Lluís Calvo (Zaragoza, 1963) has published nineteen books of poetry, the most recent being Col·lisions (3i4, 2009), Estiula (Labreu, 2011), Teresa la mòmia (with David Caño, Pont del Petroli, 2013) and Llegat rebel (Edicions Terrícola, 2013). He has also published three novels: Aconitum (Ed. 62, 1999), Electra i la carretera (Destino, 2001) and L’expulsió del paradís (Destino, 2004) and the non-fiction books Les interpretacions (Edicions del Salobre, 2006) y Baules i llenguatges (3i4, 2011). He has also written reviews and literary criticism in numerous collective studies and magazines. He has won various literary prizes such as the Amadeo Oller, the Miquel de Palol, the Ciutat de Palma, the Jocs Florals de Barcelona y the Vicent Andrés Estellés, of the Octubre prizes. He was recently awarded the Premio Crítica Serra d’Or for his poetry collection Estiula.