Manuel Cruz is professor of contemporary philosophy at the University of Barcelona. He has been visiting professor at several European and American universities, as well as a researcher at the CSIC Institute of Philosophy, Madrid. Author of over twenty books, he has also put together a dozen anthologies. Among his most recent noteworthy titles are: 'Las malas pasadas del pasado' (Premio Anagrama de Ensayo), 'Siempre me sacan en página par', 'Acerca de la dificultad de vivir juntos', 'Cómo hacer cosas con recuerdos', 'Filosofía de la Historia' and 'Menú degustación'. He has edited several anthologies of philosophy, and forms part of the editorial board of numerous journals in his speciality, both Spanish and international. A regular contributor to the Spanish and Argentinian press, and to the television channel SER, he edits the magazine Barcelona METROPOLIS.