Mike Lowery was born in Chattanooga, TN, but moved North soon after. He went to Art college for a BA, started teaching, studied for a MFA, worked as a graphic designer at the US Census Bureau and worked as an in house illustrator for ThinkGeek. He got married, had a baby named Allister, got his eye cut with a playing card, made some coffee, changed schools where he was teaching, went to Beijing for an art show where he was participating, signed to the Lilla Rogers illustration agency, made some more coffee...and I'm sure there's other stuff from my life that I'm leaving out. Mike has been teaching Art at university level for 7 years and is currently Professor of Illustration at the Savannah College of Art and Design (Atlanta campus). He has worked as a freelance artist for clients such as: Simon and Schuster, GP Putnam and Sons, VEER, Hallmark, Gallison/Mudpuppy and others.