Joan Jordi Miralles was born in Huesca in 1977. His published novels include L’Altíssim (‘The Highest’, winner of the Premio Andrómina, 2005), L’úter de la balena (‘The Whale’s Womb’ winner of the Premio Vila de Lloseta, 2010), Una dona meravellosa (‘A Wonderful Woman’, 2014) and Aglutinació (‘Agglutination’, winner of the Premio Joanot Martorell, 2018). He has also published the short story collection La intimitat de les bèsties (‘The Intimacy of Animals’, winner of the Premio Marian Vayreda, 2017) and Marginàlia (‘Marginalia’, 2021). His short stories have featured in various media outlets (Time Out, El Temps, Carn de cap) and have appeared in various anthologies such as De tot cor (‘With All My Heart’, 2011), Els caus secrets; Antologia d’escriptors dels Païssos Catalans posteriors al 1972 (‘The Secret Dens; Anthology of post-1972 writers from the Catalan lands’, 2013), Punts de fuga (‘Vanishing Points’, 2015) and Sangassa (‘Leech’, 2017). He has written two plays: Això és Àustria (‘This is Austria’ , winner of the Pare Colom Mediterranean theatre prize, 2012) and Els nens feliços (‘The Happy Children’, 2016).