Ana Alonso was born in 1970, in Barcelona. She was a biology teacher but now dedicates her time solely to writing. She has won poetry prizes, such as the Hiperión (2005), the Ojo Crítico (2006), the Antonio Machado (2007) and the Alfons el Magnànim (2008), and has published several titles for children with publishers including Anaya, Santillana, SM, La Galera and Oxford University Press. Javier Pelegrín was born in 1967, in Madrid and he is a teacher of Spanish language and literature. He specialises in young adult literature and is a great fan of comics, videogames and transmedia literature. Together, Ana and Javier have published 20 books for young adults and their work has garnered several prizes including the Barco de Vapor, the White Ravens and the Anaya for Children and Young Adult books. Some of their books have been translated into English, French, German, Japanese and Korean.