The author studied Humanities at university and is a professor of Secondary Education specialising in Spanish Language and Literature. He has published four books of poetry: 'Agua Piedra Luz' ('Water Stone Light') (1996), 'De mañana iremos a las flores' (From Tomorrow We'll Go To the Flowers') (2000), 'Autobiografía del presente' ('Autobiography of the Present') (2007), 'Poemas de amor' ('Love Poems')(2009), 'Hermonías. Poemas, nanas y canciones' ('Hermonías. Poems, lullabies and songs') (2014), and a collection of short stories: 'Leyendas y ficciones' ('Legends and and Tales') (2005). He is the author of more than 2,000 magazine articles in the fields of culture, education, literary criticisms and, especially, the importance of reading. He is a scholar and expert on the language of communication. Is a frequent contributor to the printed press and radio and television programs. He has received various awards for prose, poetry and journalism.