Patricio Pron (Argentina, 1975) has lived in Madrid for the last few years and is a prolific writer. He is the author of the story collections Hombres infames (1999) and El vuelo magnífico de la noche (2002), and of the novels Formas de morir (1998; winner of the second prize for Crime Novel from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario Press), Nadadores muertos (2001, Manuel Musto Award) and Una puta mierda (2007). He is also the editor, along with Burkhard Pohl, of Zerfurchtes Land. Neue Erzählungen aus Argentinien [Devastated Land. New Stories from Argentina] (2002), the most recent German anthology of Argentine prose. His writing has been awarded numerous prizes, both nationally and internationally, including the Juan Rulfo Short Story Prize, awarded by the Instituto Cervantes, Unión Latina and Radio Francia Internacional (among other institutions) in 2004, and has been included in anthologies published in Argentina, Spain, Germany, Cuba and Colombia.