Gerard Guix (Vic, 1975) is a writer, playwright, and screenwriter. He has worked with companies, theatres, and producers such as Els Joglars, Teatre de Guerrilla, Teatre Romea, Teatro Kismet OperA (Bari, Italy), The Birmingham Repertory Theatre (Birmingham, UK), Focus and Diagonal TV. Gerard has also published two adult novels: “La deriva de los continentes” (Continental drift, 2005) and “Día de caza” (Day of the hunt, Columna, 2007). He is also the author of the young adult’s novel: “El prodigo” (The prodigy, 2011), which was followed by “El ingenio” (The inventor), the first two books of a fantasy trilogy. One of his short stories is included in “Veus” (Voices, 2010), an anthology of Catalan literature, which has been translated into Spanish. Among his most well-known plays are “Génesis 3.0” (Genesis 3.0, Fundación Romea theatrical texts prize, 2006) which was first performed at the Grec Festival in Barcelona, and the trilingual piece: “U, Due, Três” (One, two, three) which has been performed in Portugal, France, and Italy.