Jesús López Moya is a teacher, writer and editor. He was born in Bigastro (Alicante) in 1977. He currently works as Head of Studies at the San José de Calasanz Teacher Training Centre in the same town. After his studies in teaching, he trained in psychopedagogy and has a Master's degree in Emotional Intelligence from the University of Valencia. He has published other books including Nuda, la hija de la lluvia (Nuda, the daughter of the rain), Las aventuras del Capitán Mondongo (The Adventures of Captain Mondongo), Menuda rabia (So Angry), Aprendiz de fantasma (Ghost Apprentice) and Deja de sacarte mocos (Stop Picking Your Nose). He is also the founder of the children's press Fun Readers and creator of the children's blog Leoymemeo. He also spends time storytelling, giving workshops on encouraging reading, and working with various publications.