Laura Ferrero is a journalist and editor who became a breakout author following the publication of her first book of short stories, Piscinas vacías (‘Empty Swimming Pools’, Alfaguara, 2016). She combines her work for various publishing houses and cultural institutions with her passion for writing. She is author of the blog Los nombres de las cosas (‘The Names of Things’) and her articles and reviews have appeared in publications like ABC Cultural, Vanguardia and FronteraD. Her debut novel was Qué vas a hacer con el resto de tu vida (‘What Are You Going To Do With The Rest of Your Life’, Alfguara, 2017). She has also published El amor después del amor (‘Love After Love’, 2018) in collaboration with Marc Pallarès, and the short story collection La gente no existe (‘People Don’t Exist’, Alfaguara 2021). Her latest novel, Los Astronautas (‘The Astronauts’), is published by Alguara in 2023.