Born in Madrid in 1947, the author holds a degree in Biology and is a university teacher in the subject of Science Education at USC. Her first books were for the youngest readers, for instance "A formiga coxa" (The Ant Thigh, 1989) and "O rescate do peneireiro" (Rescuing the Kestrel, 1990). She went on to publish several titles for young adults, like "Nogard" (1994) and the adventure novel, "The Pacific Expedition" (1994). She gained public recognition with "Tránsito dos gramáticos" (Transit of the Grammarians, 1993) an original mystery set in a futuristic Compostela; "Lobos nas illas" (Wolf islands, 1996), "A Compañía Clandestina" (The Secret Society: Álvaro Cunqueiro Prize for Fiction, 1998), "Unha presa de terra" (Prisoner in the Earth, 1998 ), Teoría do Caos (Chaos Theory, General Fiction Prize, 2001). She recieved the Letra E Prize from AELG. She was named as a member of the Executive Committee of the Congreso de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil (Children's and Young Adults Literature Congress) at their 2nd General Assembly held in 2010 in Santiago de Compostela.