Llucía Ramis studied Communication Sciences at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and works as a journalist. She has been editor of Quimera magazine as well as producing and presenting the books programme, Això no és Islàndia on Balearic television. She currently writes for various media, especially La Vanguardia. In 2010, Obra Cultural Balear awarded her the Premio Bartomeu Roselló Pòrcel in recognition of her contribution to the region's cultural life. She has published short stories in several celebrated anthologies, such as Odio Barcelona (I Hate Barcelona) (Melusina, 2008), Matar en Barcelona (To Kill in Barcelona) (Alpha Decay, 2009) and Veus (Empúries, 2010/Anagrama, 2010). She is the author of novels Coses que et passen a Barcelona quan tens 30 anys (Things That Happen To You in Barcelona when You Are 30) (COlumna, 2008/Editorial Barrett 2018), Egosurfing, (Destino, 2010, Premio Josep Pla), Tot allò que una tarda morí amb les bicicletes (Everything that Died one Afternoon with the Bicycles)(Columna, 2013) and Les Possessions (Anagrama, 2018)