメデで開催された国際ファンタジー画展にて⾃⾝の多数のイラストを展⽰。

Rocio Bonilla (Barcelona, 1970) has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona and has worked as a designer, painter, and teacher. Currently, she spends most of her time illustrating books and painting children's murals.

Rocio Bonilla (Barcelona, 1970) es licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Barcelona y ha trabajado como diseñadora, pintora y profesora. En la actualidad, pasa la mayor parte del tiempo ilustrando libros y pintando murales de niños y niñas.

Rocio Bonilla (Barcelona, 1970) has a degree in Fine Arts and created Érase una vez (Once Upon A TIme) a mural project after more than a decade working in advertising. She later began illustrating books and her first publication was 'Cara de pájaro' ('Bird Face'), a solo project.

ロシオ・ボニーリャ(バルセロナ、1970年生まれ)は美術学士。広告業界で10年働いたあと、壁画に関するプロジェクト「むかしむかし」を始める。その後、はじめて文も絵も描いた絵本Cara de pájaro(鳥の顔)で、イラストレーターとして出版界にデビューした。エウラリア・カナル(グラヌリェー、1963年3月6日生)はプロの心理学者で、やさしさ、言葉の豊かさ、詩的タッチを特徴とする児童書の作者。

Rocio Bonilla (Barcelona, 1970) has a Fine Arts degree and created 'Érase una vez', a mural painting project, after more than a decade working in advertising.

ロシオ・ボニーリャ(1970年バルセロナ生まれ)は大学で美術を学ぶ。10年以上広告業界で働いた後、「むかしむかし」という壁画に関連したプロジェクトを立ち上げる。その後、アルガル社から初めての単著の絵本Cara de pájaro(鳥の顔)を出版し、イラストレーターとしてデビュー。同社からはLa montaña de libros más alta del mundo(世界で一番高い本の山)、¿De qué color es un beso?(キスは何色?)、Los fantasmas no llaman a la puerta(おばけはノックしない)も出版。

ロシオ・ボニーリャ(1970年、バルセロナ生まれ)。バルセロナ大学美術学部卒。デザイナー、画家、教師の仕事に従事した後、現在はほとんどの時間、子ども向けの本のイラストや壁画を描いている。3人の子どもの母親として、子どもが創りだすユニークですばらしい世界や、それを他者と共有しようとする大きな意思と寛大さに魅了され続けている。単独作品としてのデビュー絵本は『Cara de pájaro(鳥の顔)』(当サイト2015年紹介作品http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/cara-de-pajaro)。

Rocío Ramírez Gámez (Malaga 1978) is a Marbella native with a passion for reading and writing. She studied Law then took further courses in Criminology, Criminal Psychology and Autopsies. She keeps in contact with the Police and Guardia Civil in order to learn more and be accurate in her work.

Fogwill was born in Buenos Aires in 1941. His name appears repeatedly as part of the triad at the head of contemporary Argentinian narrative alongside César Aira and Ricardo Piglia.

Rodolfo Gil Grimau (1932-2008)
He was the son of the writer and senator Rodolfo Gil Fernandez. On his mother side, he was descendant of a Granada family of Moresque origin.

Rodribico is a little bird who loves being strong and having all sorts of adventures. Rodribico lives in an enormous tree, with big branches, and has every possible comfort in his nest. One sunny morning, a circus sets up camp near his nest.

Rodrigo Chao Blanco studied Illustration between 2001 and 2003 in the city of Orense, at the Antón Faílde School of Arts. In 2005, while working as a freelance in areas such as portraits, murals, CD design, etc., he first collaborated with a publisher as a book illustrator.

Rodrigo García was born in Alicante in 1980. He spent his childhood and teenage years drawing, and then enrolled in the Fine Art department at the Universidad de Valencia.

Rodrigo Mattioli was born in Brazil in 1982. He studied social communication at the University of Brasilia and graduated in 2006 and since then he has worked with images and communication across a range of media. He discovered the world of children's books after becoming a father.

Nacido en Brasil, 1982. Se formó en comunicación social por la universidad de Brasilia en 2006 y desde entonces trabaja con imagen y comunicación sin restricciones de medios. Después de la paternidad, se encontró en el universo de los libros infantiles.

1982年、ブラジル生まれ。2006年にブラジリア大学ソーシャルコミュニケーション学部を卒業。以来あらゆる媒体で絵とコミュニケーションの分野で活動。父親になったことをきっかけに児童書の世界に自分の役割を見出す。2018年KeyColoursアワード優秀作品に選出。本作『Un Árbol(1本の木)』で2019年アピラファーストインプレッション賞に輝く。

Rodrigo Palacios (Madrid, 1979), is a writer and engineer. He took an active part in university theatre, acting, directing and writing, before going on to study acting. His studies included dubbing, speech and singing.

ロドリゴ・パラシオス(1979年マドリード生まれ)は作家、エンジニア。大学演劇に役者、監督、脚本家として積極的に参加し、後に演技、さらに声優、話術、歌曲を学ぶ。2009年に最初の小説Los ojos del centinela(衛兵の目)を発表。スリラーとノワールにまたがるジャンルで読者を夢中にさせた。2014年には、エダサ社からEstanebrage. El último Bastión(エスタネブラヘ~最後のとりで)を出版。中世のファンタジーで、様々な登場人物が戦後のるつぼの中で入り乱れる。その後Motivos para matar (殺害の動機、エダサ、2017)を発表。

ロドリゴ・バスケス (1981年アルヘシラス生まれ)は、マラガでオーディオビジュアル・コミュニケーションを学び、またグラフィック・ストーリーに関する知識の基礎を固めた。独学で習得した漫画により、2006年マラガ・クレア漫画コンクールなどで最優秀賞に輝いている。マラガでの勉強を終えた後、コルドバのアニマコル(アニメーションスクール)でプリプロダクション(撮影前作業のこと、台本や絵コンテ作成など)のコースを受講し、アニメの絵コンテ制作に携わるようになる。

Roger Coma was born in Barcelona in 1976, although he lived most of his life in the village of Banyoles (Girona) before returning to join Barcelona’s Institut del Teatre.

He graduated in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru).

As a little girl I wanted to be an actor, or a librarian, so that I could read as much as I liked, but I ended up studying Economics and working in project management.


Love, death, betrayal, adventure, abuse, an unknown and exotic culture... Dolores' eyes well up when she tells her story. Her life story is like the plot of a great novel.

Román Gubern (Barcelona, 1934) has worked as a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and taught History of Cinema at the University of Southern California, the California Institute of Technology, the Venice International University and the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, amon


Gimena Romero (Ciudad de México, 1985), Maestra en artes plásticas y visuales en México y en Francia, es artista y escritora especializada en gráfica textil. Ganadora de varios premios, su trabajo se ha expuesto en numerosos países del mundo.

Can advertising once again re-invigorate brands and businesses?

Can advertising once again re-invigorate brands and businesses?

Romy Bartsch was born in Torgau, Germany in 1977. She’s a translator and interpreter. The snowman is her first story for children -written in Spanish as well as German, her mother tongue.

Honour, vengeance and fate. The Legend of the Samurai lashed by the wind. 'They were times in which the ocean tanned nations and tempered men'.


Originally published in 1927, this humorous novel tells the adventures of Roque Fernandez, a dull civil servant who dies and instead of arriving in heaven, finds himself reincarnated as Jean Rochestier (Roque Two), who speaks French and has a wife

Rosa Collado has been a teacher of plastic arts and had developed programmes on creativity for children and teachers.

Albert Corner i Espiga left the Cuban war behind him some time ago, but he promised himself he would never again be that conscript burdened with poverty and misfortune, but a new man, a survivor.


Rosa Huertas is a doctor of Information Sciences and a graduate of Spanish Language and Literature. She teaches Language and Literature at a school in Madrid. She's published fifteen books for children and young adults.

Rosa Lentini (Barcelona 1957). Poet, translator, critic and editor. Founding member of the magazines Asimetría (1986-88) and Hora de Poesía (1979-95), of which she is director.


Rosa Huertas was born in Madrid. She holds a doctorate in Information Science and a degree in Hispanic Philology. She specialises in Children's Literature, and her doctoral thesis was on Spanish young adult literature. She teaches Language and Literature at a school in Madrid.

Rosa Montero (Madrid, Spain, 1951) studied Journalism and Pscyhology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid during which time she participated in groups of independent theatre.

Dr Rosa Peréz Bibián, a graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the Barcelona Faculty of Medicine with a diploma in nutritional and sports dietetics from the University of Paris, is a recognised expert in nutrition.

Established in 1911, Seix Barral is inspired by a philosophy of aiding writers in furthering their literary career, giving them the opportunity to add their name and works to the list of others that make up Seix Barral’s excellent heritage.

Rosa Ribas was born in El Prat de Llobregat, near Barcelona, in 1963, and has lived in Germany since 1991. She has a PhD in Hispanic philology and in 2006 she published her first historical novel, The Flanders Painter.

Rosa Tiziana Bruno is a sociologist, writer and teacher.

Rosario de la Rosa has dedicated her life to the development of humans. She is a specialist in psycho-emotional biodecoding, runs courses and workshops all over the world, and is an expert in transgenerational therapy.

(Córdoba, 1978) dedicó toda su infancia a dibujar, leer y ver películas. Formada en Bellas Artes, ha trabajado en la industria musical, cinematográfica, artística y cultural.

(Córdoba, 1978) dedicó toda su infancia a dibujar, leer y ver películas. Formada en Bellas Artes, ha trabajado en la industria musical, cinematográfica, artística y cultural.

(Córdoba, 1978) dedicó toda su infancia a dibujar, leer y ver películas. Formada en Bellas Artes, ha trabajado en la industria musical, cinematográfica, artística y cultural.

(Córdoba, 1978) dedicó toda su infancia a dibujar, leer y ver películas. Formada en Bellas Artes, ha trabajado en la industria musical, cinematográfica, artística y cultural.

(Córdoba, 1978) dedicó toda su infancia a dibujar, leer y ver películas. Formada en Bellas Artes, ha trabajado en la industria musical, cinematográfica, artística y cultural.

Rosario Villajos was born in Córdoba in 1978. She spent her whole childhood watching movies and drawing. She has lived in eight different cities, including London, where she spent a record of seven years. In 2017 her graphic novel "FACE" was published (Ponent Mon).

ロサリオ・ビリャホスは1978年コルドバ生まれ。少女時代は絵を描き、映画を見ることに熱中。これまでに8都市で生活し、中でもロンドンでは最長の7年を過ごす。2017年グラフィックノベル『FACE(フェイス)』(Ponent Mon)を発表。本書『Ramona(ラモーナ)』は彼女の著書の中で初めて3000文字を超える書籍となった。現在アルコベンダス在住。週40時間就業、年25日間の休暇を取得できる会社で働いている。

Roser Amills (Algaida, 1974), Mallorcan writer, mother of two boys, lives and works in Barcelona. Very active on social media, she combines almost complete dedication to writing with journalistic work.

Roser Calafell has been an illustrator for many years. She has published many books with Galera, in particular the "Mi mes" ("My Month") series, one of Galera's best sellers with more than 200,000 copies sold.

Roser Rimbau (1968) has published a dozen books with publishers including Takatuka, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat and La Galera.

Roser Rimbau (1968) has published several titles. Her book The Letter, illustrated by Rocío Araya and published by Takatuka, forms part of the selection White Ravens 2018, of the 100 pieces of writing recommended by the Fundación Cuatrogatos Award 2019 and the OEPLI 2018 selection.

ロゼル・リンバウ:1968年生まれ。これまでに約10点の作品を出版している。著作『La carta(手紙)』はロシオ・アラヤが絵を担当、タカトゥカ社により出版され、2018年ホワイト・レイブンズ、2019年クアトロ・ガトス財団賞による100冊の推薦書、OEPLI(スペイン児童図書評議会)の2018年のブックリストに選ばれた。『Naïm ha perdido el color(ナイムは色をなくした)』で2006年クルト伯爵賞を、『El planeta esborrat(エスボラット星)』で2018年モデスト・プラッツ挿絵入り児童読み物賞を受賞した。

La Rosal Rovira (Vic, 1971) Es licenciada en Química por la Universitat de Barcelona. Es una catalana que vive en Massachusetts, y se pasaría los días y las noches escribiendo sin cesar . De pequeña, se escondía debajo la cama porque nadie lo enfadara mientras leía.

顔は心を映す鏡であり、完璧な肌よりも、若々しく活力に満ちあふれた精神を披露するのにふさわしい! 過酷な天候、ストレス、不適切な食生活……、それら全てが肌の見た目に影響を及ぼす。だから徹底的なケアの秘訣を知っておこう。完璧な結果をもたらしてくれる商品は身近にたくさんあるけれど、私達はその使い方をちゃんとわかっているだろうか? あなたの年齢や、肌のタイプ、生活リズム等の要素をしっかりと考慮しなければならない。それにいつだって、思い出すべき「小さなコツ」がある。

Valladolid, 1987; graduated in English; between 1990 and 1994 he studied in the USA and Australia. He has published articles, short stories and two novels to date. He also works as a photographer.

ルーベン・アルマルサ=ゴンサレスは、マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学で歴史を専攻、マドリード・カルロス3世大学で古文書学と文書管理、デジタル継続性の修士号を取得。雑誌「アーティハム(ArtyHum)」の編集者。スペインとアルゼンチンの大学刊行物の編集に携わる。出版社「アカバ海岸(Playa de Ákaba)」との仕事が多く、過去に物語集『Cosas que nos importan(私たちのとって重要なこと)』(Playa de Ákaba、2017)を共同編集した。

After graduating in Fine Arts from the Universidad de Granada and studying Interior design, Rubén Bernabé (Malaga, 1982) specialised in the publishing sector, taking a variety of creative roles: illustrator, graphic designer, model maker etc.

ルベン・ベルナベ:1982年、マラガ⽣まれ。グラナダ⼤学にて芸術学⼠号を取得し、インテリア・デザインを学んだ後、イラストレーター、グラフィックデザイナー、印刷デザイナーなど、様々なクリエイティブ分野の職を経て、出版部門を専⾨とする。現在は、漫画のシナリオ書きとプリプレスの技術職を両⽴させて働いている。El mejor gol(最⾼のゴール)は初めて出版された⻑編作品。 ギリェルモ・モンヘ:マドリード美術専⾨学校(ESDIP)でイラストレーションと漫画を学び、ハエンのホセ・ノゲ美術学校を卒業してイラストレーターとなる。手がける作品は出版、広告、児童向け、装飾⽤と多岐にわたる。

 Rubén Sancho was born in Salamanca and combines his professional and literary facets, contributing to numerous media organs, both in hardcopy and on-line. His first published short stories can be read the Tribuna Universitaria de Salamanca, under the pseudonym Rubén Eduardo.

Rubén Ochandiano was born in Madrid on the 3rd of October 1980. After studying acting, singing and contemporary dance with various teachers, he finished his training by studying acting with Juan Carlos Corazza.

A book about war and the disasters it causes, borne out of the author's trips to ex-Yugoslavia in 1991 and 1994. This book is about war and the way people behave in extreme situations.

The main function of the New Spanish Books Bulletin is to supply news and reviews of recent titles to publishers, translators, booksellers, journalists and others in English-speaking countries.

Rut Pedreño (Valladolid, 1996) is an illustrator and cartoonist who graduated in Fine Art from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2018. She is the author of the comic-style book Home (Sallybooks, 2021), and in 2019 she collaborated with Alta Tension magazine and Un fanzine in 2021.

Ruth Clarke is a translator from Spanish, French and Italian.

Ruth Vilar (Zaragoza, 1978) is an actress and writer: her job is to put stories together, whether on paper or on the stage. She takes these untrue truths here and there with the company Cos de Lletra.




S.R. Servicios y Producciones is a newly-created publisher, mainly dedicated to children's books and subjects. It regularly takes part in both national and international book fairs, as well as reading events to bring a young audience closer to reading.

The IESE is an international school that began as a risky venture: offering a long-term programme aimed at businessmen and top executives, something unheard of in 1958.

Sabina Urraca (San Sebastián, 1984) spent her childhood in Tenerife and has lived in Madrid for over a decade.

Over sixty years ago, Adrian Troadec saw a girl leaving a music class. Two world wars later, the chocolate factory he opened to win her is still open.

A novel focused on the business world, particularly the interpersonal relations between co-workers, where sex, lies, secrets and passion reveal the fundamental nature of the human condition.

The Magic Rescuers and the Door to Imaginary Sabrina Catdoor was born in 200 with the new millennium, and lives in an old house in Salem, an American town renowned for its witches. Sabrina has three black cats, Betún, Tizón and Mocoso. She loves juices that look like potions and fantasy stories.


From the discovery of fire until the mid 20th century food was cooked by burning wood, coal, gas or electricity.


Auteur: Maité Carranza
Lecteur: Anne Cohen Beucher



After a mishap at the zoo years ago, Dani stopped speaking. With the hope that it will help him recover his speech, his family decide to go on a safari to Africa.

Saïd El Kadaoui Moussaoui was born in Beni-Sidel, Morocco, and has lived in Catalonia since the age of seven. He is a psychologist, teacher and writer and is a regular columnist for various printed media publications.

A publishing house based in Barcelona and founded in 2009, specialising in the publication of quality translated fiction.

Three foreigners dead on the Costa Brava, all three red as crabs and with inexplicable smiles on their lips.

It is the year 480 BC. Xerxes, the King of Persia, declares war to the Greek states that have not surrendered before him.

Graphic novel for young adults that tells a story of friendship and a fight against abuse.

Novela juvenil ilustrada, presenta una historia de amistad y lucha contra el abuso.

Sálice e Sándala

Sallybooks is a publishing imprint specialising in comics and picture books, with the aim of producing quality books and a commitment to promoting reading and culture.

Sallybooks is a publishing house that specializes in comics and illustrated books.


Salsa Books is Grup 62’s line in books, in Spanish, on cookery, food and drink. Each title has its own tailor-made format and design. The imprint was set up in 2003 and its authors include names such as Carme Ruscalleda.

D. Cladera

M. San Segundo


Salud Hernández Mora is a famous journalist who has been based in Colombia since 1998 and who has acquired Colombian nationality. A correspondent for El Mundo and opinion columnist for El Tiempo (Bogotá), her columns are very controversial.

Giner, professor of sociology at the Universidad de Barcelona, has taught at King's College Cambridge and at the universities of Puerto Rico, Reading, Lancaster, Brunel West (London), Yale and Pompeu Fabra.

Salvador Macip (Blanes, Girona, 1970) is a medical doctor trained at the University of Barcelona, a research scientist and a writer. In 1998 he moved to New York to research the molecular basis of cancer at Mount Sinai hospital.

Salvador Macip is a doctor, researcher and writer. He studied Medicine at the Universidad de Barcelona, where he also got his doctorate in molecular genetics and human physiology. He worked for nine years at the Mount Sinai hospital in New York.

Salvador Macip is a doctor, researcher and writer. He studied Medicine at the Universidad de Barcelona, where he also got his doctorate in molecular genetics and human physiology. He worked for nine years at the Mount Sinai hospital in New York.

サルバドール・マシップ:医者、学者、⽂筆家。バルセロナ⼤学で医学を専攻。さらに同⼤において分⼦遺伝学および人間生理学の博⼠号を取得する。ニューヨーク市のマウント・サイナイ病院に9年間勤務し、現在は英国レスター⼤学の研究チームリーダーを務める。これまでに約30冊の著作を発表し、うち何冊かは賞を受けている。定期的に紙媒体やラジオへの寄稿も⾏なっている。 エミリオ・ウルベルアーガ:2011年、作品全体を評してスペイン⽂化省より「国民イラスト賞」を授与される。作品はこれまでに世界20カ国以上で紹介および展⽰されており、スペイン内外の権威あるコレクションの中に⾒ることができる。

Salvador Macip (La Selva, 1970) is a Doctor of Molecular Genetics and carries out research in the University of Leicester. Sebastià Roig (Figueras, 1965) is a journalist and has contributed to all the most important media organs.

“Sometimes your brain just clicks and nothing is ever where it was again” Which is exactly what happens to Méritus Moodle while he stands looking at some cave paintings of a strange person wearing some sort of crown made of leaves.

Salvador Tomás Rubio (Valencia 1941) has been able throughout his life to combine four vocations: Aviation, Psychology, Teaching and Literary Expression.


Salvador Vendrell has combined his work as a teacher at the Institut Joan Fuster in Sueca with that of a columnist and writer. He won the City of Sagunt Narrative Award 2013 with the novel Quan truquen de matinada [When they call at dawn] (2014).

Salvador Vendrell (Fortaleny 1958) is a columnist, writer and teacher. His novel 'Quan truquen de matinada' won the 2014 Premio de Narratica Ciutat de Sagunto. He has been a columnist for the newspaper Levante-EMV since 2002, and has published collections of these columns.

サルバドル・バンドレイ=グラウは1958年フォルタレニ生まれ。コラムニスト、作家、大学教授。小説Quan truquen de matinada(早朝にノックされたとき、2014)でサグント市物語賞を受賞。2002年より日刊紙「レバンテ-EMV」のコラムニストを務め、掲載したコラムを集めて2巻の全集を出版。またバレンシアの古典Curial y Güelfa(クリアルとグエルファ)やEspill(鏡)を現代文に訳したほか、詩文集Joan Fuster per a joves(若い人のためのジュアン・フステー)を出版している。ウレト・クルザは1968年アルクディア生まれ。

スエカのジョアン・フステー高校で教鞭をとる傍ら、コラムニスト兼作家として活動。『Quan truquen de matinada (明け方、電話があったら)』(2014)でサグント市小説賞を受賞。2002年よりレバンテ-EMV紙のコラムニストをつとめ、掲載したコラムをまとめた『Columnes de paper (紙のコラム)』(2011年)、『Els dimonis que dicten (判決を下す悪魔たち)』(2016)の2冊の選集を出版。

El Lobo Feroz vive oculto entre nosotros.
¿Te gustaría ayudar a Caperucita Roja?

Salvando a Caperucita Roja

The Big Bad Wolf hides among us. Would you like to help Little Red Riding Hood? This story will touch the hearts of so many little girls and boys who have been hurt or silenced.

どう猛なオオカミが隠れている。赤ずきんちゃんを助けてあげないか? 傷つき、沈黙している多くの子どもたちの心に向けて、声を上げるよう励ます物語。今こそ自分たちの話を語り、耳を傾けてくれる人を見つける時だ。この絵本は、暴力、虐待、児童性的虐待(CSA)を象徴的な形で取り上げており、著者たちが参加する様々な支援活動で対応した子どもたちの実際の言葉から作られている。

A menudo pensamos en gatos y en perros cuando hablamos de los animales de la ciudad, pero hay un montón de especies silvestres que viven en ambientes urbanos.

Salvatges a la ciutat

One foggy morning in 1980, Julio Vilches disembarked on the Galician island of Sálvora, located in the mouth of the Arousa River, ready to start his stint as the lighthouse keeper.

At the beginning of this year, around the same time that I joined the New Spanish Books committee for Spring 2012, I received a request for proposals from the Spain-USA Foundation, for an anthology of Spanish literature to be published in 2013.  Unfortunately, at that time Words Without Borders (

Samuel Caplan is Tita’n official biographer, and also an old friend. In his youth he was a great sportsman.

Samuel is hardly afraid of anything: not dogs, or heights, or strangers or storms… He's not even afraid of snakes! There's only one thing that scares him a little bit… Would you like to know what it is?

サムエルは怖いものがほとんどない。犬だって高いところだって知らない人だって嵐だってヘビだって怖くない。だけどひとつだけ、ちょっと怖いものがある。それが何か見つけたくない? サムエルのように恐怖心に立ち向かい、たいがいはやっつける、すべての子どものための物語。恐怖と勇気というテーマはいつでも重要だ。人生や世界にどう立ち向かうかは、恐怖にどう立ち向かうかにかかっているからだ。

Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Ottery St. Mary, England in 1772. Poet, critic, and philosopher he was one of the founders of British literary Romanticism which, among other characteristics, esteems the glory of nature above industrialisation.

Bromero's catalogue offers a a broad, open and plural vision with its selection of the best literature for children, young adults, and adults. Internationally, we are present in countries across five continents and our interest is focussed on exporting our children's literature catalogue. 


SAN PABLO has as its aim integral personal development through its publications, music and multimedia formats. It's catalogue includes essays, novels, theology, spirituality,  self help, Bible, childhood education in values, music and such reference books as atlases and dictionaries.


Sánchez (Sánchez)

Plot: Two former lovers steal a greyhound from an acquaintance and try to sell it.

Characters: The narrator, Nikki, and her ex-boyfriend, the eponymous Sánchez. A supporting role is played by the enigmatic Bertrán.


A starkly real Madrid where the unexpected, and even the magical, can suddenly just happen. This is the space inhabited by the characters of this novel about Nikki and Sánchez, a couple of losers in search of an opportunity.

Sanchita Basu De Sarkar is the owner of the Children's Bookshop in Muswell Hill, which is the oldest children's bookshop in the country.

The Sandra Bruna Literary Agency came into being in 2001. Since then we have represented authors from Spain and abroad as well as other agencies and publishers from abroad, Spain, Latin America, Brazil, and Portugal. We work with many different literary genres for both children and adults.  



Sandra Alonso Villar is a teacher specialising in primary and special-needs education. She is also a writer and bookseller.

Sandra Alonso is a teacher by vocation, but her studies in children's literature enchanted her with the magic of stories. In 2015 she created the social network My Stories for Children, which aims to encourage an enjoyment of reading for young children.


Author of two published books: The Black Violin and The Daughter of Dreams, shortlisted for the Ace of Spades competition run by Editorial Viceversa and PlayStation, 2010.

サンドラ・アンドレスの本は、El Violín Negro(黒いバイオリン)とLa Hija de los Sueños (夢の娘)の2作が出版されている。後者はビセベルサ出版とプレイステーション主催の2010年「アス・デ・ピカス」コンクールの最終候補作品である。ワーナー・ブラザースとザ・リアリー・ユースフル・グループとともに、『オペラ座の怪人』の映画とミュージカルのプロモーションの仕事をし、世界的にその業績を認められる。

Sandra Aza is a lawyer and practiced for many years before coming to the Community of Madrid where she now works. Although she is passionate about history and is enchanted by Madrid, she had previously reserved her writing for legal briefs.

弁護士で、現在勤務しているマドリード州に入るまで法律家として稼働。歴史に情熱を捧げ、マドリードへの愛を公言している彼女はこれまで裁判文書の著述に専念していた。本書『Libelo de sangre(血の中傷)』は著者初めての小説で、苦労を重ねて長い航海を続けた結果、ようやく港に辿り着き今日を迎えることができた。

Sandra Barneda has a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has lived in Los Angeles and New York. Since 2008 she has been one of the faces of Mediaset as a presenter of all kinds of programmes on Telecinco and Cuatro, from current affairs to entertainment.

Sandra Becerril received an honorary doctorate in Education from the Congreso Ibero- americano (Perú, 2008).

Editorial Planeta, the embryonic form of what is now Grupo Planeta, was founded in 1945, over seventy years ago. Highly prestigious, it is the most influential publisher in the Spanish-speaking world and publishes fiction, non-fiction and teaching books.

Sandra Bruna Agencia Literaria was founded in 2001. It represents Spanish and international authors, plus foreign agencies and publishers in Spain, Latin America, Brazil and Portugal. We work in a variety of literary genres for child, young adult and adult readers.

El Sandunga reza cada mañana: «alcohol nuestro de cada día, no nos desampares ni de noche ni de día», y luego de beber el primer trago de aguardiente, sale a hacer su voluntad, sin ansia, sin destino, dejando que la vida fluya.


Sandunga prays each morning: “give us each day our daily alcohol, don’t abandon us during the night or the day” and then, having had his first slug of aguardiente, goes out to do as




Marina Sanfilippo es profesora de Filología italiana y, desde su tesis doctoral sobre El renacimiento de la narración oral en Italia y España (Madrid 2007), sus líneas de investigación versan sobre narrativa oral, cuento folklórico y literatura popular europea, sobre todo en perspectiva de género

It offers the keys to understand the antiJudaism that has impregnated the political and social history of Spain.

Sani Ladan is a social educator and intercultural mediator specialising in international migration. She has spent around ten years raising awareness of and working closely with the reality of migration on Spain’s southern borders.

Sani Ladan es educador social, mediador intercultural especialista en migraciones internacionales.

Lela Edicións specialises in publishing books in Galician for children. Since it was created in 2016 it has published fifteen titles including its successful series dedicated to Galician women.

Lyona (the pen name of Marta Puig) is an illustrator, graphic designer and music video artist. She studied cinema at ESCAC and specialised in directing. She has made over fifty videos for such groups as Love of Lesbian, Amaral, Lori Meyers and Beth.

リョナ(マルタ・プッチのペンネーム)はイラストレーター、グラフィックデザイナー、ビデオクリップ製作者。ESCAC(カタルーニャ映画視聴覚上級学校)で映画を学び、映画監督を専攻した。ラブ・オブ・レズビアン、アマラル、ロリ・メイェルス等のバンドのビデオクリップを50作以上手がける。絵を自身のブログで発表しはじめ、2011年にサンティ・バルメス文、プリンシパル・デ・ロス・リブロス社刊のYo mataré monstruos por ti(きみのためならモンスターを殺そう)で初めて児童書の絵を手がける。このデビュー作は現在20刷以上。

SANTI FERNÁNDEZ PATÓN (1975) first came onto the literary scene in 2014 with his novel Grietas that won the Lengua de Trapo Prize and received considerable critical acclaim: "It grows in intensity and is truly memorable" (Fernando Castanedo: El País); "He has the mark of a writer of stature, one

Santi, Jordi, the Princess and the Dragon presents a slightly different take on the classic dragons and princesses story. . . . The story's protagonist is a princess who lives - in two castles!


Santiago Elordi (Santiago de Chile, 1960) is a poet, writer and documentary maker. He was the founder and editor of the 'Noreste' newspaper, a cultural reference for a generation which served as a bastion against the military dictatorship and a lesson in creative discourse.

Santiago Gamboa (Colombia, 1965) is unquestionably one of the figures in new Latin American fiction that has had the most impact on the international literary scene.

Santiago Gil has published some twenty novels, including If the Dawn Comes and You Can't Find Me, the Waste Years, A Man Alone and Without His Shadow, How to Make a Living with Literature, Everyday Defeats, The Substitutes, Sitting, Dear Wise Kings, I Should be Dead, The Destiny of Words, Villa M


Santiago Herraiz was born in Vigo in 1963. With a Degree in Law, he is currently the Director of a Hall of Residence ascribed to the Complutense University of Madrid. He has published different essays about adolescence and youth.

Santiago Manzarbeitia Valle has a degree in History of Art from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has been an associate lecturer at the Fundación José Ortega y Gasset and taught at US universities such as Syracuse University (Madrid) and St Lawrence University (Madrid).

Santiago Posteguillo studied creative literature in the US and linguistics and translation in England. His novels have reached an audience of over a million and a half in Spain and Latin America, and received excellent reviews.

Santiago Roncagliolo (Lima, 1975) es escritor, guionista, dramaturgo, periodista y traductor. Sus novelas se tradujeron a más de veinte idiomas, como inglés, francés, chino o árabe.

Santiago RONCAGLIOLO has Publisher three novels: Pudor (Shame), which inspired the film of the same name, Abril Rojo (Red April), which sold over 100 000 copies and won the Alfaguara Prize and the Independent Prize for Foreign Fiction (UK), and Tan Cerca de la Vida (So Close to Life).

Santiago Sebastián (1931-1995) graduated in History of America, where he went to teach college classes in Cali (Colombia). He also taught at universities in Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona and Cordoba, besides carrying out academic stays at Heiderberg, Yale, and the Fine Arts Institute of New York.

Santiago Vega Sombría (Calabazas, Segovia, 1964) worked in adult education in prisons for twelve years and is now a secondary school teacher. He has a doctorate in Modern History from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has published several books on repression under Franco: “De

Prisa Ediciones is the publishing arm of the Prisa Group. It consists of 7 imprints: Alfaguara, Alfaguara children's and young people, Suma, Aguilar, Taurus, El País-Aguilar and Punto de Lectura.


Publisher specialising in books for children and young people. We have an extensive catalogue of more than 350 titles which includes leading authors from Spain and abroad and we publish in all the official languages of the state.

Catedrático emérito de la Universidad de Málaga. Doctor en Pedagogía por la Universidad Complutense, Diplomado en Psicología por la Universidad de Boston y en Cinematografía por la Universidad de Valladolid.

José Miguel Santos Preciado is an industrial engineer from the School of Industrial Engineering of Bilbao and PhD in Geography from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Maria Luisa SANZ DE ACEDO LIZARRAGA is full professor in Basic Psychology at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Universidad Pública of Navarra. She is the author of several books, and has also published numerous articles in journals of note.

書評家。共同通信文芸時評「デザインする文学」、週刊新潮「ベストセラー街道をゆく!」連載中。小説トリッパー、ダ・ヴィンチにてブックレビューを担当中のほか、文芸誌、週刊誌、新聞各紙で書評やコラムを中心に執筆。『文學界』新人小説月評(2018)、毎日新聞文芸時評「私のおすすめ」(2019)、文藝「はばたけ! くらもと偏愛編集室」(2019~21)。

The classic character of the popular stories: the enchanted prince turned into a frog who can only be released from his enchantment by the kiss of a princess.

Sara the Spy Squid specialises in solving all kinds of mysteries and enigmas. Adventures with illustrations packed with humour and texts adapted to the reading age. Sara #spysquid is a brilliant investigator.

サラ・イカスパイはあらゆる種類の謎や不可解な出来事を解決するスペシャリスト。読書年齢に合わせた文章にユーモア溢れるイラスト満載の冒険ストーリー。サラ♯イカスパイは天才的な調査能力の持ち主。「私はサラ・イカスパイ。でもイカスパイは苗字じゃないの。スパイは私にぴったりの職業で、素晴らしい冒険を経験できる。で、海が好きだからイカって付けたの。だって、イカは海洋動物の中でも、とても頭が良いから」 ある週末、祖父母と行った山でスキーを覚える一方で、わくわくする謎を解く。

Sara Cano (Madrid, 1986) always wanted to be friends with Bastian Baltazar Bux when she was little. She had a tortoise called Casiopea and a cat called Asterix.She liked reading so much that she wore out her eyes and had to get glasses: she's never taken them off.


Born in Zaragoza in 1984. At the age of 16 and with the help of her uncle Carlos Pomarón began to make her first origami figures as a member of the Zaragoza Origami Club (GZP). She studied graphic design at the Escuela de Arte de Zaragoza, moving to Barcelona after two years.

Born in Barcelona in 1974. She has a philosophy degree but has spent her whole working life in the world of publishing. She has performed various roles including editor, writer and commissioning editor.

Sara is sick and tired of being left out of the football team. It’s not fair! Furious, she decides to get her friends (and any other girl from school who wants to be a part of it) to form an all-girl team. And not only that.

The illustrator Satoe Tone was born in 1984 in Tsuruga (Japan). She graduated in Design and Illustration from Kyoto Seika University and began working as a designer for a children's clothing brand before moving to England to perfect her language skills.

“Schumann and the Children” is part of the series “The Great Composers and the Children” (a collection of 5 books with CD) designed and produced by Montserrat Roig with the collaboration of different specialized authors.

“The job lasted me as long as a pair of shoes” confesses Dani Santana. What were the circumstances that drove the editor of the newspaper Crònica to leave the post so hastily?

Sebastián Bruque Cámara Sebastián Bruque-Cámara is professor of Management in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Jaén.

Sebastien first saw the light of day on a winter's morning in Beauvais. He first began making up stories for himself as a child.

セバスチャン・ペレーズはフランスのボーヴェで生まれた。 冬の朝だった。 子供の頃に物語を作り始め自分のために書きためていた。 作家/イラストレーターのベンジャミン・ラコンブと会い、自分の物語を分かち合いたいという願望が生まれ、初めて挿絵付きの作品ができた。2007年には最初の絵本Destinos Perrunos(犬の運命)が出版される。 歴史とフィクション、ユーモアと皮肉、幻想をミックスするのが好き。

Once upon a time there was a handsome prince... Once upon a time there were two brave princesses... Once upon a time there was a mysterious troubadour... Once upon a time there was a war that joined their destinies forever.



Kidnap in Hong Kong takes place in Tenerife, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Lijiang, with a new case for the series' heroine, Inspector Maria Anchieta, who must investigate the disappearance of a Spanish student in Hong Kong during the Umbrell

This is the story of Silkyfine, a very special silk worm. He is the only one of his companions who isn't just white and grey. Silkyfine is bright and multicoloured. He is going to be the sensation of the batch!


If you sweat buckets on your first date, and enter into a semi comatose state; if you still believe that you have to go on a diet or wear lace underwear in order to pull; if when you mouth the words “I love you”, your paramour slips away muttering

What do we inherit from those who are absent? How much - or for how long - are we allowed to miss them? Do things speak when their owners have gone? Is love or its memory sweeter?

A crisis is any situation originated by a threat from which serious damages or loss of lives, goods, interests or image may be produced.

The fifth and, for the moment, last in the series of noir novels featuring Inspector Mascarell.

This novel is about two families and two continents. A man is executed in a Chinese prison and his organs are sold on the black-market.

The beautiful old cemetery at the heart of the city of Malmö is a meeting point for spirits. Nils is one of them and he's delighted about it because he can spend all his time doing what he enjoys most: hooking up.


This picture book narrates, through images alone, a child's entertaining journey through a landscape of exuberant vegetation that occupies the double page.


Sembra Llibres is an independent cooperative publishing house.


Andreu Prat is a powerful, self-confident businessman. Although he has everything he wants - money, power, family and children - now, in his early forties, he's planning to get a divorce.


Andreu Prat is a powerful, self-confident businessman. Although he has everything he wants - money, power, family and children - now, in his early forties, he's planning to get a divorce.


Inspector Julio Velázquez is investigating the death of Rodrigo Barbosa, a lonely man in his forties who worked as a machine operator at a cardboard factory on the outskirts of the city.

"Two years ago, in The World on Wheels, I told the story of a boy who wanted to see the world and was ready to undertake the greatest adventure in his life.

Sensi Romero began her literary career while still very young. She is the author of 12 books (children's fiction, prose, poetry, games and children's drama), all characterized by stories full of feeling and a blend of reality and fantasy. Her books are published in Braille.

It is presented as the best guide to make your website be found on the Internet by customers and users.

This biographical account of the Galician-Argentine painter and mover Luis Seoane, tells the first part of his life until his exile with the Civil War, created in the style of a comic strip.


Founded in 2004 in order to deal with a critical debate in the various disciplines of the social sciences, from different and even at times opposing ideological angles. This book is part of the collection Flores del Mal, which focuses on totalitarianisms.

ここ数十年、神経科学が発展したことで、人類をして地球上で最も複雑で、自らの本質を問うことができる存在にまでならしめた器官、すなわち脳の働きに関する多くのことが明らかになった。しかし、約1000億個の細胞からなる、この脳という器官は、科学者にとっていまだに謎に満ち溢れた挑戦の場である。国際的にも著名な神経科学者であるファクンド・マネスは本書『Ser humanos(人類)』の中で、脳科学における新発見までの長い道のりや大いなる発展について分かりやすくかつ魅力的に説明した。

'A well-lived life is one which is lived with full consciousnesss and absolute responsibility, not only for oneself but also for others.

This book takes a novel perspective. When the main character of this story asks: "What shall I be when I grow up?" the grown-ups around respond with a message of empowerment and self-esteem: "You'll be what you want to be".

Dina está a punto de cumplir cuarenta años cuando recibe el diagnóstico temprano de una triste enfermedad, el impacto de dos despedidas y tres regalos inesperados.

Serás recuerdo, serás olvido

Dina is about to turn forty when she receives an early diagnosis of a serious illness, two farewell parties and three unexpected gifts.


Subjugated lives. Lives without justice. Can they be mended? Xoxé Avellanada has no choice. Elena Mérquez's life is conditional.

Tippex, Post-its, Penicillin, band-aids... all were huge successes and all of them came about by accident. Serendipity is defined as a valuable discovery arising from an accidental event, but in truth it is much more than that.

Sergi Pàmies (París, 1960) has published the short story collections "T'hauria de caure la cara de vergonya", "Infecció", "La gran novel·la sobre Barcelona" (Premi de la Crítica Serra d'Or), "L'últim llibre de Sergi Pàmies", "Si menges una llimona sense fer ganyotes" (Premi Ciutat de Barcelona i


Sergi Puertas was born in Barcelona in 1971. A novelist, journalist, poet, musician and graphic novelist, he has worked for La Cúpula publishing house and was editor in chief of Kiss Comix during its final period and later editor of El Víbora magazine until it closed in 2005.

Sergio A. Sierra was born in Barcelona in 1975. He studied classical philology, but ended up working in a comic shop in his neighbourhood, while he collaborated as editor on free newspapers and a couple of fantasy and Eastern cinema magazines.

セルヒオ・A.シエラは1975年バルセロナ生まれ。古典文献学を学んだが、その後地元のコミック専門店で務めながら、フリーペーパーや雑誌に、ファンタジー映画と東洋映画の記事を書く。 絵:マリチェイ・リバスはリョッジャ・イラストレーションスクール(バルセロナ)在学中、グラッタージュ技法に夢中になり、才能を開花させる。この二人の共作で、ほかにも何冊かを出版。中でもとりわけすぐれているのはフランケンシュタインのコミック版。個人での仕事もあり。

Son of a dreamer and a primary school teacher, Álvarez has combined his love of books with real-life & literary adventures. He worked in advertising, film & TV before eventually writing 'La Lectora', his first novel.

Sergio García is a cartoonist and cartoon theorist born in Guadix on the 15th of May 1967. He works primarily in the French market and the bulk of his work is unpublished in his home country.

Sergio García is a cartoonist and cartoon theorist born in Guadix on the 15th of May 1967. He works primarily in the French market and the bulk of his work is unpublished in his home country.

Sergio Kern is a writer, designer, illustrator, poet and anything else he needs to turn his hand to. He has dedicated himself to all aspects of publishing children's books for more than 15 years.


Sergio L. Palacios was born in Áviles (Asturias, Spain) in 1966, and hholds a permanent post in applied physics at the University of Oviedo.

Sergio LLanes Romera was born in Murcia on 24th October 1975. He is a civil servant and lives in Alcantarilla. He started to write consistently in 2008 when he felt the irresistible need to put down his thoughts on the struggle between good and evil.

1975年10月24日、ムルシア生まれ。公務員。現在はアルカンタリーリャに住む。2008年に執筆を開始したきっかけは、善と悪の闘いについての考察を語りたいという切実な欲求であり、以来書きつづけている。その活動は2014年、本書『El ocaso de los Normidones(ノルミドンの落日)』の初版の自費出版という形で実を結んだ。これが評判を呼んだため、2016年に第2版をドクソウ社から刊行。さらに本書の系譜時代小説の補遺として、『La caída de la casa Munroe(マンロー家の失脚)』と題する短編小説も出版した。

Sergio Maldonado is the founder-manager of MV Consultoría / Divisadero (www.mvconsultoria.com), a pioneer company in the provision of specialized measuring and optimization web services with over 100 current clients including: BBVA, Vodafone, Mango, Coca-Cola, NH Hoteles, Caja Madrid, Vueling and

Sergio Martín was born in Madrid on 6 December, many years ago. One day he went to the United Kingdom and never came back. His academic achievements include his Bachelor's Degree in Information Sciences and his Master’s in Education.

ずいぶん昔の12月6日、マドリードで生まれる。英国へ出ていき帰国しなかった。学歴は情報学の学士で教育学修士。強いて言うなれば、プロとしてのキャリアは主に広告と教育の場で積んだ。新聞「エルムンド紙」の日曜版などにコミック・ストリップを執筆。最終的にはジョークと落書きを切り離し、それ以来ずっと、文章を書き続けている。ショートストーリー集「Perlas en la charca(ため池の中の真珠)(2016年)に寄稿。書き終えた小説2冊と幾ばくかの物語や数点の詩集が引き出しの中に入っている。本書『Las bondades de un asesino(殺人犯の親切心)』は初めて発表した小説。

マヒコモラの名でも知られるセルヒオ・モラは画家、イラストレーターで、スペインのポップシュルレアリスムの第一人者でもある。スペインの音楽グループLove of Lesbianの作品『El poeta Halley(詩人ハレー)』で、ラテングラミー最優秀ジャケット賞を受賞。魅惑的で、皮肉的で、非常に個性的。それがマヒコモラの作品だ。『La caca mágica(魔法のフン)』(Bang Ediciones、当サイト2011年春紹介作品 http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/la-caca-magica)。

Sergio Olguín (Buenos Aires, 1967) studied Literature at the University of Buenos Aires. He has worked as a journalist since 1984. He founded the magazine V de Vian, and was co-founder and the first director of film magazine El Amante.

セルヒオ・オルギンは1967年ブエノス・アイレス生まれ。ブエノス・アイレスの大学で文学を学び、1984年からジャーナリストとして働いている。雑誌「V de Vian」を創刊。映画雑誌「エル・アマンテ」の共同創立者で初代社長。新聞「パヒナ/12」、「ラ・ナシオン」、「エル・パイス」(モンテビデオ)で仕事をした。雑誌「ラムヘールデミビダ誌」編集長で、「クリティカ・デ・ラ・アルヘンティーナ紙」の文化欄責任者。様々なアンソロジーを編集し、自身の著作には短編集、小説3作、ヤングアダルト向け書籍2冊がある。

Text Adapted by Sergio Sierra

The main summary that can be made of Sergio Vega's life is that he was born, lives, and will surely die. There is little more important than that.

Born in Lima, 1979, Vilela is a journalist and publisher. He has been editorial director of Grupo Planeta in Peru since 2005, and was deputy editor of  the magazine Etiqueta Negra.


In the Yellow Van series a family and their magic van will travel through time to the most amazing and remote places in the world.

Editorial Club Universitario (ECU) is a national technical publishing house based in Alicante, Spain. We specialise in the publication of technical and academic books and we also support the production of a wide range of literary work (fiction, poetry, theatre...).


When the journalist Marta Vilas discovers the body of a driver floating in the Vigo harbour, she doesn't imagine that the small toy the murderer hid in his pocket is about to change her life.


A love story between an old manipulator and a beautiful visionary artist. An unclassifiable ballad, at times a parody of the noir genre, at times a family saga with an unknown narrator.


From a feminist perspective, we avoid stereotypes and reject singular, unarguable discourse around how and for whom pleasure, sex and eroticism should be.


Grupo Sfera Editores belongs to the Rizzoli Corriere Della Sera publishing group, present in Italy, Mexico and Spain.

Why does the ice-cream not melt in Baked Alaska? Ever wondered why an egg solidifies under heat? How come a croquette is liquid on the inside and crunchy on the outside? Still not interested in the chemistry of cooking? No?

A novel work which, in a readable form, compares the meals of the great media chefs with everyday dishes from our own cuisine in order to show the similarities between the science and methods of both worlds.

A novel work which, in a readable form, compares the meals of the great media chefs with everyday dishes from our own cuisine in order to show the similarities between the science and methods of both worlds.

Shackleton Books is a publishing company founded with the spirit of the explorer and charismatic captain of the Endurance, Ernest Shackleton.


oy Físico y Doctor en Ingeniería Aeroespacial, pero también me interesa el arte en sus múltiples expresiones, la filosofía, los palíndromos,… Desde hace unos años compagino mi trabajo en la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya con mi pasión por la divulgación científica.

This new collection of stories, Sherlock Holmes and I, recaptures the magic and enchantment of the original stories.

東京生まれ。双子のライオン堂の店主。文芸誌『しししし』編集長。著書に『めんどくさい本屋』(本の種出版)、共著に『これからの本屋』(書肆汽水域)、『まだまだ知らない 夢の本屋ガイド』(朝日出版社)、『街灯りとしての本屋』(雷鳥社)など。最新刊は、共著『読書会の教室』(晶文社)。FM渋谷のラジオ「渋谷で読書会」MC。好きな作家は、J.D.サリンジャー。



The streets of Paris are the main stage for the protagonist of this novel, a young Catalan painter with an extraordinary life.

Villanueva de la Aguilas, Seville, carries on through the grey post-war years between the novenas of the devout and the repression of the victors.


My name is Lorena and I don't know if I should say that I'm sixteen or not sixteen anymore or rather that I was sixteen and will continue being that age for ever. My name is Lorena and, for about a month and a half, I've been dead.

'If we ever meet again, call me Gwen' is the story of the lurid and vile biography of its unclassifiable protagonist: Chowder Marris, a scriptwriter with such bad luck that he can't even sell one of his scripts.

In 'If I Were A Giant' a little file of ants is the perfect excuse for a little boy to start imagining. In this children's book, Guridi brings us closer to how we all felt as children faced with an enormous world.

Pepincho Repúa quiere encontrar amigos para jugar. Pero, ¿cuánto está dispuesto a pagar para intentar conseguirlos?

Si yo tuviera una púa

Zahorí books is an independent publishing house that specialises in non-fiction picture books. By looking differently at science, nature and aspects of everyday life, and by using games, puzzles and challenges, our books encourage children to learn through active participation.

Sidonie is an art director and designer with over 20 years’ publishing experience.


Siembra, novela gráfica es una historia que versa sobre las ansias de libertad de los más jóvenes de un pequeño pueblo despiertan tras la decapitación de una imagen de la Virgen María durante una procesión en Semana Santa.


Without an established program, without a plane or maps, but always heading west, with these assumptions departed J. M. Romero on his round-the-world trip. With the company of a log.

After her parents get divorced, Marina feels nothing will ever be the same again. The only thing that hasn't changed is that she still spends her summer in the Camargue, the coastal region of France where her grandparents live.


The Canary Islands seen through the kaleidoscope of colours that are its beaches, skies and water. Incredible photographs accompanied by geological notes by experts and specialists.

Gianni Rodari, Tomi Ungerer, Astrid Lindgren, Juan Farias, Christine Nöstlinger, Roald Dahl and Gloria Fuertes are the characters in seven tales, a magical number for many essential figures in the history of children's literature.



A Madrid-based publishing house, specialising in illustrated books for children; Nobel-winning Spanish authors; collections of books with music as a protagonist; and Kamishibai (paper theatre in Japanese) stories.


Siglo XXI de España Editores is a publishing house with 40 years of experience, specializing in essay, mainly on History and Social Sciences.

Siglo XXI de España Editores is a publishing house with 40 years of experience, specializing in essay, mainly on History and Social Sciences.

Looking for a silagra? Not a problem!

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Silván the giant sets out on a journey around the world to get to know some of the most astounding trees on the planet.

El gigante Silván emprende un viaje alrededor del mundo para conocer algunos de los árboles más asombrosos del planeta.

Silván y los árboles parlantes


In Silverville, Colorado, vengeance is about to strike a blow to everyone's dreams of silver. When Grace Mallory settles into her in-laws' former mansion in 1872, rumours soon circulate in town. A lady living alone in an empty house?

コロラド州のシルバービルで銀採掘の夢を一撃で葬り去る復讐劇が幕を開けようとしていた。1872年にグレース・マロリーが夫の実家の古い邸宅に住み始めるや否や、彼女は村中の噂の的になった。「大きな空き家にご婦人がひとりで住むなんて」、「夫の銀採掘会社の跡取りのジョンはなぜ一緒じゃないの?」。 ルビー・ローレンスは女性であるがために軽視されることを嫌というほど知っている。だから、グレースに対する彼女の不信感を誰も真剣に受け止めないことにも驚かなかった。

Silvestre Vilaplana works mainly on fiction for young readers and adults, as well as poetry. His most recent book for adults is L’estany de foc (The Pool of Fire), before The Notebook of Lost Lives, both of which have won major prizes, as has much of his work.

シルベストレ・ビラプラナは、若者や大人向けの小説、詩を書いてきた。前作L'estany de foc(火の池)も大人向けで、本書と同様に権威ある賞を受賞している。児童文学の分野でも成功をおさめている作家。ヤングアダルト向けの主な作品には、La mirada d'Al-Azraq(アル・アズラックのまなざし)、Los demonios de Pandora (パンドラの悪魔)、La frontera negra (黒い国境)、Resurrecció(よみがえり)があげられる。 




Silvia Aliaga (Zaragoza, 1984) and Tatiana Marco (Zaragoza, 1987) are huge K-pop fans. They have been to concerts in Korea, Japan, France and Spain. They met on the Harry Potter fandom years ago, and De Seúl al cielo (From Seoul to the Sky) is their first literary project together.


Silvia Bardelás (Vigo, 1967) graduated in Philosophy and focused her post-graduate studies on Literary Aesthetics. As well as writing, she works with several different publishers, translates from German, English and Portuguese, and organises literary prizes.

Silvia Bardelás nació en Vigo en 1967. Es doctora en Filosofía, Premio Extraordinario por su tesis "Una teoría de la novela". Estudió también Creación Literaria.

Agency representing the rights of Spanish and Latin American writers around the world.


Silvia González (Bilbao) regenta en Barcelona una pastelería, Sil’s Cakes, que ya es un icono del barrio de Gràcia. Ejerció de abogada, pero durante su embarazo descubrió la repostería y decidió enfocar su vida laboral a esta nueva pasión.

Silvia Lara Juan (Valencia 1979), has a degree in Pedagogy and a teaching diploma in Children's Education. She has enjoyed writing and telling stories since she was a little girl.


Silvia Martínez-Markus was born in Madrid, is a Germanist and took literary studies at Madrid's Taller de Escritura. She combines writing for young people with teaching and her passion for gastronomy. Her publications are: Buenos días princesa!

Born in 1975. She has written 3 stage plays and published 2, plus 2 books for children. She presently lives in Seville, concentrating on short stories and contributes to Diagonal and the literary magazine Vacaciones en Polonia.

社会学者でソーシャルワーカー。地元の社会福祉分野で専門的な長いキャリアを積み、直接的支援、学際的なチームによる連帯、技術サポート、戦略的プランニング、上級管理職など様々な役割と責任を果たしている。能力開発を目的としたプロジェクト「ラジュエラ・クレアクティーバ(rayuela creActiva)」のクリエータ兼責任者であり、さらにイノベーションと組織学習プロセスのファシリテーターを担当している。大学や専門的連続養成機関で教育者として豊富な経験を積み、多くの著作もある。

Pre-Textos publishing house was founded in Valencia in 1976, and since then it has been publishing, uninterrupted, independently and with a clear vocation, in the fields of international literature and thought.


Sílvia Soler i Guasch is a journalist and author of short stories and novels, and is one of the best-selling writers in the Catalan language. Her work has been awarded the Fiter i Rossell (2003), Prudenci Bertrana (2008) and Ramon Llull (2015) prizes.


Silvia Suárez studied Hispanic philology. Alter living for several years in Strasburg she settled in Barcelona, the city that charmed her heart. Author 2: Anna-Priscila Magriñà (Reus, 1983) studied journalism at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Silvia Vilacoba y Canal (Olot, 1966) has a degree in law. Her passion for writing and romantic novels is well established, having first begun when she was a teenager.

シルビア・ビラコバ=イ=カナル(1966年、オロト生まれ)。法学士。10代から文章を書くこととロマンス小説への情熱を持ち続けている。障害を持つ息子にまつわる個人的な体験や強烈な人生経験をまとめた『Èric, la força d'estimar(エリック、愛する力)』(1998)、『Èric, dins el cor(エリック、心の中に)』(2011)などの著書がある。『Vine amb mi(私と来て)』(2014)や本書『Sempre junts(いつも一緒)』(2015)のような現代的なエロティックロマンス小説も手がける。

A classic tale with vintage illustrations. The text is in Spanish, adapted to Level A2 (basic user, waystage) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


The limits of urban anthropology are as fuzzy as those of the very cities we live in.

Todos los camaleones cambian al mismo color de su alrededor. ¿Todos? No, Simón nunca acierta. Y la verdad es que no lo lleva nada bien. ¿Qué puede hacer para sentirse mejor?


Simón is a highly original bildungsroman set in crucial periods of history for Barcelona: the 1992 Olympic Games, the 2008 economic crisis, the 2017 terrorist attacks and 2018 independence referendum. The characters are from immigrant backgrounds and struggle to survive in the big city.


Miqui Otero has reached new heights with one of the most moving and authentic novels of recent years. A novel full of places and people to keep coming back to. This book is an entire life. The life of Simón.

Simon Smith is senior editor and rights manager at Peter Owen, a long-established independent publisher known primarily for its literary-fiction list, much of it in translation, that includes such internationally acclaimed authors as Blaise Cendrars, Shusaku Endo, Anna Kavan, Her

Degree in Spanish and Portuguese Philology, Master in Business Administration and Master in Applied Linguistics. He is an expert in the teaching of languages. He speaks English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese and Rumanian.

The book tells the story of Isabel, a Colombian woman who lost her husband and brother and witnessed the violent kidnapping of her son at the hands of FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia).

The aim of Sirpus is to create quality books, specialising in providing for those who have difficulty accessing culture and reading through different designs, adding value to market regulars such as Large Print and Easy Reading. Another of its lines is multiculturalism.      

Every year the heroine of this story receives a very special birthday present: a cut-out house. As a result, she has been able to create a village of five little houses in her bedroom.


On the sixth of August 2007 a man set off from Barcelona to go into the mountains and die alone.

This 115-page multimedia monograph explains the various physical principles underlying the circulation of refrigeration fluid, plus the mechanical and electronic functioning of the systems and elements involved in the acclimatization of cars.

Ensayo ilustrado

Sketching Fashion

SMは1978年から専門を教育分野に広げ、スペインでもっとも権威ある優れた児童書シリーズのEl Barco de Vapor(バルコ・デ・バポール)とYA文芸シリーズのGran Angular(グラン・アングラール)を創設。当社の本は時代に取り残されることなく、常に現代性とみずみずしさを保っている。

Since 1978 Ediciones SM has maintained its dedication to education with the creation of some of the best children's literature collections in Spain, El Barco de Vapor and Gran Angular, with books that last through time and never lose their appeal or relevance.

SMは1978年から専門を教育分野に広げ、スペインでもっとも権威ある優れた児童書シリーズのEl Barco de Vapor(バルコ・デ・バポール)とYA文芸シリーズのGran Angular(グラン・アングラール)を創設。当社の本は時代に取り残されることなく、常に現代性とみずみずしさを保っている。

A Mallorcan writer living in Barcelona is given the job of writing a biography of Dora Bonnín, a stunning and controversial theatre actor who has recently died leaving a series of intimate diaries.


Milo, a naughty and adventurous little wolf, grows up thinking that one day he will suddenly become a ferocious wolf.

Milo, um lobinho travesso e aventureiro, cresce pensando que um dia, de repente, será um lobo feroz.

Sofía Gil has a degree in psychology and is committed to promoting an accessible, modern, innovative, dynamic psychology that can keep step with the dizzying advances taking place in today's society. That’s why she founded MindUp Psychologists in 2014.

ソフィア・ヒルは大学で心理学を学び、現代社会の目まぐるしい進歩に適応した、親しみやすく現代的かつ革新的でダイナミックな心理学に取り組んでいる。その一環で2014年にはマインドアップ・シコロゴス(カウンセリングルーム)を設立した。彼女の夢は、人の感情的幸福、精神的強さ、生活の質の向上に貢献し、彼らを最高の状態に導くことだ。 メルセ・ガリは、両親が営む書店で物語と本に囲まれて育った。イラストを学び、バルセロナ大学美術学部では彫刻を専門とした。ガリの関心は、自然な描線、コラージュ、写真、偶然がもたらす遊び、そして最もシンプルな表現を用いて最も多くのことを作品に語らせることだ。

Sofía Rhei (Madrid, 1978) es escritora y poeta con más de 40 títulos publicados. Sus historias para jóvenes lectores más conocidas son Cómo tener ideas y Flores de sombra. Para adultos ha escrito las novelas Espera'm en la última página, Róndola y Newropía.

Sofía Rhei is the author of the humorous children's series "Krippys", under the pseudonym Cornelius Krippa (Montena), the book of short stories "Cuentos y leyendas de objetos mágicos" (Tales and Legends of Magical Objects") and the young adult novels "Flores de Sombra" ("Shadow Flowers") and "Sav

Sofía Rhei, Madrid (1978): writer, experimental poet and translator.

Sofía Segovia was born and still lives in Monterrey, Mexico, where she coordinates writing workshops at the Felipe Montes Writing Factory.

1985年アルゼンチン、ブエノスアイレス生まれ。ブエノスアイレス大学でテキスタイルデザインを専攻し、10年以上前からマンガとイラストに携わる。彼女は絵の描き方を教え、布で人形を作り、さまざまな新聞や雑誌に作品を寄稿している。他にも、歌手でもあるナナ・トレドの『A fada sonhadora(夢見る妖精)』やリザ・ポルチェッリ・ピウッシの『Ni se te ocurra(あなたは思いもしない)』のような子供向けの本にもイラストを描いている。

Soledad Puértolas (Zaragoza 1947) lives in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid.

Soledad Romero was born in Barcelona. She studied graphic design at La Llotja and worked as a designer and advertising creative for over ten years.

ソレダード・ロメロはバルセロナ生まれ。リョッジャ高等デザイン美術学校でグラフィックデザインを学び、デザイナーやクリエーターとして10年以上広告業界で働いた。本への情熱が高じ、広告の仕事をやめて出版社を立ち上げ、ある意味非常識ともいえる雑誌や書籍を出版。児童向け絵本の執筆、編集、デザインをして今日に至る。 フリオ・アントニオ・ブラスコは美術学士の学位をもち、イラストレーター、画家、デザイナーとして画像の世界で長いキャリアがある。多くの児童書や一般向けの刊行物にイラストを描いてきた。各地で展覧会もおこなっている。

ソレダード・ロメロは、バルセロナ生まれ。リョッジャ高等デザイン美術学校でグラッフィックデザインを学び、10年以上、広告制作・デザインの仕事をした。だが本への情熱から、広告業界を離れ、自らの出版社を立ち上げ、奇想天外な雑誌や本を出版した。今は、子どもの絵本の執筆、編集、デザインに携わる。 マリオナ・カバサは、バルセロナのマッサーナ美術学校でイラストレーションを学び、さらに、フランスのストラスブールの装飾美術学校の大学院課程でイラストレーションと挿絵を学んだ。これまでに世界中の出版社から出した80点以上の絵本と数えきれないほどの学校用図書を手がけ、新聞や雑誌、広告でも活躍。

"When he arrived in Brussels he started to hear about the idea of the end of the European dream through certain media channels." The protagonists of these stories find themselves in a situation disturbingly familiar to us: the Europe of the Twenty


'Solitud' was an immediate success with readers and was translated into various languages. One hundred years after its publication, this modern, startling novel is still just as relevant today.

A hustler who makes a living selling billiard paraphernalia in Mexico City suddenly discovers that his lover – a teenaged girl who is still at high school – has been kidnapped.

メキシコ市に住み、ビリヤード用品の販売で生計を立てる野心家は、突然、中学で学ぶ彼の恋人が誘拐されたことを知る。少女を救出しようとの思いに苛まれ、メキシコの人身売買、女性の搾取の巣窟で彼女の行方を捜す。このようにして捜索が始まる本書『Solo que Marla no volverá(ただマルラは帰らないだけ)』はベラ・ブラウンの2作目で、最良の推理小説の要素がすべて盛り込まれている。著者はメキシコで最も時代を感じさせる若手小説家のひとり。

Patatas Bravas, chorizo in cider, prawns in garlic, octopus Galician-style…the thought of all these tapas is enough to make your mouth water, especially with a cold beer on a sunny terrace on holiday – perfect bliss.

Legend has it that humans originally possessed four legs, four arms, two faces and a single head, and that the female and male sex coexisted in them; but Zeus, threatened by the strength of these beings, cast a lightning bolt at them, so dividing

The main character of Alone in the Bars of the Night is Diego, who knows he can't spend his entire life in Dublin, the city he chose to create a different existence for himself, devoting himself to drink between new friendships and bouts of melanc


 Claudia - a journalist, born in Ovieda but brought up in Argetina from an early age - returns to Spain to start a new life.

Vampires have found shelter and thrived in Mistyville for as long as this sanctuary city can remember.


In our children’s hands, hats and rivers regain the importance that fiction asks of them. The elements are tamed and sing their own praises and above all they adapt to the true needs of representation.

The Quantic Secret and Awakening of our Energies
Jorge Blaschke's previous book, Beyond What You Know, uncovered the relation between alternative realities, quantum physics and spiritual perception.


La Naxum Space, la mayor agencia espacial del mundo, está a punto de ganar la carrera espacial por controlar el espacio-tiempo. Sin embargo, un brillante investigador con síndrome de Down consigue adelantarse en esta importante hazaña. Sirbino Pro

Somos Probetus

Toca, mira, escucha y descubre todos los misterios que esconde el violín, un invento extraordinario. ¿Cuándo se inventó este magnífico instrumento? ¿Puede tocar todo tipo de música? ¿Quién construye los violines? Y por dentro… ¿cómo es un violín?

Sona el violí!

Founded in Granada in 2016, this publishing house has released more than 70 titles in its different collections of Art, Poetry, Fiction, Children’s Literature and Photography, including Spanish language authors as well as authors translated from languages such as Italian, Romanian, Japanese and S

Sonia Fernández-Vidal (Barcelona, 1978) graduated in physics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and has a PhD in Quantum Information and Optics.

Sonia Hernández (Tarrasa, Barcelona, 1976) is a Spanish writer and journalist. In 2006, she published her first book of poem, La casa del mar (The House by the Sea) which was followed in 2010 by Los nombres del tiempo (The Names of Time).

ソニア・エルナンデスは1976年、バルセロナ県タラサ生まれ。スペインの作家、ジャーナリスト。2006年に最初の詩集La casa del mar(海の家)、続いて2010年に詩集Los nombres del tiempo(時の名前)を出版。

Sonia Kliass es psicóloga y siempre ha trabajado en el ámbito de la educación. Sus principales referencias son la visión pikleriana y la pedagogía Waldorf. Se ha especializado en desarrollo infantil de los 0 a los 7 años, que es la etapa que más le fascina.

Sonia Kliass es psicóloga y siempre ha trabajado en el ámbito de la educación. Sus principales referencias son la visión pikleriana y la pedagogía Waldorf. Se ha especializado en desarrollo infantil de los 0 a los 7 años, que es la etapa que más le fascina.

Sonia Pasamar loves fantasy literature and has written many things in her life. After years of working with theatre groups, she published her first novel, which had been hiding in a drawer for several years. 99 lies is a fast-paced noir novel.


Sonia Sampayo was born in Carabanchel, Madrid, in 1973. She had ballet lessons from the age of seven, but as she matured she began looking for other styles. She found Asian and African dance, specialising in them, and also found a husband, Pap Ndiaye, from Senegal.

Sonidos S2 Productions SL: specialists since 2004 in producing and publishing audiobooks and radio programmes. We have experience of over 2,000 titles and multiple recordings in different languages. Clients: ONCE, Daimler, Anaya, Hachette, Planeta. We have edited our catalogue since 2010.

Nacho Abad is not convinced by reality. Or rather, he's not deceived by it. That's why, instead of a novel, this is a kind of comfortable and spacious genre which is referred to as a novel because it conveys news.


Sonsoles Hernández Barbosa: Licenciada em História da Arte (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) e em Musicologia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), doutorou-se em 2010 pela Université de Paris-Sorbonne e pela Complutense (prêmio extraordinário de doutorado).

Specialists in books of all genres from Spanish-speaking and Francophone areas. Catalogue includes 40 Spanish or Latin American authors and 15 French or foreign authors published in France. Full list of titles and photos available on Facebook page. Cooperates with several literary agencies.

The sales assistantant of a pharmacy in one of the Madrid districts is raped and murdered.

Under the Skin is a psychologically introspective, noir novel based on a real-life story: in 2005 the body of an unknown prostitute was found on the Eje Transversal train line; she has a strange erotic tattoo.


Sous le pont mirabeau


Why does everyone run away as soon as they see me? A hilarious picture book reflecting on habits and customs by seeing what happens when animals and humans swap roles.

「なぜみんな、ぼくを見ると走って逃げるの?」。動物の習慣と人間の習慣を交換するとどうなる? 考えさせられ、笑いを誘う絵本。

An original, amusing and tender novel that speaks to us about loneliness and of what it is to be a refugee. I'm called Omar and I'm a nut. My father was a gardener and my mother smelled like cinnamon.

SOZAPATO (Sofía Zapata Ochoa, born Quito, 1984). She has a degree in visual arts and is a graphic designer and illustrator specialising in picture books with a Masters in children's book illustration from the Escuela i con i in Madrid.

ソサパ(ソフィア・サパタ=オチョア、1984年キト⽣まれ)は、造形美術の学士。マドリードのイ・コン・イ学校(訳注:ヘルマン・サンチェス=ルイペレス財団の「読者の家」主催の専⾨コース)の絵本コースで学び、グラフィックデザイナー、イラストレーターとなる。エクアドル、チリ、コロンビア、メキシコ、スペインの出版社と仕事をしてきた。初めてひとりで⼿がけた絵本Colorín Colorado(コロリン・コロラド)は、エクアドルの代表として2014年IBBYオナーリスト賞に選出され、上海国際図書展の⾦の⾵⾞賞2017の最終候補となった。

A crime novel set in Benidorm whose main character is a shady police officer in search of her father and a talisman lighter.


À Benidorm, Michela, fille d’une Espagnole et d’un journaliste anglais, patrouille avec ou sans (mais plutôt sans) Vilches, son coéquipier à la ramasse et rendu un brin mollasse à cause des anxiolytiques qu’il avale à tour de bras.

Spanish beauty

SpiderCat is a very special cat. He has a superpower but he doesn’t know it. It’s the same for almost all of us: we’re special, different, unique...and we all have at least one superpower. What's yours?


Welcome to Ghostelvania, the land of ghosts, a small village in northern Europe that tells the legend of a little ghost called Spooky, who lives in the graveyard of the old church and once saved the most terrifying festival of the year, Hallowe'en



Founded in 2008, the literary agency ST&A is dedicated to representing the translation rights for Spanish works in the international market through cooperation with co-agents in many countries throughout the world.

It is very difficult to provide a biography of Stalker because he guards his anonymity very closely, as some of the events he writes about are drawn from his own life. He sends in his stories on an irregular basis.


The author was educated at the renowned Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home in Boys Town, Nebraska, and graduated in Anthropology from Kansas State University. He is currently associate professor of Sociology at the Metropolitan Community College in Omaha.

StarBook's products are published, distributed and sold throughout Spain and different Spanish-speaking countries. Our staff's experience, our wide-ranging catalogue and quality control make our publications works of extremely high quality.

In 2012 Steven and his partner Urmi opened Pickled Pepper Books, a specialist children's bookstore in Crouch End, North London.


How did the idea of opening a bookshop come up? why specifically a children´s bookshop?

In 2012 Steven and his partner Urmi opened Pickled Pepper Books, a specialist children's bookstore in Crouch End, North London.

Diana is a mermaid daughter of the moon who, on coming of age, decides to go to the surface to live like humans do. At her university campus she meets Edlyn, Mako, Isla and Lucas, other beings like her.

Fun stories of friends and enemies, fear and courage, spells and amusements. Silvestre and the zebra, the warrior crab, Cochinón the piglet and the greyhound boy become your guides.




Must humanity go back to nature so as no to be exterminated by it? This is a question that constantly hits contemporary conscience.

Barcelona 1926. The well known fashion house Santa Eulalia is about to launch its own first collection and marks the occasion with a splendid fashion show, one of the first to be organised in the country. The event is a success.


Julián, Nuria, Roberto and Paula were four children who were all very clear about what they wanted to be when they grew up.  But would they manage to fulfil their dreams? You'll find out in this funny and endearing story.


There was once a kingdom far, far away where a prince rewarded a wizard for helping rescue a young lady in distress. Enchanting. It's a shame that none of this is true.

昔むかし、はるかかなたのある王国に、ひとりの王子がいた。王子は、ある若い娘を窮地から救いだしてくれたとして、魔法使いにほうびをやった。だが、それはすべて真実ではなく、呪いだった。そこで、王子は栄光と復讐を夢見る。だが、魔法使いの魔法はいつも災いを招くとは限らない。娘は魔法のおかげで、彼女を苦しめていた過去……彼女があやめた男の記憶から逃れる。昔むかしあるところに……。 ブックトレーラー https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iHEbZGYF6I 。


Los gamers piratas is the story is of two 11 year olds, Pegaso and Delta, who become friends through a shared love and talent for an adventure computer game, and discover a connection they’ve never experienced befo

Los Gamers Piratas 1. Destino: Mítica Infinite

In the forest, the dawn sun has not been seen in days, and the animals gather to go in search of its light and warmth.

Esperando el amanecer


La ventana indiscreta

Oceánica is a blend and contrast of two parallel stories, one set in 2019 when the G7 summit was held in Biarritz and another that takes place nearly half a century earlier, at the time of the Bayonne peace confere


I ran away to Spain on a giro, where I discovered a propensity to the Spanish way of life and fell in love with (almost) everything around me. In amongst la vida buena I found my vocation for literary translation, did some studying in Granada and Barcelona, then a bit more at UEA.

SUMA is an imprint of Editorial Santillana dedicated to literature that combines commercial values and quality.


After taking a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and a Masters in Communication and Marketing, Sumara decided to make a change in her career and study the principles of dog-training.

The book analyses the current situation of natural CO2 drains. The work also exposes a methodology useful to measure such drains in an urban or territorial scale.

The sea has become a huge dump with no trace of underwater life. Two sisters survive on a plastic island in the middle of all the rubbish. A small accident will change the course of everybody’s lives. An ancient force is about to emerge.


Integradora social. Trabajadora social. Profesional del CDIAP y CSMIJ de Gràcia (Barcelona) de la FETB. Máster en Detección e intervención de la violencia familiar: un enfoque interdisciplinar, de la Universidad de Barcelona. Postgrado de Pareja y familia de la Fundación Vidal i Barraquer.

ソーシャルインテグレーター。ソーシャルワーカー。FETB グラシア地区(バルセロナ)CDIAP とCSMIJの専門職員。学際的アプローチによる家庭内暴力の発見と介入をテーマにバルセロナ大学で修士号取得。フンダシオン・ビダル・イ・バラケル修士課程で夫婦と家族を研究。バルセロナ大学大学院で家族への社会教育的介入を研究。

In times of difficulty when life turns its back on us and when our physical and emotional equilibrium is put to the test, we need defence mechanisms to help us survive.

Pepe and Valentina are now big brother and sister and they both have the same problem: their baby sister. This unbearable creature screams, cries and has invaded their room!


"For the last few months, I've been going to a school for superheroes.

Did you know there's a superhero inside you? Yes – every little girl and boy has one! But sometimes for no reason, our superhero seems to vanish. Like when the dark makes us afraid, or when we hurt ourselves and we have to go to the doctor.

¿Estás pensando en convertirte en superhéroe o superheroína? Es un trabajo muy duro, pero con estas útiles instrucciones será mucho más fácil.

Superheroínas y superhéroes. Manual de instrucciones

君はスーパーヒーローやスーパーヒロインになることを考えている? とても大変な仕事だけれど、このマニュアルがあればかなり簡単になるだろう。スーパースーツを選ぶとき、最良のスーパーパワーを決めるとき、スーパーグループを結成するとき、秘密基地はどこがいいのかなどなど、憧れのスーパーヒーローになるために必要なすべてを教えてくれる。

Lucas's mother and father are superheroes. They can do anything for him: brush his hair, dress him, even do his homework. But at night time they are so tired they don't want to play with Lucas.


Editor, proof-reader and writer; Master in Education from the University of Salamanca; certificate in Editing Processes from the Open University, Catalunya; a specialism in Reading and School Library projects from the Centre for Advanced University studies of the Organisation for Ibero-American S

編集者、校正者、作家。サラマンカ大学で出版の修士号を取得し、カタルーニャ・オープン大学でパブリッシング・プロセス課程を修了。イベロアメリカ機構の大学教育研究センターで「読書計画と学校図書館」を専攻。編集者として数多くの出版、シリーズの立ち上げ、様々な編集企画の実施に携わってきた。彼女の作品はウルグアイ、コスタリカ、メキシコ、チリ、スロベニア、スペインで出版されている。ボローニャ、フランクフルト、グアダラハラといった主要な国際ブックフェアには毎年参加。児童書作家・画家協会のメンバー。2019年、本書『Leru leru(レル・レル)』でウルグアイの国民文学賞児童書部門を受賞した。

Susana Fortes (Pontevedra, 1959) studied geography and history at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, and American history at the Universidad de Barcelona.

escritora, traductora y contertulia en diversos medios audiovisuales, nació en Barcelona.

Susana López is a children's teacher and mother of three.


スサナ・マリア・ラミレス=マルティンはマドリード生まれのアメリカ研究者。アメリカ史博士(1999年取得)で医学史博士(2016年取得)でもある。現在は、マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学文書科学部講師。2001年、博士論文『La Real Expedición Filantrópica de la Vacuna en la Real Audiencia de Quito(キト王宮におけるワクチンの博愛主義的遠征)』でホルヘ・フアン科学史賞を受賞。同論文以降、彼女が執筆したバルミス探検隊に関する書籍は5冊を超える。

A librarian specialising in children's literature, she presents a radio programme and advises a production company that makes animated films and TV.

Anna Llenas became a bestselling illustrator with the success of her children’s story The Colour Monster.

児童書を専門とする司書で、ラジオ番組を持ち、アニメ専門の映画とテレビ制作会社の顧問を務める。公共図書館の児童書責任者としての仕事と、物語や小説、専門誌への記事や書評の寄稿という執筆家の仕事を両立している。図書館、障害者、児童文学をテーマにした数多くの会議や講習会にプロの経験を生かした立場で参加している。 (当サイト2017年紹介作品:http://www.newspanishbooks.jp/book-jp/el-sol-llega-tarde)

Born in San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa in 1970, she has a degree in psychology from the University of the Basque Country but has spent a long career illustrating children's books.

Susana Vallejo Chavarino was born in May 1968, in Madrid. When she was 26 she moved to Barcelona, the city where she has lived since then.

SUSANNA ISERN es escritora, psicóloga y madre de tres hijos. Desde que su primer álbum ilustrado vio la luz, en 2011, no ha dejado de publicar libros infantiles. Sus obras se han traducido a más de quince lenguas y se comercializan internacionalmente.

Susanna Isern grew up surrounded by the mountains of the Pyrenees. As a little girl her favourite thing to do was running around exploring, discovering incredible insects and helping animals that were injured or in danger.

Susanna Isern is a writer, psychologist and the author of over thirty books for children. Most of her works are sold internationally and can be read in twelve languages in addition to Braille.

Susanna Isern is a writer, psychologist and mother of three. She has published more than thirty children's books. Most of her books have been sold around the world and can be found in fifteen different languages.

Suso Mourelo (1964) has a degree in Journalism and Communication as well as a Scriptwriting degree. Journalist and scriptwriter in several Spanish and international networks and newspapers. Author of several books (La frontera Oeste.

Swift and Brainy need you! Their mission in Egypt is full of puzzles, riddles, hieroglyphics and... dangers! Can you help them escape the pyramid safe and sound? Will you get the Super Reasoners medal?

スイフトとブライニーにはきみの助けが必要だ!エジプトの任務はなぞなぞやクイズ、絵文字、そして…危険がいっぱい。ふたりを無事にピラミッドから助け出すことができるかな? 謎解き名人のメダルを獲得できるかな? 我々は日々様々な問題や複雑な状況に直面し、その解決を迫られているが、巧みに問題を解決する能力は幼いころから育むことが肝要。ゲームを通して多様多種な問題を解決する力の習得や、能力を使いこなす熟練度の増進、成績の上昇、思考力の鍛錬など、今後の人生で様々な達成感を得るために手助けとなる本。

A murder told in first person opens the door to a coral piece in which we may find hackers, scientific and technological police, politicianss, exploited workers and anti-system rebels.

Syllabus Ediciones publishes the Silabario collection of illustrated children's books. Its main aim is to incorporate difference through the pleasure of reading stories full of imagination in  editions of high quality. 1€ from every book sold goes to a children's aid project.

Sylvia Marx - 'Mili… ¡milagro!' (2012) (Editorial Tombooktú-Nowtilus, *winner of the Premio Chick lit España 2013 Breakthrough Author, known to bloggers as "the Spanish Bridget Jones" and with a second edition released in 2016) 

シルビア・マルクスの作品:ブロガーの間では「スペイン版ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記」と呼ばれる、2013年スペイン・チックリット活躍女性作家賞受賞作『Mili… ¡milagro!(ミリ・・・ミラクル!)』(Tombooktú-Nowtilus、2012、第2版を2016年に発行)、『Ni tú Romeo, ni yo Julieta(あなたはロメオじゃないし、わたしはジュリエットじゃない)』(Esencia-Planeta、2016)、『Soy todo un personaje(わたしはひとかどの人物だ)』(Zafiro digital-Planeta、2017年3月)、『Tú d

Sylvia Vivanco has been interested in the arts since childhood.

Hello! I’m back and I’ve grown so much! I still love painting but I now like doing many other things: hiking, playing with grandma, meeting my friends... Even though sometimes I’m sooo bored... But I have discovered how to not get bored!!!

みんな、ミニモニが大きくなって帰ってきたよ。相変わらずお絵かきは好きだけど、今はハイキングしたり、おばあちゃんと遊んだり、お友達と会ったりするのも大好き。たまに退屈な時もあるけど、でもね、退屈しない方法を見つけたの! ねえ、教えてほしい? ベストセラー『What Colour is a Kiss?(キスは何色?)』 の愛すべき主人公ミニモニが帰ってきた。この新たな冒険では子供の想像力を掻き立てるために退屈な時間が持つ可能性を探る。

Have you ever noticed the tapping of oysters? That tap tap they make when they propel their pearl, over and over, against their shells?

カキが夜のあいだにカチカチと音をたてるのが耳にとまったことはある? 真珠が殻にぶつかるときにたてるカチカチという音だ。キツツキのコンコンだとか、コオロギのクリッ、クリッのように、そのカチカチという音は、エバにとって夜がふけていくことを意味している。ところがある日、カチカチカチのあとに、ポシャと音がした。

Scotland is full of ghosts, and many Scottish people believe in their existence. For Lia, a young woman from Barcelona who is studying at the Royal Dunedin college in Edinburgh, these traditions merely form part of the city’s urban mythology.

Just before the beautiful empress of Hindustan, Mumtaz Mahal, closed her eyes forever, her husband promised to honour her memory with the most beautiful monument ever built.

ヒンドゥスタンの美しい皇后ムムターズ・マハルが、永遠の眠りにつく直前、彼女の夫は今までに作られたどんなモニュメントよりも美しい記念碑で彼女の想い出を奉ることを約束した。Taj (タージ)は、その素晴らしい記念碑と、その建設に携わった建築家、書家、職人、象の背中に乗り巨大な大理石のブロックを運んだ労働者など、2万人の英雄たちの物語。この壮大な物語は、並外れた画才を持った砂漠の少年バルの目を通して描かれる。

Publishers specialising in illustrated collections of fiction and non-fiction, and in books for early and advanced readers.


Talasa Ediciones was founded in 1979 and our list now consists of over 200 titles; since then we have gradually consolidated our series, which today are obligatory reference material in many academic disciplines such as social work, sociology, economics and ecology.

The story of a city from 1880 to 1940 through a family ... the Cuquillos, and some others.

Talía Luis Casado was born in Tenerife. She published her first book, Opus ¾, in 2005, and won the award of narrative Mercedes Pinto. She is the Head Publisher in Ediciones Escalera since 2008.

Would you like to model a dinosaur for breakfast time? Create a cute little lamp with eyes and a tiny nose? Or bring Domingo, the bingo-loving mouse, to life? You can create anything using just a bit of clay and your imagination.

This book is part of a multimeedia packet including printed matter and audiovisual material on an interactive CD of the same title.

From the moment they meet, Elena and Armand try to free themselves from everything trapping them and try to recapture the spontaneity and happiness that we can only achieve when we inhabit the present.


Tania Berta Judith was born in Vall d’Hebrón near Barcelona on 25th February 1988 at 3.30pm. She currently dedicates her time to art, restoring women's histories, and ancestral wisdom through embroidery as a politicised artform.


Tania López Parra is the author of Memories of an Instant and Breaking the Game, young adult books published by Ediciones Kiwi. She took her first steps in fantasy writing at the age of fifteen, and in 2010 she won the Club Inklings Español story competition.

タニア・ロペス=パラはキウイ社から出版されているニューアダルト小説『Recuerdos de un instante(一瞬の思い出)』『Rompiendo el juego(ゲームをブレイクして)』の著者。タニアは15歳のときにファンタジー作家としての第一歩を踏み出す。2010年、スペイン・インクリング・クラブの短編小説コンテストで優勝。著書に『El Portal de la Tierra(地球の玄関)』『Quizás no exista mañana(たぶん明日はない)』」がある。

Tania has a teddy bear. She loves it very much. Will she give it to her sister?

Lecteur: Philippe Lançon

Tanto para esto

The three stories that comprise "So much for this" present an inner landscape as personal as it is universal; that is their greatest virtue.


The two Michelin star chef Paco Roncero presents us with a new perspective on the world of tapas. Hot and cold tapas, bocadillos (bite-sized sandwiches), tostas (toasted snacks) salads and sweet dishes, as well as rice and meat.

Libros de la Vorágine is an independent publishing house, based in Barcelona, that has been publishing books in print and digital formats since 2011. Our catalogue includes the noir novel, annotated classics in new translations and contemporary literature in Spanish and Catalan.


Sandino es a melancholic who hesitates to return home because he fears that his wife, who is tired of his infidelities, may leave him.

“Tchaikovsky and the Children” is part of the series “The Great Composers and the Children” (a collection of 5 books with CD) designed and produced by Montserrat Roig with the collaboration of different specialized authors.

A picture book set in Japan that will surprise you, a true work of art for all ages. In ancient Japan, two young lovers have to meet in secret because of the enmity between their families.


I walked through the park without much hope, but suddenly there you were, waiting for me. But hang on a minute. Is that really Dani? I wasn't sure. I saw you in the distance, your hair was tied back, you were wearing a different t-shirt.

あまり期待せずに公園を通ったけれど、突然きみがいるのに気づいた。ぼくを待っていたんだ。だけど、ちょっと待て。本当に彼女なのか、ダニ? ぼくは疑いだした。遠くからきみを見る。髪をアップにして、違うTシャツを着ている…… あれはきみ、それともきみに似た女の子? きみだ、間違いない。きみが視線を上げて、ぼくが歩く小道に顔を向けたとき、ぼくは確信した。きみはぼくを見て、ぼくに気付き、微笑んだ。


Why is it that one thing about a person sometimes makes us like them and sometimes annoys us? Lolo and Rita are very different from one another. Accepting diversity isn't always easy. But who said it would be?

We don't choose our parents, or what we like, or what we're good at. We don't choose who we fall in love with… Or our enemies. we don't choose our talents, or weaknesses. We don't choose, so we don't choose even our sins.


This little story, which is not even a story, is about a very special gift, a tiny little book like the one we are reading, which will go everywhere with us and make us feel like there's always someone with us.

In 1930’s Madrid the workers in a smart tea room near the Puerta del Sol smooth down their uniforms at the beginning of a new day. Antonia has been there the longest, although nobody has ever recognised her talents.


Tea Rooms, first published in 1934, is a book about the lives of women working in a fancy café – “one of the most exclusive in Madrid” – in the first half of the 1930s, set against a backdrop of inequality, social unrest, workers’ strikes and a growing political consciousness among the working cl

Tea Rooms. Mujeres obreras


The traditional Red Riding Hood tale in a reversible format, with the narrative on one side and the play on the other.

This is the traditional tale of THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA presented in a reversible format, with the narrative on one side and the play on the other.

This is the traditional tale of THE THREE LITTLE PIGS presented in a reversible format, with the narrative on one side and the play on the other.


A rift seems to be opening up at the moment between “digital natives” and “digital incomers”, that is to say between those who have been born and brought up with the new technology and those who have had to adapt to it, with more or less success.

What really happened at the party last night? Were there any victims? What is in the box that our boss gave us in secret, asking us not to open it, and which seems to be shaking and making a quiet crying sound?

昨晩のパーティで実際に何が起こったのか? 犠牲者が出たのか? 開けないでくれと言って上司がこっそりと私たちに渡した箱には何が入っているのか? 中で何かが動いている。

The arrival of the year 2000 kept humanity on the edge of their seats on New Years Eve of 1999, a night when the world’s technology could have been completely paralyzed.

TecnoProducciones Multimedia's books are developed by a dedicated team with over 15 years of teaching experience who expound the content and theoretical and professional automotive concepts in a practical, workshop format.


TecnoProducciones Multimedia is an electronic publisher which specialises in automotive books. One of TPM's main achievements is its technical expertise in the development of the audio visual material which composess truly interactive ebooks.

TecnoProducciones Multimedia is an electronic publisher which specialises in automotive books. One of TPM's main achievements is its technical expertise in the development of the audio visual material which composess truly interactive ebooks.

Carlos Elías é Professor de Jornalismo na Universidade Carlos III de Madrid e Professor Europeu Jean Monnet de «UE, desinformação e fake news». Especializou-se em Ciência, Tecnologia e Opinião Pública na London School of Economics e na Universidade de Harvard.

Stories left untold are forgotten and gnaw away at the memory. Herodotus of Halicarnassus knew this well.

TEMAS DE SALUD: Manual de preparación del Certificado Superior de Español de las Ciencias de la Salud de la Cámara de Comercio de Madrid (Health Matters: Manual for preparing for the Spanish Higher Certificate in Health Sciences of the Cámera de C

Let go from her job at the magazine when there are cutbacks, Nuria has to face up to some of her childhood obsessions.

30th November 1803: a corvette sets sail from the port of La Coruña to much cheering and applause. On board are twenty-two orphaned children whose mission consists of taking the recently discovered smallpox vaccine to the territories of Ultramar.

Teo Palacios was born in Dos Hermanas (Seville) in 1970. After studying marketing and design, he held several executive roles in the course of his career. As a writer he works in various genres, primarily historical novels.

Teodor de Mas i Valls (Barcelona, 1973) és el setè Teodor de Mas d’una nissaga de carlistes de Vic, jueus conversos, empeltats amb tantes altres nissagues catalanes i vinguts a menys, per simple mala sort i per la inevitable inestabilitat política i econòmica del país.

Physical activity for the elderly is an outstanding, even strategic issue, both from a personal, individual point of view as well as from a global vision of society.

Teresa Arsuaga is the author of the essay 'El abogado humanista' ('The Humanist Lawyer') (Civitas, 2018), which won the 2019 Premio Degà Roda i Ventura in 2019, awarded by the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona (Illustrious College of Lawyers of Barcelona).

She was born in Barcelona in 1966, but at the age of six moved with her family to Bilbao, where she has lived ever since. She has a degree in Spanish, a Masters in Journalism and Postgraduate qualification in Digital Publishing.

Teresa Colom (La Seu d'Urgell, 1973) is a poet and writer. She graduated with a degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Pompeu Fabra.

Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas e impulsora de entidades y proyectos dedicados al medio ambiente. Ha desarrollado su carrera en los ámbitos de la enseñanza y la educación ambiental.


Teresa Guevara graduated as an architect from the Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela in 1972 and has a postgraduate diploma in Industrial Construction from the Architectural Association, England (1975), a Masters in Architecture (1986) and did postgraduate studies in Architecture (1989), special

Teresa L. Velayos has degrees in Journalism from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Script-writing La Escuela Universitaria de Artes y Espectáculos TAI.

Teresa Lloret (Tarragona, 1936) has a degree in Romanic Philology by the University of Barcelona. From 1968 to 2006 she worked as editorial chief and director of several publishing houses. She has also worked in the Department of Information and Publications of the Generalitat of Catalunya.

Teresa Moure teaches Linguistics at the University of Santiago de Compostela. She is the author of novels such as A xeira das árbores (2004), Herba moura (2005), Benquerida catástrofe (2007) and A intervención (2010), she is also interested in the essay form

Teresa Novoa (illustrations): She began to illustrate children’s books in the 90s. Sometimes she also writes her own stories. Her books have been published in Spain, Mexico, Japan, Germany and China.


Teresa Viejo studied journalism at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, where she also studied sociology. Throughout her career she has directed all kinds of programmes on TVE, Antena 3 ("7 días, 7 noches"), Canal 9 and Televisión Autonómica de Castilla-La Mancha ("Tal como somos").


Teresa Vivancos @teresa_vivancos, Ana Antequino@anacocinitas, Iñaki Mayora @jaleoenlacocina y Beatriz Quevedo @ilovebundtcakes deleitan días tras día a sus seguidores a través de las redes sociales. Ponen sus recetas al servicio de las personas, para que todos experimente esa felicidad.


A mythological story about the origin of the Mediterranean, a tale about the link between the countries touched by this sea, a journey through the imaginary cities that hug its coasts and the spirit of their inhabitants, both those who may have li


The foundations of Terronírica tremble when the veil that has kept it hidden from the Terrestres for centuries is broken. The Terrestres have unwittingly been feeding this world from their auras since the beginning of time.


Tessa Juliá (Matadepera, 1952) graduated in pedagogy and dramatic arts from the Universidad de Barcelona and studied writing at the Aula de Lletres. She combines her life as a teacher with writing. She has published several books on pedagogy, plus child and young adult novels.


Tessa Julià es escritora y pedagoga, catedrática en Educación. Anna Rispau es médico. Sus poemas se han inspirado en las tierras del Empordà, las que bañan el Mediterráneo.

Tessa Julià is a writer and professor of Education. Anna Rispau is a doctor. Their poems have been inspired by the ancient land of Empordà, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea.

esta es una prueba

What is identity? The Indian writer ST, condemned by an Islamist fatwa, has been asking himself that question for a while as he finds himself in a situation of permanent vigilance.

What is identity? The Indian writer ST, condemned by an Islamist fatwa, has been asking himself that question for a while as he finds himself in a situation of permanent vigilance.

THAÍS PRAT SIERRA (Barcelona, 1977) is a special educational needs teacher with qualifications in educational psychology, nursing and a master in Nutrition and Health. Her day to day at school is all about communicating her passion for learning.

'Garlic The Little Chef' is a collection of really fun cookery books with healthy recipes that promote seasonal ingredients and avoiding food waste.

『Los agujeros negros(ブラックホールズ)』は、スペインで将来最も有望なグラフィック作家のひとりボルハ・ゴンサレス=オヨスが、文学的ロマン主義と若者の反抗のふたつを掘り下げ、過去と現在の若者の憧れを描いた美しくも不気味な寓話である。グロリア、ラウラ、クリスティーナの3人は、パンク風のバンド「ブラックホールズ」を結成しようとしている。やる気、存在感、直感…必要なものは全て持っている。そしてひとつ気がかりなのは音楽教育の欠如。リハーサルを始めるとすぐに奇妙な存在が現れる。

The Black Holes is a double incursion in literary Romanticism and youthful rebellion, a beautiful and macabre fable about the yearnings of the youth of yesterday and today, by one of the Spanish graphic authors with more future projection.

The Black Holes

The Ella Sher Literary Agency handles the translation rights of Spanish and international publishing houses and represents authors working in every language.


The study of the brain has produced spectacular results in recent years but this knowledge has been applied more in medicine than at school, in the education of our children. This is not sensible.

The lengthy poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' exalts the Romantic movement of the end of the eighteenth century.


Information Technology is a new profession, not always properly understood. Whether students, buyers or managers of technology, we should ask ourselves if we have grasped what we are dealing with here.

Jacques, the alter ego of Albert Camus, recreates the last years of his life.

Thomas Bunstead is a writer and translator based in East Sussex, England. In 2012 he was one of the British Centre for Literary Translation's mentees, working with Margaret Jull Costa.

A publishing house founded in 2004 whose list focuses on illustrated books: picture books for children and adults, illustrated literature, comics, gift books, activity books and educational books.


A letter buried amongst military archives allows Ernesto López, a professor of Contemporary History, to discover the unknown story of Sergeant José Rico, a young man who, in 1936, only a few days into the uprising, tried to kill General Franco.

Autumn Time is a timeless picture book that explores the beauty of seemingly insignificant moments and encourages you to live them by paying attention to the present. An invitation to calm, to take in the small details that life presents.


Pintar-Pintar is a Spanish publisher specializing in children’s literature, founded in 2005. Its catalogue consists of picture books and is characterized by carefully produced editions and a remarkable use of colour.

The year of our Lord 1212. Europe is in full turmoil when an assorted troop of Crusader children, led by the shepherd boy Esteban de Cloyes, advances through the kingdom of France with a feverish and joyful atmosphere.


Sara is a young university student who is responsible, nervous and shy. She has only had one relationship in her life and at the moment she's not interested in men. Her life takes a 180 degree turn when she meets Abel.

With the intention of burying his father in the village where he was born, Daniel sets off on a journey in a very unusual car - a hearse - driven by an Ecuadorian who is both colourful and chatty, in the best comic tradition.


800 years ago, in a land afflicted by Cathar heresy, King Pedro II of Aragón and count of Barcelona lead a powerful army that fought a bloody battle against the first crusade held on Christian soil.

800年前、異端のカタリ派によって荒廃した土地で、アラゴン国王ペドロ2世兼バルセロナ伯は、強大な軍の先頭に立っていた。キリスト教徒の土地で初めて招集された十字軍を相手にした野戦でその戦いは熾烈を極めていた。十字軍を指揮するシモン・ド・モンフォルは異端のカタリ派の鎮圧を試みる。カトリック王(El Católico)の異名を持つペドロ2世は、ローマ教皇イノケンティウス3世により戴冠を受け、異教徒を相手に戦ったラス・ナバス・デ・トロサの戦いで勝利した王だ。

Tiffany Lis Calligaris was born in Buenos Aires in 1988. She has been captivated by Disney classics and fairy stories since she was a little girl.

ティファニー・リス・カリガリスは1988年ブエノスアイレス生まれ。少女のころからディズニーの名作や妖精物語に惹かれるのを感じていた。24歳で弁護士免許を取得。同年初めての著作『Lesath: Memorias de un engaño(レサス:裏切りの記憶)』を上梓し、批評家から絶賛されて、売り上げでも成功を収めた。その後セイラムへの旅で着想を得て書き上げた『Witches(魔女たち)』五部作により、ラテンアメリカで《ファンタジーの女王》の地位を強固なものとした。彼女の小説は多くの国々で出版されている。


The books of Timun Mas are works of great tradition and prestige designed for small readers aged up to eight years old.

Tina Valles was born in Barcelona in 1976 and studied Catalan Language at the Universitat de Barcelona. She is a writer, translator and proofreader.

He aquí la historia de Cèlia, una niña que tiene una tía muy
especial que se llama Cecília y está muy orgullosa. De vez en cuando Cecília, que es una tía Pirata, va a vivir en casa Cèlia.

Tinc una tieta pirata

Tirant lo Blanch is one most interesting and representative novels in world literature. It was written by a Valencian, Joanot Martorell, at a time when our language was spoken and written on all the routes across the Mediterranean.


The necromancers of Idyll Tower are not as the stories tell. Nobody sacrifices maidens or dances with death, they just study books and spells.


Intercultural education is the graat challenge of 21st-century society.

Writer, scriptwriter and art critic. Law student. After writing several collections of short stories, he devoted himself to writing novels, which he now combines with his work as a scriptwriter, art critic and curator.

Adrián Díaz appears to be living the dream. He is about to play Hamlet on stage and is going to give up his job in the hospitality industry to dedicate himself full-time to his true vocation, acting.

Todas las vidas de Eva Ki  (‘All the Lives of Eva Ki’) recounts the memories o

odas las vidas de Eva Ki relata las memorias de una autora que, por encima de todas las cosas, no quería ser olvidada.

Todas las vidas de Eva Ki

This is the story of two siblings. Sixteen-year-old Lolo and his older sister Lena, who is addicted to crack and heroin. She left home a year ago. One day, Lolo runs into her at Barajas airport where she is making money through petty theft.


What would you do if you could transform into any dinosaur? Dinokid knows the answer: have a great time with his friends!

どんな恐竜にでもなれるとしたらどうする? ディノキッドは、はっきり決めている。友達と思いっきり暴れまわるんだ! スペインの人気子ども向け雑誌「ディブス!」に掲載された部分と、これまでどこにも発表されていなかったコマを合わせて物語が完成するジュラ紀の巻で、個性的なスーパーヒーローの冒険に出会おう。

The beginning of the 20th century: unfortunate itinerate poet Gabriel lives trapped within his passion for a woman who doesn’t exist, and this obsession will affect his love for Leonor, a woman of flesh and blood, whose destiny is tragically linke

This is a story of love told through each of its characters: Alfonso, Daniela, Blanca, Pablo and Claudia.

Prepare to see the world through the eyes of a child! This new book in the collection "Everything I Know About...", by author Jaume Copons, deals with that universal subject - diversity.

⼦どもの⽬で世界を⾒てみよう! 作者の「〜について知ってること、ぜんぶ」シリーズの最新作で、普遍的かつ多様なテーマを取り扱う。主⼈公はシンプルな⾔葉とユーモアに満ちた質問を発しながら、独⾃の視点から多様性について考えを巡らせる。若い読者にアピールし、より楽しく読めるように、グリディが愉快なイラストをつけた。そして最後に読者はシンプルなメカニズムに驚き、微笑むとともに、新たな質問に駆られるだろう。我々はみな違うのか、それとも同じなのか? 続きを知りたければ本を開こう。

Paco Castañón, an expert in the subject, becomes interested in a batch of old comics being sold on the Internet.

Already an old man, the renowned gastroenterologist Emilio Nassar had a project: let himself starve to death. As a witness of that hidden agenda, he chose his young granddaughter, Emilia, with whom he shared long coffee talks before dying.

Since they were children, Alex Fordyce and Irene Bosworth have known that the relationship which unites them is more than mere friendship.

"I'm your sister, Irene." Sixteen years after abandoning his family, Daniel receives this message on Facebook. His past is about to interrupt his present life and make him question his motivations for not having gone back.

Criptana Senzi, la Alondra, is a great soprano but she has been ill with Alzheimer's for many years. Pedro Bennasar, the journalist charged with writing her biography must submerge himself in the past of this woman without memories.

ラ・アロンドラ(ひばり)ことクリプタナ・センシは有名なソプラノ歌手で、長いことアルツハイマーを患っている。彼女の伝記執筆を依頼されたジャーナリスト、ペドロ・ベンナサールは、記憶を失ったひとりの女性の過去を探っていかなければならない。クリプタナ・センシはなぜ記憶を失ったのか? 何を忘れたかったのか? 何を忘れ去ることができたのか? クリプタナがその生涯のうちにやり取りした手紙を発見したとき、ペドロ・ベンナサールは彼自身の人生も立て直すべきだと気づく。


Do you know what the soft kiss of a butterfly feels like? Or the toothy kiss of a crocodile? Or what a cow’s kiss is like?

蝶のやさしいキスを知ってる? ワニの力強いキスは? 牛たちはどうやってキスをするの? プレゼントのキス、びっくりさせるためのキス、友情のキス……。空想の旅のあいだに、キス一家のおちびさん、シトはあらゆる種類のキスに出会う。あなたたちも一緒に旅してみない?

ポプラ社、児童書編集部に在籍。ノンフィクション写真絵本と読みもの、さがし絵と迷路の絵本「冒険!発見!大迷路シリーズ」などを企画・編集。翻訳では『スティーブ・ジョブズ』(パム・ポラック&メグ・ベルヴィソ/著 伊藤菜摘子/訳)、『アンネのこと、すべて』(アンネ・フランクハウス/編 小林エリカ/訳 石岡史子/監修)、『わたしたちの森』(ジアナ・マリノ/作 小手鞠るい/訳)などを編集。


Tomás Alcoverro, the doyen of Near East foreign correspondents, has been La Vanguardia’s foreign correspondent in Beirut for almost forty years.

Barcelona, 1967) has a B. A. in Communication Sciences from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (1993), and studied at the Instituto de Estudios Fotográficos de Cataluña.


 Tomás García Yebra (Madrid, 1956) learned his first lessons in Las Navas del Marqués (Avila), studied for his baccalaureate at San Agustín school in Madrid, and took his degree in Art History at the Universidad Complutense. He began his journalistic career at the now defunct newspaper Ya.

Tomás González (Colombia, 1950) studied philosophy at the National University of Bogotá and worked as a barman at the Pagan Delight disco, publishing his first novel in 1983.

A Master in telecom industry
Teacher of P.P.O. (formerly INEM) for 3 years.
Technical and Training Manager at Sanyo España for 9 years.
Deputy Head of Laboratory at Agencia EFE for 2 years.

Born in Mallorca in 1978, he is a writer and translator with a degree in Political Science and Sociology.


A lawyer specialising in franchise law, he has been the President of Yamaha Motors in Argentina and Director General of the Cordon Bleu Club of Spain. He was the founder and director of GMS Europe and Punta del Este Investments and senior counsel to the government of Andalusia.

フランチャイズが専門の弁護士。ヤマハモーターアルゼンチン社長、クラブ・コルドン・ブルー・スペインの最高責任者、GMSヨーロッパ及びプンタ・デル・エステ・インベストメント創業者及び社長、アンダルシア州政府上級顧問を歴任。特に成功への決め手となる企業家の育成に力を注ぐ。国際進出をテーマに講演・スピーチを行い、新市場の開拓及び戦略について様々なメディアに記事を寄せる。動物、特に猫への愛情と読書好きが高じて、児童向けの短いお話を書いている。空想と創造性豊かに語った本書は、Gatitos 2016(猫2016)シリーズの1冊。

作家・編集者。出版社・代わりに読む人代表。博士(理学)。ナンセンスな問いを立て日常や文学に可笑しさを見つける文章を書く。著書に『『百年の孤独』を代わりに読む』『パリのガイドブックで東京の町を闊歩する 1・2』(代わりに読む人)。短篇小説「私の応援狂時代」「ジオラマ」を雑誌『しししし』(双子のライオン堂)に寄稿。編集を手がけた書籍に、わかしょ文庫『うろん紀行』、佐川恭一『アドルムコ会全史』、文芸雑誌『代わりに読む人』がある。

Nacido en Manacor, Mallorca (1983), Licenciado en Bellas Artes (2005) y doctor en Historia del Arte (2010), Toni Galmés compagina su carrera como ilustrador con la docencia en la universidad, impartiendo clases de Historia del Teatro en la Universidat de Barcelona (UB).

Born in Barcelona in 1972, the author has been a literary critic for La Razón since 2000, and writer and editor at Qué Leer, as well as collaborating with the magazines Clarín since 1999, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, and the El País travel supplement.


Pou es licenciado en física por la UB y escritor científico.Coordina el suplemento de ciencia del periódico Ara y colabora habitualmente con revistas como El Món d’Ahir y programas de radio como El matí de Catalunya Ràdio.

Toni Rodríguez Segura (Barcelona, 1986) es cocinero y pastelero, especializado en elaboraciones totalmente veganas.


トニ・ソラネスは神話とSFのフリークで、漫画に夢中の幼少期を過ごした。ジョゾ・コミック・ビジュアルアーツ専門学校で7年以上にわたり、紙とペンを使う従来のイラストレーションに加え、デジタルイラスト、その他、漫画の作画、コンセプチュアルアートなどを学んだ経験を有する。出版された作品には、『Naya: La leyenda del dios niño(ナーヤ:子供の神様の伝説)』の他に、ノワール・ジャンルのアンソロジー『Historias casi negras(ほとんど黒い話)』に収録されている1作がある。またいくつかのビデオゲーム会社でゲームの登場人物のキャクターデザインも担当。

Antonio Amago studied Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Following a few years in thrall to his paint brushes, some pixels came along and since then he has split his time between his two loves.


Born in Barcelona in 1962, Tony Botella’s career has been linked to the Ampurdán, where he started out in the world of cooking and planned his first projects as a restaurateur.

What is life without risk, without excitement, when you already have "almost" everything? Revealing disloyal friends' secrets can become an extremely dangerous game.

すでに「ほぼ」すべてを手に入れたとしても、危うさも興奮もない人生って何? たとえそう思っても、不誠実な女友達の秘密を暴くことは、非常に危険なゲームになりかねない。40歳の誕生日、大富豪の未亡人として有名なミランダ・リッベントロップは、きらびやかな雰囲気の中で過ごしていた。だが人生に物足りなさを感じていた彼女が突然、その場にいた3人の女友達に「トップ・シークレット」という名前のゲームへの参加を勧めた時から、物語はスリリングな展開を見せ始める。

Cuando Toribio, el pequeño elefante, conoció a García, el joven ratón, en vez de salir huyendo se puso a jugar con él. A partir de entonces, Toribio y García andan siempre juntos aunque no caminen al mismo paso ni estén siempre de acuerdo.

Toribio y García

Tormenta is a literary agency specialising in children's and young adults publishing. www.tormentalibros.com


Someone has got lost and describes what is happening in a place he does not know.


Editorial Toro Mítico is an imprint of Almuzara. It is based in Córdoba. The group was founded on the 23rd of April 2004. Since then it has maintained steady growth based on a consistent catalogue that includes several collections, fiction as well as non-fiction.

Le taureau est l'animal le plus puisant de la planète. Personne ne peut le vaincre au combat. Seul l'homme, grâce à son intelligence et sa maîtrise mentale, est capable de le dominer et d'insuffler de la beauté à ses assauts.


Only someone with the instint for instinct, skill and sense of humour of Empar Moliner could have written a story collection like "I’m Doing All This Because I’m So Scared", a literary jewel that will move and entertain the reader from beginning t


There are lots of things that could make a child afraid. The protagonist of this story is afraid of getting lost, being alone in the woods, fantastical creatures... but there's one thing that really terrifies him: the dark!

The inspiring story of a talented woman who hopes to make her mark in the world of men in the golden period of Disney Studios.

Diferentes vivencias conectadas entre sí transcurren a lo largo de diferentes viajes, ensoñaciones, lugares y momentos que nos hacen saltar a tiempos y personajes distintos.


When Iván returns to Valencia to face his shadows, he remembers the days back in 1992 which changed his life.


Toti Martínez de Lezea was born in Vitora in 1949. She was the founder of the theatre group Kukubiltxo. She has worked as a translator, scriptwriter and director of educational videos and children’s TV.



Have you ever dreamed of learning first-hand from one of the great traders? Alejandro de Luis gives a detailed explanation of how a trader acts and prepares himself psychologically in order to be able to survive in the world of finance.

Traffic is an original story of two boys; one from a middle-class family who suffers from heart problems, the other working-class and healthy, whose lives cross in tragic events that affect them and all those around them.


A picture book with teaching resources. The main character in this story loves food, but what she eats most of during the day is words. Yes, that’s right, words.

Álbum ilustrado con guía didáctica.


思春期に差し掛かった息子と母親の関係、架空の人物をリアルにみせるという不可能な依頼、ある教師にまつわる道徳的疑惑、父親から受け継いだ特別な遺産…。ナダールが『Transitorios (巡り合わせ(「過ぎゆくものたち」)』で扱ういくつかのテーマである、それらの物語がたどるのはありきたりの道ではない。

Las relaciones de una madre con su hijo al filo de la pubertad, encargos imposibles para representar como real un personaje de ficción, las dudas morales en torno a un profesor o el especial legado de un padre son algunas de las cuestiones que abo


Las relaciones de una madre con su hijo al filo de la pubertad, encargos imposibles para representar como real un personaje de ficción, las dudas morales en torno a un profesor o el especial legado de un padre son algunas de las cuestiones que abo


Edicions de 1984 is a well-known independent publishing house in Catalonia founded in 1984 by Josep Cots and specialising in high-level literature. Its catalogue of 400 titles includes prominent European authors, translations of all genres and works by Catalan authors.

Trapella Books is the children's division of the publishing group ACV. At Trapella Books we know the special value of children's first encounters with books. Therefore, we would like to help make these magic moments a surprising, agreeable and unforgettable experience.

By Denise Rose Hansen


A nun embarrassed by the caresses of two young lovers; a gang of labourers who make a stand against their master; a group of republican prisoners in postwar prisons and an mixed race couple in a segregated area of the United States.

In 1935, Manuel Bosch, a lawyer, became president of the Mixed Tribunal of the New Hebrides (nowadays Vanuatu), a remote archipelago in the South Pacific which at that time was contested by the British and the French.

Three White Coffins is a thriller in which a solitary, unsociable guy is forced to take on the dentity of an opposition party leader and go through a variety of risky situations in an attempt to overthrow the totalitarian regme of a Latin American

Antonio Ungar is a young Colombian novelist who was among those chosen as the ‘Bogotá 39’ group of the most interesting new writers in Latin America.

Tres ataúdes blancos

Three White Coffins is a thriller in which a solitary, unsociable guy is forced to take on the dentity of an opposition party leader and go through a variety of risky situations in an attempt to overthrow the totalitarian regme of a Latin American

Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was a great master of terror : confined or open spaces, psychological stress or extraordinary events serve to create his personal way of narrating and constructing a new aesthetics through fear, an element which has bee

Barto necesita cerrar ese caso y tiene tres días para hacerlo.
Pero en la calle del Ciprés se esconden muchas más cosas de
las que él pretendía descubrir.
Puerta tras puerta, irá recolectando las piezas que le faltan

Tres días en la calle ciprés


Victor is a lively but poor boy who makes a living on the streets of Paris as a shoe-shine boy. It's 1934 and the city of light shows Victor a comfortable, luxurious life that is closed to him.


Three monstrous stories in verse to help little ones tackle their first routines with plenty of humour. Wolf boy, vampire boy and witch girl aren't babies anymore.

Publishing company dedicated to the publication and distribution of novels and textbooks.


The unexplained murder of a young Russian woman in Stockholm puts the Säpo (the security, anti-espionage and anti-terrorism department of the Swedish police force) on red alert, and they immediately try to bring a smoke screen down around the crim

This volume now brings together the three novels - El Inocente (The Innocent), La Tarde (The Afternoon) and El Ayudante del Verdugo (The Executioner’s Assistant) – published by Mario Lacruz during his lifetime.

On the 27 November 2012, the Spanish Embassy in Mexico has to notify Georgina Mir, as sole living relative, that her father, a famous archaeologist, has disappeared without trace three days before in Palenque, where he was carrying out an excavati

Una descarnada novela de iniciación sobre el acoso y la superación en el mundo del deporte infantil y juvenil.


A brutal rite of passage novel about bullying and survival in the world of children’s and youth sport.

Children's book publishers

Children's book publishers



We publish picture books that inspire, promote universal values, environmental responsibility and education. Their aim is to open doors, catch imaginations, promote diversity, educate for peace and for the care of our planet. Messages with values and without borders.


The Spanish Civil War from the viewpoint of Robert Capa

With his patched overcoat and dusty shoes, Tristrás the flautist earns his living travelling from town to town playing his music. On his travels he meets crows who claim to be his godmothers, characters that transform at nightfall...

This book is an approach to Joaquim Homs’s music and world from conversations and meetings that he had with clarinetist Oriol Romany since 1990.

True Colors is the story of two youngsters called Abril Rizzo and Nate Collins, who decide to venture into the world and start on a trip via several countries including the US, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Italy.


Carolina, a young journalist, is commissioned to interview Martín Vera, a famous and mysterious painter whom everyone thought was dead - until he resurfaced from nowhere when he exhibited one of his paintings at the Prado Museum.


School's out! And just like every year, you're going on holiday. This time you're off to a sunny island in the middle of the ocean, which has an incredible secret.

学校が終わった! いつもの年と同じように、きみは夏休みの旅行に出かける。今回行くのは、海のまん中に浮かぶ太陽がいっぱいの島だ。ところがそこには信じられない秘密が隠されていた。きみはその島で、海の下沈んでしまった伝説の都市アトランティスが本当にあるのを発見する。そして、その都市は危険にさらされている! きみはアトランティスを救うことができるのか? 運命はきみの心しだい。アトランティスの人びとが救われるか、敵にのみこまれてしまうかは、きみの選択にかかっている。

What do a loft in New York, a traditional Japanese house, a cave house in Paterna, and a favela in Rio de Janeiro have in common? They are all homes. But... what is a home?

Mysterious murders, corrupt sherrifs, evangelical missionaries, delusions of persecution… Dark and disquieting, Tú me has matado is the first comic by David Sánchez, partially published in the magazine El Manglar (Dibbuks), keeping more than one r

For Massoud, a young Palestinian living in one of the most dangerous parts of the Gazza strip, life has never had so much colour as when he meets Yael, the daughter of a high ranking officer in the Israeli military.

For Massoud, a young Palestinian living in one of the most dangerous parts of the Gazza strip, life has never had so much colour as when he meets Yael, the daughter of a high ranking officer in the Israeli military.

The lives of the two brothers at the centre of "Your Shadow" unfold in parallel, like two rivers, like two cars travelling in opposite directions. Pere is 25 years old when he spends the summer of 2010 at home with his parents in Barcelona.

Más que un cuento: un proyecto educativo para mejorar el mundo

Tú también puedes

This is the most beautiful story in the world. A picture book that, with tenderness and humour, describes the worries, feelings and emotions of a child when a new baby comes into the home.

Your Chinese Zodiac is an ideal collection for immersing yourself in Oriental wisdom and the main characteristics of your sign in the Chinese zodiac.

¿Sabías que bajo la Casa Blanca hay un túnel secreto? ¿Y que los soviéticos construyeron un túnel para intentar llegar al núcleo de la Tierra, y que todavía hoy es el más profundo jamás excavado?

Túneles. Construcciones increíbles de aquí y de allá

Did you know there is a secret tunnel under the White House?


古代から、人は障害と距離を乗り越え、新たな挑戦に立ち向かうためにトンネルを掘り進めてきました。洞窟の中、山の中、大都市の地下、海の底... この本は美しいイラストで二ページにわたり世界中から選ばれた20の驚くべきトンネルを紹介しています。歴史と目的だけでなく、建設方法、地形、デザインなども、三次元図や断面図を用いてわかりやすく解説されています。


Túneles. Construcciones increíbles de aquí y de allá

ホワイトハウスの地下に秘密のトンネルがあること、ソビエトが地球の核に到達しようとして作った、現在でも史上最大深度とされるトンネルがあることを知っていただろうか? 古来より、人類は障害物を回避し距離を縮めるためにトンネルを掘ってきた。洞窟の中や山の中、海底、大都市の地下……先史時代の最初の地下道から世界最大の地下鉄網やその他の驚異的な建造物、大型ハドロン衝突型加速器にいたるまで、これまでに造られた魅力的なトンネルの数々をこの本で見つけよう。

Like every year, Alejandra and her family spend their summer holidays at the grandparents’ house by the sea, along with all the cousins.

Pablo R. Burón transports his first novel to a future Spain dedicated solely to tourism.

This is a amusing collection of twelve books, one for each sign of the zodiac, which explains the 12 virtues that make each sign special; compatabilities, the best stories related to the most prominant people belonging to each sign.

Founded in 1969, Tusquets Editores publishes literary fiction, essays, poetry, history, biography and science education books, and represents most of its Spanish authors internationally.



Twin Brooks has two imprints, Tres Hermanas (fiction and non-fiction) and Silonia (Children/YA). Its aim is to prublish quality literature, explore little-trodden paths, progress and leave a cultural legacy.

The imprint Tres Hermanas came into being in 2015 with the aim of making a place for itself in the field of quality literature. It comprises five collections: Classics Revisited, Tierras de la Nube Blanca, Tierras de la Nieve Roja, Otros Mares, and Clepsidra.

ツイン・ブルックスはトレス・エルマーナス (フィクション) とシロニア (児童・YA読者向け)のふたつのインプリントを持つ。品質の高い文学を出版し、未踏の土地にコロニーを作り、限界を超えて文化的遺産を残すのが使命と考えている。

Twistanschauung contains thirteen stories about love, aquariums, hitchhiking, cheating, bilingualism, mushrooms, cancer, Sci-fi, connections, enigmas, family, photography, funerals, cats, jealousy, heteronyms, identity, lions, words, magnifying gl

This is a story about two little fish in a fishbowl who, one day, decide to have a race.


Txabi Arnal: writer and university professor of Children’s and Young People’s Literature in the department of Language Teaching and Literature at the University of the Basque Country, and professor for many years of Children’s Education in Vitoria-Gasteiz.


Txell Darné, the co-author of 'An Ordinary Mountain' has illustrated various books for children and young readers for publishing houses throughout Spain.

Tyto Alba (Badalona, 1975) took his first steps as a professional painter exhibiting in various Barcelona galleries. During a stay in Mexico, he began his career as an illustrator, creating the comic “Black River Together” and providing several short pieces for various publications.

Tyto Alba. Badalona, 1975, da sus primeros pasos profesionales como pintor exponiendo en varias galerías de Barcelona. Trabaja durante años ilustrando artículos de opinión y desarrolla el proyecto “Pequeños Dibujos Animados” mediante la realización de cortometrajes de animación.



The wreckage has not been found, but all passengers on board Flight CW0764 have been presumed dead following a crash in the Amazon region.


Those guilty of causing the current economic crisis run throughout this book. But so too do the victims.

When Yuri Santacruz attended Adolf Hitler's appointment as chancellor, he could not have imagined how much his life in Berlin would change. He had arrived a few months earlier, having fled with a few members of his family from St.

An old Dutch painting disappears from the abbey of Umbria.


Un abrazo para Púas

El jove periodista Joan Ballester viatja a Brussel·les a cobrir un acte protocol·lari i sense interès en les institucions europees; la visita li permet deixar enrere per uns dies problemes sentimentals i familiars als quals no vol enfrontar-se.

Un afer europeu

Young journalist Joan Ballester travels to Brussels to cover an uninteresting matter of protocol concerning the European institutions; the visit allows him to take a few days away fr


In 1979, a group of friendly families comment on the return of an old acquaintance who will disturb the life in their residential estate. They all know one another due to having been active in anti-Franco political parties.

In 1979, a group of friendly families comment on the return of an old acquaintance who will disturb the life in their residential estate. They all know one another due to having been active in anti-Franco political parties.

Este trabajo expone, desarrolla y resume, con un lenguaje sencillo, profundo y sugerente, lo trabajado “minuto a minuto” con cientos de docentes de varios países, y distintos niveles educativos, en la formación del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos.


"A Milk shake of Emotions", the second book in the Chic@Genial series aimed at girls from 8 to 12 years old, looks at the fascinating process of discovering identity that happens over this period.

ノラ・ロドリゲス(文)は文献学者、教育学者であり、青少年向けの本を多数執筆している。なかでも『Guerra en las Aulas(教室の中の戦争)』(Temas de Hoy、2004)は、学校のいじめ問題を取り上げたパイオニア的作品として大きな反響を呼んだ。この題材に関して著者は社会的プロジェクトや講演や出版物で現在も取り組みを続けている。

Who hasn't had the opportunity (or perhaps its more of a punishment) to organise a big family celebration?


Rain is forecast on a romantic St Valentine's day, and things are not going well for Floyd McFly.

予報では、これがこの季節の最後の雨。ロマンチックな聖バレンタインデーなのに、フロイド・マクフライはついてなかった。公園の中でずぶ濡れで立ち、傷だらけの心を抱えた彼女は、いかにも「この恋はうまくいかない」と言われたばかりの姿。だが、茶色のコートを着た知らない男性に傘を差しだされ、彼女は楽天的な女の子に戻った。あれは誰? 候補者はふたり。そのひとりはジョゼフ・マーティン、スーパーヒーロー願望が強く、バットマンに仮装し、よくしゃべり、トラブルに巻き込まれがちな少年。


Un bosque en el aire

A friendly village with hilarious neighbours, a mysterious witch and a thousand stories to tell. A city boy with a bankrupted father and a grandfather determined to change the world.



A tale that shows us the special way people with sensory processing sensitivity experience and perceive the world and helps us to value our own sensitivity. Kaiso loves living in the woods.


Sara tiene sesenta y cinco años, es escritora y vive aislada en medio del bosque, en el Berguedà. Lleva veinte años sin hablar con su hijo José y eso le provoca un dolor tan profundo que le imposibilita amar.


AS we grow up we often repeat, as a kind of consolation, I suppose, that saying that we all have a child inside us.

Este es un cuento normal, pero normal de verdad.
Su protagonista es alguien como tú, que tiene una vida normal y vive en un lugar la mar de corriente... ¿O no?

Un cuento normal

This collection of 29 stories, one for each letter of the alphabet, has been designed for children who are learning to read and write. It helps them to understand the spellings and sounds of each letter and to learn to recognise them.



The biggest prize ever offered by the European lottery has been won by a resident of a small town in Girona.


This morning I have put on my boots to make happy steps. They are boots that like to sing, scribble on pavements, swim in puddles, and they always, always take me where I want to go.

In the Kingdom of Murnania, dogs are prohibited. But when the King and Queen of Lavonia arrive for a visit with their refined little poodle, they need a male dog to receive her.

A fishing trip describes the adventures of two friends who set off on their Llaut [a traditional Majorcan boat] off the shores of the Balearic Islands in search of a good catch. But there are many surprises in store.


Alina wants to draw a unicorn. But it’s not as easy as it seems… Luckily, she can count on the help of a very special someone to teach her a few tricks.

Alina quiere hacer un dibujo de su unicornio. Pero no es tan sencillo como parece…
Menos mal que cuenta con la ayuda de alguien muy especial para enseñarle algunos truquillos.

Un dibujo

At almost fifty years of age, Teodoro Sagredo, a secondary school teacher, shaves off his beard.

This is a story about the importance of friendship, vanity and the value of not judging people you don't know. A strange parcel appears in the woods and all the animals think it's for them.


Dicen que la adolescencia es la edad de los descubrimientos y de la angustia. Max lo sabe bien.

Un faro en el fin del mundo

They say that adolescence is a time for discovery and anxiety. As Max well knows.


Després de la mort de Paul Stoneheart, Jamie troba una pila de cartes que mostren haver estat llegides una vegada i una altra. El remitent és la mare de Paul de la qual Paul mai ha parlat. Pensant que és morta, Jamie la llegeix.

Un feix de cartes

A scientist works in a laboratory, obsessed with finding the formula for a product that has overtaken society: pills that  that enable people to feel new and different emotions and experiences.

Un secreto es algo que nos consume, nos quema, nos sume en la más profunda soledad, la de no poder compartir lo que más nos importa, conmueve o hace sufrir.

Un fuego rojo

A secret is something that can consume us, it burns us up, and makes us as lonely as its possible to be –totally isolated because we can’t tell anyone about the thing that is most im

秘密とは、私たちを消耗させ、いらいらさせるもので、自分にとって一番大切なことや、心揺さぶられたり苦しんだりすることを共有できないという深い孤独に陥れるものだ。本来、話すことのできない秘密というものに、どうやって言葉(やイメージ)を与えられるだろうか。答えは簡単、比喩を使うのだ。秘密とは赤い火である。「多かれ少なかれ、誰もが赤い火を持っている」。 プリタもそうだし、彼女の子供たち、つまりこの絵本の主人公ケルティとクップにも秘密がある。

Everybody in the Novell family (mother, father, son, daughter, uncle, cousins) has problems with their eyes – they have terrible sight!

ノベイ家の家族(お母さん、お父さん、息子、娘、おじさん、いとこ……等々)はみんな、目があまりよくない、というよりひどい近眼だ。だから1匹の猫が家にやって来たとき、たいへんなことに。わざとではないが、猫の上にすわるわ、えさをやりすぎてしまうわ、順々にみんながへまをする。さんざんだが、見ていると笑いが止まらない。そして最後はみんなハッピーエンドになる……特にまくらという名の猫にとっては。 この本のとりこになるのはなぜ?1:イラストに大笑いしてしまうから。

A script for Artkino, Fogwill´s «last» novel, is one of his funniest works, though an extremely unfunny truth lurks behind the obvious jokes, behind the laughter.

A Beautiful White Egg is a story about how joy can be reborn, about how life always finds a way, like the hen protagonist of the story: running, clucking, singing and filling all those around her with hope.

Guille is an apparently happy child, always smiling, but you only have to scratch beneath the surface to feel that there's a mystery somewhere.


En los textos reunidos en este nuevo libro de Eduardo Halfon, la paternidad –con sus vulnerabilidades y fortalezas– es a menudo el lente a través del cual el autor revisita algunos de los temas predilectos de su universo literario.

Un hijo cualquiera

“Filled with original touches and surprising twists and turns, the book is a both a gloomy but playful metaphor for Argentina’s recent history, delving into themes such as the continually thwarted aspirations of the middle classes, corruption

       The action is set in two time periods: present day and around 1990, in Buenos Aires, Patagonia and Buenos Aires Province. The action is related in the third person, by a more or less omniscient narrator.

Un hombre llamado lobo

“Filled with original touches and surprising twists and turns, the book is a both a gloomy but playful metaphor for Argentina’s recent history, delving into themes such as the continually thwarted aspirations of the middle classes, corruption

Arturo, an experienced physics teacher, requests unpaid leave in order to both distance himself from reality analyse it from a distance in order to redirect his life after the extremes through which he has lived, to give his spirit respite and giv

Tarak is born in the middle of the 19th century, at the height of the Raj, to a poor family of textile workers.

What better place to discover poetry than the garden? A place where time stands still, like a satisfied lizard, only to fly off as flighty as a ladybird.

A wonderful wordless picture book for young children about the discovery of reading and everything that comes with it: a world of greys and blacks that is filled with colour when we pick up a book.

An unusual character lives on a farm; it’s a pirate’s parrot that sings and looks after the animals…

Readers will find this remarkable book will make them think, rethink and clarify the educational maze in which we appear to be trapped.

‘Un lugar llamado Fracaso’ is an internal brainstorming exercise in the form of 23 short stories about life, literature, dreams and failure.

Gusti es una pequeña casa que puede viajar de un lugar a otro. Solo tiene que quitarse los anclajes que la unen al suelo, montarse en un camión y viajar.

Un lugar para Gusti

Gusti is a little house that can travel from one place to the next. All you have to do is take up the anchors holding the house to the ground, put it on a lorry, and get moving.


A man weary of everything, a motorbike, a landscape of breathtaking beauty. With these ingredients Miquel Silvestre set out on a journey through Africa.

The Mother of Archimedes has decided to bring the past closer and gather the Mothers of some of the protagonists of her favourite stories to tell us about their sons and daughters.


His classmates wouldn’t play with him. They left him out and said he was a very strange boy. They tried to provoke him, but Pol never got upset. “My father is a magician”, he told them.


After the death of her mother, Gabriele returns to the village where she spent her childhood summers. Waiting for her there is her father, with whom she has not spoken for years.

Jon, an elephant-keeper at the zoo, and Edith, a widow who lives with her eleven cats, are the only remaining inhabitants in an otherwise abandoned village.


Un país con tu nombre (A Country with your Name), by Alejandro Palomas, is a moving and intimate portrayal of two lives that intertwine by chance. It immerses us in the narrators’ emotions on every page and reminds us of the importance of friendship and following our dreams.

Un país con tu nombre



Mar es una niña que ha vivido la pérdida de un ser querido con la que tenía una estrecha relación.

Un pellizco en la barriga

Mar is a little girl who recently lived through the loss of a loved one with whom she had a very close relationship.


A hair is not the strangest thing you might find in your soup. A fly is not the strangest thing you might find in your soup. Do you know what it would be really strange to find in your soup? "A surreal and delicious entertainment."

Un pelo en la sopa (A Hair in My Soup)

Un pelo en la sopa

This is the question posed by four lonely souls who meet each other by chance in the Café Turner, the only place open in a coastal town in the middle of winter: Imagine that your house is on fire and you have time to save only one thing which sign

真冬で海岸沿いの村で開いている唯一の店カフェターナーで偶然会った孤独な魂をかかえる4人が、こんな質問をしあう。あなたの家が炎に包まれている、そして、あなたにとって生きがいとなるもの、ひとつしか救い出す時間しかないとしたら? ゲームで始まったこの会話は、彼らの運命を交錯させながら、全く予期しなかった結果を生み、最終的に4人は自分の人生に新たな意味を見出すことになる。トンネルの果てに光を見つけるための、友情と愛の見えない絆についての啓蒙的物語。

This is the story of a little girl who lives far away from the world we know and who, because of her condition, has a life full of obligations.

Gernika, 26 April 1937. Following Franco's orders, the Condor Legion and Italian air force units bombed the Biscayan town until it was reduced to ashes.

Gabriel and Toni meet aged nine at a campsite where their families spend the summer holidays. From that moment on the two boys are inseparable, especially when they both start attending the same school. However, their friendship becomes strained.


An adaptation, aimed at children, of the biography of marine oceanographer Ángeles Alvariño, who discovered more than 23 marine species.

23種以上の海洋生物を発見した海洋学者アンヘレス・アルバリニョの子ども向け伝記。本書は2021年現在、8冊が刊行されている『Mulleres Galegas(ガリシアの女たち)』シリーズの1冊目にあたる。

"Un álbum ilustrado para que los peques entiendan por qué papá y mamá ya no están juntos."

¿SEPARARSE? ¿Eso qué es?

Un sándwich de amor, ¡por favor!

A picture book to help the little ones understand why daddy and mummy are not together anymore. Separated? What’s that? The smiley, little character at the centre of this story is trying to understand why mummy and daddy don’t live together.

「ママとパパが一緒にいられなくなった理由を、小さな子どもに理解してもらうための絵本」 別れるってなに? 小さくてにこやかな主人公は、パパとママが一緒に暮らせなくなった理由に向き合う。くさいハムスターのブバのせい? いや、そうじゃないと思う。おもちゃを片付けないから? そうじゃないといいんだけど……それじゃ?  大人の事情はたいてい複雑だけど、何事にも解決策はあるもの。もし愛のサンドイッチがあるなら。アリシア・アコスタ作、エステル・ブルゲーニョ画の、別れのプロセスを描いた優しい物語。

Kim tiene seis años y vive en el fabuloso Circus Tatxim-*tatxam. Es tan vergonzoso que piensa que el día que le toque salir a la pista se fundirá como un helado de fresa en verano.

Un super heroi de circ

An absorbing thriller; the portrait of a society in which the road to success is often the result of dubious intrigues.

A coming-of-age novel set in the summer before senior school and constructed on foundations of friendship and family. The waves came towards us slow, elastic, manageable.

Novela iniciática del verano de un joven antes de empezar la secundaria, construida sobre los cimientos de la amistad y de la familia. Las olas se aproximaban hacia nosotros, lentas, elásticas, manejables.

Un verano en Portugal

高校入学を控えた少年の夏を、友情と家族を土台にして描く、イニシエーションの物語。しなやかで扱いやすい波がゆっくりと私たちに向かってきていた。ボードが垂直になるような第一波をうまく回避し、第二波に挑んだ。-さあマヌ! 漕ぐんだ! 頭の上で波が割れるかと思ったよ。

One “spacey” summer, a mad scientist teaches us how to transform things that other people no longer want into wonderful inventions.


The goal has been to document for the first time in photographs the interiors of the homes built by “Indianos” on their return from América in the first quarter of the twentieth century.

The world around us is marvellous. Animals, sounds, shapes, textures, sensations, nature and they way we relate to it.


The book consists of twenty-eight chapters which describe, through simple text and colour illustrations, the daily life of a people around the year 1200, the year in which most of the Romanesque churches of Europe's rural areas were being built.

Manuel and his classmates have been selected to take part in the “Green Olympics”, organised in aid of sustainability and respect for the environment.

1938. Barruelo. 13 year old Miguel believes that his father, a Republican miner, died at the Front. Then, unexpectedly, comes the news that he is in a prisoner camp close to Oviedo.

Set in 1938 during the Spanish Civil War the story begins in the small town of Baruelo where Miguel, 13 years old, lives with his family. His father, a miner and Republican fighter, has been missing presumed dead for two years.

Una bala para el recuerdo (A Bullet for the Memory)

One day, the wind finds a lost letter. The rain has washed away the writing on the envelope and it’s impossible to tell who it’s for or who wrote it. But the letter is full of the most beautiful words: ‘ I love you’.

Un día, el viento encontró una carta perdida. La lluvia había borrado las letras del sobre y no se podía saber para quién era ni quién la había escrito. Pero la carta decía unas palabras preciosas: «Te quiero».

Una carta

ある日、風が迷子の手紙を見つけた。雨で封筒の文字が洗い流され、誰に宛てたものなのか、誰が書いたものなのかがわからなかった。でも、その手紙には「愛してる」という大切な言葉が書かれていた。そこで、風は手紙を空高く吹き上げ、強く、強く押した。その手紙は、きっと宛先を見つけ、愛されていると誰かに感じさせることだろう。でも、その手紙がいつも不機嫌で家に閉じこもっているネコ氏の頭の上に落ちるとは、風は想像もしなかった。 いつも? もしかしたら、言葉の力が彼の人生を変えるかもしれない。

El Mudo (the Mute) lives on the outskirts of a strange town in northern Argentina, with his dog India. Years ago he arrived from the city and moved into a mysterious house in the mountains, next to the river Tragadero.

エル・ムド(口がきけない男)はアルゼンチン北部の奇妙な村の郊外に、雌犬のインディアと一緒に住んでいる。何年も前に街からやってきて、山の中にあるトラガデロ川畔の謎めいた家に住みついた。 川についての話をし、猿を狩って生き残る方法を教えてくれる店の主人インスアを除いては誰ともつきあわないようにしている。 彼はただ静かに暮らしたいだけだ。だから、こそこそと彼を待ち伏せる村の男の行動が気にいらない。

Los humanos somos animales curiosos. Las ganas de conocer y la búsqueda de nuevos recursos nos han empujado a escalar montañas, conquistar los polos o cruzar inmensos mares. Esta búsqueda incansable nos ha llevado hasta el espacio.

Una ciudad en Marte




人間は好奇心旺盛な動物である。知りたいという欲求と新たな資源の追求のために、私たちは山に登り、極地を制覇し、広大な海を渡ってきた。そして、その飽くなき探求心は宇宙にまで及んでいる。その先には、最後のフロンティアといえる火星がある。 科学、技術、想像力が、赤い惑星を知り、その最初の住民の生活を発見する壮大な旅のお伴だ。火星は、私たちにゼロからスタートするチャンスを与えてくれる。発射準備はOK? この分野の著名な専門家によって書かれた本。

1913. The great European powers are taking sides in what seems an inevitable war.

The protagonist of this story is born out of a legend. In the times of Philip V, the gardeners of the Retiro spoke of an elf who swapped the flowers they planted for others.


The fifteen episodes of the book portray - in the form of a memoir - the pressures and pleasures of a young Catalan in London during the 1970s.

'Una familia ejemplar' is a hilarious satire, a tragicomedy that takes a look at the disproportionate ambition that sometimes makes reasonable people lose their heads, and also a searing critique of great family sagas.

The Tower is the largest building in the village, an inhuman block inhabited by as many people as live in the rows of houses that have just been built on the outskirts.

妻の性欲をよびもどすために、夫がこっそりプロのセックスサービスを雇うことはあり得るか? 夫婦が性生活をとりもどすために、夫が第三者に頼るのは矛盾ではないか? やきもちは愛か、それとも傷ついた虚栄心か? 愛のために、どこまで掟やぶりが許されるのか? 愛する者の秘密が暴露されたとき、どこまでなら受け入れられるか? エリックは、自分がゲームを楽しんでいるうちに、パンドラの箱を開けてしまったのを分かっている。しかし、アンナの秘密を知りたいという誘惑はあまりにも強い。

Is it possible for a man secretly to hire sex professionals so as to revive his desire for his wife? Is it not paradoxical for a husband to go to a third party to reestablish his sexual life with his partner? Is jealousy love or wounded vanity?


Una historia pop de los vampiros

Los vampiros del siglo XXI ya no son lo que eran. Drácula ha sido superado por adolescentes atribulados como los de Crepúsculo. El vampiro contemporáneo ha enterrado al conde maduro y ahora despliega juventud, placer, amor y feminidad.


Marcial works for a big meat products company. A self-taught man, he is proud of his achievements, his eloquence, and his own personal philosophy of the world.

In January 2011, Leila Guerriero travelled to a small town in the interior of Argentina to tell the story of a dance competition: the Laborde National Malambo Festival.

'It was snowing that January afternoon, it was cold, very cold. My heart was frozen; the north-east wind frosted my footsteps. Walking along the seaside, I remembered.

The portrait of a city that is welcoming and uncommunicative in equal measure, of a family united by the fragile bonds of necessity and love and the unique gaze of a marvellous woman at an extraordinary moment.




We have all seen that documentary in which gnus migrate in search of fresh pastures and are forced to cross a river infested with crocodiles.




The residents of the village at the top of the mountain love living there. They get sunshine and fresh air every day, and they also enjoy spectacular views. There's no doubt about it: their village is the best.

Juan Sebastián Lebonté es músico, no por vocación sino por prepotencia paterna. En una de sus giras por pequeños pueblos de Europa del Este, recibe la noticia de que su padre ha muerto y decide regresar a Buenos Aires.

Una música


■概要 ピアニストのフアン・セバスティアン・レボンテは、遠征先で父の訃報を受けアルゼンチンに帰国する。かつて軍政下で財を成し、異常な執念でフアンを音楽家に育てた父が息子に遺したのは、見も知らぬ郊外の小さな土地のみだった。フアンは身分を隠してその地で暮らし始めるが――。無数の断片から浮かび上がる父子の愛憎、家族の秘密、忌まわしき記憶とやり直しへの希望。父を追う旅に、彼が心酔した幻の音楽家の謎が絡み合う。現代アルゼンチン屈指の語り手エルナン・ロンシノが緻密に紡ぐ、人生と運命、そして、ある音楽の物語。 ■主な登場人物 フアン・セバスティアン・レボンテ 主人公。ピアニスト。

Una música   

■概要 ピアニストのフアン・セバスティアン・レボンテは、遠征先で父の訃報を受けアルゼンチンに帰国する。かつて軍政下で財を成し、異常な執念でフアンを音楽家に育てた父が息子に遺したのは、見も知らぬ郊外の小さな土地のみだった。フアンは身分を隠してその地で暮らし始めるが――。無数の断片から浮かび上がる父子の愛憎、家族の秘密、忌まわしき記憶とやり直しへの希望。父を追う旅に、彼が心酔した幻の音楽家の謎が絡み合う。現代アルゼンチン屈指の語り手エルナン・ロンシノが緻密に紡ぐ、人生と運命、そして、ある音楽の物語。 ■主な登場人物 フアン・セバスティアン・レボンテ 主人公。ピアニスト。

Una música   

Mar Cantero, with her brilliant style and her delicacy for human sentiment, treats us to a moving story about the bravery of women that spans the 20th century, inspired in the first Spanish aviators, caught up in adventure, love and hope for the f


After robbing a bank in the seventies, two thieves kill a hostage. The novel begins in present-day Barcelona, when one of the robbers is murdered.

A Wave that Tastes of Fish tells the life story of a 34-year-old woman, Mamen, whose experience on the margins leads her to solitude and isolation, a spider's web that will gradually slip away from her after spending a few days with a girl who liv


The work follows the life story of a woman as fascinating as she was unknown: the Spanish singer Lina Codina, muse and wife of the brilliant Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev.


“Una posibilidad entre mil” is an autobiographical story. Cristina and Miguel Ángel become parents for the first time, but the future of young Laia is in danger from the first moments.

The story of a girl who to her father has always been a pink princess. But she never liked pink, and even though the older she got the more she protested, and her grandmother also tried to explain, he could never understand.


Crash bam ker-wallop plonk! A riderless out-of-control skateboard crashes into a bookshelf and the storybooks fly everywhere. Unfortunately all the characters fly out of their stories too.

ガチャン、ガシャン、シーッ、ドーン! コントロールを失った、乗り手のいないキックボードが本棚にぶつかって、本が棚から飛び散った。さらに悪いことに、物語の主人公たちも本から飛び出してしまった。セリア姫は自分自身で物語を進めて、たくさんの登場人物たちをそれぞれの物語に戻す手助けをしなければならない。型破りで意志が強く、勇敢。ピンチから救い出してくれる王子さまを必要としないお姫さまだ。


Dulce has butterfly ears, as delicate as they are closed. She has eyes made of taffeta and a lovely, but silent smile. Sometimes Dulce feels afraid, or nervous, or sad. But her friends are here to help.

ドゥルセはチョウのような、繊細で閉ざされた耳をしていた。チュール生地のような目を持ち、静かな美しい微笑みを浮かべていた。 時には怖かったり、苦しみや悲しみを感じたりすることもある。でも彼女の友だちは何とかしようと決意していた。これは盲ろうの少女ドゥルセと、彼女と世界との不思議な関係の物語。

Dulce tenía orejas de mariposa, tan delicadas como cerradas.
Dulce tenía ojos de tul, y una preciosa sonrisa de silencio.
A ratos Dulce sentía miedo, angustia o tristeza.

Una varita mágica para Dulce

Over the course of 2018, six people linked to the world of books are interviewed by a BBC team at different times and in different locations.

The beginning of every love story is, as this book’s beautiful title puts it, an improvised truth that weaves together both hope for the future and the often complicated need to come to terms with the past.


My name is Unai González Martínez. I'm an illustrator and visual artist living in Vizcaya. I love everything to do with creativity and visual thought.



Do politicians not do charisma any more? What are the ornamental qualities of a politician in the technological age? Do our politicians now sport a technological look? Since when has the voter turned into a mere spectator and consumer?

Since 1973, Unión Editorial has been publishing books in defense of market economy and the liberal philosophy such economy is based on.

C. Martín Machío 15, 1º D
Javier Plaza Tejera


Las publicaciones de la Universidad del País Vasco ofrecen un abanico de secciones que abarca todos los campos de las ciencias y las humanidades, con la intención de llegar a un público más amplio del exclusivamente universitario.

Les publications de l'Université du Pays Basque offrent une gamme de sections qui couvrent tous les domaines des sciences et des sciences humaines, avec l'intention d'atteindre un public plus large que celui exclusivement universitaire.


: The aim of the publishing arm of UNED (National University of Distance Learning) is to spread science, arts and knowledge in general. Its publications are aimed both at the students on its courses and at the general public interested in specialist works on a variety of subjects.

The game of learning is infinite. With this book, little ones will be able to discover inverse universes following the thread of shapes and colours. Simplicity in its purest form.

The arrival of a new brother or sister rouses the curiosity of the heroine of One More, a story for early readers with a three-level repetitive structure: the reiteration of the ways the little rabbit speaks to his mother to find out when the big


Check out the latest book in the Unravelling History series!

Unravelling History series

『Unravelling History(歴史を紐解く)』シリーズの最新刊を見てみよう! パスクとロドリのユーモアあふれる新しい歴史本を読めば、眠るのを忘れて新しい世界が発見できること必至。世界神話の冒険や怪物たちの荒唐無稽な物語が展開される。細部まで作り込まれたフルカラーの目を引くデザイン。

Unuk, a young inventor from a people who create and invent objects, dreams of joining the inventor school when he turns seven, but the little boy doesn't have any ideas... and without ideas, he won't be able to.

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Agency founded in 1984. We have a small portfolio of very diverse authors.


Uxue Alberdi Estibaritz (Elgoibar, 1984) is a writer and bertsolari singer.

ウシュア・アルベルディ=エスティバリッツ(1984年エルゴイバル生まれ)。作家、詩人。作品に短編集『Aulki bat elurretan(雪の中の椅子)』(Elkar、2007)と『Euli-giro(飛び回るハエ)』(Susa、2013)、小説『Aulki-jokoa(椅子とりゲーム)』(Elkar、2009)と本書、そしてエウスカディ賞受賞のエッセイ『Kontrako eztarritik(反対:女性即興詩人たちの証言)』(Lisipe-Susa、2019)、文芸評論『Dendaostekoak(店の奥の部屋)』(Susa、2020)がある。


A book of activities and games for young children: draw treasure maps, cook for the pirate crew, design hooks and pirate hats, decorate and sew sails and flags… In the hands of and funny, original pirate crew, we learn everything about their world

Betisú the cow lives happily in a small stable far away from people. Her life is peaceful, pleasant and uneventful. But then suddenly everything changes.

Betisú the cow lives happily in a small stable far away from people. Her life is peaceful, pleasant and uneventful. But then suddenly everything changes.

Holidays in Spanish 1 is a magnificently illustrated workbook about holidays which will make you the true hero of a summer adventure.

“Vacaciones en español” is a holiday activity book, beautifully illustrated, with which you will become the true protagonist of a summer adventure.

A peaceful, happy life can be suddenly cut short by the realisation of the existence of a great emptiness, a hole in the chest that immediately projects us into a way of life we don't know how to deal with.

Denise VAILLANT has a Doctorate in Education from the University of Québec-Montreal (Canada). She is Professor of Educational Policy at the Universidad ORT in Uruguay and the Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Chile.

Valentín Fuster is Director General of the Cardiovascular Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, and of the National Cardiovascular Research Centre (CNIC) in Spain.

Valentín Martínez Otero was born in Oviedo. He has gained a Doctor of Psychology, UCM, and Doctor of Pedagogy (Distinction), UNED. He also has a Masters Degree in Psychopathology and Health.

This book, which revolves around the crisis of family relationships and the identity problem faced by the protagonist, a girl of 17 who watches the ideal world she has created crumble, revisits, in the heart of a well off Barcelona family, a serie


Valeria Kiselova Savrasova is originally from Ukraine. She has a degree in Political Science and Spanish language and has lived on the Costa del Sol for many years where she teaches at Malaga University.

Valérie Tasso is a writer, sexologist and researcher. She graduated in Economics and Applied Foreign Languages in Besançon (France) and obtained an MBA from the University of Salzburg.

Welcome to Kazaam Valley, totally the coolest secret place on the planet! Coca is a girl who lives in Kazaam Valley with her grandma, who is a witch, and her best friend, a pig called Ham who is a genius at Sudoku.

カザーン谷へいらっしゃい、宇宙でいちばんすてきな秘密の場所へ! ココはカザーン谷で、魔女のおばあちゃんと、ハムという名の数独の好きなブタの友だちと暮らす女の子。谷はすてきなものでいっぱい。水道からはイチゴシェークが出てきて、ドラゴンやポニコーンやイルカがいて、バニラアイスの雪が降る。だけどココは、普通でないことにすっかり慣れてしまって、楽しめない。すっかり飽きている。ある日突然、境界を越えて、知らない世界へ行くことに決めた。そこでミーウィーという、すてきな生き物に出会った。

Valor is a striking and original novel that is an imaginative mix of past and present, structured in three chapters.


A branch manager of a bank from the east of Spain who has sold preferred stocks. A young soldier, Fermín Galán, who decides to put his republican ideals into practice and bring about a revolution in Jaca, in 1930.

Nuria, a young vampire for our times, accompanied by her grandfather, Count Estrus, tries to disrupt the malicious plans of evil humans who believe they are a superior race and want to seize the world.


This novel is based on real facts and heroic deeds that carry an extraordinary transformative force: that of love taken to the extreme. A man is thrown in prison without any trial or sentence. His future seems to be cut short by despair.

ものごとを変化させる途方もない力をもった英雄的行為についての実話に基づく小説。極限まで追い込まれた愛の物語。ある男が裁判も判決もなしに刑務所に入れられる。彼は絶望し、将来の夢をくじかれる。一見、自由を奪う抑圧勢力が勝ったかに見えた。そのとき、自由を奪われたこの男が全国民のシンボルとなった。彼が獄中から人道的論理を伝え、その反響が大きな嵐を巻き起こしたときに状況が変わる。F. X.グエン・ヴァン・トゥアンの驚くべき経験を言葉で表すのは不可能かもしれない。

Vanesa Carolina Pérez Torres graduated in Psychology, specialising in Organisational Pyschology, and gained her Master’s degree in Human Resource Management and Psychotherapy.

Vanesa Díez (the writer of this story): I was born in León and after a lovely break of twelve years returned there with even more enthusiasm for its magical mountains, enchanted streams, and incredible brilliance.

Vanesa Díez Escritora Nací en León y, después de un bonito paréntesis de doce años, volví a él con más ganas que nunca de rodearme de sus montañas mágicas, sus arroyos encantados y sus luces increíbles. Escribo para niños y para adultos y soy maestra de pueblo en una maravillosa escuela rural.

Vanesa Martínez (1987) graduated in Law and worked as a lawyer until she decided to make a complete change and become an Infant Educator. She is  an expert in Family Mediation and Early Attention Through Play. She has been working in infant education in a variety of setting for some years now.



Novelist, playwright and journalist, author of theatre texts, she won the eleventh Premio Ateneo Joven de Sevilla for her first novel, El ingrediente secreto (The Secret Ingredient) (Algaida 2006).

小説家、ドラマの脚本家、ジャーナリスト、劇作家の顔を持つ。初めて出した小説El ingrediente secreto(幸せの秘訣、Algaida、2006)は第11回セビーリャ・アテネオ賞の35歳以下部門で受賞。2010年には小説Mitología de Nueva York(ニューヨーク神話、Algaida、2010)でセビーリャ・アテネオ小説大賞を受賞。またその業績を称えニューヨークのセントジョーンズ大学、スペイン語およびスペイン文学科よりロス・デスクブリドレス勲位を贈られる。2009年、その年に活躍した著作家に贈られる全国先端文化賞を受賞。


A collection of stories in Galician by ten women: Marilar Aelixandre, Marica Campo, Rosalia Fernández Rial, Inma López Silva, Teresa Moure, Emma Pedreira, María Reimóndez, Eli Ríos, Anxos Sumai y Antía Yáñez, many of whom have already achieved recognition and prizes.

Authors of the Obscura 2 anthology: - Juan Miguel Aguilera - Elia Barceló - Yolanda Camacho - Alicia Pérez Gil - Nuria C. Botey - Emilio Bueso - Guillem Lopez - Ivan Mourin - Víctor Sellés - Lola Robles


Various Authors from a diversity of Spanish-speaking countries.

Text and illustrations by: Ayabo, Simon Sakurai, Hazuki Hayashi, Yukari Miura, Yukari Miyazawa, Manami Yamada, Yuco Ishizuka, Maki Takubo, Kaori Tsukuda, Kana Yamada, Izumi Yamada, Chikako Futatsugi, Kyoko Enomoto, Mari Yano, Maki Iino, Kyoko Ogawa, Rie Koresawa, Tomoko Iwama, Yuka Iwase, Nozomi

M. Jesús Comellas Carbó, Emilio Sánchez Miguel, Isabel Cabanellas Aguilera, Isidoro González Gallego, Jaume Cela Ollé, Jaume Funes Artiaga, Jesús Asensi Díaz, M. Carmen Díez Navarro, M.

Editorial de las Islas Baleares specialises in illustrated children's books rooted in the land and the sea, and the local customs of the islands. 


Publishing house whose aim is to disseminate voices not yet heard in Spanish and to bring out new translations of foreign poets, prose writers and essayists (in careful bilingual editions of more than twenty languages) along with the most prominent voices in the Spanish speaking world.


A sordid yet poetic novel that tells the story of a rock group and the personal relationships between its members from the perspective of a groupie who ends up joining the band.


Velocismo Editorial is a small independent, eclectic publishing house that is part of the ‘slow art’ movement. It participates in an alternative scene, distancing itself from recurrent structures and themes.

In the frenetic final race of the world motorbike speed championships, Gaspar, a young motorcyclist who aspires to be world champion, reflects on his intense professional career: eve

En la trepidante última carrera del mundial de velocidad de motos, Gaspar, un joven piloto que se juega ser campeón del mundo, repasa su intensa carrera profesional: todo lo que ha supuesto para él llegar hasta donde está, mientras se plantea las


We have spent too long wasting our energy and efforts in satisfying the needs of internet disloyal users, without having obtained concrete results. The focus of our websites should be diverted into turning the user into a customer.

美術品や骨董品を販売しようと考えるオーナーが抱く疑問はいくつもある。「個人で取引する? オークション? それとも画廊?」「この手数料は妥当?」「提示された評価額は低すぎないか?」「輸出ライセンスは必要?」 本書はそうした全ての疑問に対し、アート市場で長年の経験を持つプロの視点から回答している。

Vendi Vernić was born in Zagreb in 1991. After graduating from the School of Applied Arts and Design, she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb, and during this time she completed a term of study at the School of Fine Arts in Venice.


Incapaz de visitar a su padre, el narrador de esta historia decide escribir sobre su familia sin contar con ese testimonio. El miedo a estar junto a él lo paraliza.

Vengo de ese miedo

After leaving her husband in a psychiatric hospital, a woman returns to Madrid by train. In the carriage, a stranger suddenly asks her if she would like to hear his life story.



Gerard Vergés i Príncep. Born in Tortosa in 1931, he became one of the great authors of Catalan literature. A multi-faceted intellectual (poet, author, essayist, translator), he sent forth a prolific output from the far south of Catalonia.

Violeta's family has an age-old secret they have managed to hide until now. Jules Verne, the famous writer, has disembarked in the port of Vigo with a suitcase and a whole load of questions. He wants to know all about the plant women . . . .


Ledicia Costas is a Galician author wo has won several literary prizes for her children’s and YA
fiction. Verne and the Secret Life of the Plant Women was originally written in Galician but

Verne y la vida secreta de las mujeres planta (Verne and the Secret Life of the Plant Women)

Verónica Fernández (Vinuesa, Soria,1971) graduated in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and in Scriptwriting from ECAM (School of Cinematography and Audiovisual Studies, Madrid).

Verónica Sánchez (@oh.mamiblue on Instagram) is a current role model for family diversity. With this book she aims to provide resources for anyone who wants to reflect this marvellous diversity, normalise the normal and make visible sixteen different family models, although there are many more.

Editorial Vértice specialises mainly in publishing educational textbooks and multimedia materials designed for employment training (continuous and occupational). Nevertheless, it has recently introduced a publishing line dedicated to new writers. 

A Greek journalist who has suffered the close of ERT television directly experiences the intrigue and misery that surround the closure of Europe's second largest public television service, purportedly due to the economic crisis.


Considered one of the most brilliant journalists writing in Spanish, the Colombian Salcedo Ramos has collected in this book his most celebrated pieces, stories of losers, buffoons, forgotten and unique people who together provide a priceless readi

Journey to the South tells the story of a family of ladybirds who live in a little town, called Irani, in the north of Finland. The cold and snow make them sad.


Clara has been assigned to write a personal guide to Germany, and she convinces her husband to take some time off to travel with her through the northern part of the country.

Discover the world's most fascinating civilisations. Hang out in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, play ball on Machu Picchu and battle with the Vikings of Birka. Stroll through the famous cities of Pompeii and Troy.



Is there something you're so passionate about that you're desperate to share it with others like you? Then you'll understand how I feel about books. What does it matter who I am and where I come from?

Vicent Flor (València, 1971) és editor i gestor cultural. Doctor en sociologia i llicenciat en ciències polítiques i en antropologia, fou conservador del Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i de la Modernitat (1998-2015) i des de 2016 dirigeix la Institució Alfons el Magnànim.

Vicent Flor (Valencia, 1971) is a publisher and cultural promoter. He has a PhD in sociology and a degrees in political science and anthropology.

Vicent J. Climent Blasco (Algemesí, 1977) is a graduate in Philology. He is currently working as a secondary school teacher.

Vicente Álvarez de la Viuda was born in Valladolid (1963), and there he studied at the Faculty of Humanities, gaining a degree in History of Art as well as a Diploma in Theory and Aesthetics of Cinematography.

In order to teach well it is necessary to understand children’s learning processes. The negative attitudes of teachers and pupils to maths need to be modified.

Vicente Botín has worked for Televisión Española for 38 years, on programmes such as Informe Semanal and En Portada. Deeply knowledgeable about South America, he has reported on the region hundreds of times.

VICENTE GARCÍA OLIVA: Asturian writer, member of the Academy of the Asturian Language and director of that academy's YA Literature collection. He is also a member of the General Society of Authors and Publishers.

ビセンテ・ガルシア=オリバ:アストゥリアス在住の作家。アストゥリアス語アカデミー会員で、同アカデミーのYA文学部門長でもある。また、作家・編集者協会にも所属している。高い創作能力を駆使し、幅広い読者を対象とした作品を数多く発表してきた。文学、エッセイ、さらには脚本まで創作ジャンルは多岐にわたる。 イネス・サンチェス=ナダル:1984年バリャドリード生まれ。ずっと絵を描くのが好きだったので、早くに美術を学ぶことを決めた。サラマンカで絵の勉強を始め、最終的にバルセロナのいくつかの学校でイラストを学んだ。

Córdoba, 1970. His most recent works are the poetry collection Tiempo (2009), the essay Pasadizos. Espacios simbólicos entre arte y literatura (2008), and his “work in motion”, Circular 07. Las afueras (2007), described by Eloy Fernández Porta as a ”total novel”.

Vicente Merlo is a doctor of Philosophy and author of a dozen books, notable amongst which are Las Enseñanzas de Sri Aurobindo (Kairós, 1998), Simbolismo en el Arte Hindú (Biblioteca Nueva, 1999), La Autoluminosidad del Âtman (Biblioteca Nueva, 1999), and La Fascinación de Oriente (Kairós, 2002).

Born in Elche, Alicante, Vicente Molina Foix has written poetry, fiction, essays, dramaturgy, film criticism, screenwriting and film direction. With degrees in Philosophy and Art History, he has won numerous literary prizes.

Born in Elche, Alicante, Vicente Molina Foix has written poetry, fiction, essays, dramaturgy, film criticism, screenwriting and film direction. With degrees in Philosophy and Art History, he has won numerous literary prizes.


Vicente Molina Foix was born in Elche (Alicante) and lives in Madrid.

ビセンテ・モリナ=フォッシュは、アリカンテ県エルチェ生まれで、現在マドリード在住。一番最近の作品は、サランボー賞と2007年国民文学賞(小説・物語)に輝いた小説El abrecartas(ペーパーナイフ)と、ふたつの短編集Con tal de no morir (死にさえしなければ、2009年)とEl hombre que vendió su propia cama (自分のベッドを売った男、2011年)。 また、2013年1月に、La musa furtiva. Poesía 1967-2012 (密かな瞑想。詩 1967~2012)が、ホセ・マヌエル・ララ財団から出た。

Vicente Muñoz Puelles was born in 1948 in Valencia. From an early age he has devoted himself to literature. His extensive output spans vaarious genres (novels, short stories, essays...).

Vicente Palacios was born in Burgos, Spain, in 1929, a few yards from Doctor Vicente Solórzano’s house, a pioneer of modern Origami who coined the Spanish term for the technique, Papiroflexia.

Trained as a historian, Vicente Pla Vivas has for a long time been interested in the study of the image as a cultural document and a testimony of the mentality of an age.

The publishing house Viceversa was established at the end of 2008. It was founded by professionals with wide experience in publishing and a strong commitment to promoting reading as a leisure interest. It was created with the aim of publishing titles which last forever in readers' memories.

Victor Alexandre has written several books of essays, including "Jo no sóc espanyol" ("I'm Not Spanish", 1999) and "Nosaltres els catalans" ("We Catalans", 2008), as well as plays, stories and novels.

作者ビクトル・アレシャンドラはJo no sóc espanyol(私はスペイン人じゃない、1999年), Nosaltres els catalans(私たちカタルーニャ人、2008年)などのエッセーとともに、戯曲、物語、小説を出版。El somriure de Burt Lancaster(バート・ランカスターの微笑)は人生の偶然の重要性についての物語集で、多くの読者が小さな宝物のように大切にしている作品。

Caterina Albert (1869-1966), known by the literary pseudonym Víctor Català, cultivated a love of poetry and theatre from a young age. It was in the area of fiction, however, that she had a critical influence at the start of the 20th century.

Víctor Conde (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1973) studied Psychology and Film and presently works as a systems programmer.

íctor del Árbol (Barcelona, 1968) es escritor.

Víctor del Árbol (Barcelona, 1968) is a writer.

Víctor Escandell comes from Ibiza and has worked in every imaginable area of design and illustration: an animation production company, several newspapers, advertising agencies, publishing houses, exhibitions...

ビクトル・エスカンデルはイビサ出身の著名なイラストレーター。バルセロナ在住。児童文学に10年以上携わっているほか、『El artista ingenioso(独創的な芸術家)』、『Explorando el collage y otras técnicas mixtas(コラージュ、その他混合技法の探究)』、『Animalotes del mundo(世界の動物たち)』、『Dinosaurios(恐竜)』(いずれもPromopress)など多数の作品を出版。

Víctor García Tur (Barcelona, 1981) is a graphic designer who lives in Barcelona. He plays in a rock band.

Víctor thinks of himself as a citizen of the world. He was born in Seville, spent part of his childhood in Barcelona, his teenage years in São Paulo, until he landed in Madrid after being Víctor Valenzuela working in seven different countries.

Víctor Sabaté (Barcelona, 1976) has a degree in Political Sciences and did postgraduate studies in creative writing and translation. He presently works as an editor and translator.

ビクトル・セリェス(1985年マドリード生まれ)はマドリード自治大学で歴史学士を取得。小説や物語、映画の脚本を執筆し、『Día libre(暇な日)』により第3回ブルマ・ネグラ国際短編コンクールで優勝、『Rojo escarlata(緋色)』で2016年コセチャ・エニェ賞候補に挙がるなどの実績を持つ。

Victoria Álvarez (Salamanca, 1985) is an art historian who works as a professor at the University of Salamanca specialising in 19th century art literature.


Victoria Camps es catedrática emérita de Filosofía moral y política de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Ha sido senadora independiente por el Partido Socialista, consejera del Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya y presidenta del Comité de Bioética de España.


Victòria Cardona i Romeu (Barcelona, 1936), is a mother and a teacher who specialises in family counselling. She is a frequent collaborator on various radio and TV programmes and regularly publishes articles in the press about children’s education.

Victoria Cirlot (Barcelona, 1955) teaches medieval and comparative literature in the Humanities Faculty of the Universidad Pompeu Fabra.

Victoria Fernández Díaz was born in the exile and her parents always yearned for returning to the country they were stripped of. Her family returned to Spain when it was possible. Here, she graduated in Philology and she is Head of Department in the Official Language School of Valencia.

Victoria Tubau was born in Berga (Barcelona) on November 8, 1959, and she lives in Barcelona. She trained in Barcelona, Bristol, Bologna and London. She works in various areas of the plastic arts: illustration, painting, sculpture and graphic design.

Victoria Vílchez was born in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, although she currently resides in Madrid. She studied Biology at the University of La Laguna but would later discover that her real passion was storytelling. Since then she has not stopped writing.

A different sort of autobiography that is passionate, hilarious, and captivating.


Forty years have gone by since Anjel Lertxundi published his first book. In this fragmented essay, his gaze and memory pass over this long literary career, and the journey, as Cavafy would wish, has been fruitful.

Some 4,000 million years ago, life appeared on Earth. What is the history of its evolution? Was life inevitable? And what about the human race? Would there have been any other intelligent being if there had not been humans?

Videocinco Editorial is a market leader in the publication of books on personal image. It also produces additional material on dvd.


A principios del s. XX, se esperaba que la mayoría de mujeres no tuvieran ambiciones personales de ningún tipo. Esta novela,

Vides regalades

Viena Edicions is an independent publisher established in Barcelona, publishing both in Catalan and Spanish and our collections include both fiction and non-fiction. Within the former, you can find modern classics, poetry and narrative.

If you don't eat green vegetables, after reading this book, you'll love them. They are incredible: colourful, poisonous and, most especially, they can walk and laugh.

Vika Barton es una escritora y dramaturga nacida en La Plata en 1978.

Vika Barton es una escritora y dramaturga nacida en La Plata en 1978.

An essential work from this expert sommelier, providing clear information on the special characteristics of these wines, assigning them individual personalities and rescuing them from oblivion to demonstrate all their historical and cultural richn

As " a guide which sifts out the true meaning of the nature of a wine, and a completely new compendium of over 600 wines and cavas produced by bodegas in our country", the Vinum Nature Guide (VN 2011) is the only reference work on organic and biod

La violencia estructural es una violencia invisible que se utiliza en aquellas situaciones en las que se produce un daño en la satisfacción de necesidades humanas básicas como resultado de procesos de estratificación social, generando un conflicto

Violencias estructurales hacia las mujeres

This Chilean author writes novel, and stories about love, life, paranormal happenings, and suspense. Her fascination with writing began with a piece of schoolwork when she was thirteen years old; since then she hasn't stopped writing stories.


Violeta Monreal was born in Oviedo and began her career in illustration following a Fine Arts Degree. She travelled to New York where she worked with the UN as an illustrator for various projects.

Violeta Monreal was born in Oviedo, she has a degree in Fine Arts and has illustrated numerous books. The author has even collaborated with the United Nations illustrating for various of their projects.



It was the lot of Publius Vergilius Maro (70 – 19 BC) to be both a witness to and participant in one the most singular moments in Roman history: the end of the Republic and the advent and consolidation of the Augustan Principality.

Virginia Higa es an Argentine writer and translator. Descended from Japanese and Italians, she was born in Bahía Blanca in 1983 and lived in Mar del Plata, Río Tercero and Buenos Aires, where she studied Literature. She has published stories and reviews in anthologies and digital media.

ビルヒニア・ヒガはアルゼンチン⼈作家、翻訳家。⽇本⼈とイタリア⼈を祖先に持ち、1983年にバイア・ブランカで⽣まれ、マル・デル・プラタ、リオ・テルセロで暮らす。ブエノスアイレスでも生活し、⽂学を学んだ。物語や書評をアンソロジー形式やデジタルメディアで発表。現在、ストックホルムに住み、⽂学翻訳やスペイン語教師の仕事をしている。Los sorrentinos (ロス・ソレンティノス)は著者の初めての⼩説。

Xesús Fraga constructs a story around the trials of a particular family originally from As Mariñas near A Coruña who are marked by emmigration.


A journey composed of multiple voyages, this book is a compendium, bringing together very different experiences from the author’s life.

Visión Salvaje, Fotógrafos 2006 is a limited edition with over 190 previously unpublished photographs by 107 photographers which give an overview of current Spanish photography.

Following the success of 'Vivan las manos de colores' ('Hooray for Colourful Hands'), the first single from Happening's fourth album, which was sung and danced to by more than 150,000 school students on the 30th of January to celebrate School Day

音楽グループ・ハプニングの4枚目のアルバムからの初のシングルであり、1月30日の「非暴力と平和の日」を祝うために15万人以上の学生が歌い踊った楽曲、「Vivan las manos de colores(ビバ、色とりどりの手)」。同曲のヒット後、ハプニングは「Viva la vida de colores ビバ、色とりどりの生活」と題したショーをすることに決めた。同じタイトルを持つこの物語によって、グループはそのショーで演奏されるすべての歌の世界にわたしたちを連れていってくれるだろう。

However much people tell him to keep calm and his wife tries to teach him the habits of a sane and boring life, Luis cannot move for nasty surprises.

Vivian Archer has worked in the book trade for a long time, at Newham Bookshop for 30 years. They have always made sure they involve everyone in their very diverse community in events, book stalls and school visits.

This is the compilation of different housing projects built worldwide. The information has been thoroughly processed, especially in terms of format.

This is the compilation of different housing projects in Spain. The
detached houses volume includes typologies of row housing, between dividing walls and separate houses.

Vivim del cuento is a group that doesn't just write stories but also carries out storytelling activities for both children and adults. They have published similar collections with Edicions Baula as well as with other publishers and the Barcelona City Council.



Cuatro relatos, ambientados en escenarios distintos pero similar atmósfera, integran el microcosmos que Clara Pastor recrea con maestría y sensibilidad en este volumen, hecho de los merodeos de la memoria, que se ramifica en infinitas sendas, y de

Voces al amanecer y otros relatos

Four stories, whose settings are different but share a similar atmosphere, form the microcosm that Clara Pastor skilfully and sensitively recreates for this volume, constructed from


Mara loves travelling with her parents, but what she really loves is the annual festival in her town. This year, a special balloon will take her on a journey to show her what is really important in life.


Héctor wants a puppy, like his cousins. But is it as easy as it seems to look after an animal? How much will he have to learn to do? Can he persuade his parents to let him adopt a puppy?

Equipo de redactores especialistas en historia y cartografía.


Washinton Irvin (New York, 1783 - Sunnyside, 1859). One of the first prose writers of North American letters. He owes his fame to the character of his work more than its quality, a fame he earned not so much for what he did, but for being the first to do it.


Wendy and her patrol partner Roger come across a couple arguing in the street. The woman maintains that her partner mistreats her, while he calmly states that she is crazy and has been drinking. Who is telling the truth?

In West End, José Morella reconstructs the story of his grandfather Nicomedes, who suffered from mental illness during a time when any treatment was obstructed by the denial typical of the Franco era.


Confucius teaches us that you can only be happy if you know how to be happy with everything.

Windows 7 is a stable, secure system with important new features with regards to user interface, and will improve your system's performance and your computer's compatibility with a large number of devices and applications.

In the course of the six teaching units of Wine Service, you will learn to suggest, distinguish between, serve and give basic information about wines, having previously identified the type of client and exercised a knowledge of effective sales tec

This is a short but complex piece of work composed by seven main aphorisms, arranged in order of relevance and following a decimal system.

A mother tells her story of life in Galicia during the Second World War, including living with the presence of Nazis and what the extraction of Wolfram meant to the local people at the time.

Slang, neologisms, coloquial usage, idioms, text-speak, Internet vocabulary etc… This entertaining dictionary will help you to learn a language you don't yet know, which isn't taught in language classes and does not appear in conventional dictiona

Juan Ramón Barat (Valencia, 1959) obtuvo la licenciatura en Filología Clásica por la Universidad de Valencia y la de Filología Hispánica por la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife). Es catedrático de Lengua Castellana y Literatura.

No pasa nada! [It Doesn't Matter!] is the editorial debut of this Galician educator, actor and illustrator. Based in Castellón, he has had a professional career spanning more than fifteen years devoted to education and the performing arts.


Javier Núñez Cervera (Valencia, 1969) holds a degree in Economics and Business from the University of Valencia, and a diploma in Tax Law and Tax Consultancy from the Centre for Business Technical Studies.

1969年、バレンシア生まれ。バレンシア大学で経済と経営の学士号を取得、経営高等専門学校で、税法と財政顧問の準学士課程を修了。プロのエコノミストとして中小企業の顧問を務め、中堅・大企業で経済・総務・人事管理の仕事に携わってきたが、2009年、小説家に転身。目的達成マニュアル『Auto-coaching. Los secretos para el éxito(自己コーチング。

Xabier Gutiérrez (San Sebastian, 1960) is a chef, psychologist and writer.

Born in Bergondo, A Coruña in 1974, XABIER LÓPEZ LÓPEZ is one of the best known of Galician writers. His work, which has been translated into Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese, covers both fiction for adults and children's and young literature.

Xabier Mendiguren has worked as an editor since joining the publishers Elkar in the late 1980s. He specialises in literature for both children and adults.

Born on 12th June 1941 in Orozco (Vizcaya). He studied at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, the Universidad de Santo Tomás and the Bible Institute (Rome), furthering his studies in the universities of Hamburg and Bonn.


 From a wheelchair in her old house in Estambul, Kawa´s mother remembres the beauty and the legends of Ararat Mount. Her husband and two of his sons are buried there, they were Kurd fighters.

We are a small publishing house that publishes a collection of full-colour illustrated adventure books for children called The Adventures of Txano and Óscar. Our collection is available in paper and digital formats.

オールカラーの挿絵入り児童書、『Las aventuras de Txano y Óscar(チャノとオスカルの冒険)』シリーズを刊行する小さな出版社。紙とデジタルの双方で販売している。シリーズ1冊目はアマゾンとグーグル・プレイで50万回以上ダウンロードされた。

For twenty years Xavi Sarrià has been lead singer of the rock group Obrint Pas, one of Catalan music's most international and popular bands. With this group he has recorded seven albums and has been on extended world tours.

著者は世界的人気を持つカタルーニャのロックバンド、オブリント・パスのヴォーカリスト。このバンドで7枚のアルバムをリリースし、世界ツアーで各国を回ってきた。文献学士で数多くのメディアで活躍。2008年に出版した短編集Històries del Paradis(楽園物語)は好評を得て、15000部を売り上げ、スペイン語にも翻訳された。

Xavier Besse did a Master Course in Art and Archaeology (specialty : Chinese art) in the School of Oriental and African Studies in London in 2000. He also graduated from the Ecole du Louvre in Paris in 1999.

Xavier Bosch (Barcelona, 1967) has a degree in Media Studies. He has been the director of Avui and head of programming for RAC1 radio, as well as the creator and editor of radio programs for RAC1 including Alguna Pregunta Més, Cafè Baviera and El món.

Bosch ha firmado otras ocho novelas, como las galardonadas ‘Se sabrà tot’, Premi Sant Jordi de Novela en 2009 y ‘Algú com tu’, Premi Ramon Llull en 2015, y en cuatro ocasiones se ha alzado como el autor más vendido por Sant Jordi, con las novelas ‘Se sabrà tot’ (2010), ‘Algú com tu’ (2015), ‘Nosa

Xavier Bosch (Barcelona, 1967) has a degree in Media Studies. He has been the director of Avui and head of programming for RAC1 radio, as well as the creator and editor of radio programs for RAC1 including Alguna Pregunta Més, Cafè Baviera and El món.

シャビエル・ボッシュ(1967年、バルセロナ生まれ)は情報学士。カタルーニャ語の新聞「アブイ」の局長、ラジオ局RAC1の番組責任者を務める。また、Alguna Pregunta Més(ちょっと教えて)、Cafè Baviera(カフェ・バビエラ)、El món a RAC1(カタルーニャ・ラジオ1の世界)などのラジオ番組の創設者及び編集者。テレビシリーズのディレクターとしてはUn tomb per la vida(人生の転覆)やAquest any, cent!(今年で100年!、アントニ・バサス、エドゥアルド・ボエと共同)に関わった。

XAVIER FRÍAS CONDE: My name is Xavier and I live in La Mancha, the land of Don Quixote. I think some of his qualities have rubbed off on me. My mother is from Asturias and that's why I love Asturias. I teach at UNED, a university based in Madrid. I have been writing stories all my life.

Xavier Gúell was born in Barcelona in 1956. He studied music in the conservatoires of Barcelona and Madrid and orchestral direction with Franco Ferrara in Italy, Sergui Celibidache in Germany and Leonard Bernstein in the United States.

1956年バルセロナ生まれ。バルセロナとマドリードの音楽学校で学び、イタリアのフランコ・フェラーラ、ドイツのセルジュ・チェリビダッケ、米国のレナード・バーンスタインに師事し、オーケストラの指揮法を修得した。長年にわたりスペインその他の国々のオーケストラを指揮し、現代の偉大な作曲家の初演を数多く手がけてきた。スペインにおける現代音楽の普及に最も貢献している人物のひとりでもある。2015年には初の著書となる『La Música de la Memoria(記憶の音楽)』を発表。

Xavier Monteys es catedrático de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), en la que dirige el grupo de investigación Habitar, y lleva a cabo su actividad docente en la Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB).

Xavier Monteys is a professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), where he directs the Habitar research group, and also teaches at the Escola Técnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB). He has taught and lectured in several universities and institutions.

Xavier Musquera - He has seen his works published in Spain, France, England, Belgium, Holland, and Germany. His interest in archaeology, anthropology and philosophy has led him to contribute to the newspaper Menoría on the archaeological history of Menorca.

XAVIER NAVAZA (Lalín-Pontevedra, 1948) is a distinguished journalist and reporter, with over thirty years’ experience. His career began in Barcelona in the early 1970s on the now-defunct paper Tele/exprés.

illustration, drawing and printing at the Escola Massana de Barcelona, and has also studied History of Art at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has worked for various advertising agencies and as a graphic designer.

It has been three years since the duo Martí+Salomó began navigating international waters on their raft made of scraps.


Xavier Vernetta (Barcelona, 1956) is the author of the novels 'Parlem d'amor' and 'Dies de pluja'. He has also written plays, comics and novels for young people,  including the succesful titles 'Somni de Tánger' and 'Sense adreçca coneguda.' He received the Lleida prize for 'País de llops.'

作者シャビエル・バルネッタは1956年バルセロナ生まれ。小説Parlem d´amor(愛について話そう)、Dies de pluja(雨の日々)の他、劇、コミック、YA小説を手がける。中でもSomni de Tànger (タンジールの夢)、Sense adreça coneguda(知っている住所はなく)が話題となる。本書でリェイダ小説賞受賞。

Xenia García (Seville, 1975), has a degree in media studies, a masters in communication and marketing administration and a masters in creative writing from the University of Salamanca.

Xenia García (Sevilla, 1975), estudió Ciencias de la Información, Máster en Dirección de Comunicación y Marketing y Máster en Escritura Creativa por la Universidad de Salamanca. Ha publicado los libros de relatos "El trigo que cae" y "Cárceles de azúcar" Premio MonteLeón).

Xènia Viladàs is a consultant, a graduate in Economics from the University of Barcelona and a MBA (Design Management) from the University of Westminster (London).

Edicións Barbantesa is a new publishing project that began in May 2010, and which offers a varied and wide-ranging catalogue, with both translations and Galician works.

XESÚS FRAGA was born in London in 1971. Since 1996 he has worked as a journalist for the newspaper La Voz de Galicia.

ロンドン生まれ。幼い頃からア・コルーニャに住み、後にベタンソスで暮らした。サラマンカでジャーナリズムを学び、長年にわたりラボス・デ・ガリシア紙で働いてきた。主な作品に『El elefante blanco(白象)』、『A-Z(A-Z)』、『Solimán(昇汞)』などがある。

Xevi Sala (La Bisbal, 1965) is a journalist and associate director of the group El Punt Avui. he has published the essay A l'altre barri.

シェビ・サラ(1965年ラ・ビスバル生まれ)はジャーナリスト。エル・プン・アヴイグループ副所長。これまでにエッセイA l'altre barri. Vint-i-cinc anys de la Font de la Pólvora, suburbi de Girona(別の地区で ジローナ郊外フォン・ダ・ラ・ポルブラの25年間)や、小説Las causes perdudes(失われた大義、2010年プルデンシ・ベルトゥラナ賞最終候補)を出版。前作はEn la pell d'un mort(ある死者の皮膚で)。

Xibalbá is a story of mystery and suspense, set in the Mexican state of Chiapas.

Better known as Chime or endlesscurl in the online community, Ximena was born in 1995 in Lima, Peru. She is the author of True Colors published by Nova Casa Editorial. She is currently studying Tourism at university and she began writing aged 15.

Ximo es autor e ilustrador de libros infantiles, novelas gráficas y cómics. Además de ser un aclamado artista español, su trabajo en portadas de revistas, en el sector editorial y en publicidad se conoce en toda Europa y es reconocida con menciones y premios.

Ximo writes and illustrates children's books, graphic novels, and comics. In addition to being an acclaimed artist in Spain, his work on magazine covers, in the publishing sector and advertising is well known throughout Europe, where has received awards and honorable mentions.

Xina Vega is a writer and university lecturer. She has published the novels Cardume (2017, Premio Xerais de las letras gallegas) and Dark Butterfly (2012).

Aviators, explorers, archaeologists, drivers, globe trotters, zoologists, naturalists, journalists, pilots, cosmonauts, mountaineers...


Neira Cruz was born in Santiago de Compostela in 1968. A witer, journalist and professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the Universidad de Santiago, he is editor of the magazine Fadamorgana. He is one of Galicia's most significant authors for children and young people.

Xosé Monteagudo (Moraña, 1965) is a law graduate and began his literary career when he was runner-up in the Modesto R. Figueiredo prize in 2001 for the short story 'O engado do triángulo'.

Xosé Neira Vilas (Vila de Cruces, 1928) is without a doubt one of Galicia’s finest writers. His life and work have been marked by emigration, which he personally experienced in Argentina and Cuba.

Ramón Mariño Ferro teaches anthropology at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and has published widely on the popular culture of Galicia, with such successful works as: Contos de homes e mulleres (Stories about Men and Women), Serpes e dragóns (Serpents and Dragons), O demo e o trasno (De

Xulia Alonso Díaz (A Rúa, 1961) completed her secondary education in her native town and in 1979 began studying psychology in Santiago de Compostela.


Desperation is growing in the magical kingdom of Lendataria. The moon doesn't shine any more: its light has gone out and nobody knows why.

Sigurd Mutt returns to Barcelona. Nearly thirty years have passed.


Fierce Wolf lives in the leafy forest with his friend Red Hedgehog. Together they care for the forest and recycle the rubbish they find. Even so, some of the other animals don't trust them. Fierce Wolf isn't bad, but can he prove it?

オオカミのワルは花咲く森で、友だちのハリネズミのウヌボレといっしょに暮らしている。いっしょに森を見守り、道で見つけたごみを拾ってリサイクル。だけど、ワルは信用されない。もう悪い子じゃないのに。分かってもらえるでしょうか? 本作は自然と友情、そして何よりセカンドチャンスを描く、美しい物語。

"Madrid is a strange place for a journalist: you start your day at the Ritz, arrive at the Intercontinental by midday and finish the evening at the Palace and yet - of course- you're still just one of the people." Welcome to life as a young politi


This picture book is ideal to help little people learn about independence. Little Elephant is a big boy, and he has an extremely important mission: to go ON HIS OWN to buy some of the finishing touches for Tortoise's hundredth birthday.

幼い子どもの自立心を刺激するのに理想的な作品。ちっちゃいゾウくんはもう大きくなったので重要な任務を任されました。それはカメさんの100歳の誕生パーティーに必要なものを“ひとりで”買いに行くこと。失敗するはずないよね? ろうそくとチョコレートと風船を買うだけだし、どこに行けばいいのかも知っているのだから。けれども、なぜだか問題が次々に起こります。

Yaiza Rubio es analista de inteligencia y experta en ciberseguridad. En 2017, fue nombrada Cibercooperante de honor por el INCIBE (Instituto Nacional de Ciberseguridad), distinción otorgada a figuras públicas cuya labor contribuye a fomentar el respeto y el uso responsable de las tecnologías.

Yaiza Rubio is an intelligence analyst and expert in cybersecurity.

This is his first visit to the dentist and Yared, as every child, is frightened. This tale tries to show the children the importance of a good dental hygiene in order to have healthy teeth.

Yared doesn’t like school: he thinks that it’s a boring place and he doesn’t understand why he has to go there every day.

Yared learns what recycling is all about,
that when we drop useless objects into
those coloured bins on the street,
we give them the chance to start a new life.
And he wonders: Will it be the same

Throuhg Yared’s innocent and funny view, we revise in this story the road safety education.

Yared has got new, somewhat weird, parents:
“a little faded, the colour of the full moon”,
grandparents, one brother and one sister.
This story talks about integration, acceptance,

Yayo Herrero es investigadora, consultora y profesora en los ámbitos de la ecología política, los ecofeminismos y la educación para la sostenibilidad.

YAYO HERRERO LÓPEZ: anthropologist, social educator and agricultural engineer, Yayo is the co-author of numerous articles and some tens of books related to social ecology.

We make children’s books and picture books and aim to create a meeting place for writers, story-tellers and illustrators to create books and carry out activities promoting children's literature.

Francis, Mr Frankie, decides to return to the neighbourhood where he grew up. He had left there following a personal rock'n'roll dream that lead him to a brush with toxic and ephemeral fame.


Knavish tales in which affection springs up in sordid situations. Stories in which challenges are decided by the number of matches that chance puts in your hand, stories in which there is always one more toast left to make.

A Stradivarius violin cello with its own strange legend. A mysterious disappearance. An unsolved crime. A ghost story where nothing is as it seems.


Carlos H arrives from New York at Madrid's Barajas airport exhausted and in an extremely strange mood.


This account of stories is a result of a challenge: “I can write a fucking love story. All I have to do is look into my own life, change names and endings. Endings most of all.”

This is a book of games based around the number one, and is full of fun illustrations and ideas that are easily accessible to children.

This is a book of games based around the number two, and is full of fun illustrations and ideas that are easily accessible to children.

This is a book of games based around the number three, and is full of fun illustrations and ideas that are easily accessible to children.

A little girl likes a little boy, but the little boy doesn't notice her. He doesn't even look at her. What should she do?



A historical novel based on the life of Julia Domna, one of the most relevant, passionate and overlooked people in Rome's history.

Yoe Suárez was born in La Habana in 1990.

1990年ハバナ⽣まれのヨエ・スアレスはこれまでに3部作Cuba crucis(キューバの⼗字架) の第1作であるジャーナリスティックな作品Pasajes de la luz(光の⼩路、2012)及び第2作の証言集Tú no te llamas desierto(君は砂漠に⾮ず、2015)と、インタビュー集Los hijos del diluvio(洪⽔の⼦供たち、2016)を発表。2013 年にルベン・マルティネス=ビリェナ⽂化ジャーナリズム賞を受賞。

Can you do a lot of things at the same time?

YOGA is a useful, neatly illustrated and well-presented very short introductory book aimed at children and adults alike.


In March 2017, an international panel awarded the illustrations that were the starting point for this book the International Award for Illustration at the Bologna Child and Young Adult Book Fair, the most prestigious prize in this field.


Licenciada en Filología Árabe. Colaboró como crítica literaria en El País. Profesora de Creación Literaria. Premio Café Gijón de novela. Cuatro libros publicados.  

Yolanda González has a degree in Arabic literature. She worked as a literary critic for El País and teaches creative writing. She has published four books and has won the Café Gijon book prize.

Las llamas tiemblan (The Flames Flicker, Editorial Algaida, Café Gijón prize 2001). Lejos (Far Away, Espasa). Las dunas azules (The Blue Dunes Espasa 2009). Asesinato en Letrópolis (Murder in Letropolis, Edebé 2000). She was born in Mérida in 1965.

I was born in Madrid in 1974 and have a degree in History from the UCM. One day when I was over forty years old I found myself in the children's section of the library and I began to read. And very soon afterwards, to write. My intention wasn't to write stories, but that is what comes out.



Youssef El Maimouni (1981) est né à Ksar el Kebir. Un mois plus tard, sa famille s'est installée à Coma-ruga. Il a étudié la philologie arabe et la médiation des conflits. Sa carrière professionnelle s'est concentrée sur l'éducation sociale dans des projets pour les jeunes.

I'm Yumi and I'm ten years old. When I grow up I am going to be the drummer in a rock band, because its a profession with a great future and I think it's how I can become rich and famous.


Yurre Ugarte leaves a wide and impressive wake as an audio-visual creative, scriptwriter and editor (ETB, Tele%, TV3, Telemadrid…) directing short films and writing works for publication and theatre.

(Valencia 1985) Yvette has a degree in music, specialising in the oboe, from the Joaquín Rodrigo Conservatory in Valencia, and a master's in musical education from the University of Castilla la Mancha.


Specialising in richly illustrated books, our catalogue boasts a series of titles covering a wide range of topics: nature, history, the environment, sociology, animals, and science. Our aim is always to try to provide a different perspective or original way of presenting each topic.

知りたくてそわそわしている人のための本! 科学、自然、日常生活の様々な局面を異なる視点から見つめ、ゲーム、謎解き、チャレンジを活用して子どもたちに積極的な参加を提案する当社の本は、学習ツールとして最適。

The Zarana Literacy Agency represents Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American authors of fiction and non-fiction globally.


Zeneida Sardà studied French philology at the Toulouse-Le Mirail university, and teaches literature using her ‘vertical reading’ method (www.lecturavertical.com).

Zenith was born in 2005 with the objective of becoming a benchmark publisher in subjects such as alternative spirituality, self-help, moral fables and mysteries and conspiracies of history. Its works are informative and well-researched.


Daniel Montero presents a surprisingly original and fun bestiary of illogical animals, an imagined world in which all kinds of beasts and animals are possible. All expressed with surprising illustrations that will not go unnoticed.


This is the story of Ana, or rather a fragment of her life observed through a zoom shot.

Famous Painter-Fox is feeling inspired and has set out to paint a new painting. Who wouldn't want to be involved?

かの有名なキツネ画伯はインスピレーションがわいて、新しい絵を描くことにした。いっしょに描いてみたい人はいるかな? キツネ画伯、写実主義の絵を描こうと思ったけれど、気まぐれなので、やっぱりシュールレアリスムの絵にしたくなった。でも気まぐれなので、今度はミニマリズムを描きたくなり……、結局すべての画風をとりいれた絵を描くことに。幼い読者に美術史における考え方の最初の手ほどきをし、グループで取り組むことの大切さを深く考えさせてくれる物語。

After receiving the news of his sister’s death, a man starts out on a journey, an escape, which leads him from the centre of a congested Latin American city to the outskirts, where the jungle is fighting to take over. His journey becomes a drift.

Ilustrautora y diseñadora. Mucha gente la llama Zu. Nació en España, en Vitoria, aunque ahora vive en Sevilla. Le gusta dibujar, la tinta china, las texturas, el diseño textil, los cuentos infantiles, las cosas diferentes y especiales... y su personaje favorito es Mafalda.

Zuriñe Aguirre is an illustrator and designer. Many people call her Zu. She was born in Vitoria, Spain, and now lives in Seville. She loves drawing, India ink, textures, textile design, children’s stories, things that are different and special… And her favourite character is Mafalda.

ジン・タイラ=アロンソは1970年、オビエド生まれ。日本人の父とスペイン人の母を持つ。原広司、磯崎新、伊東豊雄といった世界的に名高い建築界の巨匠たちの近くで、日本で建築家としてのキャリアを積んだ。SDreview(SDレビュー)やCasa de Encuentros de Corvera(コルデラ出会いの家)など国内外のコンクールでの入賞歴あり。

A cookbook with simple, amusing recipes which do not involve heating. Aimed to give the youngest children their first experience of cookery. They will be the ones to do the cooking! First class chefs!


How many different kinds of teeth do we have? How should they be cleaned? How many times a day? This pop-up book on oral hygiene helps young children to learn to care for their teeth while having fun helping the characters to clean theirs.

色鉛筆ってあんまり役に立たない。色鉛筆だとなかなかうまく描けない。そんな印象を持っていないだろうか? そんなイメージを覆そうとしたのがこの本だ。色鉛筆は誰でも使えるテクニックで、複雑な素晴らしい絵も描くことができる。この本を読めば、色鉛筆を使いこなすために必要な情報がすべて見つかるだろう。というより、試しに描かずにはいられなくなるだろう。まずはとにかく描いてみよう!

-Helps children learn the alphabet in English and Spanish.
-Teaches basic vocabulary in English and Spanish.
-Free audio files and extra activities available on
-Develops early literacy skills

Illustrated book in cartoon style, aimed for children starting to read. Adventurous, innocent and fun, Rita is the smallest, and the bravest, of a family of bats. She likes to play around, to snoop, to investigate everything surrounding her.

Topo's life is bland and boring. But one day he decides to change, deciding that his greatest aspiration is to become an artist. And for this he will need to ask friends to help him to reach his goal.


Bruno comes from a famous family of wolves. He and his sister love to listen to the stories mother wolf tells them about their ancestors.

En ¡Corten!

¡Corten! 100 recetas de película

Despegamos (Let´s Take Off)


Ladies and Gentleman, fasten your seat belt because we shall be taking off in three, two, one...Join Coco, Leo and Panda on their first flight in an aeroplane.

Someone cannot get to sleep. A cricket, a wolf, thunder and many noises won't let them close their eyes. Who can this mysterious person be?

クリエイティブで革新的な形でアイデアを売りこんだり、コンセプトや製品をプレゼンしたくはないか? クライアントや上司や共同出資者、投資家などに、メッセージで大きなインパクトを与えるには? 複雑なアイデアを伝えなければならないが、どうすればよいのか? 解決するのはイラストだ。本書は、イラストやビジュアルなコンセプトを仕事のツールとして提案する。あらゆる状況に合わせて、創造、理解、コミュニケーションの新しいヒントを与えてくれるイラスト。「絵は描けない」と思うのは間違いだ。

Join Nin the squirrel and discover how the forest and its habitants change as the different seasons go by. Can you spot the differences as the seasons change?

季節の移りかわりとともに森とその住人たちがどんなふうに変わるかを、リスのニンと一緒に発見しよう。ほかの季節との違いを見つけることができるかな? イラストの細部を観察しながら、1年の各季節がもたらす変化を発見して遊べる、2歳以上の子ども向け4巻本ボードブック。

From the early on in History, making secret information a vital tool to make decisions and gain power has developed along side foreign and home affairs politics.

Nothing strange was happening in that city. Nobody had seen anything enormous with a trunk in the middle of the road, so there was absolutely nothing to be worried about. And life went on as before, totally normal. Or perhaps not?

En aquella ciudad no estaba pasando nada extraño. Nadie había visto nada enorme y con trompa en el medio de la acera, así que no había absolutamente nada de qué preocuparse.

¡Estoy aquí!

Orión is a Gliesian who has been teleported down to Earth with one mission: to take over the planet before his rivals from Gliese A and Gliese B do so.

¿Qué pasa si la basura que tiraste durante el día regresa y se queda en tu casa? Esto es lo que realmente le pasó a Fredo.

¿Qué pasaría si la basura de la que te has deshecho durante el día volviera a casa para quedarse a vivir contigo?

¡Hola, Fredo!

The old rock stars don't have it easy. And if you don't believe this, try telling it to Iván Uturría. Forty years old, his life is a shambles.

¡Más Pimienta! offers a catalogue of carefully edited, illustrated books of literary quality and unique artistic vision.

What animals have travelled to space? What colour is the sky on Neptune? How many moons does Saturn have?

宇宙に旅したことのある動物は? 海王星の空は何色? 土星にはいくつの月がある? 楽しく教育的なイラストが入ったこの本には、これらの質問への答えはもちろん、宇宙開発という魅力あふれる世界についての多くの疑問への答えが詰まっている。宇宙研究のためのはじめの一歩。だれだって宇宙飛行士を夢見たことがあるだろう。

If you want to extend a child’s imaginative world beyond Spot the Dog or The Very Hungry Caterpillar, then this introduction to Andy Warhol for the very young is a must.

¡Mira qué artista!- Andy Warhol

First title of a series of 6 picture books for readers of 5 years old and up. Misha, the purple cat, just started first grade. She’s a prankster with a hot temper and a quick tongue, but underneath the huff and puff a soft heart beats.

Repentinamente la mamá de Pablito tiene que ir al hospital y el único que puede cuidar a Pablito durante unas horas es el vecino de al lado.

¡No soy raro!

Out of the blue, Pablito’s mum has to go to hospital and the only person who can look after Pablito for a few hours is the next-door neighbour.

Ito, the protagonist of this charming book, is an intelligent and curious child. Every time he starts asking one of his many questions, his father laughs and says "Go ahead and ask, Mr Curious!".

"Growing Up is Great" is the third book in the Chic@Genial series aimed at kids from 10 to 14 years old to help them cope with the changes they will experience growing up.



¡Que buen rollo el desarrollo! 

 A project is said to have failed if it deviates more than 30% from its budget or the deadline, if it significantly fails to achieve the goals for which it was designed, has been prematurely cancelled or has not brought the expected benefits.

If you want to meet a host of super-scary, terribly funny monsters, open the cover of What a Fright! In addition to enjoying yourself, you'll be gobsmacked by it's surprising stories. What happens to the ghost when its sheet shrinks?

Carlitos wants a little sister, but when she arrives, he realizes that is not that much fun, as she does is cry, mum and dad look after and give her a lot of time. Sometimes, he thinks they love her more than they love him.

Do you want to know what I dreamt last night? A story in which you will discover that things are not always as they seem, because in the world of dreams and nightmares, anything is possible.

Do you want to grow an idea? Paint using the sun's rays? Or build a folded construction you can take wherever you go? If you like using your imagination... this is the book for you!

When Croc gets up and looks around, he discovers a brilliant, colourful world.

クロックが起き上がって辺りを見回すと、世界が色づき輝いているのに気づいた。見るものすべてが美しくて刺激的だ。でも帰ってきて、見たものを家族に話そうとすると、ちょっとした問題に突き当たった……。コミュニケーションと芸術的表現についての素晴らしい物語が綴られたカラフルな絵本。自分を表現する言葉を持つことの大切さに気づかされる。ぴったりの言葉がない場合、どうやって自分の考えを表現する? 発見したことが私たちの知性と他者に伝えられることの幅を広げることもあるのだと知ってほしい。

Púas es un pequeño erizo que quiere abrazar a sus amigos, pero tiene miedo de hacerles daño con sus pinchos. Cada vez que se imagina abrazando a sus amigos, le vienen a la cabeza pensamientos negativos que le quitan las ganas de hacerlo.

¡Un abrazo para Púas!

Spike is a little hedgehog who wants to hug his friends but he’s afraid of hurting them with his bristles. Every time he thinks about hugging his friends his head fills with negative thoughts that stop him from going ahead.

プアスはちっちゃなハリネズミ。友だちをぎゅっと抱きしめたいけど、とがった針でけがをさせてしまうのがこわい。友だちをぎゅっとするのを想像するたび、いやな考えが頭のなかに広がって、抱きしめる気をなくしてしまうんだ。なやみになやんだプアスは、おかしなことを思いついた。針をぬいちゃえばいい! さあ、じゅんびはととのった。でも、プアスはそのとき知らなかった。実はプアスの友だちも……。プアスは、森の友だちを抱きしめることができるだろうか?

¡Uno, pequeño y libre! is the tough, emotive story of a boy of 9 who is kidnapped by strangers at the gates of his school. They take him far away and sell him to a couple who cannot have children of their own.


This week Clemente didn't finish his homework, not even once. In excuse, he told incredible stories no one believed. Finally, his teacher decides to talk to his mother and… Miss is the teacher we'd all like to have.


No siempre encontramos justo lo que estábamos buscando... Levanta las solapas y acompaña a la gallina Juana para que pueda recuperar el huevo que ha perdido.

¡Vuelve a casa, huevo!

We don’t always find exactly what we’re looking for… Lift the flaps on the pages of this book and join Juana the hen as she tries to find her lost egg.

When we cook, we enter a magical world of tastes and smells, textures and colours that lead us to appreciate and enjoy food. It's a wonderful experience that nobody, whatever their age, should miss out on.

In this book you'll learn:

Each night Little Frog looks up to the sky and dreams of reaching a star. The other animals in the pond think she's crazy. It's impossible, they tell her.

Sometimes time flies and sometimes it crawls. It becomes vivid, shared moments that leave their mark on our hearts.


Have you ever stopped to think how long the Earth has been around? Or how many years a star can shine in the sky? Or how long some animals and plants live for?

There are many things that children want to know and we don't know how to tell them. This is often because we are at first taken aback, but also because no really important question has a single answer.

“I'm not one of these ex-brokers who had a bad day at the office and decided to start over, to leave the stock exchange behind and dedicate myself to cycling.
No, that's not who I am.


¿Hay sitio?

¿Hay sitio?


Why do election campaigns matter? Do all the campaigns have the same impact on the citizens? What makes a person change their voting intentions? Are some more likely than others to change their voting intentions? Why?

An exquisite, evocative picture book about our relationships with our grandparents, the passing on of knowledge and the cycle of life.

¿Por qué tengo que emigrar? is a book with a didactic application in various areas: Spanish Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Plastic and Visual Education, etc.

What's she doing? What is Teresa doing? Is she eating cake? Is she drawing a picture? And what about her friends? What are they doing? It could be anything: two flaps, two stories. What is she doing?

Strawberry is a teenager who is different from the rest, she hasn't got many friends and feels excluded, precisely because she is a strawberry; and she really hates having a strawberry head, just like her mother's.

This book introduces Tento, the hero of this collection. Step by step, and by following the clues, the reader will come to know the character.

Hanna is a sixteen-year-old girl who leads a boring, monotonous life sitting in front of her computer and visiting social networking sites.



Eva is twelve years old. She’s very curious and is always asking questions. When she meets Ray, a somewhat wacky inventor, she discovers that not everything is as it seems and that answers are not always the most important thing.


Something is destroying the books on Astronomy in the school library!!! Could it be a virus or is it a star thief? It's one of the most complex cases the Panda at the Bottom of the Class will have to face.

The problems Paula tried to leave behind her when she went to Paris are still awaiting her on her return and it won't be at all easy to leave them behind her.

'True Or False?' is the sixth title in the ¡Adelante! (Forwards!) collection illustrated by Cristina Losantos and intended for children who are learning to read. Anita is very kind and good fun, but she has a big flaw: she tells a lot of lies!

クリスティナ・ロサントスの絵による、小さな子ども向けシリーズ¡Adelante!(前へ!)の6冊目。アニータはやさしくて楽しい女の子、だけど大きな欠点がある。ウソばかりつくのだ! ほんとのことをいうとまずいとき、アニータはごまかそうとウソをついてしまう。こうして次々ウソをつくうち、ある日「ほんとのこと」にそっぽを向かれてしまった。今日だけは、どうしてもほんとのことが必要なのに。だけど、だいじょうぶ。正直になるのに、手遅れということはないからね!

But what could have happened that night? Martina looked out of the window and... did not see a single tree in the street. Or in the square. Or in the park. Or by the river... The city had lost its greenery!

¿Qué pasaría si nada fuera lo que crees?
¿Y si mamá no fuera mamá? ¿Y si fuera una bruja disfrazada de mamá? ¿Y si se tratase de un hechizo?

¿Y si...?

What would happen if nothing was as it seemed? And what if mum were not mum? And what if she were a witch disguised as mum? And what if she tried to cast a spell on you?

When you love something you become the beloved thing. That is what happens to Rafaela Becerra in her book "... And a light emerged from the sea".

アグスティン・コモット(1968年、ブエノスアイレス生まれ)。アルベルト・ブレッチア、レオポルド・ドゥラニョナの指導で漫画を学び、アルゼンチン及び米国の様々なメディアで出版する。1990年代以降は、イラストレーター・作家としてイラストレーションの分野だけに専念。彼の本はメキシコ、ベネズエラ、アルゼンチン、スペイン、韓国、イタリアで出版されている。2000年、フォンド・デ・クルトゥラ・エコノミカ出版による«ビエントの畔で» 賞を受賞。





1958年、バリャドリード生まれ。作家、翻訳家、コラムニスト。短編集『Verdaderas historias extraordinarias(すばらしい真の歴史)』(2013)のほか、詩集『Animal impuro(不純な動物)』(2015)、『Kapital(キャピタル)』(2020)を出版。




出版社概要: 2歳から8歳までの児童向け絵本の刊行に従事する出版社。


フェルナンド アランブルは 1959 年にサン セバスティアンで生まれました。サラゴサ大学でスペイン語を卒業し、1985 年からドイツに住んでおり、スペイン語教師として働いています。彼は現在、同世代で最も優れた作家の一人とみなされており、1997 年のラモン・ゴメス・デ・ラ・セルナ賞、2001 年のエウスカディ賞など、多くの賞を受賞しており、彼の短編小説集「Los peces de la amargura」はマリオ・バルガス・リョサNH賞、ドゥルセ・チャコン賞、レアル・アカデミア・エスパニョーラ賞を受賞。



アルバロ・オルティス(1983年、サラゴサ生まれ)は、グラフィックデザインとイラストレーションを学んだ。著書には、本書『Cenizas(灰)』、『 Murderabilia(犯罪に関連するものを収集すること)』、『 Rituales(儀式)』、 ティッセン・ボルネミサ美術館と共同制作した『Dos holandeses en Nápoles(ナポリのふたりのオランダ人)』、『Viajes(旅行)』といったグラフィックノベルがある。





1960年カラカス生まれ。小説También el corazón es un descuido(心も過ち)、 La enfermedad(病、2006年エラルデ賞受賞)、 Rating(ランキング)、短編集 Edición de lujo(豪華版)、 Perros(犬たち)、 Crímenes(犯罪)の著者。その他詩集を2冊出している。前ベネズエラ大統領の資料で裏付けされた初めての伝記『大統領チャベス』(緑風出版、2009)をジャーナリストのクリスティーナ・マルカーノと執筆。ベネズエラ中央大学文学部を卒業。同大学で時評について教鞭をとる。

アルベルト・ベルモンテはへレス出身の漫画家。Planeta DeAgostini のようなスペインの会社や、IDW やBastion Press といった米国の会社のために独立イラストレーターとして働く。2005年にアニメ会社Pizzel 3D スタジオで働き始め、現在までクリエイティブデザイナーの仕事をしてきた。デッサンやデザイン教師の仕事と、今没頭しているコミックの新しいプロジェクトで時間をやりくりしている。








私が11、12歳の頃、1971年か1972年でしょうか、台所で料理をする母をいつものように手伝っていた時、有名なゴシップ雑誌『EL HOLA』に載っているある女性のことが話題にでました。白人と黒人の混血のその女性は、王族やゴージャスなセレブの写真ばかりが掲載される誌面に、ほとんど裸で写っていたんです。当時のスペインは1939年に始まったフランコ将軍の独裁政権下で、出版物や映画などあらゆるものが厳しく検閲されていました。乳房を星の飾りでかすかに隠し、バナナの腰巻を付けただけの混血女性の写真に違和感を抱いた私は、それが誰なのか母に訊ねました。

アレハンドラ・コスタマグナ(1970年チリ・サンティアゴ⽣まれ)はこれまでに⼩説En voz baja(⼩さな声で、1996、⽂芸コンペ・ガブリエル・ミストラル賞)、Ciudadano en retiro(⽥舎の都会⼈、1998)、Cansado ya del sol(陽射に疲れ果て、2003)、Dile que no estoy(私はいないと伝えて、2007、プラネタ-カサ・デ・アメリカ賞最終選考作品及び芸術批評家クラブ賞)を刊⾏。




アントニオ・オリウエラは1965年、ウエルバ県モゲール⽣まれ。詩⼈、物語作家、エッセイスト、コラムニスト。文芸的で知的なその作品は反権威主義⾊が顕著であり、90年代初頭の集団的運動「意識の詩」出現以来、その流れを共有している。詩フェスティバルVoces del extremo(極端からの声)を主宰。

アンドレア・ジャヌバル(1993年バルセロナ生まれ)は、バルセロナ大学で文学理論と比較文学を学び、マドリードの芸術開発ファクトリーの文化経営の修士号を持つ。エスポシティボ現代芸術創作プロジェクト(マドリード)に属し、広告宣伝の文章を書いてきた。現在はさまざまな出版社の宣伝部門の責任者として働く。『Consum preferent消費期限(「選択的消費」)』は初めての小説で、Anagrama社からスペイン語でも出版される予定。



アンドレス・パスクアル:1969年、ログローニョ生まれ。20年間弁護士として仕事をしてきた。現在は、ロンドンとスペインを行ったり来たりしながら、執筆に携わるとともに、モチベーションについての講演をしている。旅を愛し、小説のためのインスピレーションを求めて50か国以上をめぐってきた。作品は様々な言語に翻訳されている。El guardián de la flor de loto(蓮の花の番人)やEl haiku de las palabras perdidas(失われた言葉の俳句)などの成功のあと、ずっと書きたかったこの物語のためにインドに戻った。






イバン・レデスマ(1977年、バルセロナ生まれ)は作家で脚本家。小説家としての第1作『Negorith(ネゴリス)』は2017年ジョアキン・ルイラ・ヤングアダルト小説賞を受賞。その後、『184』、『Barcelona 2059(バルセロナ 2059)』、『Perturbada Realidad(動転した真実)』を出版。

イレーネ・ベルドゥーはバレンシア大学で哲学の学位と教職の免許を取得。オリーバ町役場の図書館に勤務する傍ら、作家として、子ども向けの本を出版している。2016年、『Un caso para el detective Saltaflores(サルタフローレス刑事の事件)』で第9回グラナダ県議会プレグントン皇太子児童詩賞を受賞。



インマ・ムニョスは作家、編集者、童話作家で、大人向けの物語も手掛ける。マドリードのエスクエラ・デ・エスクリトレス(作家になるための養成機関)でパブロ・アルボやグラシア・イグレシアスの指導を受け、何年にもわたって様々なコースで学んだ。演劇、舞踊、物語の作り手になるための教育を受け、2016年に最初の本『El puntito Chimpún(句読点のチンプン)』を出版して作家としてのキャリアをスタート。





1939年アルゼンチンのブエノスアイレス生まれ。1974年にパリに移り、1988年からブエノスアイレスとパリを行ったり来たりしている。随筆、中編小説や長編小説を執筆し、中にはスーザン・ソンタグやギジェルモ・カブレラ=インファンテが序文を書いた作品もある。映画も手掛け、複数の賞を受賞し、パリのジュ・ド・ポーム国立美術館でオマージュ展が開催された。Lejos de dónde(どこから遠いのか)は2011年にアルゼンチンアカデミア文学賞を受賞した。









A Ramalleira, n.º 5. C.P. 36140 Vilaboa (Pontevedra) Galicia.
Francisco Villegas フランシスコ・ビリェガス
+34 986 679 035







エレナ・ポニアトウスカは1932年パリ生まれ。本名はエレーヌ・エリザベス・ルイーズ・アメリ・パウラ・ドロレス・ポニアトウスカ=アモール。米国で学業を修め、今では伝説となっているが、ジャーナリストとして働きはじめる。代表作は『トラテロルコの夜 メキシコの1958年』(藤原書店、1971[2005]年)。文学ジャーナリズムは彼女が最も力を入れているジャンルで、Todo México (メキシコの全て 1991-1999)7巻におさめられている。著書は多く、受賞多数。

Enrique Vila Matas, Barcelona, 1948

エンリック・リュックは、児童文学の分野で30点以上の著作を刊行し、多数の賞を受けてきた。その作品は、フランス語、ギリシャ語、ポルトガル語、アイルランド語、ポーランド語に翻訳されている。さまざまな国で出版されている、The Chest Full of Monsters(モンスターいっぱいのたんす)やFirst Steps (ファーストステップ)シリーズの著者でもある。

ジョルディ・ビラ=デルクロス(絵):出版社や雑誌で、教科書や童話や小説の挿絵を描いてきた。イラスト以外の分野でも活動している。彼のイラストは多くの賞を受賞しており、2010年には『Marco Polo no fue solo(マルコポーロは一人じゃなかった)』(Bruño)でラサリーリョ賞を受賞した。









カリナ・サインス・ボルゴ(1982年、ベネズエラ・カラカス市⽣まれ)は12年以上以前からスペインに住んでいる。カラカスで「エルナシオナル紙」の記者として就職してから⽂化ジャーナリストとして仕事をしてきた。「エルムンド紙」「ガトパルド誌」「キメラ誌」など、スペインやラテンアメリカの様々な刊行物で記事を書いてきた。現在デジタル新聞「ボスポプリ」で働き、⽂学誌「センダ」やラジオ局「オンダ・セロ」に寄稿している。クロニクル兼ジャーナリズムの作品TRAFICO Guaire(グアイレトラフィック、2008)とCaracas HIP-HOP(カラカスヒップホップ、2008)を執筆。


セルバンテスの次に世界で多く読まれている スペイン人作家といわれるカルロス・ルイ ス・サフォン。彼の『精霊たちの迷宮』の邦 訳が集英社文庫から出版された今年、翻訳出 版記念トークがインスティトゥト・セルバン テス東京で開催され、翻訳者の木村裕美氏、 バルセロナの著作権エージェントのアントニ ア・ケリガン氏、そしてサフォンの編集者 だったエミーリ・ロサーレス氏が、サフォン について語りました。


木村: カルロス・ルイス・サフォンは『風の 影』『天使のゲーム』『天国の囚人』という「忘れられた本の墓場」シリーズの最終 章『精霊たちの迷宮』を書き終えた4年後の 2020 年、残念なことに 55 歳で亡くなり ました。私は翻訳の草稿が終わらないときに逝去のニュースを聞いてショックを受け ましたが、彼が丸 15 年かけて書き上げたこの四部作に本当に命を懸けたんだなと、胸がいっぱいになりました。


A Galaxia Gutenberg é uma editora independente com um seleto catálogo de títulos emblemáticos da literatura e humanidades e exigentes obras contemporâneas e novos autores. Vencedora de vários prémios pela sua carreira, é uma das empresas culturais mais sólidas do mercado espanhol.



クカ・カナルスはバルセロナ⾃治⼤学で情報学を専攻。1992年まで広告業に従事し、国内外の有⼒な賞を複数獲得。脚本家としてはビガス・ルナ監督の作品『ハモン、ハモン』(ヴェネチア国際映画祭銀獅⼦賞)、『ゴールデン・ボールズ』(サンセバスティアン国際映画祭特別賞)、『おっぱいとお⽉さま』(ヴェネチア国際映画祭⾦のオゼッラ賞)、La Camarera del Titánic(タイタニックの部屋係:ゴヤ賞最優秀脚本賞)を担当。

クラウディーネ・ベルナルデスは、治療のための物語と寓話に関する修士号を持ち、物語による感情教育の専門家。 現在、IASEバレンシア心理学研究所の大学院コースで物語療法を教えている。著書に『Carlota no quiere hablar(カルロタは話したくない)』、『Tuá(トゥア)』、『El Almendro Triste(悲しきアーモンドの木)』などがある。@claudine.bernardes

クララ・サンチェスはグアダラハラ(スペイン)生まれ。幼少期をバレンシアで過ごし、その後マドリードに引っ越す。1989年、小説Piedras preciosas(貴石)を出版。



スペイン生まれのスウェーデン人。幼少時に童話を書き、学生時代は短編映画を撮り、母親になってから再び童話を書きはじめた。主な作品はクラウドファンディングで出版した『El viaje de Nora(ノラの旅行)』と『Soy una superniña(わたしはスーパーガール)』。













ゴンサロ・モウレ:ジャーナリストで作家。主に児童・YA文学の分野で認められた存在で、西サハラの人々、移動図書館Bubisher、子供の権利、平等性、環境など社会的な問題に関心を示し題材として取り上げている。創作活動の他、学校や図書館、読書クラブなどを訪れ著書についてのトークの機会を設けている。 マリア・ヒロン:バルセロナ大学で美術を学んだ後、ボローニャとセビリアで勉強を続け、バルセロナに帰郷してリョッジャ高等デザイン美術学校でイラストを専攻。多数の本のイラストを手掛けており、外国語に翻訳されたものも多い。

ゴンサロ・モウレ:ジャーナリストで作家。主に児童・YA文学の分野で認められた存在で、西サハラの人々、移動図書館Bubisher、子供の権利、平等性、環境など社会的な問題に関心を示し題材として取り上げている。創作活動の他、学校や図書館、読書クラブなどを訪れ著書についてのトークの機会を設けている。 マリア・ヒロン:バルセロナ大学で美術を学んだ後、ボローニャとセビリアで勉強を続け、バルセロナに帰郷してリョッジャ高等デザイン美術学校でイラストを専攻。多数の本のイラストを手掛けており、外国語に翻訳されたものも多い。

サニ・ラダンは、国際移住を専門とする社会教育者で、異文化メディエーター。10年近くヨーロッパの南部国境を越える移民の実態に光を当ててきた。自らも生まれ故郷のカメルーンからスペインに移住した経験を有する。セウタ市にあるエリン協会の会長として、毎年夏に移民に関する講座の監修を行っている。 パン・アフリカ主義者、反人種主義者、人権擁護活動家であり、世界情勢や国際地政学に関するコンテンツをSNSで発信している。彼の活動の大きな目的は、アフリカ大陸の歴史や関連する人物について世界中の人々に知らしめることであり、さらにはアフリカ大陸に関する物語を書き替えることだ。

サビーナ・ベルマンはメキシコ生まれ。脚本家として名をなす。戯曲以外には中編小説2作(Un grano de arroz, La bobe)と文化時評の書籍2冊(Democracia cultural, Un soplo en el corazón de la Patria)を発表。2006年から週刊誌プロセソの論説委員、およびメキシコ有数の文学雑誌2誌でコラムニスト。同時期から毎週水曜日のインタビューTV番組シャララのパーソナリティを務める。国民ジャーナリスト賞を2回受賞。2009年からはアレハンドロ・ゴンサレス・イニャリトゥ監督の映画の脚本を担当(Babel, Biutiful)。


サラ・メサ(1976年マドリード⽣まれ)は幼い頃よりセビーリャに居住。短編や長編小説で受賞歴あり。アナグラマ社からはCuatro por cuatro(4かける4、エラルデ⼩説⼤賞最終選考作品)、Cicatriz(傷、オホ・クリティコ賞⼩説家部門受賞作、「エルパイス」「エルムンド」「ABC」「エルエスパニョール」などの新聞やその他のメディアで年間ベスト本に選出)、初めての長編⼩説Un incendio invisible(⽬に⾒えない⽕事)、短編集Mala letra(汚い字)を出版している。

サルバドール・マシップ:医者、学者、⽂筆家。バルセロナ⼤学で医学を専攻。さらに同⼤において分⼦遺伝学および人間生理学の博⼠号を取得する。ニューヨーク市のマウント・サイナイ病院に9年間勤務し、現在は英国レスター⼤学の研究チームリーダーを務める。これまでに約30冊の著作を発表し、うち何冊かは賞を受けている。定期的に紙媒体やラジオへの寄稿も⾏なっている。 エミリオ・ウルベルアーガ:2011年、作品全体を評してスペイン⽂化省より「国民イラスト賞」を授与される。作品はこれまでに世界20カ国以上で紹介および展⽰されており、スペイン内外の権威あるコレクションの中に⾒ることができる。




書き物をするようになったのはいつからですか?-最初は中学生の頃です。簡単な詩など書いていましたが、もちろんモノにはなりませんでした。その後30歳を過ぎてからバルセロナのホフマン調理学校で食文化に関する講義の内容を書くようになり、真剣に取り組みました。 初めて出された本はどれでしょうか?-最初の本は発行者名がありません。Por mis fogones(私のコンロのために)で、2007年から2015年の間に「ガストロミミックス」というブログに掲載した記事を書き直したものです。エッセイや個人的なこと、もう少し詳しい調理テクニックや他のシェフのレシピも数点加えました。







シモン・エリアス=バラソアインは、1975年ログローニョで⽣まれたが、トレビハノ(ラ・リオハ県)で育った。50年代のアラゴン出⾝のふたりの登⼭家についての本Rabadá y Navarro. La cordada imposible (ラバダとナバロ-ザイルで結ばれたとんでもない登⼭チーム、Desnivel、2007) と、Alpinismo bisexual y otros escritos de altura (バイセクシュアルの登⼭と⼭についてのその他の文書、ペピタス・デ・カラバサ、2013)を上梓。




シャビエル・ボッシュ(1967年、バルセロナ生まれ)は情報学士。カタルーニャ語の新聞「アブイ」の局長、ラジオ局RAC1の番組責任者を務める。また、Alguna Pregunta Més(ちょっと教えて)、Cafè Baviera(カフェ・バビエラ)、El món a RAC1(カタルーニャ・ラジオ1の世界)などのラジオ番組の創設者及び編集者。テレビシリーズのディレクターとしてはUn tomb per la vida(人生の転覆)やAquest any, cent!(今年で100年!、アントニ・バサス、エドゥアルド・ボエと共同)に関わった。

シルベストレ・ビラプラナは、若者や大人向けの小説、詩を書いてきた。前作L'estany de foc(火の池)も大人向けで、本書と同様に権威ある賞を受賞している。児童文学の分野でも成功をおさめている作家。ヤングアダルト向けの主な作品には、La mirada d'Al-Azraq(アル・アズラックのまなざし)、Los demonios de Pandora (パンドラの悪魔)、La frontera negra (黒い国境)、Resurrecció(よみがえり)があげられる。 


ジェラルド・ギクス(ビック、1975年)は作家、劇作家、脚本家。アルス・ジョグラス、テアトレ・デ・ゲリージャ、テアトレ・ロメア、テアトロ・キスメット・オペラ(イタリア、バーリ)、ザ・レップ-バーミンガム・レポーティ・シアター(英国バーミンガム)、フォーカス、ディアゴナルTVなどの劇団、劇場、制作会社と制作、コラボレーションしている。小説では『La deriva de los continentes(大陸の漂流)』(2005)、『Día de caza(狩りの日)』(Columna、2007)を出版。

情報アナリストで、サイバーセキュリティの専門家。2017年、INCIBE(国 家 サ イ バ ー セ キ ュ リ テ ィ 研 究 機 構)の名誉サイバー協力者に任命される。これはテクノロジーの尊重と責任ある使用の推進に寄与する活動を行っている公人に与えられる称号だ。2019年には治安警備隊の白い十字章を授与される。現在はスペインの通信大手、テレフォニカグループのメタバース部門最高責任者。







スサナ・ロペス=ルビオは、現在最も好評を博す脚本家のひとり。彼女は『情熱のシーラ』のテレビ版ミニシリーズの編集責任者で、Acacias 38(アカシア通り38番地)の制作担当。

世界中で60点以上の本を出版し、作品は12言語以上に翻訳されている。アメリカでも14点が入手でき、好評を博している。2013年にはアメリカでムーンビーム児童書賞の銀メダルを受け、ヌベオチョ社刊行のBogo the Fox Who Wanted Everything(なんでもほしがったキツネのボゴ)は、児童図書組合で選定された。児童心理学者であり作家。



マリア・ラモス(1984年カセレス⽣まれ)はイラストレーター、コミック作画者、児童⽂学作家。サラマンカ⼤学で美術を学ぶ。現在はマドリード在住。「ケ・スエルテ!(運がいい!)」「ティク・トク」「フォスファティーナ」「ヒッツ・ウィズ・ティッツ」「ウルトララディオ」等いくつものグループ・プロジェクトに参加。またマムート・コミックス、MTM、ウォーク・ウィズ・ミーやサリー・ブックスなどの出版社から本を刊⾏している。2017年、シベーレス宮殿の芸術センター「セントロセントロ」で開催されたシリーズ展La ciudad entre viñetas(挿絵の中の町)に出展した。








2012年『Crossing on the Paris(パリの旅)』を

1979年、バルセロナ生まれ。著書に、本書G(2015)、El Gran Retorno (グレート・リターン、2013)、El cuarteto de Whitechapel (ホワイトチャペル・カルテット、2010)、El jardín de los curiosos(やじ馬たちの庭、2010)の4作がある。様々な雑誌やアンソロジーに作品が収録され、受賞多数。バルセロナに住み執筆活動をしつつ、まだ小さい町で図書館員として働いている。

チューリッヒ芸術大学とニューヨーク視覚芸術学校で学んだのち、プリンストン大学(米国)でドイツ語とメディア学を履修。現在はスイスのヴィンタートゥールに住み、児童書を書いて子どもと家族のためのテーブルゲームをデザインしている。テンプラール、プラネタ・タンジェリーナ、アトランティスの各社から出版したのち、ヌベ・オチョ社での最初の絵本となる『Una gran ayuda(大きな助け)』を刊行した。

フィデル・デ・トバールは、バルセロナ文芸クラブで小説を、写真・記録メディア専門学校CFDでドキュメンタリー写真を学んだ。日本文化に魅せられ、2013年に日本の桜に関するフォトルポHanami(花見)を制作。このフォトルポは、ピエルデフォト誌の最優秀ドキュメンタリー賞を受賞し、日本のトレンドを伝える雑誌エイキョウにも掲載された(2014)。2016年には『Arashiyama, la montaña de los deseos(嵐山、欲望の山)』の脚本を手がけ、漫画家ダニ・ベルムデスと共に第11回ノルマ出版マンガコンクールで優勝。


ダビッド・モンテアグード(1962年、ルゴ県ビベイロ生まれ)はガリシア出身、カタルーニャ在住。40歳で文学を志し、アカンティラード社から小説Fin(おしまい、2009年)、Marcos Montes(マルコス・モンテス、2010年)、Brañaganda(ブラニャガンダ、2011年)、そして短編集である本書を出版。6言語に翻訳されている。

児童・YA文学の国際的な第一人者。1994年、イタリアの雑誌「リヌス」の漫画原作者としてキャリアをスタート。タロウ・ミヤザワ、ダイコンのペンネームでも執筆しており、 現在イタリアのジェノバに在住。絵本やグラフィックノベルは25カ国以上で出版され、多くの言語に翻訳されている。ベルギーのリビリット賞、ボローニャのラガッツイ特別賞、フランスのSNCF賞などの重要な賞を受賞。『No he hecho los deberes porque...(宿題はやってない、だって……)』は、NubeOchoとPepa Montanoからの最初の著書。


1975年バダロナ生まれ。バルセロナのいくつかの画廊で展示会を開き、画家として最初の一歩を踏み出す。長年意見記事のイラストを描き、短編アニメーション映画の制作を通じて「小さなアニメーション」プロジェクトを展開。マリオ・トレシリャスが脚本を担当した『El hijo(息子)』と、ガビ・マルティネスの小説をコミック化した『Sudd(スッド)』(Glénat, 2011)の2作品で、ジュンセダ賞コミック部門を受賞した。





デシレエ・アランシビアはチリに生まれ、2003年からはバルセロナ在住。イラストレーター、グラフィックデザイナー、編集者。異なる出版社から12冊の本を出版し、様々な著者の本にイラストレーターとして参加している。著書:『El Recetario Mágico(魔法のレシピ集)』、『Gato negro, el felino de la buena suerte(黒猫、幸運の猫)』、『Serafín, el pájaro que buscaba su melodía(セラフィン、自分のメロディを探していた小鳥)』、以上3冊はPlay attitude(のちのGamusetes)刊。














ナダールことペップ・ドミンゴは、1985年カステジョ・デ・ラ・プラナ生まれ。大学時代には、スペイン国内のコミックコンクール(ポルトゥガレテ、コルネジャ、CAM, INJUVEなど)で数々の賞を受賞。バルセロナ大学美術学部卒業後、ドス・ベセス・ブレベ他の雑誌に最初の短編を発表。2012年、『Papel estrujado(くしゃくしゃになった紙)』(Astiberri、2013)のプロジェクトにより、AlhóndigaKomik(ビルバオ)の奨学金を受ける。


スリーニェ・イバレチェ Zuriñe Ibarretxe
34-943 43 22 27
C/ Aldamar, 36 bajo. 20003 Donostia-San Sebastián. Gipuzkoa





ヌリア・アパリシオ(1982年、バルセロナ生まれ)は、15年以上の経験を持つイラストレーター。 アニメーションの世界でキャリアをスタートさせ、映画、TVシリーズ、広告の仕事に携わってきた。ある日、初めての出版の仕事の依頼メールを受け取ってからというもの、児童向けのイラストに夢中になってしまった。こうしてここ数年は、『Cloe y la Nube(クロエと雲)』(Sallybooks)、『Mi gran amigo Toshka(僕の偉大な友人トシュカ)』(Fun Readers)、『Dibujaré un arcoíris(虹を描こう)』(Beascoa)などの本のイラストを描いている。

ヌリア・ソルソナは、バルセロナ大学で美術を学び、画像を専攻した。彼女の作品は、ARCOなど国内の現代美術フェアのほか、オーストリア、フィンランド、インドなどでも展示されている。また、版画や写真に関連する作品で多数の受賞歴を持つ。現在、La Central書店のアート&ビジュアルコミュニケーションディレクターとしても活躍中。

バルセロナ自治大学(UAB)でコミュニケーションとジャーナリズムの博士号を取得。ジャーナリスト、研究者、教育者。情報のチェックの仕方を教え、批判精神を持ってフェイク・ニュースと戦おうと提唱する公開教育プロジェクトLearn to Checkを推進。その活動を始めて以来、様々な講座やプロジェクトでメディア教育の振興を図っている。



ハビエル・サエス=カスタン(1964年、ウエスカ生まれ)はバレンシアで美術を学び、卒業後イラストレータとなる。現在は作家として文章も手がけ、自分の本のお話もつくる。アナヤ社の作品に、El valiente soldadito de plomo(勇敢な鉛の兵隊)、La pequeña cerillera y otros cuentos(マッチ売りの少女)、アイザック・バシェヴィス・シンガーのCuentos para niños(子供のための物語)、Pom... Pom... ¡Pompibol!(ポン、ポン、ポンピボル!)がある。

新聞学で学士号取得。カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)で、映画・テレビを学ぶ。映画・テレビの脚本家。ここ20年は複数の広告代理店、数多くの制作会社やオーディオビジュアル系の企業で働きながら、セミナー講師を務める。著者のクレジットが出ている映画には、『タデオ・ジョーンズの冒険』(ゴヤ賞最優秀原作脚色賞受賞)、Atrapa la bandera(旗をとれ)、Tadeo Jones 2, el secreto del rey Midas(タデオ・ジョーンズ2 ミダス王の秘密)がある。現在 4キャッツ・ピクチャーズのクリエイティブ局のスーパーバイザー。


バネサ・ペレス=サウキリョ(1978年マドリード生まれ)は、スペインの新しい世代を代表する詩人。詩集に、Climax Road(クライマックス・ロード)、Bajo la lluvia equivocada(過ちの雨の下で)、Invención de gato(猫の発明)、Vocación de Rabia(激怒の資質)、Estrellas por la alfombra(絨毯の星)がある。スペイン国営ラジオ批評眼賞、マドリード自治州若手芸術賞をはじめ、さまざまな賞を受賞。作品は多くのアンソロジーに収録されている。


バルバラ・フェルナンデスは生まれてからずっと、マドリード州のある町に住んでいる。読むこと、書くことが大好き。そして走ることもね! スペイン語文献学を学び、児童書の編集という現在の仕事を大いに楽しんでいる。









アルバロ・パスクアルとロドリゴ・セプティエンは、伝説、民間伝承や祭り、人気映画やテレビシリーズに影響を与えた歴史的出来事の背後にある、不気味で驚くべき物語を伝えるチャンネル「Unravelling History(歴史を紐解く)」のクリエーター。神話を伝える彼らのYouTubeチャンネルは超有名で、チャンネル登録者数は521万人、最も人気のある動画の中には1600万ビューに達しているものがある。



生まれながらの科学者。出身地のサラゴサで生化学を学び、英国のケンブリッジ大学で1年研究した後、YouTubeでNeurocosas(いろいろニューロ)チャンネルを始める。バルセロナ大学で修士課程を修め、神経科学に関する博士論文を執筆。その後、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンで権威あるサイエンスメディア制作修士課程を視聴覚受講。神経科学を解説するふたつの動画配信プロジェクト『Neurocosas (いろいろニューロ)』(2017) と『Neuropíldoras (丸呑みニューロ)』(2018)のそれぞれの研究費をスペイン科学技術財団(FECYT)から獲得。


ヒネス・サンチェスは1967年ムルシア生まれ。子どものころは、眼鏡をかけたやせこけた少年で怠け者だった。後に法律を学び弁護士になったが、退屈で辞めてしまい、世界を見に出た。働きながらあちこちを回り、旅をしながら、その時に備えて書く練習をしていた。そしてその時が来た。ヒネスは大人向けの本を何冊も書いている。『El mar detrás(後ろに海)』は彼の初めてのYA文学。現在は、執筆のかたわら、ルネッサンス・クラブでライティング講座を開いている。そして、時間が許せば、ウミガメたちの夢を見る。



ビクトル・サバテーは、みんなと同じように、生まれて、学び、いくつかの場所で暮らし、仕事をして来た。書く事よりも読む事が好きだ。彼が好きなものは時代と共に流行遅れになっていった。19世紀末から20世紀初頭の幻想小説、16ビット時代のビデオゲーム、自殺、ヌーヴォー・ロマン、それに70年代のプログレッシブ・ロック。El joven Nathaniel Hathorne(若きナサニエル・ホーソン)は著者初の小説。

1968年バルセロナ生まれ。1992年から2012年までカタルーニャ自治州政府で働く公務員だった。バルセロナ大学で歴史を学び、2年間、社会問題を描くラジオ番組Catalunya sense barreres(カタルーニャ・バリアフリー、Radio Estel、視覚障害者協会ONCE)でキャスター、執筆者。作家としては2003年、El abismo de los sueños(夢の深淵、未刊)が第8回フェルナンド・ララ賞最終候補となり、2006年にはEl peso de los muertos(死者の重さ)でティフロス小説賞を受賞。


ビス・モリナはバルセロナ生まれのジャーナリスト、文献学者。出版その他のマスメディアで働き、現在は「エクスパンシオン紙」の週刊特集版「フエラ・デ・セリエ誌」に記事を掲載している。著書にBibi Salisachs(ビビ・サリサチス)、Los Godó, los últimos 125 años de Barcelona(ゴドー家の人々、現代バルセロナの125年)の2冊の伝記のほか、Seductoras: vidas y logros(魅力的な女たち:人生と成功)、Aprender a emprender(起業を学ぶ)といったノンフィクションがある。


1971年バレンシア生まれの編集者で文化コーディネーター。社会学博士で、政治学と人類学の学士号を持つ。1998年から2015年まで「バレンシアイラストレーションと近代性博物館」の学芸員を務め、2016年からアルフォンソ大王インスティトゥシオン館長。バレンシア大学教員(休職中)。著書に『Nuevas glorias en España.

1971年マドリード生まれ。Galaxia Gutenberg社からは、2015年に小説『Las efímeras(カゲロウ)』(「独自性を持った才能豊かな普遍的作家」カルロス・パルド、エルパイス紙読書欄「バベリア」、「彼女の本は、強いられることなく自然に文学を語る」ピラール・カストロ、エルクルトゥラル誌)を、2017年に短編集『La vida sumergida(非合法の生活)』を、2022年に小説『De bestias y aves(野獣と鳥類の)』(2022年ウンブラル優良図書賞、カラモ賞その他の視線部門受賞)を刊行した。

ペルーとアメリカ合衆国で育ち、建築を勉強した。現在は主に自然を主役にしたイラストに専念している。繊維分野や企業デザインに関連する企業で働いてきた。2015年から、絵、版画、彫刻など様々な技法で制作した自身の作品を集めたDifferent Folks Co.プロジェクトのプロモーターをしている。https://differentfolks.co





フアン・カルロス・クベイロはAECOP(スペイン指導のプロセス・コンサルティング協会)の名誉会長、IDEO業務執行社員、アクセル・クルーガーのコーディネーター、デウスト大学、サン・パブロ―CEU 大学、FUNDESEMビジネススクール、ノバカイシャガリシア、ESTEMAビジネススクール、ESICの教員。

レオノール・ガリャルド=ゲレロは運動学博士。 現在カスティーリャ-ラ・マンチャ大学教授。スペイン王立サッカー連盟のスポーツマネジメント・マスターコース長。




フェデリコ・ガルシア=セラーノは、マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学の芸術・コミュニケーションサイエンス学部の教授である。また30年間にわたってRTVE(スペイン国営放送局)で勤務し、Mitomanía(神話マニア、1994-1999)、Palabra por palabra(一言一句、2005-2008)などの番組を制作してきた。ギリェルモ・サマーズとの共著で、ユーモアと料理に関する様々な書籍が出ている。El museo imaginado(空想の美術館、文化省、2000)プロジェクトを率い、《arte viajero》(旅する芸術)の世界を掘り下げた。

フェリクス・J・パルマ(1968年サンルーカル・デ・バラメーダ⽣まれ)は作家で創作及び文芸コーチングの教師。短編集El vigilante de la salamandra(サンショウウオの監視員、1998)で⼩説家としてデビュー、好評を博す。それ以来、Las interioridades(個⼈的な事柄、2001 年ティルフォス賞)、Los arácnidos(蜘蛛、2003年カディス議会イベロアメリカ短編賞受賞)などの短編集を出版し、奇怪幻想⽂学における地位を独力で築く。



スペイン北部バスク地方では、氏インからの分離独立を目指す過激組織「バスク祖国と自由」(通称ETA)が、1950 年代後半から数々のテロ事件を起こしていました。その活動が最も激しかった時期にバスクで育った小説家のフェルナンド・アランブル氏は、長年温めていた物語を、2016年、長編小説『祖国』として発表。瞬く間に世界32ヵ国以上でベストセラーになり、スペインではドラマ化もされました。









フランシスコ・シングールは、Historia cultural do Camiño de Santiago (サンティアゴの道の文化史、1999年、ビーゴ)、 La Ciudad de las Luces (光の街、2001年、サンティアゴ)、 Cammino di Santiago. Cultura e pensiero (サンティアゴの道~文化と思想、2007年、ローマ) 、Vino y cultura medieval (ワインと中世文化、2010年、サンティアゴ)の著者。展覧会のキュレーターとして働き、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ、アジア諸国における巡礼の歴史や美術史に関する会議に参加。






ボルハ・ゴンサレス=オヨスは、1982年、スペインのバダホス生まれ。独学でイラストレーターになり、数コマ漫画の漫画家。ファンジンや雑誌で作品を発表。『La Reina Orquídea(女王オルキデア』は代表作のひとつ。『The Black Holes(ブラックホールズ)』以降、著者の作品は国際的に知られるようになり、現在はダルゴー社の主要作家のひとり。

自他の育成と執筆に従事。研究熱心で積極的な人物で創作活動と教育や主に舞台芸術に関した文化事業を両立させている。ここ数年は筆跡学の世界に入り込んでいる。またオーディオ形式のフィクションとノンフィクション作品の制作を目的としたスペースLa Chispa Blancaを創立。劇作家としての作品は児童、コメディ、ダンス劇、実話に基づいた舞台などの多様なジャンルとスタイルをカバー。本作品は著者の初めての小説。







1989年創業の出版社。マウンテンスポーツ、自然と観光ガイド、歴史的遺産、地図作成法、そして幅広い分野の文学とエッセイ(「ラス・トレス・ソロレス」叢書)、CDブックを専門に手掛けている。近年では児童・YA向けの絵入り本の刊行も始めた。 https://libreriaprames.com


ヘスス・マルチャマロ(1960年、マドリード生まれ)。作家、ジャーナリスト。スペイン国営ラジオ・テレビでそのキャリアの大部分を積み、イカロ賞、モンテカルロ賞、ミゲル・デリベス・ジャーナリズム国民賞を受賞。La tienda de palabras(言葉の店)、Tocar los libros(本に触れる)、Las bibliotecas perdidas (失われた図書館)、Los reinos de papel(紙の王国)など10作以上の著作がある。



ベゴーニャ・オロはサラゴサ生まれで現在はマドリード在住。児童・YA文学の編集者を数年経験後、現在は執筆と翻訳を手がける。彼女の執筆した教科書で、多くの子どもたちが読書の世界に足を踏み入れた。『Pomelo y limón(グレープフルーツとレモン)』でグラン・アングラル賞(2011)、アチェ賞(2012)を受賞。2014年ユーロスターズ旅行小説賞、アルベルト・ヒメネス・シューマッハとの共著『Tú tan cáncer y yo tan virgo(あなたはこんなにガンで、わたしはこんなに乙女)』(2018)でハエン賞(YA小説部門)を受賞。

ベルタは小さなころからおしっこが近い。おかげでベルタのパパとママは、すっかり街道沿いのレストラン通になった。だってドライブするときは必ず、道の途中で2回か3回止まらなければならなかったからね。ベルタは絶対白状しないけど、人目がないときは、そう、こっそり小指で鼻をほじってる。そのほうが洗練されてると信じてるからだ。丸めた鼻くそを食べないだけまだましだが、そのかなり気になるシロモノをどうするかも、ベルタは白状しない。編集者フアンの、ちょっとどうなんだろうと思うくらい熱心な提案を受けてつくったのが本書で、彼とは別の本、『Cambio climático(気候変動)』でも一緒に仕事をした。


ペップ・ブロカルは、美術学部で絵画を専攻し、美術の学位を取得。1984年、プロのマンガ家としてスタート。多くのシリーズやキャラクターを、カイロ、ソナ84、トテム、ビニェタス、ミスターK、 NSLM, CO&CO、 ルタ66、トレステベンツ、カバル・フォルト、エル・マングラールなどの雑誌や、ラ・バングアルディア紙、ABC紙、エルムンド紙、オラノバ紙、エルパイス紙の特集版で発表。コミック誌Mr. Brain presenta (ミスター・ブレインは紹介する)の共同編集の他、フェリペ・エルナンデス=カバの脚本で、アルバム『Vgirl 』を編集。


ペラ・カルデルス(バルセロナ、1912年~1994年)が文学創作を始めたのは1930年代だが、最も完成度の高い作品のひとつであるCròniques de la veritat oculta(隠された真実クロニクル、1955年)を書くことになるのはスペイン内戦後、メキシコへの亡命時代(1939~1962)である。この作品で決定的に著者のスタイルが完成した。L’ombra de l’atzavara (竜舌蘭の影、1964年) と Ronda naval sota la boira(霧の中の海上巡視、1966年)の2つの小説で20世紀カタルーニャの最も偉大な作家のひとりとして認められた。



マドリード・コンプルテンセ大学のポストドクター。Pre-bored.(スペインの老人ホームにおける退屈の予防とウェルビーイング)プロジェクトのリーダーであり、学際的視点から退屈という現象を専門的に研究している。国際退屈研究学会を創設し同会長を務める他、『The culture of boredom(退屈の文化)』(BRILL、2020)や『Boredom is in your mind(退屈はあなたの心の中にある)』(Springer、2019)をはじめとする書籍の編纂を担当してきた。



ホセ・アントニオ・ディアス:教授。AMS(マドリード社会学会)会長、UNED(スペイン国立通信教育大学)研究担当副学長、FUNDESCO(テレフォニカの財団)次期開発領域・技術評価責任者、ISA(国際社会学会)のRC07 Futures Research(未来研究委員会)副会長を歴任。



El flamenco, una alternativa musical (フラメンコ、オルタナティブ・ミュージック、1999年)、Tratado de gastronomia, belleza y salud (食、美、健康についての専門書、2008年)

ホセ・フェデリコ・バルセロナ=マルティネスは児童・YA文学と大人向け小説の作家。2019年に初めて作品を発表して以来、賞や表彰をいくつも得ている。「イン-ファン-シア」(Rosa Sentat協会)、「culturadeinfancia.com」、「CaoCultura.com」などのデジタル雑誌に寄稿。


ホルヘ・ボルピ(1968年、メキシコ生まれ)。小説に、La paz de los sepulcros(墓の平安)、El temperamento melanólico(鬱の気質)、El jardín devastado(荒れ果てた庭)、Oscuro bosque oscuro(暗黒の森)、20世紀の三部作En busca de Klingsor(クリングゾールを探して)、 El fin de la locura(狂気の終り)、No será la Tierra(地球じゃない)がある。


マイク・ライトウッドはセビーリャに生まれ、グラン・カナリア島ラス・パルマスで育ち、現在はマドリード在住。だが彼の心はいつもホグワーツ魔法魔術学校にあり、いつかそこからの手紙が届くのを今も待っている。文学熱が高じて2009年に文芸ブログAlas de papel(紙の翼、www.alaspapel. com)、その後YouTubeチャンネルMaikoVlogs(マイコブログス、www.youtube.com/MaikoVlogs)を開設。作家として執筆活動をしながら翻訳家としても活躍し、これまでに20点以上を翻訳、いくつかの出版社でリーダーをしている。

大学で人類学を学び、文学教師、番組作家として働く。YA文学で2010年批評家賞、2011年国民文学賞児童・YA部門、2014年セルバンテス・チコ賞をはじめとする多くの賞を受賞。代表作は25か国語以上に翻訳されたファンタジー3部作 La guerra de las brujas(魔女たちの戦い)と、数々の賞を受けたミステリーPalabras envenenadas(毒された言葉)。


マックス(本名フランセスク・カプダビラ、1956年バルセロナ生まれ)は、サン・ジョルディ美術学校在学中から、バルセロナで起こったアングラ運動の機運の中でコミックを手がけ始める。1979年から「エル・ビボラ誌」で連載を始め、ほとんどのコマ漫画作品をこの雑誌で発表、スペインを代表するコミック作家となる。1999年に米国でイグナッツ賞、2000年にバルセロナ国際コミックサロングランプリを受賞。2007年にはBardín el superrealista(シュールレアリスト、バルディン)で、文科省の国民コミック賞を受賞し、受賞作は6カ国語に翻訳される。

1960年、メキシコシティに生まれる。メキシコ国立自治大学で生物学を学び、国立工科大学高等研究センターで生化学の講座を受講。非常に若いころから出版の仕事に従事し、メキシコ作家協会の作家学校を卒業するに至る。雑誌、科学専門書や一般書籍の編集を務め、多種にわたるルポルタージュ、年代史、インタビューを執筆。また短編は新聞の文芸特集などに掲載された。1997年にエフライン・ウエルタ国民短編小説賞を『A las puertas de su casa(あなたの家の戸口で)』(2007)で受賞。

1953年パンプローナ生まれ。ジャーナリスト、コラムニスト、小説家、映画評論家、映画脚本家。ルイス・ガルシア=ベルランガ、カルロス・サウラ、フェルナンド・フェルナン=ゴメスに関する著書がある。代表作にはAzucena, que juega al tenis(テニスをするアスセナ)、Lo que el aire mueve(空気が動かすもの)などがある。



マリア・J・クエスタは、言葉と色彩の魔法使い。本とアートをベースにした創造の学校、エチソス・マヒコス・デ・レトリマヒアの創設者兼校長。そこではドラゴン、杖、魔法の森、タイムトラベル、霊薬などの間を魔法と想像力が自由に駆け巡る。2020年、マルベーリャ市童話賞を受賞。著書に『¡Initium magia!







マルコス・チコットは1971年マドリード生まれ。臨床心理学、経済学、労働心理学の学士号取得。2007年結婚してふたりの子どもルシア(2009年生まれ)とダニエル(2012年生まれ)の父親。プラネタ賞、マックス・アウブ賞、フアン・パブロ・フォルネール賞、バダホス市賞各賞の最終候補になった。また、国際ロータリー小説賞、フランシスコ・ウンブラル小説賞を受賞。El asesinato de Pitágoras(ピタゴラスの殺人)のための考証と執筆に3年近くをかけ、「生涯最高の小説」の手ごたえを感じている。









プリメラペルソナは2000年に創業した若く活動的な出版社。教育、児童書・YA を中心とするさまざまな刊行物がある。今後は写真やエッセイのような別ジャンルのユニークなプロジェクトに乗り出していきたいと考えている。

俺は好きなことは少ししかないけれど、好きなことには徹底的に打ち込む。例えば、株もスポーツも旅も。何が起こるかわからないという理由で、常に携帯電話を持ち歩いている。株の世界ではデイトレーダーであり、アドレナリン全開で目まぐるしく動く。スポーツでは最も厳しい試練に挑む。これらは一見正反対のようだが、どちらも根気、ダイナミズム、自分の可能性や能力を測る力が要求され、極限の感覚を味わうところは同じだ。限界はどこだ? 俺は毎日、野心と目的をもって限界に挑戦している。夢を実現させるには自分のすべてを出し切らなければならない。順応主義という罠に陥ってはいけない。



ジャーナリストで編集者のラウラ・フェレーロは短編を収めた第一作『Piscinas vacías(空のプール



ラファエル・ジュステ(サラゴサ、1968年):地理学と歴史学を専攻し、美術史を専門とする。文化マネージャーとして遺産や現代美術の展覧会のキュレーションや企画を手がけ、この分野のガイドや記事を執筆。現在までに詩集『Trilogía de historia natural(自然史三部作)』を出版し、2004年からは、責任者を務めるPrames出版で仕事をしている。




1986年、パンプローナ生まれ。作家兼イラストレーター。美術、グラフィックデザイン、双方向広告における美術演出を学ぶ。イラストは多くの展覧会で展示。2017年エウスカディ文学賞で最終候補、2021年のボローニャ国際絵本原画展に選出されるなど重要な表彰を受けている。挿絵を描いた『Zerua gris dago(空は灰色)』(Pamiela-Kalandraka)で2016年にエチェパレ賞を受賞。






ルイス・ゴイティソーロは、1935年バルセロナ生まれ。処女小説Las afueras(町はずれ)で有名になり、その名前は現代小説の最高峰のひとりに数えられる。重要な作品にはAntagonía(敵対)、 Fábulas(寓話)、 Estatua con palomas (鳩のいる彫刻、2009年、Siruela)、 Liberación(解放)、Diario de 360º (360°の日記、2010年、Siruela)などがあげられる。スペイン王立アカデミー会員で、国民文学賞、批評家賞など多くの賞を受賞。


1955年、ハバナ生まれの、脚本家、ジャーナリスト、批評家。探偵マリオ・コンデを主人公とする推理小説シリーズで国際的に知られる。同シリーズは何か国語にも翻訳され、カフェ・ヒホン賞、ハメット賞、アメリカ諸島賞、ブリガーダ21賞、レイモンド・チャンドラー賞などを受賞。トロツキーとラモン・メルカデルのめくるめく生涯を再構築したEl hombre que amaba a los perros(犬を愛した男)は10か国語に翻訳され、映画化権が売れ、キューバ批評家賞、フランチェスコ・ジェルミ・ディ・カポリアッコ賞、カルベ・デル・カリベ賞、イニシャル賞、ロジェ・カイヨワ賞に輝いた。


1979年ビゴで生まれる。Unha estrela no vento(風の中の星、1999)で小説家としてデビューし、その後、O corazón de Xúpiter (ジュピターの心臓、2012)、Recinto Gris (灰色の場所、2014) を発表。続くEscarlatina, a cociñeira defunta (死んだシェフ、エスカルラティーナ、2014)は、メルリン児童文学賞、フェルベンサス文芸賞、ガリシア編集者協会のショセ・ネイラ・ビラス賞を受賞し、IBBY(国際児童図書評議会)の2016年オナーリスト賞に選出され、さらには2015年10月に国民児童文学賞を受賞。


ロドリゴ・パラシオス(1979年マドリード生まれ)は作家、エンジニア。大学演劇に役者、監督、脚本家として積極的に参加し、後に演技、さらに声優、話術、歌曲を学ぶ。2009年に最初の小説Los ojos del centinela(衛兵の目)を発表。スリラーとノワールにまたがるジャンルで読者を夢中にさせた。2014年には、エダサ社からEstanebrage. El último Bastión(エスタネブラヘ~最後のとりで)を出版。中世のファンタジーで、様々な登場人物が戦後のるつぼの中で入り乱れる。その後Motivos para matar (殺害の動機、エダサ、2017)を発表。


ロレンソ・モンタトーレは1983年マドリード生まれ。私家版でマンガの世界に飛び込み、多くのファンジンを創作し、紙上で独自の魅惑的な宇宙を見せてきた。それはECCによってモンタトーレ選集『Obras incompletas(非完全作品集)』(2015-2022)に集められている。『La muerte y Román Tesoro(死神とロマン・テソロ)』(DeHavilland、2016)の仕事のお陰で、バルセロナ国際コミック・サロンで新人作家にノミネートされた。このグラフィックノベルに続いて、『¡Cuidado, que te asesinas!


古川日出男さんが、ノーベル賞作家ガブリエル・ガルシア=マルケスの『百年の孤独』を読んでいなかったら、『聖家族』や『ベルカ、吠えないのか?』も生まれなかったかもしれない? マルケスの世界観を彷彿させる、独特のパンチがきいた文体とスケールの大きさが印象的な作品を発表されている古川さんにご寄稿いただきました。












日本でNew Spanish Booksのサイトを立ち上げて今年で10年目。1回目から、New Spanish Books全体の計画や運営に関わってくださっただけではなく、毎回スペインから届く全書籍の概要の翻訳・コーディネートもしてくださっている宇野和美さん。スペイン語圏の児童書を中心とした翻訳者としても第一線で活躍されています。そんな宇野さんが、スペインの児童書出版業界の全体像がよくわかるエッセイを寄稿くださいました。
































Profesor Yanagihara





















2011年にNew Spanish Books(以下NSB)の当ポータルサイトを日本語で開設してから、今年で10年(12回目)を迎えました。「スペイン語の書籍をなんとかして日本の皆さんにもっと読んでもらいたい」という願いから、日本の出版関係者に日本語でスペインの最新書籍情報をお届けしようという趣旨で始まったプロジェクトです。



スペイン北部とフランス南西部にまたがるバスク地方では、バスク語と呼ばれる少数言語が話されています。そのバスク語から日本語に直接訳されたキルメン・ウリベ著『ムシェ 小さな英雄の物語』(2016年 白水社)が、今年、第2回日本翻訳大賞を受賞しました。日本では読める人がほとんどいない言語で書かれたこの小説を、美しい日本語に翻訳して私たちに紹介してくださった金子奈美さんにお話を伺いました。



青山ブックセンターに20年以上勤務された後、現在、2011年12月にオープンした代官山 蔦屋書店でシニア・コンシェルジュとして働いてらっしゃる間室道子さんにお話を伺いました。


Q:代官山 蔦屋書店の一番の特徴は?


今でこそ海外からも簡単に本が買えたり、電子書籍で気軽に 洋書が楽しめる時代になりましたが、数十年前までは、日本で スペイン語の書籍と出会える場は本当に限られていました。そ んな時代、市ヶ谷でスペイン人修道女たちが経営していたマ ナンティアル書店がありました。そのお店を引き継ぎ、現在もス ペイン語書籍の泉として重要な拠点となっているセルバンテ ス書店を率いる高木さんのエッセイをお届けします。


本を書く人、挿絵を描く人、翻訳 する人、編集する人、校正する人、デザインする人、宣伝する人、批評する人、研究する人、そして、読む人に届ける書店。本に関わるたくさんの人たち。このエッ セイは、いままでこのシリーズでは一度も光があたらなかった書店の物語です。

洋書が今ほど簡単に手に入らなかった当時、市ヶ谷 の駅から坂を登りきった場所にあるビル。スペイン語 で楽しそうに会話をしながら、棚の整理や本の梱包や 発送などの作業をしているスペイン人女性たちの姿 が見えます。


