Álvaro García Hernández is a writer and professor of Language and Literature. "Ana Ynada" (EDISENA, 1997) was his first literary work, published after being a finalist in the 1st Emilio Murcia Novel Prize. García Hernández is also known for his blog 'Diario de un Dios Equivocado', which he launched in 2007 with the aim of connecting with readers through short stories. Both the internet and social media have played a fundamental role in his development as a writer. This is demonstrated by "TQMC? Te quiero mucho" [ILYL? I Love You Loads] (Sansy, 2011), a serialised novel that achieved great success thanks to its dissemination on the social network Tuenti. As did its sequels, published under the imprint of the same publisher: "Te echo de menos" [I miss you] and "El propósito de Ana" [Ana's Proposal]. The author has been awarded the 2016 Gran Angular and the 2018 Hache Prize for his children's novel "León Kamikaze".