This book aims to revive Juan Ramón Jiménez and show his immense personality. The author has tried to let Juan Ramon himself do the talking, listen to everything he said of himself and others and read the large amounts that he wrote and rewrote, while also taking into account what was said and written about him by those who were close to him, loved or hated him (Zenobia Camprubí, his wife forever, María Martínez Sierra, Ernestina de Chapourcin, Margarita de Pedroso, Juan Guerrero Ruiz, Federico García Lorca, Bergamin, etc.). With the necessary benevolent neutrality, he has tried to sort it, to put in its right time, space and context, to relate the contradictory misadventures of his inner life with the different happenings in his outside life, to understand it and sometimes how to interpret it in a mildly suggestive way. Not an easy task in the case of a universal poet, who always wanted to metamorphose into poetry, to be immortal in his work and become a god with all he lived himself. The result is perhaps the exhibition and in-depth story of the life of Juan Ramón Jiménez, an exciting, touching and even existing life, which will not be alien to readers.