Antón Riveiro Coello is one of the greats of Galician literature today. His novel "A quinta de Saler" (3rd edition, 2006) was a finalist for the Premio de Narrativa Torrente Ballester in 1998; the following year he won the Premio Café Dublín de Narrativa with "Animalia", and "As rulas de Bakunin" won the Premio García Barros in 2000, as well as achieving great success with the public and reaching 6 editions. "Homónima" (2nd edition, 2010) was awarded the Premio Álvaro Cunqueiro de Narrativa. Later he published the novel "A esfinxe de amaranto" (2003), the book of short stories "Casas baratas" (2nd edition, 2005) and "A voz do lago" (2nd edition, 2007) for young readers, and the novel "Os ollos de K". Other recent works include "As pantasmas de auga" (2010) and "O paso do esquecemento" (2011).